zkshz6hcb · 1 year
Passionate gay threesome in a spicy private pool Anal abuse Next Door Indian Teen Filmed Taking Shower London Keyes pees and teases in the shower Gordinha tirando a roupa para o amante Ju Pantera Muito Gostosa Amateur russian girl takes dick the pussy started talking back to me Leona Grace Angara Pinay Self Cam cactus para sa makating puke ng lesbiana lana nude body show
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speepybees · 1 year
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the shrew :3
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Friend caught a shrew who had somehow stumbled into her below-ground house.
Him soft.
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We named him Bartholomew.
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bowelfly · 1 year
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the two were inseparable and incorrigible. the moment you took your eyes off them they'd sneak away from their monastic duties and into the cask cellar and by the time you found them they'd be so deep in their cups you'd just have to let them dance it out and reprimand them in the morning.
American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) and Northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda)
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 month
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Northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda)
Habitat & Distribution
Northern short-tailed shrews live underground in grasslands, marshes, deciduous and evergreen forests, and urban areas
They are found throughout northeastern North America
Physical Description
Weight: 15 to 30 g (0.53 to 1.06 oz)
Length: 108 to 140 mm (4.3 to 5.5 in) including the tail
Northern short-tailed shrews are covered in dense, velvety fur which can be grey, brown, or black
Although they do have eyes, their use is limited to detecting light; their primary sense is touch, enhanced by its whiskers, and echolocation
The northern short-tailed shrew spends most of its time burrowing underground, searching for food-- namely insects like worms, snails, roots and other burrowing rodents
This species is solitary outside the mating season
Their main predators include snakes, birds of prey, coyotes, raccoons, and opossums
Key Advantages
The saliva of this species contains a toxin that can paralyze animals several times its own size
The northern short-tailed shrew is quite adept at using echolocation to detect prey underground
Most mammalian predators are deterred by the musky odor that individuals can emit when threatened
Photo by Philip Myers
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mammalidentifier · 9 months
I feel somewhat certain that this is the northern short tailed shrew (blaring brevicauda), but maybe it’s some other kind of shrew? can you confirm/deny my suspicions? Thanks! ps love your blog
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Looks like a correct identification to me! Blarina shrews look a lot alike if we don’t count their size, which is hard to gather from a photo so the only way to be 100% sure would be knowing where exactly this one was spotted. Personally, though, I find that northern short-tailed shrews tend to have shorter snouts than the other species in the genus, which gives them a more “hamster-like” appearance rather than a “rat-like” appearance, if you will. Just compare it to the southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis) and Elliot's short-tailed shrew (Blarina hylophaga):
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pickerelstripe · 11 months
[CM] Mammals - Prey
Third and final mammal post (for now), most of the animals here are taken by ClayClan as prey. They’re the size of or smaller than cats and generally safe to hunt, though there are exceptions. Below are translations for red-backed voles, bog lemmings, eastern chipmunks, and short-tailed shrews, plus several animals with the same name as base Clanmew.
Bats (general) - Fip* There’s several bat species in ClayClan, buuuut I’m yet to look into them, so for now I’m just listing the general term. Bats aren’t hunted (they’re too fast and have too little meat) but are instead enjoyed as nimble predators in their own right. Someday I’ll make a bat expansion with more words! 
Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) - Yywaya* Cat-sized or slightly larger. The largest mammal that’s regularly hunted; hares make for a challenging but rewarding meal. They change color depending on the season, bearing a mottled brown coat in summer and a pure white one in winter. The god Chikik is believed to resemble a snowshoe hare!
Long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) - Morfaf* Long snake-like body, very similar to an ermine. Both a hunter and the hunted - weasels compete with cats for small mammalian prey like mice and chipmunks, but are also killed to be eaten by the Clan.
Gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) - Chakchak* About a third of the size of a cat. These animals are found all over the forest, especially during fall, when they bury nuts for later retrieval. Hunted year-round as a hearty meal. Typically gray-and-white but sometimes all black!
Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) - Twipip A small, relatively non-challenging prey animal. Easy to find foraging on the ground in open woodland.
White-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) - Nai* White-footed mice are hunted often, but warriors must be careful to inspect the prey before transporting it for one important reason - white-footed mice are a favored host of larval deer ticks! Nobody wants to be the one responsible for bringing those back to camp... 
Red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus) - Kakak Common and easy to hunt, but not preferred due to their lack of meat. More valuable in winter when other prey becomes scarce.
Bog lemming (Synaptomys cooperi) - Wee Rare! Sometimes hunted when found, but generally considered not worth it due to their small size.
Star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) - Bosgo* Found in shallow tunnels under wet soil. Hunted on occasion. Considered strange for their branching nose tentacles.
Short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) - Mwsswo (mwssaf*, owo*) Hunted semi-frequently, but warriors must be careful to avoid getting bit, as short-tailed shrew saliva contains a toxin that causes unusually painful bites!
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Saw a shrew (Blarina brevicauda) yesterday and it filled me with joy
[image ID: a photo of a small, black shrew on snowy ground. The video shows the shrew poke out of its hole and and sniff around. End ID]
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elephantbitterhead · 2 years
a brief research journey
I was reading a moderately interesting WP article about shrew research when I came across a statement that surprised me: "The common shrew is one of the few mammals with a venomous bite." I didn't know this about shrews & set out to learn more, which has proven more difficult than expected.
Apparently only some shrews are venomous. The article doesn't give a scientific name for the animals discussed, referring to them simply as 'common shrew.' The common shrew in the UK doesn't appear to be venomous, much to my disappointment. The animal that Wikipedia offers as the N. American common shrew, Sorex cineris, is not venomous (let's leave this problem for the WP fact checkers, who seem to have been out this day). A link in the WP article connects to a little shred of a piece about the short-tailed shrew from 2010, which again uses only the common name. I'm going to assume this is the northern short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda, which is indeed venomous. Like actually, really venomous -- enough to kill small mammals & to make its bite significantly unpleasant for human beings (the Wayback Machine offers us some small enlightenment about experiences with bites). Sadly, short-tailed shrews don't have terrifying snake fangs. Instead, the venom is added to their saliva by a gland on the floor of their mouth and it's then delivered into the bite along the groove between their bottom incisors. The UK does have the Eurasian water shrew (Neomys fodiens), which is also among the venomous shrews & its venom works the same way as the short-tailed shrew's.
But try as I might, I can't (yet) find a list of specifically which shrews are venomous. I can find plenty of broad statements about shrews in general, but they're mostly in conflict with each other (various sources unhelpfully say 'some,' 'many,' 'few,' and 'most' shrews are venomous). There's also surprisingly little information about whether this venom is primarily used defensively or offensively. How am I supposed to know what is going on out there? How can I form an accurate mental picture of a venomous shrew without knowing whether it's a sinister predator or terrified retaliator? Making things worse, there are several different species going about under the 'shrew' heading, so I can't even make very good inferences.
While I didn't manage to sort out the venomous shrews, I did learn one other interesting thing. The Eurasian water shrew has rusty-orange tips on its incisors, which are the result of iron deposits that make the enamel more durable. This turns out to be the same reason that beavers have orange incisors, which is something I'd long wondered about.
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afactaday · 9 months
#169: the northern short-tailed shrew, or Blarina brevicauda, is one of the few venomous mammals. its saliva contains Blarina toxin, which can cause paralysis and respiratory problems in small animals and burning sensation and mainly pain in humans. this is also found in some moles' spit. on the topic of being bitten by moles, their upper body is very strong, for all that digging (their jaws are pretty strong too i think) and in the 18th/19th century there was this believe where if a mole died in your hand, you had managed to suppress its strength powers and you would... gain.... healing powers??
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animalids · 3 years
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Southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis)
Photo by Michael Spencer
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Star Wars Alien Species - Blarina
Rina Major was a planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Blarina species, whose name meant "children of Rin".
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The Blarina Naka Iit began working as a scavenger on the planet Jakku around ten years after the Battle of Endor, and in the time made the acquaintance of Ohn Gos, another Blarina living on Jakku who worked as a merchant in Blowback Town. Twenty years into Iit's career he encounter the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron lost in the desert and agreed to take him to Blowback Town to try and arrange transport off world with Gos, who was generally more sympathetic to others. En route to the town, Iit and Dameron were attacked by the Strus clan, but the pilot managed to shake off the pursuers, earning Iit's gratitude. The Blarina agreed to interceded with Gos in thanks, and the two Blarina together managed to arrange Dameron transport off world, allowing him to return to the Resistance base on the planet D'Qar.
The hyperspace scout Wollivan was a Blarina with a large family, and due to their similar appearance, often claimed to be different members of his family to avoid trouble. Shortly after Iit and Gos helped Dameron, Wollivan was present in the castle of the pirate Maz Kanata when the smuggler Han Solo arrived looking for help getting the astromech droid BB-8 to the Resistance. After Solo's arrival, the occupants of the castle were drawn outside to witness the destruction of the Hosnian system by the First Order's Starkiller Base superweapon. The castle itself was then attacked and destroyed by the First Order. Wollivan wore a Blarina vac-suit while at the castle.
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Amongst the most notable traits of the highly sociable Blarina species were their fondness for words and speech, which caused some members of the species to be quick with words. They were capable of speaking Galactic Basic Standard, and able to convey sarcasm, despair, delight and amusement through their tones when using the language. The species were also famously known for being accomplished liars, with at least one member of the species often lying about his identity in order to avoid trouble and take advantage of the problems other species had in identifying individual Blarina. They often hissed during speech and made a cackling hiss when delighted. The species were not especially known for their hospitality, although at least one member of the species was known to be particularly sympathetic to others, and another was willing to offer a stranger lost in the desert transport to civilization. Blarina would stick together when faced with species of larger size, often forming family-based guilds or mercantile associations.
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The Blarina were a short, pudgy bipedal sentient species who were not especially strong, but made up for it by being incredibly quick, rugged and resourceful. With tough skin, they were capable of surviving in both high and low temperature extremes and through decompression, and were also resistant to poison and disease. Most other sentient species had trouble telling Blarina apart based on their appearance, with members having broad faces with short, wide snouts and a small pair of eyes, with slitted pupils. Below their snout, the Blarina had a mouth with more sharp teeth than a human mouth contained, including incisors. The species' skin was scaly and could be pink in color, while their eyes could have a golden hue. They had five fingered hands with claws at the end of each digit.
Blarinas age at the following stages:
1 - 11 Child
12 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 34 Adult
35 - 49 Middle Age
50 - 69 Old
Examples of Names: Daxxus, Ohn Gos, Naka Iit, Bev Plar, Wollivan.
Languages: Blarina speak Blarinaan, a quick-spoken language full of crackling hisses and contains multiple different words for similar ideas and objects. They can speak Basic.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
Musaraigne -- Blarina brevicauda -- Shrew
Musaraigne -- Blarina brevicauda -- Shrew by Gilles Gonthier Via Flickr: Musaraigne à queue courte (grande musaraigne) Northern Short-tailed Shrew Ordre des soricomorphes -- Order Soricomorpha Bas-Saint-Laurent -- Province de Québec -- Canada Prise en juin 2007 -- Taken in June 2007
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
The northern short-tailed shrew is a rather unremarkable species of shrew, save for the remarkable trait of being one of the few venomous species of mammal. Its saliva contains a toxin that is used to paralyze its prey- namely insects, salamanders, and other small mammals. Though painful to humans, the toxin is not fatal.
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(Image: A northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) caught in a rare above-ground excursion by Gilles Gonthier)
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Shrew-ed Observations
Local long-tailed and short-tailed shrews are fascinating finds in McDonald Woods, and valuable residents of our natural world.
Several years ago, while walking the nature trail in McDonald Woods, I stopped, having heard a high-pitched squeaking emanating from the sedges and grasses along side the trail. (This was when my hearing was still acute enough to detect such high-frequency sounds.) It took me a while, but based on the emphatic commotion, I finally realized I was hearing either a romantic interlude or territorial…
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amberdawn · 2 years
blarina brevicauda would be a beautiful name for a baby girl
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