#Bluebellstar's writing
crownprincecody · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
It's been months since I've written anything at all, let alone for the ship that I adore. But, today I woke up with inspiration and - to prove I've returned from my hermit like existence in a deep cave somewhere - I thought I'd share a little something.
So, without further ado, I present a small rough snippet of an upcoming fic in my original Senator Obi-Wan series.
"How can you be so calm?" Padmé hissed out of the corner of her mouth, eyes following the team of bounty hunters holding them hostage.
"I've been kidnapped eight times," Obi-Wan replied softly, standing in the midst of his fellow hostages as serenely as anyone ever had.
If anyone had a right to serenity amidst abduction it was Obi-Wan. He held the record for the most kidnappings - attempted or otherwise - among the cohort of Republic Senators - past and present. Yes, it was true that four of his kidnappings technically didn't count, as the would-be kidnappers were thwarted in their efforts before they left Coruscant and once before the kidnapper had so much as said halt. But the principle remained nonetheless.
He had been the victim of so many attempted kidnappings that it was practically routine to him now.
Distantly, Obi-Wan realised that ought to worry him more than it did. But, there were more pressing matters to concern him. Like the squad of heavily armed mercenaries currently keeping them hostage. And the severe glare Commander Fox would give him when he realised how much danger Obi-Wan had found himself in this time.
Somehow, he felt that maintaining that this was demonstrably not his fault was not going to buy him any favours with the crotchety commander.
"This isn't a kidnapping," Bail whispered, moving ever so slightly closer to them. "We're being held hostage."
Obi-Wan inclined his head fractionally, conceding his point. "Which makes this distinctly easier for our rescuers. They already know where we are."
Riyo Chuchi sidled closer to them, her eyes impossibly wide as she took in the scene unfolding in the Senate building atrium. "And the squad of heavily armed mercenaries between us and rescue?"
Obi-Wan hummed softly, understanding Senator Chuchi's point. Still, he smiled; heavily armed mercenaries were nothing in the face of what was coming for them. "Padmé has friends in the Jedi Order. I was a part of the Jedi Order, and-" Obi-Wan's tone softened impossibly, fully aware how besotted he was. "Cody's here on leave."
And his dear Commander was going to be very displeased when he realised Obi-Wan was being held hostage.
Obi-Wan pitied the unfortunate lifeforms who made the mistake of accepting this job.
"Two Jedi with reputations for insanity, one marshall commander who has a reputation for being prepared to destroy Coruscant to find you, and as many of his brothers as the Commander can rustle up," Chuchi shuddered elegantly, a smile hiding about her lips. "How much chaos can one Senate building contain?"
"It doesn't have to contain it," Obi-Wan murmured, watching the nearest mercenary with wary eyes. "Not for long, at any rate. With Anakin and Cody both involved, we should be free in time for the next debate."
Bail's mouth pulled down in an unhappy frown. "Maybe we can hold out a little longer."
Obi-Wan bit back a chuckle. He hadn't particularly been looking forward to the upcoming Senate debate either.
"No talking!"
Obi-Wan favoured the masked mercenary with a baleful glare. "We're politicians," he reminded him, as if that pertinent fact could have slipped his mind. "All we do is talk. You'll have to forgive us for following our natural inclinations."
Bail sighed, quietly despairing. "Obi-Wan, I don't want to explain to Cody why it was necessary for the mercenaries to shoot you."
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | April Recap
Some of the favorite fics read by FTFR and/or newly posted in April. This month we’ve got some stormy winter cuddles and lots of domestic bliss, old men in love, an awkward first date, plant POV, fics featuring Maggie and Estelle, Father Skippy, water sports and shower sex, office sex, fuck him on the floor sex, and threesome sex in this fandom’s first RPF fic!
Also, check out the latest fics in these collections:
🌼 Angstpril Prompt Challenge Masterpost
🌼 Promise You WILL Write Masterpost (Updated w/April fics) If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself... All are welcome!
Check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
📣 April’s Features of the Month:
Fic of the Month: do these teeth still match the wound by @brokendrums | brokendrums
Author of the Month: @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup
April Featured Collection: Old Men in Love Collection
April Featured WIPs
📚 More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here.
Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! → 💌
✨ Show authors some love with your comments and kudos on the fics you enjoyed after reading! Likes are lovely, but please reblog this post to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
🌼 Within The Heart of Me by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 9K] Lucy goes to the hospital to talk to Tim. When she arrives, Hawk is already there.
Otherwise known as a prompt fill that wanders a bit off the mark, but is close enough in spirit to give credit where credit is due as far as inspiration goes.
🌼 Something Out Of Reach by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [T, 1K] Before the phone call, Hawk knows.
🌼 Shut Up and Drink Your Milk by @bre1995 | bre_thomas & @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [E, 4K] It all started with Hawk's "shut up and drink your milk" and then whispering how he wanted Tim to "fuck him". With those words alone, Tim doesn't hesitate.
This is an extension on the Episode 8, '57 sex scene.
🌼 Catching A Breath Of Moonlight by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] One lazy evening, Tim tries to find the perfect endearment for Hawk.
🌼 After Hours by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [E, 2K] “That’s it,” Hawk praised, petting through the soft strands of Tim's hair. “Good boy.”
Tim moaned softly around him, swallowing him deeper into the blissful pressure of his throat.
Or, the office sex fic that no one asked for.
🌼 Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned by @bre1995 | bre_thomas [E, 2K] Based around the episode 6 cabin conversation and scene, but with a little twist.
🌼 A Disaster, Beyond Measure by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 30K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
🌼 the life of the world to come by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [NR, 5K] Maggie flew to San Francisco to take care of her brother. She didn’t expect it to involve so many visitors.
🌼 Chances Are by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 3K] After a family Thanksgiving, Estelle and Hawk talk. Then she meets Tim.
🌼 Control and desperation by @mailboxbutterflies | mailboxbutterflies [E, 3K] Now Tim was really confused. "H… Hawk I really need to pee—" "I said no. You want to be a good boy for me, don't you, Skippy?"
Tim nodded slowly as he started to put the pieces together. "Then hold it," Hawk repeated coolly.
Tim saw a familiar fire behind Hawk's eyes. The kind that suggested he would be rewarded if he obeyed. "Okay, fine." And then, "Or at least I'll try."
Or, Hawk makes Tim wet himself and then rewards him with shower sex.
🌼 Only Himself To Blame by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [E, 1K] An evening out leads to some fun on the floor.
🌼 this time imperfect by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [M, 16K] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🌼 you lookin’ like a present by Saturn💠 [E, 5K, RPF] “You fly all this way just to fuck me?”
“Not just to fuck you,” Simon teased and pressed a kiss to Matt’s forehead. “And actually,” he added, tone suddenly a touch more serious, “If you want, I won’t be the one fucking you tonight.”
Matt’s eyes widened, and he scanned Simon’s face for any indication that Simon was joking. Finding none, he raised his eyebrows and said, “I’m listening.”
Simon visits Toronto for Matt’s birthday.
🌼 🪴His great consuming lovage*🪴 by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [T, 3K] Tim's potted plant has a story to tell...
🌼 Hold You In My Arms Again by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [NR, 977] Old(er) Men Tim and Hawk (who are in love) at the gay club.
🌼 the coming of night by @alorchik | alorchik [E, 3K] March 1957. Hawk, exhausted from grappling with his own thoughts and emotions, seeks solace in alcohol at the Cozy Corner. What other thoughts might cross the mind of a desperate man?
🌼 Might Drive Me Crazy by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [NR, 1K] Hawk helps Tim get ready for a party. More or less.
🌼 So On We Go by TigerLilyBlue💠[G, 589] Maggie leaves for vacation, but it isn't easy.
🌼 forbidden joy by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [NR, 440] Fellow Travelers drabbles.
🌼 Lost In A World Of Our Own by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] A stormy winter's night is the perfect excuse to stay home and cuddle.
🌼 Guide your light in by @cinnamoncountess | CinnamonCountess [M, 21K] A new patient, Hawkins Fuller, has been admitted to the neurological diagnostic clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. The circumstances of his hospitalization are harrowing and raise many questions. The patient's tragic story and the man himself quickly arouse the curiosity of young nurse Timothy Laughlin.
🌼 Friday Night I'm in Love by @doodlingawaits | DoodlingAwaits [M, 7K] Lucy Smith was a very busy girl.
She was meeting Danny, the cute bartender at her favourite watering hole, the Bell and Bird, on Monday.
It was going to be another date night with Jake on Tuesday after work, but she was thinking of ending this one.
On Wednesday, she had a “tutoring” session with Yannis at the café near the library.
Thursday was free, but she was sure her friend Katherine would confirm soon that her brother, Tim, was up for a date with her.
But Friday, her favourite day of the week and reserved only for the really lucky ones, was going to be the one night she had been waiting for since she was fifteen.
After a misunderstanding, Lucy accidentally double-books her date nights with Tim and Hawk. She tries to find a way around it, but it seems fate has other plans in store for these three.
🌼 Worship at Your Altar by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [E, 2K] Hawk visits Father Tim Laughlin.
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn't linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
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loveismyrevolution · 2 years
After a pretty long hiatus, I picked up writing again. And to get back into the swing, I have this fluffy little one-shot for you.
It's a story about a silent night, in which sentiment runs free.
Even though it's not specifically a Christmas fic, there's enough of the homey atmosphere of the holidays that it made me want to post it now anyway.
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✨"The Nature of Nightmares"✨
After Sherlock completed his Reichenbach mission, he is now back at 221b where John had been waiting for him and their life is back to normal. All is well and as it had been before the unfortunate event. With the exception of one thing — John's nightmares are back. And Sherlock wonders why…
A Johnlock story, rated: Teen, chapters 1/1, 3095 words
#friends to lovers #first kiss #fluff #love confessions #post Reichenbach #not canon compliant #pov first person #pov John Watson
Tagging some of my friends and loyal readers, and some folks who wanted to be tagged in the past, who may want to read or spread the word; let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged in updates on my writing!
@jobooksncoffee ​ @shylockgnomes ​ @morgendaemmerung89 ​ @iamjustreading @chained-to-the-mirror ​ @bakingsherlycakes ​@totallysilvergirl ​ @barbsiebabe ​ @itzmi @fellshish @peanitbear @booskerdu @multi-fandomdisaster @sussexinchelsea @iwlyanmw
@lijahlover @johnlockvechnayalubov @missdeliadili ​ @johnlock2708 @inevitably-johnlocked
@loveinthemindpalace ​ @mylastvow ​ @consultingpacha ​ @alexaprilgarden ​ @writingfanficsfan ​ @whodwantmeasaflatmate ​ @jodinia @bearly-mama @helloliriels @underestimatemethatwillbefun @ithinkthereforeiamaswell @astudyinconsultingdetective
@bekah1218 @agula86 @bluebellstar @anyway-kindness @wingirl2015
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I was tagged by @1nsaankahanhai-bkr to list 5 things that brings me joy. Welp, here is a non-comprehensive list:
1. Cream coffee
2. The smell of fresh pages of a new book
3. Turning out 1000 words in a single writing session
4. Thinking a draft is trash then going back weeks later and finding that it's actually a mildly presentable trash
5. Anything related to The Three Musketeers and its follow up novels
Tagging @smhalltheurlsaretaken @talvenhenki @babesoftheblade @mvsketeer @thelaithlyworm @highfunctioningflailgirl @cristobalrios @incurablescribbler @helllucifer @sternenblumen @procrastinatorproject @regionalpancake @erdariel @destiel-pirate-in-middleearth @veneataur @mayavanavihariniharini @bluebellstar @sadiehope and anyone else who might want to do this (no pressures on the ppls tagged!)
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ao3feed-mystrade · 5 years
by Bluebellstar
Yet another shamless Love Actually AU. That's all there is to say, really.
Featuring: Adorable, oblivious Johnlock. Mycroft getting a goldfish. Greg regretting his life decisions. Seb being Seb. Helpful, but done with your obliviousness Irene. Emotionally stunted Holmes children (including sister not Eurus). Politician Knights of the Round Table. Drunk confessions Merthur. Pevensie children as supporting Lestrade kids. Background mentions of James Bond characters. And..... Jim Moriarty as the Prime Minister (yes, I went there).
Words: 1760, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Janine (Sherlock), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Original Holmes Sibling(s), Charles Augustus Magnussen, Original Holmes Character(s)
Relationships: Jim Moriarty/Original Female Character(s), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Good Jim Moriarty, Alternate Universe - Love Actually Fusion, Why Did I Write This?, Oblivious Sherlock Holmes, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Holmes Family, Q (James Bond) is a Holmes
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by Bluebellstar
Yet another shamless Love Actually AU. That's all there is to say, really.
Featuring: Adorable, oblivious Johnlock. Mycroft getting a goldfish. Greg regretting his life decisions. Seb being Seb. Helpful, but done with your obliviousness Irene. Emotionally stunted Holmes children (including sister not Eurus). Politician Knights of the Round Table. Drunk confessions Merthur. Pevensie children as supporting Lestrade kids. Background mentions of James Bond characters. And..... Jim Moriarty as the Prime Minister (yes, I went there).
Words: 1760, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Janine (Sherlock), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Original Holmes Sibling(s), Charles Augustus Magnussen, Original Holmes Character(s)
Relationships: Jim Moriarty/Original Female Character(s), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Good Jim Moriarty, Alternate Universe - Love Actually Fusion, Why Did I Write This?, Oblivious Sherlock Holmes, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Holmes Family, Q (James Bond) is a Holmes
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Love Clearly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Bg9XT5
by Bluebellstar
Yet another shamless Love Actually AU. That's all there is to say, really.
Featuring: Adorable, oblivious Johnlock. Mycroft getting a goldfish. Greg regretting his life decisions. Seb being Seb. Helpful, but done with your obliviousness Irene. Emotionally stunted Holmes children (including sister not Eurus). Politician Knights of the Round Table. Drunk confessions Merthur. Pevensie children as supporting Lestrade kids. Background mentions of James Bond characters. And..... Jim Moriarty as the Prime Minister (yes, I went there).
Words: 1760, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Chronicles of Narnia (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Janine (Sherlock), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Original Holmes Sibling(s), Charles Augustus Magnussen, Original Holmes Character(s)
Relationships: Jim Moriarty/Original Female Character(s), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Good Jim Moriarty, Alternate Universe - Love Actually Fusion, Why Did I Write This?, Oblivious Sherlock Holmes, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Holmes Family, Q (James Bond) is a Holmes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Bg9XT5
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After The War Is Won
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/q9FyfLt
by Bluebellstar
A fairly ordinary afternoon in the Commandant's office.
Wherein Klink does paperwork, and Hogan writes a letter to Burkhalter and has some fun with Klink.
Words: 965, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hogan's Heroes (TV 1965)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Robert Hogan, Wilhelm Klink
Relationships: Robert Hogan/Wilhelm Klink, Robert Hogan & Wilhelm Klink
Additional Tags: Can be read as either friendship or not, more fun with story generators, Fluff, one day I'll be able to wrote a plot summary, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/q9FyfLt
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Fire Island Fics (1970s Era)
An assortment of fics prominently featuring Fire Island and/or the 70s era… not necessarily together. Some time travel or fics that span decades including the 70s or Fire Island adjacent.
✨ Show the authors some love with your comments and kudos after reading. Likes are lovely, but please reblog this post to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
🔥 Only Himself to Blame [E, 1K] by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) An evening out leads to some fun on the floor.
🏝️ very pretty weeds [T, 2K] by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific Hawk has really put Tim through the emotional wringer this weekend, and he seems far too nice to deserve any of it. Rafael tries his best to give his new friend a warm send-off and a few words of wisdom.
Or, the walk to the ferry from Rafael's POV.
🔥 gold-skinned, eager baby [E, 10K] by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
🏝️ Just Like Church [E, 12K] by @bre1995 | bre_thomas & @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) It starts with a postcard. With Skippy, I need you. It starts with Tim arriving on Fire Island. Where it goes, only the Island knows.
A retelling of White Nights, with some tweaks.
🔥 'I Look at You' [E, 2K] by @bre1995 | bre_thomas Tim and Hawk have an intimate and peaceful conversation over dinner. When old feelings start creeping back in.
🏝️ I'm Sorry [M, 8K] 💠 by arrowtheapollo Set on Fire Island in the 1970s. Tim finds his way back home after the T party, and he and Hawk have a heart-to-heart that they should've had years ago.
🔥 I Have You [NR, 1K]  by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific  After receiving a cryptic postcard, and hearing from Lucy that Hawk's in trouble, Tim takes a trip back east to find out for himself.
A different version of the events that unfold on Fire Island, told from Tim's perspective.
🏝️ To Have And To Hold [M, 945] 💠 by Joycee What could have happened between Hawk’s breakdown and the talk with Tim by the pool on Fire Island.
🔥 a place to be [E, 5K] by @satelarry | satelarry Tim and Hawk spend a week at their house in Fire Island. The brown haired man's been fantasizing about something that his boyfriend is happy to oblige.
🏝️ this time imperfect [M, 16K] by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that the paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🔥 My Friend Tim [G, 2K] 💠 by Joycee Hawk’s explanation to Lucy & Kimberly when he returned from Fire Island.
🏝️ something i can't go without [E, 8K] by @satelarry | satelarry Hawk goes to Fire Island to escape dealing with his feelings, but that isn't far away from Tim's kind heart.
Perhaps he doesn't want it to be.
Or, The Meat Rack AU.
🔥 It's more than just words, it's just tears and rain [E, 2K] by @fuddlewuddle | Fuddlewuddle “Why didn’t you let me just carry on trying to drink myself to death?”
Tim jolts from the doze he’d start to fall into it at Hawk’s question, brow furrowing as his sleep fuzzy brain tries to process the words; before sitting up suddenly, because what the fuck?
🏝️ There's no place I'd rather you be than with me. [E, 719]  by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes
Their embrace was raw and primal, fueled by the angst of wanting each other but being afraid to admit it.
(Not Quite) Fire Island, Adjacent and other 1970s Era Fics
🔥 Cutting this short would be most logical option [T, 4K] by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi It's a lovely day in 1980 and Tim's enjoying a quiet day off. Then there's a knock on his door.
🏝️ He tried---He really tried. But Lost. [E, 6K] by @arlenejp | arlenejp Since there is no backstory as to who or what Craig is I decided to write something about him. Something about his feelings toward Hawk and their Fire Island escapades.
🔥 Don't leave it to the last dance [M, 2K] by @fuddlewuddle | Fuddlewuddle Tim is in hospital. Hawk brings him his mail. One letter is not like the others.
🏝️ a man i once knew [T, 3K] 💠 by vexinganthony It was the sort of love you read about in novels, none of which Tim had read, but he didn’t need to. He still felt it in his bones, a feeling so potent and alive in his blood, in every breath that he took, every beat of his heart.
It called out just one name.
The name of the man currently standing mere feet away from him with his wife and daughter.
Or, Tim and hawk find themselves at a charity gala in 1974.
🔥 Too old to play (and too young to mess around) [M, 60K] by @bejeweledmp3 | ninav Kimberly Fuller goes on a two-week vacation to San Francisco, in which she: drinks excessive amounts of tea, gets betrayed, cries more than she should, eats donuts, and seeks out truth with the help of a man she only knows from a presentation card; not necessarily in that order.
But mostly, she finds her father in every least expected place. And learns to make her peace with what that means.
🏝️ we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac [M, 4K] by @jesterlesbian | captainquint He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🔥 I Reach for You (And You Bring Me Home) [M, 1K] by @misstwentyynine | misstwentyynine In 1952, Hawk and Tim meet for the first time at a bar located in the enigmatic paradise of Fire Island, forging a powerful connection that continues to bring them together as their story progresses through space and time.
Or, The San Junipero AU
🏝️ The Crumbling Beard [M, 30K] 💠 by AnonymouslyUnknown1900 What was happening with Lucy while Hawk was with Tim for who knows how long in San Francisco? What was going through her mind during the days of no contact with Hawk? What eventually caused her to divorce the man she's been married to for 31 years?
After a phone call with her distant brother (who is now a porn producer) Leonard, everything ends up coming together. Videos from "Fire Island", and other discoveries that the two siblings made after reuniting is unearthed, which not only causes them to bond closer, but it puts a permanent end to Hawk's relationship and ties to the Smiths.
🔥 Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps It’s Real [NR, 35K] 💠 by drabbleswabbles And then it happened. The metallic screech of the gate, the shuffle of men stepping out beyond the prison walls. And suddenly there he was. His hair was shorter than he’d ever seen it. And his glasses were different. But it was him. Their eyes met. Tim stared at him in wide-eyed shock before recognition melted his features into a confused outrage.
Basically a fix-it in which Hawk finds himself back in the early 70s.
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn't linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you're linked already, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Time Travel Fics
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
✨ Show the authors plenty of love with your comments and kudos on the fics you enjoyed after reading! Likes are lovely, but please reblog to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
🕰️ this is the last time i'm leaving without you by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [7K] After saying goodbye to Tim and promising him to not write, Hawk's finds himself in the future, 70 years later. Will everything he learns in 2024 change the past? It totally will.
🕰️ is it over now? by @satelarry | satelarry [18K, WIP] Seeing the love of your life walk away without being able to tell him that you love him has to be one of the worst situations a person can go through. But Hawk decided to fulfill Tim's request, knowing it will be the last.
What happens when he wakes up, 18 years before, with the knowledge of what's going to happen if he makes the same decisions?
Does the ending always stay the same?
Or, the Time Travel AU in which the only thing ruining Hawk's plan is Tim's stubbornness.
🕰️ Again, only better by @madsmeetsmisha | madsmeetsmisha [14K, WIP] Hawk had no idea what was really going on here. All he knew was that he was back in 1954 and a completely distraught Tim was standing outside his door. And he also knew that he certainly wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
🕰️ Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [17K, WIP] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🕰️ Everything, Everything by tinypurpleghost💠[5K] Hawk wakes up in 1968, and everything is different.
🕰️ Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps It’s Real by drabbleswabbles💠[35K] And then it happened. The metallic screech of the gate, the shuffle of men stepping out beyond the prison walls. And suddenly there he was. His hair was shorter than he’d ever seen it. And his glasses were different. But it was him. Their eyes met. Tim stared at him in wide-eyed shock before recognition melted his features into a confused outrage.
Basically, a fix-it in which Hawk finds himself back in the early 70s.
🕰️ Send Back The World by Anonymous [2K, WIP] There is nothing so bitter as regret. And nothing so sweet as a second chance.
Or, Hawk gets yet another chance to fuck it up again.
🕰️ Til Time Itself Is Through by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [3K] Tim wakes, soft cotton under his cheek, cool silk covering his body. Bright sunlight streams through open windows, making Tim groan and bury his face in his pillow. It smells faintly like Hawk and his aftershave; heady and spicy and masculine. Tim smiles, curling his toes into the smooth silk below them.
Or, Tim Laughlin gets the life he deserves.
🕰️ this time imperfect by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [7K, WIP] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything? We'll see.
🕰️ I Reach for You (And You Bring Me Home) by @misstwentyynine | misstwentyynine [1K, WIP] In 1952, Hawk and Tim meet for the first time at a bar located in the enigmatic paradise of Fire Island, forging a powerful connection that continues to bring them together as their story progresses through space and time.
Or, The San Junipero AU
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | March Recap
♦️ More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here. Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! -> 💌
✍️ In addition to the fics highlighted below, there were a few new additions and updated chapters to the Promise You WILL Write collection. Check them out here! If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself… All are welcome! You can check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
🛠️ March was a celebration of fix-its! Check out our recap for the March Fix-It event hosted by @fellow-travelers-events 📣 The Features of the Month posts can be found here: Fic of the Month for March is: A Patchwork Life by likerealpeopledo | @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 Author of the Month for March is: @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) WIPs of the Month
🍀 do these teeth still match the wound  by brokendrums [E, 21K] It’s natural. There’s no sin in it. That’s all Hawk keeps saying. Whispers it to him as he pulls on Tim’s shirt, says it again when he tugs down his zipper, scrapes it across his jaw on the end of a kiss. There's no sin in taking what is gratefully given, no sin in the purest of heart. Not when you're praying at the altar of Hawkins Fuller.
What if it took a little longer for Tim to gather the courage to do the right thing and give himself up. His time in the cabin stretched out for a few extra weeks.
🍀 A Disaster, Beyond Measure  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 20K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
🍀 Only The Lucky Ones Come Home  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 1K] It didn’t make sense. Kenny wasn’t in Italy, he wasn’t in Europe. He was sent somewhere in the Pacific, Hawk wasn’t quite sure. That was the last he had heard. So how could Kenneth Willard be bleeding out at his feet in Velletri?
“You did this.”
The blood in Hawk’s veins turned to ice at Kenny’s words.
Hawk has a nightmare about his time in the war.
🍀 In Sickness or In Health by Joycee [M, 12K] Instead of Tim, it’s Hawk who has AIDS.
🍀 we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🍀 🪴His great consuming lovage*🪴  by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [G, 2K] Tim's potted plant has a story to tell…
🍀 Dreams Enfold You  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Tim is sick but won't sleep. Hawk finds a way to make him.
🍀 Sands of Time (Turn Backwards)  by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 22K] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🍀 this time imperfect  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 13K] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🍀 Sometimes it's worth the pain  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [NR, 1K] Hawk wakes up in the morning in Tim's arms.
🍀 At the End of a Long Day  by @carrotcakecrumble | LuxLox [T, 1K] The words, which were just that, words, were too distilled and clean to have any association with Tim in his mind.
He’s passed. Yesterday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m only just calling now.
(Mary rings Hawk to tell him that Tim has died.)
🍀 I Sing the Body Electric  by telescape8 [M, 28K] Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
🍀 If it's magic...  by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 1K] It’s just fondness. It’s not love.
🍀 Here We Are In Heaven  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Though it happened hours before, Hawk could see it so clearly now. That green space, lined in flowers. Marcus's proud smile. Jackson's hand, so steady as it placed that simple band of silver in Hawk's palm. And Tim.
A snippet of Hawk and Tim's reception.
🍀 With all due respect, fuck congestion  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 2K] Tim and Hawk are going through their closet to find some clothes to donate, but Tim isn't feeling great.
🍀 where are lies (when no words are spoken)  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [G, 480]
“So,” Marcus starts with a smirk. “Tim.”
They’ve known each other for years, and Marcus really doesn’t need to ask questions for Hawk to understand him. Why him? What is special about him?
But the thing is, it works well the other way around. Hawk gives him a meaningful look. I don’t know what you are talking about.
Or a conversation between Marcus and Hawk set not long after Hawk took Tim at Cozy Corner in episode 1
🍀 Cutting this short would be most logical option  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 4K] It's a lovely day in 1980 and Tim's enjoying a quiet day off. Then there's a knock on his door.
🍀 Lights go down, and I hear you calling to me, yeah  by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 512] There was intrigue. There was wonder. Hawk’s damn heart literally skipped a beat. Skippy.
Or, the real answer to: “Who’s Skippy?”
🍀 Of Snuggles and Waffles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K] It's a beautiful Saturday morning and Tim should be sleeping in. Unfortunately, Hawk has other plans.
🍀 The Fixer  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 3K] Instead of Leonard, Hawk is the one arrested in a park bathroom.
🍀 You might not wear blue often, but it's still your color  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [G, 2K] Hawk is struggling. Then he gets a package in the mail.
🍀 All Dressed Up To Go Dreaming  by @bluebellsinburbank |  ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [T, 4K] Naples, 1955. Hawk and Tim's first vacation together.
🍀 She's the lady of the house, a blind believer in all I dare to be by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 5K] “A boy needs his mother’s respect. Not only her love, but also her respect.” – Emerson Eggerichs
Or, 5 times Estelle Fuller is there for Hawk, 1 time Hawk is there for himself.
🍀 To Millions of Smiles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Hawk comes home to a surprise.
🍀 Fetch  by @deputy-buck | Deputy_Buck [T, 1K] Hawk was consumed in drafting a small speech for a function Senator Smith had organized —something about acknowledging McCarthy's threat to the State Department but encouraging diplomacy— when Tim showed up on his doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. His boy promised that he would be quiet and that all he needed was to be somewhere safe while he felt this way.
🍀 gold-skinned, eager baby  by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | February Recap
February was the month for fluff! And boy, did this little fandom need it! So many wonderful fics this month, but I've highlighted the Top 20 that've stuck with me the most. Some Valentine's fluff, fake dating fun, our first Frankie/Marcus main pairing fic, smoking hot smut, a couple outstanding outsider POVs and a few phenomenal tearjerkers. A little something for everyone! ♦️ More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here. Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! -> 💌 ✍️ In addition to the fics highlighted below, there were many new additions to the Promise You WILL Write collection. Check them out here! If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself… All are welcome! You can check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
💞 February is for lovers... and domestic fluff... and slow dancing... and clothes sharing...and so much more! How do I love thee, let me count the weeks... is a month-long Valentine's Celebration and fic collection based on different prompts each week and hosted by @fellow-travelers-events. 💜 Check out my round-up's for Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3.
♦️ Yours forever anyway by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 733] Hawk and Tim dance together.
♦️ Mad about the Boy by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [E, 5K] “Tell me,” Hawk said, tilting Tim’s head back to give his forehead a quick kiss, “what does my boy want for his birthday?”
“Am I still? Your boy?” Part 3 of Fellow Travelers
♦️ Love Is An Angel Disguised As Lust by Anonymous [E, 2K] Hawk's eyes darkened, from outshining the daytime sky to rivalling the night. His lips curved into a wicked smirk. If Tim didn't know better, he might suspect he'd just played right into Hawk's hands.
"Educate me."
That wasn't exactly what Tim had intended. But, his attention caught by the glint off Hawk's wedding ring, Tim decided he could work with that.
Or, The edging fic that's probably sixty percent soft.
♦️ Rail me until I can't stand by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [E, 5K] Various missing scenes from episodes 1 and 8. Chapter 1 - Hawk's POV of their last time before Hawk's betrayal. Chapter 2 - Tim's POV of the same scene. Chapter 3 - A missing scene from Episode 1. Hawk is Tim's first because Skippy never went all the way with Bob…
♦️ Beguiled Again by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) Tim comes home late, finding Hawk asleep and wearing his shirt.
Part 6 of Bravery | Part 3 of FT Valentine's Month
♦️ I Sing the Body Electric by telescape8💠 [M, 20K, WIP]  Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
♦️ All Tied Up With Nowhere To Go by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [E, 2K] “Are they too tight?” Hawk asked, tugging on Tim’s wrists.
Tim’s wrists were, at that moment, bound to the headboard of Hawkins Fuller’s bed by some carefully knotted neckties. Tim was struck by the thought of Hawk wearing one of these ties to work on a later day, becoming distracted in his office thinking of what they had done with them on this night. His mouth twitched up at the corner.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Hawk placed a hand under his chin and tilted Tim’s face towards Hawk’s own. “This is important, I don’t want to hurt you.”
Tim rolled his wrists and wiggled his fingers to show they were fine. “I’m not made of glass, Hawk, you don’t have to treat me like I’ll break.” Or, Hawk teases a tied-up Tim
♦️ Till I Come Marching Home by Anonymous [G, 3K] Hawk spends his last day before deployment with Tim.
♦️ Please tell me now by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [G, 1K] When Marcus arrives in San Francisco, he knows the first thing he needs to do.
♦️ You should be in my space (you should be in my life) by @startagainbuttercup |  startagainbuttercup What if Tim let Hawk touch him during their mutual masturbation session? Part 2 of FT Valentine's Month: how do i love thee, let me count the weeks...
♦️ Two Old Men at Grubstake on Pine by @vespersong | vespersong Hannah's story of the two old men at Grubstake Diner, in 1980s San Francisco.
♦️ A Disaster Beyond Measure by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 8K, WIP] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
♦️ Again, only better by @madsmeetsmisha | madsmeetsmisha [M, 14K, WIP] Hawk had no idea what was really going on here. All he knew was that he was back in 1954 and a completely distraught Tim was standing outside his door. And he also knew that he certainly wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
♦️ The gold of the dusk and the dawn by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 3K] Valentine’s Day, 1954
Part 4 of Fellow Travelers
♦️ Stay With Me by Joycee💠 [M, 10K] A week after Hawk goes home from San Francisco, he gets a phone call.
♦️ Down the road, later on, you will hate that I never gave more to you (than half of my heart) by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [G, 1K] “I lied.”
Hawk isn’t sure what that means or if he’s brave enough to unpack it.
“About what?”
“Same as you,” Lucy says. “About myself.”
Or, Hawk learns about Tim's letter
♦️ psalms 40:2 by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [NR, 3K] Tim arrives in his hospital room, and it’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to Roger in weeks.
♦️ Where No One Else Can See by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K] Marcus once said Hawk was a damn good liar. And the first step in being the best damned liar that ever set foot in Washington, was the necessity of being able to lie to yourself.
Hawk had been lying to himself for so long - about so many things - even he didn't think he would know his own truth if it was laid bare before him.
Until soft brown eyes and a kiss that tasted like milk and eternity.
Until Skippy.
Or, How Tim's touch made Hawk realise a certain fact.
♦️ Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 17K, WIP] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
♦️ A Patchwork Life by @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 | Likerealpeopledo Hawk spends time in San Francisco after Tim's death in order to keep the promises he made at the gala.
The events take place in canon between Tim's death and Hawk's visit to the quilt in October 1987.
💠 Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you are linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
✨ Show the authors plenty of love with your comments and kudos on the fics you enjoyed after reading! Likes are lovely, but please reblog to share this content with your mutuals! ✨
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loveismyrevolution · 4 years
New fic coming soon
Today a year ago I posted (what l consider) my first fic "The Posh Purple Pirate (Enter My Life and Make Me Drown)" on Ao3; which also marks the beginning of my life among fanfic writers. 
Because writing makes me insanely happy, got me new friends in this fandom, gifted me with a soul-mate 💜 and therefore made my life better I thought that was reason enough to celebrate. 
The best way to celebrate writing is… well… writing, so I treated myself to this totally self-indulgent multi-chapter fic and bestowed my pirate and his captain a continuation of their story. So, here I can present you:
"The Purple Pirate: uncovered"
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A case has come up that has Sherlock returning to his persona as The Posh Purple Pirate. Even being in an established relationship his pirate (and Sherlock in general) never lost his rather enticing effect on John. Helping Sherlock transform from brilliant Detective to mesmerising Miss Pirate leaves John hot and bothered, as does the case and seeing his pirate back on stage. The case doesn't go according to plan as John's presence isn't welcome and Miss Pirate attracts more attention than John is comfortable with. Luckily, Captain Watson is always in the wings, ready to save the day and the love of his life. Even though his heroic deed isn't received as well as expected, to both their relief differences are resolved pretty quickly and quite enthusiastically… 
Rating: E
Chapters: 4
Tags: #established relationship, #humor, #John and Sherlock in love, #John is horny, #Sherlock is a tease, #smut ensured, #case fic, #club fic, #pole dancing, #cross dressing, #Sherlock is a drag queen, #eyeliner, #leather and lace, #shaving/manscaping, #Sherlock is a pirate, #John is his Captain, #jealous John, #BAMF John, #angry Sherlock, #a tiny bit of angst, #happy ending (in more than one sense of the word)
This fic will also resolve some loose threads of the first part; for example it'll answer @fellshish 's question of "to tuck or not to tuck". It'll also deal with the mystery of "how did Sherlock pull off the drag so masterfully if it was only for a case", as we learn more about the pirate's past. The boys are crossing universes with my "Hairy Situations at 221b"-series, which will hopefully satisfy some headcanons of especially @barbsiebabe . I hope @totallysilvergirl 's wish for more in the PirateDragQueenVerse is met sufficiently as well. 
As always I can't even remotely adequately express my love and gratitude for my betas and dear friends @jobooksncoffee and @shylockgnomes , who are dealing stoically with my roving mind and spontaneous ideas. Thank you both so much for your unfaltering patience and constant support.
The fic will update weekly starting on Tuesday. The Ao3-link will be added in time. Stay tuned...
I'm tagging my usual bunch of lovely readers plus some who seemed to like my pirate the first time or might be interested. (Please give me a sign if you don't want to be tagged or, of course, if you want to be added to the list as well.)
@jobooksncoffee ​ @shylockgnomes ​ @morgendaemmerung89 ​ @consultingpacha ​ @chained-to-the-mirror ​ @bakingsherlycakes ​ @loveinthemindpalace ​ @totallysilvergirl ​ @alexaprilgarden ​ @barbsiebabe ​ @writingfanficsfan ​ @whodwantmeasaflatmate ​ @jodinia @purplegori @mylastvow ​ @bearly-mama ​ @itzmi @underestimatemethatwillbefun ​ @ithinkthereforeiamaswell ​ @astudyinconsultingdetective @bekah1218 @agula86 @missdeliadili @johnlock2708 @bluebellstar
@iwlyanmw @inevitably-johnlocked @anyway-kindness @fellshish @lijahlover @anindoorkitty @booskerdu
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loveismyrevolution · 4 years
Chapter 2 is up! It's complete.
"I'd Never Call You!"
by Loveismyrevolution
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What a stupid idea of Greg's. It would be far too embarrassing for John to call Sherlock and confess his feelings and desires for the man.
Chapter 2:
Sherlock would never tell John if he had called him last night, too drunk to even remember all the things he had said. Of course that would also mean, that John would never get to know how much Sherlock would like to kiss him, too. That however would be a shame, wouldn't it.
(Ao3 link)
(tagging my usual bunch of lovelies plus those of you who asked to be tagged in the original post... please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged for updates of my writing!)
@jobooksncoffee ​ @shylockgnomes ​ @morgendaemmerung89 ​ @consultingpacha ​ @chained-to-the-mirror ​ @bakingsherlycakes ​ @loveinthemindpalace ​ @totallysilvergirl ​ @alexaprilgarden ​ @barbsiebabe ​ @writingfanficsfan ​ @whodwantmeasaflatmate ​ @jodinia @purplegori @mylastvow @bearly-mama @itzmi @underestimatemethatwillbefun @ithinkthereforeiamaswell @astudyinconsultingdetective @bekah1218 @agula86 @missdeliadili ​ @johnlock2708 @bluebellstar
@iwlyanmw @inevitably-johnlocked @majesticnerdynerd @random-fangirl @gentleholmes
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loveismyrevolution · 4 years
I was once again inspired by a prompt on @inevitably-johnlocked 's blog. This is what happened...
"I'd Never Call You"
by Loveismyrevolution
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What a stupid idea of Greg's. It would be far too embarrassing for John to call Sherlock and confess his feelings and desires for the man.
John would never do that, would he?
A Johnlock story, rated M, some fluff and crack and humor...
Chapter 1 (of 2)
(tagging my usual bunch of lovelies plus those of you who asked to be tagged in the original post... please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged for updates of my writing!)
@jobooksncoffee ​ @shylockgnomes ​ @morgendaemmerung89 ​ @consultingpacha ​ @chained-to-the-mirror ​ @bakingsherlycakes ​ @loveinthemindpalace ​ @totallysilvergirl ​ @alexaprilgarden ​ @barbsiebabe ​ @writingfanficsfan ​ @whodwantmeasaflatmate ​ @jodinia @purplegori @mylastvow @bearly-mama @itzmi @underestimatemethatwillbefun @ithinkthereforeiamaswell @astudyinconsultingdetective @bekah1218 @agula86 @missdeliadili ​ @johnlock2708 @bluebellstar
@iwlyanmw @inevitably-johnlocked @majesticnerdynerd @random-fangirl @gentleholmes
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loveismyrevolution · 4 years
New chapter is up!
The Purple Pirate: uncovered by Loveismyrevolution
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Chapter 2
... in which John learns about a lot of things: his duties as a doctor, the value of household remedies, a lot of different languages, the equipment of the queen and his own role in this case.
What is more: I decided to remove the #case fic tag, because I realised this fic... It's not about the legend, the stories, the adventures. It's all about: who you really are, it does matter!
(Please give me a sign if you want or don't want to be tagged - for this story or my writing in general.)
@iwlyanmw @inevitably-johnlocked @anyway-kindness @fellshish @itsallgood @lijahlover @anindoorkitty @booskerdu @wsherlockscottholmesblog @sussexbeeinchelsea
@jobooksncoffee ​ @shylockgnomes ​ @morgendaemmerung89 ​ @consultingpacha ​ @chained-to-the-mirror ​ @bakingsherlycakes ​ @loveinthemindpalace ​ @totallysilvergirl ​ @alexaprilgarden ​ @barbsiebabe @writingfanficsfan ​ @whodwantmeasaflatmate ​ @jodinia @purplegori @mylastvow ​ @bearly-mama ​ @itzmi @underestimatemethatwillbefun ​ @ithinkthereforeiamaswell ​ @astudyinconsultingdetective @bekah1218 @agula86 @missdeliadili @johnlock2708 @bluebellstar  
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