#Barnaby Webber
mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
Beheadings in DRC are common. In Kinshasa, June 13 (IANS) there were at least 46 people were killed in an attack by militias on a camp for the displaced persons in the eastern region of Congo (https://www.sakshipost.com/news/46-killed-militia-attack-congo-198832) DRC:  Muslims murder 12 people, beheading many with hatchets and machetes “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an…
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i-ate-your-dog-srry · 4 months
I'm just answering some of my own questions and telling some facts about Charlie (my welcome home oc) because my mutual gave me alota inspiration with how well their character is made (Dominic)
Charlie is really confident (like almost to a toxic level) he is fully confident in his looks and finds himself quite charming.
He is definitely not a morally sound character he knows he isn't perfect, and instead of trying to fix it, most of the times he just embraces it even if it isn't always healthy..
He is always striking a pose, just standing there like a normal puppet? Nope! A full-on power pose!
He was inspired by my hand-made puppet and Jake Webber(more from his music), and I tried to make him a bit punk
His favorite song is "ME ME ME" by Jake Webber (I'm not at all obsessed with Jake 100% .. not at all..)
He is bisexual with a preference for men (he doesn't really have anyone romantic interest in any of the characters, though)
He named his gutair Gertrude and gave her a gender he openly talks to her, sometimes whispering snide comments to her when he feels threatened or insulted
He gets REALLY nervous and fidgety when the other neighbors pick up or interact with Gertrude it's a completely new side of him as he is usually pretty chill and laid back nobody really even tries to touch his gutair because he gets strange and almost disstent when they do (the weird thing is that Charlie never tries to stop them from picking her up or handing her he just gets nervous)
He has a bit of problems connecting to people and usually tries not to get to attached (he always ends up getting way to attached anyway)
He is actually surprisingly good at comforting people
His favorite food is oranges and surprise his favorite color is orange
He dislike strangers he is always avoiding them and he can be kind of an entitled brat when it comes to meeting them (he has never had a good first impression) its like he thinks there out to get him and they make him paranoid.
He likes to carry wally around like a football because he simply can
He likes teasing people, especially when they are shorter than him.. and not even shorter by a lot..
He is really bad at tasting his own medicine, even getting embarrassed or a bit upset when Barnaby, Poppy, or Howdys comments on how short he is compared to them
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
The mother of one of the Nottingham stabbings victims has said killers can “get away with murder” after a report recommended the Government consider overhauling homicide laws.
Emma Webber said it was “abhorrent” that a murder charge against her son’s killer, Valdo Calocane, was not pursued.
A review into the case has concluded that prosecutors were right to accept a manslaughter plea from the 32-year-old on the basis of diminished responsibility.
But the report called for the Government to consider introducing three tiers of homicide which would mean that people with mental illness who kill could still be convicted of murder.
Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, along with school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, were killed by paranoid schizophrenic Calocane in a series of knife attacks in Nottingham in June last year.
Mrs Webber said the families of the victims were “disappointed but not entirely surprised”.
She added: “The overall outcome I think until the law changes in this country, a diminished responsibility charge and plea means that murderers can get away with murder.
“We’ve never disputed Calocane’s mental health problems but I would say at the moment in this country, if you commit murder and you’ve got mental health issues then it’s very unlikely that you’re actually going to be tried for murder.”
Dr Sanjoy Kumar, father of Grace, said: “I think the first question you have to ask... is can a paranoid schizophrenic commit murder in this country? Because it seems to me that you can’t and that’s impossible for us to understand.”
Calocane pleaded guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility in January and was given an indefinite hospital order.
But following concerns raised by the victim’s families, His Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Inspectorate has reviewed the decision to accept the plea.
While the report found that prosecutors were right to accept the manslaughter charge in Calocane’s case, it concluded that the Government should now consider overhauling current homicide laws. Inspectors said the Government should reconsider a recommendation made by the Law Commission in 2006 that called for three tiers of homicide to be introduced, including first degree murder, second degree murder – which would include diminished responsibility – and manslaughter.
Victims’ families felt ‘secondary’ to process
The inspectorate also concluded that the victims families should have been better supported by the CPS.
It found that the families felt “secondary” to the process and that they had not been properly consulted.
Chief Insp Anthony Rogers said: “It is unimaginable having to deal with the death of a loved one under such horrific circumstances, but having to deal with the criminal justice system at a time of heartbreak and grief adds a further dimension of challenge.
“To better support victims and increase public trust, we call on the government to consider amending the homicide law, review the support provided to victims of crime in serious cases such as this, and provide greater clarity about the role of victims in the criminal justice system.”
Stephen Parkinson, the director of Public Prosecutions at the CPS, said: “In tragic and complex circumstances such as these, the CPS has difficult decisions to make, but must always act with independence and professionalism. I believe that our team did so in this case, and with considerable dedication and commitment.”
It has previously emerged that Calocane was wanted by police at the time of the killings in relation to an assault on a police officer in September 2021, who was attempting to have him sectioned.
Calocane had been due to appear in court in August 2022 and a warrant, which was still outstanding in June 2023, had been issued for his arrest.
Following his sentencing, it also emerged that on May 5, 2023, while Calocane was working at Arvato Supply Chain Solutions, at a warehouse near East Midlands Airport, he assaulted two security guards.
The business reported the incident the same day, and Leicestershire Police attended but Calocane was no longer there.
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cavenewstimes · 1 month
Nottingham attack victim’s mother condemns police who said son was ‘properly butchered’ in shocking Whatsapps
For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails The mother of one of the Nottingham attack victims has condemned police who described her son as being “properly butchered” in shocking Whatsapp messages. The families of Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, who were killed alongside caretaker Ian…
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noahtalk20 · 1 month
'Cloak appreciate', sufferer's mum urges over graphic post
Sahara news Image caption, Ian Coates, Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar died at the scene of the attacks By Samantha Noble & PA Media BBC News The mum of Nottingham attacks sufferer Barnaby Webber has entreated a police workers member who she talked about wrote a graphic post regarding the killings to “expose the appreciate that became once now no longer given to her son”. Emma Webber has…
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
The CPS report has called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first degree and second degree murder, as well as manslaughter. The mother of one of triple killer Valdo Calocane's victims has joined calls for the Government to overhaul murder laws in the wake of the Nottingham attacks. Emma Webber said it was "abhorrent" that murder charges were not pursued against her son Barnaby's killer, while the watchdog's findings drew criticism from campaigners who described them as a "missed opportunity". A review of the actions taken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) found prosecutors were right to accept a plea of manslaughter by diminished responsibility from Calocane, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. But the findings did highlight areas where the CPS could have handled the case "better". The watchdog's report, ordered by Attorney General Victoria Prentis, instead called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws, as recommended by the Law Commission nearly 20 years ago, to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first-degree and second-degree murder, as well as manslaughter. Calocane was sentenced to an indefinite hospital order for stabbing to death university students Mr Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar, both 19, as well as school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, in the early hours of June 13 last year. He admitted manslaughter by diminished responsibility as well as pleading guilty to the attempted murder of three people who were hit by a van stolen from Mr Coates. There was an outcry of anger from the victims' families after prosecutors decided not to pursue murder charges for Calocane, prompting Ms Prentis to order a review of how the CPS handled the case and ask the Court of Appeal to review the sentence. Inspectors found that if the Law Commission's 2006 recommendations on homicide charges had been accepted and implemented, "the unlawful killings in this tragic case would have been categorised as murder, albeit second-degree murder". The Chief Inspector of His Majesty's CPS Inspectorate said the families were struggling to understand how someone who knowingly went out to kill people was not charged with murder. He called for a fundamental re-think of the role of victims in the criminal justice system, suggesting that changes to the law should be a "sensible manifesto commitment" in an election year. The watchdog's report found that the CPS charging decision was correct, and the acceptance of pleas of not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter was also correct. The report acknowledged that the families felt unsupported and secondary to the whole process. The families's concerns and the public disquiet about the case highlighted aspects where further consideration is needed. Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson said that difficult decisions were made with independence and professionalism, and the report's findings would be carefully considered. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak previously promised the victims' families answers, but their calls for a public inquiry remain unanswered. Investigations into the actions of police and mental health staff continue. The families were due to meet the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) on Tuesday, which is investigating both Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire forces over their handling of the case. The families affected by Calocane's actions expressed disappointment with the outcome of the report. They felt let down by the system and were treated as secondary parties in the criminal justice process. The case exposes a disconnect between the reality of being in the system and the support available, prompting further considerations on how the Government should act. The controversy surrounding Calocane's case has sparked a call for re-evaluating the role of victims in the criminal justice system. While the families continue to seek answers, the recommendations
put forward by the watchdog raise important questions about how the criminal justice system can better address the needs of victims and provide more support to those affected by tragic events like this one.
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thxnews · 4 months
Urgent CPS Review After Nottingham Stabbing
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The Scope of the Inspection
Examining Key Decisions A critical focus of this inspection will be the CPS's decision to accept Valdo Calocane’s guilty pleas to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Additionally, the review will scrutinize the process behind this decision, evaluating whether it was in line with legal standards and public expectations. Furthermore, the inspection will assess the CPS’s adherence to its duties in consulting with the families of the victims prior to accepting these pleas.   Attorney General’s Directive Attorney General Victoria Prentis emphasizes the need for a "prompt and thorough review" to understand the events leading to the tragic outcomes of this case. Furthermore, her directive underlines the Government's commitment to addressing the concerns raised by the families of Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar, and Ian Coates, who were senselessly killed in the incident.   Attorney General Victoria Prentis said: The senseless deaths of Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar, and Ian Coates have horrified the country. While nothing will bring their loved ones back, the families understandably want to understand what happened in this case. That’s why I have asked the inspectorate to carry out a prompt and thorough review of CPS actions so we can properly investigate the concerns raised by the families in this devastating case.  
Wider Government Action
Comprehensive Reviews and Investigations Complementing the CPS inspection, the Health and Social Care Secretary has ordered a special review of the mental health services provided by the NHS Trust that treated Valdo Calocane. Additionally, the Attorney General is scrutinizing the sentence under the Unduly Lenient Sentencing Scheme. These efforts showcase the Government's holistic approach to ensuring that all aspects of this case are examined thoroughly.   Policing Oversight and Accountability In a move to enhance transparency and accountability, Leicestershire Police have referred themselves to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Moreover, the Policing Minister has met with senior leaders of Nottinghamshire Police to discuss the case further. These actions reflect the Government's dedication to scrutinizing every facet of the law enforcement and judicial process in this matter.  
Timely and Effective Response
Deadline for the Inspection Report HMCPSI has a task to complete its report by Easter, and this indicates the urgency and significance the Government attaches to this review. Furthermore, the Attorney General’s Office is committed to working closely with the CPS to ensure that they implement any recommendations from the inspection expeditiously.   Moving Towards Closure and Reform This inspection, along with the associated reviews and investigations, is a critical step towards providing the families of the victims with the answers they deserve. It also presents an opportunity for systemic reform, ensuring that we prevent similar tragedies in the future and that the criminal justice system operates with the utmost integrity and efficiency.  
A Commitment to Justice and Improvement
The urgent inspection of the CPS's handling of the Nottingham stabbing case is more than an administrative exercise; it's a testament to the Government's resolve to uphold justice and improve the criminal justice system. By thoroughly investigating the decisions and processes involved in this case, the Government aims to provide solace to the affected families and strengthen public confidence in the UK's legal and law enforcement institutions.   Sources: THX News, Attorney General's Office & The Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP. Read the full article
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#BREAKING: #Nottingham killer #ValdoCalocane has been sentenced to a hospital order for fatally #stabbing #BarnabyWebber, Grace O'Malley-Kumar and #IanCoates.
BREAKING: Nottingham killer Valdo Calocane has been sentenced to a hospital order for fatally stabbing Barnaby Webber, Grace O'Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates.https://t.co/HcG3kj2cfL 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/tqqYXKCqoK — Sky News (@SkyNews) January 25, 2024 Source: X
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qudachuk · 11 months
Family and friends will gather in Taunton, Somerset to pay their respects to Barnaby Webber, 19, who died after being attacked on June 1.
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12blogmk · 1 year
Nottingham attacks suspect Valdo Calocane back in court
Valdo Calocane is accused of murdering Barnaby Webber, Grace O’Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates.
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may we remember the lives of barnaby webber grace kumar and ian coates 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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cric-informer · 1 year
England Cricketer Died In Knife Attack
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ellinafox02 · 1 year
Grace Kumar was a well-known hockey player who died on 13 June 2023 after being stabbed by a knife in the Nottingham attack. In 2019, she entered the Lee Valley England Hockey Performance Centre and was chosen for the England Under-16 team. Later, she represented England in a number of international competitions. Grace Kumar died at 4 am on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 in Ilkeston Road, along with friend Barnaby Webber at the age of 19. She was attacked with a knife by an unidentified attacker while she was returning from a training session in London. Hockey Grace Kumar's Death is shocking news for all, may her soul rest in peace.
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trdsf · 1 year
What I watch in my spare time
A propos of nothing in particular, a selection of my favorite YouTube channels.
AronRa - Especially his series on evolution Barnaby Dixon - Just amazing, visually and musically Clickspring - The machine shop as high art Fossil Daddy - The sexiest scientist! Gavin Webber - ASMR for foodies Gotham Chess - Chess with an attitude Hand Tool Rescue - Because old tools are awesome Isaac Arthur - Science, dammit! Jelle's Marble Runs - Best marble sports out there Legal Eagle - Devin always has a great take Let's Game It Out - Nobody breaks games like Josh Mikan - Virtual marble races in Unity and Algodoo The Netherlands Bach Society - Because Bach, dammit, and if you need more than that, you need help Randy Rainbow - Randy Rainbow is a goddamn national treasure, and I will die on that hill Thalasso Hobbyer - ASMR for Dagon worshippers Thomas Benjamin Wild, Esq. - Because I've no more fucks to give Tysy Tube Restoration - more art of fixing things
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Here’s my favorite character bingo, only this time is:
Video Game Edition!
That’s right: I decided to make a bingo that only included video game characters. And while some of them have appeared in other forms of media, they all have video game origins, so it’s all fair game (heh).
Some of them were present in my other bingos, while others are new faces! Based on them, can you guess my type? :3c
Hope you like it! **
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
The CPS report has called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first degree and second degree murder, as well as manslaughter. The mother of one of triple killer Valdo Calocane's victims has joined calls for the Government to overhaul murder laws in the wake of the Nottingham attacks. Emma Webber said it was "abhorrent" that murder charges were not pursued against her son Barnaby's killer, while the watchdog's findings drew criticism from campaigners who described them as a "missed opportunity". A review of the actions taken by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) found prosecutors were right to accept a plea of manslaughter by diminished responsibility from Calocane, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. But the findings did highlight areas where the CPS could have handled the case "better". The watchdog's report, ordered by Attorney General Victoria Prentis, instead called on ministers to consider re-categorising homicide laws, as recommended by the Law Commission nearly 20 years ago, to make three tiers of charges available to prosecutors - first-degree and second-degree murder, as well as manslaughter. Calocane was sentenced to an indefinite hospital order for stabbing to death university students Mr Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar, both 19, as well as school caretaker Ian Coates, 65, in the early hours of June 13 last year. He admitted manslaughter by diminished responsibility as well as pleading guilty to the attempted murder of three people who were hit by a van stolen from Mr Coates. There was an outcry of anger from the victims' families after prosecutors decided not to pursue murder charges for Calocane, prompting Ms Prentis to order a review of how the CPS handled the case and ask the Court of Appeal to review the sentence. Inspectors found that if the Law Commission's 2006 recommendations on homicide charges had been accepted and implemented, "the unlawful killings in this tragic case would have been categorised as murder, albeit second-degree murder". The Chief Inspector of His Majesty's CPS Inspectorate said the families were struggling to understand how someone who knowingly went out to kill people was not charged with murder. He called for a fundamental re-think of the role of victims in the criminal justice system, suggesting that changes to the law should be a "sensible manifesto commitment" in an election year. The watchdog's report found that the CPS charging decision was correct, and the acceptance of pleas of not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter was also correct. The report acknowledged that the families felt unsupported and secondary to the whole process. The families's concerns and the public disquiet about the case highlighted aspects where further consideration is needed. Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Parkinson said that difficult decisions were made with independence and professionalism, and the report's findings would be carefully considered. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak previously promised the victims' families answers, but their calls for a public inquiry remain unanswered. Investigations into the actions of police and mental health staff continue. The families were due to meet the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) on Tuesday, which is investigating both Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire forces over their handling of the case. The families affected by Calocane's actions expressed disappointment with the outcome of the report. They felt let down by the system and were treated as secondary parties in the criminal justice process. The case exposes a disconnect between the reality of being in the system and the support available, prompting further considerations on how the Government should act. The controversy surrounding Calocane's case has sparked a call for re-evaluating the role of victims in the criminal justice system. While the families continue to seek answers, the recommendations
put forward by the watchdog raise important questions about how the criminal justice system can better address the needs of victims and provide more support to those affected by tragic events like this one.
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