#Batti looks like the bi flag
l393ndjean · 8 months
y'all I have someone to introduce
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Her name's Batilthaba.
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vanillabat99 · 8 months
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Here is a screenshot of my heavily modded ship in Starbound!! I've been working on it for a couple days now and I really like how it's turned out :3 I still have the cockpit to make pretty, but I have no idea what I want to do with it.
Most of the furniture is from "WW Furniture" (Steam Workshop link)!! I've installed too many mods to list, but if there's anything in particular you're curious about I can absolutely get the mod pages for you!!
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Yoo this is a list of pride flags in halloween styles, it's so cute!! Theres so so so many flags too! I just thought youd all take interest in it (my fav holiday is halloween so!!)
The user also reblogged some badass ones too.
Check out those 2 users if you want some cool Halloween themed pride flags.
Follow them because it looks like they do Christmas too.
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