#But I thought Gregson was just gonna get fired
alynnl · 7 months
Over the past few days, I started The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles case 2-4 and wrapped up the first investigation phase last night.
At first it was all fun and games. I saw the obvious reference to the Red Headed League from the original Sherlock Holmes stories and Herlock's dyed hair was so over the top for him. But Sholmes will do anything to solve the greatest dilemma (where the rent is coming from.)
But it quickly became serious and dramatic when Ryunosuke and Susato went asking about the missing prison warder, Daley Vigil. The guy was fired from his job and it happened ten years ago! And apparently his wife Evie didn't know. (But she might be lying.)
Mr. Vigil was involved in the Professor case. He was the one who was supposed to walk The Professor to the gallows.
And who else was involved?
Inspector Gregson!
And before we could find out anything else about the case of the missing warder, we hear from a very tear-eyed Gina that Gregson was shot and killed. And Barok van Zieks has been arrested for his murder.
(Gina is not the only one grieving Gregson either, all the other officers on scene are also mourning him and speaking highly of him. He was as much of a legend as Herlock Sholmes.)
But if I look at the facts, it looks like a lot of people involved in the case ten years ago are disappearing one way or another...
Dr. Courtney Sithe - Arrested and awaiting a separate murder trial after she failed to frame Professor Harebrayne for her crime.
Enoch Drebber - Arrested for being an accomplice to murder.
Odie Asman - Murdered during the Great Exhibition by Sithe and Drebber.
Daley Vigil - Missing and not found yet. He apparently tried to help a convict escape (likely Genshin Asogi) and was fired for it.
Genshin Asogi - Sentenced to death ten years ago and apparently shot after he "rose from the grave."
Considering what happened to Gregson and Van Zieks just now, I think it's safe to assume that there's a massive cover-up taking place, and a gag order isn't enough. Someone wants people permanently silenced. And Lord Stronghart has a big hand in a lot of these deaths, arrests and disappearances.
He's behind it all. I know he is.
And it's even worse when you consider that he has a pattern of bringing a prosecutor against a defendant with whom they have an axe to grind: First Barok van Zieks against Genshin Asogi and then Kazuma Asogi against Barok van Zieks, respectfully.
I feel like the Lord Chief Justice is not only pulling the strings, but happily making new ones and getting everyone to dance to his tune.
But it's hard to know why Kazuma agreed to prosecute this trial.
I thought Kazuma wanted revenge on Van Zieks for his father's execution, but if he really wanted it that badly, he could have just faced a hopeless public defender or even went forward with Van Zieks having no legal defense at all! But he doesn't do that. Instead he tells Ryunosuke what little he knows about the man he was an apprentice to, and hands him a photograph of Barok in the good old days before this decade old tragedy.
This photograph is enough for Van Zieks to finally let down his walls and accept Ryunosuke's legal counsel.
Kazuma wants to face Ryunosuke in court for...what?
The honor of a fair trial his father never got?
Playing the long game in exposing the cover up (and only trusting Ryunosuke to do it?)
For amusement??
I suppose I'll see when I get to the first part of the trial. I've never been so eager to start up a game again!
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happygirl2oo2 · 13 days
Elementary Parallels
Gregson about Sherlock kidnapping and planning to intentionally kill the active serial murderer that killed someone he loved (which he didn't end up fully going through with, only beating him up for a bit in a way that would hurt but do no real harm before intentionally taking M to the police himself), s1ep13:
Watson: "Sherlock feels terribly about what happened. He'd tell you himself but you know how he is. What would it take for him to come back? Is it a matter of sitting it out or do you want a formal apology?" Gregson: "You sound like he took my favorite shirt without asking. Holmes planned to torture and murder somebody." Watson: "Sherlock thought that Moran murdered the woman he loved." Gregson: "Which makes it natural to think about paying him back. An employee of this department does not act on those impulses. Do you wanna know what Sherlock can do? Nothing. And if I had to bet, I'd say he's not even sorry. Now, I understand, you're worried about your client, you think that he needs this job to stay sober. I understand that. But he's broken, and he's broken in a way that has nothing to do with whether or not he's getting high."
Gregson about Kitty kidnapping and planning to intentionally kill the active serial rapist and murderer that terribly abused her 5 years ago (which she didn't end up fully going through with, ended up pouring strong acid on his face instead before intentionally revealing Gruner's location to the police), s3ep12 and s5ep15:
Sherlock, answering his phone: "Captain." Gregson: "We got him. Gruner. We've been trying to ping his cell phone for hours, but suddenly it came back on. We found him in a warehouse on Staten Island tied to a chair. At first, we thought someone had lit his head on fire, but the doctor said it was some kind of corrosive. Preliminary lab work says he is Jesse Laird's biological father, and Joan found a book stashed at his place. There are pictures in there that he's not gonna be able to explain. He's gonna wake up after a few hours, and right after I tell him he's under arrest, I'm gonna ask him who did this to him. Maybe it's a name I know. Maybe it isn't. Either way, I'm gonna have to go after them." Sherlock: "Understood." [cut to Sherlock and Kitty talking on the phone] Kitty: "There's some things I need to wrap up with the captain. I wanted you to know that this is the last time I'll be using this phone. Thought you'd want to verify that I really have gone to the airport this time."
Watson: "You want me and Kitty to talk to the captain?" Sherlock: "Is that a problem?" Kitty: "Yeah, Watson. Problem?" Watson: "You didn't just leave New York two years ago, you fled. You dunked some guy's head in a vat of acid." Kitty: "Del Gruner wasn't a "guy," he was a monster. All things considered, I'd say he got off easy. Watson: "All I'm saying is the captain knew it was you." Sherlock: "He suspected. Gruner never said a word about who marked him. Obviously, he didn't want to reveal his true connection to Kitty." Watson: "You really think that's gonna matter to the captain?" Kitty: "I wrote him a letter. The captain, after I got back. I didn't confess to anything… I knew that would put him in a spot… I just… apologized if I disappointed him. We're square." Sherlock: You heard her. They're square." [cut to Watson and Kitty in the police station] Watson: "You're sure about this?" Kitty: "Pretty sure." Watson: "What do you mean, you're pretty sure?" Kitty: "I mean, I'm reasonably certain he won't try to charge me with a two-year-old crime. 60/40. Ish." *Gregson spots Kitty, and immediately his face changes into looking pissed. She waves awkwardly and he begins walking toward her with what seems to be an angry face* Gregson: "Are you kidding me?" *stops in front of Kitty, then immediately his face changes into a happy and smiling one* "How come no one told me you were coming?" *proceeds to hug Kitty* Kitty, relieved: "It's sort of a long story, actually." Gregson: "Oh, yeah?" Kitty: "I could use your help." Gregson: "Okay, come on. We'll talk in my office." Watson: "Must've been one hell of a letter." Kitty: "Yep." *after explaining the case* Gregson: "I'll make some calls. You'll have all the help you need from the police in Jersey. But first, I'm gonna go find Marcus. I know he's gonna want to say hi to you."
Gregson about Hannah intentionally locating and killing the active serial murderer that killed someone she loved (which she fully went through with, before then intentionally disposing of Michael's dead body by putting it in the garbage with the help of a willing accomplice and only confessing to the crime to her cop father while being drank), s6ep21:
Gregson: "How much do you know?" Sherlock: "Almost all of it. Michael was killed by a woman at the home of a man named Denny Mulgrew. An accomplice helped her dispose of the body: a man named Curtis Jenkins, father of Graham. I confess I don't know at what point you were drawn into the plot, but once you were, you realized that the killer could be undone by security footage recorded outside Mr. Jenkins' workplace, so you went there and you destroyed it. I spent the better part of today thinking that Michael's killer was Special Agent Mallick. But no. It's Hannah. Your daughter." Gregson: "Maddie wasn't just Hannah's roommate. She was her best friend. After Maddie's murder, Hannah took some time off. She was supposed to be getting her head together. Instead, she started looking into Rowan on her own. She dug in. She got to know all the people in his life. Including Denny Mulgrew. After she heard about what happened at your place, she got to thinking. He's not going to a hospital. He'd go to a guy like Mulgrew. So she played a hunch. She went to his place and staked it out. The next morning, after Mulgrew left, she found a way inside. She had her gun with her. But she thought that was too good for him, so she used her baton instead. Him calling Joan's name-- she never heard that. And she sure as hell didn't know the whole thing was being recorded." Sherlock: "So, when did she make you an accessory?" Gregson: "Couple hours later, I got a call from a friend of mine who owns a bar. He said Hannah was there and that she was in bad shape. So I went there, got her into my car. And that's when she told me everything." Sherlock: "You have to tell the FBI." Gregson: "I can't. No. Hannah's a cop. She can't go to prison."
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
I agree with you so much on the clouded kokoro case. The abuse shouldn't be portrayed as lighthearted and I wanted Ms. Garrideb to go to jail for abuse.
Yeah, I mean Juror 5 has some pretty awful stories but we don't see it onscreen so it's possible he's exaggerating I guess. And the Beates aren't really as bad. They actually seem more doting, it was mostly just that one sprite of her yanking on the scarf around his neck that bothered me. But the Garridebs... whoo boy.
So, in the investigation portion I actually initially thought Joan was going to be a straight-up villain. Every time he talked too much she poured scalding tea on his hand to shut him up! It seemed obvious that she was hiding a dark secret and that he was afraid to speak, at least in front of her. And then after the reveal that they were married, I was kinda surprised that it was just left at "but you still love her/it was just a lover's quarrel" when there seemed so much fear happening, and the reactions were so extreme.
His face was red with a slap most of the time, he got burned tons right in front of us, she insisted that her throwing tons of stuff at him wasn't wrong since she needed to just let the emotion out rather than let it fester, also she tried to basically gaslight him in front of the court by saying she only threw soft things because she loves him? When in fact the stuff she threw could potentially have seriously injured or even killed him. And she set his stuff on fire and ignored him trying to put it out or deescalate the situation. She broke his favorite pipe and ruined his favorite book.
All the super aggressive stuff appears to be meant as "retaliation" for the note in the book from another woman. It sounds like he just bought a used book that already had a love note in it, but even if that's not the case, they both seem too used to her behavior for me to think this is the first time. She talks about being "fiery" or whatever, and when she burns him he sometimes says stuff that's like "stop, we're in front of people". Which! If she's this comfortable hurting him in front of strangers or in a court of law, then what about when they're alone together?! And I know he's trying to keep up appearances a lot with the whole maid thing, but that seems to be equally a role she wants to play so it's not like he's being super oppressive or anything. Not that it would make her abusing him any better even if he were hiding her away or having an affair.
I mean, when you list it off it's not funny at all (not that I found it amusing in the first place...). I imagine she's getting charged for some kind of assault at the end of the case? But it sure seems like she's gonna get off really easily for this, since the injury was an accident, the injured party is no longer in a coma, and Mr. Garrideb came up to support her. He's clearly not going to be pressing any kind of charges, even assuming in-universe there isn't an attitude that "women can't be abusers", which is definitely the vibe I got from this case.
It would be really nice to imagine otherwise, though. That with all this out there someone reaches out to Mr. Garrideb about not having to live with this treatment. Maybe Inspector Gregson or van Zieks (thinking of his moment of kindness with the Beates where he basically promised not to fire the guy for what he did). And then eventually they prosecute or something.
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elyvorg · 2 years
elyvorg’s Great Ace Attorney Liveblog - Case 2-5 Part 1
This is a transcript of a liveblog that I originally did on Discord, having played a fan translation of the first game years ago and knowing a spoiler for the second game. I do not recommend following along with this on your first playthrough!
[[Please also bear in mind that I’ve long since finished the game by now, so if past-me wildly misinterprets something here (and I often did), no need to correct me, I already know!]]
Live reactions: 2-5, beginning
anyway, with that giant textwall [[see the previous liveblog post]] posted, I'm finally going to continue! SO stoked to watch Ryunosuke accidentally stumble his way into implicating Kazuma in the murder, this is gonna be GREAT
ooooooh different antechamber music!
Susato seems distracted, has she noticed what I've noticed
oh wait right her dad thing
van Zieks needs hugs (that he would never accept)
Indeed he does.
they're really insisting this day is the final trial; do I really not get to defend Kazuma? :(
OH look who's the judge huh
yeah that's not gonna bias this trial or anything
oh this is SO corrupt, why is this even happening
all the audience members are Stronghart's minions
Good luck!
sudden turnaround in thinking: does Kazuma know that Stronghart and co are actually the people he should be going after, and he only pretended to go after van Zieks to get things this far?
Stronghart, dude, you're really speaking more like a prosecutor than a judge here, you're not supposed to join in with the opening statement.
hey, Kazuma, bro, I also updated that autopsy report, you don't get to claim full credit for doing that
YOOO i just checked this server first time in forever and am loving the ace attorney love and reactions, hope you don't mind if i pop in to see your reactions to my newfound favorite games in the series
(hello? I see someone new typing here, hi welcome I hope you've already played the game yourself, please don't spoil and have fun seeing me react to the rest of it!)
i have! i wouldn't dream of spoiling anything, enjoy!
oh wow you even have a van Zieks pfp, you really mean it about liking this game heh
lol yesss
he needs all the hugs and love
kazuma too
this is very true.
haha, Stronghart acted like it was totally Kazuma's idea to hide this confidential information, and then Kazuma was like "nah it's fine to reveal it actually". Wonder whose idea it really was
awww Gina's so proud that she can read!
Gregson was not there at that club, because he was actually with Kazuma, and Kazuma was somewhere outside of London that day!!!!
breaks my heart that gregson and gina never got to live their best detective lives together in france
I am... legit stumped on Gina's first testimony, I don't see anything here I can actually object to, could I get a little hint? (I have revealed the name "The Grouse".)
Maybe you should re-examine your evidence, one by one.
as in, turn it over in 3D and look at it examine?
Hmm! Thanks.
I do already have the passport, though, and that didn't work on the Grouse statement.
(Like, Gina doesn't actually have a statement saying Gregson was there, is my thing.)
my go-to after re-examining the evidence is to press all the statements a second time
I have pressed everything a second time!
dang okay let me press my memory a bit more D:
I'll say this: It's within the first page and a half of evidence.
OHHHHHHH thank you, I found it
yes it took me forever to find this too
damn I totally forgot that name had already come up
Same here. Took me quite a while.
there was another one in this case that drove me nuts (won't spoil but am happy to try to help if you also get stuck lol)
glad to have help, that would have frustrated me for AGES
heheee, Kazuma's using our help to get the prosecutor's office to stop covering shit up
he is working against Stronghart as much as he can! look at him gooo
i just... wild paranoid galaxy-braining here, but was Kazuma supposed to be the Reaper's new assassin????
you know, if the crime scene really was on the steamship, it does seem like today couldn't possibly be the final trial, surely they've gotta investigate there, right?
that's... not even a Reaper job, that's just a straight-up international assassination, yikes
so, if Kazuma was there (which I still maintain he totally was), did he try and protect Jigoku?
van Zieks just casually gonna LEG on the witness stand, love it
"But you're in danger of becoming a far more sinister Reaper yourself..." YESSSS BECOMING THE MONSTERS YOU HATE
(Kazuma please don't do that)
yes totally, the most impartial court right now
were the people on the List not assassination targets, but assassins...?
(still trying to make sense of that goddamn Secret List)
OHHHHHH Kazuma just let on that he knew about the trunk when he shouldn't, right??? >:3
aaaaaaa Ryunosuke's gonna start doubting his friend!!!
"Asa Shinn... the assassin."
*Gina gasps*
yes Gina, such shock :o
but Ryunosuke, you know it couldn't have been Shinn he brought with him, don't you? >:3
can't believe my latest textwall of thoughts has been debunked again
i wonder if it was a question mark there because the entry was written before Kazuma regained his memories, so Gregson didn't know his name
oh, man, Stronghart mentored Jigoku, hmmmm that's juicy
there's no way Kazuma actually believes van Zieks was trying to Reaper Jigoku, given that he was the actual fucking assassin
is the Reaper really just one big excuse to assassinate people inconvenient for the British empire, and blame it all on van Zieks?
can't believe I'm circling back around to what if Kazuma actually was faking the amnesia after all, because if he's meant to be like a new Reaper recruit or something like that, surely they'd have brought him here, rather than him randomly showing up of his own accord
oh no Gina ;;
NO DON'T YOU DARE FIRE GINA, she is gonna be the BEST detective, just give her time
oh MAN Ryunosuke hasn't let go of that suspicious thing Kazuma said, aaaaaaaaaaa
wow he's just ADMITTING to being the assassin right here
he's still insisting van Zieks did it???
he's gotta still be hiding a bunch about what went down on the boat
(you know like why he slashed Gregson's trunk)
oh shit, IS Jigoku dead? D:
Kazuma, come on, there's a million reasons someone would want to kill the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs that isn't just the Reaper
well, this has taken a Turn now that I'm suddenly on the ship. Gonna take a break here for a bit.
(please tell me I'm going to find something that super incriminates Kazuma, I want to get to defend him, dammit)
Interim thoughts/chatting
surely if Jigoku does show up dead, we're going to have to hold another trial for that, right? so this isn't actually the final trial?
I'm also thinking. Whoever the hell killed Gregson (and it wasn't Kazuma because I believe in him), surely there's a significant chance that Kazuma was at least the one who brought his body back and used it to frame van Zieks? (on Stronghart's orders though probably?) which is not murder but also a pretty bad crime. Aaaaaa I don't know
also at this point I suppose I should bring up that it's looking extremely likely that Stronghart is the real leader of the Reaper, obviously, dude is so blatantly corrupt
interested to hear what you think of how kazuma is handled by the end
I am expecting to be thrilled by whatever it is, given that you can, uh, probably tell he was already my favourite ages ago.
yep! Haha
i don’t blame ya
(have you actually read through my backlog of ridiculously long ramblings oh my god)
Lol a little to see where you were in the game when i saw the thread but not all
oh haha, you probably haven't seen my Wild Plausibly-Deniable Spoiler Rollercoaster that I went on yet, then! As in, I was spoiled for Kazuma's survival, but only sort of, in an ambiguous way that could have been interpreted to mean something else, and it resulted in a really Interesting experience of the game up to case 2-3.
nope! i spoiled myself on his return because 1-2 felt way too unsatisfactorily Weird but all I knew was “yeah he’s coming back” - all the other facts were super fun to witness as the games went on
I started this thread when I was halfway through case 2, but I'd already played a fan-translation of GAA1 a few years ago so all of the GAA1 stuff was essentially me replaying it with an extremely fuzzy memory of everything except for the broad strokes. The beginning of the thread is quite far back, although I'm pretty sure my density of Things To Say has increased dramatically since 2-3 (hmmm I wonder why), so it might not be as far back as you'd think.
When I played GAA1 for the first time, I totally bought Kazuma's death! Felt very Mia-esque to me. The super awesome idolised mentor character needs to die for the protagonist to get a chance to step into the spotlight, right?
And it still kinda works that way, narratively, because now that Kazuma's back, he is decidedly playing a very different role from the mentor figure. Having him come back only to... continue to be a mentor, would have felt unnecessary.
about to leave for appointments but I’ll look after
and I agree, I bought it in that it was an obvious parallel to Mia but the method of death felt… contrived… and his body was moved so quickly and Sholmes is kinda sus and a lot of other things set off red flags! So I got the strong suspicion there was more to it. I think the return worked with the prosecutor role and I thought the character development with Ryunosuke - feeling like an undeserving replacement but diving into the role headfirst anyway - was great.
Maybe I was just so sold by the heartbreaking tragedy of what Nikolina did and Kazuma was trying to help her not turn her in oh god that I didn't even want to question anything else. But good on you for noticing the fishy bits before you had any outside spoiler information!
Yeah, I avoided the fan translations and any official/fandom content until the localization pretty well, in case of spoilers. So much so that I didn’t know Resolve was released at the same time until I finished GAA1
bwahaha, that must have been a relief, seeing everything frustratingly end halfway through only to realise that you get to play the second half immediately.
yeah my fiancé enjoyed the angry “oh hell no they really just ended game 1 here” texts followed by the ones with all the excited screaming : ‘ )
meanwhile on my end "oh hell no they really just ended game 1 here. i'm not gonna get to see the second half for like. years. welp."
(and naturally by the time this came around I'd forgotten most of the details of game 1 and so had to play it again anyway)
the rollercoaster you were referring to was Kazuma's amnesia, right??? i have Thoughts but cannot fully articulate them until you finish the game i think!
tis hard not to actually answer your questions btw :D
nah, the amnesia is a more recent thing, the rollercoaster was about is he actually still alive or not oh god please let him be alive because the spoiler I'd had about that was ambiguous and might have meant something else!
also yes please keep any amnesia thoughts until I've finished the game and can have an absolute 100% definitely correct understanding of what's going on
and yes, all questions should be assumed to be rhetorical unless I very specifically state otherwise! ;P
gotcha! this is me then: :x
Interim thoughts: assassins
It's interesting how this trial went in the direction of proving that Kazuma was there with Gregson like I thought it would, but while I was expecting things would erupt into utter emotionally-painful chaos from that point, actually all that happened was Kazuma went, "Yeah. I was there. I was the assassin. So what?"
I also can't help but think that if the regular judge had been here, he would have been all, "I'm SORRY, Prosecutor Asogi, you were the fucking WHAT?!?!" and not let it slide. But instead Stronghart's just here like, yeah, the leading prosecutor just admitted to being ordered to assassinate somebody, anyway, no big, moving on. I wonder who actually gave the assassination order.
I wonder if what's going to happen is that, though Stronghart seems quite happy to turn a blind eye to everything seemingly suspicious about Kazuma right now because they're supposedly working together, at some point Kazuma's going to step just a little too far out of line with his double-agentry and cause Stronghart to retaliate with "you know what? Fuck you, you did it." Putting Kazuma in a position where there's a bunch of super suspicious things around his actions does give him that leverage.
HEY I JUST REALISED ANOTHER THING. The List of Names is a thing, sure, something something Reaper assassins something probably. But also, it was in Japanese morse code, meaning it was a secret message sent to Japan (or from Japan). Someone else other than presumably Stronghart must be in possession of whatever knowledge was in that message, someone in Japan. So... is Jigoku also corrupt, or...?
Not actually continuing yet, got some other stuff to do first, but some more interim thoughts. I'm thinking about who must have actually killed Gregson, and there's literally only three relevant suspects who were on the ship at the time: Kazuma, Mikotoba, and Jigoku. It's not Kazuma because I believe in him, and it's almost certainly not Mikotoba because he's freaking John Watson and we're literally playing as him in this section I just started so I doubt he could hide it if he actually knew about what went down here. So... Jigoku did it, I guess? It's also notable how, in the hotel when they arrived, Mikotoba and Jigoku both expressed surprise that Kazuma was alive when we told them. Except, Jigoku would have almost certainly seen Kazuma during the incident, and he just... decided not to mention it. So that's pretty fishy.
Soooo it's sounding a lot like Jigoku's definitely going to show up dead soon. I was also thinking about Klint's autopsy report and how he was killed with a sword, how about that. So, prediction, for maximum parallels, Jigoku's also gonna have been killed with a sword and it's gonna look like Kazuma did it please I just want to defend Kazuma okay
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thephantomcasebook · 4 years
downton abbey !
Push Off a Cliff: Lady Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Unpopular Opinion, i know, but ... Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Frick Frack: Lady Mary Crawley 
Ugh, this is a hard one ... listen, I’ve thought about this a lot. 
And I’m gonna say that it’s gonna be Mary. I’m super attracted to all the Crawley Sisters, but I find Mary the sexist with her tight silk gowns, facial expressions, and outstanding ass  ... also, she is SUPER not marriage material. Also, to quote Michelle Dockery, Mary is up for anything. Which I feel that Sybil and - certainly - Edith would be rather prudish in bed ... And - to be honest - as man of integrity ... 
 I don’t think I could handle Rose. 
Marry: Lady Sybil Crawley
Beautiful, Glass Full of Class, Kind, and Practical. Sybil is probably the most multi-faceted of the girls. Maybe she’s a bit spoiled, perhaps doesn’t understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. But I think she would be an excellent wife and probably the easiest to love. 
Set on Fire: Kamal Pamuk
I can’t stand this dude! 
And it’s not just that I’ve always hated the Ottoman Empire. But I still have trouble watching that episode cause he sets my teeth on edge ... I mean we can all agree that the guy is a rapist, right? Like, I know I made that shit cannon in my Fic series that Pamuk was a serial rapist ... but we can all get down on this is not a good dude, right?
I mean, I as much as I really loved it, I have a hard time watching Sandition, cause, I can’t stand Kamal Pamuk.  
Wrap a Blanket Around: Lady Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham
She’s my second choice for wife ... though I’m a bit hesitant, cause, married Edith in the movie really annoyed me. But I honestly think its just life that made her that way. I think that Edith needs a steady hand and safety of loving partnership to bring her back to being the kind person she was before the death of Gregson which turned her into kind of a piece of shit (See what she did to the Drewe’s.) 
I think Edith just needs someone to hold her and assure her that everything will be okay.
Be Roommates With: Matthew & Isobel Crawley
I just always liked Crawley House ... its got a sort of Bag-End feel that I dig. I don’t think I’d be comfortable at Downton Abbey. But I feel that Crawley House is close enough to be involved in the day-to-day of Downton, but far away to live your own life and have privacy. 
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A Compromising Engagement - Chapter 4
Well at least quarantine is good for one thing. It’s really kicked me in the ass to focus on my creativity again rather than allowing academics to crush me all the time. Like I’ve been making major progress on an artwork that I started back in January, baked a cake from scratch, AND finished this update. I am also looking to maybe possibly update The Lying Angel at some point. It’s gonna be a long quarantine so buckle up lads.
Throughout the night she could feel two pairs of eyes on her the entire time. The first were Sherlock’s, of course. His eyes never strayed far, studying the crowd among them every once in a while as faces cycled in and out of her vision all sharing the same words. Too many she doesn’t recognize, the few she could pinpoint were associates of Morland. He knows her sentiment, he’d more than an earful on the way there.
It had started with an envelope lying on their doorstep, the neat script of an invitation. The words are vague but with Morland’s signature at the bottom they’re not all too surprised. It was her mother’s call, however, that cleared the air real quick.
“Is there a dress code for tonight?” Her mother’s words catch her off guard as soon as she answers the phone. A familiar ache of dread spreads through her, could she be having a bad episode or worse did Watson herself forget their plans.
“Tonight?” She echos, eyes meeting Sherlock’s as his head peaks up from the cold cases he was studying. He tilts his head in concern but she simply waves him off. 
“Please tell me I didn’t get the dates mixed up. I basically forced your brother to cancel all his appointments tonight so that he could be there.”
“Mom what are you talking about?” She huffs a little impatient.
“Your engagement party of course.” Sherlock’s head snaps up this time, clearly listening in the entire time. He mouths a few words of panic which she returns in kind. “I know your step sister received one too because she gave me an earful over you not telling her about your engagement. Now I’ve never met Morland but your brother did look him up-” Her words drone off as the information clicks into place.
Morland has set up an engagement party for them, without their notice. Anger courses through her entirely before her mother’s rather cross words come back to her once again.
“Joan Watson, you are not missing out on your own engagement for a case do you hear me? The man or woman will still be dead tomorrow and I’m getting pictures.” She curses under her breath.
“No mom, there’s no case.” Sherlock drops his head into his hands rubbing his eyes in frustration. “I’ve got to go. Sherlock is calling.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Watson tilts her head back trying to summon every ounce of patience she has. It’s not her mother’s fault they’re in this situation. Well, not entirely.
“Wear your black dress that you wore to Oren’s wedding. Gotta go mom. Love you.”
It’s a test, that much they’d figured out together. Sherlock supplements the gestures of a happily engaged couple: kissing her on the top of her head, guiding her to and fro with a hand placed on her lower back, whisperings in her ear which were just nonsensical facts in order to get a laugh out of her. 
None of which could distract her from the other set of eyes on her. Morland bounces from person to person using this moment as an excuse to further his own relationships with various shady figures.
“Joan!” A familiar voice brings a brief sense of relief. The faceless crowd parts for Lin to strut through arms wide for a hug. “This party is… wow. I mean I’ve been to some parties in my time but I’m pretty sure I just saw John O’Hara.”
“I’ll go get us some water.” Sherlock excuses himself. For a brief second she wants him to stay. While uneasy, his presence brought a sense of safety. A unity together in a crowd of unknown. 
“This better not be some undercover stunt because I canceled a really high profile meeting just to be here. Not that this won’t look great on instagram but it was a lot of zeros.”
“No it’s real.” She feels a touch of guilt for lying to Lin, part of her thinks that’s why she tried to leave her out of this. The excitement in her eyes as she spots the ring is a little too much to bear as rapid fire excited words spill from her step sister’s mouth. A mix of talk about a dress, maids of honor, all of it too overwhelming and too fast.
“Sorry to interrupt.” Dark lined eyes pop into her vision. “Is your car the dark mercedes parked on the side of the road? I think you’re about to get towed.”
“What?” Lin screeches. “We’re not done.” She states before running off as fast as she can without plowing over ten people in the process.
Kitty throws her a glance, it’s enough to tell her Kitty knows everything. Whether it be that she’d deduced it or Sherlock told her everything she couldn’t tell. At that moment she didn’t quite care either. “Had to come in and save you. Looked like you were about to pass out.” She flashes a crooked smile scanning the crowd. “Where’s the lucky man? Do I have to go to his rescue too.”
“Thank you.” Watson sighs with a fond roll of her eyes. She can’t say much, not here, but she’s thankful for her presence nonetheless. “I take it you got the invite.”
“Of course, wouldn’t miss mom and dad’s engagement for anything.” Watson flashes her a warning glare but doesn’t correct her. “I’m not going dress shopping with you.” She warns.
“Hopefully I’m not either.” She keeps her voice low, Kitty probably didn’t even hear her over the crowd and the music but Sherlock taught them both enough about reading lips that she catches the meaning.
“Well you better get moving before Lin realizes she’s not being towed and uses the march back to plan your bachelorette party.” She nods, the words immediately kicking her into gear.
There are very few moments in life where Watson wished for a drink, she’d sworn off most when she became a sober companion. However, her patience is razor thin at the moment and it’s just waiting on a tipping of the scale.
She nearly jumps out of her skin when a hand wraps around her arm pulling her towards the hallways and into an empty room. She doesn’t fight the movement, actually rather thankful for the few moments where she can drop the act.
It takes her a few more seconds than it should for her to connect that the face in front of her is no other than Hannah Gregson. She looks different out of her uniform, her hair curled over her shoulders and adorned in a red dress. Watson braces herself for yet another round of questioning.
“Do you want to explain why the hell my dad called me telling me to check on his two detectives on my one day off? Or why they’ve supposedly gotten engaged without telling my dad which I had to listen to him rant and rave about for an hour. Or the next call from Bell asking if I could take his place and stake out an engagement party tonight. Did I mention it’s my day off?”
It takes Watson only a few seconds to piece together a story. “We’re investigating Morland.”
“Sherlock’s dad?” Her spine straightens, the frustration sliding off her features and the professionalism of an aspiring detective taking over. “What are you two into?”
“He took over Moriarty’s empire after she stepped down. It was a method to protect us. Sherlock thinks he’s gotten in too deep. He didn’t trust his father before but now it’s worse than ever. He thinks he might be operating for bad people.”
“Do you trust him?”
“That’s what I’m here to find out. We set up the engagement story to get into his element. Let him think that we had no idea that he’d do all of this.” She gestures to the party just outside the doors. “Let him control the invites which is why Bell and Gregson got some. If it were up to me or Sherlock they’d be left out of this.”
“Kitty too?”
“Yes.” She casts a glance toward the door hoping with all of her power that he wasn’t standing right behind the door listening. She may have lost him in the crowd when she was trying to get lost herself. Just as the thought crosses her mind she watches a shadow approach and linger, blocking the tight beneath the doorway. “Tell Tommy and Marcus we’re both sorry. We wanted to tell them about the engagement sooner but everything’s been happening so fast. Sherlock wanted to keep it secret but now.” She gives off a half chuckle casting her eyes to the door so that Hannah can catch up to what she’s observed.
Morland? She mouths the name, not even giving Watson time to nod before she continues the conversation. “Fine but you’re getting me another day off. I’m not the consultant babysitting service.”
“Thank you Hannah.”
She lingers rocking on her feet for a second. “Am I supposed to say congratulations or?” Watson lets out a forced laugh shaking her head. A swift knock interrupts her response, Hannah’s face falls into the veneer of perfect calm.
“There you are Ms. Watson.” Morland greets with a smile.
“Congratulations Joan.” Hannah offers a smile before nodding to Morland excusing herself out of the conversation. She watches as the younger woman leaves closing the door behind herself with only a slight hesitation.
“How are you enjoying the party?” The question feels like a trap in itself. He knows exactly how she’s been faring. He’s had watch on her all night, be it himself or his lackies. Honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d planned it all along to separate her and Sherlock so they could speak alone.
“What do you want?” The question comes off colder than intended but her patience has wasted away. All of this: the people, the chatter, the monotonous orchestral music constantly playing; she can see how Sherlock needed to get as far from it as possible.
“Is it not enough to try to make my son happy?” She rolls her eyes moving to step past him but he steps in her way instead. “We are celebrating, are we not?”
“This is not celebrating.” She counters with a raise of an eyebrow. “This is business.” While the crowd blended together she knew the types; wall streets, politicians, CEOs. All the types that send her and Sherlock’s skin crawling and the furthest from their choice of company.
“Nonsense, my son was engaged.”
“Is.” She corrects narrowing her eyes, “And Sherlock spoke with you before and made our wishes more than clear. We are not pawns to be used in your game. We wanted to keep this private and instead you announced it to our family without giving us time to do so ourselves.”
“I was under the impression that you already had told your mother.” He shakes his head with an ‘apologetic’ sigh. “I’m only trying to do what’s best for him.”
“What’s best for him?” She scoffs. “He’s a recovering addict and you’ve filled this place with alcohol and at least 22 people who are high and that’s only the ones visibly so. How is that what’s best for him?” She stops taking a steadying breath. “We’re leaving. You can keep your money, keep your protection, hell, keep the Brownstone. I want you out of his life.”
“You cannot keep him from me, he is my son.” The threat sends a chill down her spine but it’s not enough to sway her.
“He may be your son but he is my partner. Now move.” Truth be told in her head she’s hoping he doesn’t, for a moment she lets her mind linger on the image. He steps to the side allowing her to walk past.
“Does he know he’s not my only son you’ve slept with?” His words stop her dead in place. She spins slowly taking in his self satisfied smile. Before she can think better of it the sound of the slap resonates through the small room. She turns to retreat again only to find herself face to face with Sherlock.
His eyes are darker than she saw after Michael Rowan attacked her in their home, holding a barely contained anger vibrating just beneath the surface of his skin. He takes a step toward his father but she places her hands on his chest. 
“Please, take me home.” Her voice tremors, her actions settling in on her. His face softens as he looks down at her. His hand takes hers, the skin still stinging from the impact of the slap. Wordlessly he guides her out, shielding her from curious onlookers and concerned family alike. Later he would send a message to Mary and Lin both explaining what had happened, probably Kitty as well. For now, however, his main concern is the woman trembling in his arms.
It’s not until the cold winter air hits her face that the tears start sliding down her face. Guilt weighs heavily on her shoulders. They’d built up this story, this lie, to keep their home but she had to blow it all up. She gave Morland exactly what he wanted.
“Watson.” She doesn’t look up at him. She doesn’t ask how much of that he’d heard. Truth be told he’d probably been lingering since Hannah pulled her aside.
“He doesn’t know.” The words come out so raw that it hurts. “He can’t throw that in my face when he doesn’t know.” Sleeping with Mycroft was a mistake, yes. She came to terms with the fact that she couldn’t take it back long ago. However, he was kind to her. He felt like the first person other than Gregson and Bell united with her to protect Sherlock. Someone who’d do anything for him. When he died it- “He doesn’t know.”
“I do.” Sherlock whispers pulling her into an embrace. “Thank you Watson.” He places a kiss on the top of her head as her carefully pieced together front crumples.
As she mutters apologies into his jacket he only pulls her closer.
@tamarknott @averageinside
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iloveshippingkitty · 6 years
The Missing Man - Elementary Fanfic (placed after S5 finale)
Joan felt victory for putting away the man that put the order for Shinwell’s murder. But the victory and her emotions overall felt bittersweet. She was still so mad with Sherlock. Angry he wasn’t at the funeral, angry that he dipped in and out the case like it didn’t involve him as much as her. Angry that they argued and angry that he wasn’t around for her physically or emotionally. Angry he had been so distant and cold recently. Angry and concerned.
She walked through the door and inside. There was no sign of Sherlock. No noise of him. She decided to check the house before she definitely concluded he was out the house. She hoped not. She wanted to talk. Something was wrong and maybe he needed help but they were in everything together. She would almost prefer it if he was just being rude and thoughtless as she had been inclined to think when they argued and she was at the end of her tether.
The walk however had cleared her head and she knew now it was likely to be something else.
That’s when she saw what she saw. The broken doors. The remenants of the chair. Everything thrown all over. The shattered glass on the floor and the specks of blood that meant not only had Sherlock been in here he had caused it. And she couldn’t see why. He was alone in this room, she could tell.
She ran back up and out of the house immediately getting a cab. She didn’t know where to go but whereever it was, it was the opposite of the Brownstone right now.
“11th Presinct.” She said before she registered it. It seemed like the right place to go.
How could she not have seen. Sherlock needed help. She didn’t know what was wrong but the room looked like Sherlock had had a meltdown of some type. It was like the emotions lingered to the walls, she was surprised he hadn’t lit the house up to burn them off.
She watched the streets pass, almost passing the facade as calm, besides the shaking hand by her knee.
She got lucky as as she arrived Marcus Bell was leaving.
“Marcus, have you seen Sherlock?” Marcus looked ready to make a remark as it was only 20 minutes between her leaving and her re-arrival. But taking half a moment to detect what she said and her tone, he stopped.
“No. Why? What’s wrong?”
“He’s disappeared and he looks to have had a meltdown. I don’t think he’s even aware he has glass-shard splinters.” Joan explained, saying all the things in a same tone of voice but the edginess hidden under it all showed she was ready to explode.
“Right.. Shit. Okay, we will find him. I think you need a moment so you sit and I will send the message round for all eyes and ears out for Sherlock.”
Anything was going to be the catalyst and Joan found one in what Marcus said, “Sit down and wait it out are you joking? Why would I need a moment? I’m not to be put to the side.”
“Of course you need a moment, the person you love most in the world has disappeared with signs that they’re not in a good state. I’d lose my shit and we need rationale because time is of the essence.” Marcus replies and reluctantly Joan sits and takes in deep breaths. Taking in what has been said. She nearly responds with some back up or resistance to the phrase but there’s no point. There’s no hiding her reaction.
Marcus begins to call Captain Gregson to get the lookout and arrange a look at of The Brownstone when Joan gets a call.
She doesn’t recognise the number and worry is replaced by fear. Maybe someone was going to hurt Sherlock. She shut down her fear to answer the phone.
She was surprised to her a soft, professional woman’s voice ask, “Hello, is this Dr Wa.. My apologies, is this Miss Watson?”
Her mind fogs from any deducing while she simply answers, “Yes, I am Miss Joan Watson. Why?”
“Mr Sherlock Holmes told us to contact you. He is currently in the Neurology department of St Angus Hospital. He’s currently sedated and stable. When he was lucid he wanted you notified. If you’d like to notify whomever else may need to know feel free. You’re okay to see him at any time as notified to come see him just notify reception of your name, his and the codeword is Angus.“
“Yes. I’m afraid Mr Holmes has an agreement with Mr Holmes Senior regarding only very limited people to know if he is detained or in hospital.”
“Right. That makes sense, thank you.” She tried her best to sound calm as she hung up. A tear dropped and she wiped it away.
“What is it? Watson, is he okay?” Marcus asked after a pause.
“I don’t know. He’s in a neurology department of a hospital. As a patient. But he’s stable.”
“How did he get an appointment?”
“It seems serious enough that Sherlock would ask his father a favour.” Joan answered, knowing the weight that held.
“He never does that.”
“I know… I’m gonna go. I need to check on him.”
“Okay. I’ll let the others know and they’ll come in a couple of hours. I know you need some time alone with him.” Marcus replied after some hesitation. Joan looked at him as if to say it was fine and then realised she did. She did need time with him alone for a bit. So instead she nodded and gave him a hug.
She hailed another taxi and headed off to the hospital.
By the time she arrived her nerves were raw and she nearly ran out of the cab, forgetting to pay. Remembering herself she then took her time, she wondered if people could see how ready to run she was. Sherlock would have noticed and gave her his look equivalent of a smirk.
‘Where are you going to run?’ the niggling voice that sounded like Sherlock in her mind laughed, ‘you don’t even know where I am until they say.’
She brushed the thought to the side and kept her patience.
After a short wait which felt entirely too long and a codename she found Sherlock’s room and quietly let herself in.
He was calm and quiet, it was a difference. Part of it felt like a weight off of her chest, part of her felt unnerved. He wasn’t like this even in usual sleep.
She reminded herself he was stable and tried to feel okay. She sat by him and watched a little.
After the longest half an hour of her life, Sherlock awoke.
"You’re not mum.” He mumbled.
“No, I’m not. Do you know me?” She was scared to ask that question but she knew it needed asking.
“Of course I know you, Watson. I could tell you that without seeing or hearing you.”
“I know. I just. I didn’t know how much you knew. The room. It looks like you went ballistic.” She answered still attempting to give her nerve.
“I know. That’s why I’m here. Something’s not right. My mind is going wrong. I need to know why.” He paused momentarily then even quieter said, “Joan? I’ve been seeing my mum. And seeing stuff. Leaving boxes for my memory. They don’t work. I hallucinated a catastrophe last night. The brownstone was on fire. I went down to save her. I woke up and mum was gone and the room wasn’t on fire. I .. Knew I had to come here.”
Joan was shocked and tried to find the words to soothe him. But she couldn’t. With all the worry in her she couldn’t calm him.
“…Joan I’m scared.” He finally met her eyes.
“It will be fine. I’m right here, not going anywhere. We’re gonna find out what’s up and you will be okay. I promise. You and me, we’ll beat this.” The words spilled out of her. She wanted to hug him and touch him, just to be sure he’s there. But hospitals make him uncomfortable already and she won’t do that to him. Instead she only meets his eyes back to let him know it’s the truth, she’ll be there.
Both nod and they put on the TV.
A silence falls over them and she can feel the fact Sherlock wants to say something choking up the room with tension.
“Will you just spit it out, Holmes?” She laughs. Her laughter unwinds him slightly and she sees a ghost of a smile.
Slowly and almost deliberately he asks, “I refused to hold my mum’s hand earlier. I shouldn’t. It’s like refusing help.”
She wanted to ask what he meant but she knew he’d retreat. So she decided to go with her gut.
Her hand reached out onto the bed, not looking at him but still smiling. She softly asks, “Would you like to hold my hand Sherlock?”
She didn’t hear an answer but she feels his hand softly fall into hers and intertwines his fingers with hers. Her worries melt as she really feels his presence.
“Everything is going to be okay.” She reassures.
It’s a statement not a question but he answered anyway, “Yes, I know it will. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t help.”
She wants to go on but he stops her, “Words later, Watson. They’ll be plenty, I’m sure. I just want to watch the bees for now.”
She nods, silently and meets his eye for a moment. She knew that too, there were many words and many worries to come. But just not quite yet. Now there was only the calm, the bees and them - that was more than enough.
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turnaboutancestor · 7 years
DGS2 Case 4: Review and Thoughts
listen.  listen, okay. listen. i didn’t need this in my life. i didn’t....i didn’t need this
This case looks like it’s gonna be VERY strongly linked to Case 5, a la 5-4/5-5, so it is by nature going to be an incomplete summary. Please keep that in mind as you read.  If I’m missing anything, it may simply be because it didn’t leave a huge impression on me right now.  ALSO, when I do case 5, I am in NO WAY repeating anything I’ve wrote here outside of like. A sentence or two.
Background: Professor
We learned a little more about the circumstances surrounding Professor--Asougi Genshin, who traveled to Japan as a detective.
First, his capture came only after Gregson was adamant on performing an autopsy on Klimt van Zieks, something that otherwise wouldn’t have been performed due to Klimt’s status as a noble and the taboo surrounding it.  However, the autopsy provided a valuable clue that let to Genshin’s arrest.  This autopsy was led by John H. Watson, and assisted by Mikotoba Yuujin and Courtney Simon (now Sithe).
Second, we know one more important detail about his trial.  Vortex was actually the prosecutor in charge of the case, but stepped down to allow Barok on the bench after he insisted.
Third, it’s become obvious that his escape from execution involved multiple individuals within Barkley Prison. Though Everyday Mitermont was the chief jailer at the time and signed off on his coffin being moved to Lowgate Cemetery, it doesn’t appear he was actually involved in the plan to free him.  Sithe, who watched over the execution and “confirmed” his death; and an unknown individual who nailed down the coffin, preventing Mitermont from doing the final check, are at least two of the co-conspirators for getting Genshin out.  It was Mitermont that felt the brunt of that, though, and he was fired from Barkley.
Finally, Genshin saved Barok’s life at one point.  Barok was often the target of criminals due to being Klimt’s brother.  When they were surrounded one night on a backstreet in London, Genshin protected Barok, his hand bloody after the fact.
Background: Mitermont
Everyday Mitermont is happily married to Anna Mitermont and has two children.  When he was fired from Barkley 10 years ago, he couldn’t bring himself to tell his family about it, and decided to find a new job. However, the economy was in a recession, and he was unable to find a new job.  As a result, he took on a disguise and created a new identity for himself as “Hugh Boone,” and began to sell stories on Lime Street.  Eventually, Gregson found him and began to use him, as noted below.
His wife approached Sherlock to ask that he look for him, as he had been missing for the past day.
Gregson sent Mitermont out to be a decoy with the “Red Headed League,” a small-time scam of Maurice and Marco, two European nobles. The two captured Mitermont, and then he discovered Gregson’s body at the shabby room he rented out, forcing him to go to court as a witness.  As a result, he was unable to contact his wife without risking revealing his secret.
Background: Tobias Gregson
After his role in the Professor case, he became known as a “legend” in Scotland Yard--but he also started taking on cases alone, and did so with secrecy.  In order to better hide his movements, he used Mitermont (who he found by chance one day disguised as “Hugh Boone”) by giving him his police ID and asking that Mitermont make a scene where he was directed to go by proclaiming that “Detective Gregson is hear to investigate!”  In exchange, Gregson paid Mitermont a surprising sum of money, which allowed him to continue his ruse.
As this went on, Gregson began to use the shabby room Mitermont rented out as his second “office”, and brought quite a few police documents with him.  An investigation of his office at the Yard also led to the discovery of a notebook with many names and dates in a list.
These documents all had one thing in common: the Death Bringer.
Background: The Death Bringer
10 years ago, Barok’s name became widely known after the Professor case was resolved. However, he lost his very next case: the head of a crime syndicate managed to go free.
He was killed by debris at a construction site 3 days later, and the “Death Bringer” was born.  Since then, Barok has only lost 16 trials, and 13 of those “Not Guilty” verdicts have eventually led to the defendants dying.
Barok wants to know the true identity of the Death Bringer more than anyone, and as such has been investigating ever since.  This has led him to a number of conclusions:
The “Death Bringer” is an organization, as many deaths would be impossible with only one culprit
They seem to have access to information only members of the police force could have
Tobias Gregson is a central figure, coming up with the plans on how to kill their targets
Ann Sasha, otherwise known to us as “Jezail Brett”, was an assassin who carried out many of the murders
The Crime as Currently Known
Barok, in his investigation of Gregson, found a note with an address and meeting time. He head to the location, and went into the room at 5pm.  His attention was immediately grabbed by the desk, but as he headed toward it, he suddenly heard a gunshot--or rather, a set of firecrackers tied to a candle as a makeshift “timer”.
Three witnesses head to the room upon hearing the “gunshot”. Mitermont opened the door first, knocking over the board of case information that had been placed by the door. This allowed Barok to finally get a glimpse of Gregson’s body. Another witness went to call for help, and found a patrolman.  Barok, without thinking, picked up the gun he saw on the ground, and it was in this state that the police found him.  He was immediately arrested and charged for Gregson’s murder.
There is, however, one important discrepancy: there is no “time of death” written on the autopsy report. This is because Maria Goulloyne, Sithe’s daughter, noted that the fish and chips inside Gregson’s coat had already started to mold despite his body being in “fresh” condition. This led her to conclude that the body was tampered with to produce a fake “time of death”, but Vortex ordered her to keep quiet on this and leave that part of the autopsy blank.
Other Pertinent Information
Gina eventually found Gregson’s missing suitcase using Toby.  Inside was a passport/ticket, good for a trip to France for one week from the date issued: the day before his body was found.  Something inside the case also likely made Toby react, as he immediately attacked Ryuu.
Asougi is the prosecutor for the case, due to strongly requesting Vortex that he be put on it.  He doesn’t seem to be quite following Vortex’s orders, however, as Asougi seems to have his own agenda with regards to Barok and the “Death Bringer”. He remains adamant that his father is not the Professor; he only found out he was labeled a murderer by a mysterious letter he received from England when he was younger.
Also, how Asougi made his trip to England despite his memory loss was made clear.  He woke up on the Alaclair and felt a strong desire to go to England because he felt there was something he had to do there.  He mixed with passengers and got off the ship at Hong Kong.  From here, two things were in his favor: his English skills allowed him to get a job aboard a cargo ship, and his knowledge of English law piqued Vortex’s interest when he arrived three months ago, leading to the latter taking in the former.
It was revealed, to just about everyone’s surprise, that Mikotoba Yuujin was actually Sherlock’s former partner.  Iris came to the conclusion that John Watson was her father after recognizing the handwriting on Klimt’s autopsy report as being the same as the handwritten case records she keeps in her trunk.  She saw Watson’s signature at the bottom, believing it was him that wrote the whole report.  As such, “John H. Watson” features as Sherlock’s partner in her stories.  In reality, Yuujin wrote the report as Watson’s assistant, and Watson simply signed off on it.  This makes Susato and Iris half-siblings, though we don’t yet know the circumstances behind Iris’s conception and birth, and Iris herself still isn’t aware Yuujin is her father.  Sherlock himself also promised not to tell Iris anything about her father until he was able to do so properly.
Speaking of Sherlock: upon hearing that Ann Sasha was involved, he immediately set out to send an emergency telegram to Japan. What that telegram was currently remains unknown.
And, as a bit of trivia: Asougi reveals that his sword, named “Karuma”, is a symbol of the Asougi family, which is well known for their sword techniques.  As it turns out, one of Genshin’s disciples took up the sword’s name as their family name....and as time passes, that will eventually lead to Karuma Gou (Manfred von Karma) and Karuma Mei (Franziska von Karma).
Do you see this wall of text. Do you!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???!?!  I’M NOT EVEN SURE I GOT IT ALL DOWN BUT FFS, TAKUMI!!!
First off, the last segment of this case was an investigation...you don’t expect a case to end during a fuckin investigation.
Second, I feel like I closed my 3DS out of stress or some other emotional turmoil like. A lot. During this case.
This case was remarkable, for more reasons than one. I kept getting thrown curveballs of all kinds, and I don’t expect that to stop as I head into case 5.  From Asougi as the prosecutor to our main detective being the culprit....from that same detective being under suspicion for being a pillar of the “Death Bringer” to Yuujin being Sherlock’s partner...from Barok being our defendant to Sherlock finally revealing how he faked Asougi’s death....there was a LOT that happened this case.
Obviously, though, there are still questions, and I have a few theories or ideas. 
First, Gina mentions that she couldn’t remember the last name in Gregson’s notebook, dated the day before Gregson’s murder, and that it didn’t seem English--I’m about 80% sure the Japanese judge and basically the REPRESENTATIVE for Japan at the forensics symposium, Jigoku Seishirou, is dead as hell. For a while I was CONVINCED he was actually the true Professor, and Genshin was innocent, but I’m not so sure about that anymore.
Second, though I’ve gone back and forth on how I feel about him the WHOLLLLEEEE game, I think Vortex has less-than-legal motives or desires. Getting Maria to hide her conclusions on Gregson’s time of death is too shady, and he seems to have a specific goal he wants out of Barok’s trial.
Third, I’m starting to think the four names on that disc were all related to the Professor case in some way or another. Gregson was the detective, Watson was the lead coroner on his final victim, Asougi is his son...that leaves Sasha, though, and I don’t know how she fits in. If it’s NOT the Professor case, then they’re related by the Death Bringer (Gregson as the planner, Sasha as the assassin, Watson and Asougi unknown), which is Fucking Terrifying.  Either way, I would not be surprised if the reason Sherlock faked Asougi’s death is related to this disc, whatever that connection might be.
Finally...I honestly have no idea how this is all gonna turn out. We’ve got two conventions fighting each other: our best friend’s father was accused or serial murder and sentenced to death, and he believes him innocent; our rival prosecutor is our client, and he lost his brother to murder and much of his normal life to a “curse”.  I want to fix both of them--I want them both to find real, true peace, but I hope it can be done in a way that doesn’t too heavily compromise what they’ve done or how they’ve felt up until this point.
I’m ready to die (no I’m not)
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gonna do oc names for you too (not all but just some of them): aaliyah, josephine, leila, katherine, roxanne, morgana, ember, carmen
some of these songs will be from the character and/or couple playlists (if I have them), but most will be ones from my music library that i thought best fit the vibe of the character or are related to them (i.e. symbolize love interest or character traits or backstory)
Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows 
Any Way You Want It by Mary J. Blige (Rock of Ages soundtrack)
Let’s Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez (character playlist)
It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones (character playlist)
You Can’t Stop the Beat by Nikki Blonsky (Hairspray soundtrack)
All Night Long by Demi Lovato
Hollywood Tonight by Michael Jackson (character playlist)
Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum 
Ocean to Ocean by Pitbull (feat. Rhea) (couples’ playlist)
She’s a Mystery to Me by Roy Orbison (couples’ playlist)
Everything I Need by Skylar Grey (couples’ playlist)
Permission to Come Aboard by Rupert Gregson-Williams (Aquaman soundtrack)
Honey, Honey by Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia soundtrack)
It Wasn’t Meant to Be by Rupert Gregson-Williams (Aquaman soundtrack)
Name of the Game by Cher 
Eyes Open by Taylor Swift 
Look At Me by Carrie Underwood
End of the World by Blake Lewis (couples’ playlist)
I’d Come for You by Nickelback (couples’ playlist)
Like a Soldier by Johnny Cash (couples’ playlist)
Army of One by Bon Jovi (couples’ playlist)
Kiss the Girl by Colbie Caillat (couples’ playlist)
All My Tomorrows by Frank Sinatra
Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home by Keira Knightley (Begin Again soundtrack) (couples’ playlist)
Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle (couples’ playlist)
Express Yourself by Madonna 
Red by Taylor Swift 
I Choose You by Sara Bareilles (couples’ playlist)
New York, New York by Frank Sinatra (couples’ playlist)
Ever Ever After by Carrie Underwood
Roslyn by Bon Iver & St. Vincent (character/couples’ playlist)
One In A Million by Hannah Montana (character/couples’ playlist)
Xxx’s and Ooo’s (An American Girl) by Trisha Yearwood 
A White Demon Love Song by The Killers 
New Moon (The Meadow) by Alexandre Desplat 
Night Before (Life Goes On)
End Up With You by Carrie Underwood 
Murder by Within Temptation (couples’ playlist)
Overrated by Ashley Tisdale
Ring of Fire by Krewella (couples’ playlist)
Grandmaster Jam Session by Mark Mothersbaugh (Thor: Ragnarok soundtrack)
Artemisia’s Childhood by Junkie XL (300: Rise of an Empire soundtrack) (couples’ playlist)
No Light, No Light by Florence + The Machine
Asgard by Brian Tyler (Thor: The Dark World soundtrack) (couples’ playlist)
Easy by Rascal Flatts & Natasha Bedingfield (character/couples’ playlist)
Money Honey by Lady Gaga (character/couples’ playlist)
Bad Girl by Serayah McNeil (character/couples’ playlist)
Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
Radar by Britney Spears (character/couples’ playlist)
Crazy For You by Madonna
All This and Heaven Too by Florence + The Machine
Runnin’ Home to You by Grant Gustin
Moment Like This by Kelly Clarkson
Everytime We Touch by Cascada 
Not Myself Tonight by Christina Aguilera 
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