#Berwick Plumbing
joplumbing · 2 months
The Expert Guide to Plumbing in Berwick
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Welcome to the bustling township of Berwick, where plumbing plays a vital role in maintaining the comfort and functionality of homes and businesses alike. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricate world of plumbing in Berwick, covering everything from common issues to finding the perfect plumber for your needs.
Understanding Plumbing
Plumbing is more than just pipes and fixtures—it's a complex system that ensures the efficient distribution of water and the safe disposal of waste. In Berwick, professional plumbing services are essential for maintaining the integrity of these systems and preventing costly damages.
Common Plumbing Issues
In Berwick, homeowners often encounter common plumbing problems such as leaky faucets, clogged drains, and burst pipes. These issues can wreak havoc on your property if left unaddressed. Fortunately, prompt action and preventive measures can help mitigate these risks.
Finding the Right Plumber
When it comes to hiring a plumber in Berwick, quality matters. Look for a licensed and experienced professional who offers reliable services at competitive rates. Reading reviews and asking for recommendations from neighbors can also help you find a trustworthy plumber.
Emergency Plumbing
Plumbing emergencies can strike at any moment, causing chaos and inconvenience. In Berwick, knowing how to handle such situations is crucial. Keep emergency contact numbers handy and familiarize yourself with basic troubleshooting techniques to minimize damage until help arrives.
DIY Plumbing Tips
While some plumbing issues require professional intervention, there are several tasks you can tackle on your own. From unclogging drains to fixing minor leaks, DIY plumbing can save you time and money. Just remember to prioritize safety and know when to call in the experts.
Maintaining Plumbing Systems
Regular maintenance is key to preserving the longevity of your plumbing systems. In Berwick, simple tasks like checking for leaks and cleaning out gutters can prevent major headaches down the line. Schedule annual inspections with a qualified plumber to catch potential problems early.
Plumbing Innovations
Advancements in plumbing technology are revolutionizing the way we think about water conservation and efficiency. From smart faucets to eco-friendly fixtures, Berwick residents have access to innovative solutions that benefit both their homes and the environment.
Environmental Impact
As stewards of the environment, it's important to adopt sustainable plumbing practices in Berwick. By reducing water wastage and investing in energy-efficient appliances, homeowners can minimize their ecological footprint while enjoying lower utility bills.
Cost of Plumbing Services
The cost of plumbing services in Berwick can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the job and the plumber's experience. While it's tempting to opt for the cheapest option, prioritize quality to avoid costly repairs in the future.
Choosing Plumbing Fixtures
Selecting the right plumbing fixtures is essential for achieving both functionality and aesthetics in your Berwick home. From sleek modern designs to timeless classics, explore your options and invest in fixtures that reflect your personal style while meeting your practical needs.
In conclusion, professional plumbing services are indispensable for maintaining the comfort, convenience, and safety of residents in Berwick. By staying informed, proactive, and environmentally conscious, you can ensure that your plumbing systems remain in top condition for years to come.
How do I find a reliable plumber in Berwick?
To find a reliable plumber in Berwick, it's essential to look for licensed professionals with positive reviews and recommendations from trusted sources. You can start by asking friends, family, or neighbors for referrals. Additionally, online platforms like review websites or local directories can provide valuable insights into the reputation and quality of service offered by different plumbing professionals in the area.
What should I do in case of a plumbing emergency?
In case of a plumbing emergency in Berwick, the first step is to shut off the water supply to prevent further damage. Next, carefully assess the situation to determine the severity of the issue. Once you've evaluated the situation, it's crucial to contact a plumber for immediate assistance. Professional plumbers have the expertise and equipment to address emergency plumbing issues promptly and effectively.
Are there any DIY plumbing tasks I can safely perform?
Yes, there are several DIY plumbing tasks that Berwick homeowners can safely perform. Tasks like unclogging drains using a plunger or drain snake and fixing minor leaks with a pipe wrench or plumbing tape are relatively simple and can often be tackled without professional help. However, it's important to exercise caution and know when a problem requires professional intervention to avoid causing further damage.
How often should I schedule plumbing maintenance?
For Berwick homeowners, it's advisable to schedule plumbing maintenance at least once a year. Annual inspections conducted by a qualified plumber can help identify potential issues early on and prevent costly repairs down the line. During maintenance visits, plumbers can also perform routine checks and adjustments to ensure that your plumbing systems are functioning optimally.
What are some eco-friendly plumbing options for Berwick homeowners?
Berwick homeowners looking to reduce their environmental impact can consider investing in eco-friendly plumbing options. This includes installing water-saving fixtures such as low-flow toilets, faucets, and showerheads, which help conserve water without sacrificing performance. Additionally, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances like water heaters and dishwashers can further minimize water and energy consumption, leading to long-term savings on utility bills.
What factors influence the cost of plumbing services in Berwick?
Several factors can influence the cost of plumbing services in Berwick. The complexity of the job, including the extent of repairs or installations required, plays a significant role in determining pricing. Additionally, the materials needed for the job and the plumber's level of expertise and experience can also impact the overall cost. It's essential to obtain multiple quotes and compare prices to ensure you're getting the best value for your plumbing needs in Berwick.
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plumbercranbourne · 1 year
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JM Plumbing and Heating is a family-owned and operated business that has been servicing the Cranbourne, Dandenong, Berwick, Frankston area. We are a licensed and insured plumber with a reputation for providing quality plumbing services at an affordable price. We offer a wide range of plumbing cranbourne services, from fixing a leaky faucet to installing a new bathroom, and our experienced plumbers are always available to help you with your plumbing needs. Contact us today for all your plumbing needs!
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looksharpinspections · 2 months
The Importance of Building Inspections: Safeguarding Your Investment
In the world of real estate, the significance of building inspections cannot be overstated. Whether you are a seasoned property investor or a first-time homebuyer, understanding the crucial role that building inspection Berwick plays in safeguarding your investment is paramount. Failure to conduct thorough building inspections can lead to a myriad of risks and financial implications that could have otherwise been avoided.
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Section 1: Understanding Building Inspections
Building inspections are comprehensive evaluations of a property's condition, encompassing its structural integrity, safety features, and potential hazards. These inspections are typically carried out by qualified professionals who possess the expertise to identify both visible and hidden issues that may exist within a building. 
The primary purpose of building inspections is to provide prospective buyers or current property owners with a clear understanding of the property's overall state, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding its purchase or maintenance.
The process involves a meticulous examination of various structural elements, including the foundation, roof, electrical systems, plumbing, and other critical components of the property. By delving into the intricate details of the building, inspectors can uncover underlying issues that may not be immediately apparent to the untrained eye. This comprehensive assessment serves as a preemptive measure to mitigate potential risks and liabilities associated with the property.
Section 2: Safeguarding Your Investment
The significance of building inspections in safeguarding your investment cannot be overstated. By revealing any hidden problems or deficiencies within a property, building inspections act as a protective barrier against unforeseen financial burdens. Imagine purchasing a property without a thorough inspection only to discover significant structural defects or safety hazards post-acquisition. The cost of rectifying such issues could be exorbitant and could potentially erode the value of your investment.
Real-life examples and statistics further underscore the financial impact of unforeseen issues in a property. According to industry data, properties with undisclosed defects or safety concerns often incur substantial expenses for repairs and renovations, significantly diminishing their market value. By proactively engaging in building inspection Berwick, individuals and businesses can avert these potential financial setbacks and preserve the integrity of their investments.
Section 3: Legal and Compliance Aspects
In addition to the financial considerations, building inspections also hold significant legal and compliance implications. Local regulations and requirements pertaining to property inspections must be diligently adhered to in order to avoid legal complications in the future. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to a myriad of issues, including fines, legal disputes, and impediments in the property's sale or transfer.
By conducting thorough building inspections in line with regulatory frameworks, property owners can demonstrate due diligence and adherence to the stipulated standards. This not only safeguards their legal standing but also enhances transparency and credibility in property transactions. Understanding and navigating the legal and compliance aspects related to building inspections is, therefore, integral to mitigating potential risks and liabilities.
Section 4: Choosing a Qualified Inspector
Selecting a qualified and reputable building inspector is a critical aspect of the inspection process. When embarking on the journey of property inspection, it is essential to consider various factors that contribute to the inspector's credibility and competence. Credentials, experience, and certifications are key indicators of an inspector's proficiency in carrying out thorough and reliable assessments.
Seeking recommendations from trusted sources and reviewing the inspector's track record can provide valuable insights into their professionalism and ability to deliver comprehensive inspection reports. It is imperative to engage the services of an inspector who possesses a strong understanding of building codes, construction practices, and industry standards. By carefully evaluating these qualifications, individuals and businesses can ensure that their property undergoes a meticulous and reliable inspection, thereby safeguarding their investment.
In conclusion, the importance of building inspections in safeguarding investments cannot be overstated. From understanding the fundamental principles of building inspection Berwick to recognising their pivotal role in mitigating financial, legal, and compliance risks, it is evident that prioritising building inspections is essential for long-term peace of mind. By embracing the proactive approach of building inspections, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions, protect their investments, and foster a secure and sustainable real estate portfolio. It is imperative to recognise the instrumental value of building inspections as a cornerstone of prudent property ownership and investment. Source By: The Importance of Building Inspections: Safeguarding Your Investment
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yourchoiceplumbers1 · 4 months
Reliable and Affordable Plumbing Solutions in Melbourne: Your Choice Plumbers
Are you on the lookout for a plumbing service in Melbourne that is not only reliable and affordable but also highly commended for customer satisfaction? Look only as far as Your Choice Plumbers, a local Melbourne plumbing company that excels in providing top-notch services. This company stands out for its commitment to fixed pricing on all repairs, ensuring no surprises when it comes to costs.
Your Choice Plumbers: A Synonym for Reliability 
In the bustling suburbs of Melbourne, including Local Plumber narre warren and Plumber Beaumaris, Your Choice Plumbers is renowned for its dependable services. They understand the unique needs of residents and businesses, tailoring their services to meet these specific requirements. Whether it's a leaky tap or a major plumbing overhaul, they have the expertise to handle it all.
Round-the-clock service for Your Convenience 
One of the standout features of Your Choice Plumbers is their 24/7 availability. They offer same-day service, ensuring that your plumbing issues are addressed promptly. This is particularly beneficial for emergencies, where immediate attention is critical. Even outside regular business hours, including weekends and holidays, they are just a call away.
Affordable and Transparent Pricing 
Budget constraints can often deter people from seeking professional plumbing services. However, Your Choice Plumbers in Plumber balaclava and Plumber Narre Warren areas make it a point to offer services that are not just high in quality but also affordable. Their pricing approach is straightforward, ensuring that clients have complete knowledge of the expenses involved without any hidden fees.
Wide Range of Plumbing Services 
Whether it’s a minor repair or a central installation, Your Choice Plumbers covers an extensive range of services. This versatility makes them a one-stop solution for all your plumbing needs in Melbourne. Their team of skilled plumbers is well-trained to handle a diverse array of plumbing assignments, spanning from routine maintenance to complex undertakings.
Customer Satisfaction: A Top Priority 
What sets Your Choice Plumbers apart is their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Their approach is customer-centric, ensuring that every service is carried out with the utmost professionalism and courtesy. This dedication is reflected in their five-star customer satisfaction rating, a testament to their quality service.
Convenient and Efficient Solutions 
Understanding the value of time, Your Choice Plumbers aims to provide fast and efficient services. This efficiency is particularly crucial in plumbing emergencies, where delays can lead to further damage. They pride themselves on their ability to offer quick solutions without compromising on quality.
Your Choice Plumbers emerges as a leading choice for anyone seeking reliable, affordable, and high-quality plumbing services in Melbourne. Whether you are in Plumber Narre Warren or Plumber Beaumaris, their team is ready to deliver exceptional service. For more information or to schedule a service, visit yourchoiceplumbers.com.au. Trust Your Choice Plumbers to take care of your plumbing needs with professionalism and expertise.
Source Url : - https://sites.google.com/view/yourchoiceplumberscom236/home
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Local Plumber Berwick
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Plumber Berwick
When in crisis or need urgent plumbing services, you need a professional who can respond on time and do the job correctly the first time. That is why our team has implemented systems to ensure that we provide excellent services that boost your confidence.
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doyleplumbinggroup · 1 year
Choosing the right type of plumbing service for your needs is crucial to ensure that your plumbing problem is fixed correctly the first time
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emergencyplumberaus · 2 years
Three Signs You Might Need to Call A 24 Hr Emergency Plumber in Berwick
Whether you’re getting new appliances installed or replacing a faulty water pipe, it can be quite distressing. Luckily, the signs that indicate you need to call an emergency plumber in Berwick are actually pretty easy to spot. Whether they be visible or not, there are certain indicators that happen with just about every plumbing failure. If these signs show up in your house, grab your phone and dial the number below right away.
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Water Rising:
This is a common problem that a 24 hr emergency plumber has to deal with from time to time. If your toilet stops working but you don’t notice it for days, then the water level is bound to rise. This occurs because the toilet tank can only hold so much water for the tank and bowl. When it fills up, the water has nowhere to go but through the overflow tube that leads out of the bathroom and onto whatever surface it can reach.
CCTV Issues:
If you’re not renting an apartment or home, but have a security system installed in your house or business, then you should do a CCTV camera inspection of Melbourne from time to time. If any of the footage shows muddy water bubbling up out of the ground and spilling out onto the pavement or road, then it’s time to call an emergency plumber.
Water Leakages:
Most people consider themselves lucky if a leak occurs and shows up only when they are in the house. If a leak happens while you’re not around, it will still manifest itself to your neighbours and everyone else who sees the water on your property. This is another sign that says you need an emergency plumber.
If there’s a problem inside your home and you don’t happen to notice it right away, then you may end up with some serious water damage before you even realize anything is amiss.
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plumberberwick · 3 years
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aussiesmag · 3 years
These are some of the significant benefits of plumbing services during home improvement projects. One must ensure to hire an experienced and reputed plumber who knows his work well. To know more, call us on 0426 030 297.
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plumbercranbourne · 8 months
Plumber in Cranbourne
JM Plumbing and Heating provides the best plumbing services in Cranbourne and nearby suburbs - Berwick, Frankston, & Dandenong. We have a team of professional plumbers in Cranbourne and offer quality services.
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looksharpinspections · 3 months
The Importance of Building Inspection: Safeguarding Your Investment
When it comes to property investments, ensuring the safety and integrity of the building is paramount. Building inspection Berwick play a crucial role in this process, offering a comprehensive assessment of the property's condition. 
Whether you are a homeowner, real estate investor, or business owner, understanding the significance of building inspections is essential in protecting your investment.
Section 1: Understanding Building Inspections
Building inspections encompass a detailed evaluation of the structural components, systems, and overall condition of a property. These assessments are typically conducted by qualified professionals who examine various aspects such as the foundation, roofing, plumbing, electrical systems, and more. 
The primary purpose of building inspections in real estate transactions is to provide buyers and sellers with a comprehensive understanding of the property's condition. By uncovering potential issues and risks, building inspections enable informed decision-making and negotiation during the buying or selling process.
Moreover, building inspection Berwick serve as a proactive measure to identify any existing problems or potential hazards that may not be immediately apparent. From structural weaknesses to safety concerns, these assessments offer valuable insights that can influence investment decisions. By shedding light on the true condition of the property, building inspections contribute to transparency and accountability in real estate transactions.
Section 2: Safeguarding Your Investment Through Building Inspections
One of the most significant benefits of building inspections is their ability to prevent unexpected costs and future problems. By identifying issues early on, such as water damage, mold, or structural deficiencies, building inspections can save property owners from costly repairs and renovations down the line. 
In this sense, a thorough inspection serves as a proactive measure to mitigate potential risks and liabilities associated with the property.
Consider the scenario of a homebuyer who, thanks to a comprehensive building inspection, discovers hidden water damage within the property. Armed with this knowledge, the buyer can address the issue with the seller, potentially negotiating repairs or a reduction in the property's price. Without the inspection, the buyer would have been unaware of the impending issue, leading to unforeseen expenses and emotional distress.
Furthermore, building inspections contribute to peace of mind for property owners. Knowing that a property has undergone a thorough assessment by a qualified professional provides reassurance and confidence in the investment. Whether it's a residential property or a commercial building, the insights gained from a building inspection empower owners to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to maintain the property's condition.
Section 3: Choosing a Qualified Inspector
Selecting the right building inspector is a critical step in the process of safeguarding your investment. A reputable building inspector should possess a combination of expertise, experience, and certifications. Look for professionals who have a strong background in construction, engineering, or related fields, as their knowledge and insights are invaluable in conducting a thorough inspection.
When choosing an inspector, consider their reputation within the industry and their track record of delivering comprehensive and accurate assessments. Additionally, ensure that the inspector is certified and licensed to perform building inspections in your area. This certification serves as a validation of their qualifications and adherence to industry standards.
It's also beneficial to seek recommendations from real estate professionals or trusted contacts who have experience working with building inspectors. Their firsthand experiences and insights can guide you in selecting a qualified professional who is capable of providing a detailed and unbiased assessment of the property.
In conclusion, the importance of building inspections cannot be overstated when it comes to safeguarding your investment. These assessments offer a comprehensive understanding of the property's condition, identifying potential issues and risks that may impact its value and safety. By prioritising building inspection Berwick, property owners can avoid unexpected costs, address potential concerns, and make informed decisions that protect their investment.
As you navigate the realm of real estate investments, remember that building inspections are a crucial tool in your decision-making process. By partnering with qualified and experienced inspectors, you can gain peace of mind and confidence in your investment, knowing that its integrity has been thoroughly evaluated. Prioritise building inspections, and you'll reap the benefits of a well-informed and protected investment.  Source By: The Importance of Building Inspection: Safeguarding Your Investment
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Plumber Berwick
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In the event that you whenever run over a lines crisis, the basic step ought to ceaselessly be to act rapidly and associate areas of strength for with of all exchanges Berwick. At EXP Plumbing and Gas, we put genuinely in being viewed as the specialists of the lines business. We have various significant length of consideration with managing a broad assortment of plumbing intricacies. This has permitted us to energize an astounding working framework that has helped us conceivably in ascending the stepping stool. We grasp the stuff to assist you with finding reliable lines approaches without endangering the sincerity of the circumstance you're in. We know how to take exceptional thought of everything - paying little notice to how tremendous or insignificant the issue is.
Plumber Berwick
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doyleplumbinggroup · 1 year
Every homeowner knows how important it is to have functioning plumbing. You rely on your pipes and fixtures to provide you with clean water, drain away waste, and keep your home safe from flooding. But sometimes, plumbing issues can arise that require the help of a professional plumber in Berwick. This blog will look at seven situations that demand emergency plumbing services. So, let's begin.
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ethanchloe29 · 4 years
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AC Plumbing And Gasfitting Berwick provides Plumber in Berwick. For more details visit: https://is.gd/ACPlumbingAndGasfitting
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aussiesmag · 3 years
The team at S&S Plumbing & Gas Fitting are also fully qualified and licenced gas fitters. Call us today 0426 030 297 for more information.
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dstrachan · 5 years
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There is common trope that “age is only a state of mind,” and I tend to believe that.  Getting older is inevitable, but does aging have to be? Chronologically we age each year, as our physical bodies deteriorate, but mentally how we age is up to us.  If we accept the attitude that we are only as young as you feel, we will act younger, feel younger, and therefore look younger.  We show our age when we get fixed in our opinions and perspectives.  It should be possible to stay young by being open, curious, and excited to keep learning.  That has certainly been my general philosophy for many decades, from enlisting in the TA shorly before the then upper age limit of 33 to train alongside late teen and early twenty fellow recruits, up until the current day when I often feel that I am the oldest in the audience as I enjoy the performances of inspirational young talented musicians .  Having laid that out I have to say that it's not always easy to feel young, and approaching the MacArts Centre in Galashiels on Friday evening 1st November did get me wondering why this mid sixties, retired male teacher was joining the end of the queue of, predominantly, obviously much younger, mostly, women.  The preponderance of females in the audience probably reflects the fact that Lucy came out as gay at age 14 and is clearly lauded by the lesbian community, however, that was not what made me question my attendance as I feel perfectly comfortable with members of the LGBTQ community and, over the years, seem to have gathered a significant number of friends there.  Perhaps I may sound hypocrital because mentioning the potential sexuality of the audience really shouldn't be an issue, but as the Scottish Borders community gears up for the first local Pride event in 2020, it probably is an important consideration – I'm not sure who was responsible but I did hear that somebody had expressed that they were very pleased to see that Lucy had managed to gather such a large number of young dykes all in the one place.  With such support perhaps Lucy might be persuaded to perform again in the Borders at the planned inaugural Pride event?
Back in my youth one young man left school to become an apprentice gasfitter working for the East Midlands Gas Board, that was the mega talented Joe Cocker from Sheffield whose first hit was his cover of The Beatles With A Little Help From My Friends – that sprang to mind when Sheffield born Lucy, mentioned that she had previously worked as a plumber!   During her marvelous performance, it wasn't just the music that impressed, her explanations between songs was a entrancing; one of these releated to her belief that with her plumbing background she often fell into the trap of believing that she was able to fix any problem – she then went on to describe her decision to buy an old property in need of doing up rather than one that was all up to spec because she “could fix anything” – her advice to the audience was  quite simply, “DON'T!!!”   
Lucy's openness throughout the set was a revelation – she had such a natural rapport with them and the result was a truly enchanting experience – from her first minutes on stage it was quite clear that she had a very receptive audience in the palm of her hand.  BUT before I expand further on Lucy Spraggan's performance I must first turn my attention to the support act, Katie Kittermaster, a 19 year old from Kent who has already built up  a considerable portfolio of peformances with a number of very big names.  Her debut EP is 'Coming Home At Dawn' and she included songs from that in her very well received set.  It can often be the case that support acts are poorly supported if the majority of the audience opt to arrive just in time for the headline act – this was not the case for Katie as the venue was clearly around capacity when she took to the stage.  She opened with a track called 'T Shirt' and continued to entertain on what was certainly a very special day for her as it was the official release date for her EP.
Now to get back to the evening's headliner, Lucy Spraggan, who quit her run on 'The X Factor' due to illness, subsequently finishing in ninth place, and second in her category.  Following the show she was signed to Columbia Records. She was the first contestant in the show's history to score a Top 40 single and album before the live show.  A few days  later and I was still buzzing after her stunning showcase of talents at MacArts, Galashiels - oh how I wish it had been possible to capture the total performance on video, particularly to highlight her empathetic and enthusiastic rapport with the audience as well as the beauty of the venue; she said that she liked the venue and would like to return, so maybe next time?  Thankfully previous shows elsewhere have been captured for posterity with many individual songs being readily available on YouTube.   After playing a number of her original compositions she began to discuss the fact that she rarely does cover versions and then went on to mesmerise the audience with what she explained as a rare, for her, cover – she didn't say what it was but the Scottish Borders audience instantly recognised it and was quick to join in when the chorus came!  I was quickly able to track down a live recording of Lucy performing 'Im Gonna Be (500 Miles)' from her visit, earlier in the tour, to The Booking Hall in Dover.
From the moment she arrived on stage she had the capacity crowd enthralled with her powerful, engaging performance which was full of humour, passion and brilliant 'showmanship' in equal measure.  She absolutely owned the venue and it was such a privilege to be in attendance to experience it.   Listening to Lucy as she engaged with them to outline the inspiration and motivation behind her songs was a true joy to behold - I was paricularly taken by her story about how her initial post 'X Factor' success turned into a realsation that her songs were no longer being played on the radio – this moved her to write a song 'Don't Play This On The radio' which, rather ironically, she subsequently heard being played on the supermarket Morison's in-store radio!  Please believe me when I say that I most definitely will be aiming to include more of Lucy's songs in my radio playlists over coming weeks and months.  Her honesty about her mental health troubles was clearly appreciated by the many in the audience – I found her song, 'As The Saying Goes', triggered by self-harming particularly moving. Her set also included a song spurred by her realisation that it's best not to dwell on the negativity engendered by abusive on-line trolling attacks and others who resent success – she now believes it better to focus on the positives as outlined in the lyrics of 'Love Is The Best Revenge'.
At this point I would like to extend my thanks to ex-student Taz McDougall who introduced my to Lucy's music a number of years ago when she requested that I play something in my 'Lunchtime Review' show.  At that time, avid speedway fan, Taz was providing me with weekly reports about our local speedway team 'Berwick Bandits'. Subsequently from that time Taz has developed self-confidence, both by providing regular reports and then using her interest in photography to be able to get access to all areas at the speedway track in Berwick to be able to capture some wonderful images of speedway riders in action!  Her interest in photography has since developed and she had examples of her work included in an exhibition this summer in Hawick = 'Queer Connections' in Unit Four, The Cornucopia Room.  Her exhibits included some gig photos and I am happy to have been able to arrange for her to get AAA access for her idol Lucy Spraggan's gig at MacArts – check out the results on her photography FaceBook page.  Many thanks to Taz for permission to use one her photos in this review. 
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