#Baroness Sureka
asexplainedbyttoi · 1 year
Boris Johnson’s entire testimony to the Partygate inquiry as explained by The Thick of It
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afieldinengland · 11 months
watching malcolm inadvertently joke his way into a cell at the goolding inquiry really is rough. there’s something kind of awful about actually seeing him turn desperate when he realises it’s all, for once, unspinnable
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streatfeild · 11 months
Hey question: Who do you consider the hot people from the thick of it?
hey! strictly personal i‘d say adam, fergus (i mean. it‘s more geoffrey streatfeild than fergus. idk i think fergus is unfuckable, and then i look at geoff and go insane? if that makes sense?), emma, peter (yeah sorry), jamie, dan miller, helen, malcolm, and, moving away from the main cast, simon weir & baroness sureka. hugh i wouldn’t exactly call hot but i certainly like to look.
(That‘s more than i‘d have thought. Huh)
objectively it‘s probably ollie, sam and angela as well but. 🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼
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"Big hugs", oh Glenn. 
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asexplainedbyttoi · 4 years
The Tories This Week As Explained By The Thick Of It Gifs
The Tories U turning on free school meals because Marcus Rashford made them
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Allegra Stratton the new press secretary refusing to deal with Boris Johnson’s aides, only Johnson himself
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Someone leaking that information
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A Number 10 former advisor saying ‘we are seeing government by leaking’
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An inquiry is launched into leaking in the government because of course it fucking is
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Brexit still happening and no sign of a trade deal with the EU, President-Elect Joe Biden refusing to do a deal because of the Internal Market Bill and Ireland saying ‘Brexit deal must be struck next week or we have real problems’
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The House of Lords shooting down the Internal Market Bill because it breaks international law in a very limited and specific way, but Johnson going ahead with it anyway
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Number 10 spin doctor Lee Cain, implicated in the leaking inquiry, is fired
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Dominic Cummings said he would step down at the end of the year
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The next day, Dominic Cummings announced he would be stepping down with immediate effect as he is also fired
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You literally can’t make this shit up, except Armando Iannucci did. If Matt Groening is the US’s prophet, certainly Armando Iannucci is the UK’s.
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afieldinengland · 4 months
i do sort of forget how bad ollie’s lying abilities are at the inquiry before i rewatch it. why is he so good at lying in the spin way, the media way, the malcolm way (not that malcolm wasn’t good at lying in every other context, besides of course the inquiry), and yet is so terrible at lying interpersonally. squirming in his seat in his nice suit going Yes i’ve known mr tucker for many years baroness sureka but no i’ve never been bullied by him. never been threatened with castration or sex or mutilation by him. never phoned in a bomb threat for him. never leaked an email for him. never felled a leader for him. never snuck out of hospital the day after surgery to be at his heels again. never been bought flowers or cheap whiskey or been called boy or lad or foxy lady or a meanspirited little shithouse by him. never knelt under the desk for him. i’m not some kind of governmental cockwarmer <- the governmental cockwarmer
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soniasaraiya · 11 years
The Thick of It (the rest of it) and In the Loop (because, related)
Yeah I watched all of this and it was so good and christ Peter Capaldi. Malcolm Tucker's final speech in front of the Inquiry was just so beautiful, so perfect. I know that there is something a little bit weird about the fact that I crazily adore probably the most repulsive character, but he's the only one I think who truly understands anything in that (this) (our) whole (stupid) government.
ALSO BARONESS SUREKA! I took a picture of her because SHE IS THE BEST.
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Indian people we have infiltrated the British aristocracy. Good job everyone our plan is succeeding go home and eat a jalebi
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moocowmoocow · 10 years
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omnishamblestexts · 11 years
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(919): The point remains that this is the set up for some great stories.
(1-919): Or terrible, horrifying, traumatic experiences
(919) great clearly means different things to us.
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afieldinengland · 10 months
baroness sureka: mr tucker are you lying to this inquiry right now
malcolm tucker: [exhibiting the highest amount of tells anyone has displayed ever] i don’t recall
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fuckyeahthethickofit · 12 years
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afieldinengland · 11 months
this is a baroness sureka fanblog
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afieldinengland · 2 months
marry me, baroness sureka
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afieldinengland · 3 years
baroness sureka rlly said “tell me about leaking” and malcolm tucker went “allow me to demonstrate”
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