#BTW I don't believe in the magic part but I do belive these rituals still work
iwanttobepersephone · 4 months
My dad bought me a "beginners guide to witchcraft" or something book years and years and years ago, but recently, I've been reading through it more often, and it's literally so fun. Mostly because the more I read it, the more I realize witchcraft is literally just self care with a different font.
"Use this ritual to connect with Mother Earth!" And it's just sitting outside for like 5 minutes. But you bet your a++ I'm gonna do that ritual anyways, it's fun
"If you're having trouble sleeping, here's some teas you can drink! Make sure you know what's keeping you awake, though!" Yeah, that's just. Self-awareness and tea. But y'know what I like tea so yeah I'll do that
This isn't even a "gotcha!" Moment btw this is literally just the point of witchcraft
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