#BEE Star Labelling
asccertification · 1 year
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was established to promote energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. The BEE Star Labelling Scheme was introduced by the government of India to raise awareness about energy efficiency in electrical appliances. This article explains the BEE star labelling scheme and BEE registration process in India, including the products requiring mandatory and voluntary registration. If you need any assistance in relation to BEE certification in India, feel free to contact the ASC Group.
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ascregistration · 1 year
BEE Star Labelling Scheme and the registration process for traders, manufacturers, and importers. Learn about the mandatory and voluntary BEE registration requirements for different products and the validity period of the registration certificate. If you need any assistance in relation to BEE Star Labelling in India, feel free to contact the ASC Group.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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T’Pol Waiting
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lalunearts · 2 years
I'm in the middle of writing homestuck fanfiction(maybe animatics) with dsmp characters. Anyway Jane crocker and Tubbo Underscore were both raised by the condesnce on Earth(or as i call it Calamity 4). Jane, who was 23 left when tubbo was almost 15, and tubbo joined the lmanburg army on Calliope 14, and started being nervous when he saw a lot of similaritys in the mental state of Wilbur and Jane during pogtopia.
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chamomiletealeaf · 3 months
Sweet as Pie
Chapter 5
Warnings: mommy kink, praise kink, sex muahahaha, slight drinking, tooth rotting sweetness tbh
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About a month has gone by filled with walks, long talks, laughs, and delicious dinners between you and Simon. You cooked for him every time you were both home at the same time and even went food shopping together once. Spending time together became a habit, and you two started to have withdrawals from each other when you spent a few days apart. But, even away from each other, there was always something there to remind one of the other.
For you, little jars of honey at the supermarket or in your home, honey bees, and anything with a cute little skull or ghost reminded you of Simon. He told you about his time in the military as well as his counter, Ghost. And the bees and honey reminded you of his eyes, since you always thought they were the same color. Little did he know, that's why you always called him honey in the first place.
For Simon, his reminder of you was any type of pie, since you were just as sweet as one. Peaches reminded him of you as well because it was the scent of your shampoo and was the first pie you ever made him. Anything even remotely sweet reminded him of you too. But what reminded him of you the most, was the unexpected sight he saw in the mirror.
"What the-" Simon said as he was getting dressed after his morning shower. He looked in his mirror as he tried to pull his sweatpants up, fitting a bit tighter than they normally did. He untied the drawstring and stretched out the waistband so the pants would sit comfortably around his hips, which he never had to do before. Before he put his shirt on, he looked in the mirror again at his figure in confusion.
Why did everything feel tighter all of a sudden? He thought.
As Simon stared at himself in his body length mirror, he noticed a soft layer of fat pillowing his thick muscles. His muscles were still incredibly defined, but just the tiniest bit softer. His thighs, arms, and ass were definitely thicker, but what he noticed most of all, was the slight softness of his tummy and the little pudge that came with it.
That definitely was not there before. He thought as he turned in the mirror, making sure he was seeing this correctly, a confused and disbelieving expression on his face.
But then, he thought about all the food you have so kindly made for him and put all of your love into. And damn was it good.
The weight he was gaining was healthy. It showed him that he was finally relaxing, and it reminded him of the affection and care you showed him. Simon was finally learning to enjoy life, all thanks to you.
His shocked expression then softened into a smile.
Then, he remembered that he was supposed to go over for some drinks with you tonight, and his smile grew even bigger. Maybe he would get a chance to do something nice for you in return.
You spent the day preparing for the evening, doing everything you could to make the time pass in anticipation. You loved spending time with Simon, and every time you two saw each other, the stars shined brighter that night.
You asked him to come over for some drinks tonight, so you went out to get something he would like. He mentioned he liked bourbon, but you wanted to try something different with him tonight.
So, after standing in the liquor aisle of the tiny local store nearby for what felt like hours, you finally chose something. It was classic, yet rugged like him. You picked up the bottle and smiled down at it noting the liquid's honey hue that was the exact same as Simon's eyes, and placed it in your basket with the label facing up that read:
Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey
As the night fell, and you prepared your house for Simon's company, you found yourself getting even more giddy with every passing second.
You set out the glasses on the living room coffee table, had your record player out, turned on the fairy lights decorating the walls of the room, had a fire burning in the fire place, and even made a cute little platter of fruit and crackers as a little snack in case Simon got hungry.
Meanwhile, Simon spent the day thinking of what to bring you. He knew nothing would make up for the hospitality and kindness you've shown him. But he tried anyway.
Simon was never affectionate. He never had time to feel. But you were different. You made him want to catch every star from your favorite constellation and place them in a jar for you to put by your bedside to look at every night before you went to sleep, lighting up your room the way you lit up his heart.
But alas, he didn't exactly have the equipment for that right now. Maybe a quick call to Price and he'd be better equipped. But for now, he settled with a bouquet of the prettiest flowers he could find consisting of Azaleas, Magnolias, and even Cornflowers walking around the little town in Georgia you both called home.
When the time finally came, after sitting around his house checking the clock every five minutes, Simon gathered the flowers and made his way to your house.
As you stood standing in your living room, staring at your records, trying to decide what to play, the knocking of your front door caused you to gasp, snapping you out of your deep thought.
You placed the albums down and scurried over to the door with a smile, and opened it to Simon returning the same smile.
"Hi hun" You said with a giggle.
"Hi." He said back softly.
You glanced down at the flowers in his hands, wild, messy, and organic, and he held them out to you.
"Oh here. I got these for you. Sorry, they're kinda wild looking but-"
"I love them." You cut him off.
"Oh Simon they're absolutely gorgeous!" You smile impossibly bigger as you reach for them, brushing your fingers over his.
"Come on in! I got somethin' special for you." You say.
"Ah love you always have something special for me." He says in response. "Feel bad I can never pay you back."
"Oh hush with all that." You scold, as you guide him into the house and close the door behind him. "All you gotta do for me sugar is keep me company and eat all that damn food I can't stop cookin'." You joke.
"Speakin' of which, I made a little plate of snacks if you get hungry." You guide him into the living room, showing him the platter you made before you leave him to get a vase in the kitchen for your flowers.
Simon stands, looking around the living room slowly, taking in the ambiance of it. It was so nice, unlike anything he's every seen or felt before. It was just so domestic and cozy.
The warm, soft light of the fairy lights, the glow of the fire, the record player and records that have clearly been used multiple times, the two glasses set out, the worn in couch, everything was so charming and it overwhelmed Simon.
You come back into the living room with a vase filled with water and the flowers he brought you, and you placed them in the middle of the coffee table.
"Oh now isn't that lovely." You say, admiring the colors of the flowers and how they light up the dim room. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Simon says back.
"You like Chris Stapleton?" You ask him, walking over to your record player, picking up the records sat atop of it that you abandoned mere minutes ago.
"Who?" He asks, and you turn to him mouth agape.
"What do you mean who?" You say, with a fake accusatory tone. "One of the best country voices out there baby."
You take out the record from Chris Stapleton's "Traveller" album and place it in the player. And after a few seconds, the first song begins to play, livening up the room that much more.
Then, you turn to Simon sitting on the couch, and see the two glasses on the table.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I gotta show you what I got today." You leave him again on the couch for the kitchen.
Simon laughs to himself, loving how you could never stay still. You were always bouncing from one place to another, eager to show him everything you wanted in the shortest amount of time as if he would run away if you took too long. But Simon would never leave you, not even if you took days.
"So I went out today to find us a nice lil' drink for tonight, and I thought we could try this. I've never had it before, and hopefully you'll like it. I know you like Bourbon but..." You hold the bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey out and Simon smiles at how cute you are, presenting him the bottle like it's your most prized possession.
You sit next to him on the couch and go to open the bottle. You struggle a bit and Simon gently and slowly takes it from your hands, silently asking you to let him do it. You've done so much for him already.
"It's a classic. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Thank you y/n." He says as he pours the honey colored liquid into the glasses.
You both clank your glasses together as a little "cheers" and take a sip.
"Mm. Damn that's better than I thought." You say, licking your lips and looking at Simon to get his opinion.
"Not bad. Who'd've thought I'd enjoy Whiskey." He smirks at you, and you giggle, relieved he enjoys it.
"I picked it out because it reminded me of the color of your eyes. It's an exact match." You state matter-of-factly, taking another sip.
Simon perks up a bit and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, shocked that you even noticed the color of his eyes.
"R-really? You think so?" He asks taken aback by your statement.
"Yeah. They're both a deep, rich, honey color. That's actually why I call you honey sometimes. It's my favorite nickname for you."
You may have only taken two sips of the whiskey, but you spoke so truthfully and bluntly it seemed like you'd had 20.
"They're just brown." He mumbles, trying to hide his blush by taking a sip from the glass, hoping you'll think it's from the alcohol.
"No." You say, reaching your hand under his chin to tilt his face back up towards you, letting the fairy lights light up his eyes so you can get a better look. "They're definitely honey colored... honey." You tease him, and try to repress a smirk that creeps it's way onto your face anyway.
Simon's eyes widen and his lips separate slightly as his breath hitches at your assertiveness and touch.
Then, as you two stay in that position for a moment, you hear the intro to the third song on the record, which happens to be titled "Tennessee Whiskey", and is your favorite song on the album.
You gasp and look at the record player.
"Oh this one's my favorite! C'mon dance with me." You exclaim, setting your drink down and pulling him up with you, making him place drink down as well to not spill it.
"Hey! We're drinking Tennessee Whiskey just like the song says!" You giggle, giddy at the coincidence as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"I- I don't know how to dance." Simon says, standing still with his arms at his side while you sway with your arms around his shoulders.
"Neither do I." You comfort him. "Just sway, like this." You pick up his hands and place them on your waist, and he lets you. You two sway to the music playing while you hum along, and Simon's hands drop lower to rest on your hips.
You smile at him. "See, not too bad is it?" You tease.
Simon smiles back down at you, following your rhythm, hands still firmly resting on your hips, not daring to move any lower. The warm light of the fire and fairy lights illuminate Simon's eyes and emphasize the dip of his cheekbones and shading of the curve of his nose, and you smile to yourself at the confirmation that Simon's eyes, were in fact, the exact color of honey and Tennessee Whiskey.
Simon looks down at you, admiring the curve of your smile and how it crinkles your eyes, and how cute your soft humming of the melody is. You just felt so right in his hands.
Then, after a few moments of syncing your sways with each other, Simon grabs your hand and twirls you around, making you giggle.
But as you twirl around, you notice a cowboy hat hanging on a coat hanger by the door. It was an old one you really only had for decoration, but you thought Simon would look cute in it.
You grab Simon's hands off your hips and you smile at him, stepping away towards the door.
"Where you going? He asks softly, slight panic on his face as if he'd done something wrong.
You giggle again, and pick up the cowboy hat hanging by the door and hold it up, letting him see.
You walk towards him with it, and when you get close enough, right below his chin, you place it on his head with a chuckle.
"Oh god." Simon laughs, dipping his head down and his confused and worried look turned into one of humor.
"What? You look cute." You say smiling up at him as you place your hands back around his shoulders.
Simon brings his hands back to your hips, pulling you a little closer.
"Well, I think it would look cuter on you." He says, and picks the hat up off his head and places it on yours.
You gasp, looking up at him with wide eyes, then you pressed your lips together to hide a smile.
"I was right, you look cuter in it than I do.... What's that look for?" He asks.
You press your chest up against his as you lean your mouth up to his ear, both of your swaying never stopping.
"You know what the cowboy hat rule is?" You whisper to him with a smirk.
"No?" He asks confused, eyebrows furrowing as he waits for you to explain.
"You see." You giggle. "You wear a cowboy's hat, you gotta ride the cowboy." You say softly in his ear, biting your lip to suppress the smile that won't seem to go away. "And you, sugar bear, just placed yours right on my head."
You and Simon both stop swaying and look at each other. You look up at him and he looks down at you, his cheeks flushing pink and his hands never leaving your hips.
He looks down at you with wide eyes, then down to your lips, and you do the same.
Then he's pressing his lips onto yours. His hands squeeze your hips and you wrap your arms tighter around his shoulders.
You both kiss each other in the light of the fire right in the middle of your living room. It all felt so perfect.
You then take your hands and place them on the sides of his face as you both pull away for air. You lightly rub your thumbs over his blushing cheeks and he doesn't move. You stare at each other in disbelief of what just happened, but then this time, you both go back in for another kiss.
It's even more heated this time as you walk Simon back towards the couch, his tongue making its way into your mouth.
The kiss is messy and slow, filled with lust and all that pent up pining finally being released.
You take off the cowboy hat and place it next to the both of you on the couch, breaking the kiss only to gently push Simon's chest to sit. You straddle his waist and place your hands on his chest, moving in to kiss him again, just as messy and slow as before. He runs his hands up and down from your waist to your hips, then he stays there, gripping them tight as you softly grind down on him.
"Fuck." Simon whispers breathlessly. He's only ever dreamed of this moment for so long.
You run your hands up his chest to cup his face again.
"Such a pretty boy." You coo at him, then kiss him again.
Simon whines into your mouth at the praise, letting himself fall apart in your hands.
"Please." Simon whimpers.
"Please what honey?"
"Please... been waiting for this for so long. Please... ride me."
You smile against his lips, your hands still holding his face.
"Well, we wouldn't want to break the cowboy hat rule now would we?" You tease him as one hand slowly drags down from his face, all the way down to his belt.
You undo Simon's belt with one hand and reach it in his jeans to stroke him, earning a whimper from him as he bucks his hips up into your hand.
"Yeah, like that baby? How's that feel?" You coo in his ear as you nuzzle your face into his neck.
"Fuck mama, please, keep doing that." Simon drops his head back against the couch as you continue to tease him in his jeans.
You pull your face away from his neck to look at him, realizing what he called you.
"Mama?" You ask him with a smirk on your face, slowing your hand a bit.
Simon realizes what he said and his eyes widen in embarrassment as he lifts his head back up to look at you.
"Oh- fuck- sorry. It just slipped out-"
"Say it again." You demand placing your forehead on his, the hand around his leaking cock jerking him off faster, causing his precum to leak through his boxers.
Simon moans and his mouth drops open.
"Fuck- just like that mama, please." He whines.
"Aw good boy." You praise him, making his cock throb in your hand.
"Need you." He whispers, squeezing your hips again and you smile at him.
You take your hand out of his pants and move both of them to the hem of your sundress. You slowly pull your dress over your head, making a show out of it for him.
You sit straddling him, now in just a pair of cute powder blue panties, and you threw your dress to the side.
"Fuck love, you're perfect." Simon says breathlessly, moving his hands to grab at your tits.
He rubs a thumb over your nipple and you moan in response, lightly wrapping your hands around his wrists. You then bring one of his hands up to your mouth and suck on his thumb, which makes his hips buck up into you again.
You giggle at his sensitivity and eagerness and reach for the hem of his shirt, which he then quickly pulls off, revealing his broad, scarred chest.
You take a second to admire him with a soft smile on your face, then your hands move to the waistband of his open pants.
"Hips up baby." You say, and he obliges, allowing you to pull down his boxers and jeans until they fall around his ankles, which he then kicks off to the side with your dress.
"Can I take these off? Please?" He asks you with the cutest puppy eyes as he toys with the waistband of your panties.
"Well, since you asked so nicely sugar." You say, and he wastes no time tearing them off of your thighs.
"Need to feel you." Simon whines, pulling you by the hips to try and get you to grind against his painfully hard cock.
You lift your hips up to hover over his leaking cock as you place one hand under his chin and the other on his chest.
"And how do we ask baby?" You ask, titling your head to the side.
"Please mommy. Fuck me." He begs, close to tears from frustration and pure lust.
You then place both hands back against his chest and sink down onto him, making his head lull back as he chokes out a moan and grips your hips impossibly harder. You swear there will be bruises in the shape of his fingers there tomorrow, but you don't mind at all.
You move slowly, up and down, and back and forth, making Simon a panting mess underneath you.
"Been wanting this since the first time I saw you." Simon admits as you pick up your pace, "seeing you all pretty and smiley all the time. God fuck you're so tight. Squeezing me so good."
You moan as his thick cock stretches you out, hitting just the right spot inside you.
"Fuck baby- mm-" You moan and place your forehead against his again. "So pretty for me, letting me ride you. Sitting there and takin' it like a good boy. Been waiting for this too. Always eatin' everything I cook up for you with such a pretty lil' smile."
Your praise makes Simon's hips twitch, and he's fucking up into you now, meeting you halfway as you drop your hips up and down. He picks up the pace and now you have to catch up.
"Call me that again. Call me your good boy. Call me honey. Love when you're so nice to me." Simon babbles, his voice trembling as if he's about to cry, still bouncing you on his cock.
"Aww sweetheart I could never be mean to you. Ah- fuck- Such a good boy deserves to be treated like the sweetest pie hm? Deserves to get eaten up and fucked nice and good till he's dumb." You say, bringing a hand up to squeeze his cheeks.
Simon whimpers at your words and furrows his brows. No one has ever been so sweet to him, let alone fuck him so good.
"You gonna cum for me honey?" You coo at him, his lower tummy rubbing against your clit as you ride him, making your orgasm approach as well.
He nods with his face still held in your hands, cheeks all squished and flushed pink, his whiskey-colored eyes teary with pleasure.
His hips smack up into you from beneath, bouncing you on him. You let him fuck up into you but keep control while you continue to ride him as he does so, and it feels so good.
"Come on do it. Cum for me sugar." You say, both of your hips stuttering and your paces get sloppier. You're both panting messes as you bask in each other.
"Fuck mama, gonna cum. Oh fuck gonna cum mommy. Let me cum inside, please." He leans forward and nuzzles his face into your neck while pawing at your hips.
"Do it baby." You say, feeling yourself start to flutter around him as you feel that familiar warmth start to brew low in your belly.
And with that, you feel Simon cum inside you with a sob. You feel his thick, warm cum fill you up and you cum at the same time. You throw your head back as you pulsate around him, squeezing and releasing him with your walls as you feel yourself gush, warm tingles running through your body.
You both come down from your orgasms panting and moaning, one of your hands tangled in Simon's hair, keeping his face nuzzled into your neck.
He thrusts shallowly a few more times and then leans back to look at you, his cock still inside you.
His cheeks are still flushed the prettiest pink and you reach your hand out to his face to wipe away stray tears of pleasure that escaped their way out of his eyes.
He couldn't help but let his emotions take over him. How could he contain himself when everything he's ever needed and wanted was given to him all in the same night?
He places his forehead against yours once again wrapping his arms around your waist while you wrap yours around his shoulders.
As you both catch your breath, you both let out breathy laughs in realization of what just happened.
"Stay the night." You whisper to him.
"Love, I'd stay forever if you asked."
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Taglist: @pussypinkbarbie @thatonepupkai @confuseddipshit
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
snow day with the earthspark maltos and bee, or a day at the beach with the TFA crew?
AAAGGHHHHH Both of these sound super duper fun. Personally I'd pick the beach with the TFA Crew though, cause I have absolutely NO tolerance to the cold. I'm a freeze-baby...
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"So this 'sunblock' protects your skin from the ultraviolet rays of your local star..." Optimus holds the small bottle between two fingers, squinting as he scans the even-smaller label.
"Yep! Also makes sure I don't get burned. Speaking of which... SARI!" You stop slathering sunscreen on your thigh long enough to call out to the young girl currently flying circles around Bumblebee and Bulkhead with a massive inflatable beach ball in her hands. "You better have put some on already!"
"I did! Seriously, you don't have to baby me all the time!" She sticks a playful tongue out at you before launching the ball towards Bumblebee, who quickly thwacks it back into the air.
"Gotta be faster than that, Sari!"
"Ooh! My turn! Send it over here!" Bulkhead calls, waving his massive servos in the air. You roll your eyes, turning back to Optimus with a smile.
"Do you want to come look for shells and agates with me and Prowl? You're invited too, Ratchet."
"And risk getting even more sand between my stabilizers? I'll pass." Using a massive tarp from the factory as a makeshift towel, Ratchet sits cross-legged as he scrolls through a data pad. Meanwhile Prowl, barely a few paces away, seems to have found his first target. He cradles a tiny cone shell in his servo, staring down at it in open fascination. You and Optimus look to each other and exchange a small shrug and a chuckle.
"I'd be happy to join you, if you'd have me."
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heygerald · 12 days
AU where Tom Ryder is still an asshole, just not a psychotic one. This is the story of how he's first introduced to Colt's sister, Parker. Let's just say that neither party was all that impressed.
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Tom Ryder was hot.
The ads plastered on bus terminals and billboards, with all of their post-photoshoot/pre-production editing and touch-ups, weren't shit compared to the real thing.
The real thing, standing fifty feet across from her having just finished talking through his upcoming scene with the production team was tall and hunky and had gel wet tufts of blonde hair perfectly strung across his forehead. He walked—swaggered—with a sureness that was hard to find nowadays; made all the more impressive when he was swarmed by makeup artists touching up the foundation on his cheeks without stumbling once.
The outfit didn't help either. She hadn't seen Colt yet, but she was confident that her brother wouldn't be caught dead wearing tight, white pants that clung to his every curve, indent, and muscle like Ryder was. He wore them slung low on his hips, perfectly hard abs trailing down towards the sliver of white skin peeking out from beneath an underwear brand she would never be able to afford. Some sort of aloofness—or, perhaps, a love for his own toned body—had his shirt strung over his shoulder as if it were a mere accessory and not something to cover his chest.
Even his eyes were bright, star-inducing, and captivating in the way romance novels often described Fabio.
And... god damn.
Parker had to remind herself to swallow, breathe, and close her mouth before the proverbial flies started swan diving inside.
She liked to think of herself as both professional and not a total creep. She didn't have a problem keeping her eyes to herself at the gym, at the park, at the pool. Blonde men weren't even her type. Actors much less so.
A movie star? The movie star? Please.
Parker would relentlessly tease her brother when he would get all flustered staring at the poster of Cindy Crawford on the wall of his childhood bedroom. She was just a woman, after all.
But now...
Christ, how was it so hot at six am?
She brushed some hair off of her forehead while fiddling with the flimsy label on her water bottle; trying, and failing to pretend that she hadn't just been ogling the lead actor like a starving dog staring at a hambone. People milled around her as she breathed, Venti offering a wave as she hurried off to her next location.
But then there was a wayward bee she had to swat away, pulling her gaze right back up to where it had been, and this time she found that he was the one staring at her.
Static hummed in the back of her mind; no thoughts.
Just Tom Ryder.
Tom Ryder looking delectable in his lack of clothing.
Tom Ryder gazing at her with eyes so blue she suspected he had to be wearing some sort of fake contacts.
Tom Ryder who now was opening his mouth, showing off the teeniest glimpse of dimples, a row of pearly white teeth (where those real?), clearing his throat to say—
"I've been waiting on my coffee for ten minutes now. What the hell is the hold-up?"
"Huh?" she asked dumbly.
He rolled his eyes, squaring his shoulders at her as he slumped inelegantly into what had previously been her seat.
"My usual. Flat white, nonfat milk, three shots of espresso, with no foam. Extra hot, of course," he recited in a deadpan. It wasn't a polite sort of thing, though, and as she continued to stare at him Parker watched as he swatted away the same bee that had been bothering her with a huff.
As if—how dare a bee bother someone like me!
"Um," she started. Then, when she realized that she wasn't speaking real words, Parker quickly tuned her brain back to a channel that wasn't just static. This channel concentrated around the disbelief at his attitude. "Excuse me?"
He was on his phone now—she wasn't sure where he had conjured it from considering how desperately tight his pants where—and without even looking up he scoffed. "I have a scene in twenty, and I need to have time between drinking my coffee and acting so I'm not all jittery. Honestly, it's not that hard."
Parker blinked at him, then in the general area around them. For a moment she expected a bunch of cameras to be shoved in her face—ha ha! you've been punk'd!—but no one popped out of any bushes. In fact, it seemed that the moment Ryder approached her the surrounding vicinity had emptied.
A pair of assistants across the way caught her eye, immediately went pale in the face, and quickly ducked in the opposite direction as if they had forgotten some important task.
She didn't know what to say, or how to say it, and so Parker just settled with an emphatic scoff. "No."
To that, Tom paused in his texting, and glanced up at her. This time, he was the one that looked bewildered. "What?"
"I said, no," she repeated a bit firmer this time. It felt a bit like sailing, though, and now that she had some wind beneath her sails she found her thoughts functioning once more. "Find someone else to get your cappuccino. Or, better yet, do it yourself."
His eyebrows furrowed crossly. "It was a flat white."
"Fucking great," she snarked, throwing her arms up at him because she didn't quite know what else to do. "There's a Starbucks right over there."
Tom's entire face scrunched up. Ironically, it wasn't an attractive look on him, and suddenly Parker was wondering if all the photo editing was necessary if that's what he normally looked like.
Arrogance was not a good look on anyone. No matter how tight the pants.
"It's your job."
"It's absolutely not," she snapped. He responded by straightening in his (her) seat, phone cast aside, but she cut him off before he could say anything else as equally ridiculous. "And, for the record, if someone ever talked to me like that at my real job, I would quit on the spot."
His features slackened in response.
Parker half wondered if he was hearing static now.
There was the sound of a bullhorn on the far side of the parking lot, and a whole train of people slowly started swarming the area as whatever scene they were filming ended. A pair of stuntmen ambled by, followed by some camera crew, and on the far edge of everything she saw a familiar head of hair step out of a truck.
Familiar as it was identical to the man sitting in front of her.
Not having anything else to say and not trusting herself not to get escorted off the premises for verbally berating the star actor, Parker just snatched her jacket out from behind him with a pointed glare before heading towards where she had last spotted Colt.
It took a bit of effort to dodge all of the people, equipment, and vehicles.
"Uh, hey!" he called after her. Just the sound of his voice seemed to scare some nearby crew into pretending they were busy, and Parker bit the inside of her cheek when she heard his sneakers scrambling after her. "Who do you think you are?"
"Who do you think you are?" she scoffed.
He appeared at her elbow, ducking at the last minute to avoid walking directly into a wooden panel that was being hefted by two burly men. "I'm Tom Ryder."
Parker almost gagged. "Jesus Christ. You can't be serious?"
"Are you—? Of course I'm serious. I am Tom Ryder!"
"That was a rhetorical question," she deadpanned. Something red and embarrassed colored his cheeks. Parker may have taken sympathy on him if he didn't immediately power through the feeling to glare at her. "Just because you're Tom Ryder doesn't mean you get to be an ass to people. Employees or not."
They paused in their argument as a full length mirror was carted in front of them, and with the tug of an elbow she didn't have a choice but to face him.
"I'm not an asshole," he stressed. Though, his tone and glare counteracted the statement no matter how much emphasis he put into it.
Parker rolled her eyes, pleased when the mirror moved past, and elected not to respond at all as she continued on her way. He followed with another, sharper scoff.
"I'm not!"
"No, you're just waiting on your cappuccino, right?" she retorted before squeezing between two tightly parked trailers.
"It was a flat white!" he called after her.
Parker waved a hand flippantly over her shoulder, happy that she had finally managed to shake him, before she was popping out on the opposite side. It was much less crowded here. Just a few assistants, some guys with sound equipment, and her brother chatting a little bit too closely with a pretty blonde woman.
When they didn't notice her approach she had to clear her throat.
The pair jumped apart. The woman, with a red blush on her cheeks, smoothed out her hair with a nervous smile. Colt, on the other hand, greeted Parker with his stereotypical 'no-thoughts-behind-those-eyes' grin.
"Hey, there you are. I was worried you got lost or something."
"Once or twice, but Venti was nice enough to keep me company while we waited for you to come back. Here's your phone," she handed over the device with a half-hearted tut. "Next time don't leave it at home when you have to be on set at a quarter to dawn."
Colt faked a wince. "Sorry. Thanks for bringing it."
Parker waved him off. It wasn't the first time that her brother had forgotten something important, and it certainly wouldn't be the last time. The woman he had been canoodling with was far more interesting a subject this early in the day.
"Hi," she said, sticking her hand out. "I'm Parker."
The blonde responded with a warm smile and a firm hand shake.
Pretty, she thought. Then with a glance at her brother the snarky voice added, too pretty for this idiot.
"Jody. You're Colt's sister?"
"Ah, that's what Mom and Dad told her," Colt joked, leaning towards Jody to add in a stage whisper. "Truthfully, they found her in a parking lot. Just crying in a cardboard box, covered in shit. Tragic, you know. But what can you do? The orphanage wasn't accepting anymore walk-ins so they just had to keep her."
Parker smacked him on the back of the head while Jody laughed.
"Hey, take it easy, Park. I think I still have a concussion from this morning's barrel roll," he whined while subtly rubbing a sore spot on his neck. He was covered in sand and fake glass, and Jody took a moment to brush it out of his hair. He was utterly pleased to have her touching him. Suddenly, the wounded look didn't feel so genuine. "My insurance doesn't cover domestic violence, you know."
"Does it cover domestic kissing?" she asked with a devious waggle of the eyebrows.
Jody immediately turned pink.
"You can leave now, Park," Colt deadpanned. He waved his phone at her pointedly. "Thanks for the delivery and everything, uh, see you at Christmas, have fun with whatever it is you spend your days doing—"
Parker swatted his hands away as he tried to usher her in the direction she had come. He whined at that as well—blowing air on his bruised and bloodied knuckles—while she slipped under his elbow to shoulder right up next to Jody.
"Want to get drinks?" she asked.
Jody blinked. First at Parker, then to Colt. "Er... right now?"
"After your shift. I have an over abundance of limes and mint at the moment thanks to my roommate. I could make us some mojitos. Share some childhood stories about Colt, maybe show you some high school yearbook pictures. He had a bowl cut until his twenties, you know."
"No, no, no," Colt intervened with a nervous chuckle. His bruised knuckles didn't seem to mind manhandling her by the neck as he tugged her away from Jody. "That's not—bowl cuts were cool here in America, but, uh... You don't need to talk to her, okay. Just ignore her, Jody. There's no need to take pity on her just because she was abandoned in a Walmart parking lot."
"Oh, it's Walmart now, is it?" she chirped while struggling in his hold. Jody bit her lip to hold in her laugh. "Last time it was Target. The time before that it was a Ralph Lauren."
"It's going to be a retirement home if you don't—"
"I love mojitos," Jody chimed in much to Parker's delight.
She grinned while Colt pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat.
"You really don't have to," he tried.
"I want to."
"Are you sure? Like sure sure. Because she was arrested once for stalking, you know. And lying. She's a big ole liar, this one."
"Oh," Jody giggled with a sparkle in her eye, "I'm very sure."
Colt and Jody's joking was cut off when Tom Ryder—gone, but not forgotten—appeared with a huff. He still didn't have his coffee, and it looked like the lack of caffeine wasn't helping his mood in the slightest. At the very least he was now wearing his shirt. "Is she bothering you, too? Do I need to call security?"
The three froze.
Colt swung his head between Ryder and his sister (who he now had in a head lock) while his eyes grew to cartoonish proportions.
"She bothered you?" he asked in a high-pitched voice. Parker pinched the sensitive spot on his hip when he squeezed her with his elbow, and Tom's eyebrows drifted all the way up his forehead when Colt let out an embarrassingly girlish squeal. Her brother did his best to save face by clearing his throat. "I, uh, I thought I told you not to talk to anyone, Park? Or bother anyone? Or do anything other than sit and wait for me!"
"I was waiting for you."
"What did you do?"
"Oh, nothing. That's rich," he hissed down at her before planting a big smile on his face. As if he wasn't currently talking around the woman he had in a chokehold. "Sorry, Tom. She was just dropping something off for me. I told her to mind her own business, but she's never been all that good at doing what she was told. I'm pretty sure she should be in a med ward right now. Insomnia, pill addiction, the works. Nothing she says should be taken for granted. You know, one time she broke into a—"
"Okay, that's it," she sighed.
Then promptly elbowed her brother in the balls. Colt didn't have any air in his lungs to squeal, but they all watched him pitch forward with a noise that sounded suspiciously close to a gag.
She shot him a purely unimpressed look before straightening up, fixing her hair, and announcing, "I wasn't bothering him. I was minding my own business. He was bothering me."
Tom's jaw slackened in disbelief. "You called me an asshole!"
"You were being an asshole!"
"I'm Tom Ryder. I'm allowed to be an asshole if I want!"
Parker smirked. "Oh, so you admit it then. You were being an asshole."
He stuttered, unsure of how to respond to that, while Colt propped a finger in the air between them. He was still bent over in pain, breathing through his nose, as he added in a breathy voice, "you can be an asshole if you want."
The placation did nothing, and Tom's eyes bugged wide in disbelief as he shouted, "I wasn't being an asshole!"
The crewmen milling about all paused to glance at Tom; an assistant started yelling into her headset in the interim. Embarrassed, Tom took a few deep breaths while running a hand through his hair. Parker hated how easily his locks fell into perfect curls on his forehead. Effortless.
Ugh! She really hated men.
There was a noise halfway between a giggle and a cough, and Parker peeked over her shoulder to find Jody smothering her amusement at the situation behind her hand. Her eyes still sparkled, though, and Parker was sure right then and there that she would get along just fine with Colt's new lady friend.
When Tom glanced at her, however, she pretended to swat away a bug with an innocent wide-eyed look.
"Sorry," she cleared her throat as professionally as she could manage. "There was a... fly."
Colt found his voice—and breath by then—and as he straightened to his full height he put on his best serious looking face. "Listen, man, I'm sorry about my sister. She's not even supposed to be here. I just forgot something at home and—"
"She's your sister?"
Colt hemmed and hawed. "Well, you know, not technically. There was this whole box-at-a-Walmart type situation but—we don't have to get into it," he waved a hand flippantly when he caught the bewildered furrow of Tom's eyebrows. "She was just about to leave. You'll never have to see her again. Who knows? Maybe she'll die of loneliness or something. Crazier things have happened."
Parker rolled her eyes at her brother's blatant ass kissing. It was pathetic, and a little bit embarrassing.
"I didn't know you had a sister," Tom said as he stared at her. There was a new light in his eyes; enlightened, maybe. Suspicious, definitely. Parker crossed her arms with a petulant huff through her nose. "I thought you were, like, an orphan."
"Why would you...?" Colt started, before shaking away the thought. "Nope. I got parents. And a sister. Obviously. A sister that was just about to leave. Right, Parker?"
She definitely could have hung around a little longer if she felt like being a right pain in the ass, but it wasn't even seven am, she had yet to eat breakfast, and she was getting a headache from being around someone that was so incredibly hot yet so incredibly awful. It was like her brain didn't know how to compute every time she looked at him.
Parker conceded with a sigh. "Yeah, I was just leaving."
"See?" he smiled. "She was just leaving."
She ignored her brother's pestering to smile at Jody. "It was nice meeting you. You can get my number from Colt, and I'll text you my address."
Despite the attention of Tom and Colt, Jody managed a genuine smile. "Brills. I'll see you later then. Assuming you don't die of loneliness between now and then."
Parker snorted. Jody giggled. Colt was still breathing steadily through his nose and trying not to puke.
"You can come too, dipwad," she reminded him tartly. Beside him Tom crossed one arm over the other with a sour look. She doubted he liked being talked over and not to, as well as having been called an asshole three times in a single conversation. To him she gave a pretty flap of the eyes. "You're not invited."
He ground his jaw at her, but she could see the flicker of annoyance to not be included in this little get together. "I'd rather eat dirt."
"You might have to if your coffee takes any longer," she chirped in response. Parker stuck around long enough for him to realize she was goading him before turning to leave. She waggled her fingers at him on her way past. "Break a leg!"
She was feeling pretty good about herself as she headed off in the direction that she had come from. There were even more people milling about now that the new scene was about to start. And just as she ducked past a truck of equipment, there was a shrill call of, "I have a flat white for Mr. Ryder!'
Parker peeked back just in time to watch him burn his tongue on the coffee.
Extra hot, indeed.
The Fall Guy was one of the best movies I've seen in a while! As an OG Aaron Taylor-Johnson fangirl, I had to write this blurb just to get the itch out of my brain. No idea if I will transition this into something more or not. For now, please enjoy my brain itchiness and ATJ.
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romanceyourdemons · 3 months
i get the framework of alpha and beta males, and i kind of see sigma males too, but this is just getting ridiculous
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[ID: ten betta fish for sale in small plastic tubs labeled with their breed and sex: samurai male, midnight male, blood moon male, platinum dragon male, crimson fire male, stars and stripes male, rose petal male, butterfly male, paradise male, bumble bee male /end ID]
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puddle-nerd · 5 months
Our Sweet Paysyul
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Summary: It seems like it was fate for the Sully family to seek uturu with the Mekayina people of Awa’atlu because if they hadn’t, Jake and Neytiri would never have found their Omega.
Story Tags: No Use of Y/N, Metkayina | Reef People Clan, Na’vi Culture, Na’vi Biology, Na’vi Language, Friends to Lovers, A/B/O, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse, Alien Biology, Hermaphodites, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Masturbation, Polyamory, Jake Sully Definitely Babbles During Sex, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Dominant Neytiri, Switch Jake, Submissive Reader
Note: Hey everyone. This is a request made by @thatonepansexual2000 (happy belated birthday!!!) and it turned out to be a really, really long story (11,525 words to be exact). So, if you really only want to skip down to the smut, scroll until you see where it’s boldly indicated. This is also the first story I tried adding a couple of photos throughout so let me know if it helped or hindered, please?
On a completely different tangent, first, I’m taking on an idea about Omegas that I saw on TikTok (here is the LINK to see the video if you’re curious) about omegas having at least one or more defensive traits against aggressive Alphas which I will reveal in this story. Second, I will be having Jake and Neytiri speaking in English words here and there throughout the story but since the Metkayina don’t understand any other language but their own, I’ll be labeling any and all spoke English tawtute words and phrases with a ~ on either end ~.
Na’vi Translation: ● Eywa’eveng – Pandora (moon around Polyphemus) ● Makto – ride | to ride, often used in conjunction with an animal (i.e. Toruk Makto as rider of Toruk) ● Oel ngati tse’a – “I see you” (physically) ● Paska’sngap — (NON-CANON / of my own creation) exact translation would be ‘honey sting’, a type of large bee that makes very sweet honeycomb ● Paysyul – water lily | inrigo lilliam ● Sa’nok – mother ● Sempul – father ● Skxawng – moron | idiot ● Tsaheylu – neural bond made through the connection of two neural queues ● Tsahìk – the spiritual leader of a Na’vi clan, and the most important member next to the clan leader ● Tsmuke – sister ● Uturu – sanctuary | place of refuge ● Vrrtep – demon (used in degradation towards Avatar drivers and Recombinants)
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Toruk Makto.
Even the smallest and most remote of the Metkayinan clans knew the tales of the mighty warriors brave enough – or in your parents’ opinion, stupid enough – to make Tsaheylu with the impressive and gargantuan creature known as Toruk so of course Awa’atlu did too. You had been young, only a mere eight Eywa’eveng cycles old when the sixth Toruk Makto, a vrrtep by the name of Tsyeyk Suli, a tawtute said to be from a faraway star had taken up the mantle and brought together many clans to bring peace back to the world after the beings known as the RDA had begun to destroy the forests – just for a rock of all things! And from then on, you had grown up hearing the stories of his battle prowess, coming to admire the man and his mate from everything you had ever heard. And now, just over fifteen Eywa’eveng cycles later, the sixth Toruk Makto was poised tall and broad upon the beach of your village as only a forest Na’vi could, his mate and his children surrounding him with their colorful ikran standing guard, seeking uturu.
He was here! In person! His mate too!
Your younger self would be giggling in utter joy.
You carefully wove your way to the front of the gathering crowd of your village and watched in silent awe as the sapphire blue skinned forest Na’vi cautiously stepped forward on the white sands, Jake’s hands raised in supplication.
All six of the Suli family members were beautiful, in their strange forest way, all lean limbs and thin tails with their long black hair left down and loose in many tiny braids decorated with colorful beads and feathers and things. Their attire, though intricately woven, would be terrible in the water. Ao’nung and Rotxo pushed passed you, approaching closer to the newcomers and while the two male children extended the formal courtesy, your Olo’eyktan’s only son did not, sneering at the darker skinned boys. Even Rotxo played into his best friend’s arrogance teasing them about their whip-like tails only to be berated by Tsireya, Ao’nung’s younger sister.
You smirked to yourself.
Finally, your Olo’eyktan – Tonowari – made his appearance, coming in low overhead on his tsurak in a grand display and was standing tall after he dismounted the angry creature. The proud Na’vi strode forward confidently in his brightly colored clothing, a piece you had been commissioned to create by his mate. Speaking of, you turned when you felt a soft touch at your elbow and bowed your head in respect, stepping back from your Tsahìk to allow the woman to pass and pass judgement on the newcomers, also wearing one of your commissioned pieces around her neck and covering much of her upper chest. It was some of your best work, if you said so yourself.
For a long moment, you feared the Sully’s would not be allowed to stay, especially when Neytiri and Ronal hissed at each other but Jake pleaded for a chance.
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You held your breath and watched avidly at the silent conversation between the mated pair that were your leaders, offering a silent prayer to Eywa that the Tsahìk would be merciful for once in her life as she was known to be cold and unbending. Finally, Ronal’s slump of her shoulders revealed her reluctant submission to her mate. You released your breath in a whoosh and flinched when the older woman raised a brow your way. Tonowari turned around and announced aloud for all to hear, “Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters. They do not know the sea so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
“I give them a week,” whispered harshly into your ear.
You turned and scowled, smacking your older brother’s tattooed side with the back of your hand. “It has been decided, Koa,” you hissed quietly. “Respect your Olo’eyktan and your Tsahìk’s decision.” He rolled his bright blue eyes and swung his thick tail around, lightly smacking the backs of your calves. You hissed at him and shoved him in the chest, watching him laugh in response. The Sully family passed you by right then and you glanced up, meeting a pair of honey yellow eyes and blushed at the curiosity sparkling back at you from the dark-skinned matriarch you were aware of for her bravery and archery expertise. You bowed your head and offered the respectful greeting, murmuring shyly, “Oel ngati tse’a.” The corner of her mouth quirked up and she bowed her head in response but moved on quickly to keep up with the rest of her family.
You colored to yourself, your inner child squealing with glee.
The next time you saw one of the Sully’s was the following morning as you made your way down the beach with a small basket of fibrous strings, shell pieces, sea glass, and unpolished pearls balanced upon your hip, heading to the marui pod you preferred to work out of on more clothing pieces you had been commissioned to create for others. That was when you noticed Toruk Makto heading down to the water behind Tonowari, your older brother and another warrior and couldn’t help but rake your gaze over his beautiful sapphire body so different from any of the men you had ever known growing up. “ ‘Ey, ma’tsmuke,” Koa called in greeting as you slowly approached the group, raising an arm and tugging you into a half hug while you respectfully greeted the other three men, bringing two of your fingers from your forehead downward. Your brother added on, “ ‘Ey, I need you to tell our sa’nok and our sempuls my mate and I wish to host supper tonight for everyone. Pua and I have news.” You twitched a wide smile in acknowledgement of his request revealing your teeth for a moment, blushing and ducking your head slightly when you saw The handsome Jake Sully looking your way.
“Oh, you have two sets of upper fangs?” Toruk Makto suddenly asked when he saw your brief smile.
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All three of the men born of your clan froze, surprised at his abrupt and, technically, abrasively insensitive question that was not considered polite to ask of strangers. Your Olo’eyktan answered him, broad teal shoulders rolling back to appear even bigger in an instinctual show of Alpha protectiveness of his clan member while your sibling surreptitiously eased his body in front of yours, his own impulses to keep his little tsmuke safe from possibly being attacked kicking in, just in case, despite your natural ability to secrete neurotoxins from your throat and pelvic sweat glands should you ever feel threatened. “It is because she is of Omega designation, Tsyeyk Suli,” Tonowari replied, having scented that the forest Na’vi was actually Alpha in nature. The taller male added, “Do the Omatikaya People not have them that you ask such things?”
Jake blushed and ducked his head slightly in embarrassment of his ignorance, replying, “Ah, yes, I apologize. Tawtutes don’t have designations at all and the Omega births have always been rare for the Omatikaya, usually only between one to three every sixty cycles, according to the Tsahìk.”
You flushed, murmuring shyly, “Omegas make up almost a third of Awa’atlu.” You saw Jake’s attention come back upon you and colored once more, your blue gaze sweeping over the handsome older male, your paddle-like tail twitching in interest. You could feel your brother take notice of your shy curiosity of the newcomer followed by the heat of his stare into the side of your face. You elbowed your sibling in the side to get him to stop being obvious only to realize golden eyes were taking in every single inch of you. Feeling self-conscious suddenly, you whispered, “I’ll leave you to your lessons, Toruk Makto. Have a good day.”
“Oh, just ‘Jake’ is just fine, ~sweetheart~,” he corrected you with a grin, that last word spoken in English and leaving you feeling confused as you did not understand. “See you later, maybe?”
You nodded awkwardly, ducking out from behind your brother as the four men made their way into the water, you watching after them and swallowing hard as you took in the broad shoulders and sculpted muscles of the darker skinned male, his scent blowing back towards you with a sudden breeze and making your pupils dilate and release a quiet whimper from the back of your throat. Awa’atlu had an almost even number of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas at any given time and while your instincts enjoyed the scent of certain Alphas in your village, none of them had ever appealed to you like Jake’s was doing right now. A shudder ran down your spine and a slight heat settled in your lower belly. You shook your head as if to dispel the way your body was reacting and hurried down the beach to start working for the day. And this is where you saw Jake’s mate attempting to learn to ride an ilu only to, unfortunately, get thrown off and release a curse as she surfaced. Further out in the water, you could see your Tsahìk upon her mount shake her head, probably roll her eyes too while she was at it, if you had to guess. You felt a slight wave of pity for the foreign woman but continued on your way, not knowing how assist.
Getting to your work marui, you ducked through the curtains and lowered your basket to the woven floor, greeting your older sister warmly. “Koa told me he and Pua have news,” you told her. “Did he tell you anything, Le’anu?”
Le’anu grinned and her tail thumped upon the mat beneath her, replying, “Just expect to hand sa’nok a cloth when she starts crying.” You smiled as your tsmuke added, “I bet Pua is pregnant.” You squealed in excitement for your brother but reminded yourself you had work to do and turned to the half-finished project waiting for you. You opened your curtain doors to let the bright morning light inside and got started, sitting beside your older sibling.
The two of you worked hard on your craft side-by-side as you were both gifted in the art of decorative weaving, creating clothing and jewelry for others throughout the day, mending pieces and stocking up on bits and bobs and all such materials you would need. You only took a break when Tsireya brought the Sully children around and stopped to poke her head inside to say a brief hello. “Oh, that is so beautiful,” the pretty pre-teen gushed, taking in the skirt you were creating. Turning to the foreigners, she added, “These two are our best weavers in the whole village. They often get commissioned to craft all sorts of pieces. She made my sempul’s cape at behest of my sa’nok. She also designed Ao’nung’s dagger sheath.”
“That was Le’anu,” you objected softly, not noticing the Sully matriarch slipping in behind her children, taking a break from Ronal. “She is better at leather than I am.”
Your older sister saw the youngest Sully inspecting some of the beads in the basket closest to her and added, “During the stormy seasons, lightning is known to strike up and down upon Awa’atlu’s beaches, sometimes multiple times and it creates these; we call them sea glass. If we also have the foresight to create dye and throw it all over the sand beforehand the storm hits, it can change the sea glass’ color, which is why there are so many variations. We don’t always get all of the glass during the season so sometimes our divers will find random pieces throughout the long cycle along with the shells and pearls and coral bits you see in the baskets around you and in the clothing we design.”
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A wave of Alpha pheromones suddenly washed over you and you stiffened, a shudder moving down your spine.
Looking up, your mouth went dry as your blue eyes met honey yellow. “Your work is quite exquisite,” Neytiri commented, indicating the garment in your lap.
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You flushed, whispering, “Thank you.” You looked over her choices of clothing and your brow twitched as you realized both her chest covering and her tewng would be perfect for her home habitat , they would be terrible in the water. Biting your lip, you set the skirt aside and grabbed your measuring rope. Meeting the curious eyes of the Sully matriarch, you asked, “May I take your dimensions … please?” Neytiri’s ears flicked forward before flicking back, her tail flicking as you noticed a tinge of sadness in her gaze. Still, she considered your softly spoken request before slowly nodding as she realized you would be coming closer to her. She watched you avidly as you rolled up onto your feet nimbly and stepped towards her, timidly guiding her as you needed. Your tsmuke, seeing what you were doing, grabbed a spare cloth and an ink pot and began to make markings upon the cloth with a bone quill. With another gulp to steady your nerves, you carefully wrapped your knotted measuring rope around her hips just above where her sea-soaked tewng sat and another wave of pheromones floated up your nose as you caught Neytiri’s natural aroma; what you didn’t notice, with your eyes lowered to the task at hand, was that she was scenting you right back. Until you realized she was leaning towards you.
You shyly met Neytiri’s gaze, seeing her own eyes narrowed in on you with exact precision. If it had been anyone else, your sweat glands may have started to itch in preparation for defense. Under the beautiful matriarch’s scrutiny with her lovely smell wafting off of her skin, however, it had you feeling a warm tingle pooling low in your belly, which she responded to with a welcoming purr.
Right in front of her own children scattered around the marui as well.
“Nineteen knots,” you told your sister, hearing her scribble the symbol on her writing cloth. Your limbs trembled as you moved the measuring rope from around her hips to her torso just beneath her breasts so you could make her a decent chest wrap as well as a Metkayina-style tewng to allow her better movement within the water. “Seventeen knots.”
You took a few more dimensions and your tsmuke wrote them down and were finally finished with her.
“Me next, me next, please,” the littlest Sully child cried happily, taking her hand out of one of the baskets of seashells she had been readily picking through. In her enthusiasm, she nearly knocked the hamper over in her haste to get up to be measured for her own new set of clothing. Luckily, the oldest Sully teen lurched forward and caught it before it tipped completely over, apologizing to your older sister for his sibling’s antics. The littlest girl bounced to her four toed feet and pushed herself against her sa’nok’s hip, smiling brightly up at you. You couldn’t help the pleased grin that spread across your turquoise lips at her cheerful eagerness and her glowing excitement. Neytiri stepped back with a look of satisfaction as you continued with your more welcoming air, so unlike most of the rest of your clan, and performed the same measurement movements on her youngest.
You looked at the three darker skinned teenagers in question of who wanted to go next and Kiri surprised her mother by pushing herself to her feet with a roll of her eyes and heading towards you first. She had assumed Neteyam would be the one to lead the charge as he always was. The older woman could tell that her teenage daughter was nervous but you smiled at her and asked if you could take her measurements like you had on the matriarch and the youngest of her family.
“Your work is impressive,” Kiri agreed, holding out her arms so you could wrap the knotted rope around her hips, looking over your own outfit as you measured her for a new one.
You flushed and thanked her, adding quietly, “I could teach you how to do the same weaving techniques for yourself, if you’d like.” Neytiri felt relieved seeing her daughter’s eyes light up at your friendly proposal and agreed with a small smile and a nod. Her heart felt like it was warming to you when you didn’t even bat an eye when you spotted the extra finger or the hairy brows upon the teenage girl. Nor did you react negatively to Lo’ak, treating him a little more reservedly than Kiri but still smiling slightly and speaking quietly to him. What surprised Neytiri for a moment was that you were even more timid when you finally got around to taking the dimensions of her firstborn son, not quite meeting his gaze and being careful not to touch him too much. Until she noticed you surreptitiously scenting the air around him as you took his dimensions and she realized after a moment that you were a touch skittish not because he was an outsider but because Neteyam was coming into his Alpha designation. Then you looked up at Neytiri and blushed before looking away. “It will be… not quite a fortnight before we can complete a set of clothing for your family on top of all our other work,” Le’anu told the matriarch when you drew away from Lo’ak. “We will have Tsireya bring you around here after everything is completed so we can make sure everything fits and is to your liking. We will also need to measure your mate as well.” Neytiri nodded and the six of them finally moved out of the marui after the sapphire skinned woman promised to bring Jake around later that day. She heard, “I have never seen you so loquacious before, tsmuke. Look at you, coming out of your shell for the newcomers,” and smiled to herself.
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Same Day – Later
Neytiri was already in her new marui later that afternoon, looking around the pod that was both similar and contradictory to the kelkus she had grown up in and then made with her mate and her children back in the forests she had abandoned to keep her family together and safe because of the vrrtep being brought back from the dead to plague her precious world once more. The weaving was similar but of a slightly different material than she was used to. And the sounds of the waves crashing upon the beaches had been more distracting than her youngest son’s obnoxious snoring and had left her sleep feeling unfulfilling. Thinking of her children… Her children were still out with Tsireya and Ao’nung, having gone back to their lessons after their fittings but Ronal had ended her’s a little earlier, a frustrated scowl upon her turquoise face at Neytiri’s lack of progress. The sapphire-skinned woman hoped Tonowari would do the same for her mate so that she could talk to her beloved – about you. From the stories her own sa’nok had woven about Omegas when she had been a childling and from what she had heard about the Metkayina and what she had observed personally today, it appeared that the practice of triads was something just as openly practiced across Eywa’eveng whenever an Omega was involved.
And as both she and her mate were of Alpha designation…
When she and Jake had first gotten together, nearly sixteen Eywa’eveng cycles prior, Neytiri had had to explain the difference between the secondary designations, trying her best to educate her mate on everything he needed to know, getting more and more frustrated by his endless questions until she had foisted him off onto her mother. She was lucky that Mo’at had a way of clarifying things of that delicate nature so that Jake actually understood a little better than he had from his wife. Her sa’nok had then warned both Neytiri and Jake that with two Alphas entering into a mated relationship, they could have a rough time of it, both having dominant traits within their natures, especially during their ruts. This had led to Jake’s and Neytiri’s private discussions about what should happen between them if they were ever to meet an Omega that called to either of them. At first, Jake had been adamant that he would want no other woman save his mate, and while that stroked Neytiri’s ego to no end (take that Ninat – who just so happened to be an Omega), Neytiri had no such delusions of not wanting or needing an Omega if one called to her instincts, having already gone through her first rut before ever meeting Jake and having felt the instinctual need to find, claim, and breed an Omega. Her beloved mate had, reluctantly, changed his mind once he had gone through the five days of nearly unbearable need of his rut.
Lo’ak had been born shortly thereafter.
And your scent had called to Neytiri fiercely. She wanted you. Badly.
“~Ugh, what a fucking day…~” came a familiar growl in English. Neytiri looked up eagerly, her pointed ears swiveling forward and her thin tail twitching in anticipation of both being reunited with her mate after such a stress-filled afternoon and the impending conversation she wanted to have about you.
Jake appeared at the front flap of the marui, gingerly holding his hands in front of him, a foul-smelling paste stinging her nose from where it lifted from his friction burned palms. Trying not to sneeze, Neytiri asked in her mother tongue, “Are you well Ma’Jake?”
“So much for me being Tsurak Makto,” he replied, showing off his new wounds from being thrown off the irritable creature again and again and again with no success – not today at least. He huffed and plopped himself down beside his mate, pulling her into his arms as he asked, switching to English halfway through, “How much better luck did you have, ~baby? You’re always such a natural, I’m sure you did loads better than me~.” Neytiri huffed and her tail flicked in irritation as she scented her mate and smelled nothing but the sting of salty seawater and tsurak – so unlike the smells of the forests of Pandora. It was also nothing like the wonderful aroma of unclaimed Omega, which reminded her of earlier and had her spine straightening and her poor mood lifting briefly. He immediately noticed; “~What’s up, baby~?”
The forest woman grinned slightly and admitted, “I met an Omega today. A shy little thing but pretty and welcoming.”
This piqued Jake’s attention, his ears pivoting forward as the memory of briefly meeting you on the beach this morning, swam through his mind’s eye. “Oh, really?”
Could it have been the same one he met?
Neytiri nodded, her wooden beads within her multitude of braids clicking together quietly with the movement. She added, “She is a highly sought after artisan of the clan because her weaving is lovely. She took our measurements – the children’s and mine – today to fit us with clothing better suited to the water,” here her smile dipped touching her tweng that she had had crafted back in her home village and one of the few reminders she had of where she came from, suited for climbing trees and riding her beloved ikran. Jake kissed her forehead, sensing his mate’s homesickness and silently urging her to continue her thought. After a long moment, Neytiri continued with, “She was also more welcoming than any of this tribe that I have met so far. Even more so than your Tonowari.” Jake blushed a little at his wife calling out his adoration for the island Na’vi. “And, oh, she was so sweet smelling, Ma’Jake. I purred.”
Jake felt himself sigh in relieved happiness at that.
He so wanted this to work, to not have any of them be seen as an outcast or outsider as he had been when Mo’at had first given him the probationary status to learn the ways of the Omatikaya. If his children could learn to adapt to their new environment – if he and Neytiri could as well – then perhaps they could be safer than they had been in the forests.
And with an unmated Omega calling to their senses?
“I met an Omega today, too,” Jake announced quietly, hugging his wife into his chest and kissing her forehead once again. “I wonder if it was the same as yours.” She hummed and tucked herself more into her mate’s side, humming. “Apparently Omegas make up almost a third of Awa’atlu but this one… her scent…” Looking at his wife, he added, “I… I really just want this to work, ~baby. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. By any means necessary.~”
Neytiri sighed, her honey amber eyes welling with tears slightly as she ran her three fingers over her tewng. She did not want to give up her ties to her home, had not wanted to leave the only thing she ever knew but they were here now, in Awa’atlu.
And so were you.
Neytiri shook off her homesickness and considered her mate’s words for a long moment and then sat up slowly, regarding her husband carefully, an idea forming in her mind. She spoke plainly to him, “You wish… to fit, yes?” When her husband nodded, his golden gaze turning curious, instead of answering his unasked question, she pushed herself up onto her feet and regarded her clothing once more. “We need to get your measurements as well,” she commented, her facial features showing both her pain and her hope making a bittersweet combo that cut Jake deep for a moment. “Shall we see if my little Omega is available?” the Sully matriarch asked. “And if she is the same one you met?” Curious as to the plan he saw forming within his other half, Jake lumbered upright with a weary groan, stretching his arms above his head and grinning as she leered at him before following her out of their new kelku and through the village. Jake took in everything around him as he followed his mate to the marui where an Omega was finishing working on a weaving project.
“Oh, you have returned,” you spoke up, your voice as soft and inviting as it had been this morning, paired with a shy smile once you noticed Neytiri hesitating within the doorway of the marui, her amber eyes taking in the fact that you were alone this time. “Ah, I am sorry but my tsmuke and I have not yet started on your family’s clothing.”
The sapphire skinned woman stepped inside with a growing smirk. “You have one more set of measurements to take,” she reminded you and stepped aside to allow Jake’s large body to follow her inside. And because the two Alphas were watching your reactions closely, they watched your ears twitch forward as your pretty, blue eyes took in the one known as Toruk Makto, your turquoise cheeks darkening in a flush before your gaze quickly dropped, sweeping over his muscles before flicking back to Neytiri and doing the same to her.
Jake’s nose flared as he scented you and then he looked at his wife over the top of your head, his pupils dilating.
Neytiri grinned to herself.
Perhaps… moving here wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“May I take your measurements, ‘Just Jake’?” you asked softly, having grabbed the knotted rope you had used upon the rest of the Sullys that morning. He barked out a laugh at your quiet tease of his own words from that morning, and spread his arms in invitation, watching you tentatively step towards him, your turquoise cheeks darkened in a slight flush. You swallowed as you had to wrap your arms around him in order to find out his hips were twenty-one knots around.
Instead of feeling jealous of you, like she had when she had seen Ninat flirting with Jake oh so long ago, seeing you close to her mate was, surprisingly, intriguing.
Was it because you were an Omega?
Or was it because you seemed to be interested in both her mate and herself?
You dropped the rope and stepped back, smiling shyly up at Jake. “I told your wife, my sister and I should be able to get new clothing ready for you all, hopefully in less than a fortnight,” you murmured. “We will have other minor projects to attend to during that time, mending’s and the like.”
Jake nodded, “Do you need anything from us?”
Oh… not many had asked you that.
“If you prefer certain colors, that would be helpful,” you replied. “That way, you and your family like what my tsmuke and I create.” He grinned and watched you take out the cloth patch with the symbols from earlier, adding Jake’s dimensions to the list. Neytiri came up beside you and assisted her mate with the best color choices each member of her family preferred. You smiled and used different colors next to each set of measurements and thanked them with grins.
“I apologize but I have to go now,” you announced regretfully. “Koa, my brother and his mate, Pua, are hosting dinner for the family tonight to share news and I have to collect my parents.” You grinned to yourself, realizing your sister had been correct earlier. You usually weren’t this talkative with people you either didn’t know well or weren’t comfortable with, especially unknown Alphas, often coming off as very quiet and withdrawn. But with Neytiri and Jake… you felt surprisingly comfortable with them even though you didn’t actually know them well. You were surprisingly eager to change that fact.
Jake and Neytiri grinned and nodded. The male spoke up, suggesting, “Perhaps we could see you tomorrow, ~sweetheart~? Just to hear your family’s news, perhaps?”
You nodded, flushing at the repeated English nickname but not hating it in the least. “I would… I would like that,” you agreed. “Have a good night, Sullys.”
As Jake and Neytiri walked away after waving goodbye to you, she turned to her husband, whispering in English, “~I like her, Ma’Jake. Shall we build our relationship with her as we did ours?~” He grinned in agreement.
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You found yourself seeking out the two oldest Sullys the next day with the news that your brother’s mate did indeed confirm she was pregnant. You were so absolutely excited to become an aunt to the first new baby of the family, to which they offered their congratulations to be passed onto Pua. After that, almost every day you found yourself in their company at one point or another because they sought you out or you inadvertently found yourself taking a path leading to where you had heard or knew one or both of them were said to be. You found yourself looking forward to spending time with one or both of them, either by teaching them your cultural differences from their Omatikyan ways or having them assist you in gathering materials to hone your craft. You refused to let them see what you were designing for them, though, as you wanted it to be a surprise.
You really hoped Neytiri especially liked what you were designing for her.
The day you and your tsmuke finished crafting the Sully family’s two new sets of clothing each, you were excited and nervous for their reactions – especially Neytiri’s as she seemed to be having the hardest time adapting to her new life here in Awu’atlu and you wanted her to have a piece of home even with her new finery. Lo’ak had surprised you by teaching you and your sister on how to doing a tawtute fistbump after he verbally thanked you for all your hard work the two of you did for them to make them clothing that would be better suited to their new life. You still didn’t see the point of it but you were glad he was pleased to share in some of his cultural nuances.
Distributing the tewngs and chest coverings, you watched carefully for Neytiri’s reaction closely. Her honey yellow eyes widened within her beautiful sapphire face and her jaw slackened as she looked at all of the different chest coverings you had formed for her, noting the floral designs you’d woven specifically for her.
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“This is wonderful, paysyul,” she murmured, making her own nickname for you and surreptitiously wiping at her eyes, a huge smile upon her lips, hugging her new clothing to her chest. “I will wear these proudly.”
“What do we say, kids?” Jake prompted his children, admiring his own creations with a grin.
The four young sapphire-skinned Na’vi all chorused happily, “Thank you!” Tuk even hopped into your lap to hug you tightly, gushing about how pretty you and Le’anu had made her outfits and requesting that you teach her how to weave her own clothing just like you had done.
If it was possible, you spent even more time with the Sullys after that, not just with Neytiri and Jake, though you enjoyed their company very much, the matriarch showing off what you had created for her while still learning to adapt to the ways of water. She seemed to be more receptive to your guidance and so you often spent your evenings in the Sully mauri, helping her prepare dinner and entertaining the children with stories you had grown up with. Lo’ak, and Tuk shortly thereafter, had started to call you “~mom~” in English, though the boy’s tone was a bit more teasing than the seven-year-old’s was, but since you didn’t understand the tawtute language anyway, you weren’t sure what it meant. It didn’t help that everyone refused to translate, the adults and teenagers sharing secretive smiles amongst themselves.
It wasn’t long before your siblings, especially your tsmuke Le’anu, noticed as you seemed to blossom further out of your shell, the more time you spent with the mated Alpha pair and their brood, so much so your own parents caught wind of your growing feelings for the Sullys.
Jake and Neytiri were within their marui by themselves, escaping the rain that was pouring down from the sky when three adult Na’vi approached, pausing upon the bouncy walkway – one woman and two men. The mated pair looked at each other and then greeted the newcomers, bidding them enter their kelku to escape the weather, which was accepted gratefully. The woman was the shortest of the three and the most heavily tattooed, standing at barely the males’ shoulders, black ink decorating her face, her arms all the way down to the backs of her fingertips, and up her sternum, her hair pulled back but left down to curl over her clavicles and shoulder blades. The male on the left was leaner compared to most Metkayina men with tattoos on his chest, his ribs, his hips, and around his ankles, his hair twisted into a tail at the back of his head so his curls remained off his shoulders. The male on the right was tattooed over his chest and down one arm only while he had the sides of his head shaved, his long hair over the middle of his scalp braided back and tied up into a bun. Together, they were an imposing sight but upon scenting the air, Jake and Neytiri realized they were an Alpha, Beta, Omega trio that smelled similarly to you.
Your parents.
“What can we help you with?” Jake asked, pulling the stone kettle carefully from the fire and serving his guests Omatikayan tea.
The male on the right spoke first, not touching the drink, his voice deep and commanding, “My name is Ka’nün, my mates La’xsi,” the female nodded in greeting, “and Ro’nho.” The male with his hair pulled back in a tail grinned and waved a little, a little more welcomingly and the Sully pair could see that he was your biological sempul in the same blue color of his eyes and the way his mouth curled in the same way yours did. “We have heard you two are interested in our younger daughter. We have come to ask of you… is this true? And if so, have you been taught the proper way to court a Metkayina Omega?”
Ah, straight and to the point then…
At the shared look Jake and Neytiri shared, the three turquoise skinned adults all collectively sighed and leaned forward, prepared to teach these newcomers the proper way to court you. Although Ka’nün and La’xsi both thought that all Toruk Maktos were reckless and possibly foolish, they were also impressed with their bravery (borderline stupidity) and if he and his mate were interested in you, they were going to do it right, damn it. So, the two eldest Sully’s learned how to initiate the proper ritual to officially proclaim interest in courting a Metkayina female going into detail about what exactly needed to be done and the significance behind each detail.
Over the next week, together, Jake and Neytiri gathered a large number of thick fronds from deeper inside the island and wove it into a basket large and sturdy enough to fill with food to feed at least six Na’vi. Then, they had to catch, gather, kill, and prepare a meal for their intended Omega to prove they would make excellent providers. Once the meal was ready, the two of them would need to present it to the intended party’s parents for inspection. If they approved, it would then be presented to you for approval and the more elaborate the meal, the more serious the proposal to court with intention of mating.
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But the thing the two of them were most determined to get for you was honey from a Paska’sngap hive as it was the ultimate courting gesture.
Honey from a Paska’sngap hive was difficult to come by as the bees — which were half the size of an adult Na’vi’s skull — were harmless by themselves and usually didn’t attack unless it felt threatened. An individual bee could sting up to three times before it died and each sting would release a bit of toxin which would take about a day or two to recover from after their stingers were removed from your skin. And typically, a Na’vi could survive a handful of stings but multiple stings from a dozen or more Paska’sngap’s could result in enough toxin in their bloodstream to act as a paralytic so that bigger creatures could be able to eat the helpless Na’vi. Even more stings than that – say, if the whole hive stung you – that much toxin could stop your heart. Foraging for honeycombs was usually a test of endurance, skill and speed as the bees could swarm in defense of their home and easily overpower any being.
It was worth it if it was for you.
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, depending on how you looked at it… fate had other plans the day they were finally ready to officially propose courting you.
You had woken that morning feeling warmer than normal, a tingle running throughout your limbs that happened once every four lunar cycles or so and you should have known it was coming if you hadn’t been so distracted by the pair known as the Sully parents as you learned about them and taught them your ways. As you were unmated, you still lived with your parents so when you and they all realized what you were starting to go through, your Omega sempul had scooped you up and had taken you to one of the huts in the deeper parts of your island home designated for unmated Na’vi, your Alpha sa’nok bringing your sleeping mat and blankets so you could build your nest and your Beta father making sure you had baskets of fruit and dried meats and several water skins. Your Omega sempul carefully laid you down on your bedding once it was arranged. The heat was increasing within you, a particularly sharp shoot of pain causing you to gasp and curl up tightly on top of your soft coverlets. Your mother wanted to help you, to soothe you in your time of need but her Alpha pheromones were playing havoc with your senses, so she and your other father retreated, leaving you with Ro’hno who gently took your hair and braided it up and away from your face, purring as soothingly as he could.
“You’ll be alright, little one,” he murmured, taking one of the waterskins and bringing it to your lips. “In a few days, this’ll be over. We have food for you, water, your blankets and bedding. I can come back tomorrow to check on you.” You nodded, your body wracking with need and causing both a tight discomfort and heat to pool low in your belly, sweat forming on your back and an throbbing building in the base of your spine.
Your sempul retreated from the marui then and you settled into your nest, moving it as you see fit, shimmying your body over every piece your sa’nok touched and replacing her scent with yours, trying to ignore the achiness in your limbs and the slight pulsing of your cunt which would only get worse when you started playing with yourself. Your instincts craved for a partner – or two, your mind supplied, thinking of two sapphire-skinned Na’vi in particular – to fill you with their cock. The substitution of your fingers wouldn’t really ever minimize the yearning, no matter how many times you brought yourself release during your previous heats, your slick pooling beneath your body again and again and again. As it did every time before, the warmness built up further within you and you struggled to removed your chest covering, fingers fumbling to undo the knots at the back of your neck and down one of your sides before doing the same to your tewng, casting both aside, before you struggled to remove your necklace, belly chain and bracelet too, the weight of the materials on your skin too much to bear.
Panting from exhaustion, you let yourself relax in your nest and let your mind wander, bringing one of your hands lazily to your breast and shivering at the pleasure that shot through you. Your cunt fluttered with your body’s compulsions to breed, trying to cling to something, anything, as more slick dribbled out of you.
You sighed in submission and gave in. You caressed your other hand slowly down your turquoise belly towards your needy cunt, your eyes rolling in your head as satisfaction raced through your body.
Elsewhere, Jake had loaded up most of the food and stepped out of the way to allow his wife to do the finishing touches, wondering if his dreads needed touching up before he went to you, a slight surge of vanity and self-consciousness having him flexing in the mirror and touching the slightest curve of his tummy. “Ma’Jake… do you… do you think she will reject us?” Neytiri asked softly, referring to you, as she finished packing the basket with a bowl of your favorite fruit and the jar of hard-earned honey, slowly looking up at her mate, her nervousness showing in the flicking of her tail and the droop of her pointed ears.
The large male immediately turned away from the mirror and reached out to the love of his life, tucking his fingers beneath her narrow chin, making her large honey yellow eyes meet his golden gaze. He replied just as quietly, “I would like to think she would not reject us, Tiri. She seems to enjoy spending time with us most days, even if it is putting up with my ~bull shit~.” This caused Neytiri to crack a slight smile. He continued, saying, “However, we will know for certain her reaction after we present her with this as a united front. Have a strong heart for me, ~baby. We got this. Yeah?~.” She nodded and they pressed their foreheads together, breathing in each other’s scents and steadying their nerves.
Taking their basket to the marui you lived in with your parents and unmated older sister, your father – Ro’nho – met you at the entrance with a grimace.
“Eywa… apparently… has had different plans for my youngest daughter today,” he announced, meeting their gazes solemnly. “She’s been moved to a special marui our unmated sometimes retreat to at the edge of our village when their heats and ruts hit.” The mated pair shared a look at this surprising news and the extraordinary timing. His blue eyes, so like yours, took in the basket they had slaved over creating for your courting gift and smiled. Lifting his eyes, he added, “I am pleased it was you two. She’s blossomed more in the last three months than in the last twenty-three Eywa’eveng cycles of her life. I have never seen her so happy except when she is with you both and your children. Come, follow me.” He led the two Alphas away from the marui and down the walkway, guiding them into the island where you were apparently located. Finally, Ro’nho stopped once they were deep within the heart of the island and pointed. “She’s there so this is where I leave you both. Good luck.”
The area the Sully duo found themselves in was simply beautiful, lush and colorful with a multitude of trees and flowers and a couple of waterfalls off to the side roaring over a rounded cliff into a crystal-clear pond that wound down into a small river that the two of them could easily step over with their towering height. Beside the picturesque view near the bank was a spacious marui off to the side built amongst the giant mangrove-like roots of the trees and elevated off the ground, much like the ones the Omatikaya were known for. Neytiri grinned, excited to get in there, not only to explore but she could smell your scent wafting in the air.
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Ro’nho wandered away, his heart thumping in his chest and wondering if he had done the right thing by allowing The Toruk Makto and his mate access to his only biological daughter, during your heat. It wasn’t your first one by any means but the first one you would at least have partners to ease the pain. You might even come out of this with two mates and a baby on the way. He smiled to himself and kept walking, leaving Jake and Neytiri with you.
The mated pair looked at each other, your potent scent beginning to fill their lungs, your muffles noises now beginning to tickle their ears above the roar of the waterfalls, and their courting gift hanging between them. At least they were coming prepared.
“Are you ready for this, ~baby~?” Jake asked his wife.
Neytiri nodded and stepped forward first, grinning and eager, dragging Jake along with her and approached the marui, your scent and your moans getting louder the closer they got to you.
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Sex Scene
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Inside, your thumb circled your clit as your fingers worked tirelessly within your warm wetness, your pleasure coiling tighter and tighter within your belly. Only for something sweet and floral paired with the scent of wood and fresh earth tinged with the smell of the rain on the wind to drift into your nose. Then another scent joined the first, something smoky paired with something you remember Jake having describes as metal and gunpowder and tinged with the smell of something musky.
Alpha scents.
Both of them – ones you knew well.
You whimpered and your ears swiveled forward as you heard them approach, your turquoise knees subconsciously spreading slightly, eagerly, the closer they got. They were here! During your heat!. You lifted heavy eye lids and focused upon two sapphire skinned bodies as the marui curtain was pulled back and they stepped into the marui, a large, freshly woven basket held aloft between them. They both instantly sucked in a sharp breath as his and his wife’s eyes dilated at the seductive scene you made, all loose teal limps spread out in your nest gleaming with sweat, your wide paddle-like tail off to the side and twitching in interest, your breasts heaving, and hairless cunt glistening with slick. Their scents washed over you and you whined, curling your fingers within you faster without a thought about their eyes upon you in such a compromising position.
“Fuck, ~sweetheart~,” the male Alpha groaned, feeling the blood rush to his cock as he greedily took you in. “~Don’t you just make a pretty fucking picture~.”
Neytiri flicked him with her tail, muttering, “Ma’Jake, she does not understand the tawtute language.” Her husband blushed at this reminder and the two of them lowered the courting basket, watching as you stared at them with hazy eyes, your fingers still pressed inside of you. To you, she explained, voice a little shaky as your aroma started to affect her, “My skxawng husband was complimenting you, paysyul. You are… very appealing like this.” Kneeling down by one of your ankles, Jake followed suit at your other one and you could see the way his tewng bulged with his visibly swelling cock as he was also influenced by the scent of your heat and the pheromones you were excreting.
The male Alpha added, “~Sweetheart~, we had hoped to do this the proper way… but…” He gestured to the basket, “will you allow us to help you? We will make you feel so good. I promise.”
Neytiri leaned forward, still not touching as she nodded, her pupils dilated as her gaze glued to where your fingers were buried. You sucked in a deep breath and their combined scents made the need within you stronger, your cunt tightening upon your fingers. “Ohhh,” you moaned wantonly, “yes, please. I ache so badly.” Immediately, Neytiri pounced forward and caught your wrist, pulling it free of your body. She shushed you when you wined in protest, only for it to cut off as she brought your slick coated fingers to her mouth, licking them clean rather greedily, purring once more. “Please,” you begged before glancing over at Jake, not wanting him to feel left out. The male Alpha smirked down at you and moved closer so he could have an easier time leaning down and kissing your lips. You sighed into his mouth and allowed your hand that had been upon your breasts to cup his strong jaw. Only to squeal as curious fingers slid inside of you. Neytiri, not to be outdone by her mate bullied her way between your legs and slid her own fingers into you, drawing your attention back to her. You raised your hips into her touch and rutted against her hand, her thinner fingers so different than your own and causing you to feel that much more. “Oh, please, please,” you begged, clinging to Jake and the mat below you.
Jake moved to kiss you again, only for Neytiri to growl lowly. He shot her an unimpressed look, reminding her, “~Baby, we promised to share~.”
Neytiri’s ears flicked back and her nose flared in agitation but she nodded and added something else you didn’t understand. The male Alpha immediately smirked once more and scooped you up, settling himself into your nest with you on top of him, resting in the cradle of his thick thighs, your back against the muscles of his chest. With his scent that much more around you, you grabbed his arms and wrapped them around your belly, burying your nose into his bicep and breathing deeply, making him chuckle. The Alpha female purred and leaned over top of you, sandwiching you in between their sapphire bodies and lowered her mouth to yours now, kissing you much more ferociously. You whimpered and clung to her shoulders, flexing your spread legs in invitation.
“I have what you need,” the older woman assured you and sat back, removing her chest covering that you had made for her before untying her tewng and drawing it away from her body. You watched avidly; your blue eyes glued to her movements.
Because she was a female, Neytiri had the same parts as you: breasts, cunt, and a womb. Because she was an Alpha, she also had a slit on the front of her pubic bone that was only supposed to open during her rut or her Omega’s heat. The seam of her front slit was spreading now and the flesh on either side was beginning to swell on either side of the opening, revealing something pink within. Carefully, you reached out and caressed the fleshy bulge and finding it soft and a bit squishy.
“That is where Tiri’s seed is, ~sweetheart~,” Jake told you softly into your ear. “And that thing within her slit? That is her cock. Why not coax it out?”
You hummed and met Neytiri’s eyes. She rested her hands on your knees and nodded encouragement. You cautiously pressed your fingers into the top and bottom edges of her slit and caressed the crown of her penis, finding little nubs all over the pink head. She grunted as her cerulean striped length began to slide out into the open blossoming under your careful strokes, the bioluminescent freckles glowing upon her shaft that was slowly filling with blood as you ignited her lust further with your tender ministrations. “Yes, paysyul. Just like that,” she encouraged you. You gulped as she continued to slide further and further from her sheath and thicken, revealing noticeable ridges decorating the underside of her penis. And towards the base of her cock was a ring of flesh, slightly thicker with more of those little nubs and a heavier smattering of her glowing spots. You realized it was her knot. “I am going to put this inside of you now, if you want that?” she asked for assurance.
You nodded quickly, eagerly, a breathy “Yes, please… Tiri,” falling from your lips. She grinned, enjoying hearing her nickname from you.
Sliding forward, her cock, about maybe ten inches long and four inches towards the base, nudged your opening, gathering your copious amounts of slick and coating herself with it. Meeting your gaze, she hooked her hands beneath your knees and slid forward slowly, gritting her teeth at your tightness. Your nails dug into Jake’s forearms as you moan, body beginning to tremble as your cunt stretched around her invasion.
“~Easy, baby, easy~,” Jake murmured, soothingly, kissing the side of your head as he glanced between his wife and the way it slid into your pussy. Murmuring to you as his mate’s pelvis came flush with the juncture of your thighs, he asked, “How do you feel, ~sweetheart~?”
“Good,” you gasped, your blue eyes rolling. “Full.”
This caused him to laugh quietly and you struggled to meet his eyes. “If you think you feel full with Tiri’s cock in you, I am going to absolutely wreck your ~pussy, sweetheart~. I am… quite a bit bigger.”
“She is so tight Ma’Jake,” Neytiri moaned, her honey yellow eyes half lidded her jaw slack.
Jake chuckled, “Make her feel good, ~baby~. You know how bad your rut can get.” His wife nodded and slid out partially from your warm, wet depths, grinning as you whined in protest. Only to wail when she thrust her cock back inside. “~That’s it, baby. Make our Omega feel good.~” He reached out and fondled one of your breasts, tweaking the nipple between two of his thick fingers.
You whined, lifting your hips to meet her thrusts, begging aloud, “More, more, please!” You wanted it. The full feeling. The need turning to indescribable pleasure. Tears were starting to well in your eyes as you dug your heels into your bedding and sped up your movements, an itchiness, a demand for more, more, more driving you forward desperately. Your fangs began to ache in your mouth and you shoved yourself up and away from Jake’s touch, sliding yourself up onto Neytiri’s thighs and beginning to ride her frantically, shoving your face into the unmarked side of her neck and nuzzled her there, scenting her as you bounced over her frenziedly. Her scent was sweet and floral with the underlying smell of wood and fresh and the rain on the wind, one you would happily drown in. You moaned and moved your mouth to her gland, sucking upon it as you urgently continued to ride Neytiri’s cock.
You were finally close.
So, fucking close.
A harsh little tug to your tail from was what did it for you.
You let out a harsh but pitiful whine, feeling the expectation build within your body as you finally crested the peak of your pleasure, the coil snapping free as your orgasm washed over your senses like a destructive tidal wave during the stormy season. It was nothing but blinding sensation, a shock to your system like you would imagine getting hit by the bolts of light in the sky would feel, robbing you of all self-control. A low growl rolled out from within your throat and before you could think, you had sunk your double set of fangs into her neck, nearly foaming at the mouth when you finally tasted her blood gushing past your lips. You spasmed, your inner walls clamping down upon her cock with a muffled wail and you felt her slam your hips down upon her, your cunt eagerly wrapping around Neytiri’s knot greedily and sealing her deep inside as her knot expanded, forcing her own climax, her cock spurting deep within you, filling you with her seed. With your sharp little fangs still embedded in her neck, she shot Jake a smug look over your shoulder and haughtily bit down on one of your own glands, marking you as hers in return before her husband could.
Behind you, Jake grunted as he fisted his pulsing cock, cumming right along with the two of you, his tewng cast aside after you had started to ride his wife.
You pulled away from Neytiri, licking softly at the wound you had made in a hope it would stop trickling blood soon, what with the coagulability Na’vi saliva possessed. “I am sorry, if I hurt you,” you whispered shyly, wondering if you should apologize for marking her without her consent as well. She hummed as she cleaned your new mark upon your neck, nuzzling your cheek and kissing you softly.
“No fear,” she replied. “I hoped you would mark me. But my skxawng and I come as a pair. Will you mark him as well?”
You turned around, whining slightly as it tugged at the knot deep within you to look at Jake and see the hope in his golden eyes. “If you would have me, yes,” you whispered, shuddering as you felt Neytiri’s cock pulse within you. “Ohhh,” you moaned. “How long does this usually last?”
Jake and Neytiri shrugged, the male Alpha replying, “We are not sure as we have never been with an Omega before. Are you not comfortable, ~sweetheart~?” You didn’t want to complain. You already felt loads better than your previous heats now that you had Neytiri inside of you but you were a little uncomfortable in this position. Jake must have seen your face because he helped you and his wife down onto the mat onto your sides where you could relax a little better. He then offered you both a water skin as he took a soft cloth and gently wiped you clean of sweat and residual blood.
“Thank you, Jake,” you murmured, smiling shyly up at him before blushing and realizing he was as naked as you and Neytiri were. And then you noticed his cock, flaccid now that he’d jerked himself off but still impressive compared to other male Na’vi’s you had seen in passing. Sometimes, when you or your sister were fitting a male for a new tewng, you got a peak of what he was packing and from the looks of it, even now, Jake was putting them all to shame. You hid your face into Neytiri’s neck as you added, “Ah, I see what you mean, Jake.”
He chuckled, retorting, “No worries, ~sweetheart~, it will fit. The kids are proof of that. ‘Ey, Neytiri?” She giggled at that.
The kids.
You flushed.
“Ah, they… your children will be alright to accept me?” you asked softly.
The mated pair glanced at each other and laughed, your ears twitching with dubiousness if they were laughing at you or not. “~Sweetheart~,” Jake told you soothingly, running his thick fingers through your hair, “Lo’ak and Tuk have both started calling you the equivalent of sa’nok in English. That is what ~mom~ means. We just did not want to pressure you before you had chosen us.” You gaped in surprise before you blushed once more, this time in happiness at being so accepted into the family of foreigners you had come to care for. He added, “I hope this does not scare you.”
You shook your head, grinning to yourself. “No, I am not scared,” you assured them. “Your children are wonderful.”
Neytiri grinned and touched your belly. “We may have one more soon,” she reminded you.
You shifted against her and her knot finally popped free, Jake swooping in to help ease you off his wife and to wipe you up gently as your slick and her cum poured back out of your body. You grit your teeth as he soothingly washed your nether parts clean. “Just sensitive,” you told him at his worried glance, “and a bit sore. I have never taken anything bigger than my fingers before now.”
His pupils dilated at that.
“Oh, really now?” he smirked and leaned forward, kissing you. “Guess that really makes you, ~our girl~.”
You adjusted yourself onto your knees and cupped his jaw, allowing him to pull you up onto his lap, his cock resting beneath the curve of your backside as your tongue played with his own. His possessive hands hugged your hips as he devoured your mouth hungrily. And just like that, your heat kicked back up, no longer satisfied with just the one orgasm previously. Your body thrummed with rebuilding need and your cunt began to slicken up once more in preparation for another round, this time with your other mate.
“Our sweet little paysyul,” Neytiri agreed, moving out of the nest for her husband and you.
“Thanks, ~baby~,” Jake panted, grinning at his wife as he maneuvered you into the proper presentation position, on your knees with your shoulders down, ass up, your slick little pussy on display for him. “~Fuck, sweetheart~,” he groaned, stroking his cock to life at the carnal picture you made, just for him at this moment. “You ready for me, ~sweetheart~?” You nodded eagerly, only to feel the sting of a hand upon your backside. “Words, ~sweetheart~. Use your words.”
“I am ready for you, Jake,” you replied, wiggling your hips in invitation.
He smacked your other cheek before soothing the sting with his warm palm and then lining himself up with your entrance. “Be a good girl, ~sweetheart~, and breathe. I am bigger than Neytiri and you have to tell me if it hurts.” You verbally agreed as gasped as he started to push forward. “Breathe, ~sweetheart~,” Jake reminded you through gritted teeth. You nodded and Neytiri leaned down, putting her face nears yours and having you focus upon her to match your breathing with hers. It helped as your male Alpha inched his thick cock further and further into your warm, wet depths. “~Fuck, sweetheart, you really are tight~,” he groaned, reaching under you with one hand and circling your clit with his index finger, causing more slick to seep out of your entrance and ease his way deeper inside of you. He growled, “Ohhhh, yes.”
Finally, his hips were flush with the curve of your backside and Neytiri praised you, caressing your cheek affectionately.
You panted for breath, feeling even more full than when you had had her cock inside of you. Jake was practically splitting you apart he was so big! It hurt being stretched so wide but it felt so right. This was what you needed, what your body needed, what it was made for, your hindbrain preening in accomplishment at taking both of your Alphas’ cocks though you weren’t entirely sure if you would be able to take his knot. But if you could take his cock once, you could take it again, proving that exact thing when he began to slide out of you only to thrust back inside.
Then again.
And again.
And again.
“Ohhh, Jake,” you slurred as he invaded your depths, the warmth of your heat spreading throughout your body. “Please. Oh, please.”
He gripped your hips harder and speared into you faster, grunting, “Yeah, ~sweetheart. That’s right~. Take it. Take it like a good girl, yeah? Take this cock.” You whined in agreement, the coil beginning to tighten within your belly as the heat spread further and further, the itchiness you felt with your female Alpha making its presence known again. Neytiri watched avidly as her mate fucked into you like a well-oiled machine, her tail swaying in appreciation at watching her husband’s muscles bulge and gleam with sweat as he worked into you tirelessly, a creamy ring forming just above his knot. Jake continued to babble, “Maybe one of us will get you pregnant during this heat of yours, yeah? Would you like that, ~sweetheart~? Hmmm? Getting pregnant with mine or Neytiri’s baby? Your belly swelling with our child? Add to the Sully clan? You would be such a good sa’nok, yeah… So good with our other kids. Gonna give you one of your own.”
You whined out a ‘yes, oh please, yes’, your inner walls fluttering around his thick shaft at the picture that evoked within your mind. And you found you wanted it. You wanted what he described.
Neytiri grinned. “Do it, Ma’Jake,” she agreed. “Get our sweet little paysyul. We could use another baby now that Tuk is becoming more independent.”
With his wife’s encouragement and your agreement, Jake pulled out of you just long enough to flip you onto your back and thrust back into your body. You wrapped your legs around his hips and clung to his back, your fangs aching within your gums once more with the need to bite and claim your other mate, the need, the fire of your building pleasure burning you from the inside out. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, the smoky, musky scent of his paired with metal and gunpowder filling your lungs. Now slightly more familiar with that feeling you allowed yourself to lose control this time as your orgasm burst through you and your fangs broke the skin of his scent gland, permanently claiming Toruk Makto as yours.
“Good, little paysyul,” Neytiri purred, nuzzling your cheek as you relaxed back into your nest with her husband on top of you. “You did very well.” She pushed at Jake’s shoulder, and he rolled off of you, bringing you to lay on his chest. She tipped a water skin into your mouth carefully before doing the same to her husband and stroking both of your cheeks. “Are you hungry? Perhaps I can offer you something to eat?” Your stomach grumbled lightly and you blushed.
At least you knew both of your two new mates would take care of you.
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 13 January 2024 Word Count: 11,252
AO3 Link
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asccertification · 1 year
In India, BEE registration (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) is necessary for certain companies and organizations to demonstrate compliance with energy efficiency standards and regulations set forth by the government. BEE Registration is required for certain types of equipment, devices, buildings and facilities. ASC Group helps business in obtaining BEE Star Labelling in India with end to end consultancy throughout the process.
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wordy-little-witch · 1 month
Hellooo how are you? i just wanna ask wat r ur nsfw headcanons abt crossguild polycule😳
Also i love ur posts❤️
Hiya, honey bee! I'm doing alright, all things considered, thanks for asking, lovely ♡ just sleepy lmaooo
Cross guild my beloved aaaa okay so I'm gonna put the NSFW ones under a cut bc of the content warnings~
Thanks for the ask, I appreciate you!!!!! And thanks for reading, hun ♡ drink water, have a snack if you can, take any medicine you have prescribed and stay safe ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
18+ BELOW vvv
Okay NSFW stuff lezzgo. I am. Genuinely debating doing the consent charts here for each of them, then a layered one with them compared to each other.
Keep in mind, these are my head canons, and I adore when they're different takes and opinions, I think variety is awesome ♡♡♡♡
So let's start with the biggest of our guild boys!!
FTM, Top surgery done in his early adult years through a series of oddly aligning events, bottom surgery looked into but rendered unneeded via Ivankov's hormones
This man is a SWITCH, he usually Doms and prefers topping, coming from some older dysphoria issues, but honestly? Is open to submitting and bottoming to others when the need arises on a case by case basis.
Not exactly vanilla, but sometimes the intimacy there is nice.
Is fairly ace-spec, all things considered, sees sex as not a need but something enjoyable. Doesn't always even get off during sex, just enjoys the power and rush he gets from his partners. Took a very long time to realize that for himself. Sex positive!
Sadomasochist. Prefers causing the pain, but scratching and biting are HELLA approved for him
Marks marks marks
Idk if there's and actual word for it, but Crocodile LOVES dressing his partner up in finery just to ruin them. Also discovered an additional kink there which will be talked about later on. (See mixed)
He has wild stamina and ca go maybe three rounds before he needs to stop or pause.
Objectively the best at eating out, can and will make one partner moan out loud and the other outright cry.
Cis (?) insofar as he's a man by technicality. He is a SWORDSMAN by choice. He identifies as a threat, and that is not for ironic jokes. Honestly, to Mihawk gender feels complicated and stupid. 0/5 stars, hates it. He could not be paid to give a fuck about that sort of thing beyond his immediate people's happiness.
On that note, also doesn't care what parts someone has or what they identify as. If he likes you, he likes you, that's all there is. Doesn't use labels. Does admit to being more oredominantly attracted to masculine individuals. It is simply Mihawk and The Vibe.
Onwards to the thoughts!!!!
True Switch. Doesn't care. Enjoys dominating, enjoys submitting, likes topping, likes bottoming, but it's a case by case and person by person basis.
Choking. Idk, but something about holding someone by the throat and feeling their skin and muscles and heartbeat under his fingers gives him a rush, I bet.
Not particularly into sadism or masochism specifically, but does enjoy some of the semi-connected things. Knife play is a given, as well as blood play, and ironically hot wax
Trust is big to him.
Sensory play.
Has a personal rule that his partner has to cum at least once before he even thinks about his own pleasure unless that's the pre-established play they're doing that scene.
On that front - service top/service bottom.
Praise and degradation kink, surprisingly enough
Breeding kink
He Will Bite. With consent of course.
Really enjoys edging and teasing his partners. Doesn't like it as much for himself but doesn't DISlike it either.
Disinterest kink, he likes to make his lovers beg for attention and feigning disinterest.
Something about making a mess in the bedroom is simply PERFECT for him.
Honestly, Mihawk is down to try anything at least once and isn't too surprised to find new things that he enjoys.
Stamina is INSANE, but goes about one round, maybe 2, before needing to step back. Dw though, he's not leaving. He can ruin someone with more than just that option.
AFAB masc nonbinary, no surgeries, Iva's hormones do not work on him, and he makes his own. Had a partial hysterectomy as a child before his Devil Fruit due to a... bad situation. Has numerous scars as well from before then and even a few after when he was learning the limits of his Fruit and the partial immunity to Haki.
Could top, hypothetically, but really does enjoy bottoming more. Will try topping if a partner really wants it, but feels weird and awkward the whole time - only realized that doing it despite his discomfort was not only not healthy but the partners who pushed and pushed for it from him were pushing the boundaries of consent at best. ((Had to talk Mihawk out of hunting the people down for a Talk, had to convince Crocodile and surprisingly Daz out of adding some extra bounties for it ((they still did))))
Will dom!! Enjoys being a power bottom honestly. Subbing is a guilty pleasure he rarely got to indulge in due to his absolutely insane trust issues, but once Mihawk and Crocodile earned that trust from him, he'll be the sweetest or brattiest sub on this planet, just for them
Really good with his mouth.
He's a screamer. Tries to stay quiet but never can on his own.
He falls apart sometimes during intense sex.
He's mortified by it, but he has a daddy kink and the first time he called one of his partners daddy he didn't even realize until Mihawk grabbed him by the neck just so, squeezed, forcing his head to tilt back and see blazing gold and molten violet just for someone to growl "cum for daddy, baby" and his vision went white. He was flustered for DAYS after that. ((Their light hearted teasing did not help, nor did their exploitation of the newly found On Button))
Exhibition kink but not publicly
Breeding kink
Size queen
Likes being manhandling
BIG on being marked up and claimed. ((11/10, would wear a collar if it could stay on permanently))
Neither Crocodile or Mihawk had any opinion on makeup until Buggy - when they get to a certain point with his mascara and eyeliner running, lipstick smudged, eyeshadow casting his face in technicolor bruises, they are besotted and burning in equal measure.
Crocodile finds he apparently has a THING for his lovers in lace, something found purely by circumstance and he felt foolish for not ever noticing before. Is equally flustered when they both use it against him.
After Buggy's moment with calling them Daddy, something Awakened in Croc and Hawk. Words like Sir and Master were familiar but this? Ohhhh it hits Different.
They're all pretty partial to BDSM but they also can be really vanilla too. It's cute and sweet.
Buggy's thigh thighs get their own section ♡
Alright that's all I have rn but I hope you enjoyed!!!!
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neopronouns · 3 months
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flag id: a square flag made up of 9 squares, which are divided into 3 rows of 3 and evenly spaced with small black dividing lines between them. the squares, from left to right and top to bottom, are blue-black, very dark faded blue, dark sky blue, faded purple, bright pinkish-red, light pink-red, golden brown, faded golden yellow, and light yellow. end id.
image id: a 3 by 3 moodboard. from left to right and top to bottom, the images show a close-up of a navy blue fabric patterned with gold stars and crescent moons; a cartoonish illustration of several potions on a table, focusing on one bright yellow potion with a cat face on its label and a trail of yellow pawprints moving away from a spilled potion; an abstract, swirling illustration of space in blue and gold; a shot from 'bee and puppycat' of bee's motorbike in front of a shelf of clown-themed objects; a set of galaxy-themed polyhedral dice; a shot from 'bee and puppycat' of bee, puppycat, and crispin in a vehicle with crispin driving; another abstract, swirling illustration of space in blue and gold; a space-themed birthday cake with fancy blue and gold icing, space decorations around the top, and 'happy birthday lily' iced in cursive in the center; and another cartoonish illustration of several potions on a table. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
mulvispacebee: a gender that can only be described through the aesthetic moodboard above
[pt: mulvispacebee: a gender that can only be described through the aesthetic moodboard above. end pt]
for anon! colors are from the moodboard and the term is 'mulvi' from 'mulviboard', 'space', + 'bee' (referencing 'bee and puppycat').
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @inviane-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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dramioneasks · 3 months
HP FESTS:  Love Is In The Air Fest
Love Is In The Air Fest 2023:
A Little Something New by GreenInk_RedLetters - T, 14 chapters - "Oh? You taking a pledge for my protection, Malfoy?" She teased. He was smirking and hell but it did something to her. "I believe... They call that a knight in shining armor." He fingered his chin. "Got an opening, Granger?" After a string of bad dates and unexpected work issues, Hermione Granger doesn't have time for her best friend's request to set her up on a blind date. She's done with men wasting her time and bleh having a total lack of ambition. Draco Malfoy doesn't expect much out of life, and he certainly doesn't expect the Golden Girl of all people to come barging into his life again. She hates him, doesn't she? Or is it simply his best friend playing matchmaker again? Dramione story with a myriad of misunderstandings, a matchmaking Theo Nott, alcohol-induced dinner parties, and light-hearted banter.
Right where you left me by Goldenbucky - G, one-shot - Hermione Granger-Malfoy is being stood up. Frankly, she wants to cry. Where is her husband? He said he was going to meet her here. Didn't he?
endings & new beginnings by riddikulus_puff - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were the public’s favourite couple — adored by the entire Wizarding population of the United Kingdom after everything they have had to face together, marked with the label of “star-crossed lovers” by many — after the defeat of Lord Voldemort and the ending of the Second Wizarding War. Yet, the pressure that was surrounding them had become too much for both of them and at the end of 2001, their break up was finally made public with an exclusive interview in the Daily Prophet.
Of Roses, Hummingbirds, and Bees by AutumnWeen - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger is dead, but that is not the story. The tragedy is that she didn't have to be.
Annabel Lee by undercoverdrxco - T, one-shot - Draco shows up to HER blind date, to recite HER favorite poem on the open mic and what on earth is Hermione Granger supposed to do about that? “But we loved with a love that was more than love” - Edgar Allan Poe
Great Divide by TeslaMalfoy - G, one-shot - Letters were how it began. its only fitting that's how it ends.
Valentine's Day In The Room Of Requirement by elcieford - T, one-shot - "Another Valentine’s Day and I find I’m back here in the Room of Hidden Things. Or Requirement. Whatever makes your swotty brain feel better about calling it. Why does this day make me think of you? Why do I feel the need to write to you again? Admittedly, I hate myself for it, especially as I know I’m going to continue on with this letter. Maybe next year I’ll have pulled my stupid head out of my stupid arse." Or - Every Valentine's Day Draco finds himself writing to the one witch everyone thinks he hates... which he does. Doesn't he?
Forgiveness, Can You Imagine? by forestknifefight - M, one-shot - Guilt gnaws at twelve-year-old Draco Malfoy in ways he can't quite accept. He has no outlet except a quill and has no chance at forgiveness until he is seventeen.
This fest is ongoing.
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bytedykes · 10 months
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[ID: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint sketches.
Biyoo in human form, jumping up with her arms over her head in excitement. She grins and there's sparkles around her head.
Kim Dokja in demon king form, his face shadowed. He's smiling and one of his eyes glints brightly a star shape.
Side profile of Jung Heewon, her hair in a bun. There's a sword behind her.
Doodles of Biyoo in dokkaebi form, smiling, sniffing, and reciting the Bee Movie intro. There's a mug that says "#1 DAD" but with #1 crossed out so it just says "DAD". It's labeled "for KDJ". There's another small doodle of Biyoo sitting on Kim Dokja's head.
Doodles of human Biyoo: her grinning face inside a space suit helmet; her in full body, one leg quirked at the knee, and a tiny side profile of her smiling.
A drawing of Biyoo (human form) with Kim Dokja, side by side and their faces close together. There's a frame around the drawing like they're being viewed through the camera app. They're both smiling for the photo.
A row of Biyoos (dokkaebi form) drawn out like animation frames of her bouncing up and down. Below is another doodle of her saying "Baat! (lying)". /end ID]
more orv doodles i love my daughter biyoo
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cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
Earthly Encounter
Pairing: Q x Counselor Ruby (s/i)
Word Count: 2,797
Warnings: Very light spoilers for Star Trek: TNG S4 E20, none otherwise
AO3 Link
Author's Notes: Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? It feels very nice to be posting a fic again, to be honest. This is just a cute fluffy story that I started like 3 years ago and abandoned because I didn't like the way it came out. I came back to it recently and kinda wondered what the heck I was thinking. Maybe my self esteem is just better! Either way, this was very fun and very cute to write and to perfect, and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Tag list below the cut. Click here or DM me to be added or removed. Reblogs are all seen and very appreciated!! ❤️
@ava-ships, @bee-ships, @beetleboyfriend, @canongf, @clawfull, @cloudyvoid, @discountwives, @dissonantyote, @edencantstopfallininlove, @final-catboy, @gible-love-nibles, @halsdaisy, @hoppinkiss, @hotrodharts, @hyperionshipping, @iyamifucker, @lex-n-weegie, @little-miss-selfships, @little-shiny-sharpies, @loogi-selfships, @lovebugexe, @mintpecks, @mrs-kelly, @nameless-self-ships, @nerdstreak, @paper-carnation, @patches-and-her-selfships, @reds-self-ships, @rexscanonwife, @ship-trek, @spacestationstorybook, @squips-ship, @tiny-cloud-of-flowers, @toogayforthistoday, @p-i-t-s, @winterworlds, @scroldie
Speckles of dust danced in the beams of light shining through the window of the bookstore that Counselor Ruby Ramirez had found herself in on that peaceful afternoon. She fondly ran her fingers across the spines of the books atop the store’s shelf, remembering all of the journeys she’d been on with those stories as a child. It was no wonder this section was labeled as “classics;” even though the shelf stretched to the ceiling and was filled to the brim with books, she hadn’t seen a single title that she didn’t recognize. She spotted a favorite novel of hers, and she was quick to pull it off the shelf and flip to the first chapter. She remembered it all so fondly: the prison and the rose bush, the first piece of literary symbolism that had truly taught her to analyze…
“Oh, what have you got there? Something actually worthwhile, I hope.” The sudden voice in her ear made Ruby snap out of focus with a startled jolt, but even as she whipped her head around to look behind her, she already knew exactly whose smug face she was going to see staring down at her.
“Q! I’ve told you a hundred times not to sneak up on me like that,” Ruby exclaimed as she playfully tapped his chest with the book.
“Hmph, you've hardly said that more than fifty times, actually," Q said with an exasperated eye-roll. "Besides, you can't really call it 'sneaking up' if I’ve been standing right beside you this entire time, my dear.”
Ruby let out a sigh and turned her back to her partner, putting her attention on the book she'd picked out as she leaned her weight back against him. “Well, then, that’s a problem, isn't it? The point of coming here was so you could explore some of the culture that humanity has to offer,” she explained, gesturing to the shelves of books surrounding them. “That meant exploring the selection here by yourself, sweetheart, not just staying glued to me the whole time.”
Q knew this already, of course; this was the second of a four-day vacation that the couple had agreed on taking together, albeit one more reluctantly than the other. He still remembered when Ruby excitedly came up with the idea months ago, the way she had been beaming about how much she could show Q about what it's like to be human. Although he had protested to the trip's merit, the reality was that Q would have taken any excuse to be with his beloved in a way that wasn't disturbing her duties, so he hadn't needed too much persuading.
When Ruby had brought the request for shore leave to Captain Picard, she had described it as "less of a vacation, and more of an experiment.” She had explained, “We've seen already that Q has a sliver of humanity, a seed of compassion nestled deep within him. Perhaps all that it needs to blossom is the right kind of earth?"
While the captain didn't quite agree with the scientific basis of the proposal - or appreciate the wordplay - the Enterprise would already be making a rare orbit of Earth for a routine crew exchange. Many aboard the Enterprise would be taking a few days to visit their families, so there was no reason to deny the counselor the same privilege.
Back in the bookstore, Q was still doing his best to convince Ruby that their time would be better spent, well, anywhere. He placed both his hands on her shoulders to hold her steady against him as he dramatically nuzzled his face into her hair. “But darling, you’re the only thing worth any of my attention on this entire dreadful planet,” he whined.
He suddenly dipped her backwards, making Ruby balance on her heels as he leaned down a great deal to place his face right next to her own and speak in a provocative whisper, “What do you say we just forget about all this and head back home now instead? I'll even indulge you with that ‘cuddling’ nonsense that you enjoy so very much.”
Ruby could already feel her cheeks getting warmer as she failed to fight back a flustered grin; even after all the time she’d been with Q, she had to admit that she was far from being immune to his charms. It wasn’t only what he was saying, but also the eloquent cadences of his voice and the way he was able to stare her down with that alluring gaze that made her fall so hard for him in the first place. Luckily, by now she was at least able to save his suggestion for later rather than give in right away, and she leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before replying with a simple, “Very tempting, but no.”
She chose to ignore the way Q rolled his eyes in annoyance for a second time as he pushed her forward again to stand up straight, and instead she showed him the cover of the book in her hands in an attempt to catch his interest. He glanced over the title: The Scarlet Letter. "Look at this, hunny," Ruby said with fondness in her tone, "this was one of the first books I read as a child that sparked my analytical side. I remember the way it made me think about why the author chose to include certain details that might seem pointless, and why the characters would make the choices that they do." She turned her head back up to him and nudged her shoulder against his chest. "It was also the first book that really invested me in romance," she purred with a wink.
Q was not impressed. "It really does sound like a joy, starlight," he huffed sarcastically, "but you have no idea how difficult it is for an omnipotent being like myself to force his imagination to be confined to words on a page."
Ruby had already turned her attention back to the novel at hand. She knew that Q was fond of the sound of his own voice, so allowing him to rant on about the pettiest of inconveniences was the only way he ever felt better about the situation he was in.
Unaware - or just uncaring - that Ruby had turned her attention away, he continued, "Truly, think about it from my perspective. Why would I bother to 'visualize' the events of a novel in my mind, like you lesser beings have to do, when I could simply rewrite reality to bring these events to life? Or better yet, I could probably imagine my own story with a more gripping narrative and satisfying conclusion. In fact, if I may speak honestly, it seems to me that-"
Q's holier-than-thou speech was cut short as he felt a gentle tug on the leg of his trousers, just below the knee. He looked down to see a small child, a boy likely no older than five, staring back up at him with wide hazel eyes. Q grimaced and immediately recoiled his leg, the sudden shift in weight catching Ruby's attention as well. For a moment, there was an intense staredown between the disgusted immortal and the innocent toddler, until at last Q broke the silence and sneered, "Can I help you?"
The child pointed to the top shelf high above his own head. "Can yew get the Robin Hood book for me, mister?" he said politely, a slight lisp to his words as he spoke.
"If I do, will you leave?" Q asked bitterly. The boy's only reply was a thoughtful stare to the side, followed by a smile and enthusiastic nod of his head.
Q hastily located the book on the shelf of the bookcase in front of him, and he didn't hesitate to yank it from the shelving, pinching the very corner of the book between two fingers as he dangled it over the child's head with an outstretched arm, trying to distance himself from the boy as much as possible. "There you are, now please, begone with you."
The boy reached up and took the book into his small hands with a quiet "thank you" as he marveled at the green hardcover and golden cursive lettering. He then looked back up at Q, who had already turned his attention away, hoping for the interaction to be over.
Despite those hopes, the boy suddenly spoke up again. "I like Robin Hood," he lisped.
Q glanced back down with an eyebrow quirked, not even bothering to turn his head as he dryly replied, "Yes, I'm sure you do. Now don't you have somewhere to be?"
The boy shook his head with the same earnest smile on his face, clearly not taking the hint. Before the conversation could continue, though, Ruby - who had been watching this interaction unfold and barely stifling a laugh - stepped forward in front of Q and kneeled down to meet the child's eye level. "You're a fan of Robin Hood, you said?" She asked him with a gentle smile.
The boy gave her another enthusiastic nod and said, “Yeah, my dad tells me the story a lot for bedtime, but he has to go away on a starship, so my mommy said I should read the or… the orange-inal book while he's gone.”
Ruby smiled at his story and adorable mispronunciation. “That's a very good choice. You know, young man,” she said as she reached up behind her to hold onto Q's hand, “my partner Q here is a big fan of Robin Hood too. One time not too long ago, he even made all his friends dress up to act out the story!"
The boy's eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked back up at Q. "Wow, really? Did yew get to be Robin Hood, mister?"
Ruby smiled widely, both because of the boy's reaction and because behind her, she could hear Q faintly saying, "Starlight, what do you think you're doing?" as he recoiled his hand from hers.
But his Starlight wasn't listening; her mischievous side had quickly taken over, and she placed both hands back on her knees as she said with her bottom lip pushed out in an exaggerated pout, "Actually, Q decided to be the big bad Sheriff of Nottingham that taxes all the poor people and makes everyone sad.
"But… that's the guy who Robin Hood fights with," the boy said, staring up at Q curiously. "Why did you wanna be the bad guy, mister Q?"
Ruby turned her head around to meet her partner's eyes. "Yes, why did you want to be the bad guy, Mr. Q?" she parroted the question to him with a cheeky smile.
If all-powerful beings could blush, Q would have been bright red. "Very amusing, Counselor," he huffed, crossing his arms, "but I'm above engaging with this little mindgame of yours. Especially not with this," he gave the small boy a stern glare, "… creature involved."
The boy let out a giggle, making Q arch his eyebrows in shock. It has the audacity to laugh at me?, the immortal brooded in his expansive mind. What could it possibly find so amusing?
"Yew talk funny, mister Q," the child laughed. "I think yew'd be a really funny bad guy."
Ruby chuckled along with him. "Oh, you have no idea, young man."
From around the corner, a soft voice was heard calling out. "Lance? Did you find the book you wanted?" A woman not much older than Ruby stepped forward from behind another aisle of books, and the boy ran to her with his selection brandished above his head.
"Yes, momma! I picked out this Robin Hood book! Mister Q here got it off the shelf for me."
The mother reached down to pick up her child. "Not even gone five minutes and you're already making new friends?"
Q sneered under his breath, "Not quite the word I would use, but-" "That's right!" Ruby addressed the mother, thankful that she hadn't overheard Q's snide remarks. "He's a very sweet boy, he told us all about how he's a big fan of Robin Hood."
"Yep!" The boy beamed proudly. "And, and she said that her partner mister Q played Robin Hood with his friends and, uh, he got to be the Sheriff of Naughty-ham."
"That's Notting-ham," Q enunciated spitefully as he gleaned down at the child. Even if he desperately wanted the interaction to be over, he still would never miss an opportunity to be right about something.
Ruby paid him no mind, in the hopes that the woman would do the same, as she gave both the mother and child a kind grin. "Well, it was lovely to meet you, Lance. I hope you enjoy your book." She took on a tone akin to an ancient English knight as she thumped her a closed hand to her chest theatrically. "Never stop protecting those who can't protect themselves, and fight for justice and truth, just like your Robin Hood."
And unlike Q, she had wanted to say, but she decided that Q had had enough teasing for one day.
Little Lance beamed proudly and copied her motion as he put his own small fist over his chest, clearly taking the words to heart. His mom wore a similar warm grin as she and her son bade the couple farewell and headed toward the checkout counter.
Ruby turned back around to face Q, grinning cheekily up at him as he firmly kept his arms crossed and refused to meet her eye. "That was absolute torture," he groaned, "you know that, right? I'm not sure why I ever agreed to this trip." His partner let out a small laugh at how easy his disposition was to sour, and upon hearing that delightful little giggle of hers that he so dearly adored, he couldn't stop a smile from tugging at the corner of his mouth as he looked back down at her.
She chirped, "I'm sorry, my darling, but you know I can't resist teasing you.” A smirk overtook her face. “Besides, I believe I remember someone very intelligent once saying that one creature's torment is another's delight."
Q's eyebrows shot up in surprise before lowering in satisfaction, a grin snaking its way across his face as he pulled Ruby in close by her hips. If he had to make a list of all of his favorite things about her, the way that she was able to match his wit so effortlessly would easily clear the top three. Q was more than used to looking down on mortals, feeling superior to them, and he was somewhat justified in feeling so; even when encountering creatures cognitive enough to communicate, it was hardly ever that he came across one that didn't immediately bore him. Even with humans, as fascinating as the species itself was, the individuals were hardly worth stopping for. But there were always exceptions, and no exception has seized his attention, gained his respect, and retained his adoration more wholly than his Ruby.
Indifferent to who around may be watching, Q leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ruby's, allowing her to reach up and hold his face as he kissed her slowly and deliberately.
He just barely pulled away to groan against her lips, "I hope you appreciate my generous patience with you in situations like this." Ruby felt a shudder go through her body; as much as she saw and treated Q as an equal, she couldn't deny that, on occasion, she was exhilarated by the power he always had the capability of holding over her. She brushed any growing stimulation aside as she slyly retorted, "Only if you can appreciate me holding back in situations like this."
That comment earned her another kiss, this one much more brief but still holding just as much admiration, before Q stood up fully again. “Well then,” he sighed, “are we done here?”
Ruby chuckled. “Okay, you’ve been very good today. I’ll check out this book, and we can head back home.”
Q watched his partner as she headed toward the counter, an odd - but not unfamiliar - feeling washing over him as he replayed her words in his mind. He’d been very good today. It was still strange to him that such words of affirmation had any effect on him, even if. He’d never needed anyone else’s approval, or encouragement, or affection before meeting Ruby. He still didn’t need it, he supposed; he already knew that he was the most intelligent and powerful being in the universe. But something about hearing those things from her, the confirmation that there was one person who genuinely thought good of him, cared for him, loved him…
It was quite a wonderful feeling.
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mybeingthere · 9 days
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In 1971, Bill Gibb made a splash onto the international fashion scene as he dressed Twiggy (pictured) for her appearance at the premiere of Ken Russell's The Boyfriend, a movie in which she also starred. In 1972, he established his independent label, he debuted his first solo collection at the Oriental Club in London.
Bill Gibb's roots couldn't have been more pastoral. Born in rural Scotland in 1943, Gibb was the son of a dairy farmer. His talent for drawing was noticed by his art teacher, who encouraged the young Gibb to move to London in 1962 to study at St. Martins School of Art. He graduated first in his year and gained a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in 1966, where he studied under the legendary Janey Ironside. At the close of the decade, a number of key British talents emerged from the college, namely Ossie Clark, Zandra Rhodes, Anthony Price, and Gibb himself. Thus Gibb became an active member of the British Boutique Movement.
Gibb was unconventional, his designs responded to the growing romantic trend of the late 60s/early 70s, the free spiritness of the Woodstock generation personified this mood, and his creations took their inspiration from the Medieval Renaissance and the East. He combined rich fabrics, textures and hand embroidered patterns. Gibb’s most recognizable motif was a bee (B for Bill) which he utilized in the form of enamel bee buttons and knitwear with bee designs (how very Arts and Crafts!). Twiggy, Bianca Jagger, Anjelica Huston and Elizabeth Taylor counted among his celebrity following.
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