#Carme Borrell
lescroniques · 2 years
La inseguretat residencial augmenta el risc de mala salut mental, segons un estudi
La inseguretat residencial augmenta el risc de mala salut mental, segons un estudi
La mala salut mental és més elevada en dones amb inseguretat residencial, que a la vegada també pateixen pobresa energètica i alimentària. Aquesta és la principal conclusió d’un estudi del CIBER d’Epidemiologia i Salut Pública i el grup d’Habitatge i Salut de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona publicat a la revista Journal of Urban Health. Segons l’estudi, mentre que la probabilitat de…
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lakshman645 · 1 year
Gap minder
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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ramu3218 · 1 year
Gap minder
Gapminder data I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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vaasu0707 · 1 year
Gapminder data
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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phuconuong · 2 years
Data Management and Visualization - Week 01
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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shrutisinha256 · 3 years
Unemployment and Suicide in Males
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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Data set.
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. 
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harshpatel674 · 4 years
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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datatazim-blog · 5 years
Data Management and Visualization - Assignment ( Week 1)
My Submission
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British Journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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myartisanfire · 3 years
I have decided to use the Gapminder data to see if I can better understand the link between unemployment and suicide in males.
There have been many different studies linking or attempting to link unemployment and the general economy with suicide - some of these include;
Unemployment and Mental Health: Understanding the Interactions Among Gender, Family Roles, and Social Class | Lucía Artazcoz, MPH, Joan Benach, PhD, Carme Borrell, PhD, and Immaculada Cortès, MPH - In a nutshell, this paper concludes that unemployment has varying effects on mental health and varies with factors such as sex, marital status, term of unemployment and if welfare benefits are available
Sex and Suicide, Gender differences in suicidal behavior - Keith Hawton - Editorial in the British journal of Psychiatry - Mr Hawton concludes that there is a difference in the ratio of suicide between males and females but that much more research is required to discover strategies to improve outcomes in either sex or both sexes
The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: why are men so vulnerable? Anne Maria Moller-Leimkuhler - Posits that male mal-adaption may be responsible for the increasing proportion of male to female suicide rates and includes one particularly stunning table ranking male youth suicide by country
There are many papers on this subject and it seems that while unemployment has an effect on suicide rates it seems that WHERE you are unemployed is probably more important. I will attempt to show that this IS the case and try to discover some of the reasons it may be so
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news-monda · 4 years
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news-sein · 4 years
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news-lisaar · 4 years
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asoenews · 4 years
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germandejuana · 6 years
Es diu Borrell i es manifesta amb SCC. Fa temps que s'arrossega i està esquitxat de corrupció. Quina renovació!!!!
— Carme Chacó (@CarmeChaco) June 4, 2018
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valladolidnoticias · 6 years
Forcadell amenaza al Estado: «No frenará la república»
La número 2 de Esquerra Republicana en las listas de Barcelona, Marta Rovira, ha apelado esta mañana al voto útil del independentismo, desde el argumento de que lo que está en juego el próximo 21 de diciembre es la victoria de Ciudadanos o de ERC. “Convirtamos la represión en libertad, convirtamos las agresiones en abrazos, convirtamos el odio en hermandad y convirtamos las urnas en república”, ha sido el mensaje principal de Rovira en el mitin central de campaña de ERC, celebrado en la plaza del mercado del Born, en Barcelona, ante unas 2.000 personas. “El 21-D va de ganar las libertades o que sigan decidiendo los inmovilistas, las élites del Estado, la oscuridad y la involución”, ha afirmado la secretaria general de Esquerra y posible candidata a la presidencia de la Generalitat, en caso de que Oriol Junqueras no salga de prisión. El voto a ERC es, según ha asegurado Marta Rovira, el único que puede garantizar que Junqueras salga de la prisión. Rovira ha centrado buena parte de su alocución para cargar contra el dirigente socialista Josep Borrell, que ayer aseguró que es necesario “desinfectar” Cataluña.
El mitin ha contado con la participación de los exconsejeros Carles Mundó y Raül Romeva, y de los exconsejeros huidos a Bruselas Meritxell Serret y Toni Comín, a través de un vídeo, y también de Oriol Junqueras, de quien han leído una carta y han facilitado un audio. El acto ha servido para ensalzar la figura del expresidente de la Generalitat, que desde prisión ha instado a parar la “infamia” del 155. “No permitiremos que pasen la apisonadora, seguiremos haciendo camino hacia el sueño, con la mano firme”, ha apuntado.
Forcadell: «La represión no frenará la república»
También ha intervenido la presidenta de la Cámara catalana, Carme Forcadell, que ha señalado que la “represión no frenará la república ni nuestras ansias de libertad”. “No permitiremos que gobiernen los del 155”, ha dicho. “El 21-D, o gana el 155 y la represión o gana la libertad y la dignidad”, ha rematado.
Gabriel Rufián, por su parte, ha cerrado las puertas a un posible tripartito de izquierdas, con los comunes y el PSC. “Gracias”, ha dicho, “pero no pactamos con carceleros y expoliadores”, ha dicho.
Fuente: El Norte de Castilla
Forcadell amenaza al Estado: «No frenará la república» was originally published on Noticias
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