#Athena gets an upgrade enter the stealth suit/Widow suit!
ask-spidersisters · 2 years
Stealth Suit
After promising Thalia that no she wasn’t going to break into OsCorp right now, she swears she’s just going to the Tower, Athena finally made it. Slipping in through the launch pad doors and making her way down to the lab where her main suit was. The one she was wearing currently was her backup, the one Stark had made for her. Although the retractable arms and armor aspects were useful, they wouldn’t be partially helpful for this stealth mission. Plus, although he did tone down the red, it was still a brighter hue than her main suit, which would definitely not do her any favors.
Athena looked down at her broken main suit on the table. She picked up the mask, turning it over to look at the cracked lense and biting the inside of her cheek.
It’s a lot more banged up than I remembered…
She ran her hands over the torn fabric, not needing a diagnostic to know that its systems were badly damaged. She hung her head gripping the edge of the table.
Fuck. This will take way longer than a day to fix entirely. And I can’t break into OsCorp of all places with a half functional suit.
Athena’s head shot up when she heard footsteps coming down the hall outside the door. She slipped her mask back on and turned right as it opened.
“Ah. Funny seeing you here.”
Athena relaxed a smile forming on her face as she recognized the blonde.
“I could say the same. You still sticking around?”
Yelena shrugged, walking into the room and letting the door automatically close behind her.
“Well I realized I really don’t have anywhere else to go. Plus, this place is really intuitive.”
Athena took off her mask and leaned against the table, crossing her arms.
“What are you an Avenger now?”
Yelena’s face scrunched up in an expression of offense and disgust.
“Ugh. No. That flashy stuff may suit Natasha but it is not for me.”
Athena snorted as Yelena walked up closer to look at what was on the table.
“Your suit?”
Athena’s face dropped slightly, her good mood dampened by the reminder of the obstacle she currently faced.
“Yeah. I need to get in some place quietly, and my back up suit is a bit to attention grabbing.”
She explained, motioning to her currently equipped suit. Yelena hummed, looking back at her.
“Ah, already back in the game huh? Well you might just be in luck.”
Athena quirked an eyebrow in confusion as Yelena gestured for her to follow as she walked deeper into the lab. She pulled a box out from a cabinet and plopped it on the counter, sliding it towards Athena.
“Maybe this will work.”
Athena tilted her head and slowly opened the lid. Her eyes widened as she put down her mask to pull out the gift inside. Yelena stood back with a smile as Athena unfurled the black suit, decorated with a large red spider symbol on its chest and back, with thin red lines on the seams. She noticed the palms of the gloves had red hour glasses and the lenses of the mask shone with a slight red tint. She store at it in awe.
“I… w-what… how?”
Athena couldn’t hide the smile forming on her face as she turned to Yelena, holding the suit closer to herself.
“Well since I decided to stick around Natasha and I thought that maybe you could use a new style.”
Yelena brought out a hand to ruffle her hair.
“And the machines here work really fast. All we had to do was plug in the design and use your old suits systems as a base and bam!”
Athena knocked Yelena’s hand off her head.
“Thank you.”
Yelena smiled.
“Anytime Scarlet.”
Yelena blinked in surprise.
“My name is Athena.”
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