#Best Psychiatrist in Patna Bihar
patnaneuro · 11 months
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digitalexpo · 9 months
The best psychiatrists in Patna
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Dr. Vijendra Jha is a dedicated & best psychiatrist in Patna with decades of experience. Known for their compassionate and effective approach to mental health, Dr. Vijendra Jhaspecializes in treating various psychiatric disorders, offering therapy and personalized treatment plans. They create a safe and welcoming environment for patients to discuss their concerns openly. Beyond their clinical work, Dr.Vijendra Jha is committed to mental health advocacy and community well-being. With a strong reputation for expertise and empathy, Dr. Vijendra Jha is a trusted figure in Patna's mental health landscape, helping individuals achieve mental wellness and a higher quality of life.
Buddha neuropsychiatry, best psychiatrist in Patna deals with the problems of brain and mind. Sleep disorder in Patna/ anxiety specialist doctor in Patna. A range of psychological/psychiatric illnesses viz, depression, anxiety, psychosis, childhood problems, deaddiction are managed by means of medicines as well as counselling/psychotherapy. Depression specialist doctor in Patna
To book an appointment, please call us:-
Address: 131/E, Boring Rd, opposite PC Jewellers, below CAFE HIDEOUT, Patna, Bihar 800001
Phone: 099710 38317
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koukokaga22 · 2 years
best psychiatrist in Patna | Sleep disorder in Patna | Anxiety specialist doctor in Patna | Depression specialist doctor in Patna
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Buddha neuropsychiatry, best psychiatrist in Patna deals with the problems of brain and mind. Sleep disorder in Patna/ anxiety specialist doctor in Patna. A range of psychological/psychiatric illnesses viz, depression, anxiety, psychosis, childhood problems, deaddiction are managed by means of medicines as well as counselling/psychotherapy. Depression specialist doctor in Patna. Call: 099710 38317 / 089869 03764
Location: 131/E, Boring Rd, opposite PC Jewellers, below CAFE HIDEOUT, Patna, Bihar 800001
Counseling, psychotherapy, deaddiction,
anxiety and depression treatment
childhood psychological problems
migraine/headache treatment
old age psychiatry
 Sunday  Closed
Monday  Closed
Tuesday11:00 AM–1:00 PM 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Wednesday11:00 AM–1:00 PM 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Thursday   Closed
Friday11:00 AM–1:00 PM 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Saturday11:00 AM–1:00 PM 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
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joyexcelll-blog · 6 years
We all are familiar with the name John F. Nash, the Nobel Prize winner in economics for his game theory in the year 1994. Atleast you must have seen one of the best movies ever made (according to me) named ‘A Beautiful Mind’ based on this great mathematicians life. How inspiring it is to know about his life, after suffering from schizophrenia (A disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly) and the way recover and finally won the Nobel prize. It is truly inspiring.
Many of us know John Nash’s  story. But how many of us have ever heard about an Indian mathematician Vashishth Narayan Singh. None or may be very few. It is very unfortunate as a country for India, as it cannot look after it’s own countries wealth. I feel this is a person everyone should know about his journey at least every Indian. 
From a village in Bihar to USA, from  the life of name and fame to the life of mental disturbance and poverty this is Dr. Vashishth Narayan Singh’s story-
Dr. Vashishtha Narayan Singh was born as the first son of Late Lal Bahadur Singh and Smt. Lahaso Devi in Village Basantpur, under Sadar Block of Dist. Bhojpur on 2nd April 1942. His father was working as a policeman in the state Police Dept.. Vashishtha Narayan Singh had his primary education in the village school. Thereafter, he went to Netarhat School in class VI. In the year 1962, he passed his matriculation examination, topping in the entire state of Bihar. 
After his school education, he got admission in the prestigious Patna Science College. From Netarhat to Patna Science College, in 1963, was a natural progression for him but what happened thereafter was something extraordinary. Dr Nagendra Nath, Principal of the college, also a Maths teacher, on getting complaints, one after the other about Vashishtha often disturbing the Maths classes by posing questions somewhat unrelated, summoned him to his office chamber one day. He was given a few difficult questions, much beyond the Intermediate class he was student of, to solve. Not only did he solve them promptly right in front of the Principal but also further showed his skill in solving each of them in ways more than one. Dr Nath was awestruck, stood still for a while in total disbelief for he was face to face with kind of prodigy he had never encountered before. What followed after that was even more remarkable. The Rules of the University were amended and made flexible (courtesy, Governor cum Chancellor of the university) to enable Vashishtha to straightaway take the B Sc (Maths Hons.) final year exam after his first year in college. He topped the class with distinction. At the end of his second year in college, he was allowed to take the M Sc (Maths) final exam.
In earlymid 1960’s Bihar College of Engineering Patna, was in much better shape and world class faculty members used to visit the College. There was some Mathematics Conference in Bihar College of Engineering during mid 60’s where Prof John L. Kelley, HOD University of California, Berkley(UCB) as also present. 
He had presented a list of 5 most difficult problems in Mathematics or so. Vasistha Narayan Singh solved all of them and that too in different ways.
This Berkley professor got impressed and requested him to come to Berkley for further study. Vasistha Narayan Singh told him that it would be difficult for him to come to US on his own. HOD promised all the help and kept the word. HOD arranged for visa and flight ticket and got him into UCB. He took good care of Vasistha Narayan Singh at UCB as Vasistha Narayan Singh was a shy person. Vasistha Narayan Singh did not let down HOD and did his PhD with style and went on to work for NASA. You can find his Ph.D thesis even now here.
Things were going fine with him till sometime in 1975, and what happened one day changed all that. He was found snubbing his junior for an error in a manner somewhat unfamiliar with him and much to the annoyance and disappointments of others working in his unit. Promptly he was referred to the doctor – a psychiatrist. He was diagnosed as the one suffering from schizophrenia at its early stage and was prescribed some therapeutic medicines to continue with.
By then, Singh had become a role model for the youth in Bihar. He worked at UCB as assistant professor. He was perhaps also Bihar’s most eligible bachelor of his time. Marriage proposals came from across the state. In 1972 he finally gave in to his family’s wishes and decided to tie the knot. His bride was the daughter of a government doctor from a nearby village. A month after the nuptials, the couple departed to live out their American dream.
“In America, Bhaiyya‘s wife one day found him taking some pills,” says Prasad (his brother), “and asked her father about them. That’s how we ourselves came to know about his illness.”
In 1974, the couple returned to India and Singh started teaching at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. However, he soon become “fed up with the internal politics” there and opted instead to join the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai. He later moved to the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata.
Badly shaken by Singh’s mental condition, his wife left for her father’s house, never to return to her husband. Prasad says, “We do not blame her. Not everybody can live under such circumstances.” Their divorce was finalised in 1976. “It had a huge impact on our brother. He suddenly become very withdrawn and stopped eating,” says Prasad. A few months later, he became violent. The family was left with no options, but to send him to the Kanke Mental Asylum (now Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke).
He was discharged from the institution in 1985, but two years later, he disappeared from home. Despite all efforts, he could not be located. For four long years, the family waited for word about him, until some people informed them that Dr Vashishtha Singh had been found loitering near a garbage dump in his ex-wife’s village like this-
“After that, we have never let him out of our sight,” says Prasad.
When I saw the above picture for the first time I just couldn’t beleive my eyes. “How on earth this is possible” was my first expression. You might is thinking the same.
Now He speaks, but only when spoken to, and he avoids eye contact while speaking. When asked about his stay in Berkeley, he says with some lucidity, “I had a very good time there. I used to live at 10/20 Vine Road or was that 20/10?” Then just as suddenly he loses his train of thought. He mumbles, “But all of that has been destroyed now. Don’t you know Russia dropped atom bombs there? America is a wasteland now. Kelly sahib is also very worried.” His nephew, Rakesh, tells him that his mentor died many years ago. Singh insists, “No, no, he is alive, I spoke to him last night. He is in Delhi.”
  I think how ignorant can be a country, above pic is just the reflection of this. A national treasure like him are treated like this. “We are not asking for any financial help from the government. All we want him to have is an academic atmosphere.” said his brother.
Compare this story with John F. Nash’s story. Almost similar circumstances he was also suffering from schizophrenia but with the support of his wife, friends and country he recovered and went on to win Nobel Prize. His story became famous. well he deserved that.
What happened here with Vashishtha Narayan Singh after being found with schizophrenia his wife left him (when he needs her most), most importantly his own country didn’t came up to support and help him.
The biggest irony is even now his own country is not giving him the respect he deserves. Probably they don’t even heard his name as media is busy spreading shit news.
But it’s our responsibility to know this gem and show some respect. Some of his pics
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 – Good bye until next time.
The unsung mathematician from India We all are familiar with the name John F. Nash, the Nobel Prize winner in economics for his game theory in the year 1994.
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patnaneuro · 11 months
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patnaneuro · 3 months
Calming Foods that Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Dealing with anxiety can be tough, but did you know that what you eat can actually change how you feel when those anxious moments hit? Let's understand how important eating right is in our daily lives. It's not just about filling our bellies; it's about taking care of our minds and bodies to stay healthy overall.
When anxiety hits, our bodies can go into overdrive, making us feel really tense and jittery. But by paying attention to what we eat, we can actually calm those feelings and feel more in control. In this blog, we talk about how certain foods can help us feel less anxious.
By choosing our food carefully, we give our bodies the stuff they need to handle stress and anxiety better. Whether it's munching on fresh fruits and veggies, enjoying whole grains, or getting protein from lean meats, we're giving our bodies a boost to deal with those tough moments. So let's dig into how eating the right foods can help us chill out and feel better.
Impact of Diet on Anxiety
Understanding how our food choices affect anxiety is crucial for maintaining our mental health. Eating foods high in sugar and processed ingredients can cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels, leading to feelings of unease and agitation. Psychiatrists in Patna always advise his patients to prioritize whole and unprocessed foods. They encourage them to steer clear of anxiety foods to avoid, such as those that worsen anxiety, to promote a sense of calmness in both mind and body.
It's important to recognize how certain foods and drinks can exacerbate anxiety. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, can increase feelings of nervousness and restlessness by stimulating the nervous system. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. To improve mental well-being, it's advisable to limit consumption of foods that increase anxiety, like caffeine and alcohol.
By paying attention to our dietary choices, we can take proactive steps to manage anxiety and enhance our overall well-being. Opting for nutrient-rich foods and avoiding triggers can contribute to a sense of tranquility and balance in our daily lives.
Foods that reduce anxiety and depression
Starting your day with breakfast options that help to manage anxiety can be a proactive way to take care of your mental well-being. It's important to know that certain foods not only reduce anxiety but also assist with depression symptoms.
For instance, adding nutrient-rich foods like bananas to your morning routine can truly aid in anxiety management.
Bananas aren't just good for your heart; they're also packed with important nutrients like potassium and magnesium, which help relax your body and ease tension.
By choosing breakfast foods that help manage anxiety and alleviate symptoms of depression, you're actively working to support your mental health and start your day on a positive note.
So, if you're wondering, "are bananas good for anxiety?" the answer is yes! Incorporating bananas into your breakfast can be a simple yet effective way to support your overall well-being.
Heart calming foods
When you feel anxious, consuming foods that calm can provide immediate relief. For instance, enjoying a warm cup of chamomile tea not only feels soothing but also has calming properties renowned for reducing stress and anxiety.
Similarly, incorporating heart-calming foods rich in magnesium into your diet, like almonds, spinach, and avocado, can significantly alleviate anxiety and improve your mood. These nutritious options not only provide essential nutrients but also are associated with decreased levels of anxiety and enhanced overall well-being.
By incorporating a variety of heart-calming foods into your daily meals, you can cultivate a sense of peace and resilience when facing anxiety-inducing situations.
So, when feelings of overwhelm arise, consider turning to these comforting options to promote inner tranquility and emotional balance.
When facing overwhelming anxiety, seeking immediate relief is natural. There are various ways to reduce anxiety immediately such as practicing deep breathing, attempting progressive muscle relaxation, or engaging in mindfulness.
However, it's crucial to understand that seeking assistance from a professional is essential for long-term management. In Patna, Bihar, skilled psychiatrists and mental health experts offer treatments for anxiety disorders, providing personalized therapy, medication, or a combination of both tailored to meet individual needs.
Consulting with a best psychiatrist in Patna can provide personalized advice and support for effectively managing anxiety. While quick methods may offer temporary relief, seeking professional help is vital for addressing the root causes of anxiety and acquiring coping strategies for long-term well-being.
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patnaneuro · 3 months
How Diet, Exercise, and Stress Influence Alzheimer's Susceptibility?
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Alzheimer's disease worsens over time and can't be reversed. It mainly affects thinking, memory, and everyday tasks.
It's the most common type of dementia, which makes it hard to think and function normally. Alzheimer's gradually makes it harder for people to remember things and do simple tasks.
As it progresses, it interferes with daily life and makes it tough to do even basic activities.
Alzheimer's disease is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. It slowly affects how we think and remember things. As the disease gets worse, it becomes harder to do everyday tasks, which can make life tough.
Understanding where Alzheimer's comes from is really important because it helps us find ways to treat and prevent it. This blog is just the beginning of learning more about Alzheimer's disease.
We'll talk about what causes it, signs to look out for, different ways to neuropsychiatric illness treatment in Patna, and things we can do to lower the chances of getting it. Let's start exploring Alzheimer's together and help improve the lives of those affected by it.
What are causes of Alzheimer's ?
Alzheimer's disease is influenced by a combination of factors like our genes, environment, and lifestyle.
Changes in genes, especially in genes like APOE, can increase the chances of getting Alzheimer's by affecting how our brains handle proteins, which are vital for thinking.
Exposure to things like heavy metals and air pollution can also raise the risk of Alzheimer's by causing issues like inflammation and stress in the brain.
Alzheimer's disease caused by deficiency of certain nutrients, or not getting enough of them, can also contribute to the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Making unhealthy choices, like not being active and eating lots of processed foods and sugary snacks, are also also considered as risk factors of Alzheimer's disease.
But, doing things like exercising regularly and eating lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats can help keep our brains healthy and lower the risk of Alzheimer's.
Keeping our brains active with activities like reading and spending time with friends can also help keep our minds sharp and delay problems with thinking.
Resources like a "causes of Alzheimer's disease pdf" can give us more information about how Alzheimer's progresses, which helps us understand the different things that can lead to the disease.
Symptoms and Treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Finding Alzheimer's disease early is very important for starting treatment and making things better. Knowing the signs and symptoms is really helpful.
These can include memory problems, feeling confused, having trouble solving problems, and changes in mood or behaviour, which are symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
As the disease gets worse, people might also have difficulty speaking, understanding space, and doing everyday tasks.
Even though there's no cure for Alzheimer's yet, there are different ways to help manage the symptoms and improve life quality.
Doctors might give medications to help with memory and thinking problems, which is one treatment of Alzheimer's disease, and therapy can help with changes in behaviour.
Making lifestyle changes, like exercising regularly and eating healthy, can also make a big difference.
Getting help early and finding the right treatment can really help slow down Alzheimer's and make life better for those affected.
Types of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is categorized into various types based on age of onset and underlying causes
Early-Onset Alzheimer's:
Affects people younger than 65.
Often runs in families.
Gets worse quickly with severe symptoms.
Late-Onset Alzheimer's:
More common in people 65 and older.
Affected by lifestyle factors like diet and exercise.
Develops slowly with symptoms getting worse over time.
Sporadic Alzheimer's:
Happens randomly with no clear genetic cause.
Linked to getting older and environmental factors.
Familial Alzheimer's:
Caused by genetic mutations passed down in families.
Affects multiple generations.
Usually starts earlier and progresses faster.
Prevention of  Alzheimer's Disease
There are ways to prevent Alzheimer's. Doing exercises for our body and brain, like walking and solving puzzles, keeps our minds sharp and stops them from getting worse.
Eating lots of fruits, veggies, and foods with omega-3 fatty acids, like fish and nuts, helps keep our brains healthy and lowers swelling.
If we have health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, taking medicine and changing how we live can stop them from hurting our brain and making our thinking worse.
Spending time with friends and doing things that make us think, like reading and learning new stuff, also helps keep our thinking strong and lowers our chances of getting Alzheimer's.
Doing these things helps us take control of our brain health and lowers our risk of Alzheimer's. 
In conclusion, Alzheimer's disease is different for everyone. Understanding it well and spotting early signs of memory problems are important for handling it better.
Also, eating healthy and taking care of other health issues can lower the chances of getting Alzheimer's. It's also vital to support research, education, and advocacy to make more people aware and improve how we treat the disease.
By focusing on these things, we can work towards a future where Alzheimer's isn't as big of a problem for people and their families, making life better for those affected.
For expert guidance and treatment options, consider consulting the best psychiatrist in Patna, Bihar, specializing in neuropsychiatric illness treatment in Patna.
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patnaneuro · 11 months
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patnaneuro · 11 months
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patnaneuro · 11 months
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patnaneuro · 3 years
Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh, best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna, is the top child psychiatrist in Patna, Bihar. Top Psychiatrist in PMCH Hospital, Patna. Best doctor at PMCH Psychiatry Department. Child Psychiatrist Meaning. Child Psychiatrist Salary.
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patnaneuro · 3 years
Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh is the best neuropsychiatrist in Patna, Bihar. Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna. Psychiatrist in PMCH Hospital, Patna. Best Psychiatrist in Patna Bihar.
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patnaneuro · 3 years
Here know how Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh is the best Neuropsychiatrist in Patna. Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna. Best Psychiatrist in Patna Bihar. Psychiatrist in PMCH Hospital, Patna.
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patnaneuro · 3 years
Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh is the top neuropsychiatrist in Patna, bihar. Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna. Best Psychiatrist in Patna Bihar. Psychiatrist in Pratap's Neuro & Child Psychiatry Centre, Patna.
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patnaneuro · 4 years
Here know... how Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh is the best Neuropsychiatrist in Patna. Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna, visiting at Pratap's Neuro & Child Psychiatry Clinic.
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patnaneuro · 4 years
Know… how Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh is the best Neuropsychiatrist in Patna, Bihar. Best Psychiatrist in Kankarbagh, Patna. Psychiatrist in PMCH Hospital, Patna. PMCH Psychiatry Department.
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