#Beau Arlen’s gf
hotpeoplesimp1 · 3 months
Beau Arlen Imagine
Beau Arlen, sheriff of Big Sky, from Texas, intimidating, tall, strong, dating plus sized, anxious, insecure, ADHD, bookshop/florist/artist/music teacher/baker, gf…. I just think that’d be like the most adorable thing.
Like she’d get all nervous at police parties and banquets, like “do I look good”, “do you think they’ll like me”, and he immediately just assures her. “You’re absolutely gorgeous”, “anyone who doesn’t like you is crazy”.
And she’ll make him cute little crocheted or knitted things, or a painting, or just something from her hyper fixation/hobby. She doesn’t know if he’ll like, maybe he’ll think it’s stupid, but he finds it adorable and puts it in his office immediately.
Or maybe she hyper fixates on like mysteries and history, or dark facts, or just knows that kind of stuff in general because she likes random facts. So he’ll be going over a case with an officer or detective, or deputy, and she drops by to drop off lunch, like she does everyday. And she just overhears and says some dark or weird fact that she probably shouldn’t, and the other person is like “what the fuck”, but Beau doesn’t even flinch, completely used to it. Or says “thanks, darlin” because it could be something useful, and if it’s not, he’ll say “really?” Just so she doesn’t feel like she shouldn’t have said anything or gets uncomfortable. And he’ll just go to her because she’s like a little encyclopedia of random facts. But of course it freaks him out the first couple times cuz here’s this adorable, soft, anxious, hyper, little ladybug (a possible nickname for her), and she just spits out some shit like “if you crunch up glass and put a tbsp in someone’s drink, it’ll kill them within a week or two depending on how big they are, and it won’t leave a trace” because they couldn’t figure out how this guy died and she just spit out a theory to try to be helpful while she was dropping off lunch.
He’ll love cuddling up to her because she’s so soft. Like thick thighs? He’s always got a hand on them, and if you’re lying on the couch or in bed, he’ll rest his body between them and lay his head on her soft stomach, or breasts. Stretch marks? He’ll trace them, either with his fingers ansentmindedly, or with his tongue if it’s spicy time. And he practically purrs when she runs her fingertips through his hair. And she’ll give him shoulder massages after a rough day at work. And of course he rubs her bag and massages her thighs because she gets sore from all that extra “personal pillow”. It takes a bit to get used to just how affectionate and considerate she is, but once he does, he’s just a big teddy bear. And he both loves and hates how affectionate she is, because it’s not just with him. She’ll bake cookies for the whole squad, or do favours, and chats with people she knows, or if they talk to her first. Just smiling brightly all the time and giving them her attention. He thinks it’s adorable how sweet and considerate she is, but he can’t help but get a little jealous if he thinks she’s giving someone too much attention. Or if someone’s flirting with her but she doesn’t realize, he’ll get jealous. Either just glaring at the other person silently, never her because he knows she doesn’t know, and that she’s never do it on purpose, though he didn’t at first and they talked about it. Or he’ll stop what he’s doing and walk over, wrapping an arm around her waist, tugging her into his side, and find someway to integrate himself into the conversation, or make up some excuse and pull her away.
He’d pick up on her anxiety triggers and signs so quickly because of how observant he is. Making sure she has something to fidget with, and if not, he’ll let her play with his fingers, or just hold his hand. And if they’re at a party and it’s too much for her and she’s getting too anxious, he decides they should leave. Even if she insists it’s fine, that she doesn’t want to ruin his fun, he doesn’t let her. He’ll tell her stuff like “I’ll have a lot more fun at home with you”, or “I’m not having that much fun anyway”. He’d tell everyone that they’re gonna go, say something like he’s tired, or he has work early. Never blames her or anything.
And he sticks up for her so, so quickly. Like if he overhears someone calling her “weird” or something, he’s not having it. He’ll glare at them, and if it’s an officer, he’ll bring them aside and scold them. He finds all her little “quirks” or “strangeness” adorable and or hot.
And the sex… He’d be so caring and sweet. Muttering praises, and placing kisses on her stretch marks or slight chub rolls. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart”, “that’s it, baby. Just like that”, “You can do it”, “So hot. Getting me all hot n’bothered without trying”. Loving caresses all over her body. He’s ask her to sit on his face and she’d be really nervous and hesitant because of her weight, just how she was when she first sat on his lap but even more so. And he just assures her that “I’m a strong guy”, “if I need a break, I’ll tap out”, and if she says she’ll smother him he just says “I can not think of a better way to go”. Eventually she gives in and does it, and he’s so fucking happy. Just grinning like an idiot as he holds onto her hips and or thighs tightly, his fingertips digging in. The first time he’s rough is a while after they start dating, after a really tough case, or his ex wife’s getting on his nerves, or he’s just having a bad day, and she notices. Telling him to take it out on her, and she can take it. So he does, but doesn’t go too hard or rough, making sure she’s ok as soon as he gets slightly rougher. And always, always cleans her up and takes care of her. “You ok, darlin’? I didn’t go too hard”, “Imma get you a drink, ok”, “let’s get you cleaned up”, “did so good, baby”.
Someone they don’t know will see them and assume she’s just his friend because no way a guy like that could be with a girl like her. At least not at first glance. And he just states so proudly that she’s his girlfriend, or his girl. Like someone will ask who she is and he just gets a shit eating grin on his face and states with such pride “she’s my girl”. But if they get disrespectful of her, or asks him “really? Her?” He gets pissed. Glaring at them and starting an argument. Disliking them for the rest of, well, ever.
Just a thought. You’re welcome, or not. I don’t know, just can’t get it out of my head. Thought it’s was adorable and cute, like all you lovely people (most).
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starbabexxx · 2 years
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