#Bill 96
allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Seeking English-language services from various kinds of government services in Quebec just became trickier — and the latest change isn’t going over well.
The François Legault government’s linguistic overhaul, known as Bill 96, is designed to protect and bolster the French language in the province. The goal is to guard against its decline, the government says, especially in Montreal.
After delays, more provisions of the law came into effect Thursday — one of which heavily relies on a self-imposed honour system in some cases.
Under the law, civil servants must now use French in an “exemplary” manner, which means they must speak and write exclusively in the language, except in certain cases. The new rule does not apply to the health and social services settings, according to Quebec’s language watchdog.
The latest restriction means only designated groups — such as Quebecers who have the right to English-language schooling, Indigenous people and immigrants who have been here for less than six months — can receive government services in English. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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porterdavis · 2 years
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Buried within Quebec’s odious Bill 96, just signed into law.
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kuriquinn · 2 years
Fuck Quebec. Fuck Legault. And fuck every piece of trash pequiste that's so fucking stupid and naive that they think Bill 96 is going to save the French language. Y'all not only just ensured businesses and companies will be getting the fuck out of the province in droves (bye bye already trash economy), you just cut the knees out from future generations all while violating actual human rights. Can't wait to fucking leave this dumpster fire
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societeaffaires · 1 year
La loi 96 du Québec expliquée et ce qu'elle signifie pour le site Web de votre entreprise
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L'an dernier, le gouvernement du Québec a adopté une nouvelle loi, le projet de loi 96, un amendement à la Charte de la langue française, pour promouvoir l'usage de la langue française dans la province et affirmer également que le français est la langue commune de la nation québécoise.
Les changements prévus auront un impact sur toutes les entreprises qui opèrent et/ou ont des employés au Québec, et plusieurs des nouvelles exigences de la loi 96 sont déjà entrées en vigueur depuis mars 2023.
Dans cet article, nous expliquerons ce que ces nouveaux changements signifient pour votre entreprise et comment cela affectera finalement les aspects entourant votre entreprise, comme la fourniture d'un site Web pour un public francophone.
En mai 2022, le projet de loi 96 a été officiellement adopté par l'Assemblée nationale du Québec et est devenu loi. La loi, connue officiellement sous le nom de « Loi concernant le français, langue officielle et commune du Québec », reconnaît le français comme langue commune du Québec, Canada.
Cette modification est la première transformation majeure de la Charte de la langue française du Québec (loi 101) depuis 1977 et obligera les entreprises québécoises à fonctionner en français tant à l'interne qu'à l'externe.
De plus, les entreprises basées à l'extérieur du Québec, mais opérant avec des clients dans la province seront également tenues de fournir une traduction française de la même qualité que tout contenu et communication en anglais qu'elles produisent.
Le projet de loi 96 aura plusieurs implications pour les entreprises opérant dans la province et des contestations judiciaires si la loi n'est pas suivie correctement.
Principalement, les nouvelles exigences signifient que les entreprises doivent servir les clients en français et en anglais, sans favoriser l'un par rapport à l'autre, et les nouveaux pouvoirs signifieront que des amendes seront infligées si le règlement n'est pas respecté.
Plusieurs modifications auront une incidence sur les entreprises et voici un résumé de certains domaines :
Lieu de travail Les entreprises québécoises de 25 à 49 employés seront assujetties aux mêmes règles de francisation que celles de 50 à 99 employés. Ces entreprises devront utiliser le français à tous les niveaux de leur entreprise.
De plus, les entreprises de 25 à 100 employés sont tenues de former un comité de francisation si l'Office québécois de la langue française l'exige. Pour les entreprises de plus de cinq employés, l'Office peut imposer des services d'apprentissage de la langue française.
Entreprise Il sera exigé que tous les contrats publics (contrats conclus par l'administration civile) soient rédigés exclusivement en français, bien qu'une version dans une autre langue puisse être jointe à la version française dans certaines circonstances.
À quelques exceptions près, toute communication entre une entreprise et un organisme de l'administration civile concernant un permis, une subvention ou une autre autorisation doit se faire en français.
Commerce et entreprise Le projet de loi renforce l'obligation des entreprises de servir les consommateurs en français lorsqu'elles fournissent des biens et des services. La langue par défaut des communications et des services pour les entreprises qui offrent des biens et des services à un public autre que les consommateurs est le français.
Panneaux publics, publicité et produits Pour les enseignes publiques et les publicités commerciales, les marques de commerce peuvent toujours être utilisées dans d'autres langues tant qu'il n'y a pas de version française enregistrée au Canada et qu'une description générique ou un slogan en français est utilisé. En l'absence de ces conditions, une traduction française nettement prédominante est exigée sur toute signalisation.
Lorsqu'un nom d'entreprise contient des expressions d'une autre langue, la langue française devra être mise en évidence sur l'affichage extérieur.
Quant aux inscriptions de produits, elles doivent être rédigées en français. Les inscriptions en d'autres langues peuvent être accompagnées d'une traduction, mais elles ne peuvent être plus proéminentes ou plus avantageuses que celles en français.
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studentprotests · 2 years
Bill 96 is most popular among those outside of Montreal, particularly in Quebec City.
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mebwalker · 2 years
Canada Day
Today is Canada Day. Despite division, I celebrate Canada Day.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau by Yousuf Karsh (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Canadiana 1 (page)←Canadiana 2 (page)← https://michelinewalker.com/2022/06/21/language-laws-in-quebec-bill-96/ Les Anciens Canadiens I have written several posts on Philippe Aubert de Gaspé’s Les Anciens Canadiens. I used a translation entitled Cameron of Lochiel. Cameron of Lochiel is the title Sir Charles G. D. Roberts gave to…
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ginkgoleaves · 2 years
With bill 96 they asking people to learn French with fluency in 6 months... I'm having serious doubts about MTL now :///
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acquariusgb · 4 months
From Clintonlibrary 42 channel. August 31st, 1996 Unfortunately the camera is too far away to create some decent GIFs (if anyone else would like to try). There's a lot of Billary touching. It's funny at the beginning when they have to stretch to touch each other because their chairs are too far away and then at minute 8, Bill just had enough and pushes his chair closer to Hillary's LOL
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pollyna · 1 year
My dream team (volleyball) with the '86 class:
- setter(s): Iceman and Sundown. Ice starts as hitter but he got bored too soon. Every coach on the east and west coast always says that him and Sundown are almost as good as Zaystev.
- middle blocker(s): Slider, Goose and Merlin. They have a complete different way to play, reason way Viper can't take one of them out of the team. They all are good players and needed in different moments on the match.
-attacker: Wolfman and Hollywood. Jester finds them bored as hell in a basketball court and takes them to meet the team. The first time Wolf dunk the ball Viper almost cries because we found him. He cries when it's Hollywood turn. There's a video somewhere.
-wing/hitter spiker: Chipper and Cougar. Chipper finds his way in that particular role after he tried them all but nothing stucked, expected this one and Cougar likes to say he was born to be the best wing on this god green earth.
-libero: Maverick. Everybody looks once at him, for like 0.1 second, and yep, that's your role bye.
- coaching: that two poor souls of Viper and Jester.
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widowshill · 21 days
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vicki looking at roger's lips in the bangor cabin appreciation post
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I'm going to clarify some stuff here, on my position concerning commentary like this and what it insinuates. Please do not attack or target this person, I'm using this commentary as an example, they are by no means the only person who has made commentary like this, and I'm just trying to educate.
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There are a lot of issues with comments like this. Québec is an French-speaking province that is implementing more and more discriminatory rules against anglo and allophones in the province, making it harder for these individuals to seek basic services and making it legal to discriminate based on language, all this under the guise of 'la protection de la francophonie'. This is obviously heinous and a form of collective punishment if justified with the former persecution of French-speakers in Québec and class gap that overlapped with the gap between francophones and anglophones. HOWEVER, French-Canadians =/= French-speaking Québécois. There are large underserved francophone communities in other provinces such as Manitoba, Saskatchewan, etc... that also experience linguistic discrimination. Persecution of anglophones in Québec doesn't justify further snide commentary and discrimination against French-speaking Canadians as a whole. I would like to urge people not to express this kind of attitude on the posts of this blog. Direct your anger at Québec and its colonial institutions, which hypocritically seeks to continue the destruction of minority languages and do nothing to protect, preserve, or reinvigorate Indigenous languages; all the while claiming minority status for their own and using it as a cudgel to justify discrimination.
If you have any further concerns, address me at my main blog @el-shab-hussein, my inbox is open. I am not the main admin of this blog I am just one of the assistants helping run it.
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Lollapalooza, No Longer So Ambivalent About Bigness
New York Times, 07/12/1996
(via @bearcub81212)
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killbaned · 5 months
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purplespacecats · 9 months
so i got this inscrutable ad from the government
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and was like. ??? what do you mean "it's the law." what's the law? what message is this trying to convey? is it a bill 96 thing?* what do you want me to "learn more" about? the legal system as a concept???
i clicked the link and it led me to the page about restrictions on airbnbs and. i am even more confused lmao
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katnissgirlsmakedo · 11 months
like. all the movies left on my movie may list are movies that are either sooooo long (2 hours. i am just so bad at watching movies rn it’s embarrassing) or just don’t really seem like something i’d like. or both. most are both. yes i wanted to watch atonement i’m sure it’s a great movie i’m sure it looks beautiful i’m sure all those actors i like are really great in it. unfortunately it just seems like a movie that will make me want to start clawing my face off out of boredom i’m sorry kiera knightley… god this just blows. flop ass movie may. where’s this years crimson peak 😒
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studentprotests · 2 years
1 in 3 Quebecers claim Bill 96 will make it easier for Quebec to attract immigrants..
Expecting immigrants to learn French in just six months? No biggie..
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