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neutrallyobsessed ยท 2 years
Tall Kay half baked idea. Consider The following. After case 5 of AAI2. Kay Faraday gets offered a starring role as her self in GourdZilla Vs The Yatagarasu by Global studios. Literally just a Kaiju sized Kay Faraday in her usual attire playing the big hero enlarged through SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY methods. LolWe see cool fight scenes in the middle of the city. MONSTER VS HERO OF JUSTICE. and when you thought she wasnโ€™t tall enough. :)
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Oh, it's half-baked alright...! lemme put it back in the oven so it finishes cooking okay~?
After all "Kaiju sized Kay Faraday in her usual attire" just sounds like the writer's poorly disguised fetish so we gotta give it an extra Thingโ„ข, not to mention a bit of a plot? So this is what I got:
In the year 2XX7, the world of science has began to experiment with the splicing of human and animal DNA, so (Kay Faraday), The Great Thief Yatagarasu, decides that it'd be a great idea if she had crow-like abilities like flying, walking on wires or poles or good memory. "it'd be cool!"- she says. But something goes wrong and instead of being just herself but with wings and bird feet she can pull out at will, she transforms into an actual yatagarasu, the three legged crow... but huge. And thats the only bad thing about it, (Kay) doesn't mind being turned into a monster chick if it helps bussiness, but being too frickin big does the exact opposite! On top of that, the contamination on the Gourd Lake has also affected Gourdy and now it's big and full of righteous rage! And The Yatagarasu is the only one who can stop it...
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((the name is in parenthesis as if will be replaced for the name of the fictional character she'll play, overall this sorta looks like drafts of early production hahah))
It is campy and action-packed but also has themes of humans playing God and Hell is paved with good intentions, so at the end of the day, there are no real villian or antagonist other than human ambition, and that is something no one can stop
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Now, if you just wanted a very huge Kay, here she is~ fetish or not, this was very fun and a good way to practice urban enviroments. I specially liked how it can be tied to the AA universe, be a way Kay can launder the money she makes out of being the Yatagarasu xd. I mean, Edgeworth just giving her money no context is so incredibly sus ๐Ÿ‘€
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I'm leaving them as sketches for now, i got a bit of a tight schelude, but if you want them finished lmk~!
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