#Carey rambles about life and stuff and how much snow annoys her lol
dewitty1 · 6 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Not looking forward to the snow we're supposed to get this weekend.Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Do young people even do xmas cards anymore, or is it just us old fogies? Idk, but I do know I love getting mail, that isn't a bill, or junk.(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞
I made and sent a cross stitch project for my BFF. Hopefully she likes it.(*´꒳`*)
Leeloo the kitten is getting spayed this week. We're hoping it calms her down, but since she's half siamese, umm... Yeah, probably not.✩⃛( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒)
I've been working on a t-shirt quilt for mom (I started it a few years ago, and quit because the way we decided to do it is a pain, lol) and idk if I'll be able to get it done for Xmas. ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ
I strained my shoulder, sitting in a weird position for too long. No Bueno. (◍•﹏•)
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