chorusmusarum · 3 months
🎲I also have Petra as a muse but I need to properly list her, whoops! Anyway, hit me :>
I added your request ones if that's okay!
Maruki/Sojiro: Of all my Persona muses, we got the one that doesn't interact with Maruki or if they do, it's minimal. Oops? Sojiro would be so angry should he ever learn about the reality-warping. Very, very confused, but angry. Futaba's been through enough. She doesn't need her mother being dangled in front of her.
Shez/Dorothea: Did I understand correctly that it's only Houses where Shez won't join the empire? Hopes-wise, Dorothea's general demeanour changes massively between SB/GW and AG, though this isn't reflected in supports due to the nature of them. So interactions may vary depending on the route, but even if Shez doesn't understand most of her music, I think she'd appreciate her trying, and just being around? I'm fairly confident it's stated that Dorothea is the only commoner in the eagles, including generics, and she's been surrounded by the glitz that comes with being a diva for so long, I think she'd love to have more friends who aren't part of noble society.
Byleth/Claude: We could do something relating to their respective roles post-VW? With Claude showing up like what's up, King Khalid of Almyra here. Sure their friends really appreciate discovering that out of the blue.
Byleth/Hubert: I can work with Silver Snow but it would be purely a hostile relationship as Hubert does not allow himself to care about or trust Byleth at all until the moment they side with Edelgard, should they do so. Could do a thread where the Kingdom or Alliance manage to take him alive and he can reveal what he knows about TWSITD? Because oh boy if they've lost, he's got nothing to lose by warning the victors. He already does in VW via a letter. Hopes-wise? Hmm. I'm not too sure currently, to be honest. CF I can definitely work with them, but SB less so and same with the other routes.
Yuri/Hubert: They don't interact which I'm upset about because I really want to see supports between them and also, in CF Yuri is canonically working for Hubert? He mentions it in an exploration line. They're both sneaky little guys and I just think it'd be neat if they talked. Also Hubert's helping Edelgard reform a crest-based society that has harmed Yuri, even though Hubert is someone who is privileged because of the world they grew up in. That could lead to some questioning from Yuri, I feel like? I enjoy fantasy politics though I know they're not everyone's cup of tea. Hopes-wise, I see the AG preference and I utterly hate that Hubert and Ferdinand die off-screen so I am down for an AU where they're in hiding and show up as green units to save Edeglard/take down TWSITD. We could do something with that?
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kilfeur · 10 months
Edeglard a-t-elle le syndrôme du sauveur ?
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Je me suis posée une question sur Edelgard. A-t-elle le syndrome du sauveur ? Dans l'histoire d'Edelgard, après avoir passé quelques temps au Royaume avec Dimitri. Son père a été renversé précipitant elle ainsi que ses frères et soeurs dans des cellules dans lesquelles ils sont victimes de multiples expériences. Elle a entendu ses frères et soeurs sombrer dans la folie depuis sa cellule. Criant pour une aide qui ne viendra jamais, El est la seule survivante n'ayant que l'emblème du feu et celui de Seiros se jurant de faire payer l'église ainsi que les serpents des ténèbres. Mais pour cela, il va falloir du temps et des moyens. Elle s'allie secrètement avec les serpents des ténèbres et avec Hubert pour entrer �� l'académie de Garreg Mach. Le syndrome du sauveur est le fait d'aider les autres dans le besoin mais dans un sens que c'est plus un besoin que de s'aider lui même. La volonté de solutionner les problèmes des autres par exemple avec Caspar, qu'elle voyait comme une victime du système des emblèmes car il n'en possédait pas. Mais le truc est que Caspar a toujours considéré suivre son propre chemin et voit bien que son frère est assez paresseux mais il comprend ses peurs et ne veut pas lui prendre sa place. C'est quelque chose que j'aime bien chez Caspar même si il peut être simplet, il est assez lucide concernant son futur et choisit de tracer sa propre voie et décide de le suivre jusqu'au bout. Edelgard finit par le comprendre et le voit comme il est et il la complimente à son tour. Quand à Linhardt, elle voit tout le potentiel de ce dernier si il était pas si fainéant selon ses termes et ne comprend pas pourquoi il continue de cette manière.
D'ailleurs même Linhardt commente sur le fait qu'elle pense qu'elle doit régler ce problème. Malgré qu'elle soit la leadeuse, elle dérange les autres et ne pense pas à ce qu'ils ressentent. Elle pense que c'est un peu dur or il n'en démord pas la rapprochant plus d'une mère qui insiste que son fils se rende à son adoubement. Au final, elle lui propose de créer une institution pour les emblèmes et les reliques et que quelqu'un s'occupera des finances. Bien que réticent car sa curiosité le pousse à aller voir ailleurs, il n'est pas du genre à rester statique. Et bien bien que ce soit une institution ainsi qu'un job, il accepte malgré tout. Par exemple pour Bernadetta, au début elle était un peu agacée par son comportement mais lui explique qu'elle tire ses conclusions trop vite et lui confie même sa propre peur. On les voit même dans la serre en train de jardiner et c'est mignon. Avec Petra, elle parle de leurs ambitions mais aussi du fait de viser plus haut, Petra a une certaine estime envers elle et je trouve ça dommage qu'on a pas de soutien a entre ces deux là. Cette volonté de vouloir aider bien qu'elle peut être maladroite, je crois qu'Edelgard le pense sincèrement. D'ailleurs elle ramène souvent la discussion sur elle lors des soutiens Caspar la reprend à ce sujet . Ou bien avec Lonato, où elle dit qu'elle serait le genre d'empereur à faire des sacrifices. Le fait que son mal être passe sous le radar tout comme Dimitri, sauf que Dimitri on a montré pourquoi il est comme ça et pourquoi il finira par sombrer avant de retrouver la lumière. Tandis qu'avec Edelgard pendant tout le jeu, on voit sa relation avec Byleth grandir, au début ne le voyant comme un professeur. Mais petit à petit, elle se confie à lui se sentait plus à l'aise. Pendant un temps, elle pouvait juste être un élève parmi tant d'autres et suivre son enseignement. Elle a des doutes comme lorsque Hubert lui dit qu'elle a un peu trop révélé à Byleth et pourtant elle aimerait pouvoir tendre la main même si c'est risqué. Si Byleth rejoint le camp de Rhea, elle s'y attendait. Dans la cinématique de retrouvaille de la neige argentée, on la voit essayant de le convaincre de la rejoindre. Ils se battent or ça se rapproche plus d'une danse que d'un vrai combat. Et elle doit partir car elle sait que la prochaine fois qu'elle le verra, elle devra le tuer. Dans un sens c'est pas très logique vu qu'elle encoure le risque de se faire choper mais son lien avec Byleth a eu avoir raison d'elle pour qu'elle y aille là bas. 
Toutefois si on la rejoint, elle est surprise mais heureuse de voir qu'elle n'aura pas à le combattre alors qu'elle est un peu plus modérée bien qu'elle ait ses doutes avant l'invasion de Garreg Mach où elle confie que sous son simple commandement des gens vont en mourir. On lui demande si elle regrette mais au final elle a prit sa décision et devra faire face aux conséquences. Aux yeux des autres, elle n'est vu que comme une envahisseuse bien qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi les gens n'abandonnent pas en voyant leur armée venir. Dans un sens c'est un peu bizarre voir même hypocrite mais de son point de vue, elle croit avoir raison car pour elle, le véritable ennemi est l'église. Et même si elle doit s'allier aux serpents des ténèbres, ceux qui ont fait ces cruelles expériences sur elle. Elle devra mettre sa rancoeur de côté pour avoir la force militaire pour combattre ses ennemies. On a une scène où Randolf succombe à ses blessures et on voit qu'Edelgard n'en peut plus d'avancer tandis qu'elle a l'impression de s'enliser dans ce chemin mais Hubert la conforte et elle va jusqu'au bout. Et ça je trouve ça dommage, car autant je trouve que le jeu a rendu son personnage intéressante à la voir se développer dans les différentes routes. Autant j'aurai bien aimé quelque chose qui explore justement cette réticence. Ferdinand aurait pu incarner cette réticence, il est de son côté mais propose d'autres solutions qu'Edelgard peut utiliser et voir son point de vue changer. Car 18 chapitres, c'est pas assez pour tout développer donc pas mal de choses peuvent être rushés. La scène où la forteresse a été bombardé off-screen, où le trio ne dit rien aux autres pour maintenir le calme mais bon c'est dommage qu'on l'ait pas. D'ailleurs je crois qu'on a pas la bataille des trois maisons après la timeskip à la place, on tue Dimitri dans un endroit pluvieux dans lequel Edelgard "le sauve" en l'achevant. Tandis que Claude, on a le choix ou non de l'épargner et malgré sa méfiance, si on l'épargne elle semble être impressionné par ses stratagèmes. Si on le tue, elle trouve ça dommage que celui ci soit mort de plus sa quête annexe est relié à la frontière de Goneril là où les Almyrians attaquent. Le fait qu'on verra jamais Edelgard et les autres se battre contre les serpents des ténèbres. Ou bien ce qu'elle a apprit au sujet de Nemesis et les dix élites n'était rien de plus qu'un tissu de mensonge ! 
Ce syndrome sauveur, le fait d'exister pour les autres, est assez glauque avec Hubert qui a une loyauté sans faille. C'est dangereux car sans Byleth, Edelgard va jusqu'aux extrêmes dans la route des lions elle va jusqu'à modifier son corps pour pouvoir affronter Dimitri malgré le fait qu'ils aient discuté avant de leurs valeurs et de leurs principes. De plus dans la route des cerfs d'or, il y a une scène dans lequel les citoyens ne sont pas évacués du coup ils sont utilisés comme bouclier humain. Elle dit elle même à Claude que leurs buts sont similaires mais ne peut pas laisser Fodlan entre ses mains. Renvoyant à Edelgard comme celle qui doit sauver Fodlan, celle qui amènera ce nouvel aube. Au final, elle suppliera à Byleth de la tuer de ses propres mains, elle voulait marcher à ses côtés mais ce fut pas le cas.
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Edelgard était victime de torture après être retourné dans l'empire pour ensuite avoir des cauchemars à l'académie. Puis elle devient le sauveur à ses yeux, celle qui amènera l'empire vers un nouvelle ère. Puis elle devint le persécuteur justifiant ses actes pour le bien de tous, sacrifiant tout sur son chemin, envahissant tout Fodlan à part ceux qui sont prêt à se rendre. Honnêtement je me demande ce qui ce serait passé si on avait vraiment eu un flashback avec elle enfant qui appelle faiblement à l'aide dans le temps où elle était emprisonné. Ou bien des scènes avec ses amis ou bien Byleth dans lequel ça aurait pu changer un peu son point de vue après la timeskip. Au final Rhea et Edelgard ne sont pas si différentes, les deux sont dans une position de pouvoir, les deux ont perdu des êtres chères mais au final peu importe le choix. Soit Rhéa sera sauvée tandis qu'Edelgard mourra ou bien l'inverse, on peut pas avoir les deux.
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mlmdarkfiction · 4 years
GIFT FIC- Extra Credit?
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Ship: Edelgard Von Hresvelg/Byleth Eisner 
Description: After Dorothea finds out Edelgard has a B in Professor Eisner's class, she tells Edelgard to ask for extra credit, knowing the other woman has a crush on the Professors Daughter who's also his teaching assistant.
Content Warning: Modern AU, College AU, Teachers Assistant Byleth
Authors Note: This fic was a gift for one of the kind people who donated to help my friend pay medical pills for their dog!
Read Below:
Silence interrupts the once cheerful conversation between the four girls. The other three had been waiting on a response, and were instead met with nothing.
Edelgard had, admittedly, stopped paying attention to the conversation at hand as soon as she’d gotten an email about their midterm grades being released.
She had to check immediately!
She expected what she always did.
Her whole life Edelgard had been kept to an impossibly high standard, and things truly hadn’t changed much now.
Really, the only change was that it was now Edelgard herself expecting too much of herself.
And when she checked her grades and saw that everything was not perfect and that they didn’t meet her regular perfection she was crushed.
There was no way she had made a mistake.
With all her studying, and the amount of hard work she put into every assignment, there was no way she’d earned only a B in Professor Eisner’s class.
Edelgard had never gotten a B before.
And it was unacceptable.
Dorothea finally calls gently, breaking the silence.
All three women were capable of understanding that something was wrong, based both on Edelgard’s silence in turn of conversation, and the sour expression that had slowly taken her face as she looked at her phone.
Just seeing that expression on Edelgard’s face was enough to make Bernadetta nervous by proxy, her leg beginning to bounce under the table in an attempt at self-soothing.
“Sorry.” Edelgard says at the realization their lunch time conversation had halted because of her.
“What were we talking about?”
Petra and Dorothea share a look between them.
Clearly something was bothering the other woman.
Instead of answering her so that they could continue their mundane conversation, Dorothea decides instead to pry.
“Is something wrong?”
“Wrong? Why would something be wrong?”
Dorothea and Petra share another look.
The sharp, somewhat rushed tone of Edelgard’s voice was enough to give away that something truly was bothering her.
Exasperated Dorothea sighs a little, shaking her head.
“Well you were looking at your phone like it killed your whole family.”
A pause.
Edelgard simply sighs.
No matter what she does or says there’s no way Dorothea is going to let this go, it’s simply not in the other girl's nature not to pry when she thinks there is something wrong with one of her friends.
Although an admirable trait, in this specific instance, Edelgard hates it.
“I got a B in one of my classes.”
“A B?”
Bernadetta finally speaks up, it’s clear by the confusion in her voice she doesn’t understand the problem. For someone like Bernadetta, someone who doesn’t keep themselves mounted on a pedestal, a grade like a B is no problem.
However the meek girl immediately regrets speaking up at all when she gets a sharp look from Edelgard.
“Yes, Bernadetta a B. I got a B.”
Sensing the tension, and Bernadetta’s rising anxiety, Petra finally interferes, wrapping an arm around the other woman.
“We are going to have to be going now!”
Edelgard sighs as the other two retreat, leaving her alone at the table with Dorothea. She makes a mental note to apologize to Bernadetta later.
“Well...Which class is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” The look on Dorothea’s face, that teasing smile that’s slowly taking over her expression, makes Edelgard regret this entire conversation.
“Is it the class with that cute Teacher’s Assistant you like so much?”
The silence is all the answer the other needs.
She practically squeals in delight, clapping her hands together.
“Oh Ede! You stupid Lesbian! No wonder you have a B in that class! You’re too busy staring at her!”
“No. I am not- That is- That is ridiculous.”
It’s not ridiculous.
Dorothea is right, she knows she’s right, and Edelgard knows she’s right. Still, even if they both know the truth, that doesn’t mean she has to admit to it.
“Well it’s only a midterm.” She points out, knowing there’s no use to get Edelgard to admit she’d slacked off due to her crush on the Professor's daughter.
“If you’re saying it doesn’t matter because it’s only a mid-” “Relax.”
Edelgard’s spiel is cut off by Dorothea gently resting a hand on top of hers, and gently squeezing.
“All I meant is you still have plenty of time before grades are final to turn that B into an A.”
She smiles gently at the other.
Dorothea can never entirely understand why Edelgard is the way she is, but she tries her best to be supportive.
“And for someone like you that’s easy right?”
It’s barely noticeable, but...Edelgard does relax a bit.
“You’re right…”
“And besides!” Dorothea chirps out, “If you really want it fixed now, you could always ask Byleth for some extra credit!”
And as if worried Edelgard wouldn’t understand the extra meaning in her statement, Dorthea winks for emphasis.
Ignoring the pink that comes to her cheeks in response, she just rolls her eyes at her friend's statement.
Although the idea wasn’t entirely a bad idea.
Professor Esiner would never give out extra credit, but his daughter, the TA, might.
It was worth asking about if nothing else...even if that means humiliating herself by admitting that she needs the extra credit in the first place.
The next time Edelgard has Professor Eisner’s class she once again struggles to focus. She is, as usual, distracted. Although for once her distraction has less to do with Byleth’s existence, and more to do with her extra credit.
Instead of actually paying attention to the lesson Edelgard is trying to figure out how she can ask Byleth about extra credit without embarrassing herself, or without making herself out to seem like some kind of idiot who’s failing the class.
When all the other students start piling out of the classroom, Edelgard stays. For a while it’s just the four of them; Edelgard, Byleth, Jeralt, and Leonie.
And the longer Edelgard finds herself waiting on Leonie to leave, the angrier she finds herself becoming, until she’s firmly glaring at the redheads back.
It really doesn’t seem like she’s going to leave at all, still talking the Professors ear off, and so instead Edelgard makes the decision to take the L on this.
After all, Dorothea was right when she said there was time before grades finalized.
She gathers her things, heads to the door, but then she’s stopped, a hand reaching out to grab her wrist.
It’s a subtle action, gentle but firm, but still enough to cause her to jump, whipping around quickly to be met face to face with Byleth.
Edelgard hopes she doesn’t look stupid, she can already feel the heat rising to her cheeks, lavender eyes flickering from her wrist and the fingers around it, to Byleth’s calm face.
“You waited all that time,” Byleth says softly. “Did you need something?”
Getting defensive is an instinct, something that triggers before she’s actually able to stop it. “Need something? Why would I need something?”
But Byleth keeps looking at her, obviously not buying it, expression blank as ever, and it’s enough to make Edelgard crumble apologetically.
“I was...just wondering about extra credit.”
“Extra credit?”
Edelgard curses Byleth.
Curses how cute she is.
Her thoughts immediately drift from the topic at hand, and to the way Byleth always seems to tilt her head just slightly to the right when expressing confusion. She wonders if the other woman is even aware she does it.
“Extra credit, yeah…” Edelgard clears her throat, using the moments pause to regain her composure.
“My grade fell from an A to a B for seemingly no reason, and so I thought…”
“I won’t sleep with you.”
Edelgard’s composure quickly falls apart.
Although that’s what Dorothea had originally been joking about when she’d told Edelgard to ask about extra credit, she had no intentions of actually-
Surely Dorothea hadn’t talked to Byleth about this?
But then...how else would she have known to say that?
“I-I don’t understand what-”
“That’s...That’s what happens in movies, right?” Byleth seems just as confused as Edelgard, at least.
“Someone asks for extra credit, and then they have sex?”
Edelgard is even more perplexed.
That sounds like a bad porn plot more than a movie.
Does Byleth watch porn?
No! Bad horny brain! Focus on the task at hand.
“I was…thinking something more like worksheets.”
Her entire face has become engulfed in red, and she finds it more difficult to actually look at Byleth.
The other woman pauses and then turns to call out to her father, “Hey, can Edelgard do extra credit?”
Now not only did the Professor end up finding out she wanted extra credit, but Leonie overheard as well.
This is becoming worse and worse, more humiliating by the minute.
“I...think I am just going to leave.”
She hadn’t realized until she tried leaving again that Byleth hadn’t released her wrist. It’s easy to tug free of her hold now that the surprise of being grabbed has long past.
Edelgard quickly makes her way out of the class room and down the hall. She just wants to go back to her dorm.
It’s likely irrational, and she realizes it, but she feels like she was made a fool of both by, and in front of the girl she likes.
The girl who probably is completely unaware she likes her.
She’s trying her best to avoid the heat in her cheeks, and the tears threatening to spill from her eye due to the humiliation of it all.
“Edelgard! Wait!”
Byleth jogs down the hallway, catching up with the other easily.
“I brought you these.”
Worksheets. She’s offering Edelgard a handful of work sheets.
Clearly Jeralt must have agreed to the extra credit work.
She’s relieved if nothing else, at least all this humiliation hadn’t completely been in vain.
“Thank you.”
Edelgard takes the worksheets, but notices that Byleth seems to hesitate for a moment. She raises a brow, waiting for the woman to speak.
She’s usually not the type to show any form of hesitation, and so she gets Edelgard’s full attention.
“I’m sorry about before,” She says softly. “I was trying to make a joke but...I’m bad at jokes.”
That is an understatement, but it at least makes Edelgard feel a bit better about the entire situation, knowing that it was just an attempt at humor.
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” Byleth continues.
“And...Dorothea told me you like me?” It’s said with just the tiniest bit of emotion in it, a curious, hopeful upturn to the last word.
Edelgard decides in that moment she has to kill Dorothea.
“So...I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?”
Edelgard decides that she will not kill Dorothea.
When she doesn’t get an immediate answer Byleth panics a bit.
“Not like- Not as extra credit! Just like...in general. Just a normal date?”
“...I’d like that.”
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artillerytortoise · 5 years
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Page 2 of the Fire Emblem: Three Houses joke I came up with. Since it’s taken me a hot 4 days to draw these two pages I’ve forgotten the rest of the joke. So I guess this is the punchline? I’ll post a next page if I remember it. 
Edit: Part 1, because I forgot to link it. -> [x]
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diadoesart · 4 years
Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Just that soulsborne like concept. I love everythingavout it, the names fit perfectly!!! Maybe cause I'm in the middle of revisiting those game but omg I love everything about them. I can picture all of them as maybe bosses or covenant leaders!! Ahhh I just want to hear praise after praise but omg they're amazing. I do have one question were the leaders basically taken from bad timelines where they lost? Omg I keep staring at the designs. They're so good!
Thank you! I’m actually surprised they’re my once piece of art that’s constantly getting attention lol. Although I think the description was a little misleading, my intention was for the descriptions to read like a soulsborne game, the setting for their story would just be a regular ol AU. I’ve actually written stuff for it in my head but I don’t know if I’ll ever get round to making them into stuff.
“Bad Timelines” is relative. Every one of them except Byleth comes from another canon timeline. Edeglard comes from Azure Moon, Dimitri comes from Verdant Wind and Claude comes from Crimson Flower.
Also I’ve mentioned this a couple of times but I do plan on addint Yuri + some others into it but because money has been tight lately I’ve had to focus on commission work for the time being. To the people who’re looking forward to it, I’m sorry it’s taking so long but please be a little patient with me!
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crackimagines · 5 years
Imagine after Child!Byleth goes into his 5 year nap, the house leaders keep his stuffed bird as a reminder of him. Then when he comes back, the house leaders give him the bird, and it is the only thing not broken or torn in the war.
Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
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Ya know originally, I meant to do this ask a VERY long time ago, and never got around to it. And this ask was sent in back BEFORE the explosion of requests for the AU.
Now that I’ve actually established a bunch of stuff and HC’s? This is gonna hurt
Anyways, thanks for the ask anon, kept ya waiting, huh? Hope you enjoy!
House Leaders finding Child!Byleth’s stuffed bird, then giving it back 5 years later
Black Eagles - Directly after Byleth was separated
- Edeglard’s troopers stormed the monastery after driving off the Knights of Seiros, making sure to check every last corner.
- While the class and the soldiers made sure that every last bit was fortified to prepare for another attack, Edelgard found herself near her tiny professor’s room.
- It was not the time to be sentimental but…
- She walked into his room and looked around. It was remarkably clean but…very dull.
- That seemed about right. She knew if he kept anything that remotely looked like fun, he would’ve thrown it out on the premise it was ‘childish’.
- But…she saw something that caught her eye.
- It was a cute little bird on his bed…It was then she realized that it was the bird Jeralt gave him.
- She slowly walked up to it, and held it in her arms.
- She felt a little bit of a tear form, but she blinked it away.
- Why did she need to cry? He’ll be back to get this bird. Goddess knows he would’ve destroyed this entire monastery before he let a single thread of this bird go loose.
- Hubert walked through the door and cleared his throat.
“Milady, we have reports ready to…This is the professor’s room, isn’t it?”
“Indeed…Hubert, please take this bird, and tell Bernadetta to keep it in peak condition.”
- Hubert didn’t need any explanation why. After all, he had seen Byleth with this very bird on rare ocassions.
- So, he didn’t need to ask just how important this was to Edelgard.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Professor…When you finally return to us, I’ll make sure this is given back to you, safe and sound…”
Blue Lions - Re-entry to the Monastery ruins
- Bandits were everywhere.
-…Were being the keyword. Most of them that were inside the ruins are now all dead.
- Now, their corpses littered the monastery. This was going to be his base for a little while, until he found out a way to kill that vile woman.
- Dimitri slowly walked after a bandit who was running away to the dorms.
- It didn’t matter, he was going to be trapped anyway.
- Once Dimitri broke through the door, he saw the bandit cowering in a corner.
- He was about to drive his lance into the bandit until he saw something that made his heart stop.
- It was his tiny professor’s stuffed bird.
- The bandit was still in the corner, but too close to the bird. If Dimitri impaled him, the blood would’ve gotten everywhere, and onto it.
- After taking a moment to consider his options, he put his lance away. 
- He preferred using his hands anyway.
- With brute force alone, he snapped the bandit’s neck like a twig. Throwing out the body onto the grass outside, he turned back to the bird.
- Why was he hesitating to rip this damn thing in half? It was only going to be a reminder of someone else he couldn’t save.
- Yet…something about the bird was comforting. Byleth’s voice had yet to haunt him so maybe…
- He slowly reached for the bird, pulling his hand back upon feeling how soft it still was. It was dusty all to hell but…
- He grabbed the stuffed bird, and hid into his cape.
“…It shall serve as a reminder of what I must do do…nothing more.”
Golden Deer - Re-entry to the Monastery ruins
“Well…this sucks…”
- Claude thought to himself. After five years, he apparently was the only one who made it to the monastery. He promised the professor that he’d be here but…it was up to fate to see if the professor would keep his.
- Regardless, he decided to take a trip down memory lane.
- The dorms looked beaten as hell but…all in all? Everything looked exactly the same.
- After checking out his room, and almost dying from the dust inside, he decided to check out the professor’s room.
- After all, he can’t get mad if he doesn’t know, right?
- Once he opened the door, the first thing he noticed was the weird object on Byleth’s bed.
“Well well well…!”
- Claude’s smirk began to grow as he picked up a stuffed bird, and shook it a bit, getting the dust off.
“Dang, whoever made you must be some toy god. Not a single thread loose after all these years!”
- He laughed a little, putting the bird into a secure location.
- Claude saw only a few times where Byleth had this on him. One was screeching after Leonie, the other time was…less amusing. It was at Jeralt’s grave he saw him hugging this bird like there was no tomorrow.
“You’d be really pissed if some bandit ended up burning this thing, well luckily for you teach, I’m a nice guy.”
- This’d make a good gift for the tiny professor.
-…Well, it’d be a good gift again, technically speaking.
- Ignoring his smartass remark against himself, he started heading up towards the Goddess tower.
“Come on, little teach…I’m waiting on ya…And mister fuzzy bottoms is too, apparently…”
Black Eagles
- Edelgard found her tiny professor looking out into the fishing pond. It was odd considering it was extremely late at night.
“Oh, hey there, Edelgard.”
- He yawned. It seemed like he was tired but, at the same time it didn’t look like he’d fall asleep anytime soon.
“Trouble falling asleep?”
“Something like that…”
- Byleth looked like he wanted to say something, but he looked down on the ground.
- After a moment of silence, a revelation hit Edelgard.
- That’s right! The bird!
- She smiled widely and turned to Byleth.
“U-Um, please wait a moment, professor!”
- Byleth turned to her with an eyebrow raised as she dashed towards Bernadetta’s room.
- He couldn’t hear their exchange, but Bernadetta gave something to Edelgard, and she rushed back over.
- She had something behind her back, and she started giggling.
“…Edelgard, did you hit your head?’
- She was kind of hurt hearing that.
“Oh, then I suppose I shouldn’t be excited about this then…!”
- Edelgard pouted a little, which made Byleth snicker. Hearing his laughter made her ease up.
“Perhaps it’d be easier sleeping with this, professor?”
- She knelt down, and revealed the stuffed bird to him.
- Thanks to Bernadetta, it looked like it was fresh off the knit and needle.
- Byleth slowly grabbed the bird, unable to believe that the bird had finally returned.
- He looked back up to Edelgard, a little bit of tears forming.
“You…You kept this, Edelgard?”
- She smiled, nodding.
“I never once gave up hope that you’d return to us, my tiny professor. So, I ordered Bernadetta to keep it nice and clean, just as you remembered it.”
- His smile was so big, Edelgard swore her heart was about to melt.
“…Thank you so much, Edelgard…”
- She patted his head, which made him blush and frown.
“H-HEY! I didn’t say you could do that! I’m your professor, not a child!”
- She honestly didn’t mean to laugh as loud as she did, which made him pout now.
“Come now, let’s thank Bernadetta before we go to bed. She’ll be delighted to hear her tough work paid off.”
Blue Lions (Post Chapter 17)
- Dimitri walked into his room after what seemed to be forever. He had always stayed inside the Cathedral in between the marches but…He wasn’t in his right mind.
- Sighing, he took a seat on his bed, trying to put it behind him.
- He was a new man, and he would redeem himself, just as Byleth said.
- It wasn’t just for his tiny professor’s sake, but his classmates. His country’s sake.
- For Sylvain, Ingrid, and Felix…
- He looked up, about ready to sleep until he was reminded.
- It was Byleth’s stuffed bird that sat on a desk across from him, staring.
- After a brief moment of glaring at each other, Dimitri let out a laugh.
“I bet you missed your owner, didn’t you?”
- Though Byleth said he’s forgiven Dimitri for all the vile things he said…He wanted to make it truly right.
- Once he grabbed the bird, he immediately set off for the professor’s room.
- Feeling confident, he marched straight to his door and knocked loudly.
“Professor, it’s Dimitri!”
- What the hell?! Was he in pain?!”
- He backed up a little, not sure of what he was hearing. After a few more moments, the door opened and…!
-Byleth was in his night gown, rubbing his eye. He glared at Dimitri, clearly not happy about being so rudely woken up.
-…Oh, that’s right. It’s the dead of night right now.
“O-Oh, I’m so sorry! I-uh…”
“It’s…” yawn “Fine, Dimitri…What is it?”
“I…” sigh “I’ve been meaning to give you something as a final apology for-”
“Ugh, this again? Dimitri how many times do I have to-”
“I know. That’s why this is the final time I’ll say it.”
- He pulled out the stuffed bird, and saw Byleth freeze up.
“D-Dad’s bird…!” 
- Dimitri put it in his hands, with Byleth squeezing it tightly until he looked up.
“When…did you get this?”
“I…I think it was at least a few weeks before we met up and…”
- That meant even during his worst moments…Dimitri still thought of Byleth.
- Byleth suddenly hugged Dimitri, with him feeling the bird on his back.
“T-Thank you so much…I…I missed this bird so much…!”
- Dimitri heard Byleth sniffling, with a few teardrops landing on his shoulder.
- He didn’t say anything, just hugging Byleth back.
Golden Deer
- Claude watched the sun rise, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs.
- The footsteps were far too light to be a soldier, and far too heavy to be an assassin, considering Claude could hear him clear as day.
- Hearing a child gasp, it only meant it was one person…
“You overslept, teach! Pretty rude to keep a fella waiting like that, wouldn’t ya say?”
“What’s with that surprised look, my tiny friend?”
- Byleth frowned at first, but turned into a very big smile.
“You didn’t really think that I’d given up on you coming back, did you?”
- After a few moments of catching up, Claude learned that his tiny teacher was asleep for the last five years…apparently.
- Wanting to catch up properly on the state of the continent AFTER, a good heartfelt meal, they began to make way until…
“Hey, hold on teach! I got you a little something!”
“Hah, you really held on faith, didn’t you? Thanks-”
“Hold onto that thanks…”
- He replied with a smile, reaching behind him.
- Byleth’s eyes went wide.
“…D-Dad’s bird…?!”
“Hah, that face is priceless!”
- Claude lowered the bird to a level where Byleth could grab it, only to yank it too high for him.
- Byleth pouted, and tried jumping up to get it.
“Ah ah ah! Didn’t say the magic word!”
- The magic word was Byleth kicking Claude in the shin.
“HEY, OW!”
- He droppped the bird, Byleth catching it, and squeezing it hard.
- Claude couldn’t help but laugh, doing something a kid would do was the last thing he ever expected.
- Byleth looked back to Claude and bowed to him.
“…Thank you for keeping it safe, Claude.”
- He smiled back, patting his back.
“No problem, teach…Though uh, it’s a bit dusty so I wouldn’t-”
“…Put it to your face.”
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eliteeagleguard · 4 years
Byleth slowly walked through the woods, tattered remnants of clothing clinging barely to her frame, chest unbound and breasts almost flopping, completely exposed, her nether regions no better off, though there were a couple strings hanging from her belt that almost made it look like she was feigning modesty......in truth she was simply not wanting to have to carry everything in her arms and the scabbards were still in tact, her shield remained latched on her belt from behind, making it so that her rear end wasn’t as obviously exposed.
Her entire body was riddled with cuts, and a few larger gashes, she had been in a battle, at least one, and probably a few. Still she wasn’t tired, but she was frustrated. The bindings weren’t cheap and the clothing was something she had gotten from Edelgard, so Byleth was mostly upset that they were ruined then anything because everything else was simply part and parcel with her duties......and they made her feel as if she had value and worth.
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A face covered with blood turned dead eyes twords the noise, was she going to have to fight another battle? Were more people going to need to die? Well so be it if they did. “I’m giving you one chance to flee before I kill you as well.”
She meant the words, she had no issue killing another army, not if it was for Edeglard. 
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luckydicekirby · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth, Dorothea Arnault/Hubert von Vestra, Dorothea Arnault/Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth/Hubert von Vestra Characters: Edelgard von Hresvelg, My Unit | Byleth, Dorothea Arnault, Hubert von Vestra Additional Tags: Fire Emblem: Three Houses Black Eagles Route Spoilers, edelgard route but like more ambivalent and poly Summary:
Maybe that’s what Byleth’s been doing since then, all this time: throwing herself in front of the sword of Edelgard’s own making.
Byleth was raised a mercenary. She protected those that could pay, and didn’t feel much about it one way or another; she was happy enough to follow where her father led. It’s harder to have to choose where her sword is pointed. She never had to worry about it before. But if she thinks of herself as Edeglard’s shield, that she can understand. That, she knows, is right.
Byleth chooses Edelgard, and has to keep choosing.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Digging the Dancing King (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
The White Heron Cup is approaching the class of the Blue Lions. 
After careful consideration for their rep, the most logical choice comes to mind.
Felix swung his sword down, then rapidly upwards at the dummy, making it swing violently back and forth.
“Hmph. Not fast enough...”
There was too much merriment going around. Everyone was excited about the Heron Cup and the Ball, yet did everyone forget about the Death Knight and Tomas?
It made him angry, but he couldn’t really do anything about it.
Only thing he could do was train for the next battle that was sure to come.
Meanwhile, the rest of the class were faffing about, trying to decide who’d be the best dancer, but ultimately it was up to their professor. Felix didn’t really care about all of this, but it’d be nice if they won. 
Mercedes would be a good choice.
Annette...maybe. Emphasis on the maybe.
As for Ingrid, Felix was sure that she would actually stab someone if she were chosen for something like this. She was more of a tomboy than anything.
“Huh...” He thought to himself.
For not really caring about this kind of thing, he’s oddly putting a lot of thought into this.
He heard footsteps approach him, he sheathed his sword and turned around.
Byleth nodded with his blank face, which was all too common for him to have.
Still, there looked like something he needed to say.
“Did you need something? Psh, what? Am I the representative for our class? What an honor.”
Then, Byleth did something that made Felix’s blood run cold.
He smiled.
Blue Lions Classroom...
“I was joking damn it.” Felix sharply blurted out.
The rest of the class had gathered and were just as shocked as Felix to learn that he’d be the representative.
(Byleth) “Well, I wasn’t.”
(Ingrid) “Um...Professor, with all due respect-”
(Sylvain) “What the hell are you thinking?! Felix couldn’t dance to save his life!”
(Felix) “Up yours!-”
(Sylvain) “Hey, I’m trying to help you here, man! I know the last thing you wanna do is this!’
(Felix) “I...Ugh, I agree, Professor. I say this joke has caught me off guard, but-”
(Annette) “I’d say he’s joking but...”
Byleth’s face was the same one he used to kill bandits. It was anyone’s guess to tell what’s actually going on inside his head.
Whatever the case, this was some twisted joke he had done.
(Ashe) “I...don’t think he is.”
(Dimitri) “I-If I may why Felix? Surely Mercedes or Annette might’ve been-”
(Byleth) “It’s exactly FOR that reason, Dimitri. If we come in with the unexpected, we’re sure to catch everyone off guard and steal the votes.”
(Everyone) “...”
(Dedue) “I...am not quite sure that is how it works, Professor. As a mercenary, did you ever-”
(Byleth) “Nope. Which is why we need something fresh. Plus, Felix is pretty popular with the girls.”
(Sylvain) “Er, you realize it’s mostly GUYS in the audience, right? And that both houses have chosen GIRLS for that? I say knowing your audience would help us greatly.”
(Ingrid) “Seriously. PLEASE reconsider this, Professor! For the sake of our class!”
(Felix) “Listen to her, please.”
Felix was starting to sound desperate, but Byleth stood his ground.
(Byleth) “As professor, my choice is final. Felix, you will see me tomorrow morning for dance training.”
(Felix) “...Damn it. Fine, whatever.”
Byleth nodded and went out of the classroom.
As he left, he heard Sothis’ voice.
“I cannot BELIEVE you did that.”
(Byleth) You said I didn’t have the guts. I aim to prove you wrong.
“I said it in JEST! Are you this daft, or are all humans like this?!”
(Byleth) I don’t think you have a sense of humor.
"You know, I think spending time with these children have made you somehow even more sadistic!”
Back in the classroom, no one had any idea what to say. 
(Mercedes) “...W-Well, I’ll be sure to help you out, Felix!”
(Felix) “I swear, if you put ANY MAKEUP ON ME-”
(Ingrid) “How’d it come to this?”
(Dimitri) “Is this some sick twisted joke? The professor has damned us all!”
(Dedue) “That’s a bit dramatic but, I can’t exactly disagree...”
(Sylvain) “Well, I can’t wait to see your dancing lesson tomorrow!...Ugh, this is gonna be terrible for us...”
(Ashe) “Who knows? The professor has surprised us before.”
(Annette) “Ashe, I think you’re a bit too optimistic.”
The Day of the White Heron Cup
(Byleth) “Alright Felix, show them what your training was for!”
(Felix) “Ugh, good grief.”
Their training was....rough to say the least. Felix had NO idea what he was doing, and only learned a few steps if anything.
Oddly enough, he was feeling very prideful in his improvement. It’d help his footwork in fights at the very least.
(Dimitri) “I’d say good luck but...we’d need a miracle to see us through this.”
(Sylvain) “Knock em dead, Felix. Just...not with crap dancing.”
(Ingrid) “Have fun...I think?”
(Mercedes) “I have faith in you!”
(Everyone) “...”
(Mercedes) “...A-Alright, some faith....a little.”
(Ashe) “I don’t want to be rude, but...No, we shouldn’t be negative. If the Professor says you can do it, then you can do it!”
(Annette) “Yeah, down with the naysayers! Dazzle em, Felix!”
(Dedue) “Show them the pride of the Blue Lions.”
Felix smiled at the three’s comments. 
(Felix) “Eh, what the hell. Might as well enjoy it.”
(Byleth) “Class, know this. Professor Byleth does not know defeat.”
(Dimiri) “We’ll be sure to make you acquainted soon...” He said while sighing.
The contestants were:
Edelgard - Black Eagles
Felix - Blue Lions
Leonie - Golden Deer
The two girls were in their standard school uniforms while Felix was wearing a crisp black suit, standing out from the two.
Everyone was murmuring as soon as they saw Felix come up onto stage, which only fueled his desire to show them the error in their thinking.
...Wait, why am I getting THIS worked up about it? I don’t even want to be here! was his next thought.
And so, the moment of truth had begun. It was time to show the moves Byleth had taught him.
It was unlike any ball moves he had ever seen, it was odd yet mesmerizing.
Leonie’s and Edeglard’s bands were classic ball music, but Byleth had requested to use something specific for his music and granted the request.
And when they were in position, Felix was told to say the key word to start it off proper.
Felix sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Let’s get this over with.”
He snapped his fingers loudly, catching everyone’s attention.
“Boys, give me something with a beat!”
The man on the piano hit the notes so loudly, it caught the judges off guard.
Alois’s and Manuela’s eyes went wide while Shamir raised her eyebrows.
Felix saw Dorothea at the head of the band, about to sing. As soon as she said her parts, he struck the best pose he could. 
The Piano struck three notes, signalling everyone.
(Dorothea) “Oh baby, baby!”
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“I look so STUPID.” He thought to himself.
He went from pointing upwards to pointing at the crowd, nodding up and down with the beat of the instruments.
“Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?
That something wasn't right here?”
He swayed his hips side to side, snapping his fingers in beat with her singing.
“Oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go”
He spun around and struck a pose facing the opposite direction, his left arm pointing outwards while his other hand was behind his head, and right foot directly behind his left.
“And now you're out of sight, yeah”
He turned back to the audience, and began swinging in motion to her singing.
“Show me how you want it to be,
Tell me, baby, 'cause I need to know now, oh because!”
He then closed his eyes, and began acting as if he were repeating the chorus, extending his hand and folding it to himself dramatically.
“My loneliness is killing me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me, baby, one more time!”
As soon as the band finished, he finished by pointing at the crowd with a smile.
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He could tell several girls screamed in glee, but he was far too busy thinking
Everyone in the audience remained quiet until someone started clapping. Followed by several people, then the entire room.
He and the band bowed, Felix taking his place next to Edelgard and Leonie.
The Blue Lions were stunned, not expecting this dance at all since they were prohibited from having their training have any witnesses.
When the judging came around, they all heard the instructor’s voices.
(Manuela) “I vote for...The Blue Lions! Their music was spectacular!”
(Sylvain) “...H-Huh...?!”
(Shamir) “I vote for...The Blue Lions. Their dance was the most original.”
(Ingrid) “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
(Alois) “Well, I think it’s obvious who the winner is! My vote is also this year’s winner. THE BLUE LION HOUSE!”
(Dimitri) “I-IMPOSSIBLE!”
(Felix) “...What.”
Everyone began clapping and cheering wildly, and the class could do nothing but stare.
(Dedue) “Oh my...”
(Mercedes) “Incredible...! I can’t believe it!”
(Ashe) “N-Neither can I...!”
(Annette) “WOOHOO! WE WON!”
(Byleth) “I told you class.”
Everyone turned around to face him, Byleth now smiling.
(Dimitri) “J-Just how serious did you take this?!”
Felix walked up to the Professor and shoved him the trophy.
(Felix) “Never ask me for anything AGAIN.”
He walked off towards the training ground, hoping to forget this ever happened.
The several girls from the crowd following him disagreed strongly.
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