djhenryhall · 5 months
Exploring Grenada's Underwater Paradise - Carriacou
Delve into the enchanting realm of Caribbean reefs through this captivating short film.
Dive into the enchanting realm of Caribbean reefs through this captivating short film. Witness the once-shy gobies finding refuge in anemones, and marvel at the vibrant schools of reef fish gracefully dancing in the currents. The underwater journey unfolds with encounters of spiny lobsters fiercely guarding their dens, elegant trumpetfish gliding through coral canyons, and the exploration of…
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mymusicbias · 4 months
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happy-lemon · 2 years
Getting to know you...
I can’t tell you how honored I was that so many people tagged me for this. Thank you @simswithoutacause​ @hurricanesims​ @coffeebreaksims​ @unsimspirational​ @brannewjoint​ @cyberellaa​ @elderwisp​ @erasabledinosaur​ and @aroundthesims​! 
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Favorite color: dark blue
Currently reading: Life and Death are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan
Last song you listened to: Baby I Love Your Way (Big Mountain version)
Last series you watched: Andor
Sweet, spicy or savory: All of them! But savory is probably my favorite.
Craving: Sushi
Tea or coffee: Tea, but only on ice with sugar and lemon
Working on: my current writing project (and I’m considering making sims of two of my previous characters, but that might out my day job, so...we’ll see). 
Because I just returned from vacation today and have no idea who has or has not done this while I was away, please consider yourself tagged. And have this sunset.
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ryanwclement · 7 months
A day in my life
by Ryan Clement Maurice Bishop (1944-1983) IF YOU ASK many people what they did on a particular day last week, let alone a few years ago, unless something remarkable or exceptional happened or occurred, it is highly unlikely that most, myself included, would be able to recall accurately the events of that week or year. That is why I was able to write about 10 October 1996 when, if only for me,…
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stefanatlanten · 1 year
Innan vi lämnade Carriacou samlades vi alla på samma ställe som Pieter och jag hade haft vår lunch, Crazy Beach Corner, för en sista middag tillsammans på fast land. Denna gång blev det en lite röjigare tillställning med luftgitarrframträdande från delar av besättningen, rompunch i mängd och för andra gången på vår karibiska odyssé lyckades vi dricka krogen torr på öl! Tur att det finns rompunch som sagt.
Den professionella besättningen tog hand om seglandet de första timmarna den 27:e.
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partygrenada · 3 months
NEXA | GUT National Primary Schools Games | March 6th, 2024
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ultimatenurse · 8 months
Day trip to Carriacou | Grenada Vlog
In this week’s video, we visit Carriacou. Did you know Grenada is made up of 3 islands? Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique? Subscribe to our channel to get notifications of our new videos as we explore the world!
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x-b-s · 1 year
Watch "Boxing Day Serenading In Carriacou With Guava Boys 2022" on YouTube
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pasparal · 7 months
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U.S. Army UH-60A Black Hawk helicopters flying over Carriacou shortly after the criminal United States invasion of Grenada of October 25, 1983. Photographer: Abbas Attar (1944–2018)
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tuxedokit · 1 month
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
weve been mulling this over like all day but we have so many good ones from this lifetime its hard to decide. im gonna ask around and we'll compile the best ones here - [AR] Autopilot 💾
last summer on our familys annual beach vacation we did shrooms and saw through the fabric of the universe and befriended The Horrors. that was pretty cool. id like to relive being high off my gourd stargazing in a place with such little light pollution - Starlight 🌌
im gonna say when we were in tennessee like almost 2 years ago. we had flown out to visit our friend (now qpp & partner system) seepy and heart's so small they're shorter than us and i dunno it was the first time doing something like that and she was so small in my arms and i could honestly have just held him forever. i love you seeps ◇ - Carpet ✨️
yesterday for our friend bears birthday we went to an enchanted forest escape room and it was so well put together and ethereal and it was the best 40 minutes of my life in this physical realm ive never felt so at home. there were puzzles and mushrooms and music and gnomes and my bestest friends were right there too!!! oh it was so wonderful - Sayakura 🧚‍♀️
confessing to luci. nuff said. but i wanna say more so im gonna: it was me realizing i was in love at the same time as confessing cause i kinda just asked for advice in a group server w them fdsgjsksl. we were already qpps and apparently my family thought we were already dating (i mean we called beem our soulmate like - ✨️) but like i wound up spending the whole afternoon just thinking about them and being giddy. it was nice - Luna 🌙
mine's gotta be the first time we climbed that abandoned water tower past the ravine. we had spraycans and i wrote trans rights on the side of it. the wind gave us such a thrill, it was incredible. and the view was definitely worth it - Waks 📹
im claiming that time in grade 11 when our gr9 science teacher + gr11-12 bio teacher mr coulter approached me and asked if i wanted to go on a field trip to the science centre that was intended for the grade 12 kids. i didnt know anyone but i didnt care bc mr coulter was there and i wore my new animaniacs shirt and i got to run around the science centre itself during the lunch break and play with genetics stuff (i was such a nerd about punett squares and all that its no wonder he asked me specifically). i think the best part was the feeling i had when i was sitting next to mr coulter on the bus ride there and back. he let me take a selfie with him.... mr coulter was like a father to me, so it meant a lot. - Quinn ✉️
i wanna relive when we were playing with shanny and teagsi and we climbed the big tree near the ice rink by our school. i used to read up there too :) - Little One 👾
the body's nanna flew us out to grenada in march... i would like to relive swimming at that beach, on that little island in carriacou. the water was clear and a such beautiful blue, the air was just a little too warm and humid, and sitting on that beach reminded me of my old home - Riku/Shore ⚔️
mine's gotta be the second year we went to camp mini yo we! specifically, reading the letters mom wrote me for each day of the week. she wrote a little story about me; i was the doctor's daughter but i didnt know it, and i had powers that warped me through space and time seemingly at random. she wrote that i found a place and led a revolution against tyrannical oppressive overlords. not single-handedly taking down the villains, but helping empower the people so they could fight for themselves. by the end of the week we had found a crowd of invested listeners in the other girls at camp. it was nice... i think about those letters a lot - Secret 🧩
we were bodily sitting alone in the grass at a local park, it was right as we were discovering our plurality. i could see all of us all over the park, as if we were all there. the kids were playing tag, some were poking around in the forest right there, quinn was in that big tree we like to sit under... scrooge and quinslap were off smoking a joint, sitting on a tree trunk that had grown a little horizontal before it remembered to grow up. it wasnt in our view but we know the path and it was in the area enough that they could be there while our body simply sat in the grass. it was a fascinating and beautiful feeling. like a family picnic, but with only one person present. - [AR] Autopilot 💾
might add more later
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djhenryhall · 5 months
Carriacou - Out of the Water
Carriacou is a captivating blend of turquoise waters and lush hills, perfect for exploration above and below sea level. While typically focused on underwater beauty, the invitation is extended to join in exploring the sun-drenched shores of this island.
Carriacou, a tapestry of turquoise waters and emerald hills, begs to be explored both above and below the surface. While I most often capture the mesmerizing underwater world, today, I invite you to journey with me along the island’s sun-kissed shores.
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mymusicbias · 1 year
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fatehbaz · 2 years
The headlines for our stories down here in the Caribbean always come in graphic type, written by the wind, and sung by the sea, with that murmuring in the water over Kick-Em-Ginny reminding us that Not all skin teeth is good grin.
I often think that a popular history of Grenada, or of Trinidad and Tobago, might have a title like Flight of the Sparrow: From Jean and Dinah to Capitalism Gone Mad. Now, since Hurricane Ivan swoop down and dekatche (destroy) Grenada in September 2004, I’m thinking that Grenada’s history for the half century from 1955 to 2005 might be titled, From Janet to Ivan: Tout Moun ka Plewe ["Everybody Bawling"] and this, of course, could also be the title of a calypso, the sung history of the land. [...]
When Hurricane Janet hit Grenada in 1955, I was four years old. In fact, it was seven days before my fifth birthday. [...] That morning, after Janet, I remember seeing a tall coconut tree in the yard [...]. I remember how they hold up the lantern when people coming inside; I remember the sound of the wind howling [...]. Janet made a lot of things possible. [...] Next morning, [...] the family across the road found their galvanize covering some nutmeg trees in my grandaunt’s little piece of land [...]. Covering nutmeg, not cocoa trees, because although everybody say under the cocoa, meaning down through the bush or up through the bush, sometimes “the bush” is not cocoa at all, but mango, or nutmeg, or some other something. So even nutmeg who, with her red mace petticoat, come to claim such a place in the heart of the land, have to humble sometimes and bow to the history of cocoa. Cocoa must have really made an impression in the country for it to be carrying the blame -- or the praise -- for every story that happen under the cocoa. [...]
The 1950s was a special time. People just get the vote in 1951. [...] When you really think about it, so much was happening in Grenada in the 1950s that it not surprising Janet decide to come and punctuate the story. Everything around was like hurricane touching it. People voting for the first time in their life, poor black man in the legislative council, union organizing and standing up to the Queen and the Governor who was in charge of the country at the time. The whole land upset [...].
And you look round Grenada and see the rivers and the waterfalls and the sunflower and the crater lake in Grand Etang that people say is bottomless so that if you drown in Grenada you come out in St. Vincent, and Kick-Em-Ginny the underwater volcano near Carriacou that we always sailing over -- you just have to watch all of that -- to know that Nature is a prize-winning writer, so is no surprise that Janet appear right in time to punctuate and put in figure of speech to the story that developing in Grenada.
And while Janet doing she do, people getting used to the idea of other hurricane hurrying come over the Atlantic. And hurricane forming right inside Grenada self, hurricane coming back from other Caribbean country too, from Aruba, from Trinidad, from America, from England [...]. In 1951, Gairy appear from Aruba and take charge. Then right after the 1954 elections, John Watts come back from the US and form party. And Grenada moving on -- progressing. Early in 1955, the Grenada legislature vote for the start  of a system with ministers and everything [...].
So things changing, and naturally nature is part of the changing. How people going change and land stay the same? The people who get dragged across the Atlantic and crushed into the ground for so long, now rising up and looking around and walking toward the future and thing stirring like crazy. That Atlantic always have something to say in we story. Who could forget how much stirring up that Atlantic Ocean get with people jumping overboard, and song floating across it, and people walking back to their homeland across all of that raging, and things of the sort? [...]
After Janet, was raymabuddy (total confusion -- colloquial) in Hermitage. Hermitage is a nutmeg place, and nutmeg is not like cocoa. When hurricane hit cocoa, it lie down flat. The wind twist it an twist it, and it would look like it good and dead, like it gone for true, but it only making yangoo (pretending -- colloquial) and after a while it will lift its head and look around, shake up its shoulders and then spring back up quick. But nutmeg take things to heart. Nutmeg would break it neck over the kind of punishment that Janet give. Oh nutmeg! Is not by accident you come and make you home on the flag after a time. Nutmeg need time to get over the disappointment and the hurt and the embarrassment and then begin to come back. Like we always say, it will come back, eventually, because the seeds in the ground and the root there, but it have to take time. Ah, nutmeg, we know you so well. Wherever you come from to make you life here, you become we major crop. All over the world we boasting how, small as we is, we supplying one-third of all nutmeg the world need -- the WORLD, you know! Ah, nutmeg. We know. You don’t like hurricane and Grenada never without hurricane, whether people know it or not, whether the wind blowing so we could hear it or not, so nutmeg, we know you life can’t be easy. This Janet time, there, Hermitage is nutmeg place, so Hermitage bawl amway, (oh my -- colloquial) and Grenada conclude, Ay! Crapaud smoke we pipe! [...]
So that was that. Time moving on, and now nature taking notice. In 1963, a hurricane come that really make people lift their head and remember Janet. That one was Flora. Flora was born first of October, nine days after Janet but in a different year, 1963. [...] So time come and pass. Janet was still king -- well, queen -- the memory of Grenadians. Although Hurricane Flora pass in between, Janet still had the throne. The old people who were the young people in 1955 were talking about Janet like she was a warrior woman that reign for a time in the land. [...]
Other hurricane happening. 13 March 1979, I was out of the country. Just gone out. Somebody call me in America and say to me, Put on the television. And is so I live it, on the radio and on television. But still I remember it. You walk with you country in you pocket. 5 a.m. Radio Grenada taken over; 6:15 a.m. Army barracks attacked; Between 6:30 and 10:30 a.m., senior police officer broadcast statement of surrender. The Gairy government overthrown -- strange word in that area of the region people call the English-speaking Caribbean [...]. The nearest friend Grenada had in those days was Cuba, who wasn’t friend with America and not friend with plenty people, so the yard right around exposed. With 20/20 hindsight you have to know that was not safe! Anyway, revolution come, last four years, and revolution go. Not simple like that, but it happen. [...]
And is so Ivan come and find us. [...]
And is so it happen. Ivan drag us kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century, drop us down with nothing and say, wake up! This is where you is! Start to build!
They tell me the house was plastered with leaves as if Ivan strip the trees and plaster the leaves from bois canot and mango and mortelle across the door and the windows and the walls of the house to tell us something. So is that I remember. Ivan leave the leaves from Mount Gozo plastered right around the house. Over the doors and the windows and the walls. Ivan say, you don’t have to wait till they cut the tree, make paper, put in book, write things for you to read. Read the leaves. [...]
[P]erhaps at last people have their eyes on who is really causing the damage. Ivan is the man people thinking about now, and watching. And perhaps people asking, how come hurricane didn’t know where we was before, and hurricane know so good now? And perhaps people wondering, so this one come across the Atlantic, over the sea? What about the hurricane they call volcano, brewing up under the sea? How to watch that one and know what it planning? What about other hurricanes around us, working and not always showing their intention? So we here under the mountains, watching Mount Gozo and all other mountains, reading the stories that they leave us. [...] I say, well, some of the story have to wait for the telling. But I remember Morne Delice yard after the storm, and I thinking, Hmmm; Ivan leave message on leaf for everybody to read.
Text by: Merle Collins. “Tout Moun ka Plewe (Everybody Bawling).” Small Axe Number 22 (Volume 11, Number 1), pp. 1-16. February 2007. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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grenada-karibikblog · 6 months
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Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023
Unsere Heimreise Teil 1 von ?
Am Montag, 4. Dezember haben wir zeitig in der Früh unser grenadinisches Zuhause verlassen. HP ist mit Benny zum Flugplatz gefahren und Saucy und ich haben Mina besucht.
Die Ausreisekontrolle verlief problemlos, Benny ist widerstandslos ins Flugzeug geklettert und hat auch das Fliegen genossen. Allerdings hat es nur 15 Minuten gedauert, denn dann musste die Maschine leider wieder umkehren, das Fahrwerk ließ sich nicht einfahren.
Die erfolglose Reparatur des Flugzeuges dauerte den ganzen restlichen Tag - eine Ersatztransportmöglichkeit nach Martinique musste gefunden werden.
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Teil 2 von ?
Der neue Besitz von unserer "Selivra" war noch in Grenada und hat sich sofort bereiterklärt uns Vier nach Martinique zu segeln. Allerdings mussten wir zuerst zur Nachbarinsel Carriacou , um auszuklarieren. Am Dienstag Morgen hatten wir alles auf das Schiff umgeladen und um 9 verließen wir die Benjy Bay.
Wind und Strömung waren leider gegen uns, wir kamen nur schleppend voran und so musste der Skipper den Motor starten, denn wir wollten bis 15 Uhr in Carriacou sein, um auszuklarieren und gleich weiter zu segeln.
Wann der Motor genau versagte, weiß ich nicht mehr, HP und Bob (er hat uns dankenswerter Weise begleitet) versuchten alles Mögliche um die Maschine wieder in gang zu bringen, leider erfolglos.
Kurz vor Sonnenuntergang segelten wir in die Tyrell Bay und ließen den Anker fallen - eine Ersatztransportmöglichkeit nach Martinique musste wieder gefunden werden, da eine Einfahrt nach Le Marin ohne Motor nur schwer möglich ist.
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Teil 3 von ?
Karin, eine in der Karibik lebende Segelfreundin half uns aus der Patsche. Nach am selben Abend organisierte sie ein Boot und am Mittwoch, dem nächsten Tag, segelten wir bereits auf der "SY Blue Shift" mit Skipper Chris und Karin Richtung Martinique.
Leider hatte das Wetter mittlerweile umgeschlagen. Bereits kurz nach Verlassen der Bucht erwischte uns der erste Regensquall (sehr viel Wind und sehr viel Regen) und wir alle waren nass bis auf die Unterhose. Die Nachtfahrt verließ dann relativ problemlos, leider war auch da die Strömung gegen uns und wir kamen nur langsam vorwärts. Kurz vor der Einfahrt in Le Marin erwischte uns dann "mein erstes Unwetter" : Starkregen der Extraklasse, wir konnten kaum zwei Meter weit sehen. Gott sei Dank war der Wind nicht so stark und so baute sich auch keine Welle auf.
Nach 27 Stunden (Donnerstag Abend) erreichten wir bei Starkregen unseren Liegeplatz in Le Marin. Karin organisierte ein Taxi, dass HP zum Flughafen brachte, denn dort wartete das Mietauto.
Gegen 21 .30 Uhr erreichten wir unsere Unterkunft in St. Anne, gerade noch rechtzeitig, denn am Freitag war der Untersuchungstermin für Saucy und Benny beim Tierarzt gebucht.
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Teil 4 von ?
Am Freitag waren wir pünktlich um 8.00 Uhr Früh mit Saucy und Benny beim Tierarzt , der auch die Flugtauglichkeit der beiden bestätigte.
Die letzten Tage haben wir sehr entspannt verbracht. Morgen (Montag 11. 12. ) werden wir gegen Mittag zum Flughafen fahren, den Mietwagen zurückgeben und am frühen Abend Saucy und Benny "einchecken".
Der Abflug mit AirFrance soll um 18.00 Uhr sein... (Bitte die Daumen drücken!!!!!)
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stefanatlanten · 1 year
Carriacou, juldagen.
Ytterligare en pärla! Vi hade en fantastisk segling söderut från St Vincent med en medelhastighet på 9 knop. Med de eviga in- och utcheckningarna på varje ös egna lokala tullmyndighet kan det ta lite tid innan man kan komma iland, så vårt förnämliga seglande var delvis förgäves denna dag. Vi fick stanna ombord, med avbrott för bad från båten, men då kunde vi dessutom förbereda kvällens filmevent med julaftonens ankarplats i färskt minne.
För restaurang- och barlivet var det inte rätt datum att anlända. Lyckligtvis har vi, min gourmet-hajkande resekamrat Pieter och jag, utvecklat ett sjätte sinne för kulinariska, alkoholbemängda pärlor på de karibiska öarna. Också denna gång lyckades vi finna ett öppet kök med riktigt bra mat, datumet till trots! Lambi stew till lunch med räk- och fiskfritters som förrätt. Romflamberad ananas med vaniljglass till dessert och vi får anse lunchen värdig juldagen i Karibien. Lambi stew är en gryta på köttet från de stora, lokala havssnäckorna som lever i vattnen runt om Karibien. Matigt, nästan lite köttig textur och väldigt gott, korrekt anrättat. Någon timmes promenad runt södra delen av ön efter detta och ytterligare en pärla var funnen, Cassada Bay Resort!
Vilken utsikt! Och fördelaktigt relativ inställning till begreppet "Stängt". Ett par öl kan man ju alltid servera om man ändå var där och städade undan för julledigheten!
Det blev ganska korta stopp efter Martinique. Kanske lite för korta, men slutdestination och tid för denna var satt och kunde inte ruckas på. Om inte väder och vind bråkar vill säga! Men ändå kul att se så olika platser där varje ö har sin prägel, sin vibe, sin karaktär.
Carriacou och öarna runt har en mycket stolt båtbyggartradition. En av de stilla kvällarna mitt ute på Atlanten visades dokumentären "Vanishing sails" på däck. En vacker historia om en av båtbyggarna på Carriacou, Elwyn Enoe, och hans sista bygge innan han lämnade rörelsen vidare till nästa generation. Rekommrnderas! Framförallt mitt ute på Atlanten en stilla kväll i december. :-)
Dagen efter annandag jul lättade vi ankar och satte kurs mot Grenada.
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partygrenada · 5 months
Specky talk ah book #followpartygrenada
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