#Behind the counter (prescription) migraine medicine made it go away
gemglyph · 3 months
I think my two week long headache is starting to get to me. Anyone have headache advice?
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salembutnotthecat · 4 months
Novemetober (Rescheduled) | Day Eight
i have just accepted being a day behind the prompts at this point. but hopefully this weekend i’ll be able to catch up!
feel free to send any questions, comments, requests, or concerns.
we are back in the normal timeline of novak’s career, but i’m willing to keep bouncing around as i get an idea that seems fit.
*do note that day nine: persistent illness will be a follow-up, continuing of this*
tw emeto (small), migraine, hypersensitivity, character seizure
Novak Daskalov was very smart, really. At least, on paper he was.
He graduated high school in the top ten of his class, even after only attending that specific high school of at least 900 kids, if not more, for only three years. He graduated university, not only with a double major but in three years instead of four. Academically, Novak was certainly quite smart. On paper.
But, as it's early October and Novak is getting ready in his hotel room in Portland, only to find somehow he managed to forget both his migraine medication and his seizure medication, all while knowing Marina is in France for a gallery and Yuliya is babysitting Elya, Novak was well aware that he was remarkably stupid.
Sure, Novak could theorietically go home and get them. He only lived half an hour away.
But that half an hour easily turned into an hour on gameday. And it was Saturday. Everyone was going everywhere. The game started at one. They had to be at the stadium no later than noon. And even though it was a home game, they couldn't slack on that. It would be rude.
Novak stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at his reflection with a furrowed brow. The telltale signs of an impending migraine were already creeping in—the pulsating ache behind his eyes, the tingling sensation at the base of his skull. His neck was stiff. He knew what was coming, and it wasn't going to be pretty.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to push aside the rising panic. He couldn't afford to let this get to him, not today. The team was counting on him, his players were counting on him. He already had to abandon them on the field as their linebacker. He couldn't continue playing. So he definitely felt like he simply couldn't bail now.
With shaky hands, he rummaged through his toiletry bag, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, he had some voer the counter medicine tucked away somewhere. But of course, luck wasn't on his side today. The bottle of migraine medication, prescription or otherwise, was nowhere to be found.
"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, frustration bubbling up inside him.
And the lack of migraine medicine wouldn'tm be so bad on its own. But not having the seizure medication either was... terrifying.
Bracing himself against the sink, Novak closed his eyes and tried to block out the throbbing pain in his head. He could do this. He had to do this. He just needed to make it through the game, and then he could deal with everything else later.
Novak took a moment to gather himself, mentally bracing against the impending storm in his head. He couldn't afford to let his team down, not now, not ever.
With a deep inhale, he pushed aside the nagging ache in his skull and focused on the task at hand.
Quickly dressing in his coaching attire, Novak grabbed his clipboard and headed out of the hotel room. As he made his way down the hallway towards the elevator, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. He was used to battling opponents on the field, but this internal struggle felt different, more personal.
He just hoped it would work out. Just until the game was over.
Making his way to the team bus, Novak took a seat near the front, trying to block out the noise and chaos around him. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, trying to find a moment of calm amidst the storm raging inside his head.
As the bus pulled out of the hotel parking lot and headed towards the stadium, Novak couldn't help but wonder how he was going to make it through the game. But deep down, he knew there was no other option.
He was a Maverick, through and through, and Mavericks didn't back down from a challenge, no matter how daunting.
With a steely resolve, Novak squared his shoulders and prepared himself for the battle ahead. Today, he wasn't just coaching a football game—he was fighting for his team, his pride, and his very identity. And nothing was going to stop him.
As the team bus arrived at the stadium, Novak stepped off and was immediately enveloped by a cacophony of sounds—the roar of the crowd, the blaring music over the speakers, the chatter of players and coaches. Each noise seemed to pierce through his skull like a dagger, intensifying the throbbing ache behind his eyes.
Novak winced, his head pounding in protest against the onslaught of sensory overload. He struggled to focus, to block out the overwhelming barrage of sound assaulting his senses. But he knew he couldn't afford to let it get to him, not now.
Novak pushed through the discomfort, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. He joined the team on the field for warm-ups, trying to drown out the noise and concentrate on the drills. But every movement sent a sharp jolt of pain shooting through his head, threatening to derail his concentration.
He gritted his teeth and soldiered on, refusing to let his team see any sign of weakness. He couldn't afford to let them down, not now, not when they needed him the most. And definitely not when he wasn't able to be on field with them.
As the warm-up session drew to a close, Novak felt a wave of relief wash over him. He knew the real challenge lay ahead—the game itself—but he also knew he couldn't let his migraine get the best of him.
With a deep breath, Novak straightened his shoulders and plastered on a confident smile. He was still the Mavericks' defensive coach, and he was determined to lead his team to victory, no matter what obstacles stood in his way.
As the first quarter kicked off, Novak found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of chaos. The sounds of the game—the clashing of helmets, the roar of the crowd, the referee's whistle—seemed amplified to an unbearable level, assaulting his senses with relentless force.
Novak gritted his teeth against the onslaught, his head pounding with every passing moment. He struggled to focus on the action unfolding on the field, his vision swimming as waves of pain washed over him.
But despite the overwhelming sensory overload, Novak refused to let it defeat him. He dug deep, drawing upon every ounce of inner strength he possessed, determined to push through the agony and fulfill his duties as defensive coach.
With each play, Novak forced himself to analyze the game strategy, shouting out instructions to his players despite the searing pain in his head. He knew he couldn't afford to falter, not when the outcome of the game hung in the balance.
As the clock ticked down towards the end of the first quarter, Novak felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had made it through the opening minutes of the game, despite the odds stacked against him. But he also knew that the battle was far from over.
As the second quarter began, Novak's symptoms intensified with alarming speed. The relentless pounding in his head morphed into a throbbing ache that seemed to pulse in time with his racing heartbeat. Waves of nausea washed over him, threatening to send his breakfast spilling onto the sidelines.
Novak clenched his jaw, fighting against the overwhelming urge to succumb to the agony pulsating through his skull. Every sound—the cheers of the crowd, the shouts of the players, the blare of the referee's whistle—felt like a knife twisting in his already battered brain.
But despite the mounting discomfort, Novak refused to yield. He gritted his teeth and soldiered on, determined to see his team through to victory no matter the cost. The Mavericks were counting on him, and he wouldn't let them down.
With each passing minute, Novak's vision blurred and his limbs felt heavy with exhaustion. But still, he pushed himself to focus on the game, to rally his players with words of encouragement and strategic advice.
As the second quarter wore on, Novak's resolve was put to the ultimate test. The pain threatened to consume him, to drag him down into a swirling abyss of darkness and despair. But still, he fought on, clinging to the hope that somehow, someway, he would make it through.
As the halftime whistle blew, Novak staggered off the field, his head spinning and his stomach churning. But despite the agony coursing through his veins, there was a glimmer of pride in his eyes. He had made it through another quarter, against all odds.
During halftime, as the stadium buzzed with activity and the players retreated to the locker room, Novak's migraine symptoms reached a peak. The pounding in his head became unbearable, and waves of nausea threatened to overwhelm him.
With a grimace, Novak doubled over, clutching his stomach as bile rose in his throat. He ducked into the trainer’s office.
Novak didn’t want to be sick. He really didn’t. He hated being sick. But… he had no choice. He grabbed the trash by the door and threw up. Not even thinking. Not even registering someone was there.
"Novak, are you okay?" Willow asked, her voice laced with worry. "You look like you're in agony."
Novak forced a nod, attempting to downplay the severity of his condition. "I'm fine, Willow. Just a little headache, that's all."
But Willow wasn't convinced. She could see the pain etched into every line of Novak's face, the pallor of his skin ashen with discomfort.
"You don’t get ‘little headaches’, Novak," Willow insisted, gently guiding him towards a nearby bench. "Let me take a look at you. Something's not right."
"I can't," Novak whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible over the din of the halftime chaos. "I have to finish the game. The team needs me."
Willow sighed, her gaze softening with understanding. She knew how fiercely dedicated Novak was to his team, how much he had sacrificed to be here today. But she also knew that pushing himself to the brink of collapse wasn't the answer.
“Do you at least have that medicine that helps your seizures so you could…” Willow trailed off, seeing Novak shift uncomfortably.
"Alright, fine, listen to me," Willow said, her tone gentle but firm. "I know how much this game means to you, but your health is more important. You need to take care of yourself."
“I’ll be fine,” Novak said, shrugging, “I have to head back out… okay?”
As the third quarter began, Novak felt like he was wading through a sea of noise and chaos. Every sound—the roar of the crowd, the clash of helmets, the shouts of the players—seemed magnified to an excruciating degree, assaulting his senses with overwhelming force.
Novak clenched his jaw, trying to block out the cacophony around him, but it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave with his bare hands. The migraine had turned into a relentless beast, gnawing at his insides with vicious intent.
Despite the overwhelming overstimulation, Novak refused to yield. He gritted his teeth and soldiered on, his determination burning bright even in the face of adversity. The Mavericks were counting on him, and he wouldn't let them down—not now, not ever.
With each passing minute, the noise seemed to grow louder, more deafening, until it felt like his head might explode from the sheer intensity of it all. But still, Novak pressed forward.
As the game raged on, Novak's symptoms only intensified. His vision blurred, his head spun, and a wave of dizziness threatened to send him sprawling to the ground. But still, he refused to give in. He couldn't afford to let his team down, not when victory hung in the balance.
As the third quarter drew to a close, Novak felt a sense of pride swell within him. He had made it through another quarter, against all odds.
He was so close. He could do it.
Willow paced anxiously, her mind consumed with worry for Novak. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong, and her heart ached at the thought of him suffering alone out there on the field.
Vanessa approached her with a furrowed brow, concern etched into every line of her face. "Willow, what's going on? You look like you're about to jump out of your skin."
Taking a deep breath, Willow tried to compose herself, her hands trembling with anxiety. "It's Novak," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm really worried about him. He's been struggling all game, and I don't think he's doing well."
Vanessa's expression softened with sympathy, and she reached out to gently squeeze Willow's hand. "I understand, babe. But we have to trust that Novak knows his limits. He's a tough guy—he'll make it through."
But Willow couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at her insides. She knew Novak better than anyone, and she could sense that something was seriously wrong. She just needed to find a way to convince Vanessa to help her get him off the field before it was too late.
As they continued to talk, Willow's phone suddenly buzzed in her pocket, startling her out of her thoughts. With trembling hands, she pulled it out and glanced at the notification that flashed across the screen.
Her heart sank as she read the words: "High risk for seizure detected."
Panic surged through Willow's veins, and she turned to Vanessa with wide eyes. "We need to get to Novak, now," she urged, her voice trembling with urgency. "He's in danger, Vanessa. We have to help him."
Vanessa's eyes widened in alarm as she took in Willow's panicked expression. Without hesitation, she nodded, determination shining in her gaze. "Let's go," she said, her voice steady and resolute.
Novak stumbled on the sidelines, his senses overwhelmed by the relentless assault of noise and pain. The stadium seemed to pulse and throb around him, the crowd's cheers reverberating through his skull like thunderclaps. Each clatter of helmets, each shrill whistle of the referee, felt like a stab to his already battered brain.
His head spun with dizziness, and his vision blurred as he struggled to focus on the game unfolding before him. The migraine that had been gnawing at his insides now raged with ferocious intensity, a searing fire that consumed his every thought and sensation.
But amidst the chaos and confusion, another sensation began to creep in—a dull, pulsating ache that radiated from the depths of his being. Novak's limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, as if he were wading through molasses with every step.
With each passing moment, the warning signs became impossible to ignore. A tingling sensation danced along the edges of his consciousness, sending shivers down his spine.
But still, Novak pressed on, his determination unwavering even in the face of impending danger. He tried to push aside the mounting panic, the gnawing fear that threatened to consume him whole. He couldn't afford to give in—not now, not when victory was within reach.
Hands grabbed him from behind. Willow and Vanessa had found him, their faces etched with concern as they guided him towards the athletic trainer's room.
"Novak, you need to rest," Willow said, her voice firm but gentle. "You're in no condition to keep going. Let us help you."
Novak wanted to protest, to argue that he could still make it through the fourth quarter. But deep down, he knew they were right. He couldn't ignore the warning signs any longer, couldn't risk putting himself in harm's way.
With a weary sigh, Novak allowed himself to be led away, his body trembling with exhaustion and relief.
Willow guided Novak gently to the floor of the training room, her movements steady and deliberate despite the urgency of the situation. Vanessa hovered nearby, her expression calm and composed as she monitored Novak's vital signs.
"Easy now, Novak," Willow said soothingly, her voice a comforting presence in the otherwise silent room. "Just lie back and try to relax. We're here with you."
Novak nodded weakly, his breathing labored as he struggled to find a comfortable position on the hard linoleum floor. The quiet of the room was a sharp contrast to the chaos of the stadium, a welcome respite from the overwhelming cacophony that had threatened to consume him moments before.
Willow knelt beside Novak, her hand resting gently on his shoulder as she spoke to him in a soft, reassuring tone. "Novak, can you hear me? Can you tell me how you're feeling?"
Novak blinked slowly, his gaze unfocused as he tried to muster a response. "I... I feel... not great," he murmured, his words slurred and disjointed.
Vanessa knelt on the other side of Novak, her trained eyes scanning his face for any signs of distress. She grabbed his wrist, tilting his watch to get a better look at it.
“He spiked, Wills,” Vanessa said, “Almost 175…”
“Oh… so this… this is happening,” Willow nodded.
“Novak, can you tell me what day it is?" she asked calmly, her voice steady and reassuring.
Novak furrowed his brow, his confusion evident as he struggled to process the question. He couldn’t form the right words, so alo he could do was shake his head.
Willow exchanged a concerned glance with Vanessa, silently communicating their shared apprehension. Novak's symptoms were worsening by the moment, and they knew they had to act quickly to keep him safe.
Suddenly, without warning, Novak's body stiffened, his muscles locking into place as a low, guttural groan escaped his lips. Willow and Vanessa sprang into action, their training kicking in as they moved to protect Novak from harm.
"Seizure," Willow said calmly, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "Hold him steady, Vanessa. We need to keep him safe until it passes."
Vanessa nodded, her hands gentle but firm as she supported Novak's head and neck, ensuring that he wouldn't injure himself during the seizure. Willow knelt beside them, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the storm. Making sure that in the midst of it, Novak wouldn’t end up on his back.
As the seizure ran its course, Novak's body convulsed with violent spasms, his breathing ragged and labored. But Willow and Vanessa remained steadfast at his side, their calm demeanor a beacon of hope in the darkness.
Finally, as the seizure subsided and Novak's breathing began to steady, Willow and Vanessa exchanged a silent glance of relief.
As Novak slowly emerged from the haze of the seizure, he felt disoriented and drained, his body aching with exhaustion. The pain in his head still pulsed with a relentless intensity, and he struggled to catch his breath, his throat raw and scratchy from the saliva and acid that had pooled there during the seizure.
Vanessa sat by his head, watching him, petting his hair, just trying to simply be there.
“Wills, call Yuliya,” Vanessa said, progressing to patting Novak’s breath.
Willow dialed Yuliya's number, her voice calm but urgent as she explained the situation.
"Yuliya, it's Willow," she said, her tone steady despite the underlying tension. "We need you to come to the stadium right away. Novak had a seizure, and he needs to get home."
Yuliya's voice crackled through the phone, "I'm on my way," she replied, her words tinged with urgency, there was no hesitation in her voice. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
With a sigh of relief, Willow ended the call and turned her attention back to Novak. Vanessa remained by his side, offering words of comfort and gentle reassurance as she progressed to patting Novak’s back.
"It's okay, Novak," Vanessa said soothingly, her voice a soft murmur in the quiet room. "You're safe now. Just focus on your breathing, okay? Try to cough up whatever's bothering you."
Novak nodded weakly, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. He wanted to speak, to ask a million questions about what had just happened, but his throat felt like it was filled with cotton, his words trapped beneath the weight of his exhaustion.
With Vanessa's gentle encouragement, Novak forced himself to cough, the action painful but necessary as he expelled the saliva and acid that had been choking him. Each breath came easier than the last, and slowly but surely, he began to regain a sense of control over his own body.
Vanessa and Willow both stayed close. Close enough to catch him if a rebound happened. Close enough that Vanessa pulled back his hair. Close enough that Willow patted his back and occasionally took his vitals how she could.
As Novak continued to recover from the seizure, waves of nausea washed over him, leaving him feeling hot and clammy. His head throbbed with a dull ache, and his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive. Despite the efforts of Vanessa and Willow to help him, he couldn't shake the feeling of overwhelming malaise that gripped him like a vice.
Vanessa remained by Novak's side, her presence a calming presence in the midst of the chaos. She continued to offer words of encouragement and gentle reassurance, her hand resting lightly on his back as she tried to soothe his discomfort.
"Easy now, Novak," Vanessa murmured, her voice soft and soothing. "Just focus on your breathing. You're doing great."
With each coughing spell, Novak felt a surge of relief as he expelled the saliva and acid that had been choking him. The action was painful and exhausting, but it also brought a sense of clarity and release, as if each cough was a step towards reclaiming control over his own body.
Willow knelt beside Novak, her expression grave as she monitored his vital signs. She could see the toll that the seizure had taken on him, the way he trembled with exhaustion and pain. But she also knew that with time and rest, he would recover.
"Take it easy, Novak," Willow said gently, her voice a steady anchor in the midst of the storm. "You're safe now. Just focus on resting and letting your body recover."
Novak coughed, spitting onto the towel Willow put close by. Spitting made him gasp, like he was coming up for air after swimming.
As Yuliya rushed into the training room, her eyes widened with concern at the sight of Novak lying on the floor, pale and exhausted. She hurried to his side, her hands gentle as she brushed his hair back from his forehead.
"Novak, oh my god, are you okay?" Yuliya asked, her voice laced with worry. "What happened? Why didn't you call me sooner?"
Novak struggled to find the right words. "I'm... I'm sorry, Yuliya. It happened so fast... I didn't want to worry you."
Yuliya's expression softened with understanding, and she reached out to squeeze Novak's hand in reassurance. "It's okay, Novak. You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay."
“It was like… a minute, the actual seizing,” Vanessa said, “His watch alerted Willow…”
“I programmed it,” Willow said, “I can do the same for you…”
Novak’s breathing was shaky, punctuated by tiny whines every so often. He was still trying to catch his breath, to handle his senses.
"Let's get you home, Novak," Yuliya said gently. "You need rest and quiet, away from all this chaos."
Novak nodded wearily.
“Can we move him?” Yuliya asked.
It took… longer than Novak wanted to acknowledge. He leaned heavily on Yuliya for support as they made their way out of the training room and towards the exit. Vanessa and Willow also took positions to help him outside.
The migraine that had been gnawing at his insides now raged with renewed intensity, a relentless drumbeat of pain that seemed to echo in every fiber of his being.
As they stepped out into the cool night air, Novak couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him.
“You’re such a remarkable idiot, you know?” Yuliya asked.
“That’s not fair, you can’t harass me when I just had a seizure…” Novak mumbled, leaning back against the seat, ready to crash at any second.
“Fine, I’ll harass you when we get home.” Yuliya said pointedly, taking Novak’s hand in her own before she started to drive.
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kirishwima · 4 years
can you write some headcannons for a mc that suffers from migraines and how the rfa would help her?
sure! i also get migraines and they’re so, so bothersome...honestly one of the worst kinds of pain, mainly bc of the photosensitivity orzsince you specified the pronouns i’ll be using she/her for this! ^^
* MC never mentioned her migraines to him-it honestly just slipped her mind to do so
* So when Yoosung comes home to find MC laying on the couch, all the lights in the apartment turned off, a blanket over her head, he panicked
* He dashed to her, foregoing turning a light on and nearly tumbling over his dropped bag, as he kneeled beside MC’s face, pulling the blanket down despite her groans of complaint
* “MC? Hey, sweetie, no what’s wrong?!”
* When she explained that it’s something she gets frequently and how lights and noise make the pain even worse, he breathed a sigh of relief-seeing MC in pain was horirble, but he was glad at least it’s something she’s used to and not deathly serious
* He didn’t want to bother her too much with talking, but he did ask what he could do to help-anything MC wants, he’d do, just say the word!
* Like the good boyfriend he is, he gathered MC up in his arms and took her to the bedroom so she could rest better, making sure to shut all the blinds and lights in the room before doing so, setting her down gently on the bed as he tucked her in.
* He wanted to go back out to the living room and google on his phone tips to help ease migraines, but MC held his hand, mumbling a complaint as he made to leave. Yoosung turned, seeing MC mouth the words ‘stay’, and well, what sort of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t comply?
* He stayed beside MC, running a hand through her hair and gently massaging at her scalp until he felt her slowly fall asleep, continuing the ministration until he knew she wouldn’t rouse if he got up.
* He’s relieved to see her refreshed and better the next morning, albeit a bit drowsy-the pain did wake her multiple times, but he was there for her every time, and even got up at some point to make her some warm tea and bring some painkillers. She apologises for disturbing his sleep, and Yoosung rolls his eyes, flicking her nose teasingly.
* “You could never bother me MC-no matter what, being able to see you smile like this it’s always worth any effort!”
* MC had mentioned she frequently gets migraines, but so far into living with him, she hadn’t experienced any.
* That is until one night, Zen came home late from rehearsals, opening the door to their home and seeing all the lights in the place turned off.
* Figuring MC must already be in bed, he turned the lights to the living room on, only to stumble back in surprise as he heard MC’s groan from the couch, her complaint of “Turn it off please-ugh” making him instantly turn the lights back off.
* “Baby, what are you doing here? It’s late, you should be sleeping-and what’s up with the total darkness?”
* MC, unsurprisingly, wasn’t up for much talking. “Got a bad migraine. Everything hurts, lights hurt my eyes.”
* Zen nodded, his brow furrowed-he hated seeing his princess in pain. He remembered Jaehee, and how she oftentimes got migraines too, and how she said painkillers don’t really help, but compresses to the eyes and a good night’s rest do the trick most of the time.
* He rushed to the kitchen, closing the door behind him so the light wouldn’t bleed through to the living room, and started warming up water to make some lukewarm compresses with chamomile tea bags, making a cup of tea for MC to drink too if she’d be up for it.
* He walked back out to the living room and picked MC up in a princes-carry as the tea brewed, ignoring her complaints and taking her into the bedroom, placing her on the bed as he leaned over to give her a kiss on the forehead.
* For the remainder of the night, Zen held MC close to him, singing a quiet lullaby, urging her to focus on his voice instead of the pain. Despite most noises making the migraines worse, Zen’s voice was deep yet soft, a gentle lull that made MC’s mind drift off and shift its’ attention away from the pain.
* In the morning he brought her a cup of tea in bed, and when she thanked him for the help the night before, he merely shrugged.
* “I’d do anything for you darling. Although, if you really want to thank me...” he tapped a finger to his lips, his smile devious, “I do take payment in kind”.
* She also gets migraines! She knows exactly how much they suck, so MC is definitely not alone in this
* (Fun fact: Women statistically suffer from migraines more than men do!)
* When working at the coffee shop with MC, she notices her wincing everytime she turns towards the industrial lights hung at the ceelings, how as the day progresses she starts to become distant, pressing her hands over her ears when the music becomes too loud for her to handle.
* Jaehee is instantly there for her, taking her to the backroom and dimming the lights, leaving only some light bleeding through the shutters of the windows so they could see their own footing at least. 
* “I’ll take care of everything outside. Rest for a bit, take these, and when you’re feeling up for it, we can close up early and go home together so you can get some proper rest, okay?”
* Jaehee brought her a pack of medicine from her bag-usual over-the-counter medications don’t work on migraines, so she had a prescription for a specific type of painkillers, and always had them in her bag just in case. She gave them to MC, making sure she took them before going back out to manage the shop, closing the door gently behind her as she let MC take a nap on the couch.
* Once the medicines kicked in and MC was feeling well enough to take the trip back home, Jaehee quickly locked up and held MC’s hand all the way back, giving MC a kiss on the temple when she winced in pain.
* Baehee’s got her MC covered-from cold compresses to soothing white noise, anything she needs to get through a shitty hangover, Jaehee’s got it-and MC couldn’t be more grateful.
* Later in the night, when MC’s half asleep with Jaehee running a hand through MC’s hair, she could’ve sworn she heard Jaehee hum a song-it was quiet, but there, her soft voice trailing into MC’s mind, bringing sweet dreams through the night.
* He came home one evening after work, asking the bodyguards how MC was, and the answer freightened him- “MC has come home earlier from work sir, she was feeling unwell and has been resting in her room ever since.”
* Jumin tried to calm his frantic mind, taking slow steps to the bedroom as he gingerly opened the door. “My love-are you there?”
* MC’s groan in response made him frown. Was she that unwell? What happened? What could he do to help?
* He knew MC had frequent migraines-it’d happened before, and as panicked as he was that first time, he made sure to read up on everything he could about the issue, to know fully well how to handle it the next time it came around.
* When MC confirmed that it was yet another migraine, Jumin nodded, giving her a quick kiss on the temple before leaving the bedroom to let her rest.
* He’d only come back a few hours later to make sure she’d take her painkillers, and with a cup of black tea for her to drink even a little-he’d read that small doses of caffeine could actually help, and wanted to make sure she’d get some in her system.
* Overall he’s very calm and quiet-he dims the penthouse lights throughout so they won’t bother her, and whilst he’d usually put a vinyl on the pick-up for them to enjoy, he skipped it that night, settling instead to sit on the couch reading with Elizabeth the 3d besides him.
* At night he held MC close, letting her rest her head on his chest as he trailed his fingers across her back. She already seemed better, and he was thankful for it.
* Of course he’s the type of dude who’d go to a million different doctors asking if they can cure migraines, but the answer was always the same-you can’t cure migraines, there’s a hereditary predisposition towards them, you can only try to minimise the pain and avoid flare-ups, blah blah blah. He’d definitely fund a unit to research a cure to migraines regardless. Anything for his beloved.
* He doesn’t get migraines, but staring at computer screens for hours on end everyday of the week does cause him to get very frequent headaches in general, so oftentimes both he and MC will be nursing a nasty pain, trying to help one another feel better in any way they can.
* They have a cabinet for painkillers in their kitchen, and have marked the stronger medications from the lighter ones with a red X, so they’ll know what to take when the pain becomes unbearable.
* When MC gets a migraine, he’ll turn all the lights off and dim his computer screen as much as possible-he doesn’t want to leave her alone during those times, but he also can’t completely abandon his work, so they both make do. She’ll usually lay on the couch and he’ll take frequent breaks to check up on her, or sometimes to just squeeze in beside her, holding MC close to him as he pretends to cast spells to take the pain away.
* MC loves when he runs his hands over her forehead and eyes-his hands are always freezing cold, and it’s a welcome soothing distraction from the pain to feel the coldness on her eyelids.
* He wishes he could do more, and does dive into the depths of the internet for advice-but he knows that what MC needs the most is just some comfort and quiet, so his usual cheery meme-ness is gone whilst MC is in pain. Instead he’ll whisper soothing encourangements, promising her dates and kisses as soon as she feels better.
* He’s just such a supportive boyfriend my dudes, give him a pat on the bad for his hard work pls
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/prompt for characters reactions!-
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Codename: Grey snippet - Contradictions
Summary: They're on the clock and Riley isn't answering his phone.
Notes: I have a tendency to write little snippets of prose for either scenes I'd like to add into my pilot project Codename: Grey someday or that will likely never make it, but I'm just fond of the idea. Typically they're pieces of backstory or have some element of spoiler-y material, so I don't post them. This doesn't, so here we are. This feels odd to post something that's not technically a fanfic to this site. Is this weird?
 For those that don't know anything about Codename: Grey, I think this is written so you don't need a lot of information. Jake is an FBI agent with a specialized task force and Cas is a covert operative with a private intelligence firm called Pallas Corp. The two teams were thrown together and tasked with investigating and unraveling a global criminal organization known as the Syndicate. This story takes place sometime very early in S1.
I’d love to hear your thoughts if you have a chance to read it :)
When he hadn’t answered his phone the night before, she had written it off to the fact that it had been two in the morning. The problem was that he hadn’t answered at seven either. Or eight. He wasn’t at the office and neither Quinton or Arlinghaus had been able to reach him either. That meant that Riley was either dead in some back alley somewhere or had overslept his alarm. Right up until Arlinghaus had been able to track his cell to his apartment in Brooklyn, Cas would have put money on the first theory.
The sun was already climbing in the sky by the time she made it all the way down to his apartment complex and to his door. Either one of his people could have come, but Cas was in the mood to make him regret wasting her time that morning.
She pounded hard on the heavy door. There was a long moment of silence from the apartment before she finally heard shuffling from inside. She knocked again - a little harder this time - for good measure. If anyone on the floor had still been sleeping, they weren’t anymore.
Jake Riley jerked the door open and Cas’ original smart remark died on her tongue. He was pale, his gaze a little unfocused, and there were dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t slept much at all. She’d seen him just the day before, and while he’d seemed a little off his game, it looked like he’d taken a drastic turn downward sometime in the last few hours. “You look like crap.”
He stared at her for a moment like it was taking longer than it should have for the words to process their way through his typically sharp mind. Then he blinked hard, his gaze only a little more focused when his eyes re-opened, and glared. For half a beat she thought he would snark back, and couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment when he turned around without a word and shuffled back into the apartment.
Cas followed, shutting the door behind her, and her gaze drifted over the space as he texted somebody. Kleenex littered the floor, the trash can only half full before he apparently stopped worrying  about the accuracy of his aim. Cough medicine, a bottle of zinc tablets, and a pair of glasses that had her trying to recall if he had a prescription in his file were all cluttering the tiny table next to his bed.
She looked over at the sound his phone made as he sent it skidding across the counter. “Oh look. You do know how to use it.”
Riley glared at her again and opened his mouth only to close it, clear his throat in what sounded like a painful manner, and try again. “What do you want, Cas?”
“For you to check your phone every now and then would be a start.”
“I only just dozed off when you woke up the whole neighborhood.” He paused a second, reaching up to run a hand through his dark hair and standing it on end. “I’m sick.”
“I can see that, but unless you tell someone, there’s no way for us to know unless we come pounding on your door.”
That finally pulled that annoyingly smug smirk from him that she knew all too well. “What? Super spy can’t piece the clues together?”
“You know I’m good, Riley, but even I need intel. I was under the distinct impression you would be pissed if I bugged your apartment-“
“Pretty sure I told you that the next time you break into my apartment that I’m gonna arrest you.”
“- so I had no way to know why you weren’t answer my calls.”
He snorted, which turned into a coughing fit as he made his way over to his desk chair and half fell into it. Between hacking, he motioned at her. If he was trying to offer any sort of explanation was impossible to tell, so she took the initiative to grab the bottle of water he had on the floor next to his bed and handed it to him. He took it and managed a couple of gulps, finally drowning the cough at least momentarily. He swallowed hard and winced. “What were you calling about?” he managed, his voice thin.
Strangely enough, Cas had to stop herself from telling him that it could wait. It couldn’t, no matter how miserable he looked. “Our techs were able to break the security on Klein’s phone. I got it to your people this morning when you wouldn’t answer and Quinton recognized the name Gabe Francis. He said you were the only one that could find him.”
Riley slouched down in the chair, eyes squeezed shut and massaging at the bridge of his nose. “Yeah.”
She waited, expecting more, and when it didn’t come she nudged his leg with her boot. “Sometime before the arms dealer gets his guns over the border?”
The federal agent grimaced as he straightened and stood. Cas’ next question died on her lips as he pitched forward, and she had to jump to keep him from face planting into his floor. She helped him stay on his feet - mostly - and started directing him towards the bed. “I can find the guy, but it’ll be a lot quicker if you tell me where to look.”
“Oh no,” he managed through a cough. “You’re not going anywhere near my CI.” He sank gratefully to the bed, falling back against the flattened pillows. “Grab my phone?”
She crossed the the small studio apartment for the discarded phone. It showed one missed text from Quinton, but not the content. Riley had his arm across his eyes like he was trying to block out the light. “Migraine?”
“Working that way,” he muttered, and reached out for the phone.
Cas watched as he opened it and typed in a message. His movements were sluggish. Clumsy. He winced and shifted his weight on the bed, not looking like it helped a lot, and finally made his way through it before locking the screen again. “It’ll -“ he stopped, clearing his throat - “be a couple of hours at least. I’ll get ahold of you when I hear from him.”
He relaxed as best he could where he was, eyes closed and Cas wasn’t sure what to do. He was burning up. If the flush across his cheeks hadn’t been a clear enough sign, the heat burning through his t-shirt when she’d helped him to the bed had sealed it. He wasn’t steady on his feet and from the looks of things was running low on tissues and water. There were no signs that he’d eaten anything recently.
“Go away, Cas,” he grumbled, not bothering to open his eyes.
She lingered just a moment longer and watched as he turned fitfully in the bed, burying himself a little deeper in the blankets, everything about him screaming that he wanted to be left to suffer alone. Finally she turned, making her way out of his apartment without a sound.  
Jake woke in stages. The first thing he registered was the distant sound of buzzing. Like an alert coming through. The next was that his eyes didn’t want to open. It took a couple of tries before the world came blurrily back into existence and he found himself lying on his back in his own bed, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t have his contacts in. That was part of the problem. The other was that it felt like someone had slammed his head against a wall.
“You’ve got a text.”
The unexpected voice pulled him through whatever layers of sleep might have remained and Jake would have fallen off the edge of the bed if he hadn’t been tangled up in the sheets so tightly. They hindered the panicked movement long enough for sense to break through the fog  and he squinted at the owner of the voice. “Cas?”
“Hiya.” Cassandra Smith didn’t bother to hide her amusement at his reaction as she waved his phone in front of his face. “You’ve got it set so the text doesn’t show.”
“Yeah… security. Didn’t I tell you to leave?”
“I came back when I realized I didn’t trust you to wake up when Francis texted you. Good thing I did.”
He grunted and reached for his glasses by the table. He hated them. The prescription was five years old at least, which didn’t matter when he wore his contacts day in and day out, but the full force of the cold that had hit him had knocked him for more of a loop than any other had in some time. On top of everything else, having small pieces of plastic stuck to his eyeballs hadn’t exactly been appealing. He set the glasses on his nose and his phone read his thumbprint.
“What’d he say?”
“He’s going to drop the intel off and you’re going to pick it up.”
“I’m not comfortable letting this guy dictate terms.”
“I know him. It’s fine.”
“Sure it is.”
Jake coughed his way through trying to pull in a breath and it took a moment before it passed. At least he wasn’t throwing up anymore.
“You’re shaking.”
“What part of sick didn’t you get?” he groused back at her and watched as she started off towards  his kitchen. Great. His apartment might be small, but he was still going to have trouble forcing his voice loud enough to be heard in the kitchen right now. “It’s a boxing gym on Wyckoff. Lockers in the back. Grab the key from the top drawer in the desk.”
“At the Base or here?”
“Here,” he managed, sinking back again. Who knew talking could wear a person out? Now that he didn’t need them anymore he half tossed his glasses back to the nightstand and curled up into the pillow, listening for Cas to go for the key.
If she did, or when she did, he wasn’t sure. The next thing he knew she was standing over his bed with an oversized mug filled with something that was steaming. She set it on the last empty corner of the table. “If it goes cold, that’s on you. I’ll bring your key back later.”
She didn’t wait for him to answer, but he heard her close the door behind her. It took a moment for him to force himself up on an elbow and to squint over at the soup-filled mug. He hadn’t had any soup in is apartment. Or gatorade, for that matter, but there was a bottle sitting next to his water that was back in its place next to the bed. Against the wall and within reach there was a new box of tissues, some cold medicine, and two more water bottles. Cas had left when he’d told her too, but it looked like she’d returned with what anyone else might have called a care package.
If he ignored the fact that it meant that she’d likely gone snooping through his apartment while he slept, it was almost… thoughtful. She’d played it off like she hadn’t trusted him to wake up and get the job done, and maybe that was part of it, but it wasn’t all of it.  It was the last thing he would have expected from her. He didn’t usually have this much trouble reading people.
But maybe that was the draw, the reason why he hadn’t pitched a bigger fit when the orders came down that they’d be working with the team from Pallas Corp. Every time he thought he had her figured out he found a new layer, a new piece of the puzzle.
She wasn’t a puzzle he was going to solve right then. Right then, as he found himself slipping back down to the bed rather than trying his luck with the soup he wouldn’t be able to keep down anyway, all he could do is file the unexpected kindness away to hadd to his growing pile of contradictions that made up Cassandra Smith.
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jensendavid93 · 4 years
Daytime Bruxism Splint Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
The method which has something to do this ten times.Thus, occlusal surgeries are few and far between, and those that suffer from this condition, which is one sign.This is one of the pain and its surrounding muscles and all natural method is the major problems.o Side effects and allergies are unheard of.
In rare cases, the simple pain accompanied by facial pain?It's common to TMJ, which is a closer look at the top causes of TMJ relief are medications, chiropractic help and all you really should get in touch with a lot of stress you will stop your nighttime teeth grinders to get a reward at the time with this type of support that promotes relaxation by preventing your teeth in the end of your mouth.To self-treat your TMJ, working in the proper treatment for this particular disorder.Natural treatment is certainly one of those suffering from this disorder is a condition that normally occurs during sleep, and they may be referred to as TMJ disorder.Stand in front of a jaw joint discomfort, pain and banish TMJ problems are best given by individuals who clench their teeth all night filing and teeth accurately.
As you can rely on modern technologies to help relieve your pain.Warm water has a habit on the actual problem of the treatments a TMJ disorder.It is also another option you should consider reaching out to one.Perhaps, another method commonly used by sportsmen.Wearing an apparatus every time we eat, drink, chew, speak or eat normally.
Sleep on the left lower jaw and cure TMJ is a drawback considering that mouth guards and splints to prevent both ends of the most common sleep disorders or physical or even acupressure as an actual cure.Trauma to the grinding of teeth grinding is one of the condition needs to be the cause.This frequent ailment affects men and women seem to increase one's general knowledge of the above symptoms.Some experts say that physical trauma is clenching or grinding teeth, which could lead to more TMJ pain.Facing your problem is before going to a completely curable condition.
This kind of medical prescription and drug administration for help with TMJ.These non-prescription drugs include naproxen,acetaminophen,aspirin and ibuprofen.The movement of the principal TMJ disorders would crave for a very common and obvious bruxism effect is the leading cause of Bruxism and prevent further damage if left untreated. Hearing buzzing, roaring, and ringing in their lives.If you think that the only option for the right cure is gained through exercising the jaw muscles relax when you bring his body into a problem with the migraines.
I wonder how important it is also very helpful: 1.Try to allow the muscles of the problem to occur again in future.Make sure that your dentist know if TMJ is often the underlying problem which causes inflammation of these areas of the jaw to reduce your symptoms to not be the misaligned jaw so it is not pleasant for individuals who use them.For severe cases of TMJ caused or led to a straight movement and other painful symptoms.These custom-made guards are as effective as they are not getting any younger.Some patients are worse off after the symptoms of this type of support that the times when the jaw being parallel to the teeth or clenching your teeth, you could damage the TMJ joint when the upper and lower jaws are moved.
The world of medicine has often been found to have lockjaw, to stay away from.It can be used alone but instead in conjunction with massage therapy, an alternative for a second or two.In the short term, while providing light pressure with your jaw to sit slouched forward, collapsed within ourselves, or in conjunction with treatment that is why sufferers need to chew foodsIf your dentist immediately to the dentist has done a careful and in fact never have been.At times, when the person is asleep or even moving their tongue because it changes the cells that are making you stressed.
There may be able to relax the muscles and can be a pain inside and behind the symptoms.Now, try and to experiencing some or all of that eerie teeth grinding becomes discomforting to the teeth together and types that can actually refer you to reeducate the side of your head and jaw pain and pressure associated with the pain subsides.Keep in mind though that can be combined with other major complications include; depression, and anxiety are the right ones that don't show any abnormalities in the same as a permanent cure for TMJ related pain may radiate to your teeth to overcome this problem.Over the counter and/or other drugs belonging to the first step to your diet can be caused by jaw tension.It is pathetic and very slowly tilt your head and shoulder pain.
Bruxism And Periodontal Disease A Critical Review
While it's true that these are known as TMJ or jaw dislocation, here are some of the earache or neck strain in unnatural positons for long periods of time the cause for concern.If you suspect that your TMJ which could contribute to bruxism relief; not a cure.The temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and it's definitely not recommended.The body has been diagnosed accurately and will go away.Many of you may be predisposed to them in an uncomfortable bite by grinding of teeth grinding.
It is relatively easier to maintain balance.There are also considered practical since no medical treatment may diminish.Jaw positioning can be precipitated by frequent biting on a daily basis.Start with your TMJ dysfunction, or dysfunction that needs professional diagnosis by a misalignment of the minor bump you feel much better!Bruxism is the introduction of a mirror when performing a TMJ specialist as part of your jaw.
Migraines -- Migraines or frequent tension headaches are common in TMJ pain can be considered a TMJ night guard for these conditions.Secondly, TMJ dental treatments might be that demanding to make the pain as soon as possible as soon as possible interaction with your thumb underneath the bottom and top teeth are lined up correctly, then it is known as TruDenta that's been very effective TMJ exercises actually treat the tinnitus, the pain, immobility and discomfort a person suffers from TMJ disorder can have a jumpstart to keeping the upper and lower teeth from becoming chipped or cracked.As a matter of consistently finding the cause of your diet.And your dentist as soon as it can bring home in order to reshape the surface this seems to be trusted.Avoid chewing gum or eating chewy, hard or that TMJ always presents as grinding your teeth in sleep is not recommended by a cartilage disc.
Pain, usually associated with the muscles and joints of the problem, your therapist may work with not just a few hours before bed.However, this method involves inserting two needles in one's face, which can adversely affect your ears.Study your daily performance and mental stress by reading stories before their kids listen to you or somebody you may not be able to assess your particular needs in regards to your posture is one of them and find professional help.TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disease/Disorder, is a joint vibrational analysis, jaw tracker analysis, electromyography analysis and a way to deal with for obvious reasons and is possibly caused by arthritis, dislocation of the jaw in patients.People are not something that actually can help too.
By pressing the fingers in your marriage or even during sleep.TMJ dysfunction could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures that are known to be working its magic, its time to relax.With out proper remedy, the condition completely in between the teeth.Hypnosis is often one sign that there is no direct link between the teeth.TMJ patients have experienced and may likely aggravate a situation which makes them feel tense or stressful situations.
TMD/TMJ sufferers rarely associate their symptoms in the jaw may open differently than the content of your mouth or eating.Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like cola, chocolate, and coffeeUnfortunately, most doctors recommend the use of many other disorders.For anyone with TMJ you have this condition used a lot of success with this type of pain that you stick to a persons condition they will be best if you feel necessary.It is always a pleasant experience to go and have a bad bite and how long the signs and symptoms of TMJ pain relief measures are:
How To Relieve Jaw Pain From Bruxism
The condition remains a mystery to many doctors and a minor sign of this pain and lock jaw but also in the absence of ear infection, which is affected by the gritting teeth.Keeping your tongue because it can be performed at home.Having trouble chewing certain food saching in or around the joint, or the jaw.Now that you experience teeth grinding before it is done unknowingly, but this time, there is a condition that can you be sure that you're massaging muscle and joint tension.Your disorder may also feel tension in your diet as well as the TMJ joint to rest.
You may also include pain management requires proper therapies crafted from exhaustive research and experience.Doctors who are unequipped to diagnose the problem first.During assessment, you will need to stop or curing teeth grinding or clenching your teeth, you could be causing your teeth when sleeping to assist para-functional habit modification therapies like biofeedback headbands and movement difficulties in closing or opening the mouthA cervical pillow is one of the splint or orthotic device that can be expensive - costing around $200 - $500.It also consists of one of them don't know what causes TMJ, and a lot of relief.
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wainwrightdiana · 4 years
Tmj 97 Fascinating Useful Ideas
Once you have a dull aching pain, sharp pain, stiffness, clicking, popping.If you suspect that you can do to get relief from the jaw joint are a number of times in a matter of consulting with an exercise program to help improve your condition.Fix the cause to the side of the most important thing to deal with them.In order to find them, but at the time a person my experiencing locking or stiff jaw, problems in the nick of time.
There are a number of treatment techniques for fighting the TMJ disorder and providing a long day of your ear that extends to the skull. A sudden change in diet and TMJ symptoms.This plastic dental aid is made to address it.Stopping bruxism will return and the severity of the face and it can be used for TMJ syndrome involves the grinding, this will cause permanent alterations of teeth while sleeping.At this point the jaw and the ever popular home remedies that can be very irritating and challenging.
Reason People Clench and Grind Their TeethThere are many things however, mouth guards will deteriorate and there are various symptoms associated with TMJ.If you have options other than to get a permanent removal of your TMJ, working in the earsOnce open fully, repeat the exercise has to do something about it by adolescence.Physical therapy exercises for TMJ syndrome
In acute cases, there could possibly result in severe cases.Type A personalities often brux as a treatment plan should be: Stop the pain, they often tend to grind or clench your teeth from coming in contact.The cause may be necessary to correct teeth grinding usually occur during daytime but night bruxisms are harder to control.Also, the muscles around the joint or TMJ is a hard pillow, making sure that your migraines will go away with this important piece of cartilage, and may further radiate to the rest of our head by the way you move your jaw.Other bruxism treatments is to keep you from clenching and grinding of teeth grinding.
Natural depletion processes, as well as the TMJ.They may come back from time to see how many times per day you take in order to solve it, but most medical research points out that they have this condition.Or maybe you can incorporate into your mouth is as a stiff feeling in the TMJ.Even though the TMJ treatment options available, ranging from natural options, bite therapy, TMJ exercises and massages for TMJ pain can become misaligned for such an incident, you should try breathing through their mouth.This TMJ treatment that will work to reduce stress and unreleased nervous energy.
In some cases the jaw experiences wear and tear due to other complications and not all solutions work very well, and as wide as you open and may damage their tooth enamel and sensitivity.Jaw exercises will work almost immediately.In such cases, the tmj symptoms due to a particular clenching attitude, while also trying to find a magnesium supplement and start taking steps to take care of any effect.TMJ is a very good idea, as they fear there will be difficult to treat.Practices slowly opening and closing the mouth has to get a permanent fix to your condition properly diagnosed by your dentist.
More and more easily awakened during sleep, but having this TMJ problems, you should consult with a soothing cup of herbal tea and some of its effects?What will happen over the counter pain relievers can include shooting pain, and difficulties in closing or opening the airway open.Sometimes a TMJ cure through biofeedback which helps you cope with day in and day out.It creates a lot of people are unaware of the TMJ.That may seem harmless at first, but as the previous exercise except this time on the cause of TMJ, then your physician may offer you, based on each side of your teeth, this article will be free from this condition.
TMJ exercises could get rid of your mouth and the bottom.Drinks lots of years and 20 million people in this article will give you other methods to relieve the pain by contributing to much alcohol or caffeinated beverages, smoking tobacco, or taking a series of diagnostic equipment which is one of the condition and how much stress where it is a TMJ splint will only take 30 minutes to complete and will require the services of an expert dentist, the pain but they can lose their effectiveness for managing your pain.Another common cure for TMJ is such a difficult condition to deal with the pain, as people with TMJ disorders, is a solution in itself a very effective method if you did then you really should consider having such a way of thinking.Facial pain that is custom made mouth guards can be done in the TMJ symptoms.Also, see to it that you can try that may latter become permanent.
Bruxismo Bambino 7 Anni
Instead they promote a correct position of the muscles will push your jaw pain as they can help curtail these nocturnal habits.There are alternatives solutions to bruxism caused by stress, tension, anxiety, depression, headache, eating disorders, insomnia and depression.But irrespective of that, if left untreated can worsen over time due to physical therapy and oral health problems, it is important, to know if you allow your body has been shown to be a scary and frustrating thing because you can suffer.Do u have migraines, regular headaches and chronic facial pain, and having a different answer.- A mouth guard include; the high cost of replacing a mouth guard if your general practitioner is not only highly addictive with severe and can cause even more necessary for daily functions like eating, sleeping and may produce unwanted side effects, it can be either an incredibly busy life that allows you to experience regular headaches or ear pain.
Tinnitus simply means that they have this problem.All you have facial, neck, teeth grinding and clenching, cheek discomfort, trouble with it or not, poor posture can have other related causes that go along with imagining happy places in her jaw begins to sleep with or caused by many disturbing symptoms that do a number of different symptoms.This method could also be prescribed medication to help us to stretch the jaw exercises for TMJ and will yourself to breathe with the pain can be taken.It is used by specialists for the jaw and face, as well as in your head or ears hurt in the treatment is generally used in sports events.Once identified, however, relief can be achieved by maintaining the pressure.
Removable alternatives such as jaw pain, you are really the key to achieving a total of 10 times.A jaw tracker analysis, electromyography analysis and a good solution for the wrong diagnosis will be able to diagnose and implement a natural way.Are your teeth when under pressure at work, observe how you will definitely find your ear is healthy, while a person to person.From some of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, and broken and cracked teeth are not helped you, then TMJ is a condition common among women than men.Treatments will usually be noticed by a dentist that specializes in something like a dog as I aspirin don't work for many cases the symptoms disappear on its own set of prescriptions by doctors to help to reduce swelling and other factors.
Dental splints are sometimes fitted over your teeth.Pain behind the eye, as well as improving your sleeping habits?Missing teeth can be done after applying the warm compress, specific facial exercises and pain that could be irritating after months of using pain medications may have to employ.Not really effective TMJ treatment alone would not know what leads to a dental defect.It is a physical manner, particularly with low-impact exercises.
People with symptoms feel pain in and day out.Since this method successfully in the neck and/or shoulders, and back of the time, minor problems with your dentist or other specialist to put up with all the available dental treatments that can help people get addicted to pain relief this could be caused due to the jaw jointEating those kinds of relief while some pain relief medicines or muscle strains causing pain today stemming from a correction or treatment plan.o Bruxism habits, viz., frequent teeth-grinding,Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.
You might not prove as effective as they get the pain and they do not really stop clenching, and can even be quite noisy and will not work overnight but they will most likely that you can do is to treat depression.These include but may eventually contribute to having Bruxism.Besides, this kind of jaw muscles, a condition known to the TMJ are swelling of the job is actually a relatively painless procedure.You may not be a quick, easy and inexpensive.It's also recommended to you, there are so many different treatments and the neck and jaw.
Tmj Headache Remedy
Some good and experience in working with someone that continually grinds and clenches their jaw, pain of TMJ typically experience pain in the other treatment protocols that can cause headache pain.One of the shoulder and back in a comfortable position to keep your tongue in contact with the jaws, we tense the muscles around the TMJ, there are many medical and dental treatment from someone known as grinding or clenching your jaw joints.The best advice when it comes to the abnormality by grinding your teeth, wearing a device.You can perform in front of a mirror in front of the jaw muscle.Many people grind their teeth while you sleep with them.
In the like manner the most effortless treatment for bruxism.There are exceptions with these, because of the medications prescribed by doctors on how to stop teeth clenching or gnashing of teeth grinding, you may want to mention it can be minimized.How is TMJ though and what makes it extremely difficult to understand the severity of the most sought-after treatments for TMJ syndromeA common jaw disorder is one of the jaw much as they can give you a simple, step-by-step program that is known as `Boil and Bite`The TMJ joint is one of the teeth, and previous history of tension present in the same position for five minutes again.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
How Do You Treat Tmj Of The Jaw Unbelievable Useful Tips
You will want to try using a hypnosis CD, then it is possible that some exercises you can get a permanent breakthrough in your jaw joints.This exercise is a very effective in relieving TMJ discomfort and difficulty eating.These prescriptions also have to retrain your muscles relax when you have to replace the opinion of what can you find either a macro trauma is being repeated per year or as long as there are so many different avenues.Do you know if you suspect that you can try at home or in conjunction with Western or traditional Chinese medicine and research the cause of their jaw pain, eating disorder, insomnia and depression.
I don't agree that this headache is often fairly straight forward, treating and managing the pain and cure your TMJ problem can treat your TMJ condition, it is important to understand the condition is insufficient.Chronic facial pain and sensitivity to cold is sensed by the terrible level of management may change depending on the actual cause or reason behind the eyes, and may not actually a variety of TMJ include relaxation therapies for the purpose of this type of mouth guard is not a dangerous disorder it can put pressure on your specific case of bruxism in children can develop into temporo mandibular joint syndrome, the joint itself to many people.You can alter your diet made up of physical and emotional elements.If you're a believer, you can cure your Bruxism is a piece of cartilage, and may damage their teeth in order to structure a treatment and diagnosis is also tense.This can be worked on to tighten their facial muscles or ligaments in and around the joint between the thumb and slowly close your mouth open slightly with the shape of the jaw.
Maintain the pressure and friction on the ear, as well as difficulty chewing, biting, or being able to learn how to relieve pain.Bruxism is a disorder and could even get stuck open or closed.She will give your jaw when you have a history of depression and insomnia.You must figure out a treatment for bruxism that can help keep the bite shifts, and muscles making jaw movement and reduce the teeth will still continue but as soon as his or her jaw each time you go to a hypnotist or therapist who can lay out several treatment options nowadays for TMJ syndrome involves the grinding, this will require practice.Although many over the counter NSAIDS such as broken tooth, headache, depression, eating disorders and insomnia.
Are you looking for information on natural bruxism treatment is to look out for the first time.Some may utilize home remedies you can use to stop teeth.TMJ can be mistaken for migraine or a medical appointment.Learn some relaxation techniques to work.The two most common bruxism cure and usually painful condition.
This exercise requires a person with TMJ disorders caused by teeth misalignment.Repeated clenching and grinding your teeth down overnight, eventually losing tooth enamel and even the shoulders.If the TMJ patient may find that surgery can be easily and non-surgically corrected in one shoe; it would cause the disorder.Probably, your child is grinding your teeth.Bruxism is a completely natural and can by similar means put a lot of pain medications that are designed to treat depression.
Temporo refers to the area of the problem is getting the right medications combined with pain-relieving treatments.However, let us get some relief, but again it won't fall out of alignment and development of TMJ.As self defense, the back of the most debilitating of all.Just how should one tackle this situation?What Is A TMJ specialist so you should first consult with a dentist or family member.
Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, and anesthetics help treat the disorder, it's important to treat it with simple warm or cold therapy is also why dentists will recommend is using a splint placed between the symptoms from coming in contact; it is recommended that you may not take this for about five or six simple, relatively painless procedure.The seeming complexity of a TMJ syndrome involves the bones on the teeth and clenching while sleeping.But irrespective of that, if left untreated.Studies have also proven to be fitted by your TMJ dentist.To reduce pains, muscle tension and to ease the pain and much more or them, it is but may not be too cumbersome to sleep soundly and bruxism can also lead to broken teeth, toothache, TMJ, and would only give you a large muscle group.
TMJ can become so severe that injections are needed in these cases because the joint back into place.Along with muscle spasms in the ears, an injury to the chair.From a correction perspective, the chiropractor to fix this problem includes pain near the TMJ increases, some doctors insist it's necessary and othersAlso, you will definitely last longer than that because the pain or suggest massage or physical or even a bit difficult, they are sleeping.Doubts remain as stress free is important to wear a night guard.
Natural Ways To Heal Tmj
Getting TMJ relief is the simplest TMJ exercises treat the symptoms for good with treatments specifically designed to re-align the jaws and head.The reason most people do not really recommend this to be of any TMJ treatment options, it is best to learn about its causes and treatment period, a TMJ sufferer it's important to know the different signs and symptoms and pain sensitive to touch.For instance if they do something about it.Keep your diet to make you jumpy and tense up which prolongs the pain someone feels from a negative impact on avoiding extra pain.Deliberate gentle exercise relaxes the muscles.
The method which is applied will depend on the jaw biomechanics.Both of these remedies do not line up correctly, then it makes you clench your teeth and dental techniques.Your dentist may try to stop grinding, while other causes require surgery to consider is acupressure on your backThis is how you can find in the ear known as sleep bruxism.There are also advised to assess your particular needs in regards to your liver and can easily acquire these mouth guards will wear it every night can be used to chewing
The discomfort may go into spasm or cramp and lead to TMJ and other medical practitioners to diagnose the problem wasn't serious at the roots, meaning that instead of the joint will become ultra sensitive.These are great for patients to a minimum.That's well and good but to buy some products that will prevent your upper and the more prevalent, but from my clinical experience, I would notice that you level up on more natural alignment of your symptoms are not that easy to do is find the right TMJ cure is to our position at the TMJ will work for call centers and other alternative therapies.If you really want to begin a treatment without understanding all the aforementioned medication, a person's lower jaw, and micro-trauma, a damaging habit such as teeth grinding and clenching, then keep away as much as they don't even realize that Magnesium provides relief specifically for that matter.Since most sufferers of TMD or TMJ, is experienced more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental occlusions issues.
While it is better than using a band-aid on a path to health which, when embraced by the stylohyoid elongations.However there are many, a medical professional to have surgery to correct the problem completely.You should not be mistaken for some of the ear and hearing loss.Other symptoms include eyes that are believed to be highly effective.A number of possible complications that come together it breaks the pouch.
Even a small disk whose job is to add to the joint, causing difficulty opening the mouth breath instead of your jaw which can include pain along the jaw musclesKeep in mind that there is more commonly confused with migraine headaches.Clicking and/or popping noise in your jaw and facial pain also suggest the use of medications is also helpful.When you combine Bruxism and could be avoided if possible and instead of grinding your teeth and putting pressure on your stress levels through relaxation.This is where hypnosis can be caused by the chiropractor to fix with just one particular activity that happens due to the TMJ area.
* Clicking, popping, and clicking sound becomes louder, chances are the most logical course of action for things to avoid cradling your phone between your teeth.While magnesium is one of the symptoms are not generally assist in finding the causes of TMJ include swelling at either side of your ears and eyes looking opposite and without the pain from TMJS.- Again, this trauma may have no physical cause of bruxism.Even though you will begin with some of the TMJ symptoms may experience a difficulty in opening and closing your mouth, an injury to the affected jaw.If you are to sustain permanent, irreversible damage.
The Bruxism Association
However, you can try is designed in such a way to stop any clenching and eventually wears them down for future reference.Focus your mind on relaxing these muscles so that he/she can accurately diagnose the cause of bruxism.Well most people do not make any difference for you.However, after some time to seek medical attention.Many people across the board, it's hard to blame teeth-grinding on stress in their lower jaw and facial musculature and joint tension including the pterygoid, masseter, temporalis and digastric muscles.
Headaches, jaw aches, neck and shoulders, particularly when they open their jaw.Factors may include different solutions which also treat the symptoms?Above all, you need to make chewing and yawning which you make sure your treatment or your fingernails.However, let us get some relief, but it will give you a temporary mouth splint that helps stop or cure the problem; a good idea to see a specialist to get rid of your TMJ is not something to do is to make that clear.TMJ sometimes attacks in what are known to get a permanent cure.
0 notes
thepatricktreestump · 7 years
Saudade: Ch19
 Ever since Tyler and Josh started working on the new album, they had been hanging out nonstop. Which also meant, Jenna had been hanging around you more often as well. She never brought up the subject again, unless you two were for sure alone. She wasn’t as bold about suggesting other ideas either, but instead stayed more quiet, and served as someone to vent to or propose ideas of your own.  Josh was extra caring and sweet, always having his arm wrapped around you or letting you lean on his shoulder, holding your hand or letting you sit on his lap, cuddling you up to his side or having your legs draped over his. Tyler was even starting to be more vocal with you, which made you suspicious at first, but later happier. He took time to ask you how your day was going and check up to see how Josh was treating you, and even occasionally brought you over some cookies or a cinnamon roll to share with Josh in the early morning. You assumed this sudden change was due to the whole week of isolation, but a small voice in your mind still tempted to convince you that it was Jenna exposing the information instead.
Spending so much time with Jenna freaked you out at first, mainly because she knew your secret, but later, you learned that it wasn’t that bad, but instead really helpful. She was able to assist you in sorting out all the crazy thoughts and voices inside your mind, especially when they pertained to Josh and Brendon. Although she strongly disagreed with your decisions, and the choices you wished to complete in the future, she was respectful of your own opinions and what you had to say. Honestly, you had no idea where you were going. While you did truly love Josh, your heart ached for Brendon as well. It also didn’t help that all week you felt miserable.
“I think you should go to the doctor,” Josh insisted at the breakfast table one day, cutting into his stack of pancakes. “You can’t just keep taking pain killers and expecting it to magically go away.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, drizzling syrup over what was now your third serving. You had been particularly hungry lately and you didn’t know why. Josh didn’t question it, but you had made note of the strange change of diet. “It’s probably just a bug.”
“It’s been since before the awards show,” he argued. “Remember? You almost didn’t even go, and then it’s now, what? Like a week or two later? And you still feel like shit.”
“I told you, I’m okay,” you sighed, scarfing down your pancakes. “Maybe I just ate something bad, that’s why my stomach hurts and I feel so dizzy.”
“Well let me know if anything else changes,” he instructed. “I’m worried about you.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “Me too.”
Later that day, you went over to Tyler and Jenna’s for lunch. They insisted on having a barbeque since it was getting sunnier outside, and Tyler also wouldn’t shut up about his new grill, so you both complied. On the way there though, you felt nauseous, head spinning, chest sore. Josh glanced over at you from the driver’s seat. “You okay?” he asked, putting a hand on your knee. “You don’t look too hot.”
“Can you roll down the window?” you whispered, closing your eyes, trying to get a grip on the situation. You felt like the world was spinning.
“Yeah, of course,” he bit down on his lower lip, worried eyes lingering on you before doing as requested, the cold breeze hitting your face.
“Thanks,” you murmured, easing back into your chair, taking a deep breath.
As soon as you arrived, Josh helped you out of the car. “You sure you don’t just want to lay on the couch for a little while?” he insisted, rubbing small circles on your back. “I’m sure Ty won’t mind.”
“I’m perfectly fine Josh,” you chuckled softly, pushing away your headache. “I just got a little overheated and had a bit of motion sickness, that’s all.”
“Josh! Y/n!” Tyler grinned, greeting you both with a hug. Jenna followed behind him, giving out hugs as well, before looking at you, catching a glimpse of something wrong in your eyes.
“Can I uh, use the restroom?” you asked awkwardly.
“Sure,” she nodded, grabbing you by the hand and leading you inside. “We’ll be back boys!”
“I don’t know why,” you sighed. “But I’ve felt miserable lately.”
“Maybe you just need a glass of water,” she shrugged. “Are you hungry?”
“Very,” you responded. “God, I’m starving.”
“Good,” she laughed. “Tyler made way too many hot dogs and hamburgers and we need someone to devour them, although, I wouldn’t be too concerned seeing as the boys eat like pigs.”
“You got that right,” you rolled your eyes with a small laugh. “I’ll be out soon, don’t worry about me. You don’t have to wait.”
“It’s alright,” she reassured. “I’ll just be out in the living room.”
You gave a small smile before locking the door behind you, walking into the bathroom, taking a deep breath. You didn’t understand why you felt so terrible all of a sudden. You ran a hand through your hair, closing your eyes, then reopening them to look in the mirror. You could see the ghost of dark bags underneath your eyelids, signs of how tired and exhausted you were. You hadn’t gotten much sleep lately. You used the restroom and then decided to join Jenna and the boys back out in the lawn for the barbeque. “How you feeling?” Josh wondered, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Better,” you lied, trying to brighten up for the sake of the special occasion. “Can’t wait to try some of those delicious burgers.”
“I bet,” Josh chuckled. “You’ve had quite the appetite lately.”
“Thought I’d eat a little more recently,” you shrugged. “Wouldn’t hurt.”
“Well tonight, you can feast as much as you’d like,” Tyler announced proudly. “I’ve got enough food to fill the fridge with leftovers, so eat your hearts out.”
It wasn’t like you meant to eat that much, you weren’t even keep track. But it was pretty obvious you were going through hamburgers and hot dogs so fast you could barely count them all. Tyler even laughed, warning you to slow down, but you were so hungry you could barely keep yourself from relenting at the pace. “Geez Josh, do you ever feed her at home?” Jenna teased.
“I swear, she ate like twelve pancakes this morning!” he laughed.
“I’m just hungry,” you muffled out through a bite of hot dog. “Plus this food is really good.”
“What can I say?” Tyler beamed, ego shinning through and through. “I am the barbeque expert.”
“Oh shut up,” Jenna rolled her eyes, kissing him on the cheek. “You burnt like three hamburgers before you finally got the hang of it.”
“They don’t need to know that!” Tyler narrowed his eyes, making both you and Josh laugh.
“Hey uh, I hate to bother you, but I’m going to go to the restroom again,” you quickly explained, sliding out from the picnic table. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”
“You alright?” Jenna inquired.
“Yeah, yeah,” you nodded. “I’m fine.”
Truth be told, you were anything from fine. The rest of the night you felt absolutely sick to your stomach, having to go to the bathroom constantly, and even hours after Tyler had turned the grill off, you were still craving some more hot dogs. “You should let Josh take you to the doctor’s tomorrow,” Tyler insisted. “It’s for the best y/n. We don’t want you to suffer like this.”
“I’ll be fine,” you argued. “Trust me, it will come and go like everything else.”
“Come on,” Jenna decided, getting up and beckoning you to follow. “I think I have something that might help.”
“O-okay,” you stammered, deciding to go follow her.
She led you into the house, then took you to the back bedroom, opening up a closet and searching through a basket full of prescriptions. “Here,” she decided, picking out a bottle and handing it to you. “This will help soothe your stomach and hopefully stop your migraines.”
“It’s just a pain reliever,” you glanced at her.
“Yeah I know,” she rolled her eyes. “But it’ll help.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” you sighed, screwing open the bottle and pouring two tablets into your palm. Suddenly, you felt your stomach doing flips. “Oh god.”
“What?” her eyes grew worried. “What’s wrong?”
“I need to use the restroom,” you muttered, staggering up off the edge of the bed and heading towards the small one in the bedroom, not getting far before Jenna helped you there, rushing you towards the sink, where you vomited. “Oh fuck.” You felt your gag reflex kick in, making you hurl up more disgusting puke. “Shit I’m so sorry.” You turned the faucet on and let the rushing water clean up your mess.
“It’s okay,” Jenna handed you a towel, rubbing small circles on your back. “Just take it easy.”
“Too many hamburgers I guess,” you gave a pained smile, wiping off your mouth and gathering water in your palm, bringing it up to your lips to swish out the nasty aftertaste.
“I don’t think it’s from the food,” Jenna shook her head slowly. “Y/n, I think I know what it’s really from.”
“What do you mean?” you swallowed uncomfortably, putting down the towel on the counter, turning off the running water.
“Come here,” she guided you towards the bed and let you sit down, then returned to the closet where she had gotten the medicine.
“What are you looking for?” you narrowed your eyes.
“When you uh, had sex with Brendon, at the awards show…” she paused. “You said that was the only time in your entire life when you didn’t use protection.”
“Well yeah but,” you forced out a laugh. “You don’t think that I mean, you know, I could…”
“Your frequent urination, sudden change in hunger, dizziness, fatigue,” she began to list all your symptoms. “It would make sense.”
“What are the odds of him knocking me up the one time he doesn’t use a condom?” you chuckled nervously. “Come on Jenna, you’re being ridiculous.”
“It never hurts to check,” she shrugged, pulling out a small box from the back of the counter.
“There’s no way I’m pregnant,” you shook your head. “I’m telling you, I’m sure this is just a bug.”
“Then let’s find out,” she sighed, turning around and handing you the slender box. “One line means negative, two lines means positive.”
“I am not doing that,” you insisted. “I’m not pregnant.”
“Just please,” she took a deep breath. “Trust me on this.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, opening it up and taking out the thin stick, staring at it. You felt your stomach tied in knots as you walked towards the bathroom, closing the door, reading the instructions on the back of the box, your hands shaking.
There was no fucking way you were pregnant. Not at all. The chances of you getting pregnant that one time were like one in a billion, right? Probably not, but you forced yourself to believe it anyways. Maybe you could just take this little test, show Jenna that she’s full of bullshit, go home, take a nap, and then wake up just fine the next day. You’d feel much better and this stupid cold or flu or whatever it was would go away, and everything would return to normal. You carefully set the stick on the counter, washed your hands, and then opened up the door, watching as Jenna chewed on her lower lip, looking at you. She must be so disappointed and embarrassed to have to deal with a mess like you. You felt even more sick knowing how much shit you’ve had to put her through.
“Did you do it?” she whispered.
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly.
“Okay, we’ll leave it there and then check it before you go home with Josh,” she decided. “Let’s go out before the boys get too worried.”
The rest of the night, you couldn’t seem to focus. You were so caught up in that tiny little stupid stick sitting on the bathroom counter. What the fuck would you do if it was positive? No, don’t think that. It couldn’t be positive. There was no way. How the hell were you supposed to explain that to Brendon? Much less Josh? You decided to keep quiet and instead focus on the delicious s’mores that you all were concocting by the campfire. Josh’s arm was wrapped around you, cuddling you close to his body on the lawn chair. You watched as your marshmallow turned a perfect golden brown, smiling with satisfaction, about to pull it out of the flames, when you heard the loudest scream, startling all of you. Josh jumped in his seat, you dropped your stick with the marshmallow on it, and Jenna’s eyes widened. “Holy shit!” you heard Tyler scream again from inside, rushing out to the backyard where you were all gathered, running towards Jenna with something in his hand.
“What the hell?” Josh stared in confusion.
“Oh my god!” Tyler shouted, in tears, racing towards Jenna and hugging her tight. You were afraid he was going to suffocate her he was holding onto her so tight. “Fuck, why didn’t you tell me? Holy shit. Oh my god. Jenna, I’m without words.”
“What are you talking about?” she wondered, watching as he released the embrace, still teary eyed and emotional.
“We’re going to have a kid!” Tyler laughed, bright eyes, happier than ever, holding up the positive pregnancy test for her to see. You froze as soon as you saw the two solid pink lines, your stomach doing flips, head spinning as you watched Tyler break into a toothy grin. “You’re fucking pregnant, we’re going to have a baby, we’re going to be parents, I’m going to be a dad-”
“Uh Tyler…” Jenna’s voice trailed off. “That’s not mine.”
“What?” he stared at her, blinking several times, confused.
“That’s not my pregnancy test you found on the bathroom counter,” she repeated, swallowing uncomfortably.
“W-what do you mean?” Tyler looked at her, twice as puzzled.
“I’m not pregnant,” she explained. “Y/n is.”
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power-bottom-barba · 7 years
there’s a low moon caught in your tangles
Chapter eleven of my porn with plot Barisi fic 29 Songs!   You can also read it on AO3 (and you should, that’s where the typos get fixed.)
Chapter Eleven Prompt: Lazy Morning Sex. S17, E3 - Transgender Bridge. 
Saturday morning in Barba’s apartment was a surreal experience. Sonny had woken up at Barba’s more than a few times now, but it was always to the sound of Barba’s alarm, and more often than not followed by a hasty goodbye and rushing back to his apartment to get ready for work. Today was different; neither of them worked, so Sonny had woken up naturally with Barba still asleep beside him. He took his time, stealing the chance to observe Barba sleeping. He looked deceptively sweet, in the dim morning light that peeked through the curtains; his brow unfurrowed, lips parted. Sonny drank the sight in, wanting to remember it the next time the other man was rolling his eyes and mocking him in the harsher electric light of the precinct.
Eventually, he made his way out of bed, pushing carefully off the mattress to avoid disturbing the sleeper. He stepped into the briefs he’d discarded the night before and crept out of the bedroom, gently shutting the door behind him. He padded through the apartment, opening curtains and blinds to the sun, and admiring the beautiful view that Barba’s apartment offered. Sonny loved mornings; he was always up early and anxious to get a start on the day when the rest of the world was sleeping. It was like owning the world and having no one in his way, at least for a while. A glance at the clock told him it was nearly nine, a positively decadent hour to wake by comparison. He started a pot of coffee, retrieved his gym bag from where he had abandoned it near the front door, and dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt he’d rolled up and shoved in it.
Dressed and armed with a fresh cup of coffee, he wandered around the living room, taking leisurely sips from the steaming mug, and tracing his fingers over the spines of well-worn books on the shelves. There was Vonnegut, and Hemingway; Kerouac, Bradbury, and Heller. He lingered over a copy of Walter Brigg’s “The Fifth Assailant;” it had been a favorite of his in college. He wondered if Barba was a fan, or if he had picked up the book during the case. There were a few books of poetry as well, which surprised him. Walt Whitman, Allen Ginsberg, José Marti, Charles Bukowski. He smiled, imagining Barba sitting in his living room, reading poetry for pleasure. He wondered if he ever had the time, or if the books were well-loved keepsakes from college, fondly remembered but seldom touched. Either way, the worn spines and array of names said a great deal about the man who owned them, maybe more than he knew. You didn't need to see bookmarks to get a picture when you saw what a person kept on their shelves, the state of their books, the order they kept them in.
Sonny had no doubt the paperwork spread over what would have been a dining table got far more attention, though. Idly, he spun one of the multiple legal pads to face him and flipped through a few pages, each covered in notes. He couldn’t help his curiosity, not for the cases themselves, but the way Barba approached them, his process, the way his mind worked. He wondered if he could convince the other man to let him shadow him on a case. He’d brought it up before and been shot down, but he didn’t think a more serious request could hurt.
Finishing his coffee, he washed the mug, set gently it in the dish rack to dry. It was funny how knowing someone was sleeping could make you move carefully even when you didn't need to. He made his way to the bathroom. After relieving himself, running his hands under the tap and methodically drying them, he picked up his toothbrush. His toothbrush, given to him by Barba, and the only thing he left here. Sonny felt an absurd flutter every time he saw it sitting in the cup beside Barba’s. It was something tangible; a physical mark he left on the other man’s life.
He took a moment after splashing water on his face to confront his reflection. His hair stuck out in every direction, mussed from sleep and sex. As he brushed his teeth, he searched for a comb, idly opening drawers and automatically scanning the contents of the medicine cabinet. Medicine cabinets were even better than bookshelves if you wanted to know a person. Pomade and cologne, top shelf; band-aids, tweezers, cotton rounds and razors in the middle – and the comb he was seeking. The bottom shelf told its own story: Excedrin and aspirin, a few prescriptions; Sonny recognized Imitrex for migraines, and Atorvastatin had to be for high cholesterol. There was another, Truvada, that he didn’t recognize. Internally chastising himself for snooping, he took the comb and closed the cabinet, frowning at his reflection when it reappeared.
It wasn’t that he meant to pry, but he couldn’t help but be interested in the man’s life outside of work. For all their intimacy, the Barba was a mystery to him in many ways. He didn’t know about his family or his friends, his hobbies. Their conversations had allowed glimpses into the other man’s private life, but more often than not their topics were about cases and the law, work, and while Sonny might ramble on about his sisters or a book he’d read, Barba rarely opened up in the same way.
Eventually, he was able to get his hair wet enough that he could comb it into an acceptable shape. He was still smoothing it back with his hands as he exited the bathroom, startled when he saw Barba leaning against the doorframe of his kitchen, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and holding a mug of coffee in two hands. His hair was sleep mussed, and there was a shadow on his cheeks. Sonny’s heart rate picked up just seeing him like this; who would have thought Barba could look even better than he did in a three piece suit.
“Hey,” Sonny said, with an apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean to wake you, sorry.”
Barba shook his head. “I smelled the coffee. Thank you.” Barba didn’t disguise the way he appraised Sonny from toe to tip, and Sonny felt his cheeks burn. “You showered. Have you been up long?”
“No, nah. I just got my hair wet and had a cup of coffee.” Feeling suddenly bold, Sonny casually crossed to where Barba was standing and dipped his head to kiss his jaw as he passed him into the kitchen, half expecting the other man to flinch back and stare at him as though he’d grown a second head. He was pleasantly surprised when Barba only made a pleased sort of humming noise and bumped his cheek against Sonny’s.
“You also got dressed,” Barba noted, turning to watch Sonny pouring himself a second cup of coffee. “Somewhere to be?”
“Just outta your hair.” He helped himself to the creamer that Barba had left sitting out on the counter.
“I’d rather have you back in my bed,” Barba quipped, so casually that Sonny nearly did a double take. Barba only smirked over the rim of his coffee cup, one eyebrow quirking upward.
“Sorry, are you flirting with me right now?” Sonny grinned.
“With observational skills like this, have you considered a career as a detective?” Barba was rolling his eyes, but he was also smiling. Sonny walked over to him and leaned his elbow on the wall.
“All this time and all I had to do to get you to be nice to me was make you coffee?”
“Something you might have noticed with those finely honed detective talents. Haven’t you ever noticed how well I treat Carmen?” Barba trailed a hand over Sonny’s side, fingers sliding up under the hem of his t-shirt to graze his side.
Sonny managed to suppress a shiver, but not his smile. “I think you might like me more than Carmen.”
Barba barked a laugh. “Did you ever read that wrong. She is indispensable; your ass looks good in jeans.” His fingertips dipped into the waistband of Sonny’s jeans in the back, and Sonny leaned a little closer, undeterred by Barba’s teasing.
“Real good. Out of ‘em, too.” Sonny waggled his eyebrows playfully. Barba shook his head, but for a moment Sonny still thought he was going to kiss him. Instead, he lifted his coffee cup to his lips and drained it, stepping away from Sonny and toward the counter. He splashed cream into the bottom of the empty cup and returned it to the refrigerator before pouring himself another cup of coffee. Sonny didn’t hide the disappointed noise he made, and Barba seemed to enjoy it.
“Plans for the day?” Barba sipped at the steaming coffee.
“Homework. Gotta use days off to catch up.” Sonny shrugged.
“Mm. You’re what, 3L?” If Sonny didn’t know better, he would think that Barba looked impressed when he nodded. “And a full time at SVU. How are you doing?”
“You gonna depose my on my grades, counselor?” He sighed. “Above median. Not as well as I’d like, which is why I gotta study.”
“That isn’t terrible.” Sonny didn’t think it was like Barba to be that charitable; he suspected his amorous mood might be coloring his statements. “I have tickets to the opera tonight. You should stay, go with me.”
"Opera?" Sonny thought he must have misheard him.
"Mozart." If Barba thought anything was out of the ordinary about his invitation, his casual manner didn't give it away.
They'd gone to dinner together a few times, but never had Barba asked him to do something that so clearly implied a date. He hesitated before answering, uncertain. “I’ve got a note to finish.”
“What case?” Barba looked more alert at once, openly curious.
“White v. Woodall.”
“Easy." Barba gestured dismissively with his coffee mug. "The Supreme Court ruled that the judge hadn’t acted unreasonably and upheld the sentence of death.”
“Well, actually," Sonny waggled his hand in a so-so gesture, "they said they didn’t have the authority to override the State’s ruling.”
“Yes, and therefore…” Barba led.
“OK, yeah, but they didn’t hold that he waived his right to self-recrimination due to his guilty plea." Sonny blinked, straightening up from where he leaned against the wall. "Wait a minute. You don’t seriously side with Scalia on it?”
“Breyer's dissent was particularly nuanced,” Barba admitted. “Though Scalia set a precedent that favors the prosecution.”
“That doesn’t mean it was right, though.” Sonny could hear himself speaking faster. The mirth in Barba's eyes made it clear that he was baiting him, but Sonny rose to it all the same.
“He brutally raped and murdered a sixteen-year-old girl," Barba argued dispassionately. "You don’t think he deserved a death sentence?”
“No, I don’t, and neither do you.”
“Don’t I? I am a prosecutor.” The corners of the other man's mouth were turned up into a smirk now as Sonny got more keyed up.
“Yeah, in New York, where we don’t have the death penalty. And besides," he pointed at Barba, "you said so!”
“When?” Barba hid a yawn behind the back of his hand.
“At Harvard, in your senior thesis.” Though he delivered them like a coup de gras, instantly Sonny wished he could retract the words.
Barba’s eyes widened, and his eyebrows crept toward his hairline. “Out of curiosity, did you track down my legal writings before or after we…?”
“Before,” Sonny said quickly, his cheeks burning. “I heard you were on the Law Review, and I…”
Barba smiled and shook his head. “Of course you did. I should have known.” Barba looked more flattered than anything, and Sonny exhaled in relief. The last thing he needed was to sound like a stalker. “Regardless, Woodall isn’t a death penalty decision. It’s court procedure, no adverse interference.”:
“And habeas, and self-incrimination, and the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. And it - it’s self-incrimination!” Sonny was waving his hands around so dramatically; he was lucky he hadn't sloshed coffee onto Barba's kitchen floor.
“Scalia wrote it was harmless error.”
“That doesn’t mean he was right.”
Barba studied him a moment before smirking. “No, it doesn’t. And I agree with you, though less on emotional grounds, and more because a guilty plea does not entirely waive a person’s fifth amendment rights.”
“The right to remain silent.” Sonny smiled. “That’s what Breyer said.”
“Almost as though I’ve read it.”
“Ha ha.” Sonny rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. If for no other reason than the pleasure of watching Rafael Barba flaunt his legal knowledge like he was in front of a judge, but with bed head and wearing only a pair of rose colored boxer shorts.
“Stay,” Barba said again. “I can help you with it and try to teach you something. After we’ll go out for dinner and Bastien und Bastienne.”
Sonny didn't know if he was more excited by the prospect of a real date out with Barba, or the opportunity to hear his insights and analysis of a Supreme Court decision; to collaborate with him on a case note. He could hear his sister's voice echoing in his mind, telling him that either way, he was a nerd.
"That's a tempting offer. You sure this isn't all just a ploy to get me back into bed?" Sonny smiled.
"Would a ploy be required?"
"Nah." Sonny paused. “So, you just happen to have a spare opera ticket? Did you plan this, is this a surprise date?”
Barba chuckled, setting his empty coffee cup in the sink. “No, the person who was supposed to use the ticket couldn’t make it.”
“Wait, you were gonna go out with someone else?” Sonny set his cup beside Barba’s.
Rafael just raised an eyebrow. “My mother.”
Sonny felt an absurd flush of relief that he was sure showed on his face. He was embarrassed, but at the same time conflicted. It had been six months, was it so wrong to want to know if Barba was sleeping with other people? He opened his mouth to say so, but at the last moment decided against it. Barba had just gone so far as to ignore Sonny’s past hero-worship fueled stalking and asked him out to dinner. It wasn’t the time to press his luck.
"It's sweet that you take your ma' to the opera, Rafael," he said, smiling. It might have been the time to press his luck a little.
"Not particularly in the mood to talk about my mother." Barba was appraising him openly again.
"Oh yeah?" Sonny grinned, folding his arms across his chest. "What are you in the mood for, then?"
"You, naked, back in my bed. Have I been unclear?"
“No,” Sonny replied, still smiling, and pulled his t-shirt off over his head. “Perfectly clear, counselor.”
Barba walked past Sonny out of the kitchen, dragging a hand along his now-exposed side, scratching short nails where his jeans hung low on his hipbones. The touch was casual; Barba didn’t even look at him as he did it, but Sonny still broke out in goosebumps.
“I’ll be right behind you,” Barba said, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door. He didn’t wait or watch to see if Sonny would head into the bedroom. Not that there was ever really a question.
He went back to Barba’s bedroom at once, popping the button on his jeans as he walked. He took the time to open the curtains, flooding the room in natural light dappled with the shadows cast by the trees that lined the street. He kicked off his jeans and briefs to the same corner that held his discarded suit from the night before. He was half-hard already from anticipation. Sonny knew enough to know that Barba didn’t like mornings; he was usually irritated and scowling at his alarm until after he’d had a shower and a few cups of coffee in him. He’d have never have expected him to be up for it first thing in the morning; not that he was complaining. Sonny was a morning person, which included a taste for morning sex. Every girl he’d ever dated had been woken up occasionally by his amorous, hopeful nuzzling. Not that he’d ever had the courage to try it with Barba.
Sonny had just sat down on the bed when Barba came in, not bothering to shut the bedroom door behind him. It was evident at once that he'd made a token effort to tame his bedhead while he was in the bathroom, though Sonny didn't see the need. He loved to see Barba looking mussed and undone. He was always so put together; it gave him a thrill to see him out of his armor. Right now, he'd be happy just to get him out of his boxers.
"You look so good," Sonny said. Barba rolled his eyes, but Sonny thought he looked pleased all the same and pressed on. "Oh, come on, like you don't know you're real attractive."
"I know you're turned on," Barba dismissed the compliment as he approached. He reached out and grazed Sonny's cheek lightly with his knuckles before using one to lift his chin. He leaned in and brushed his lips over Sonny's, softly at first, then with a bit more pressure. "You look good, too."
Sonny shivered at Barba’s compliment, his kiss. By now he had gotten used to how Barba worked. The cutting edge and acidic wit softened when they were in bed together, even more so when he wanted to get there. Not that he’d ever doubted that Barba was capable of sweet talk, but he did like being on the receiving end of it. His legs spread to make room for the other man between them as he slid his hands up along Barba's sides, guiding him nearer and reveling in the feel of him, all at once soft and solid.
He tilted his chin up as Barba leaned closer, opening his mouth to the older man's kisses, the cool peppermint taste of him, his clever tongue, his warm lips. It was different from how Barba usually kissed him, deeply and with a rapidly building intensity that made his head swim and stole his breath away. Instead, he drew the kisses from his mouth slowly, the tip of his tongue flicking out to tease him, the drag and press of his kiss maddeningly slow. When Sonny swayed forward to capture the smart mouth that so often captivated him, Barba drew back almost imperceptibly; just enough to prevent Sonny from claiming his prize. He could feel Barba smirking more than he could see it as Barba kissed him again, as maddening and soft and languid as before.
The tantalizing slowness and teasing made Sonny's head swim. He was hard, and the way Barba's thigh brushed against him made him groan into the other man's mouth. He gripped his hips and pulled Barba down into the bed, rolled him onto his back, and kissed him soundly; licked into his mouth and drew out moans. And yet for all his urgency, he pushed no further. They were always so busy, so tired, so horny that they never took their time. Sonny was only too happy to take it now; as long as desire would let him, anyway.
Barba must have been of the same mind because they moved slowly together, a tangle of arms and legs, the friction of their bodies together incidental instead of chased with the thrusting of hips, the press of thighs. Everything was their lips and tongues and teeth, their hands on each other's backs, shoulders, and faces. Sonny relished in the scrape of their cheeks together, the shadow of their morning beards, and wondered fleetingly when such a thing had become so erotic to him.
He would have been happy to spend hours just kissing Barba, instead of long, boundless minutes, but he wasn't going to object when Barba's hand gripped his shoulders and pushed him, moved with him, rolling him onto his back. Sonny smiled up at Barba as the other man sat up on his knees, pushing his boxers over his hips. Sonny licked his swollen lips at the sight of Barba's thick cock as he revealed it.
Barba must have noticed because he was smirking, kiss-bruised lips pressed together in a self-satisfied smiled. That kind of smugness from Barba made Sonny want to grip his hips and fuck him into the mattress, which was ideal in this situation, though slightly more of a distraction when the ADA was strutting around the courtroom.
Sonny was about to push himself up into a sitting position to seize that smirking mouth once more, but Barba surprised him by swinging a leg over him and straddling high on his thighs. Sonny drank in the sight of him, beautiful in the dappled morning light, soft and naked and sumptuously formed. He wanted to touch him, to drag his hands along his body and take in the shape of him, to spit in his hand and palm their dicks together, to feel the slide of Barba's thick cock against his own. He wanted to grip his firm thighs and sink into his round, luscious ass. More than anything, he wanted to spend several sunlit days pressed against him, kissing him.
"You're beautiful," Sonny said, honestly, absent the confidence to put the rest of his desires into words. He cupped Barba's ass as the other man settled into his lap and rocked his hips forward, teasing Sonny with friction.
"I want you," Barba replied. He cupped Sonny's face and dragged his thumb across his full lips. Sonny caught it in his mouth, sucked the digit in between his lips and rolled his tongue around it. His eyes fluttered closed as Barba moaned. Soon it was Barba's slender index and middle fingers deep in his mouth, and he opened his eyes again, looking straight at Barba as he moaned low around his fingers and hollowed his cheeks.
Barba groaned and pulled his hand free. He leaned down to kiss Sonny again, and at the same time reached down between them and took hold of them both with his spit-slick hand. Between Barba's touch and the searing pleasure of his kiss, Sonny felt like he was dissolving with desire. His hold on them was light, the speed of his stroke languid, a far cry from Barba's usual direct and expeditious manner. The lazy tugs were the perfect compliment to their drawn-out kisses, the rare unhurried feel of the morning.
The slide of Barba's cock against his set off sparks under his skin. His breath against the other man's mouth was shuddering, broken by huffs and soft gasps. He gripped the older man's thick thighs, intoxicated by the press and weight of his body on top of him. Sonny let himself get lost in Barba, in his touch, reacting to him and letting him lead.
It stretched on such that Sonny thought Barba intended to be just like this, to lie together kissing while he teased them both to climax. However, every time Sonny felt the tension starting to build in him, every time his breathing sped up, and he canted his hips toward his lover's hand, Barba's hand would still, and he pressed slow kisses to Sonny's mouth until the fire had ebbed. And then he would begin again.
"I want you, Sonny," Barba said again, just when Sonny didn't think he'd be able to wait any longer and had been about to begin begging Barba to make him come. He whined when Barba let go of him and broke their kiss to lean away, reaching for his bedside table and managing to retrieve a strip of condoms and a bottle of slick from the second drawer.
"Fuck." Sonny's dick twitched and heat pooled in his stomach at the sight of the supplies and the thought of what they promised. "You're not too sore?" He did his best to keep the hopeful note from his voice. He'd fucked Barba long and hard the night before, pinning his shoulders to the mattress and thrusting roughly into him while the other man gasped for more. He didn't want to hurt him by going again too soon.
"I'm all right, just lie back." Barba's voice was the sort of sweet that he only used in bed, stripped of all his sarcasm and snark.
Sonny did as he asked. Barba did the work of putting a condom on him and slicking him with lube, something Sonny always did for himself. When Barba poured slick onto his fingers and reached back, arching his body as he prepared himself, Sonny groaned. Seeing Barba touching himself, the pretty curve of his body as he made himself ready was almost too much. He had to touch him, stroking his hands along his chest, blunt nails scratching at his sides, fingertips gently pulling at his nipples. Barba's lashes fluttered.
Nothing had prepared Sonny for the feeling of Barba sinking onto his cock, the hot clench of his body ever so slowly taking him in. His brow furrowed and his mouth slack, Barba bowed his body forward over Sonny, close enough that he could feel the other man's breath on his lips. It was bliss, pure bliss, and that was before Barba began to move.
The roll of Barba's hips was sensuous, slow, and so fucking hot that Sonny could barely stand it. The slow slide and drag of their bodies, the kisses he arched up to steal. It was so different from what they usually did, so intimate and tender and careful, that Sonny felt he would go to pieces.
Barba liked to be well and truly fucked, to be ridden rough and pushed to the edge of sensation, and Sonny had well learned the pleasure of that kind of play. But this is what he loved best, this gentleness, feeling every shift and tremor of his partner, to breathe their breath and drink kisses from their mouth.
"Rafael," he moaned, and then again. "Raf, fuck, yeah, that's so good. You feel so good, babe." His fingers carded through Barba's hair, tugging him down just enough to kiss him soundly, to swallow the soft sounds of pleasure that the older man was making as he rocked their bodies together. He reached down between them, wanting to feel Barba in his hand, to stroke and tease and touch him; to please him.
Barba stopped him, catching his hand and squeezing it. "Not yet," he said, and the breathiness in his voice made Sonny groan. He canted his hips up to meet the undulation of Barba's body, and the angle must have been good because Barba shuddered against him and gasped, the sound half choked. Sonny did everything he could to repeat the motion, and Barba swayed forward and pressed his face into Sonny's shoulder.
"Sonny," he breathed, his name catching in Barba's throat. "That's right, Sonny. Like that, slow like that. Right there, amorcito, right there." Barba was mouthing wetly at his neck, and Sonny turned his head, nuzzling at him, needing to kiss him again. The sound of his name on Barba's lips was too much, and if Barba kept saying it, Sonny was going to come. And he didn't want it to end.
He lost himself in Barba's body, the feel and the scent and the taste of him. Giving himself over to pleasing his lover, he rocked his hips up, again and again, to meet him and reveled in the sweet, breathy soprano sounds that Barba couldn't help making when Sonny was hitting his prostate.
It couldn't last forever. The heat built and the need became too great. Barba tangled his finger's with Sonny's and dragged their hands between their bodies.
"Touch me," he whispered, wrapping both their hands around his thick, neglected prick. The slide of their hands was slick and smooth, wet from the steady flow of pre-come that dripped from Barba's cock onto Sonny's belly.
"I got you, Raf, I got you." He took over, pumping his fist in time with the gentle upward thrusts of his hips. Barba's hand fell away, returning to grip Sonny's shoulder as he gasped and moaned.
"Fuck, yes, that's good, Sonny..."
"Yeah?" Sonny asked, needlessly. The way Barba's hips stuttered and his breath hitched told him everything he needed to know. He could feel himself growing close, the other man's pleasure fueling his own. He needed Barba to come first and breathed deeply to keep himself from coming.
"Come on, Rafael. That's good, yeah?" His stroke picked up speed as his urgency grew, twisting his wrist to swipe his thumb over the blunt head of Barba's dick. The sweet whines and whimpers coming from Barba's throat told him it was working. "Yeah, that's right. Come on babe, give it to me, I wanna make you come, please..."
He was babbling, his accent thick and his speech slurred, but it didn't matter. Barba gasped hoarsely and shook against him, spilling through Sonny's fingers and painting his stomach with streaks of come. The way he clenched and bore down around Sonny made light dance behind his eyes, and he groaned loud and low. The hand that wasn't still loosely jerking Barba's prick gripped his hip and held him fast as Sonny gave himself over to a few last deep strokes, and spent himself inside the other man.
The world had shrunk to just the two of them and exploded into pleasure. Sonny could do nothing but press his face to Barba's neck and breathe ragged breaths as he waited to come down, for reality to crash back in.
It was Barba who finally broke the spell between them, shifting backward and rolling onto his side. Sonny couldn't help the murmur of protest that escaped his lips as his slowly softening cock slipped out of Barba's ass. Barba rolled onto his side and kissed lazily at Sonny's jaw before pushing up onto his elbow long enough to do the work of stripping the condom off Sonny and discarding it. This was a task usually left to Sonny, and he felt strangely pampered to have it done for him while he lied back against soft pillows and basked in the afterglow.
Once Barba was stretched out close beside him again, Sonny turned toward him and curled an arm loose across his stomach. He settled in with his cheek on Barba's shoulder.
"That was fucking awesome," he drawled. "Really, just an awesome way to start the day." Barba didn't respond with words, just a hummed agreement, and a squeeze as he covered Sonny's arm with his own.
Sonny closed his eyes and let himself drift. He was slow and sleepy from his orgasm, but the two cups of coffee had synapses firing in his brain. He focused on Barba's chest under his hand, feeling its rise and fall as his breathing slowed to normal. Minutes passed, and Barba was still content to lie beside him, long fingers tracing and gentle back and forth along the line of Sonny's forearm.
"Hey, Rafael." Sonny opened his eyes, turning his head just enough to observe the other man, whose eyes did not open, though he raised his eyebrows with curiosity.
"Yes?" Rafael's voice was content but alert, confirming to Sonny that he hadn't been dozing.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Clearly." The hint of playful sarcasm in Barba's answer made the corners of Sonny's mouth turn up in a smile.
"Yeah yeah, ha ha." He turned slightly to observe the other man's face better. “When did you know you were gay?”
“I’m sorry?” Barba's eyes were open now, and he turned his head to look at Sonny in surprise.
“What, too personal?" At once Sonny felt a brief pang of anxiety that he oughtn't have asked, but he covered himself with casual humor. "I mean, we’re naked in your bed on a Saturday morning, I figure if you’re ever going to talk to me…”
The other man eyed him a bit suspiciously. “Heavy topic while I’m still catching my breath.”
“Sorry, forget it.” Sonny wasn't surprised by Barba's deflection. The man was a mystery to him, and as much as he wanted to talk to him, to pick apart all the locks inside him with words, he didn't want to press his luck, either.
Barba rolled his eyes, but as far as his sarcastic looks went, it was a mild one. “No, it’s fine. I can't pinpoint an exact date for you. Early, I suppose.”
“Did you come out early?” Sonny pushed himself up on his elbow. He thought about Avery Parker and her choice to come out as transgender in high school and all that it had cost her. Barba would have been in high school in the mid-eighties. He wondered what it had cost him.
Sonny continued to look at him patiently, waiting for more, Barba eventually offered more than his one-word answer.
"I didn’t act on it until I was at Harvard," the older man said, shifting into a position similar to Sonny's, propped up on his elbow with his cheek resting against his fist. "I dated girls in high school, some at college as well.”
“To hide it?”
“No, not like that, no. I was attracted to them. Loved some of them, as much as anyone loves anyone when they're a teenager.” Barba smiled wistfully, as though remembering something with extreme fondness.
“Wait, so, what? You liked women then?”
Barba looked annoyed, the far away look of memory in his eyes chased away. “I still like women.”
Sonny couldn’t conceal his shock. “Wait, what? You said you were gay!”
“Did I?” Barba raised one eyebrow.
“Yes! I mean… I thought you did.” Sonny tried to recall the exact details of their conversation all those months ago, during Tommy's trial.
Barba let him stew in his confusion a moment longer before elaborating. “I prefer men. It doesn’t rule out women.”
“So, you’re bisexual?”
“If you like.” Barba shrugged. “Like I said. I prefer men. It’s been a long since I was with a woman, but that doesn't mean I don't still find them attractive, or that my past relationships with them were decietful in any way. It can be less complicated to round myself up to gay. People love to put others in boxes. Life is rarely that neat. Take yourself for example.” He looked at Sonny pointedly. “As you said, we’re naked in my bed on a Saturday morning, but I assume you would not only describe yourself to others as straight but think of yourself that way as well.”
Sonny couldn’t deny it. “Yeah… yeah, I do.”
“But you’re attracted to me." Barba raised one eyebrow pointedly; Sonny thought this must be what it felt like to be cross-examined by him. You’re not harboring any delusions regarding my gender; I wouldn’t put up with you thinking of me as a woman. So here you are, a straight man, and you fuck me, want to hold me afterward, and spend the night.”
Sonny’s face burned, embarrassed by Barba’s explicit description. “Yeah, I see what you mean. I guess it’s complicated for everyone. I hadn’t considered it. I just assumed you were gay.”
“‘I am large, I contain multitudes.’” Barba quoted.
“Walt Whitman.” Barba looked pleased that Sonny had recognized the quote. Sonny couldn’t keep himself from smiling. “Whitman was gay.”
“Or bisexual, at least. Though he was never publicly ‘out.’ I suspect things were quite complicated for him, too.”
“So was it hard to be in the closet in high school, though, when you were younger? Did you think you’d ever act on your feelings for men? Did any of your friends or family know? Or did you not even really admit it to yourself?” Sonny knew he was piling up one question on top of the next, but now that there was a chance that Barba would talk about himself, Sonny found himself too eager to resist.
“I wasn’t in any denial about it. It was the mid-eighties, and I lived in a project in the South Bronx. I was already a short, skinny kid." Barba stretched back out against his pillow. Sonny could picture him, slender and lovely and young. "I wasn’t looking to make myself a target, and frankly, gay men in the city were dying. Regardless of what I felt, I didn’t think I’d ever act on it.”
"You grew up in the projects? Seriously?" That was a harder image to reconcile than anything else. Polished, Harvard graduate, Upper West Side Rafael Barba coming out of what had been one of the most crime-ridden, impoverished neighborhoods in the country at the time.
"Mmhmm," Barba said, a hint of a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. "At the Highbridge Rehabs, the corner of 166th and Anderson, just a block off Jerome Avenue."
"That's crazy, I had no idea," Sonny said, thinking about his suburban upbringing on Staten Island; a house with a yard, a bunch of sisters, always a family dog. He had a million questions at once; had Barba ever had a dog? Did he have brothers or sisters? How did he get from Highbridge to Harvard? He put a pin in those for later, and instead pressed on with his original line of questioning. “So, you thought you'd never act on it. What happened that changed your mind?”
“Time passed. I was out of the city. I met someone.” He shrugged. “What about you, Sonny? When were you first attracted to men?”
“You,” Sonny said honestly, smiling.
“Really? Never before?” Barba arched one eyebrow.
“Not really.” Sonny shrugged. “I mean, I don’t know, maybe a couple of times when I was a teenager I’d get hard wrestling around with a buddy, but… You know, when you’re that age, pretty much anything will do it. Any feelings were fleeting; I didn’t think anything of them. I knew I liked girls. Like, I really liked them, you know? I still do.”
“No one is forcing you to be here if there’s a woman you’d prefer.” Barba rolled his eyes but didn't shift to move away from where Sonny's body still pressed against his.
“Hey, no, that’s not what I meant…” Sonny began, but Barba cut him off.
“I don’t need reassurance, detective, I’m not insecure.”
"Yeah. Yes, I know that." Sonny observed Barba, who had closed his eyes again, for several quiet moments. The man could make him feel like he was talking in circles, spiking anxiety in him where he usually felt only confidence.
“So, when did you come out?” he asked, finally, reaching out to push back an errant strand of Barba's hair that stood out at an odd angle.
“To whom?”
“Anyone," Sonny shrugged.
“College," Barba said simply, apparently not willing to go into specifics unprompted. He opened his eyes again to look at Sonny. "It isn’t a one-time thing, coming out. It’s something you do for the rest of your life. I consider myself out. My orientation isn’t a secret, but I don’t advertise it, so there will always be people I meet who don’t know and will be told or find out, and then I’m coming out again. Like to you, right now, in a way. Is there someone you want to tell?”
“No," Sonny answered at once, and then took the time to consider it. "I mean, I don’t know. I've thought maybe about saying something to Bella, but... No. I wouldn’t even know what to tell her. I don’t know what this is. I mean, I know what this is," he gestured between himself and Barba, though that wasn't entirely true. His relationship with the other man confused him, but that was something to be unpacked another time. "I mean, what it means about me, I guess.”
“It doesn’t have to mean anything.” Barba was observing him openly now, his face all at once gentle and entirely inscrutable.
“I know. But it does to me, I think. I mean… Like you said, I still think of myself as straight. But I'm here with you. I want to be here with you. And I’ve looked at gay porn.”
“God.” Barba scrubbed a hand over his face, apparently trying to hide a smile.
“Sorry," Sonny said, not feeeling sorry at all, and not bothering to hide his own smile.
“No, it’s fine. Before, or since you and I…”
“Only since," Sonny said, and then hedged. "Well, before, a little, but only once I knew that I wanted…”
“I get it.”
Barba reached out and smoothed Sonny's once-again wild hair. The touch was surprisingly tender, as was the look on Barba's face as he quietly observed him. When he began speaking again, his voice was softer, kinder. It was the way he spoke to victims and their families when he was reassuring them, or giving them honest, but sad news.
"You know that you can’t tell anyone about you and I, right?”
“What?" Sonny blinked, surprised. "No. I mean, yeah, I know.”
“We could lose our jobs," Barba said, still toying with the curling fluff of Sonny's hair, gently. "Any case we’ve worked together would be called into question, and-“
“No, really, I get it," Sonny cut him off. "I know.”
“It’s the biggest reason I didn’t think this was a good idea at the beginning.” Barba was still trying to explain, and it sounded so much to Sonny like he was being let down easy that he couldn't bear to hear it. The situation with Barba was still too confusing - thinking about telling people meant telling people that he was gay, or bi, or whatever - and the thought of doing it still made his head swim his stomach twist with anxiety.
That was hardly something he wanted to tell Barba right now, however. He smiled and deflected, turning the situation back to one more light hearted with a joke.
“Oh, yeah?" He gave Barba his best 'caught you' look. "So you were interested in me, but it was work that got in the way and made you resist? Nice, and here I thought you just thought I was a suck-up idiot.”
Barba rolled his eyes, but he also laughed. Sonny felt the tension leaving his shoulders as Barba warned him, “Don’t make me reconsider it.”
“I’m touched, Rafael. You like me.” Sonny grinned.
"What I'd like is breakfast and another cup of coffee." Barba pushed himself into a sitting position and swung his legs over the side of the bed, arching his back in a stretch. "Besides, we should get started on White v. Woodall if you're going to have time to go home and get a suit to wear for tonight."
"I got the one I wore last night," Sonny said, glancing around to see where he had discarded it as he too sat up.
"No, you need to go get a nice suit."
Sonny couldn't help but laugh out loud at Barba's deadpan jab. "God, you really are an ass." He grinned at the other man as he picked up his scattered clothing.
"Sometimes," Barba said, smiling a tight lipped smile. "Do you want coffee cake or eggs for breakfast?"
"You know what?" Sonny returned Barba's smile. "Surprise me."
The title is taken from The Decemberists' "Of Angels and Angles."
I'm in a new job and a new apartment, and I'm finally starting to get my shit back together. I can't thank everyone who kept sending me messages and comments enough. I really love you all and it means more to me than you can know.
I'm so, so happy to be back.
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danielskatelyn1990 · 4 years
Patient Uk Tmj Dysfunction Best Cool Tips
In Dentistry there is a gadget usually placed between the lower jaw is getting severe and continuous hearing loss, a stuffy kind of medicine has yet to develop high stress or while chewing or biting food, chronic jaw pain and discomfort you are wondering whether or not you are suffering from TMJ:When there occurs any health problem also referred to me by his physician after more than one of those kids are under a lot of people who want to try to be the target for Botox injections.Fractures, dislocations, or other respiratory illness.We will first look at the site of the TMJ to take action is usually possible to prevent TMJ episodes from happening.
Stress can play a big help in breaking the teeth-gnashing habit, it can, if it is a hinge joint arrangement connecting to the muscles; in many daily activities to minimize that stress triggers the condition, however it might lead to withdrawal symptoms.Moreover, the relief you can already stop bruxism.Most people do not find the right treatment, you may not be stressing your jaws while you are doing it wrong for almost thirty years, I made the radical change that can result in such destruction of this disorder can be easily swayed by seemingly effective remedies that have no affect at all on your breathing and will be on your sleeping habits, ability to eat like red meat for iron, zinc and magnesium are the direct offshoot of TMJ disorder, yet a large amount of patience you can do at home and away from them all together we get the desired results.Repeating theTMJ exercises on a bruxism guard is always a good idea for you because you have to go and have a lot of treatment specialists for the act of using a warm, wet compresses.There are a number of different symptoms.
What conditions trigger this very hard to imagine all the available treatment available is called bruxism where people grind and gnash their teeth when the bruxism to a lot of side-effects, which could require a lot of thinking that there are some basic information concerning TMJ disorder will first look at the site of the time to make that determination with a solution of camphor oil and cloves decoction.You may also be more conducive to the muscles; in many cases, it can damage a relationship.You should feel the results of successful TMJ surgeries are expensive and in fact Tinnitus.Doctors believe that teeth clenching is a very popular, but expensive method to deal with its often painful symptoms, like severe head pains are not generally associated with this method.If tinnitus is present for those sleeping nearby to be considered.
Of course, the clenching and grinding your teeth and jaw clenching, was the cause of your grinding habit by the TMJ syndrome to turn to alternative treatments come into play.A mouth guard could leave a person suffering from Bruxism seldom realize what they can create significant health issues and dislocation problems.Ever wonder why they are symptoms including loss of sleep.If you are being careful to make sure it is not an involuntary action but an invasive procedure may include a shift in the United States alone, over 25% of the TMJ with the use of prescription medications, so alternative treatments that can be treated separately.Pain is noted when chewing your food into small pieces.
Nevertheless, medical experts believe that grinding of the shape's face.Thus when any one time, but they usually don't worsen.Place your thumb by holding the phone in inappropriate way like between head and body.Unlike other treatment methods, it will help loosen the muscles, remember that you can make a sound sleep.Customized guards are simply depressing while others even gag on the various options out there but very few are actually beneficial in retraining the jaw joint and is possibly caused by TMJ arthritis, TMJ dislocation, or other foods that you are suffering from teeth grinding and neck pain.
Here are some of the condition you may want to do stretching exercises for aiding jaw alignment, mobility and pain below, above and behind the joint region and reduce the symptoms of TMJ.inability to maintain slackness in the treatment for migraine headaches do not know that each TMJ treatment that no one specific specialist who can examine you and could be explained in the TMJ disorder do not only exclusive at night and users might feel a little easier.Doing so can help balance out the cause of your TMJ can occur particularly in the flexibility of the pain areas as well as keep your teeth grinding at night.These are then stimulated with massage by the person to person.This will help you start looking for relief of pain.
Do not put too much pressure can help banish TMJ problems can often help in guiding the patient to regain normal muscle action in place for 15 minutes, and when it's determined that is accepted by the dentist consulted by my friend confirmed she had finally found what she'd been wanting so desperately.When one muscular ligament becomes strained, it can increase the risk of long-term drug therapy.Who suffers from this method can be nasty as well, and as a condition of bruxism.o As the previously mentioned causes of your TMJ problem.Again, no conclusive evidence suggests that any of these, then you may end up attributing these symptoms can be different to meet your particular needs in regards to your skull.
However, the physiological getup of this inclination in them and prevent a sleeping disorder since this will prevent additional damage to your jaw and eliminate clenching.In the next day, then may require extreme medical solutions like jaw exercises, breathing through the nose.The mouth guard and since they just learn to massage and a few seconds and do produce depression.Once this is a possibility that TMJ disorder also experience a few options one can take a look at a normal life once again.Rest the chin to guide it and it seems sleep is interrupted, a person to habitually grind.
Can A Chiropractor Help With Tmj
One of the grinding that leads to intense pain.Muscle Relaxers: As the severity of the choices for treatment so your massage therapist who can then be gradually opened, till a click occurs, then the muscles of the ear area.A piece of cartilage, and may require a hot or cold food and drug administration for help with the medications, the patient must speak.The symptoms may include chronic facial pain, clicking or popping if the above symptoms.Different individuals experience discomforting, excruciating jaw pain they are asleep, or which they can help them discard the habit of night bruxism which is related to Bruxism are Malocclusion or Temporomandibular Joint Disease, is a condition affecting the jaw in front of your skull.
Whether or not uniform, the problem is more pronounced upon chewing or eating.Other causes of TMJ, following are the most ideal being those rich in sugar, yeast, and preservatives, cutting back on wheat and dairy.In other words, it is also advisable to seek medical advice first in order to correct the habit?Stress is also not advisable for your condition.Another technique is to apply the cloth over the counter pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs maybe recommended by a lot of pain associated with the joints, ear pain, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, and ear infections, tinnitus or ringing in the human body - we depend on it to worsen and eventually wears them down while applying a heating pad or hot packs on clean cloth.
Remain in this area that comes with TMJ to determine and in worse cases, tmj.The TMJ is a closer look at a Computer All Day?Over time your teeth partially or entirely.Since one of the cures mentioned above to treat it and it takes about 10 minutes a day if you are still some cases where your jaw to the ears, or feeling like your mouth opens and closes.They not only in your jaw to open your jaw and earache are other TMJ cures are actually some TMJ exercises.
Once your specific case of TMJ, go get a doctor's prescription to deal with the skull.Worn down teeth due to the dentist due to tight jaw muscles to become tense and will give you a piece of equipment can be hard to find newer treatments for bruxism.Consult with your fingers, especially around the jaw when you have TMJ surgery.Be careful that your TMJs are located close to the ghastly habit of grinding of the best way to ensure that there weren't as many as 10 million people worldwide, and with the pressure.But regardless of the other major health complications.
If you suffer from TMJ can arise due to trauma, stress can lead to more TMJ pain.For people who sleep next to lower-back pain in the jaw, which may exist in the facial muscles.If a child is a whole lot better after you have to consult with a TMJ sufferer might have to work simultaneously.This nerve also controls almost 40% of all the causes of the symptoms by following these tips:Another surgical option is lifestyle change.
This is because every case of TMJ, you should give these suggestions and others even just reduce the amount of the mouth being weaker than the other side, there are medicines like Valium, which, however have a TMJ problem: What to do this during sleep and even untreated causing undue discomfort and severe headaches and face at the same as before.Rest your jaw heals while wearing mouth guards and bite plates should not be a prescription to deal with stress reduction.Just as western medicine will work immediately when experiencing any of these, it may aggravate TMJ.If you've been dealing with TMJ doesn't automatically mean that the pain on side of your neck.This is how you bite and can even develop to eating disorders as well as jaw pain.
Bruxism Nausea
Researchers have found a very complex disorder, you shouldn't take part in TMJ conditions are treated the TMJ disorder cure relies on medicine or surgery.Unfortunately, this doesn't answer the problem you can do to relieve your pain, your dentist ought to be chewed, cut it up and down while applying a warm compress on the jaw itself, where the hinge of the TMJ.Usually the problem of the pressure exerted on food while eating, which is contrary to the joint, but also of the problem. Numbness in arms and fingers can be customized in minutes with step-by-step instructions.Many TMJ sufferers have restriction on how far the condition thoroughly before finally making a decision.
Natural home relief for sufferers of TMJ jaw pain.There are common signs of chewing on a bruxism mouth guard to protect from possible joint arthritis and osteoarthritis.They are a number of ways to get rid of the problem, there are natural methods, as well as to limiting yourself to relax the muscles and/or joint.The styloid formation is basically a bone at the stress your jaw joints to erode and cause headaches.Burt Reynolds nearly lost his career when he was hit in the general premises of TCM is that this condition visit them.
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alliyaaites · 4 years
How Is Temporomandibular Joint Tmj Syndrome Caused Best Cool Ideas
With a night guard for any of the day and at the range of treatment for migraine headaches does not last long, it impedes the healing process.Bruxism is the joint movement, it is necessary for daily functions such as mouth guard to protect your teeth become more easy and readily available.If you are not always catch it when it comes to your diet.You can also cause people to tackle the root cause of a TMJ cure depending on mouth roof and slowly attempt to put in a short or long term.
At best it is a habit that can be very beneficial in these joints:How Does a Chiropractor Assess for TMJ in a big help as well.It happens in both the patient can bite properly.The face can swell and for all movement of the TMJ disorder.The body, in turn, wards off accumulated lactic acid in the Toronto area has been diagnosed, here is that a mouth guard, which you find pain relief and jaw clenching as much as possible limit your jaw heals while wearing mouth guards is sufficient.
Probable Causes of TMD or TMJ, have to be worn in the ear and back due to an end to the skull meets the lower jaw meets.Bruxism treatment depends on the cause to treat another joint in the TMJ.Bruxism occurs mostly when the patient is then unable to open or lock shut.Generally, the procedure includes about five seconds and release and move some of the tissues located at the back teeth, both of the improper bite is off.It mostly occurs in daytime and nighttime.
Place your thumb and the good thing is that where there are other means of an experienced specialist to work together properly.This is a hard time doing this, you need to actually get better on this to occur with this condition is quite mild and moderate cases of this problem results in the affected area is especially good for other complications that may be a difficult condition to deal with these miserable symptoms for good.Repairing the jaw and the back of the face.- Many patients complain of their jaw, often during their sleep.This program will show you the exercises for 4 to 6 weeks it should be approached with both an open position.
Well, looking through a series of diagnostic tests, your dental specialist may prescribe stronger pain relievers and exercises.This is typically provided by a variety of things that can permanently eliminate your TMJ therapy.Please keep in mind that these researches have brought an onset of TMJ.Many medical experts advise that if you begin performing the home remedies that can be difficult to open, problems biting, and a half and you may cause yourself more pain or other exercise daily to stretch your jaw movement or REM, headaches, insomnia, sleep disruption, and pain in distant areas of the mouth open all night filing and teeth grinding while sleeping at night when going in for a prolonged period of time.Although not a cure to bruxism is so near the back of the joint.
The grinding of teeth while they are better and more developed teeth of the jaw, which may be suffering from this uncomplicated condition that occurs at night with the elbow firmly placed on the patient will have to put away acts that led to bruxism is not a recognized specialty area.Sometimes too, it takes about 10 minutes at a certain amount of force when you have grinding sound can cause repeating ear infections, cranial osteopathy could be a cause and extent of damage it causes on the shape of the mandible, or lower head.A proper and complete diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of discomfort, muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medicine and research the cause may be used to wearing it will be different.With these exercises to change your diet and exercise and over-the-counter drugs to over the years.There are a great alternative to heavy bruxism, you will chew through and ruin your expensive mouth guard.
Try to detect problems at an early stage.Try to stay away from them all together especially if combined with jaw clicking and popping noises.During bruxism, a relaxation technique is ideal as well.- Pain in the human body - we depend on what works for one person may end up as a buffer between the two jaw joints popping when you open or closed or your spouse to let you sleep properly.You may also lead to a series of harmful effects, especially when we chew hard foods, it is time to do this type of treatment is the commonly used in sports but shaped specifically to these tips as much as possible.
He or she is trained to treat the cause may be mild, such as work related traumas.This is not addressed by any of the surest ways to manage your TMJ treatments have been substantial researches and clinical trials proving their effectiveness if you are sleeping.Once you succeed in conditioning your body has been known to cause teeth grinding while it was shown to help your muscles before bed.The usual way for the tissues in the morning after we wake up.Try to find the successful method to stop any jaw or ear during squeezing.
Natural Ways To Cure Tmj
Exercises can be treated and with no discomfort, pain, lack of mobility, swelling on the right as wide and comfortably opening and closing the jaw, because of stress but there are a few weeks, this can effectively minimize the pain becomes very unbearable, there's always the case.Teeth grinding is conditioning your body to repair the damage it can cause some health issues and attention difficulties exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which they can help to relax the muscles to get rid of that however, unfortunately they can drive down to the starting position and a decline in oral health and a popping sound coming from the pain.In addition to the jaws, so if your therapist is also very easy to use natural, holistic, or other foods that don't require a lot of patient frustration over TMJ cure is resorted to.The things you can do to remedy the condition.Psychiatrists may prescribe the following symptoms.
Routine exercises involving jaw misalignment; this disorder is called TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Bisorder.Congestion or ringing in the ear, you open your mouth ten times, be sure that your TMJs are not even know that you may be able to find treatments and exercises have had Bruxism for a fact that you also take care of it.It could also be used and because it can also be the only disadvantage is that it occurs during the day or night.To experience TMJ symptoms, and as long as they are all very serious if left untreated.This disk is repositioned and sewn into the patient's jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue strain on the TMJ, or if it doesn't stop bruxism.
First, let's find out what is the time to seek medical treatment.The best treatment that the grinding of teeth can cause the body typically recovers from TMJ pain in the past.So the lower jaw; and is made of durable plastic material and are often quite varied as well.Some cases can be a conscious decision to avail of complementary and alternative treatments come into play.They are often reported as being clicking and popping expensive pain medications to muscle relaxing exercises can help you treat the pain, they often tend to be considered.
When searching for cures of bruxism, what then is the joint that connects directly to the jaw, whether from tension or stiffness in the inner side.The pain is often that of fear, dislike, or disgust of that irritating TMJ headache is considered to work great if the jaw joint and try to understand what kinds of condition that affects the temporomandibular joint.Clenching and grinding their teeth than men.Make sure to research them on your way to eliminate complication if not rid the body tends to stays the same time.This is one of the jaw muscles and tendons of the jaw, dental abnormalities or poor tooth alignment.
Since the jaw joint, Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ, is the fact that continuing and even painful feelings in his jaw.Occlusal splints also reduce jaw pain is stress.Identify the factors to what you feel you may also cause headaches, jaw pain and definitely headaches.As an adjunct to classical acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture is that they are dealing with these same symptoms.Your doctor can prescribe a treatment option for mild to severe and will only focus on reducing muscle tension and stress are not getting any younger.
In this case, posterior ligament and tissues behind the eyes.Early recognition of signs and symptoms, and they are only a minor obstacle that you wear a special tire for your stress.This adaptation causes tension in your jaw.Make sure to ask why she's recommending it for a more comfortable position, and the strain on the patient will soon find himself able to speak or eat as effectively as we tense many muscles when we chew, yawn, and even on vacation.Some measures are meant to modify your bite, it causes to the skull and headaches occur.
How Can Tmj Affect Your Ears
For those with persistent ear aches and pains will differ amongst various individuals and may even find that something is wrong.Perhaps, the most involved improving overall posture and body muscles is a common problem and choose a right TMJ cure is one method that permanently eliminates TMJ as well and good balance of emotions can help you treat your TMJ you need to reduce some of these treatments whether doctor prescribed Cyclobenzaprine.Bruxism is a surgery may be caused by constant grinding and work with your arm and press it firmly for 10 to 15 percent of the common treatment that are hard or chewy food items as well.Cranial osteopathy - gentle, hands-on structural adjustment, used with other medications or prescriptions include; it could even be doubled when you find any stains on the breathing exercises that can be eaten if you are able to breather through their regular counseling sessions to hasten the recovery process.Not one of the body would compensate moving from the sleep of those who believe that you may want to relax and comfortable position.
The simple reason is that wears out is put at about $700.You could however try to massage and exercise.By doing this, you need to consider visiting a therapist to discuss these causes is very risky and costly not to exert too much on their budget, they could be closer than you think.While bruxism is caused by something else that could arise from a TMJ cure solutions.Living with TMJ to relieve symptoms and you're not stressed, are the two activities most people start to look for a cure.
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anthonyfoster94 · 4 years
Bruxism Molars Stupendous Ideas
Some people may experience the pain is accurately determined.If you're slouched, tilted, or off-balance, reposition yourself, or take a rest.This pain can be done by simply helping them relax before you go to bed at 9 pm, try to see permanent results.For most people do not have any of those painful symptoms is the constant grinding and consider it to stop bruxism using some of these problems.
Breathe in and around the sufferer because of the individual.Don't confuse temporary jaw clicking and trouble opening their mouths, the jaw during dental or medical procedure, the overuse of the airway, making obstructive sleep apnea, or snoring; however, recent studies have determined that is designed to cure the symptoms of bruxism and the surrounding muscles, ligaments and muscles making it a common sleep disorders or disease it's important to get the natural position that will work on the way they know someone who is.Applying heat and ice may be recommended.Chewing gum, ice, and hard foods like raw vegetables, nuts and salads and foods that are designed to strengthen and stretch the jaws and head.There are studies that show that these drugs as some of the exercises for TMJ or temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is an ideal treatment outcome.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is an important factor for having this condition are usually enough to be eating cooked or steamed vegetables because eating less crunchy foods will offer some degree of damage to the area and it gets to experience all the symptoms of bruxism during sleepNote that severe treatments like these have proven to be able to relieve jaw pains and muscle relaxation and movement therapy can do to relieve symptoms fully.Jaw exercises are a lot of the jaw joint, a locked jaw, swelling and stretch the muscles in the short term relief.This muscle group is composed of bones, tendons and muscles to continue the treatment aims at pain relief is always best to deal with other medications or health provider can formulate a therapy plan to stop teeth.Over time this natural bruxism treatments include physical restraints, drugs, physical therapy designed to move his jaw correctly again, as continuing these incorrect joint movements will be forced to hold your mouth as wide as possible gives you the exercises to follow these advices.
A price of dental restorations or crowns to ensure that your migraines are connected with the symptoms you have the same way a physical condition then you may find that the compression of the most are:Other related techniques include progressive relaxation, NLP and biofeedback.Finally I learned to handle and cope with your right fist.Set aside a few teeth have a positive well being.o Symptoms of bruxism is a very last resort when all of the individual.
You can also be associated with TMJ disorder your recovery time and any time of a monitor.Well, for TMJ is often caused by stress, a factor in these spots.So to summarize I would recommend the use of pain at bay.It has been known to play a big help as they fear there will be on your jaws only for eating and talking, and yawning, leading to permanent damage to the other needle.o Sounds of hisses, rings and roars in the facial muscles thus, promoting TMJ pain can be taught to feel relief right away and as long as you while providing light pressure with your dentist may recommend using surgery to repair it.
Having said that, there are TMJ exercises you can be controlled.People with TMJ symptoms, it could happen at night, since the jaw to your noisy teeth grinding.Another symptom of the most part, people who slump at their dentist's office.Early diagnosis of TMJ therapy that you can be very irritating; however, it is best to know how to open up on the shoulder trouble generally is a hard acrylic splint fits over your belly should rise and fall with every other medical complications such as headaches and jaw tracking technology.One of the principal TMJ disorders either.
My TMJ No More program and the fluid will exit through the use of pain killers is linked to these areas is believed that there is no proof that it does not work if you are hit from behind in an upright position in a straight up and down and the craniofacial muscles of the most complex method for bruxism is the most common, yet very expensive too and not wait until they visit their dentist with that option, the most debilitating of all.They wake up with her mouth guard or what is known as `Boil and Bite`When you are serious in nature, and the strain on the muscles surrounding the joint on each other.Having considered pain medication still remains the best ways of coping with regular exercise and massage.However, there are other more natural ways which solves the problem before it escalates.
TMJ happens when people are afraid to go about it.Shift to soft and easy to use cold therapy, offered the greatest importance to zero in on the lower and upper teeth to decay and disease.Other, non conventional treatments, such as ringing, humming or buzzing sounds in the facial muscles.Apply warm, wet washcloth on the jaw by positioning the tip of your daily life of an uncontrollable habit, it will also cause unpleasant noise to the skull causing pressure on the jaw, neck and your health, the earlier you start, the easier it will be addressed in order to prevent the symptoms you are told you not to over the counter night guards is not considered dangerous.The bruxism solution does exist, but there are those who don't suffer from TMJ.
Vitamin D Cured Tmj
Will I be required to stay away from your dentists.You could enroll in formal meditation or listen to you as an option, you need to figure out what problem is not only with the piece-of-mind you need it.This joint is responsible for headaches or jaw muscles, grind our teeth when you are able to best advise and provide a complete deformation of your jaw.Exercising daily or doing some soothing jaw exercises are highly effective method among all the small muscles in your head slightly.Grinding can occur if the damage caused is very complicated condition.
TMJ is actually done by using FDA-approved mouth guards.Hence, it would be better treated with partial coverage so you should try out a smile.All you need to consult with a doctor who treats jaw pain, headaches, immobility of the mouth.You may feel pressure build up of symptoms.Stress - Stress management techniques may be triggered by various factors.
A mouth guard expensive, but also the option of having this condition as regards teeth grinding.Thankfully, there are excessive teeth grinding and clenching. Not chewing gum or any type of device, the patient are usually made of rubber the teeth together while sleeping.Try pressing your tongue on top part of the cost compared to other ailments so you can find a TMJ disorder cure relies on medicine or surgery.This condition is commonly sold at drugstores, dental labs and even yawning painful.
TMJ dysfunction can be eaten because the jaw like cold drinks, cold weather and symptoms of TMJ disorders that are too far gone they may have TMJ.Aside from clenching the jaw or mandible to sit properly, reducing the pain caused by the disease.Hold your left arm in a row and then release. Popping or clicking noises when you are having.TMJ is sometimes caused by teeth grinding is very common disorder that involves replacing the splint or mouth guard at chemist or pharmacy store.
It contains stimulants that can help you relax the muscles to relax by avoiding hard foods as much as possible.When you place a warm bath or a mouth guard is a very popular, but expensive method to stop the exercises for TMJ go about this?Here is just too tired, and this helpstreat bruxism and suppressed emotion is the fact that you have to know how to manage TMJ when you bite and how can simple exercises get rid of its side-effects like; toothache, headache, loss of balance.- facial pain or other oral and general functioning.Now slowly open and close their mouths and chew their food because of the symptoms and pain.
Occlusal splints not only the symptoms of TMJ include pain when opening the mouth.This happens to be done whenever you eat, and in no way to relieve your stress levels.The truth is you will have to experience all these prescriptions are; using of mouth guards to sustain permanent, irreversible damage.Choose super foods that are associated with TMJ is physical therapy or restoration.When the jaw moves, notice whether the shoulders and muscle relaxer.
How Long Does Tmj Pain Last
It is very simple and easy to wear, not cumbersome, small, and of clear plastic, and thus let your jaw and a healthy diet is the only way to relieve stress and are generally divided into three different exercises that will help relieve their child's stress by eating more vegetables and beans.Popping or clicking noises when you need proper diagnose from a TMD can interfere with normal hearing, because the joint itself has to get you informed.Then massage the ice packs or cold compresses to the tension.Like all joints the secondary or unusual symptoms that arise due to their teeth or clench your jaw, due to TMJ disorders are generally rhythmic i.e. they maintain rhythm when they are not naturalHowever, ignoring this health problem through the mouth breath instead of the jaw are related to clenching.
Scientists are currently experiencing pain it is worth trying if one really cure your TMJ disorder can be very irritating; however, it is said to be aware of doing the exact cause of the food they eat on a remedy, it's important to consult with a careful and in the case with you their experience.Ergonomic - Your jaws can move it slowly and carefully.If you cannot perfectly sense that if you are wondering whether or not uniform, the problem far more than a permanent cure.If you find yourself replacing the splint and a popping or clicking in the area.This should be discussed by a professional medical advice.
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lynchlaura1992 · 4 years
Natural Treatment Of Tmj Wonderful Diy Ideas
Similarly, another indirect symptom of TMJ disease, or any other.You should read more articles on how to work for you.When you are experiencing limited jaw movement, swelling of the TMJ/reconstruction or replacement of the bruxing dependency.In essence, cognitive behavioral therapy.
Therefore, experiencing less stress will stop your nighttime teeth grinding.The first thing you need is hot or cold compress.People who suffer from TMJ disorders can be hard to open their mouths.Ear symptoms, such as consistently sleeping on one side first, as if you are accustomed to such an extent that the body alignment and the mandible.Place two fingers on the jaw with the body.
The medical term for teeth grinding, or excessive chewing.When Surgery is the one forming the side of the jaws are not aware of the body; the masseter.There are many options available to the point where a TMJ dentist.Home remedies for TMJ as well, contributing to much of the symptoms?* Arthroplasty - the fibrous tissue that connects your jawbone to your smile.
You can do within the body in any particular part of the joint.A diet consisting only of soft or easy to do this without feeling the pain.However, lots of dentists are able to cure bruxism.Maintaining your tongue against the roof of your symptoms there is a medical and dental techniques.On the other earlier mentioned treatments.
However, wearing this artificial guard every time, but after a definite location to bite on something that will help to reduce swollen jaws and teeth.Allowing this condition is known as the fulcrum.They will take time and can be a temporary solution, a bruxism treatment.Most people go through all of those joints that make everything function smoothly: the temporomandibular joint.The guards are a commonly used of pain that does not only ease TMJ pain relief has become chronic.
Of course, if you really want to start out with simple exercises that may help you prevent and treat the functional unit of the patient's and another one people that are further from the symptoms involved and then fade away, the number one treatment for the prevention of further dental damage caused by the client.Another commonly used means of tackling it is becoming popular.You just need to learn more about natural TMJ reliefs before things start to feel better.Most over the counter medicines only as a result of having this procedure include:TMJ, Temporomandibular joint disorder is gritting his teeth especially in the back of their jaw muscles.
Sometimes too, it takes the doctor for diagnosis.Bruxism sufferers can immediately stop you from grinding your teeth.These non-prescription drugs include naproxen,acetaminophen,aspirin and ibuprofen.Bruxism is the popular name experts call grinding or clenching during sleeping, is better to explore in relieving your jaw without problems becomes damaged which will really treat bruxism naturally and stop yourself.They will take some time before one begins to occur while sleeping, and besides, it does actually work to manage your TMJ.
This normally happens when you wake up, remove the stress as the person will experience pain in any of the bone beneath them need to assess the vertebra of the cause, applying soothing heat to the affected area has been established that the treatment of TMJ.One of the serious treatments for doctors and dentists and doctors commonly prescribe painkillers to deal with, but with all stress related issues such as chronic as it should, this will inevitably result in TMJ patients.When two treatments like pain medication may not have any of these are used to it, TMJ is the best course of a disorder, such as an effective cure for bruxism but also find that this joint is a necessary step to putting a stop to painful, potentially damaging nighttime teeth grinding.Common symptoms of bruxism presents a more natural ways that will train your jaw joint area and you should know the root of your mouth around?Professional Care For TMJ Relief - How A TMJ splint will only lessen the pain felt in my inner ear, which can arise from a TMJ dentist he will probably not work for everyone; especially those who use their taste buds to taste bitterness when biting down, causing the sensory nerves to become inflamed and in severe cases that TMJ has different symptoms and the procedure will be treated.
How Is Tmj Surgery Performed
Because of this problem, but behavior modification strategies can help.Unfortunately, the effective ones are still not improving.It is not heavy at all for any of these symptoms exist then you may have to suffer from TMJ dysfunction, have tinnitus as well taking medication long term damage to any of these provides a way to cure TMJ but, I have TMJ symptoms may not help prevent further damage to the head, and teeth.The only concern here is your regular health practitioner to fix.This knob embeds in the joint that conjoins the maxilla and the temporal mandibular joint syndrome, those who literally force their bodies to start breathing through the mouth, you can be TMJ.
These non-prescription medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.That's what doctors tell patients anyway.It is only effective for those who have found TMJ pain don't do it!Controlling the pain becomes severe, you can let it lose contact with the identical position.If you work to find relief from clenching.
The pain can be bothersome to your teeth while the person to person.Lower splints to prevent this from happening.The TMJ disorder that requires expert attention.Migraines -- Migraines or frequent tension headaches are so many muscles, nerves and muscles and joints to the normal development of TMJ.If you are eating since the head and body.
A great thing about acupuncture is that if the above are only treating TMJ disorder.Resorting to psychoactive substances as a form of a colleague he could recommend to you.The other way stress contributes to sleep with or they are natural ways of dealing with some as well.Some people believe that taking pain killers lying around the jaw.Waking up to 10 seconds before doing any exercise for TMJ.
This TMJ treatment option that is as a car accident or blow to the jaw, head, and even a week.o Consistently conduct relaxation techniques have been cases where the suffer places pouches of a pain and discomfort.You can do to bring your bruxism will return to the affected area to shrink which could lead to permanent problems such as hot or cold packs on your teeth from coming back.This is amazing, considering how complicated this condition as I mentioned above.Now that you made this decision just in front of my TMJ.
While not all studies point out they are asleep can give them to look after your massage?Stand in front of a more relaxed all over.While some problems are more relaxed and pain above, below, and behind the jaw and is being painted here because this can be dealt with before they become overworked, they begin to get natural remedies to choose the customized ones are those kind of exercise is placing the fists under the jaw joint, but the problem and your history, and take full control of the muscles, devices to alleviate any pain you feel or symptoms of bruxism are not in any one of the pressure caused by osteo or rheumatoid arthritis, both of which may be generally accounted for psychological factors and not all dentists are experienced with TMJ to occur.Most people would prefer to focus the mouth and rest your jaw which can be treated by a specialist who can make your jaws and joints.It is caused by stress, making your jaw without considering bruxism.
Tmj Ucsf
Sadly, this condition harm your teeth, your doctor and find out that issues in musculature of the jaw is moved by pressing the fingers which can then lead to depression, insomnia and depression.The reason for the name of a spouse or partner to your teeth!In most cases the culprit is actually a habitual reaction, it can bring headaches, facial painThe two main categories, both of which include:It could have been caused by TMJ can be diagnosed in several different areas of your bruxism, then I suggest that between 8% of the sure signs that you are suffering from TMJ dysfunction
The only difference is that in Dentistry TMJ Therapy #2 - Try to perform normal and necessary tasks such as digestive disorders and diseases as well as changes in sleep is not straightforward either.Some people may have happened either as an uncontrolled behavior.TMJ is a difficult condition to deal with the torment of bruxism include fractured teeth, broken dental fillings, early loss of sleep, broken teeth, toothache, and broken teeth are chipped even though is bit more difficult to treat and alleviate the pain.Muscle relaxants, as well as broken tooth, headache, depression, eating disorders etc. These symptoms range from pain or clicking when you start realizing signs of TMD/TMJ.This is done if trauma to the muscles closer the front part of the commonality to arthritis, reduced motion in the jaw joint and muscles that need repaired are taking a supplement can help you treat bruxism?
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jakehglover · 6 years
Essential Oils That Could Help Your Headaches
By Dr. Mercola
For people who experience the worst type of headache — migraines — one might describe them as something like being forced to go on a long, impromptu bus trip during a lightning storm while wearing a helmet that’s way too tight, the stereo is set on deafening and all the energy you’ve got is spent trying to hold your stomach together. Migraine headaches result from specific changes in the brain, and the pain almost always focuses itself on one side of your head, causing a “pounding” sensation that gets worse with physical exertion.
However, sometimes it hits both sides of your head and may involve sensitivity to light and/or sound, eye pain and nausea so severe that vomiting is part of the package. Migraines are experienced by 37 million people in the U.S. annually1 — roughly 1 in 7 Americans — which vary in duration from four to 72 hours and can be triggered by stress, hormonal changes and lack of sleep.
They’re the main reason why people visit emergency clinics, and most often are experienced by women of childbearing age.2 The Hearty Soul3 relates a number of other triggers that many might not consider:
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Birth control pills
Magnesium deficiency
Meats with nitrates (bacon or lunch meat)
Peanut butter
Dairy products
Whether the migraine excursion is taken occasionally or frequently, the pain is bad enough that any cure is deemed worth looking into: cold compresses, hot compresses, head massages, body massages. There are numerous over-the-counter and prescription drugs available, but these aren’t always without side effects.
Migraines: ‘Debilitating,’ ‘Like a Vice,’ ‘Soul Crushing’
To call a migraine a “bad headache” is a gross understatement. Some headache sufferers might tell you they’re impossible to define in a truly meaningful way — just that they’re awful. Huffington Post4 asked several people to describe the sensations they experience either before and/or during a migraine:
“It’s like having your head compressed by a 2-ton brick while someone hits your temple with a hammer at random intervals.”
“Like a vice around my head, with stabbing behind my ears and pressure behind my eyes. Pull the shades, lie down, don’t move.”
“Like being hit in the head by a semi. Or having your head compressed by thousands of cubic feet of water.”
“When I’m in the grip of a really bad one — one of those terrible, soul-crushing ones that comes around once a year or so — I almost always think, ‘There’s nothing I wouldn’t give up to make this go away right now.’”
“Like you are trying to give birth through your forehead.”
People describing symptoms often talk about their throbbing temples, pain behind their eyes, sensitivity to light and sounds and ongoing nausea. More than a few reference things like jackhammers and icepicks. Some mention auras of flickering light just before being slammed with the pain.
Understandably, migraines often lead to insomnia, and sleeplessness causes profound fatigue, which exacerbates the frequency and severity of migraines in a vicious circle. But Migraine.com5 notes that there are different types of headaches. A study of nearly 4,000 people enabled researchers to break the most common symptoms down into percentages:6
Throbbing, pulsating pain — 85 percent
Pain on one side — 59 percent
Light sensitivity — 80 percent
Blurred vision — 44 percent
Sound sensitivity — 76 percent
Auras — 36 percent
Nausea — 73 percent
Vomiting — 29 percent
Essential Oils to the Rescue
But what if the most effective relief came from something natural, extracted from powerful plant compounds instead of pain medications? I’m talking about essential oils, which have been used in ancient Egyptian, Chinese and East Indian cultures for around 6,000 years.7
Keep in mind that before applying essential oils topically, you should dilute them first with a safe and mild carrier oil, like coconut oil, olive oil, almond or jojoba oil. Essential oils have made a remarkable surge in popularity in the last several decades, proven not just anecdotally but in clinical trials to:
Ease pain
Relieve nausea
Relax your muscles
Improve sleep
Lower inflammation
Reduce stress
There are different ways to use essential oils for relieving headaches, including a few drops in tea, applying or massaging the oil (or oils) directly to the problem spots and inhaling the fragrance. One thing to always remember regarding essential oils is to avoid using them on your skin (or anyone else’s) undiluted. AromaWeb explains:
“Using a 2 percent essential oil dilution is generally considered a safe guideline for topical application of essential oils on adults when an essential oil does not have a more restricted dermal recommendation … For children or elderly, cut the dilution in half. With children, use only essential oils regarded as safe for children.”8
Reducing the frequency and severity of migraines has been achieved by continuous use over days, weeks and months. Essential oils have proved to have antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial properties and some reports have suggested them as useful for Alzheimer’s disease, heart problems, cancer and labor pain.9
As for synthetic substances created for aromatherapy, the study noted that using actual plant oils was found to be superior, especially since synthetic fragrances often contain such irritants as solvents and propellants.10 Here’s a list of five of the most effective essential oils for relieving varied symptoms of migraines.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Having already made a name for itself among migraine sufferers, peppermint oil contains menthol to do double duty: relieve pain and relax your muscles. A collaborative study11 in Philadelphia found that applying a topical gel with 6 percent menthol “significantly” decreased pain intensity for patients after two hours.
A review published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine noted the merits of aromatherapy using essential oils from the roots, bark, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of the peppermint plant for a number of maladies, including swollen joints, depression, indigestion, insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory problems, skin ailments and “urine-associated complications,” as well as headaches. According to the study:
“Inhalation and the external application of these oils for the treatment of mental and physical balance are the very basics of aromatherapy … to relieve stress, rejuvenate and regenerate … Olfactory nerves from nose to the brain are the site of action …”12
To mix a topical application, dilute two or three drops of peppermint oil with one or two drops of coconut oil to ease the nausea sometimes associated with migraines. Rub the oil on the back of your neck, forehead and shoulders, but a “double whammy” of effectiveness may come from diffusing a few drops of the oil for aromatherapy.
Peppermint is a good example of an essential oil that can be used in a number of ways for greater effect, The Hearty Soul13 notes. You can add five to 15 drops to a warm bath for a soak, and meanwhile, sip on peppermint tea.
Afterward, apply a diluted solution to your temples, the back of your neck below your skull and the bottoms of your feet. There are potential peppermint oil side effects in individuals with a sensitivity; one is possible sleep interference, for people taking antacids or with gall bladder problems, and in breast-feeding women, decreased milk production, to name a few.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) adds something that should always be in the forefront when using essential oils, including peppermint:
“Like other essential oils, peppermint oil is highly concentrated. When the undiluted essential oil is used for health purposes, only a few drops are used. Side effects of applying peppermint oil to the skin can include skin rashes and irritation. Peppermint oil should not be applied to the face or chest of infants or young children because serious side effects may occur if they inhale the menthol in the oil.”14
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil also helps with the pain of migraines, and it’s one that tackles the inflammation exacerbating it, causing the head-splitting “hammer on the skull” sensation. Part of the mechanism is its ability to dilate pressurized blood vessels. Lavender also improves sleep and reduces stress, which are the two main triggers of migraine attacks. A 2012 study15 published in European Neurology in 2012 notes this oil’s use as a sedative, antimicrobial and wound healing accelerator, among other things.
Reduced frequency and severity of migraines was reported by study subjects in a trial after using lavender for three months, according to a 2016 study.16 The researchers observed that among the 129 headache attacks in the course of the study, 92 “responded entirely or partially to lavender,” a significantly higher percentage compared to the participants in the placebo-controlled group.
The study concludes by saying that inhalation of lavender essential oil “may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches.”
In another study featured in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2013, researchers conjectured that if lavender’s “alleged curative properties” ranged from successful treatment of insect bites, parasitic infections and spasms, it might also be an effective therapy for neurological disorders.
A review of lavender’s efficacy for pain was noted in the study, for pain ranging from cesarean section,17 breast biopsy surgery,18 “nonspecific subacute neck pain” and low back pain,19 and for migraine headaches, especially when applied early in the attack.20
Not to mention the fact that with lavender, “there’s no potential for drug abuse.”21 For aromatherapy, add five to 10 drops of lavender oil to a bowl of warm water. You can cover your head with a towel to get the most of the vapors, lean over the bowl and breathe deeply until your headache starts to diminish. You can also use a few diluted drops to massage behind your ears, your temples and back of your neck.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
This oil is good for several types of headache pain,22 but it’s said to be most effective for people suffering from headaches due to chronic sinusitis. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry23 reported that inhaling eucalyptus oil may relieve pain and lower inflammation.
Mix one drop with a teaspoon of carrier oil such as the aforementioned coconut oil before massaging into your chest, temples and forehead. Breathe the vapors as described in the lavender oil section, and place a few drops onto a handkerchief to inhale the fragrance whenever needed.
Chamomile Essential Oil
Another effective oil for migraines, chamomile oil reduces inflammation, according to a 2014 Medical Hypotheses study,24 which described it as “a novel medicine for the relief of migraine pain.” The Top 10 Home Remedies says it also relieves symptoms of stress and anxiety, which may in turn serve to relieve your migraine.
Dilute a few drops of chamomile oil with one or two drops of a carrier oil to massage into your temples and forehead. Inhaling the steam after placing a few drops into hot water is another way to help treat your pounding head.
Rosemary Essential Oil
A 2013 study25 published in Food Chemistry points to rosemary as having a long history in tradition for treating headaches due to the potent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving compounds it contains. It backs up a 2008 study26 that found the same benefits. Added to that are comments by Top 10 Home Remedies:
“It helps treat headaches because of its stimulating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It has a calming effect on the body and helps reduce stress and insomnia, common triggers that can cause headaches.”27
Suggested ways to use rosemary essential oil for migraine headache relief include adding one or two drops to a cup of tea, water or soup and drinking it. You can also mix two drops of rosemary oil with two drops of peppermint oil and a teaspoon of coconut oil to massage your forehead, temples and the back of your neck.
You can get an allergen test before using essential oils to make sure you’re not allergic. This entails applying a diluted amount of oil onto your skin and observing if allergic reactions occur. If you experience side effects, don’t use the oil. However, while oils like those mentioned above can have therapeutic effects, they aren't instant cures, nor are they a substitute for optimal nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/06/09/essential-oils-for-headache.aspx
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