#But if you can prove any boundries that ccs have said that I might have missed
spacecatdet · 10 months
I find it a bit...odd... that you'll begrudge people saying that CC!Scar is attractive and tells people to be "normal" about Cs and CCs... but you ship Pearleo when CC!Pearl has stated that she doesn't want her character shipped. What we did doesn't violate any boundaries. Shipping Pearl, however... If you didn't know, it's fine, but if you did and still ship Pearl, then it feels like a double standard.
What I had heard was she didn't want to be shipped with Grian. If its at all then I will stop. Its not hard for me to drop a ship, since I don't see her interacting with others through a shipping lens What I'm talking about is how far people will go to sexualize and strip Everything away from a cc or c and boil it down to, being shipped and sexualizing them To the point that people can not see normal interactions as just Normal Interaction. And will find any little bit little crumb as they want to call it. And make it romatic ship stuff or try and find any way for people to just drool over them. Ccs have boundries and I've watched so so many push those boundries and over step them Other ccs have asked for stuff to not happen and yet people are still willing to push those boundries even after learning. I for one can and will stop shipping Pearleo if thats Pearl's boundries. Easy Next time maybe ask if I knew or something. If you don't like my takes, you can leave and block me on the way out. Make your dash a place you feel comfortable and I'll do the same Do I like ships? Yes. Do I draw, write and read stuff? Yes. But getting tired of characters being boiled down to sexy and sex, losing all that made them interesting. Well thats my take and I'm entitled to it, I'm not along in this either. But I'm not going to say whomst of my friends also are behind this cause thats not my call I'm allowed to find it weird as do others that people will drool all over CCs. Since I've seen far to often people don't seperate themselves enough from c and ccs. Not all people are like this sure but again this is my blog and my space to vent I've seen people go to far here and else where and how uncomfortable ccs have been over it. This goes for actors and random people that others will see and be weird about, it doesn't stop at mcyt But again, you are free to leave. And if you don't want to see my takes you can block me its simple and no hard feelings. Not everyone will agree, as you obvs don't agree with my views.
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