#Care assistant
stonebutchooze · 8 months
whenever I say I worked at a care home people always assume I mean an OLD PEOPLE'S care home and start talking about dementia, and even when I correct them and say no, it was adults of all ages with disabilities like cerebral palsy, some of them younger than me, people still don't listen and start talking about how hard it is "when you get to that age".
like people who live in 24/7 care for their entire adult lives exist!!!! residential care is NOT something that only comes into play at the end of your life. lack of awareness and funding is, in my opinion, partly why negative experiences of full time or respite residential care are so widespread.
ALSO when I successfully clarify that I worked with people of all ages, people start talking about how SAD it is when young people who have conditions like cerebral palsy can't move or talk or whatever. and I ALSO take issue with that. I think seeing disabled people's experiences as wholly "sad" or "what a shame" pre-emptively dictates what kind of life we expect disabled people to live. people in residential care CAN be happy, largely independent, or happy with their level of control where they are dependent on others. if we assume they can't, we won't even try to help them get there.
some people have high support needs at home and then go into residential care. some people spend their whole lives in residential care. some people won't need it at all with proper support and funding at home. people need support, not pity and people seeing their lives as lost causes.
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businesspikuk · 21 days
The Vital Role of a Care Assistant in Healthcare
In the intricate tapestry of healthcare, one crucial thread that binds everything together is the role of a Care Assistant. These unsung heroes play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being and comfort of patients, often working tirelessly behind the scenes. Let's delve into the importance of their work and the qualities that make them indispensable.
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1. Compassion and Empathy: At the heart of every great Care Assistant lies compassion and empathy. They understand that each patient they encounter is a unique individual with their own set of needs, fears, and emotions. Whether it's assisting with personal care, offering a listening ear, or simply providing companionship, their genuine concern shines through, making a world of difference to those under their care.
2. Practical Assistance: From helping with daily activities such as dressing, bathing, and eating, to providing mobility support and administering medication, Care Assistants are the backbone of practical assistance in healthcare settings. Their attention to detail and willingness to go the extra mile ensure that patients receive the support they require to navigate through their day with dignity and comfort.
3. Advocacy and Support: In addition to their hands-on duties, Care Assistants often serve as advocates for their patients, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. Whether it's communicating with healthcare professionals on behalf of the patient or offering guidance and reassurance to family members, they play a crucial role in facilitating effective communication and providing much-needed support to all stakeholders involved.
4. Emotional Support: Illness and hospitalization can take a toll not only on the body but also on the spirit. Care Assistants understand the importance of addressing the emotional well-being of patients and strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment where individuals feel valued and respected. Their kind words, comforting gestures, and genuine companionship serve as a source of solace during challenging times.
5. Flexibility and Adaptability: In the fast-paced world of healthcare, no two days are ever the same. Care Assistants must be flexible and adaptable, ready to tackle whatever challenges come their way with grace and resilience. Whether it's responding to emergencies, adjusting to changes in patient schedules, or collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, their ability to pivot and thrive in dynamic environments is truly commendable.
In conclusion, the role of a Care Assistant in healthcare cannot be overstated. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to ensure the comfort, well-being, and dignity of those under their care. Their compassion, empathy, and unwavering dedication make them invaluable assets to any healthcare team, and their impact resonates far beyond the confines of their job description.
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barsha1234 · 2 months
The demand for care assistants in Northern Ireland is on the rise, driven by several factors including the growing elderly population, prevalence of chronic illnesses, evolving family structures, and shifting societal attitudes towards individualized care. With an increasing number of elderly individuals and a trend towards nuclear families, the importance of elderly care has never been greater. Moreover, society's emphasis on mental health alongside physical well-being has led to a preference for personalized care for aging parents.
As a result, there's a surge in demand for care assistants across Northern Ireland. Nursing agencies are opening wide doors for job opportunities in this field, recognizing the crucial role care assistants play in providing compassionate and tailored support to those in need. With the demand expected to continue rising, becoming a care assistant offers not just a job, but an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in people's lives.
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sapphosewrites · 11 months
Teaching creative writing to 8 to 12 year olds this summer, a demographic whose stories include a shocking amount of murder. The use of "unalive" was so egregious I had to tell them, "if you aren't comfortable using the words death, die, and kill, you aren't mature enough to be writing about them yet". Kiddo asked me if that applies to adults as well, and I told them it very much does, so here's a PSA.
If you aren't comfortable using the words death, die, and kill, you aren't mature enough to be writing about them yet.
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martafgnn · 11 months
Human-Centered Explainable AI at the Edge for eHealth [Video]
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superbellsubways · 20 days
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the star of the show
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foxprints · 8 months
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| The Care and Keeping of a SecUnit |
Complimentary companion to this piece
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
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Also. Finished them dancing (again) 👑⚔️
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fisheito · 2 months
Me: Everything i make is garbage i shouldn't even bother
The eiden in my head:
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Me: Sorry eiden you're right my efforts have value
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fraudulent-cheese · 3 months
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Assistant Alejandro and Contestant Noah! this was super fun to draw and i might devellop this AU a bit more because i have some ideas!!!
(Their personalities aren't swapped, only their roles are!)
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obaewankenope · 2 months
I need some help please
I have £4 remaining of my overdraft and literally don't get paid another week. I have had a hell of a time with Social Services sorting out payments with them, and still they're messing up switching from Foster to SGO payments. Right now, I genuinely need as much help as possible. Bean's dad has full on refused to pay anything towards her anymore because court is over and he only did it to look good.
I'd hoped to not have to do this again. But apparently the way the payments system works with Social Services is such a mess that- well, here we are again 🙃
If you have anything, I genuinely genuinely appreciate it but do not leave yourself short, please don't do that. I need to cover gas and electric for the next week as well as anything Bean related that crops up.
(PayPal) (Kofi)
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assistant-of-drama · 24 days
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After Total Drama World Tour, Noah quits his job as Chris' assistant and later works as Don's assistant on the Ridonculous Race...
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 4 months
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stimboard for : a virtual desktop companion with webcore, cybercore, and angelcore themes in a blue pallet
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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climbing-class · 4 months
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[Confirmed Bachelor] Daniil Dankovsky
Been thinking a lot about Fallout x Pathologic...... expect to see Clara and Artemy soon. Edit: Artemy is done!
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superbellsubways · 1 year
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ermm awkward
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