#Belle Friolic
oddnub-eye · 4 years
Our Own: Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is Here
The Monkey King rolled his shoulders and reached behind his ear. He pulled out a small black and gold object that quickly grew into a full length staff. 
“Ah let's see what we’ve got here,” Monkey giggled, “Morgan, obviously, Artemis, s’up bitch, some chick in yellow, greetings, and Arthur. Why am I here Morgan?”
“Arthur is possessed by Charming, and we need an escape window.” Morgan said curtly. 
Monkey’s eyes widened, then narrowed, and his lips curled into a snarl. Monkey slowly began walking towards Arthur, saying, “Sorry buddy, I know you’re a good guy but…”
Monkey didn’t finish his sentence, lashing out with his staff, Arthur bringing up his sword to block. Monkey didn’t hesitate, instantly whipping his weapon around to attempt to strike Arthur’s legs, but the attempt was blocked. Arthur whipped his blade upward, knocking Monkey’s staff backwards, swinging down at Monkey.
Monkey slid under the blade, elbowing Arthur in the stomach. Arthur flinched but brought up his knee, slamming into Monkey’s chin. Monkey rolled backwards, grabbing out several tufts of his fur. Monkey threw them behind him, before bringing up his staff to block a swing from Excalibur.
The fur connected to the ground and exploded into clones of Monkey, all bearing smirks. Arthur snarled, sliding backwards and taking a defensive stance. Monkey launched forward, his clones following him. Arthur leapt sideways, slicing through two clones in one stroke. 
As the battle raged in behind them, Morgan sprinted forward, helping Artemis to her feet.
“Where’s Rena?” The witch asked, hurrying the goddess and Belle out of the room.
“Outside.” Artemis answered, pulling the lever to drop the drawbridge. 
“Hey, uh, will Sun or whatever his name was be okay?” Belle asked, pausing slightly. 
“He will be.” Morgan said confidently, bolting across the drawbridge, “And he normally doesn’t respond to anything that isn’t Monkey.” 
Belle followed the witch across the drawbridge, murmuring, “Weird.” 
Rena was standing on the other side of the moat and she asked, “What’s going on?”
“Arthur’s possessed and we need to leave now!” Artemis ordered, leaving no room for questions. 
Rena raised an eyebrow, but she followed the rest of the group. Morgan snapped her fingers, a summoning circle appearing in front of her, from which a minivan sprung from. Morgan quickly climbed into the driver's seat.
“You own a minivan?” Belle asked as she climbed into the back.
“I like the space.”
Once everyone climbed in, Morgan slammed the gas, barreling down the road. They drove in silence for a bit.
“Where are we going?” Rena asked, “I mean, we aren’t driving aimlessly right?”
“Nearby city, I know someone who can help.” 
Belle nodded before leaning back into her seat.
Belle jumped in her seat, turning to see Monkey in the seat next to her. 
“AH! What are you doing here? I thought you were-”
“Fighting Arthur?” Monkey interrupted, “Charming teleported him out of there once he realized y’all escaped.”
“That bastard’s gonna pay.” Morgan spat, her hands tightening around the wheel and grinding her teeth
“And he will,” Artemis said, “But right now, we have to protect Little Red.”
“Her name’s Rena.” Belle said. 
“We need to keep Little Red safe,” Artemis reaffirmed, “So I hope your contact isn’t just a hook-up, Morgan.”
“He isn’t.”
They drove in silence, the only sound being the tires on the road. Monkey leaned backwards, toying with his circlet. Eventually, the group pulled into a city, a sign reading “Chicago”. 
“Can we get some deep dish?” Monkey asked, seeing the sign.
“I thought you didn’t like cooked food?” Belle asked, remembering reading Journey to the West.
“That was before I discovered Chicago.” Monkey said, although the tone of his voice was flinty, and Belle took the hint.
Morgan found a parking garage and parked the van, hurrying them out of the van. The group climbed out, Monkey summoning a cloud that he promptly sat on. 
“I’ll search the streets, y’all go where you need to.” Monkey started to float off, but then he smiled, “Hey, Rena, was it? You wanna see what flying’s like?”
Rena’s eyes lit up and she nodded. Wukong smirked and expanded the cloud, and Rena climbed on.
“I’ll go in the opposite direction.” Artemis said, before jogging out.
“Guess you’ll be stuck with me a little while longer,” Belle quipped to Morgan as they made their way out of the parking garage.
“Not for long,” Morgan laughed as they walked down the maze-like streets of Chicago. Despite the confusing nature of the city streets, Morgan made her way through the streets with the confidence of someone who’d done this quite a few times. 
Eventually, Morgan stopped and said, “We’re here.” 
Belle looked up, seeing a blazing neon sign reading “Valhollar.”
“Well,” Belle rolled her shoulders, making sure her tonfa where ready, “I guess we better head in.”
Constructive Criticism is always welcome and I hope Y’all have a great day! Feedback is encouraged!
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oddnub-eye · 4 years
Our Own: Chapter 2
Chapter Two is here
“Who are you?” Charming spat at the woman. 
“Name’s Belle.” The woman laughed, spinning one of her tonfa, “I heard there’s an asshole in need of an ass whooping.” 
“You think you can beat me?” Charming raised an eyebrow, before a mass of red fog gathered in his hand and he shot it at Belle, the fog exploding into a fire ball.
Belle laughed and pointed her tonfa at the fireball, and a wall of ice shot up blocking the fireball. Belle leapt forward and the wall of ice reshaped itself to allow her to sail through. As she landed, Belle twirled her tonfa, expecting to land a blow to Charming’s head. 
There was a clang of metal on metal, and Belle’s eyes widened as she saw a sword had appeared in Charming’s hand, blocking her blow. 
“You specialize in Evocation Magic?” Charming asked, a smirk growing on his face, “Of course you’d overpower my fireball, I’m an enchanter at heart...but I doubt your melee combat is at my level.”
Belle didn’t have time to think of a comeback, as Charming whipped his sword around, almost taking off her head, and Belle could only barely bring up her tonfa to block the bow. Charming didn’t hesitate, quickly drawing back the sword and thrusting towards her stomach. Belle through up a wall of ice and she leapt back to put distance.
The brown-haired woman snapped her head around, surveying her surroundings. Rena was asleep on her side of the wall, with Pete on Charming’s. Belle grit her teeth as a plan formulated in her head. It was risky, but it was her only shot. 
Belle picked up Rena and set her over her shoulder, sheathing one of her tonfa. Preparing the other one, Belle shot forward, completely dispelling her wall. Fire gathered at the end of her tonfa and Belle shouted as she channeled ice into the weapon as well.
Charming swung his sword, only to be blinded as an explosion of steam engulfed the room. Belle knocked the sword away, sliding towards Pete. Seeing the teen, Belle reached out her hand, but Charming leapt from the steam, sword swinging. 
Belle snarled, her plan had failed. Blocking Charming’s blow, Belle blasted fire into the ceiling, an explosion rippling across the building. Charming recoiled back, and Belle took her opportunity to run. By the time Charming opened his eyes again, Belle was gone, and Rena with her.
Charming sighed, before looking down at the unconscious Pete, “At least I got one.”
Rena cracked her eyes open, and she pushed herself upright. She blinked slowly, her limbs feeling warm and well rested. She yawned, but then, halfway through, remembered everything that happened at school.
“PETE!” She cried, looking around.
“Sorry,” Belle said, leaning against a tree, “I couldn’t get him out.”
“You can’t just leave him there!” Rena cried, tears welling, “You saw how that freak acted, he’s my brother, why did you-”
“I’m sorry.” Belle interrupted, hanging her head in shame, “I underestimated Charming, and-”
“Now he has Pan.” A new voice said. A tall woman strode from the treeline, dark grey and green vest and brown, braided hair almost caused her to fade into the forest. She marched towards Rena and crouched in front of her. Rena instinctively backed against the tree.
“Don’t worry,” the woman said, even though it came out like an order, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
Rena relaxed a little, now noticing the bow and quiver hooked around the woman’s shoulder. The woman sighed, before standing and turning.
“Her magic’s awakening, but that’s just gonna be a beacon for that blonde ass. We have to get moving.”
“Alright Artemis.” Belle said, walking over to Rena and extending a hand. Rena gripped Belle’s hand and the taller woman helped her up.
“Artemis, like the Greek Goddess?” Rena asked, raising an eyebrow.
“One in the same.” Belle laughed, “She’s kinda tough.”
“Kinda?” Rena gawked, “If she’s a goddess she must be…”
“Oh I am.” Artemis said, stalking back into the clearing, “Belle’d be closer to my level if she just took my deal.”
“I already said no Arty.” Belle said, her normally joyful voice having a bit of bite to it that Rena noticed.
Artemis shrugged her shoulders before ordering, “Come on, we’ve stalled enough.”
The trio walked off into the woods, marching in silence. The tension between Artemis and Belle was palpable and Rena wasn’t sure how comfortable she was walking between them.
“Hey um,” Rena stuttered, “Is it okay if I ask a question?”
“Of course,” Belle asked, jogging forward to walk next to the younger girl, “What’s up?”
“Where are we going?”
“A witch.”
“A witch!?” Rena questioned.
“One witch to be specific.” Artemis sighed, “Morgan Le Fae. Witch of Camelot.”
Constructive Criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy!
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oddnub-eye · 4 years
Our Own Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is here! This is a long one, so there’ll be a read more for this one!
The trio continued their trek through the woods. The sun had gone down a few hours ago, and Rena felt like her legs were about to fall off. 
“You’re slowing down.” Bell said, quickening her pace to catch up to her. 
“I’m a little tired. We’ve been walking awhile.” Rena sighed.
“You want me to carry you?”
“No thanks. I don’t wanna be a bother.” 
“You won’t be, you’re not used to this kind of stuff yet,” Bell assured, stepping in front of Rena and crouching, “Hop on.”
Rena tentatively climbed up and Belle jogged in front of Artemis, saying, “You guard the flank, I’ve got the squirt.”
While she couldn’t turn her head far enough, Rena could feel Artemis’ eyes narrow.
“You’re training starts tomorrow.” Artemis said sternly.
Rena nodded. 
About an hour passed, when the trio stepped into a clearing. Rena peeked her head over Belle’s shoulder and what she saw caused her jaw to drop. A large grey castle stood in the clearing. A dark blue moat, ominous, yet beautiful, guarded the fortress. 
Belle set Rena down and the trio approached the moat. They came to a stop in front of the drawbridge. They stood there silently for at least a minute.
“You, uh, gonna ask her to let us in?” Rena asked to either of her companions.
Suddenly, the drawbridge feel with a heavy thunk. Standing in the gateway was a woman of average height with a mane of unkempt black hair. She wore an open vest that trailed to her ankles, and black pants. A gray crop top exposed her torso. 
“Artemis the huntress…” She drawled, “To what do I owe the pleasure.” 
“Morgan.” Artemis greeted sternly, before gesturing to Rena, “This is Little Red.”
Morgan’s eyes widened, and said quickly, “Come in. The summons will prepare your rooms.”
“Summons?” Rena asked as the trio crossed the drawbridge.
“Magic.” Belle explained, “Arty will probably explain it to you better when you start training, but long story short, Morgan’s main magic is conjuration, so she summons shit.”
Rena nodded, even though she was confused. Morgan lead them into the castle, where several ghostly black and white entities scurrying around, some shuffling, some floating, some bounding about on all fours.
Morgan lead the group up the stairs and into a hall, which lead to several rooms.
“This is where you’ll be staying for the night.” Morgan said, “I’m sure you’re all tired, so get a good night’s rest. Be ready for the best goddamn breakfast you’ll have in the morning.”
“Weird display of hubris, but go off.” Belle laughed.
“Hey I pride myself on being able to cook worth a piss alright.”
“Goodnight.” Artemis said curtly, before storming into her room. 
“Goodnight squirt.” Belle said, patting Rena’s head before jogging to her room and slamming the door behind her. Rena turned to look at Morgan, who waved her in the direction of a room.
Rena stumbled into her room, and her jaw continued to drop at the sheer luxury of Morgan’s castle. The bed wasn’t to big, but just looking at it made its clear it was comfortable. The room had an ambiance to it, and it was warmed by a gentle fire in the corner. A pair of pajamas rested on the bed. 
Rena quickly changed, the pajamas being a little to big, but still comfortable. The girl crawled under the sheets and instantly fell asleep. 
The sunlight peaked through the window as Belle slowly cracked open her eyes. The 20-year-old was normally a late-riser, but something compelled her to wake up. Pushing herself up, and pushing some hair out of her face, Belle quickly discovered what had compelled her to wake.
The smell of food cooking.
Belle climbed out of her bed and dressed quickly, pulling on her hoodie and strapping her tonfa to her thighs. Quietly exiting her room and making her way to the dining room, Belle quirked an eyebrow to see the shadowy creatures setting the table. Following the smell of food, Belle marched into the kitchen, catching Morgan flipping a pancake into the air.
“Didn’t take you for a chef type.” Belle joked, leaning against the door frame, “But hey, being able to cook is always a nice quality.”
Morgan laughed and turned to face Belle, “If that was your attempt at flirting, I can understand why you’re single.”
Belle’s face flushed red and she shot back, “I wasn’t flirting!”
Morgan snorted and said, “Sure you weren’t. How do you like your eggs?”
“Don’t eat eggs often.” 
“Not my question.”
“Over-easy on toast.”
Belle stood in the door frame awkwardly in silence, before saying, “Alright, if my flirting is so bad, how do I not suck.”
“Don’t be so obvious?” Morgan said it like it was common sense, “It just comes naturally for me, if you want an actual teacher, I know a guy.”
“Is he cute?” 
“To some,” Morgan smiled, “Depends on how he shows himself to you.”
Before Belle could respond, Morgan shoved a plate of food into her hands and gestured for her to go to the table. 
Belle sighed and made her way to the table, eating in silence. Morgan joined her a pile of pancakes on her plate. They ate in silence for a while, until Belle asked.
“Where are Arty and Rena?”
“Arty dragged her out for training at 4AM, barely convinced her to let the poor girl eat breakfast first.” 
Belle’s eyes narrowed, but before she could say anything, a boisterous voice greeted, “Hey Sis!”
Belle snapped her head up, seeing a tall man with feathery blond hair and sky blue eyes. He wore a golden vest with metallic shoulder pads and a matching cape. Hanging at his waist was a sword with a golden handle. He also wore glasses, not fancy ones, but surprisingly normal and almost geeky square glasses.
“Arthur?” Morgan gasped, “I wasn’t expecting you.” 
“King Arthur?” Belle gasped. Arthur turned his attention to her and gasped.
“BELLE!?” Arthur practically squeaked before running over, taking out a sheet of paper and a pen, “I loved your movie! Can I have your autograph!?”
Morgan smacked her head into her palm, “Arthur, just cause she’s Belle doesn’t mean she was the one from the Disney movie. You once ranted to me for 5 hours about how inaccurate The Sword in the Stone was, so I highly doubt that movie was accurate.”
Arthur’s face fell, “Oh.”
“No, no,” Belle interrupted, chuckling, “It’s okay! I’m honored, I’ve just never autographed anything before.”
Belle signed the paper and handed it back to Arthur, whose face lit up in joy. 
“Thank you!” He smiled, “I’m in your debt!” 
“It’s fine.” Belle laughed, slightly taken aback by Arthur’s childlike behavior. Morgan, on the other hand, noticed something peeking out from Arthur’s vest. 
“Arthur, did you get a tattoo?” Morgan asked, gesturing to a jagged black line just barely visible from the knight’s vest.
“No.” Arthur explained, “A couple months back I found that Charming bastard and fought him, he landed one blow, but he had to retreat. It hasn’t healed over yet, but it hasn’t caused any problems so…”
“Brother.” Morgan said, now deadly serious, “What did the sword look like?”
Arthur furrowed his brow, before slowly describing, “The blade was glassy, with a curved black hilt and a...golden pommel…”
Arthur’s eyes widened as a realization seemed to dawn on him. Arthur scrambled away from Belle, attempting to bolt for the doorway, but suddenly froze. The blond turned and his sky blue eyes had been replaced with a different shade of blue, one that felt artificial.
Belle had seen those eyes before. Those were Charming’s eyes.
“Ah Arthur.” Charming’s voice laughed from Arthur’s body, “A valorous, noble fool, emphasis on fool. Didn’t notice for months that he’d been my puppet. Now he’s led me right to who I need.”
“Give me my brother back.” Morgan’s voice turned hard and the room turned heavy with the sheer amount of magic power she excluded. 
Charming snickered through Arthur as he drew Arthur’s sword, the blade of which had a core of golden metal. 
“Excalibur,” Belle breathed. 
“Drop your weapon.” Artemis’ voice ordered, the goddess stepping out from behind a wall, bow drawn.
Charming smirked, and whirled around, swinging Excalibur. Artemis loosed her arrow, but as it approched Arthur, it turned into golden light and was absorbed into Excalibur. 
“The sword of Rulers.” Morgan cursed, “Absorbs all projectiles or magic thrown at it.” 
“So we just have to beat him into submission!” Belle roared, drawing her tonfa, and using a blast of fire to shoot herself at the king. Arthur brought his sword up to expertly block the blow, whipping his blade upward to send Belle flying backwards. 
Arthur whirled back around to face Artemis, swing his sword. Artemis brought up her bow to block but was still sent sprawling to the ground.
“You didn’t think this through Goddess.” Charming mocked, “You came too close to one of the greatest swordsman of the world with a bow. Even if I was complete ass with a sword, Arthur’s muscle memory would be more than enough to kill everyone in this room with all the mistakes you made!”
Artemis snarled, but everyone’s attention was drawn to a sudden burst of golden light. Morgan stood in a circle of bright golden light, chanting something in a language Belle vaguely recognized as Chinese.
The light faded, and Charming spat, “What was that supposed to summon? A dragon? A devil? Conjuration is about strength in numbers, bitch, no summon is worth that much.”
Morgan smirked, “Don’t tell me how to use my own magic, bitch. And I was summoning an old friend.” 
The golden light erupted again, this time behind Morgan, whose smirk was still visible despite the blinding light. 
The light faded and standing behind Morgan was… a monkey. He stood at barely 4 feet tall, dressed in a sleeveless martial arts Gi with an orange and black hoodie tired around his waist. His tail was lashing behind him. Fluffy brown fur covered his body, a golden circlet keeping it from his face.
His face broke into a smirk, sharp fangs glimmering, eyes opening to reveal fiery red eyes with golden pupils.
“Allow me to introduce you all to my friend.” Morgan laughed, “Sun Wukong, the Handsome Monkey King. And I know he has a bone to pick with you, Charming.”
Constructive Criticism is always welcome!
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