eldritch-spouse · 1 year
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Which flavor of batshit stalker do you prefer?
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znamobaportal · 7 years
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Ema Bregović kćerka Gorana Bregovića- I u Parizu jedem burek i pasulj
Brega sa suprugom Dženanom ima ćerke Lulu (13), Unu (15) i Emu (22). Ema je rođena u Parizu, Likovnu akademiju je završila u Nantu, a kaže da joj je ostalo još da završi master. Imala je nekoliko samostalnih izložbi u srbijanskoj i francuskoj prijestonici, a u intervjuu za “Novosti” progovorila je o svom odrastanju, životu u Parizu i porodici.
Koliko god sam se privikla na francusku kulturu i običaje, u našoj kući je vladao balkanski fazon. To znači da jedemo burek i pasulj. Osjećam se kao slobodni atom, koji nije ni tamo, ni ovamo. I svuda se apdejtujem, jer imam duplu kulturu. Beograd je metropola, a Pariz i te kako. Kombinacija tih dviju kultura može da izrodi nešto sjajno, i na tome radim. Ovde upoznajem nove ljude, obožavam ih jer su topli i žele da pomognu. Nije sve u parama, već u ljudskim relacijama – kaže Ema, a na pitanje da li je opterećuje to što je Bregina ćerka odgovara:
– Srećom, ne živim estradnim životom, i to je veliko olakšanje. Živimo jednostavno, bez glamura, družim se sa normalnim ljudima. Roditelji su me uvek tjerali da studiram, možda ću da upišem još jedan fakultet. Interesuju me filozofija, psihologija i antropologija. Ne mislim da me je ikada sputavalo to što sam kćerka Gorana Bregovića. Roditelji su mi govorili da ništa ne može da padne s neba, da mora mnogo da se radi i da je to suština života.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Reader: I'm Straight
Mother Miara: Nuh uh
Reader: I'm Asexual
Vesper: Nuh uh
Reader: I'm a Lesbian
Bregina: Ye :D
Only because it's convenient to Bregina that you are such. If you said you were straight she'd pull a "Well, you just haven't met the right woman. Which is me. I'm the right woman."
None of them actually respect your sexuality.
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
Back with more names for your characters because I love them all
"I love you Vespa, I really do but you scare me ... just a bit"
" I think those people don't like us Lively"
"Whatever you say Crayola"
"shut up Crinoline or I'll throw you into this fire"
"You're overfeeding me Vortex honey"
"Ring don't you think it's a bit...heavy ?"
"Love you Zaza, goodnight"
" It's okay Egg, no one is looking at you weird"
"Plasma you better not be drunk on this fine morning"
"Borgia I found the prettiest dress for you !"
"Hoodie, I thought we said no more secrets"
"Sorry Frank, my phone's dead at the moment"
"Don't be shy Colby, I'm sure lots of people would want to be your friend"
" Put some respect on Nebuliser, we'd be dead without him"
Hhhh- I'm having trouble with Crayola and Crinoline... 🤔
I like that you went straight for Egg, which Breg canoncially hates being called. Fank-e also dislikes being called Frank.
Borgia sounds like something Bregina would name herself as well.
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Bregina believes in you
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I will pass by the power of them Tig Ol' Bitties. ✨️
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Me: I prefer smaller/flat chests :)
Bergina's tits: *deflates like balloons*
" Oh... "
The breeder sags, her face falling so low you fear it might drop off her head and splat on the floor. Gina gazes at her ample chest as if the protrusions have personally offended her, betrayed her even! Like they're the most disgusting thing on the planet. You worry for her.
" Oh! "
But then- Viscerally, uncomfortably fast, her spirit springs back up and she smiles joyfully at you.
" G- Give me a day. " She says, making you arch a brow.
" ... What do you mean a day? "
She's rummaging around her breasts in a way that would be more than scandalous were the two of you in public.
" Just give me a day. "
They're kind of heavy anyway, she thinks to herself.
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
I've been fantasizing about the possibility of Bregina and Breg sharing the same obsession ever since you mentioned it. I feel bad for Fasma, but even worse for their obsession. Especially during heats. Mark me down as scared and horny 🥵
With the right amount of assertiveness, they can almost be tolerable together during normal times.
In heat, however, these two can barely be within each other's vicinity without it escalating into violence. Which is a problem, because both of them want to be around you, they need to be around you.
While Breg is busy trying to make a nest, Bregina is throwing a hissyfit about the quality. She wouldn't settle for such a sloppy mess, much less her sweet angel! You understand a lick of their vocalizations and bickering, but it's clear they're going to spend a few hours on this alone.
The worst part is the posturing. Their competition for your attention and desire is utterly vicious, as they'll stop cooing and twisting to become totally dark and throw themselves at the other.
These heats end up being very dangerous whenever both breeders manage to rub brain cells together and sexually share. They care not for each other, only you, and there's no room for escape when one is down for the count because the other is likely still standing. Between Breg's frustration over failing to put a hatchling in you and Bregina's rage at not being impregnated, there's hardly a break for your poor, poor body.
Of course, both Breg and Bregina do their best after each maddening round of fucklust, but you're still twice as sore, twice as dehydrated and exhausted. And no gentle tongue bath or forced napping will make up for it. This only leads to more bickering between the two, and it can get bloody.
Fasma is going to have to intervene and fucking tranquilize these bitches or you're going to get bred to death between two massive pale bodies exposing each other to a constant positive feedback of hormones.
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
So Bregina is a lesbian right? How does that work with her biological drive to have babies? Why did she pick a human woman as a mate?
Was it a similar reaction to Breg, that humans are smaller and the least threatening so she finds human women to be even more adorable and acceptable?
It doesn't. :)
Indeed, like Breg she's entirely human-oriented for the same reasons he is. However, her focus on women isn't born out of trauma, it's her sexuality, plain and simple.
Both of them will eventually get it in their heads that they can't have children with you the traditional way, but this doesn't stop their brains from occasionally short-circuiting in very funny ways. In the same way Breg sometimes still expects you to miraculously become gravid, Gina will find it confusing that you haven't impregnated her yet- Granted, she snaps out of delusion faster than her male counterpart.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
My brain: I wanna ride you I wanna ride you I wanna ride you I wanna ride you I wanna-
Bregina: what's got you staring into space angel?
Me: I wanna ride you-
My brain: fuck
If Gina had visible eyes, you would be able to see an entire constellation shining in them the very moment you introduce her to strap ons.
Of course, it's always very hot to have you ride her thighs or getting to use her long tail to fuck into you with some practice, but having you bounce on her lap, on a toy she chose for her perfect little angel to enjoy herself with- This monster woman is going to pop an artery and bleed out.
But first, she absolutely has to ram you into the wall.
Since it is a toy designed for the comfort of humans first and foremost, she doesn't have to be as careful as a male breeder does, Gina can slam her hips onto yours with all the force she desires and grunt like a fucking animal even if she's not feeling anything, maddeningly teased by the noises you make, by the little "harder"s and "fuck yes please"s you squeak out in between the slapping of flesh on flesh.
This is great!
H- Hey... Do you... Do you maybe want to fuck her like this too? Can she ride you? Don't worry, she'll be gentler, she'll calm down, she'd never hurt you- But please, Gina can't get the image of you forcing her face to the ground and plowing her cunt out of her poor, fried brain. She's in heat just thinking about it.
What a wonderful new world you've just shown her.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Sorry Gina, but Breg's milkers are bigger
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
If Breg's and Gina's jaws can extend can i put my head there?
It's... Well, not recommended, but certainly safer than trying that with Obie.
Both of them are sore about plenty of their inhuman features, so chances are both Breg and Gina will push back heavily on the idea of you pulling such a circus lion trick on them. Doesn't that frighten you?! You're too silly for your own good.
Eventually, because they're weak for you, both breeders will cave in and extend their jaws as far as they can, parting them for you. They're very careful and refuse to move much, pulling back the moment they sense your skin dragging on their teeth. You can touch around as much as you like, and even fingerfuck their mouths if you're into that, but they generally don't feel you're safe like that. You will also get licked the longer you stay there, they can't help it.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Bregina, practically a lesbian: boobs am I right?
Me, a lesbian: you are, you are so fucking right
" Boobs, am I right? Specifically yours. "
She's breaking into a sweat. Did you have to wear something showing so much cleavage? Are you doing it for her??? Can she touch? Oh my God does this mean she can touch them? Do you want that?
Bregina is going to combust. Even without visible eyes, you can probably tell where she's looking.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
So it's kind of more acceptable for breg to walk around naked because he has a slit.............is bregina just walking around with her bare pussy out?
She learns the hard way that it's not socially acceptable for monster women with "standard" vaginal anatomy to be naked in public in most societies. She kept getting harassed and scolded by people without understanding why.
Thankfully, she's a lot less finicky about clothes than Breg, and is able to, at the very least, put on a light dress. Or shorts and a top. Anything more complex than that is immediately shot down.
At home however, yes, she does rock out with her clam out. There's no point in staying dressed, if you ask her. In fact, she's almost mildly bothered about the fact that you're constantly clothed, possibly trying to encourage you to shed some articles. You're not flustered, are you? That's adorable.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hearing that my girl Bregina isn't getting the love she deserves, I finally got up the nerve to send something! I love Breg, but Bregina makes me wanna put on a suit and serenade her until I can sit on her face. I wanna wine and dine this gal, sorry Breg.
Love your work BTW, you're one of my favorite writers on here! -Lesbain Rose Anon 🏳️‍🌈🌹
[Henlo, thenk ya! //// <:Y]
Bregina doesn't need to be serenaded, she's been on your trail for longer than you can imagine and she's definitely no better than her male counterpart. Meaning, she's probably already shoved her face where it doesn't belong while you were blissfully unconscious.
She's very upset that your clothes just don't fit her. She's too big, it's not fair! Sometimes she'll just go through your wardrobe and nearly sob to herself because the shirt won't go down, or her hips are too hide for that dress she loves to see on you- It's depressing. She wants to wear your things and smell like you, just like a true mate! You should be able to put your scent on her. If you have a pair of particularly elastic underwear around, she'll slip it on just to feel close to you, even though it gets in the way of her tail- And she'll be wet enough to soak them in minutes just from knowing that you wore those.
That being said, this monster woman will squeal like a little girl if you ask her out to eat somewhere. That's the start!! You're going to ask her out, then you're going to walk each other home and she's going to kiss you and oh boy- It's only a matter of time until she becomes your loving wife, right? Right?!
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
I like to imagine that Bregina and other females of her species has a marsupial style pouch for carrying young before they can climb on their own
We discussed this. Breeder younglings cling to their parents' waists (which are thin, for a lot of reasons) before they can start truly climbing.
This is why Breg thinks it's weird that human toddlers don't do that. You mean you have to hold them at all times??? Why don't they grab at you?? Bregina shares the exact same confusion.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
The thought of breg and Gina attacking each other and fighting for our attention really does something for me lol
That scenario is horrendous in itself, as if Breg wasn't enough on his own, you have a female breeder hanging off you two.
It's twice the workload, twice the obsession. And these knuckleheads are just as likely to bicker with each other as they are to work together (depending on the circumstances), so you're just extra fucked.
As hot as it can be for you to be so viciously fought over, make sure these large monsters are doing it outside, where they can flash their skin at each other and tumble around without damaging furniture. Honestly, your neighbors have so many questions for you.
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