rosenroot · 1 year
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Alicent and little Aemond
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waowrat · 1 month
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why isn't anyone talking about morph turning into mr SINISTER? A PERSON WHO GAVE THEM PTSD?? HELLO??? THE ANGST POTENTIAL...
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metakirya · 1 year
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cant stop thinking bout themn
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saliosis · 6 months
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does anyone in chat like lost media?
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different variants of this same image that i decided not to go with
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jsuika · 3 months
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I don't care on what people think about this guy.
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una10bananas · 9 months
Almost every time I see a skulduggery pleasant post on here it's negative, talking about plot holes or whatever -- I just wish some other people actually liked the books for what they are as opposed to wanting them to be something else! Sure there are random plot twists sometimes and anticlimactic solutions and way too much going on, but the dialogue is always funny and the jokes are good and skulduggery is incredibly likeable :) reading it always puts a smile on my face and that's worth something :D
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aokagasgf · 9 months
Kagami: you need to react when people cry!
Aomine: I did. I rolled my eyes.
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giolovesyousm · 1 year
neil chooses the sweaters to buy basing the color and the size as how they would look on todd
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tszylover · 3 months
lol it’s been a while but the new chapter is sooo cute and so them. like he tian’s here getting a little jealous and insecure seeing how close mo and buzzcut are and he’s trying to get mo’s attention and so when buzzcut’s older sister is all over him, he lets it happen. his thought process was probably something like any kind of attention is still attention. if at the end of day mo is looking only at me what does it matter. he wants mo to speak up, to claim him in a way he also wants to claim mo. but mo ignores him instead? and he doesn’t like it one bit. (mo doesn’t have the same perspective on their relationship. he doesnt think he holds any right to be jealous, especially when he’s not entirely sure what he wants either. and he’s not the kinda person to tell he tian what he can and can’t do either. so he’ll just pretend to look away. pretend it doesn’t hurt his heart in a way he doesn’t understand. he tian would do whatever mo wants in a heart beat. so i think they need more communication.) and so he tian quickly goes back to normal. he acts over the top. he whines for mo’s attention, just he usually does
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sabeedraws · 1 year
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I'm rewatching atla, so I figured it's about time I try drawing Zuko - but it's really hard y'all omg
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Mom City or, as I like to call it, the OT3 goes to town.
Roy asking for Keeley’s help because he tried to help Jamie on his own, but couldn’t manage. The lack of jeaoulsy here is both fantastic and such a relief – Roy wants to get back with Keeley but still doesn’t hesitate to enlist her in comforting her ex, even though he’s been uncomfortable with their continued bond in the past, because a, he’s finally learning to trust Jamie, and b, he just cares too much about Jamie not to do whatever it takes to help him and everything else be damned.
The way Keeley smiles when she realizes that Roy wants her help with Jamie, and then that look of utter delight on her face when she sees them after the game.
“How did it go with Jamie?”
Roy and Keeley chasing after Jamie while it seems so real I can feel it plays and I mean really.
“I don’t believe you’ve lost Jamie Tartt!” – “You can’t lose Jamie Tartt!” 
Jamie really did bring Roy and Keeley home to meet his mum (and Simon!), huh.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you both,” says Jamie’s mum to Roy and Keeley and that’s some small justice for Roy, surely, the fact that Jamie apparently talks about him (and Keeley) quite a bit too?
That shared look and smile between Roy and Keeley as Jamie carries his mum away, like oh, and he’s been so loved, fuck yeah.
Posters of Roy and Keeley on his childhood bedroom wall. (And shout out to the nonny who called this last week; I did not expect this! Still processing!) Let’s take a moment to appreciate what this must look like to Georgie and Simon? There’s Jamie at the door and oh, he’s bringing along these two people he’s had posters of since he was a kid. Can’t be a total surprise since he, you know, talks about them (probably a lot!), but even so!
But given what we’ve seen of mummy Georgie, I doubt she finds this strange at all? Of course her boy should go out there and date and be best friends and really complicated relationship shapes with that footballer and that model he’s always kept pictures of on his wall, whatever makes you happy, Jamie, her boy is a golden boy and deserves the best.
“You and me… sitting on Jamie Tartt’s childhood bed… being all fucking concerned about him and shit.” And it is weird, maybe, but Roy doesn’t look upset about it? He looks pleased! Pleased that he’s there with Keeley and that they’re doing this! This episode really is just Roy trying to lowkey woo Keeley while also being hellbent on taking care of Jamie and and and
Jamie’s little smile after he catches Roy and Keeley holding hands and they’re walking out the door.
Roy and Keeley meeting up and getting booze and then going to find Jamie to celebrate with him. (And you could have this forever, you know? It doesn’t have to be just tonight. And it won’t be.)
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enden-k · 5 months
Why. Why does his bazoongers keep getting bigger. Stop. Stop upgrading his weapons. The simps are dying. I am dying.
taking a shot everytime some anon accuses me of enhancing the haibooba. im dying from alcohol poisoning.
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negrowhat · 4 months
It is possible to enjoy a character without condoning the things they've done...
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Teju Cole, Blind Spot
Hockey Poetry Post 31/?
(Photo credit: Steve Russell, Steve Russell, Steve Russell, Steve Russell, link, Jack Boland, Steve Russell, Steve Russell, Steve Russell, Steve Russell)
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pierogish · 2 years
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autumn kids
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dyclerc · 8 months
Jack & Ruben 🤔
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