#Arcadia Butterfly
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Polaroids in Max's Diary
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saminha · 4 days
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3rpflx · 1 year
﹢﹒📷﹐𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎. ◒ ༻ 。゚⊹ ࿙࿚ ♱ [ 𝚙𝚝. 𝟷 ] 🎞
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honeyxmonkey · 27 days
Sarah McCarthy, Daughter of Vameus
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sestrahulk · 2 years
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Tatiana Maslany at Canada's Walk of Fame December 3rd 2022
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arcadialedger · 1 year
Just fell down the SVTFOE video essay rabbit hole and caught up on all of the drama and oh my gosh, what a shitshow.
You can just let boys and girls be friends, you know. This is just my gut reaction not having seen the show from the information and clips I received, by the way.
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apotheosphorus · 9 months
having discovered life is strange from gtlive circa 2016 was a legit life changing experience
as a teenager also roughly 16 years old at the time, it tapped into i think the forlorn beauty of being a lost adolescent. though cerebrally i knew matpats criticisms of chloe were valid (re: see the chloe the koala bit) something about how absolutely raw and honest her character was as a hurt, yet strong teenaged girl resonated with me. i appreciated her crass but unapologetic demeanor, but also the ways vulnerability and pain dictated a lot of her choices. it made me feel a lot better about my own circumstances, as i was dealing with a lot of sexual and domestic abuse at the time.
now im 21, and retrospectively i feel less emotionally connected to chloe and more aligned with matpats entire approach to the game. but that also kinda makes me feel sad, because it means ive grown up and matured past that era and emotional stasis of my life- i still feel the echoes of my kindred feelings towards chloe, but i dont feel like im living in her world anymore. which i think is a good thing, since i think it means ive since moved on and healed. but i still miss the feels and the vibes of being 16 and sitting in my room in the dark vibing to the soundtrack, just caught up in the moment.
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Thank you for coming to my Ted talk about Lana songs!
So… I just wanted to tell ya what vibes they have. Enjoy!
Bel Air: when I used to live in the country in a small town and it was fall and I was 5 and I watched the birds fly to south
Art deco: walking around a dark alley in the night, the sound of rain. Some shops and clubs has their neon lights on and you are half dr*nk, trying to make your way home
Carmen: when you hate a girl for being better than you, and having everything that you don’t/can’t have. Sometimes that’s what having a younger sister feels like
Off to the races: the sugar baby anthem®️
F***ed my way up to the top: when you are successful and rich but for what? And how?
Blue banisters: going back to old places, to the people from your past
Violets for roses: it’s a bit like… getting married against your will, giving away your freedom… idk
Blue jeans: being in love with the cool guy
Video games: I think this is what one sided teenage love feels like
Arcadia: a place you wanna be at, where everything is fine. A place you create in your mind and run away to
Money, power, glory: Coriolanus Snow
Chemtrails over the countryclub: remembering your childhood
High by the beach: just not giving a f*ck anymore
Salvatore: I would listen to this if I went to an Italian holiday
Cinnamon girl: when you love someone but they don’t love you back. I listened to this when I was in love for the first time
Happiness is a butterfly: being sad and thinking about the times when you were happy
American: it’s about my man, Phillip Graves fr
Heroin: it’s a bit like floating to another dimension (I’ve never been high so idk lol)
These are just my opinion and what these songs mean for me!
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stardustsy · 1 year
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"𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥, 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐫𝐬"
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pedroam-bang · 9 months
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Life Is Strange Remastered Collection (2022)
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whatsjulietslastname · 4 months
To me, the real butterfly effect in Life is Strange is : what if Blackwell Academy never hired Mark Jefferson?
Rachel wouldn’t have died. Nathan would still be the loser we see in Before the Storm, disturbed but not dangerous, and maybe he wouldn’t have been in the Vortex Club. Kate wouldn’t have been bullied, because no one would have drugged her at that party. But no one would have drugged Chloe either, which means Chloe wouldn’t even go in that bathroom, which means she wouldn’t die on Monday, and Max wouldn’t have gotten her powers. But would Max even go to Blackwell if Jefferson wasn’t a teacher? I’m a huge believer that going to Blackwell was partly an excuse to go back to Arcadia Bay and reconnect with Chloe, but she still said she came because of Jefferson. And what would be Chloe and Max’s relationship if Max didn’t save her, and Rachel was still alive? What would be Rachel and Max’s relationship?
So yeah, anyway. Just shower thoughts.
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arcadiabaytornado · 6 months
We all talk about Rachel being a narrative ghost, but I'm thinking about the idea of Chloe becoming a ghost in Arcadia Bay if you choose to sacrfice her.
A patron enters the diner and orders a big stack of pancakes for breakfast. They notice an older waiter staring at them with a small sad smile before she goes back to taking orders.
A garbage collector goes to do their job at the dump. They find the words "Chloe Was Here" written on the wall and quirk an eyebrow as they wonder why that name sounds so familiar. Maybe it was in the paper awhile ago, but they suppose it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Instead they go about their day, their footsteps imprinting on the same ground that was once walked by a girl with blue hair and her "friend" who she cared about deeply.
A skater goes to the park and meets a bunch of skater boys doing tricks near the rails. One of them says his name is Justin and they're skating in honor of two women he used to know. The skater has never heard the names "Rachel Amber" or "Chloe Price" before, but when stories start being shared it almost feels like they know them too in a way.
A girl with brightly dyed hair sits alone by the Blackwell fountain before she's approached from behind. "I love your hair. It reminds me of an old friend." The girl with the dyed hair doesn't get the chance to fully reply before the girl holding a camera walks away.
A girl with a camera sits under a tree. The bullet necklace Joyce let her keep hangs over her shirt as she flips through the shots she's taken that day. Above her on the bark sits a blue butterfly that provides a silent company. The girl with a camera looks up at it with a smile.
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mothellie · 1 month
So I have a Life is Strange theory and I know I'm probably not saying anything that hasn't already been said before, but I feel the need to ramble about it because MMMMMMMMMMM. Major spoilers for Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
My theory: Rachel had powers, too.
That's definitely been said before. I know I've seen people talk about it both on here and on other sites. When she kicks over the flaming trashcan, a HUGE gust of wind blows from behind her and turns this relatively small flame into a huge forest fire. The fire goes out when she disappears. I've seen people debate whether this is a power related to the wind, or fire itself, but I personally think that her power encompasses all of nature. Which leads me to the second part of my theory.
Not only does Rachel have powers, ones that are related to nature, but she quite literally is the storm that wipes out Arcadia Bay. And the deer that follows Max around through most of the first game, and the butterfly.
Now PLEASE hear me out on this.
Max Caulfield suddenly gains the ability to control time seemingly out of no where, conveniently right in time to save Chloe Price from being shot to her death in the Blackwell bathroom. She's also been getting premonitions of a catastrophic impending tornado seeming headed straight for Arcadia Bay. And, to top it all off, she sees a doe all around the town that seems to follow her and make direct eye contact with her on several occasions, that only disappears when her and Chloe finally locate Rachel's body. Do you wanna know where Max saw the doe in the junkyard, the very first time she's seen it outside of her foreboding nightmares about the storm? Right next to where Rachel is buried. What's in the bathroom that gives Max a convenient hiding place to witness Chloe's death so she can reverse it? The butterfly.
At each turn Max takes, there is some sort of natural occurrence or creature guiding her path, leading her not only to the clues that solve Rachel's disappearance, but also to saving Chloe's life time and time again. She's then faced with a choice: sacrifice her hometown, or sacrifice her best friend.
Despite being given a choice, it's my firm belief that Rachel wants us to sacrifice the town. The very first thing Max's power is used for is to save Chloe, which she was all but put on a leash and led to by numerous strange occurrences that all seem to link back to Rachel Amber. Rachel wants two things: for her story to be told, and for Chloe to be safe. And she knows the only way to ensure both of those things happen is through Max Caulfield, Chloe's long-term best friend since childhood. She also knows that Chloe and Arcadia Bay do not mix, and cannot coexist. If Chloe lives, Rachel will not let Arcadia Bay stand knowing all the pain this town has caused not only herself, but Chloe. If Chloe is dead, there's nothing for her to protect. And it's all up to Max to decide if Chloe is worth that sacrifice. She's gotten what she wanted for herself, for her story to be revealed. That's why the doe disappears after they find her corpse. The only thing that's left is ensuring nothing can ever hurt Chloe again, not even herself.
Once Arcadia Bay is in ruins and Chloe is safely out of town, the storm stops. Peace has been restored and Rachel can finally rest.
And, finally, my third part of this theory:
Rachel is the reason anyone in the continued Life is Strange series has powers in the first place.
Life is Strange 2 picks up a story that seems completely unconnected from the story of Rachel, Max and Chloe. It follows two completely different characters, Sean and Daniel, in a different state. Life is Strange: True Colors follows Alex Chen, also in another town. This seems like it couldn't possibly tie back to the original story but JUST YOU WAIT, DEAR READER. In LIS2, Sean and Brody quite literally have a heart to heart while overlooking the ruins of Arcadia Bay. In LIS:TC, Alex meets Steph Gingrich, a character who was featured in LIS:BTS and is canonically from Arcadia Bay. No matter how minor the connection is, each Life is Strange game up until this point has somehow referenced or tied back to the story of Rachel Amber, and by proxy the story of Max and Chloe.
Each character who gains powers have something in common, as well. They all have something, or someone, important to protect. The same way Rachel, and Max, protected Chloe. Rachel's influence is still felt throughout the United States, all because she wanted to protect all that was important to her and destroy anything that dared to underestimate her.
The true story of Life is Strange can only be told if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, and that story didn't start with Max Caulfield. It started with Rachel Amber.
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honeyxmonkey · 10 months
Saw this writing prompt that's perfect for them: "when they slip their fingers into the torn parts of your jeans"
Carter: wears ripped jeans
Douxie: slipping his fingers into the torn parts with an innocent little smile on his face
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chloe-caulfield94 · 9 months
Max is Chloe's antidepressant
I love the moment where Chloe and Max start dancing in Chloe's room in Episode 1. Not only is it a cute and funny scene on its own, but it also proves how powerful the feelings between them are.
By the time Max came back to Arcadia Bay, Chloe had been struggling with depression for some time. Max can find prescription antidepressant Fluoxetine in Chloe's bathroom. Chloe wouldn't have been taking such a drug had she not been diagnosed with depression by a psychiatrist. In addition to Fluoxetine, Chloe self-medicated with weed, which has antidepressant properties - hence the whole medical marijuana thing. In Before the Storm we see that Chloe sometimes had to smoke a joint to even find the strength to get out of bed in the morning. So it's likely the onset of her depression was when she was sixteen.
After bringing Max to her room, Chloe suffered a major bout of depression. She suddenly lost all strength and had to lie down. She instinctively reached for weed, one of the few things left in her life that she could use to ease her pain. Finding Max in the parking lot raised Chloe's spirit for a moment, as evidenced by her smiling while looking at Max on the passenger's seat, but it wasn't enough. At this point Chloe was unaware that Max had saved her life. On the contrary, she thought she was the one who had saved Max from Nathan's predations. And while bumping into Max was a dream come true, it also proved that at least some of her fears were rooted in reality. Max had been out there, very close, but she hadn't reached out. Would she have ever reached out? Would she have hopped into Chloe's truck if Nathan hadn't been hot on her heels? Those fears and doubts must have been even stronger in the version of events in which Max had chosen to say "Give me a break, I was going through changes. Like you" when faced with Chloe's grievance.
But when Chloe saw the butterfly photograph, it suddenly dawned on her. Not only Max still cared about her, she cared about her enough to save her life! This realization, that Max still had feelings for her, was enough to launch Chloe from a near catatonic state into wild celebration. From laying down and being unable to do anything, even hold a conversation, to laughing, jumping and dancing.
Max is Chloe's antidepressant. Her love was the only cure strong enough to keep Chloe going.
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tangent101 · 20 days
Imagine if Max's Rewind vanished...
One of the huge assumptions for Sacrifice Chloe is that by seeing Chloe die, Max gained the Rewind. Thus by going back in time to the Butterfly photo and not saving Chloe, that fixes everything. If you just pick at one or two threads the whole things falls apart and becomes what it truly is: a selfish divinity wanting a human sacrifice. But what if this was in fact the truth... that by not seeing Chloe die, Max doesn't gain the Rewind.
So then... there is one point in which Max would not have the Rewind and that would be when Max tries to save William. She would not have the Rewind. She would have no way of stopping William. He walks out the door and she knows he's going to die... and she doesn't go forward in time. She's stuck there. She is 18 years old and trapped as her 13 year old self.
However, Max has a far greater understanding of the world as a result and can fix the mistakes she made the first time around. And that would be that she refuses to stop talking to Chloe this time. She does everything to stay in touch. She goes to the library and e-mails Chloe. She works on her own mental health, knowing what she herself went through that first time, she goes to the school counselor perhaps, she mourns with Chloe (if from afar)... and something new happens this time around.
Max is there to witness the start of the problems with David.
Naturally Max is going to tell her to go to the authorities. Report David for abuse. But much as likely happened the first time, Joyce handwaves it away, the police ignore it, Blackwell ignores it. Max would be horrified by the fact Chloe is being abused by this asshole and no one will do anything.
But there's a huge difference this time. Because Max is in her life. Perhaps she talks to her own school counselor about this abuse and how no one is doing anything. Maybe she talks to her parents. In fact, I think she would do the latter... and I think that Ryan and Vanessa would listen to their daughter. More, they might even listen to how the police won't do anything and they know how worried Max is... so they contact Joyce. They offer an alternative.
Let Chloe come up to Seattle for the summer. It will give Joyce and David a break from the conflicts with Chloe, Chloe can settle down and be with her best friend... and I think Joyce would jump at that possibility. She may claim she wants a "family" in LiS but what she really wants is for the fighting to stop. She wants security. And I think that with time away from Chloe... Joyce might realize that she's happier with her daughter living away from her.
Perhaps Joyce is the one who suggests that Chloe start attending classes in Seattle. If the Caulfields don't mind. Nor do I think Ryan and Vanessa would mind. They see how much their daughter has just... brightened and become more alive with Chloe in her life. Chloe would likely have to start a year back because her grades did suffer after William's death, and having someone she knows attending the same year would help Chloe settle in.
Chloe meanwhile is flourishing. She is exploring the city with Max. She misses her dad something fierce but Max is by her side. Max is there to hold her when she cries, Max cries with her, Max doesn't tell her she has to toughen up, she says it's okay to cry. And I think Chloe would heal. She wouldn't be quite the punk she is in the timeline where she remained in Arcadia Bay to be abused and ignored, though I think she's embrace some elements of it. (Max would likely encourage her to dye her hair blue.)
Max would be surprised, but only a tiny bit, when Chloe dares her to kiss her. She'd jump at the opportunity.
There'd be no return to Blackwell. Max would be more interested in staying with Chloe, and let's be honest, Mark Jefferson was only ever an excuse to return to Arcadia Bay. And Max would be surprised to learn that Rachel Amber went missing one day. Perhaps she might even send an anonymous letter recommending the authorities investigate Nathan Prescott.
The death of Kate Marsh shocks Max. She wasn't there to save her. She doesn't remember her face. It's been five years for her. She forgot that she was on the roof, that she was the one to talk her down. But there is one thing that happens... and that's the arrest of Nathan Prescott for questioning a couple days later... and then Mark Jefferson going on the run as he sees the noose closing around his own throat.
Fortunately, Max now has Chloe there. I don't know if Max would ever tell Chloe the truth about the time travel. I mean... she might. She wouldn't be able to prove a thing, but I think Chloe would believe her because... Max changed that day. She stopped being the meek girl she was... and she remained in touch. Max was the one who reached out and helped Chloe find a new home when she was being abused. And Max would have to admit how the first time around, she just didn't stay in touch and she refused to make that mistake this time around. Maybe she couldn't save Chloe's dad but... she saved Chloe.
Would there still be a Storm? Would Arcadia Bay be destroyed three days after the death of Kate Marsh? Or would things go differently this time around? Without Chloe to be there for Rachel, would the spirit of Rachel seek to destroy Arcadia Bay? Or would she and Kate watch as Jefferson fled, a fugitive, as justice was served?
Ultimately it doesn't matter. Max and Chloe have a different destiny now. They are together in Seattle, falling in love all over again, slower perhaps, but more deeply. And they'd move on and live the life that was denied to them in another time.
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