herpsandbirds · 26 days
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Carpet Chameleon (Furcifer lateralis), family Chamaeleonidae, found in eastern Madagascar
photographs by Brian Gratwicke and dscherberich
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uncharismatic-fauna · 5 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Changing color can be an effective way to hide, but there's an even better method: be smaller than an eraser! The nano-chameleon takes advantage of the chameleon's color-changing camoflage, and it's miniscule size (less than 22 mm (0.8 in) long including the tail) means that it's often overlooked by predators. It is also considered the world's smallest reptile.
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(Image: A nano-chameleon () sitting on a researcher's finger, from Glaw et al. 2021)
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snototter · 1 year
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A female Malagasy giant chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) in Madagascar, Africa
by Charles Sharp
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cozamal0tl · 2 years
Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
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birdblues · 1 year
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Lance-nosed Chameleon
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krungu5 · 2 years
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This is Trioceros jacksonii, or Jackson's chameleon! It is, as the name suggests, a chameleon with all of the traits that chameleon's possess. Its most striking characteristic is the horns that protrude from the front of the males head.
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These are true horns, with keratinized sheaths and bony cores. They are typically absent on females, although occasionally females will grow small horns or only the rostral horn. Males use their horns to defend their territory from other males, sometimes even knocking rival males off of trees using them! Additionally (while the creatures skeleton is still under discussion), they have acrodont dentition. This means that their teeth lack sockets and protrude directly from the jaw. This means that their teeth do not fall out on their own, unlike mammals.
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Like all chameleons, Jackson's chameleon have the ability to change their colour utilizing specialized chromatophores. They lack the wide colour range that many other chameleon species have at their disposal, but they can still have very interesting displays. These displays are typically done to regulate temperature as well as to "communicate" with other chameleons.
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Another trait it shares with all chameleons is its ability to move its eyes independently from one another. (They are even able to process depth perception using only one eye!) This (along with their eye's high range of movement) allows the chameleon to see (almost) 360-degrees around itself. These eyes also possess incredibly powerful image magnification abilities, with its intensity being greater than any other known vertebrate. When a chameleon spies its prey, it can quickly shift to binocular vision to focus on its target. If that weren't enough, they are also able to see ultraviolet light. Another quick interesting sensory-related fact: chameleons lack ears! While they possess a cochlea (and can therefore hear some sound), they lack eardrums as well as other structures related to the outer and middle ear. They make up for this by sensing vibrations felt by their quadratic bone.
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Another iconic chameleon trait is their long tongue which they can shoot out to catch prey. This tongue extension technique is powered both by an accelerator muscle within the tongue itself, and sheaths between this muscle and the hyoid bone which stores (and subsequently releases) kinetic energy to propel the tongue further.
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Unlike most chameleon species which are oviparous, Jackson's chameleon is "ovoviviparous". (Although the usage of this term is often disputed.) This means that their eggs hatch inside of the female instead of being released from the body to hatch later. A typical Jackson's chameleon brood will contain around 20-30 offspring, although only a small fraction of those will survive into adulthood.
Edibility: 8/10 - I can't imagine reptile meat is actually that palatable, but I think it would be worth it for the experience alone.
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mittensdraws · 2 years
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I drew the chameleon today! they're nature's RGB monitors!
This one is not my favorite, but i can't choose what animals i draw right?
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jazzy-plz · 1 year
New model! Chameleon Shaman!
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So this is a new model from the maker Twisty Prints! This cool friend has posable arms, a cool staff, and moveable eyes! I'm a huge fan of the funky style! I'll be doing a limited run of this rainbow glow in the dark to start with! Enjoy!
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yoshimasa-y · 2 years
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お絵描き1日目😍 カメレオンをイメージ💕 これでおしまい😊 #applepencil #illustrator #iPad #お絵描き #カメレオン #Chamaeleonidae https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfgs7NTJ-zf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas? ¡Camaleón, el “Maestro” del camuflaje o la mimetización!
Los camaleones son una familia, Chamaeleonidae, de pequeños saurópsidos (reptiles) escamosos. Existen cerca de 161 especies de camaleones, la mayor parte de ellas en África al sur del Sáhara. En América se llama a menudo camaleones a lagartos de la familia de los anoles, que no guardan ningún parentesco especial con los verdaderos camaleones.
Son famosos por su habilidad de cambiar de color según las circunstancias, por su lengua rápida y alargada, y por sus ojos, que pueden ser movidos independientemente el uno del otro.
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El grupo es bastante antiguo, ya que se conocen fósiles de camaleón procedentes del Paleoceno. La familia está emparentada con la de los agámidos.
El término «camaleón» deriva del latín chamaeleo, préstamo del griego χαμαιλέων (khamailéōn), a su vez compuesto de χαμαί (khamaí) «en tierra» y λέων (léōn) «león». La palabra griega es un calco del acadio nēš qaqqari, «león terrestre».1
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Cryptic Chameleon (Calumma crypticum), family Chamaeleonidae, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar photograph by Will Thomas
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herpsandbirds · 7 days
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Cryptic Chameleon (Calumma crypticum), family Chamaeleonidae, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar
photograph by Will Thomas
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uncharismatic-fauna · 11 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
The Parson’s Chameleon is in no hurry to grow up- this species has one of the longest incubation times of any reptile. Eggs on average take two years to hatch, one juvenile was recorded taking a total 781 days.
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(Image: A juvenile Parson’s chameleon (Calumma parsonii) by the Chester Zoo)
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mrfanweb · 2 months
L’arte del mimetismo: come i camaleonti cambiano colore e forma per adattarsi all’ambiente
L’arte del mimetismo: come i camaleonti cambiano colore e forma per adattarsi all’ambiente #biodiversità
I camaleonti sono dei rettili squamati che appartengono alla famiglia dei Chamaeleonidae, che comprende oltre 200 specie diverse. Il loro nome significa “leone della terra”, in riferimento alla loro testa simile a quella di un felino. Ma cosa li rende così speciali? La loro capacità di cambiare colore e forma per adattarsi all’ambiente, che li ha fatti diventare dei maestri del mimetismo. In…
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produsenbajumuslim · 6 months
Eksplorasi Hewan yang Menyukai Istirahat Pada Siang Hari
Kebanyakan dari kita mengaitkan tidur dengan malam hari, tetapi di alam, ada berbagai hewan yang memiliki kebiasaan tidur di siang hari. Fenomena ini dikenal sebagai hibernasi, istirahat diurnal, atau sekadar tidur siang. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengeksplorasi beberapa hewan yang menonjol karena kebiasaan tidur di siang hari mereka.
1. Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus):
Deskripsi: Koala, marsupial asli Australia, dikenal sebagai hewan yang tidur sepanjang hari, terutama di cabang pohon eukaliptus tempat mereka tinggal. Mereka biasanya tidur sekitar 18-22 jam setiap harinya.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Kebiasaan tidur koala terkait erat dengan diet eukaliptus rendah energi mereka, yang memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk dicerna.
2. Buaya Nil (Crocodylus niloticus):
Deskripsi: Buaya nil, yang ditemukan di berbagai perairan di Afrika, adalah predator kuat yang seringkali terlihat berjemur di tepi sungai. Namun, mereka juga dapat tidur di siang hari untuk menghemat energi.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Buaya nil menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di bawah air untuk berburu, dan tidur di siang hari membantu mereka menggantikan energi yang terkuras.
3. Sloth (Folivora):
Deskripsi: Sloth adalah hewan pengerat yang dikenal karena gerakannya yang lambat dan gaya hidup arboreal (hidup di atas pohon). Mereka tidur sekitar 10 jam per hari, dan tidur siang sering terjadi.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Kebanyakan jenis sloth memiliki diet yang kaya serat dan rendah energi, sehingga tidur siang membantu mereka menjaga metabolisme yang rendah.
4. Marsupial Wombat (Vombatus ursinus):
Deskripsi: Wombat, marsupial yang hidup di Australia, adalah hewan yang gemar tidur di terowongan yang mereka gali. Mereka dapat tidur hingga 16 jam per hari.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Wombat cenderung aktif pada malam hari, dan tidur siang membantu mereka menghindari panas dan beristirahat setelah beraktivitas mencari makan.
5. Kucing Besar (Panthera leo):
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Deskripsi: Singa, salah satu kucing besar di dunia, cenderung tidur sekitar 15-20 jam sehari. Sementara mereka dapat beraktivitas kapan saja, tidur di siang hari adalah bagian dari pola tidur mereka.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Singa sering berburu pada malam atau saat suhu lebih rendah, sehingga tidur di siang hari membantu mereka menghemat energi.
6. Opossum (Didelphimorphia):
Deskripsi: Opossum adalah marsupial yang umumnya ditemukan di Amerika. Beberapa spesies opossum, seperti opossum Virginia, cenderung tidur di siang hari.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Meskipun ada variasi antar-spesies, beberapa opossum tidur di siang hari untuk menghindari pemangsa dan beristirahat setelah mencari makan pada malam hari.
7. Koak (Nycticebus):
Deskripsi: Koak, atau musang kera, adalah primata kecil yang aktif di malam hari dan tidur di siang hari. Mereka ditemukan di Asia Tenggara.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Kebiasaan tidur koak terkait erat dengan pola hidup mereka yang nocturnal (aktif di malam hari) dan membantu mereka menghindari pemangsa.
8. Buaya Amerika (Alligator mississippiensis):
Deskripsi: Buaya Amerika, ditemukan di habitat air tawar di Amerika, adalah hewan yang suka berjemur di siang hari. Mereka dapat terlihat berbaring di tepi sungai dengan mulut terbuka.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Buaya Amerika lebih aktif pada pagi dan sore hari, sementara mereka lebih cenderung beristirahat di siang hari untuk menghindari panas.
9. Lorikeet (Trichoglossus):
Deskripsi: Lorikeet adalah burung berparuh bengkok yang dapat ditemukan di Australia, dan beberapa spesiesnya tidur di siang hari setelah beraktivitas mencari makan dan bermain.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Kebiasaan tidur ini membantu lorikeet mengumpulkan energi untuk aktivitas yang sibuk di pagi dan sore hari.
10. Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae):
Deskripsi: Kadal kameleon terkenal dengan kemampuannya untuk berubah warna. Mereka seringkali tidur di siang hari, mencari tempat teduh di antara ranting atau daun.
Alasan Tidur di Siang Hari: Tidur siang membantu kadal kameleon menghindari panas yang berlebihan dan mengonsumsi lebih sedikit energi.
Meskipun kebanyakan hewan tidur di malam hari, ada banyak yang menyesuaikan pola tidur mereka untuk memanfaatkan keadaan alam sekitar. Tidur di siang hari dapat membantu hewan menghindari panasnya siang hari, menghemat energi, dan beradaptasi dengan pola hidup mereka yang unik. Dengan memahami kebiasaan tidur ini, kita dapat lebih menghargai keanekaragaman kehidupan di planet ini.
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foggyhottubking · 7 months
The chameleon is a fascinating reptile known for its unique ability to change its skin color. Belonging to the family Chamaeleonidae, chameleons are found in various parts of the world, primarily in Africa, Madagascar, and parts of Asia and Europe. They are known for their distinctive physical features, including their independently moving eyes, long tongues, and prehensile tails. 🌳Challenging but Fun: KAAYEE wooden puzzle colors vibrant and unique shape More interesting and challenging than regular puzzles, Our store puzzles are available in 3-4 sizes to satisfy any puzzlers of all levels 🌳Precision Cut Parts: Use laser-cutting technologies so pieces lock and fit tightly together 🌳Nicely Packaged for Gift: packaging is wooden, the box size is 8.2x6.3x2.7in the size is about the size of a book It will be a beautiful gift for everyone, on any occasion, such as a birthday gift or anniversary. 🌳Home Decor: After completing the puzzle, you can use the KAAYEE Puzzles Saver Mounting System to save the puzzle as living room, bedroom decoration, increase the artistry of the room 🌳What You Get - 1 x unique shape wooden jigsaw puzzles for adults are crafted with premium quality , 1 x wooden gift box, 1 x Wooden support.
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