rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Poltergeist AU: What do the Yakuza think of this? Especially since Ichigo is likely a common face to them and is practically Karakura's version of Hibari Kyouya, if less organized and blatant about his claim.
I can totally believe that some of the grunts actually call him the Demon of Karakura.
By this point, after all the weird shit that's happened in Karakura Town and the amount of times Ichigo has stomped the shit out of the various Yakuza grunts around town, they get wind of what's going on and immediately accept it like "yeah that tracks".
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I don't think enough people acknowledge that the Kurosakis are rich...
... Have you seen the sheer size of their home?
The size of Ichigo's bedroom?
Byakuya would be like: "I have 188 gardens..."
Ichigo: "Cool... I have a new laptop, two electric guitars, we have a state of the art rice cooker, Oyaji earns more than enough for the four of us, our house is fucking big... Count me unimpressed, sweetie. Call me back when you have electricity..."
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hollowbait-archive · 9 months
byaichi is so good because i firmly believe ichigo has the kind of humour both intentional and not that would make byakuya laugh out loud. like a deep chuckle that devolves into head thrown back laughter.
the first time rukia sees it she vows to herself that she WILL have ichigo marry her brother and make him laugh like that for the rest of their lives (after being too shocked to move for ten minutes straight).
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keviniiryuu · 2 months
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byaichi and renrukki let's gooo
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Happy Friday! For FSF Friday, since spooky season is almost over: Kuchiki Byakuya/(either gender) Kurosaki Ichigo?
Happy Friday, Span! I love this pairing so much. Great request. 💖
Kurosaki Ichigo might be a scion of a Noble House in Seireitei--a mostly defunct one--but he doesn't stand on ceremony. He calls people by their first names without permission, sprawls instead of sitting in seiza, doesn't care much for fussy formalities and manners and ... and yet.
Kuchiki Byakuya smiles at him, minuscule as that smile might be, never once asking Ichigo to change who he is or how he acts, even as Byakuya formally courts him.
"We should get married," Ichigo says, even though it's not the proper order of things, because he's never been afraid to say what's on his mind, especially when it's important and to someone he loves.
Byakuya stares at him with heated eyes, doesn't complain once about Ichigo possibly having ruined whatever grand plans Byakuya thought up for a proposal at some future point, and says, "We should."
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ichigobowl · 1 year
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IchigoBowl 2023! 
A pro-fiction, multi-ship big bang centered on everyone's favorite shinigami-hollow-quincy, Ichigo Kurosaki! Keep an eye out for some fun events coming soon and our interest check opening July 9th!
Find us on Twitter, Carrd, & Retrospring
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Sakura Blossom Confessions (Gin x Byakuya)
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A/N: So this is an update to an anon ask I received asking for a HC about how Gin and Byakuya fall in love (here). But I couldn’t help myself and it ended up turning into a one-shot. I did make an HC post earlier about Byakuya X Gin ships, and I’d like to think this is the more fleshed out version.
Rating: E. Nothing explicit, a lot of sarcasm, mocking, Gin being mean to Byakuya ^_^ Pairing: Gin X Byakuya Word Count: 8053 (phew!) Unedited, apologies for that, will probably spruce things up when I find time.
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The Kuchiki household insists on hosting an event, like a Sakura Blossom Festival to welcome spring. Byakuya only does it because it’s a duty placed on him. He unwillingly invites the other shinigami, wondering if this frivolity is really necessary. 
Gin is surprised when he sees his invitation, but upon finding Byakuya, smirks at him and says, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Byakuya brushes off this interaction and chalks it up to Gin just being his usual peculiar self.
The day of the event, Gin has dressed up in his best kimono, a pale mint green with a white obi, peeking in through the main entrance of the Kuchiki manor. The word ‘oppulence’ does not even begin to cover the amount of decorations and food that has been arranged for the event. The sakura blossoms which should have been the main attraction are all somehow faded away into the background, their shy color barely visible amongst all the lights that have been put up in the garden. 
Several nobles from different families are present, sipping their expensive sake, eating caviar and enjoying the finest cuts of sushi. Gin slips through the crowd, eventually finding Aizen, also dressed up in a kimono of pale blue silk. “So this is how the other side lives eh?” He says while grabbing a cup of sake from a passing server. Aizen merely chuckles at Gin’s remark. 
Byakuya eventually makes an entrance, looking incredibly attractive in a dark lavender kimono that is richly patterned with a floral print. His kenseikan are all in place, his chiseled, pale face scanning the crowd as he thanks everyone for turning up and that he hopes they’re enjoying themselves, that it’s the pride of the Kuchiki clan to host this event. 
As the evening passes, slowly, everyone starts to leave, thanking Byakuya. Byakuya sighs, feeling a sense of relief as the manor empties out, the help quickly removing all the little tables and lights from the garden. He sits down on one of the benches, then frowns as he senses another presence. 
Gin slowly makes his way over to Byakuya. He couldn’t help but notice the frown on his face and of course, what better thing to do when someone is frowning than to piss them off?
“Quite the shindig ya threw there Kuchiki sama.”
Byakuya gives Gin a confused look at the use of the title, although it wasn’t inappropriate. It somehow sounded…snide? In any case, he wasn’t in the mood. His battery was drained and all he was thinking of is how to boot out Gin in the quickest way possible. 
“Thank you. You never bother with titles even at work.” It wasn’t a question. Gin shrugs dismissively,
“When in Rome, right? Gotta give the noble his dues in his own home. Where else would I do it?”
The words are already triggering an exhausted Byakuya who clenches his jaw. Ignoring this, Gin looks around the empty garden.
“Considering this was supposed to be a sakura blossom event, it might have been better if the focus had been, ya know, on the blossoms?” He gestures to the trees with their delicate branches, the lovely flowers open in beautiful blush pink tones. Now that all the decorations have been moved, they’re far more visible. 
Byakuya looks very taken aback, looking at the blossoms and back at Gin. 
“Events are meant for socializing, Ichimaru taicho. The sakura blossoms were merely a uniting factor.” 
What would this scrap from the Rukongai understand about regal events like this?
Gin’s smirk widens as if he had heard Byakuya’s thoughts. “I see. So the nobles socialize, and the lower class are invited to watch the show. Like theatre. Only there’s no stage.”
Byakuya’s head is throbbing, both from irritation and exhaustion. He hadn’t wanted to throw this damn event in the first place but he wasn’t about to admit that to Gin of all people. 
“Anyhoo, very pretty place to grow up in. Must be nice, a servant catering to your every whim.”
“I did not have a servant catering to my every whim. I have trained just as hard to become a shinigami as anyone else.”
“How much did you train to become the next head of the Kuchiki clan?”
Oh, Gin was pushing all the right buttons here and he can’t help but snicker as a look of fury comes onto Byakuya’s usually calm face. 
“I earned that title by ensuring I acted befittingly of a noble. I had to be proficient in finance, business relations - what are you agreeing with?” Byakuya asks through clenched teeth as Gin nods his head patronizingly.
“Finance, business…impressive. So it looks like the head of the Kuchiki clan needed to be able to count money above everything else. A little disappointing, I mean there’s bartenders who could do that job…” Gin lets his words do their magic as a vein comes into Byakuya’s forehead, his jaw tightening in ire. 
“Your skills as a shinigami might be impressive, Ichimaru taicho, but don’t pretend you understand the workings of upperclass society.”
“Oh, like I’d want to.” Gin’s voice takes on a fake, flourishing accent. “Here Kuchiki sama, we’ve ironed your uniform, it took us 3 days because we had to track down a fairy who uses magic powder to give it an extra wrinkle free finish! Oh, respected Kuchiki sama, we apologize that we only gave you one set of chopsticks at breakfast, the silversmith ran out of material to make another fresh pair today!”
Byakuya’s rage peaked and for a moment, he was rendered speechless by it, unable to think of a response to Gin’s mocking. Gin on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying himself, the stoic Byakuya’s face getting redder by the minute.
“Seems like retorts are something they don’t teach you in noble school.” Gin pokes the bear again. 
“I am not some prissy, spoiled little lord!” Byakuya hisses, very much struggling to not raise his voice and attract the attention of the servants. 
“Kuchiki sama, don’t kid yourself. You’re the poster boy for that tagline. Although, I thought I don’t understand the workings of upper class society. So why are you wasting your time trying to prove to me that you’re not all those things?”
Byakuya feels his anger ebb the tiniest fraction as Gin’s words hit him. 
Why AM I trying so hard to change the image of me he has in his head?
“Anyway, great party. Shame about the sakura being ignored. They really are very pretty this time of year.”
Byakuya must always have the last word. Always. 
“Ichimaru taicho!” His words are filled with irritation but somehow, have lost their edge. Gin looked over his shoulder in curiosity.
“I worked very hard to bring this event together. At least pretend to be a gracious guest and say a proper goodbye before departing.”
Gin’s smirk widens into a full blown grin as he walks back towards Byakuya. A few sakura blossom petals fall in his wake. “Oh? Is Kuchiki sama teaching me how to be all prim and proper now? Is there a handbook on nobility mannerisms?”
Byakuya knows his temper may have gotten the best of him, along with the desire to have the last word. There was no winning when it came to Gin Ichimaru. 
“No, but it’s considered good manners anywhere to bid your host goodbye. I imagine even the Rukongai inhabitants practice this.”
“I see. And how much does the pretty Kuchiki sama know about life in the Rukongai?” Gin is uncomfortably close to Byakuya now, close enough for him to count each lovely eyelash on Byakuya’s lids. Byakuya’s mouth opens, and in a somewhat muted manner, he mumbles, “I’ve…heard things…”
“I see. So Kuchiki sama has a working pair of ears. Good to know. I wonder how sensitive they are to sound…” Gin works his way even closer to Byakuya, his lips now right against his ear.
“Thank you for the lovely evening, Kuchiki sama,” Gin whispers teasingly. The soft flow of air sends chills down Byakuya’s spine and a blush forms on his face. 
What was happening?
Gin pulls away, looking at Byakuya’s face. “No wonder Senbonzakura chose you. You look just like a sakura blossom right now.” Sensing Byakuya had been effectively shut up, he waves his hand in farewell and takes his leave.
Byakuya watches him go, heart racing and the damn blush getting deeper by the minute.  A few more sakura blossoms fall at his feet. 
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Do we want a part 2??!! Let me know!!! dividers by k1ssyoursister
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 month
Poltergeist au
Manga writer boy really could be set for life because he could made it have alternate endings. Or make it its out universe type thing.
Strawberry in Hell: Beginnings
Strawberry in Hell: Sakura blossom Edition
Strawberry in Hell: Hobo Thot Edition
(don't mind the names, I'm tired and not good went out on the spot. They are just examples)
He could be set. People love a good bl. Also there is a harem route he could do lol. The ss would find out and have people getting bodies just to pick up copies lol. 🤣
Because you know so many of them have reached the part in aging where they just want the gossip but can't show it
Dang now im imagining book clubs and people writing fanfics about their favorite ship even tho they know the people lol
Look manga boy has stumbled upon a gold mine and he fucking knows it. He is going to milk this franchise that's landed in his lap for all that it's worth
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Not all of them, because that would be boring as fuck, but...
... Just, being a fact, in universe, that there are Voice Actors, in the World of the Living, that sound exactly like Tsukishima and Byakuya...
Byakuya gets "Emotional Damage"™ each time he sits down to watch any fucking anime with Daisuke Ono and Ichigo does that "Eh?!" expression, each time any anime features Ryotaro Okiayu.
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jinxofthecipher · 1 year
As someone who hasn't considered the ship of ichigo and byakuya in more than a "oh that'd be an interesting ship", getting to the whole fullbringer arc really made me interested.
Like Tsukishima is able to place himself in memories and shit, which he does with the important people Ichigo has in his life. And all these people, Ichigo's family, his close friends, and the girl who loves him, instantly turn on him when Ichigo attacks Tsukishima.
The people who care the most about Ichigo and trust him with their lives are unable to break out of the ability or even question it. Orihime and Chad do try and fight it near the end but even they don't manage it before being removed from the situation entirely.
Tsukishima does this too with Byakuya and yet, out of all Ichigo's friends and family, it's Byakuya who actually goes against the enemies ability and cuts him down because anyone who dares to hurt Ichigo, even if they're a friend, must be cut down. And he does this almost instantaneously, without mulling it over unlike Chad and Orihime who only started to question things later.
That's just. . . Very interesting that out of everyone, it was Byakuya who would do such a thing, especially since, up to this point, we've not seen a lot between him and Ichigo.
Anyway I can see why my friend was a bit obsessed with these two when she was reading the manga. I can certainly see the potential even more now than I did and I certainly did earlier.
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saysitsokay · 9 months
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“A petal falling, never to bloom again
A petal in flames, full of beauty.”
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dissociatingdumbass · 8 months
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My Top 10 Fanfics by Hit count.
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Ficlet Friday: Kurosaki Ichigo/Kuchiki Byakuya
Kurosaki Ichigo stared at the glittering petal-shards of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, stunned that Kuchiki Byakuya would use his bankai for something as frivolous as a throwaway comment from Ichigo that he regretted he hadn't been able to watch the sakura blossoms fall this year due to an extended mission in Rukongai.
"Byakuya," he breathed, stunned.
In a man as intensely controlled and private as Byakuya, this was--
"Ichigo," Byakuya replied.
Ichigo swallowed at the sound of his given name on Byakuya's lips for the first time by itself and realized that a love confession could be an action and a single word.
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hollowbait-archive · 10 months
without even realising it, byaichi has become my second favourite ichigo ship. this surprises me, as i started off not even liking byakuya (as an eldest sibling, i was not impressed with him during the soul society arc). but even though kubo loves speed running a redemption arc, the sacrifice + heartfelt speech route DID soften me towards him. plus ... something something opposites attract... of two different worlds ... blazing summer day and cold winter night. i love contrast and i love tension and i love ichigo's warmth melting a hundred years of frost, or however long byakuya has mourned hisana.
it's interesting too, because i do think ichigo's choice would be the living world. and i think he would thrive there! i think he suits the friendly neighbourhood spider-man shinigami, stationed in his hometown, helping souls pass on and fighting regular hollows. i think that was a good ending for him in canon. i shudder to see him become part of a gotei 13 that i still think is prone to corruption and is part of a broken system.
but soul society is also really interesting, and ichigo exploring that world has appeal to me. i find myself enjoying that aspect of byaichi — ichigo in soul society, navigating its ins and outs, even though it's not necessarily where i want ichigo's story to go in canon.
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