#Arya not being able to fit in kills me because she genuinely tried to be the Lady that her family wanted
fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
Do you ever think about how Arya being left-handed most likely had an impact on her needlework and other tasks? And how she needed special attention not only because she wasn't as naturally gifted as her sister but because the way she was being taught fundamentally didn't work for her? And how instead of being given the attention she needed she was instead held to an unfair standard by her teacher and used as a measure for bad behavior? And how this all impacted her self-esteem and her views on being a Lady?
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years
Game of Thrones 8x01
- Loved having the little kid running around and climbing, great call-back to Bran.
- Loved getting the Arya point-of-view to the people she cared about. Smiling, trying to control her emotions when she saw Jon, assessing Dany, but not able to read her take, murderous gaze on Hound, and then....
- That happy smile like ‘here comes my man!’ Yeah, any doubt I had that Arya and Gendry was happening was completely gone after that. (Even if I hadn’t already known details about their scene in the forge.)
- If the first words out of Jon’s mouth to Sansa weren’t “Where’s Arya?” I would have been very disappointed. The first words out of Jon’s mouth to Sansa were: “Where’s Arya?” Well done, show.
- I loved Bran’s “We don’t have time for this. The Night King has one of your dragons and the Wall is down. The dead are on their way.”
- Not gonna lie, Sansa came across as kinda a bitch through most of the episode except for her final scene with Jon. I was really disappointed in the writing for her character.
- I LOVED Drogon staring down Jon as he was kissing Dany. HAHAHAHA!
- On the other hand, I LOVED Daenerys. Her response to Sansa’s, “What do dragons eat?” “Whatever they want,” cracked me up. Her reactions to Jon on the dragon, her genuine wanting to thank Sam, forthrightness in owning up to what she did to his father and brother, yeah, I just loved her all around. She’s not even in my top five favorite characters generally, but I loved her in this episode.
- Arya, on the other hand, IS my favorite. I LOVED her. (I also got a huge kick at how warm she was with Jon, and girlish and flirty--although, she tried so hard to be cool and nonchalant--as well as stone-cold with the Hound because it completely put a big ole giant meteor in the argument of ‘Arya is just a cold-blooded assassin who only cares about killing things!
- So... reunions... I was disappointed in Tyrion and Sansa’s and that was one of the ones I was looking forward to the most. I dunno, maybe I’ll like it better after a rewatch of it. It just felt like Sansa was too ‘Littlefinger-y.’ You know how he would have a conversation with someone and seem almost like he was connected with them and then as it continued you realized that he was just acting out a script in his mind and always had to get the last word and then walk away? Well, that is what it felt like Sansa was doing, and I don’t think that Tyrion deserved that from her.
- Arya and the Hound... This one went a lot different than many have predicted. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve read any where she was still pissed at him, but that tracks. I mean, she really didn’t want to admit that he was off her list and was confused about it when she was talking to the Waif. Seeing him again would no doubt bring back all of her heated and angry thoughts about him. I expect they probably will settle back into their love/hate relationship that we all remember pretty well. Personally, I loved their scene. It was perfectly in character for both and, in his own way, he gave her props.
- Arya and Jon... *sigh* I loved a lot about this, but I had a few problems. They included all of the things that REALLY had to be in there. The hug that was reminiscent of that hug from when he gave her Needle. He recognized Needle. Height in some way was referenced. That was all great. And I LOVED him pulling out HIS sword to show off to her. I also loved how he fell immediately into the easy rhythm of complaining to her about Sansa because in the past it had always been them against everyone else. But, but, but....
That was my problem... it was right that Arya defended Sansa, or rather, the Stark family. But why in THIS scene? Why in the big Jon/Arya reunion scene that we’ve been waiting EIGHT FRIGGING YEARS FOR?!? And then to have Arya tell Jon to not forget that he’s part of their family?! ARYA telling JON that?! Ugh. I know she said it sweetly as she was hugging him, and it was a beautiful hug, but it just ended the scene on an disconcerting note. And again... EIGHT. FRIGGING. YEARS we’ve been waiting for the Jon and Arya reunion. I know Game of Thrones is not known for nice things... but couldn’t we have THIS nice thing?
- Arya and Gendry... SQUEE!!! OK, so, yeah, I loved that the very first thing she did was basically have his back, telling the Hound to leave him alone. {{AWWWW!}}} And then aaaaahhhhh! It was so cute!! Then once the Hound left, she was all cool, totally nonchalant, while Gendry was all fumbling over words and stuff. It was awesome!
Her telling him casually that he’d gotten better at smithing and he was all, ‘yeah, you too’ and then realizing that made no sense. ‘Uh, yeah, I mean you look... good.’ And she was still all cool as cucumber, ‘Yeah, you too.’ Like, no big, whatever.  He tries to match her tone, trying to be all cool, talking about Winterfell being cool, but, you know, cold, she makes a forge comment and then we get....
Gendry: “Is that a command, Lady Stark?” Arya: “Don’t call me that.” Gendry: “As Milady wishes.”
And he was just grinning away at her at this point, and they were just looking at each other and that cool, collected manner finally just fell away from Arya and she smilled at him, beaming actually. IT WAS SO PURE AND PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL!
Blah, blah, blah, then she gave him the drawing for her weapon, talked about her sword, her Valyrian dagger and there was the one line of his I didn’t like: ”I knew you like all the other rich girls.” That just didn’t sound like Gendry talking about Arya, but I did love her response (”you don’t know any other rich girls”) and how she was FULL-ON flirting back. Except, even that response doesn’t really fit because how does she know that? She hasn’t seen him in years?
So, I mean, I loved how they said the lines, looked at each other, body language, etc., but the lines themselves just didn’t fit Arya and Gendry like at ALL! But damn, then she turned and left and he turned to watch her go, his eyes glued to her and she did this little spin as she left, smiling at him the whole time and it was BLISS AND AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
- I’m sorry, I just don’t care about what’s happening in King’s Landing right now like at all.
- Yay, Theon saved Yara. Yay! That was cool. And I loved how he called her his queen and that he would follow her, and she gave him leave to go to Winterfell because she knew that is where he wanted to be.
- I loved that Sam told Jon about being Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, while he was still mad at Dany because it gave him the gumption to just lay it all out there to Jon in a way that i don’t think he would have been able to do otherwise.
- Tormund and Edd... "His eyes are blue!" / "My eyes have always been blue!" LMAO!
- Lord Umber kid pinned to the wall, that freaky spiral shape and then him coming to "life," getting set on fire and the spiral as well? F-R-E-A-K-Y!
- Ending the first episode of the last season on Jaime seeing Bran paralleling the first episode of the first season on Jaime pushing Bran out the window was PERFECT! I was flailing! I can’t wait until next week!
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sheikah · 7 years
In the books wasn’t there 3 treasons, and one of them was a treason of love or something? Maybe daario will be danys final treason? I guess it could happen but honestly daario and Cersei just sounds odd to me. Even if he’s bitter and wants revenge, he knows exactly what dany is capable of and knows he’d be on the losing end.
Hey, anon. I’m going to use this ask to make a post about all of these “leaks” in general. Hope you don’t mind. The supposed leaks can be read here. More of my answer under the cut. 
Yes–in Dany’s book visit to HOTU she is warned of three treasons and one is “for love.”
Because of that, I agree that the idea of Daario working against her to be possible. But if I’m really analyzing it, I think that Daario leading the Golden Company would be the betrayal for gold–because he would be getting paid by Cersei/Euron/The Iron Bank, and I don’t think he would fight Dany “for love” of Cersei. It doesn’t add up. And I also don’t believe Daario was genuinely in love with Dany, so I can’t see his alliance with Cersei as like a spurned lover’s revenge. 
So to answer your question, Daario could be the final treason. But I think he fits better into the treason for gold than for love. 
Anyway, I also agree that it seems odd for this Daario plotline to be legitimate at all. So I’m going to address first the reasons I think the “leaks” are suspect. 
1. Tyrion and Varys are not mentioned. To be fair to OP, OP claims to only know details of episode 1 via a conversation with a source, and a few scattered details about the rest of the season thereafter. So possibly episode 1 is not heavy on Tyrion or Varys activity. However, OP didn’t mention this (at least not at the time that I read the leaks. He/she could have edited. I haven’t checked) which tells me Tyrion and Varys slipped their mind, which tells me that they just made up this episode plot and left them out. Say what you will about D&D and their flaws this past season, but Tyrion would be part of an episode they wrote in which everyone gets to Winterfell. He’s a mediator and would certainly be involved in the Jon parentage conflict, as well as some sort of interaction with Sansa at the very least. Tyrion is one of the big 5. He’s going to be around. 
2. The way OP described certain parts of the plot sounds “fanficy.” For example, they are vague and not very detailed when it comes to several plotlines, but they described in great detail how Jon supposedly kisses the tears away from Dany’s face when she cries about the Night King taking over Viserion. 
It also sounds overly cheesy and oddly detailed that Jon tells Arya that seeing her again feels better than coming back from the dead. Not to mention that Jon didn’t seem to enjoy the feeling of coming back from the dead at all. 
3. Certain parts of this don’t make sense considering what we know of last season. My understanding of the final shots of 7.07 is that Bran used ravens to spy on the Night King again, and that he was able to see the Night King riding Viserion and blowing a hole in The Wall near Eastwatch. You can see the scene again here. 
Based on this, the leaker’s claim that the season opens with Bran seeing this seems a little odd. We should believe that Bran already saw it, and instead begin the season by dealing with the aftermath. With only 6 episodes left, I can’t see a re-hash of this scene, a scene which already delivered its emotional payload and would be a weak opening for the final season imo. 
Furthermore, the leaker claims this revelation disturbs Bran and that he is so bothered by it, he is distracted and doesn’t address Jon’s parentage with him right away when Jon returns to Winterfell. I can see why from a writing perspective they would hold off on this revelation for tension, but it shouldn’t be because of Bran’s supposed emotional turmoil. Season 7 did its best to convince us that Bran no longer experiences emotional turmoil. This would be very inconsistent. 
4. Why would Jaime swear his sword to Dany upon arriving at Winterfell? We already know that Dany has abandoned the mentality of demanding oaths of fealty considering all that is going on, so we must assume Jaime does this of his own volition. But it doesn’t make sense. Jaime is disillusioned about Cersei, yes. But disliking Cersei does not equal respect for Dany. Jaime tried to murder her in 7.04. I’m not sure he’s going to be kneeling to her any time soon. His oath is to help in the war against the WW. That doesn’t require an oath to Dany personally. 
5. Speaking of Jaime, I think his death is more likely than Brienne’s. I see Jaime finally redeeming himself as “Kingslayer” by possibly slaying the Night King himself and maybe dying in the process. I know this is a long shot but I would love for him to be the one to deliver the final blow to NK as the true Kingslayer and one the realm would remember fondly forever. I do think it’s likely the Jaime/Brienne romance will proceed and that one of them will die. I just think it’s more likely to be Jaime than Brienne. 
6. Daario leading the Golden Company seems odd to me. How would he become the leader of this group when last we heard, he was maintaining peace and freedom in the former slave cities? When Daario was a mercenary, he was a Second Sun, not a member of the Golden Company. This seems strange to me.  
7. OP claims to know nothing of the ending. I think this is awfully convenient. OP claims to know that Jon and Dany stay together despite Jon’s angst over parentage reveal. OP claims to know the ending of Jaime/Brienne storyline. OP claims to know that Jon and Dany are likely to survive because Melisandre dies to save them. But OP doesn’t know specifics of Night King’s death? Doesn’t know for sure who survives the series? What kind of scenario exists where OP is told all of these super specific details but doesn’t actually know the ending? It seems like OP just didn’t want to write that part because their “tidbits” remain easier to swallow without the finality of the series’ end there as part of them. The other “leaks” presented ludicrous endings and were immediately shut down for it. Without presenting an ending at all, OP seems more credible in some ways. But it also makes me doubt them. 
8. OP never mentions Dany’s pregnancy plot until prompted in the comments. Again, just like Tyrion and Varys, this strikes me as odd. If there is indeed a Targaryen baby, which OP says there is, this would be a huge plot point. So for OP to know this, as they claim to in the comments, but leave it out of their description of the plot in the post itself, makes no sense. This tells me again that OP is making all of this up, forgot about the Targ baby, and had to cover their ass when it was brought up in the comments. 
All that being said, of all the leaks so far, these were some I was most inclined to believe. Full disclosure: that might be because these leaks are the only ones so far that don’t give us a sadistically horrible ending for Jonerys. So maybe I was ready to accept these simply because of my Jonerys obsession. But I do think there are other reasons to give these a little more credit than other “leaks” we’ve seen thus far. 
1. The Greyjoy plot makes sense. I’ve seen other fake leaks that present Euron as the real threat and villain of season 8, as the last man standing after Night King and Cersei fall. In these theories, Euron is some sort of evil mastermind that manages to kill many principle characters. I just don’t see that. So this leak sounds closer to the mark. We can already see that Cersei’s agreement with Euron is fragile and that she is using him. When he discovers that, he might very well go back to the Iron Islands to protect what’s his or gather his forces to retaliate. 
We’ve also now seen the beginnings of Theon’s redemption arc that I personally believe will culminate in saving Yara. Theon saving Yara wouldn’t be that significant if Euron is still in King’s Landing with Cersei instead of at Pike posing a threat to Theon’s rescue mission. So all of what the leaker presents in this regard sounds right to me. 
I also think that Yara ultimately dying despite Theon’s efforts is in keeping with the tone of the series. We can’t have everything we want and I would be sad but not surprised if Yara is killed. It would also be the final straw to shake Theon out of his indecisiveness and inaction–his rage over this could believably compel him to kill Euron, providing a fitting and satisfying end to that subplot. 
2. I’ve always thought that Arya would admire Dany, and the leaker says as much. Arya is canonically aware of Visenya Targaryen and even the name of her sword. It’s not a stretch to think that Arya would look at Dany–a Targaryen woman who is brave enough to ride into battle alongside her men, a woman who tamed three dragons–and see her childhood hero, Visenya Targaryen, a warrior queen. It also fits with Arya’s character to trust someone based on Jon’s opinion, and according to OP, Jon still defends Dany to the Northerners, and Arya would see that. 
3. Even though I question it above, I don’t think the Daario plot is as crazy as others seem to think. Everyone is happy to constantly remind that there are only 6 episodes left. That being the case, I would be very surprised to see a host of new characters introduced as the captains of the Golden Company, because no matter who the writers choose, they will be a new character to show!canon. Having Daario lead the Company doesn’t make sense, especially to more invested fans like us. But the GA would probably enjoy the angst of him landing on Westeros to oppose Dany, and would also like a familiar face instead of a new character as the leader of the GC who only shows up briefly to likely be killed off a couple of episodes later. 
I also don’t think it’s that surprising that Daario could sleep with Cersei. One of the things that Dany always lamented about Daario in the books is that he clearly loved her for what she was, not who she was. Daario is arrogant and enjoys a challenge. He loved Dany because she was an impressive conquest–the Mother of Dragons, the Queen of Meereen. She was formidable in every way. He admired her power as much as her beauty. 
Dany on the other hand, was taken in by Daario’s persistence and charm. In other words, he’s good with women.
Now take Cersei. Despite her inability to truly oppose Dany’s and Jon’s forces, she is still Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She is still a beautiful woman, the Light of the West. She is exactly Daario’s type. She is also no prude. Cersei has slept with inappropriate men besides Jaime before, and in the book she even subtly propositioned Ned Stark in an attempt to save herself when he revealed that he knew the truth about twincest and the illegitimacy of her children. So sleeping with a man casually, or with a seemingly unlikely man, is not OOC for Cersei. I don’t think that after suffering the loss of Jaime and the miscarriage of their last child, that Cersei would be in a position of confidence. She might crave the attention and comfort of a man like Daario who is 1. attractive 2. charming and 3. (assuming he really is the leader of the GC) a powerful ally. 
And of course, these two sleeping together would explain why Euron ditches Cersei, which I fully expect to happen.
4. The Melisandre story works. Sort of. I don’t really know what “army” she could pull together from Volantis but we know she’s leaving Westeros, we know there must be a reason. We know she knows about the WW and wants to prevent their destruction of humanity. We also know that according to what she told Varys in 7.03, she will return to Westeros and die there. 
Considering all of this, her dying in some way to save Jon and Dany after bringing aid doesn’t strike me as crazy. I think it’s fitting, actually. She’s another dynamic character who has changed a lot over the seasons and who has seen the error of her prophecies and her assumptions, but I think her belief in Jon and Dany and what they could do for the realm is genuine. She also said she had been ready to die for a long time. So her dying to save them makes sense. 
And of course, no one is kinder or a better judge of character than Dadvos. I am totally on board with him forgiving her in the end, after seeing that she gave her life to try and right her mistakes. 
5. As I said above, it does make sense to me to hold off on Jon’s parentage reveal immediately upon seeing Bran, so that part sounds in keeping with a good plot structure for the final season. 
OP’s descriptions of Jon’s reaction are also in line with what I’ve been saying–that Jon will handle this revelation the way he advised Theon to handle his own identity crisis. I think it sounds very in-character for Jon to accept his heritage from both families and to ultimately embrace Dany and their love despite the complications. Overall, I don’t believe this is a true leak. But parts of it sound okay, and we need to keep that in mind if we are interested in a potential real leak in the future. Because if one were to come about, it’s entirely possible that some of this information might overlap. After all, some fan theories have been correct in the past. 
So we can disregard this leak and we should. But I’m not going to dismiss the whole thing outright because to do so might be to dismiss or overlook a future, genuine leak the way many people did with Lads. After all, the wight hunt sounded ridiculous–and imo it kind of was. But it was real. Who knows what D&D are capable of lol?
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