#Aquajet parts
strangesickness · 2 months
so i maybe perhaps made an AU for an AU and started writing it as if i don't already have five thousand fan-fictions on the go.
ANYWAYS more losers swimming AU but this time it is slightly different (this is mostly eddie lol)
the losers minus eddie are all part of the derry bluefin aquatics club (DBAC, pronounced D-back) , whereas eddie is part of the bangor aquajets (BAJ, pronounced badge).
they all still live in derry and eddie is still best friends with all of them, but sonia makes him swim with BAJ because she thinks the derry activity centre is too dirty and she also hates coach black (who coaches at DBAC when he's not at school).
eddie and the rest of the losers have taken to calling eddie's coach (coach martin) "coach asshole" because of how frequently eddie calls him an asshole
coach martin is a pretty shit coach all around, he doesn't actually provide much feedback or skillwork during practice and he doesn't get his athletes splits (the time it takes to do the laps within the race, so if you're doing a 100m you'd have 2 splits, the time it took to get from 0m to 50m and the time it took to get from 50m to 100m. this language isn't exclusive to swimming but i figured i'd explain it in case anyone didn't know what it meant)
he also has almost entirely stopped signing eddie up for longer races, breaststroke races, and butterfly races even though eddie's three best races are 200 fly, 200br and 400IM, because sonia told him eddie couldn't swim long distances because of his asthma, and he wasn't allowed to swim breaststroke because it would fuck up his knees and fly would fuck up his shoulders.
eddie is as a result, stuck doing the 100 back which he is. SHIT at. like yeah it's fine to branch out and swim a race he's bad at every once in a while, but he knows he can make provincials (idk if thats what it's called in the USA) if he just gets the chance to swim the 400IM, but he's been swimming the 100back and 50free at every race for the past five meets with a 400IM nowhere in sight...
he makes the other losers get his splits for him since coach martin isn't going to do it. he greatly enjoys walking over to the DBAC bleachers and shoving his stopwatch and notebook into richie's hands lol (also he owns a stopwatch that he brings to meets with him and he's always spamming the counter button before races)
he sees richie at school and after school every day but he freaks the hell out whenever he sees him at meets because like.... he didn't think his shoulders were that big... like what the hell?
since he isn't swimming the 400IM and 200fly usually anymore, he gets to sit and watch richie swim them which is literally the only upside to the situation
he is extremely normal about watching richie do his behind the blocks warm-up. richie will always catch him staring but instead of it being weird richie will just start over-doing his warm-up to make eddie laugh, he's like swinging his arms like crazy and eddie's trying to yell at him across the pool because he's a dumbass and he's going to hurt his shoulders
he's just generally soooo normal about it whenever he sees richie at meets tbh... despite not swimming with him he could pick richie's stroke out during meet warm-up (theres like. well over 30 people in one lane during meet warm up. it's extremely chaotic. someone almost drowned me when i was like nine lol. eddie definitely had the same experience)
he always sets his stuff up in the DBAC bleachers and coach black has just accepted him as one of his own lol
he convinces sonia to let him switch to DBAC for his 11th and 12th years of high school similarly to how he convinces her to let him keep seeing his friends in the book
he spent so much time with DBAC at meets that he is absorbed into the team immediately
he makes prov in 400IM, 200fl, and 200br like he said he would if coach martin just gave him the chance
which means!!! travel meet!!
theres an odd number of girls on the team so coach black lets bev share a room with the other losers
they spend most of their evenings in one of their rooms playing all the weird card/board games ben and bill brought. it is very loud. they are the annoying team at the hotel lol
on sunday they're at finals until like 8pm because richie and eddie are both in the 400IM and ben is in the 1500fr, since it's the last day they get to run off and they find a barcade but they're underage so there's like nothing they can drink there but they eat basically all the food the place has, they then play ddr on aching legs which results in a dance battle between bev and richie
they then proceed to go get massive ice cream cones at a nearby ice cream place. richie for the first time in his entire life understands what "ate too much" means
they try to sing camp songs on the bus ride home but everyone's voices are dead for the next week from all the cheering they were doing.
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clanwalterland · 2 years
Momentos ThunderBlaze
Antes que nada, estos mini escritos son un Electivire x Infernape, quedan completamente avisados, algunos son version humanizado. Sin mas disfruten
La primera vez que lo conoció e intentó ser su amigo no fue lo que esperaba; le vio con arrogancia, el por su parte no le importo, sabía que había peores seres que el
Lago Agudeza
Hace semanas que no tenía una batalla, salió de su pokeball y quedo sorprendido al notar al otro en su segunda evolución, por fin estarían en igualdad de condiciones, lástima que su pelea duro tan poco
Liga Sinnoh
Su último encuentro; ambos en su forma final. El eléctrico cayo completamente agotado y antes de que su ex entrenador lo introdujera en esa pokebola estiro su mano y le detuvo. Camino hasta el otro y se arrodillo con cuidado, pues su cuerpo le dolía, Electivire por su parte se incorporó suavemente –Lo lograste, me ganaste… Estoy muy orgulloso- estiro su mano y la ubico en la mejilla de Infernape, este solo sonrió
–¿Has pensado en visitarnos? - cuestiono un hombre de cabello violeta a un mono de fuego –estoy seguro de que Ash te dejara… Y además cierto pokemon está ansioso por verte- el profesor Oak no presento inconveniente y acepto, ya le explicaran al chico de Paleta en donde se hallaba su amigo
Concurso Corazonada
Heracross lo elevo en el aire y luego lo soltó, logrando que Elekid como era de esperarse impactara contra la arena de combate; seguido de Buizel que utilizo aquajet dandole de lleno, haciendolo retroceder varios metros, se incorporó y tras la mirada de preocupación de su compañero evoluciono, se sentía poderoso. Les ganaron con algunas dificultades, aunque lo que más le agrado al finalizar fue la sonrisa de Chimchar
Habia visto a su entrenador hacerlo bastantes veces, sobretodo cuando platicaba con su anterior entrenador, o como era llamado "su otro papá"; cortesia de Reggie, claro. Ademas, ¿qué tan dificil podria ser?. Prendió el teléfono para una video llamada, tras la Liga no se habían visto de nuevo; toco los botones y espero. Se alegro al saber que habia discado bien, al ver que del otro lado de la pantalla se encontraba un hombre de cabello violeta
–¿Bueno? Infernape ¡tanto tiempo! –Reggie soltó con alegría, el pokemon saludo –¿Quieres hablar con Electivire?- El criador no era tonto, conocia el hecho de su llamada ¿o no?
–Infer- asintiendo y entrelazando sus dedos sobre sus piernas
–De acuerdo espera. -
A los minutos apareció el nombrado, platicaron de todo y nada, -extrañaba tu voz –exclamó el eléctrico, el más bajo se sonrojo y tras una pausa dijo
–Yo también te extrañe
Mal encuentro
–Elec, detente- sujetando el pecho de su pareja evitando que despedazara al tipo verde, cuya cola tenia un ¿arbusto? Electivire solia decirla "Arbolito de navidad"
–No entiendo cómo eres amigo de este- señalándole por completo al de Hoenn
–Y yo no entiendo cómo es que están juntos, míralo ahí tan, estúpido, te creí inteligente Infernape- al escuchar esas palabras su cuerpo se tornó de electricidad,
–Escúchame ni se te ocurra dirigirte de esa manera a el- el de Sinnoh estaba desesperado, y como si Arceus le iluminase sujeto al otro de las mejillas y lo jalo para besarlo. Sceptile aprovecho para escapar, ya después se desquitaría en una pelea
Barba [Gijinka]
Beso su cuello con todo el cariño del que era capaz, los dedos del pelirrojo se aferraron a los hombros del rubio y rio;
–tu barba… hace cosquillas –el más alto se distanció.
–¿Dices de afeitarme?
–No, nunca lo hagas- estiro su mano y acaricio su mentón y levantándose lo beso, coloco sus brazos en su cuello y le arrastro para continuar lo que habían dejado
Protección no iba a soportar mucho más, cerro sus ojos cuando esta se eliminó, una mano le hizo a un lado y un destello blando apareció ante él; sino es porque noto quien era realmente, Electabuzz hubiese jurado haber visto a un ángel
Cámara [Gijinka + niños] (adoptado)
Se despertó y lo primero que noto fue que sobre el cuerpo de su esposo se encontraba su pequeño de dos años, sonrió, busco su celular y tras encontrarlo en su mesa de noche les tomo fotos, ya después se encargaría de la memoria ahora no
Aburrirse [Gijinka +18]
Acomodo su cuerpo entre las piernas de su marido y sujeto su pene, era bastante grande, se lamio los labios y se lo llevo a la boca, la mano del de ojos rojos se ubicó en su nuca, suspirando con cariño
–Oh despertaste- se separó y subió a besarlo –Buen día, amor- dándole una sonrisita
–Buenos días… ¿y esto? –refiriéndose a lo que acababa de sentir
–Pues, estaba aburrido- se recostó en su pecho algo que el rubio aprovecho para delinear con sus dedos la espalda de su marido. El electricista se dio la vuelta dejando al otro debajo, sujeto sus caderas y tras ponerse el condón que estaba en el cajón de la mesa de noche le penetro, eso habia sido fácil considerando que estuvieron toda la noche si dormir; las piernas del vendedor se ubicaron en los hombros del otro. Ambos comenzaron a gemir, Infer estiro su cuello a lo que el más alto aprovecho para morder, le tomo de la cintura y levantándolo siguió embistiéndole; Infernape le sujeto el rostro besándole con todo el amor del mundo; ambos llegaron al mismo tiempo
–¿Sabes?... deberíamos cansarnos seguido
–Jajajajaja cállate y sigue dándome amor
–Como mi esposo desee
–¿Te encuentras bien? - el nerviosismo del pokemon eléctrico era único de ver, nunca lo había visto tan intranquilo, la última vez fue cuando le pidió ser su novio hace 3 años
–Sí, estoy bien. No es nada… espero- entrelazaron sus dedos y caminaron. Se encontraron con Ursaring que les guiño un ojo y silbo, Torterra cerro sus ojos con diversión, el resto se mantenían expectantes. El grande se detuvo ¿Cómo decirle? No estaba en sus planes hacer lo de esas novelas románticas que Reggie leía, era algo demasiado cursi, pero por esos hermosos ojos azules que le miraban suspiro y se arrodillo. No paso ni un minuto que el que poseedor de llamarada se sonrojo y asintió. Un enorme vitoreo se escuchó en cuanto el pokemon de Paul coloco algo parecido a un anillo en el dedo anular del inicial de sinnoh.
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years
Stumbling: Chapter 10
Pairing: Raihan X Reader X Leon
Your life hadn’t gone exactly as you planned…
This is why when an old rival walks into the coffee shop you work at he gives you an offer you just can’t refuse. Finally, a chance at the League. Suddenly you are thrust into the spotlight and a world you thought you had left behind. Dreams aren’t always what they are cracked up to be though, especially when you find yourself the tangled up with the champion and a certain gym leader.
Has all your dreams come true?
Or is this your worst nightmare?
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Chapter 10: Hit Me with Your Best Shot You gaze into the sunrise taking in the colors with your sweater wrapped around you for warmth. Zuko lays curled next to you as a source of heat and protection, the little fire lizard yawns and stretches as he blinks up at you. You glance down at him as you giggle to yourself and pull a few berries out for him to eat. He happily snatched them from your hands and eats them as he too watches the colors dance across the morning sky. You had been up for a couple of hours now, allowing the guys to get some sleep. 
You watch as the quiet is broken by the Pokémon in the tall grass and the little pond slowly stirring to start their day. You are a little surprised when an apple is suddenly sitting next to you, also gazing up into the sunset. You blink as you look down at it and it turns to look at you. 
“An Applin…” you mutter to yourself. 
“Your Applin,” says a voice behind you. 
You whip your head around and you’re surprised to see Raihan sitting in the entrance to the tent. 
“My Applin?” You ask turning to fully face him.
“I caught him for you yesterday, I figured he would be a good addition to your team and…”
“And I wanted you to know that I’ll always be here for you. I know you have a lot going on right now so I don’t expect you to…”
“To what, Rai?”
“Return my-“ Raihan is interrupted as Leon shoves him aside and walks out of the tent yawning. 
“Hey what was that for?!” Raihan yells after his friend and rival. 
“You were blocking the exit of the tent,” Leon says innocently, maybe a little too innocently.
You glance back and forth between the two of them in confusion. 
“What is going on between you two?” You ask in exasperation.
“Nothing!” They both exclaim a bit too forcefully. 
“Whatever, let’s eat breakfast and get going,” you grumble to them. 
The air is filled with the sounds of Raihan packing up the tent, Leon feeding the pokemon and you fixing breakfast for the three of you. Oatmeal is your breakfast of choice today, so while it’s cooking you chop up some berries, get the seasoning ready as well any other topping you have on hand. 
“We’re going to need to grab food while we are in Hulbury,” you tell the guys. 
They just grunt in answer as they continue to focus on the task at hand. You have a feeling that whatever is going on between the two of them is a big part of the silence. You ignore them as you complete your task and announce that breakfast is ready. They finish up quickly before they rush over to grab their respective bowls. 
The three of you set out towards Hulbury the minute that the dishes are washed and put away. You gaze up at the blue sky as you walk along a little behind the duo. The clouds in the sky lazily float over the sun casting shadows every once in a while. Your newest team member is resting on your shoulder while he chirps up at the sky, clearly happy to travel along with you. 
“What are you going to name him?” Raihan asks, clearly enjoying the sight of the Applin he got you resting on your shoulder. 
“I don’t know… I’ve been thinking about it all morning.”
You think you hear Leon huff from in front of you and Raihan but you decide not to pay him any attention. 
Raihan sends him a look before he returns his attention to you. 
“So Raihan…” you start glancing over at the Dragon trainer beside you, “You know about the rumor for Applin right?” 
He glances over at you, “Sure do.”
You just nod with a soft blush on your face, “Okay I wanted to make sure…”
“Don’t worry princess, I gave him to you on purpose, but things are crazy now and…”
“I know…”
“It’s cool if you don’t feel the same you can still keep him…”
“I don’t really know how I feel… things have been very overwhelming recently.”
“I understand.”
“How about… once the League challenge is over we… talk about this more?” You ask hesitantly.
“I’d like that… Plus I technically can’t get involved with competitors soooo…”
You laugh, “So what was the point of this?”
“I want you to know that you’re supported and no matter what you have someone even when this is all over.”
“Thanks, Raihan. I needed to hear that… I’ve been doing everything on my own for so long that it’s nice to know that I have someone there for me…”
You share a smile with Raihan as he slings his arm around your shoulder. You notice how stiff Leon’s shoulders are and you wonder what has gotten into him lately. 
Hulbury is upon you by the afternoon and you head to the pokemon center to get your Pokemon healed up. You notice a few shady characters loitering around the alleys as you exit the center and head towards the gym. A crowd outside of the arena blocks the entrance and you raise your brows as you watch a kid rush out and smirk at the crowd. 
“Fan favorite?” you wonder aloud as you watch the kid sign autographs and give an interview to the reporters standing by. 
You continue your way toward the doors and you’re surprised when shouts of “There she is!” rise up among the crowd. Before you know it they are rushing towards you and you are surrounded by a group of fans and reporters are shoving a microphone into your face. You blink in surprise as you are bombarded with questions. You can feel yourself being overwhelmed as you stumble back. 
“Hey!” A forceful voice cuts through the crowd and everyone stops to stare in shock at Nessa standing on the front steps of her gym. 
“Could you give my challenger some room please?” she asks in an icy voice as she approaches you, the crowd parts like the sea as she does so.
You heave a sigh of relief as you smile at your friend, “Thanks,” you mutter as you step in line beside her. 
“Don’t mention it!” She says as she makes her way into the gym the reporters and crowd following closely behind in order to watch the battle that will soon unfold. 
You head over to registration after waving bye to your friend and get signed in. You find out there are a couple of challengers in front of you so you head to the locker room to wait your turn. 
Sitting on the bench watching the battles take place on screen you almost don’t notice the person that plops down next to you. 
“Well look who it is!”
 Turning you to your right you see Sonia sitting next to you.
“When did you get there?!” you exclaim in surprise. 
“A minute ago! Nessa has been helping me with some research but when she texted me that you were challenging her I knew I had to come to see you for myself!”
You chuckle as you gaze up at the screen showing the battle taking place before you. You sigh as you look down at your team on your belt. 
“Nervous?” Sonia asks. 
“Yeah… Things have been a lot lately… And Raihan kinda just confessed to me…”
“Raihan?! Really? What about-”
“Challenger (Name)! You’re up next please take your place,” a referee interrupts. 
“I’ll talk to you later okay? I have a battle to win.”
You don’t pay attention to Sonia as you rush to the starting area and race to complete the puzzle to get you there. 
By the time you make it to the arena, your clothes are sopping wet and you basically feel like a drowned Ratatta…  
You shiver as a gust of air from the interlock doors assault your senses before you make your way down the hallway towards the field. Once you step out onto the green you feel yourself straighten up as you head towards the center at the same time that Nessa is. You meet in the middle and shake hands before turning and walking towards your respective sides. 
“I’ve been waiting for you, you know…”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“You’re Leon’s chosen one, so clearly you must be good! Don’t worry though, I’m better,” she says with a smirk while she flips her hair over her shoulder. 
“We’ll see about that…” you smirk as you ready your first pokemon. 
Nessa sends our Goldeen as you release Axel your sweet baby throwing his fists onto the ground as he regards the fish Pokemon before him. 
“Axel, are you ready to play? Acid!”
“Goldeen! Use Agility then Water Pulse!”
You see sparks jumping from Axel’s skin before he sprays the general area with the acid. Goldeen dodges just in time and hits Axel with a blast of water. He Flails about out of habit hitting Goldeen and sending her to the ground. 
“Nuzzle!” you yell as the fish pokemon leaps up. 
Axel throws his arms out and wraps them around the fish Pokemon sending electric currents through her body. 
“Whirlpool! You have to get away!”
“Acid! Spray the water!”
You watch as the poison from Axel’s Acid attack mixes with the water swirling around the two of them. They both get swept up into the current, however, due to the paralysis and the poison now running through Goldeen’s system she is rendered useless. Once the whirlpool has subsided both pokemon lands harshly on the floor and you wait with bated breath to see if one of them is getting up. 
Axel sits up and shakes his head, water flying everywhere with a look of confusion. 
“Round one goes to (Name)!”
“Yes!” you exclaim as you throw your hands up and Axel throws his fists into the air. 
“Not bad… Let’s see how you handle Arrokuda!” Nessa releases her next pokemon and you know that Axel can’t survive this battle as well. Hopefully, he will be able to paralysis his opponent before you switch him out. 
“I know what you’re thinking!” Nessa says, “And it’s not going to work!”
“You don’t know what I’m thinking…”
“Don’t I? Aquajet Arrokuda!”
You curse under your breath, “Acid then Nuzzle, Axel!”
You know that Axel’s speed isn’t anything near this Arrokuda’s so your only hope is to slow it down. 
Dodging the acid from Axel Arrokuda slows down enough for Axel to catch him right as he’s hit with a Nuzzle. Axel falls backward knocked out from the move and you frown as you call him back. 
“Great job sweet boy… you deserve a nap.”
“Not bad… you still managed to get me…”
You frown, “I was hoping he would have survived at least one attack, your Arrokuda is stronger than I thought…”
“Serenity! Let’s go!”
Serenity readies herself as she glares at her opponent. 
“Bite Arrokuda!”
“Oh no, you don’t! Confusion then Magical Leaf!”
The attack knocks Arrokuda back as the paralyzed pokemon attempts to get up leaves whip up from nowhere and fly towards the fish pokemon. She takes a direct hit and is down for the count. 
“Oh, I’m just getting started…”
“Now we’re talking! Drednaw, go!”
“Return Serenity! Go Arum!”
Arum your Steenee dances across the field as the Drednaw roars.
“You ready?” Nessa asks.
You can hear the music pick up and the fans are already going wild for the Dynamax battle about to happen. 
“Let’s do this…”
Your bands activate and both of you return your pokemon before the Pokeball enlarges and you throw it behind you. Arum is released and grows about 10 times her normal size. She thrills as she glares at the roaring Pokemon before her. 
“Max Overgrowth!”
“Max Geyser!”
Both Pokemon release their moves simultaneously. You watch as the root-like vines fight to cut through the cannon of water blasting at it. You smile as the floor becomes grassy and flowers blossom right before your eyes. 
“AGAIN!” you yell hoping that Arum has what it takes to overtake the Drednaw before her. She dances around missing another blast of the Geyser just as it begins to rain. She sends the vines across the field with a direct hit sending out a shockwave of explosions as the Drednaw shrinks to its normal size before returning to its home. 
You laugh as you leap into the air in excitement before you turn to Arum who is shrinking to regular size again. She runs up to you and jumps into your arms as Serenity pops from her Pokeball to join in on the hugging as well. 
“We got our second badge!” 
“Great job, (Name). I knew that Leon’s original rival had to be something. Looking forward to battling you in the finals!” 
You take the badge from Nessa and the two of you shake hands as you give her a watery smile. Suddenly overcome with emotion you hide your face from the cameras as you make your way off the field. You throw your fist into the air one more time and grin as the crowd goes wild.
You inhale the sea air as you step out of the gym. You aren’t surprised when several people flock to you and for once you’re prepared for the onslaught. Kids ask for your autograph and you’re surprised at how many young women call you an inspiration. Young men blush as they ask for your autograph and several ask how Davine and Hades are doing. 
“When are we going to get to see them battle!?” a little girl of 10 asks. 
“When they are ready. Davine went through a lot and while she’s definitely improving I’m afraid the arena may be too much for her, same with Hades. He can’t see so loud noises still disorient him. They both need more training before I bring them out for a league battle.”
“That makes sense… I didn’t think of that… But they are doing good?”
“Yes! They are doing well!”
“You should put up videos on your trainer account!” says a fifteen-year-old girl. 
“Huh? My what?”
“Your trainer account! All trainers have one! It’s connected to your ID number so that fans can keep track of you on social media! You can upload pictures and videos of you and your pokemon!”
“Oh… Can you show me?”
 She takes your phone and shows you the app and how to use it. She asks you to pull out your badges so you hand them to her. She holds the ring up to the sky, so the blue is the background and snaps a picture. You watch fascinated as she captions the post and tags it before she posts the photo. 
“Seems simple enough…”
“Here! I’ll follow you!” She says happily as she pulls her own phone out, “The names Sunny!”
“Me too!”
“Post great updates!”
You’re surprised when the entire crowd pulls out their phones to follow you and you’re pretty surprised to watch the count go up right before your eyes. In less than a minute you have about 50 followers. You chuckle when you notice both Leon and Raihan’s username float across your screen. 
“She’s being followed by the Champion! And Raihan!”
“Hey look! Nessa too!” 
You chuckle as Raihan comments, “About time!” on your photo. 
“The second badge already?!” comments Leon.
“They’re commenting!!!!” squeals one of the girls. 
You laugh as you turn back to Sunny, “Thanks for your help! How do I follow you back?”
She happily shows you how to follow people and you smile as you follow back everyone in the area and thank them for their support. 
“We’re rooting for you!”
“You’re going to crush them in the finals!”
You giggle as you walk away from the fans and head towards the hotel that you are staying in. You are greeted by Leon and Raihan as you walk in through the door. 
“TA-DA!” They exclaim as they show you the celebratory spread they bought. 
“Wow!! So much food!”
“We wanted to surprise you, plus the seafood here is the best!” Leon says. 
“And what if I had lost?”
“Food always works both ways! In celebration or in comfort! It’s always a win-win!” Raihan chuckles. 
“True! Let’s eat!” 
You all sit down at the table and eat to your heart’s content. For the first time, the past few days things between Leon and Raihan seem to be at least at peace. You decide not to question it and just enjoy the moment. Right now you are victorious and one step closer to being the champion. 
“Kabu is next, you think you’re ready?” Raihan asks. 
“I need to get Nile ready for that battle.” 
“Do you think Nile can take Kabu’s team by himself?” Leon asks. 
“Not right now… I may have to test the waters with Hades or Serenity.”
“You’ll figure it out!” Leon says encouragingly. 
“I know but I think it would be good to take some time and train a little before we head to the next gym.”
“Whatever you need Princess…” Raihan says with a smile. 
You feel yourself blush remembering your earlier conversation with Raihan. 
“Whatever I need? What if I need an Ice stone?” you joke.
“Then your wish is our command.”
You chuckle at him. 
Glancing up you notice the way that Leon seems upset and refuses to meet your eyes. He’s playing with his food and you can’t help but wonder what is bothering him. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. You get up and open the door to find Sonia and Nessa on the other side. 
“Hey! We heard there’s food!” Sonia says as she makes her way into the room. 
“Plenty for everyone!” Raihan exclaims as he pulls you back down beside him, “Even if my plans to seduce you are ruined…”
“Raihan!” you yelp as you swat at him. 
He laughs as he lets you go and you notice the look that Nessa is sending you. 
‘Get that,’ she mouths before taking a bite of the shrimp on her plate. 
You roll your eyes with a shake of your head. 
You all fall into easy banter and you have to admit it’s nice having the girls around. 
“You know when I’ve had enough of the testosterone, the three of us should go on an adventure. Girls only!” you joke as you take a bite of the kale salad before you. 
“Hey, that’s a great idea! You can help me with my research!” Sonia exclaims.
“Plus the challengers will be finished in a month or so I could use an adventure!”
“Plus the guys are going to eventually have to back to their duties, Raihan’s going to have challengers to battle,” Sonia reasons. 
“Are you two suggesting that I leave my favorite girl to fend for herself?” Raihan asks with false outrage. 
“She can handle herself!” Nessa exclaims, “We’ll be there too!”
“No. It’s too dangerous,” Leon says in an angry tone. 
You all look over to Leon, who had been quiet up until this moment.
“Leon…” Sonia starts. 
“I said no,” he says before he gets up and storms from the room.
“What just happened?” asked Nessa looking after the champion. 
Sonia frowns before she gets up to follow behind him. A moment after she disappears behind the door you all hear the two of them arguing before Sonia bursts from the room looking angrier than you’ve ever seen her before. 
“Let’s go, Nessa,” She says as she makes her way to the door, “I’ll call you later (Name).”
You and Raihan blink as you look from one door to the next. 
“What the hell…” you grumble as you begin to clean up the plates. 
“Hey, I got it… why don’t you go check on grumpy? I have a feeling he wants to talk to you…”
“I don’t think so…”
“He does… Go talk to him.”
You frown before you knock hesitantly on the door before you enter. Leon is sitting on the bed with his back to the door. 
“Leon… what’s wrong?” you ask in a small voice. 
He heaves a heavy sigh, “I’m sorry… I ruined your night…”
“I don’t care about that… I just want to know you’re okay…”
“I’m not…”
“Why? What happened? Is it you and Sonia? Did you break up? What just happened?”
“Break up? Sonia and I are just friends…”
“What do you mean? Aren’t you two together?”
“No! I don’t see her like that! She’s like my sister!”
“But… when we were younger…”
“I lied…”
“You lied?”
“That day you asked me who I liked I lied to you because I was too afraid to tell you how I felt.”
“How you felt?”
“I had the biggest crush on you when we were younger… I regretted not telling you how I felt after I set out on my journey so I promised myself that once we faced one another in the league that I would tell you how I felt…”
“But I never made it…”
“No… And then when I came back home you weren’t there and no one knew where you were… Your parents didn’t even know…”
“I remember that year… You wouldn’t have liked me very much then… I didn’t like me very much then…”
“I would have liked you… I have for a very long time.”
“Raihan confessed… If you want me to leave so that…”
“No, I don’t want you to leave! How could you say that?”
“Don’t you want to be with him?”
“I don’t… know what I want…” 
“I made this whole thing worse didn’t I?”
“No… I just want us all to be together… Things can’t change right now, there is too much at stake.”
“You’re right… We have a band of thieves to apprehend and you have finals to get to.”
You chuckle as you look away…
“I had a crush on you too…”
“I thought you liked Sonia! I thought you wanted to be with her and you finally got what you want so I don’t really know how to feel right now.”
“If I could go back and tell young me…”
“Stop… We wouldn’t be who are today if anything had happened any differently. Our paths have shaped us and it’s not always been an easy path, but I love who I am in this moment with the people that I care about supporting me. I wouldn’t change my shitty life for anything ever.”
“Only you…”
You just shrug as you smirk at him, “Good night Leon. Oh and apologize to Sonia for yelling at her.”
He winces as he recalls his earlier actions, “Will do… Good night…”
You step out the door and Raihan is waiting on the other side. 
“So now you know our secret…”
“That’s what you two have been fighting about? Me?”
“We both like you, but we both want to make sure you’re safe. So we’ve just been co-existing while trying to get you to figure it out. You’re kinda dense when it comes to flirting you know that right?”
“I literally thought you were joking this entire time…”
Raihan chuckled, “Nope! Dragons always go for what they want Princess and believe me when I say I want you. I know you have history with Leon, but trust me when I say I’m not giving up to a man who didn’t have the balls to asks you out when he had the chance.”
“I believe you Raihan.”
“Good, now let’s head to bed, you’ve got training in the morning and I have to prove I’m the better man for you.”
You roll your eyes as he winks at you, but you can’t help the giggle that escapes as you head to your own room. When you pull out your forgotten phone from your bag you notice two text messages one for Sonia and one from Nessa. 
Sonia: You know that Leon likes you right?
Nessa: You know that Raihan likes you right?
You heave an exhausted sigh, “Thanks for the heads up ladies…”
You flop back onto your bed and close your eyes vaguely wondering what the future will hold now that everything is out in the open.
Notes: So a lot happened... Thoughts? Opinions? Concerns? Names for our sweet Applin? What does this mean for our crew? Things are probably going to get worse before they better... I’m just saying... BUT you should like and comment and reblog! As always if you want to be tagged drop an ask! I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Also, this isn’t fully edited... I was excited to get it out tonight...
@Ichigokage @pinktowne @marina-and-the-memes @ssskeletonsoffun @secretly-a-weeb @duizhangdeluxe @swiftly-heart @invaderbekk @crowkie @narees17 @skinklady @nerdyeldritchhorror @wthyuta @serendipityseoul @crescentrax @ninjarose23 @chiizwiz @cherryrocks505 @just-a-dregular @bonniestreet @theofficialkanekibarbie @maryry24 @zea-is-amazing @loch-monsta @artisticchihuahua @hadeselegy @rociomz @emeraldluna
@shinsvu-talks @eeveesjourney @cherryrocks505 @exoticxchicken8 @spilltheearlgrey @marydragneell @quincymaru @zebrabaker @ct9ner
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Movesets and abilities of the new Pokemon (part 1)
I wanted to add these to the post about the Pokemon but Tumblr said “no~!” So I’ll try this.
It’s in two parts since some people aren’t in the game yet. I’ll have the second part when the next major build is up.
I’m also not going to post the baby Pokemon’s things since they’re the same as their evolution’s.
Doing this DID make me realize that I forgot to do some things or wanted to add or change some things to make the Pokemon better, so I’ll repost that download post sometime after posting this.
I’m just going to copy&paste from the Pokemon.txt file, so it’ll look weird.
Delta Meganium:
Deltas (other than Meganium):
TMs: The same as a normal Finneon, but can also learn Thief.
TMs: The same as a normal Lumineon, but can also learn Thief.
Mr. Rime:
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gruntydiecast · 3 years
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Casting Call: Vector WX-3
Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve written one of these, and now, here comes the second installment of probably my favorite saga to date: the Vector Saga. Thanks to the current situation, the delivery of my car was delayed, but it’s here now, and here we are.
Remember the W8? That wedge-shaped car which I felt was more extreme than the already extreme Lamborghini Countach? It’ll need a worthy successor... and this’ll be it. This... is the Vector WX-3.
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First, as usual, a bit of background. The Vector WX-3 was a prototype American sports car manufactured by a company known as Vector Motors, then known as Vector Aeromotive. The car was designed by Gerald “Jerry” Wiegert, founder of Vector Aeromotive. The car was officially known as the AWX-3, standing for Avtech Wiegert Experimental Model 3; the “3” signified that the WX-3 was the third model Vector had made, after the W2 and W8.
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The WX-3 was intended to be the successor to the W8, conceived by Wiegert in 1992. The WX-3 was more extreme than the W8 was, featuring three engine configurations, allowing for some ludicrous power that would be even on par with modern hypercar standards.
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The beating heart of the WX-3 was intended to be a 7.0L V8 with variable boost for the twin-turbochargers. Yes, this thing had variable boost, just like the W8. This allowed for settings between 600 BHP to a staggering 1,200 BHP, on par with many modern hypercars. The prototypes used the same highly-modified 6.0L Rodeck twin-turbo V8 as seen on the W8.
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The car’s interior was also very similar to that of the W8’s, featuring a screen as opposed to analog gauges. The car also featured the same Sony CDX-A2001 ten-disc CD changer gracing the right side of the cockpit as the W8, as well as the same 3-speed Turbo-HydraMatic 425 automatic transmission mated to that beast of an engine; the transmission also had the same fighter aircraft throttle-like device. Vector employees had stated that while the prototypes used the three-across seating arrangement found on certain W8s, it would be more likely that the production WX-3 would use two bucket seats.
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The car also featured the same scissor door setup as the W8.
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Rear visibility on the WX-3 still wasn’t too great, although it was a marked improvement over the practically non-existent rear visibility of the W8. The rear of the car looks a lot more subdued compared to the front. As usual, it appears the location of the license plate holder was likely an afterthought.
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The WX-3 also incorporates what I guess could be considered a very early version of active aero systems, featuring two movable flaps which lifted up when the car was braking, acting as an airbrake.
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The WX-3 was first shown off at the 1992 Geneva Motor Show, although at first, strictly a design study, sans engine. The car was originally painted silver. After the car returned from Geneva, a related car joined it: the WX-3R.
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The WX-3R was essentially the roadster version of the WX-3, with both sharing mechanical components and similar styling. However, the WX-3R featured dual bucket seats as opposed to the three-abreast seating of the WX-3 and was painted purple.
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The WX-3 and WX-3R were then both displayed at the 1993 Geneva Motor Show, with the WX-3 having been repainted into aquamarine; this was done to promote another of Wiegert’s companies, Aquajet, a manufacturer of personal watercrafts, as the Aquajet logo featured aquamarine and purple as its primary colors. In fact, both the WX-3 and WX-3R appeared on the Aquajet website; however it appears the website is currently broken and will require an archival tool such as the Wayback Machine to access.
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The WX-3 was intended to be put into production in 1993; however, problems began to surface. 
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In 1993, as Wiegert was preparing for production of the WX-3, a rather shady Indonesian company with Bermudan ties named MegaTech forced a hostile takeover of Vector Aeromotive; this ultimately led to the firing of Wiegert from his own company. MegaTech then attempted to produce the WX-3, but Wiegert sued the company and copyrighted his own design, so MegaTech could not produce the WX-3. Ironically, this would also spell the end of the WX-3; only two were produced.
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Wiegert eventually regained control of the company and has been working on a new car known as the WX-8 for numerous years now; in fact, it’s been so long we may as well call it developmental hell. The WX-3 and WX-3R also came back under Wiegert’s ownership. However, in order to fund development of the WX-8, Wiegert decided to auction off both the WX-3 and WX-3R at a Sotheby’s auction in 2019; both cars were ultimately auctioned off in mid-January 2019, with the WX-3 fetching $617,500 and the WX-3R fetching $500,000. Both are now in the hands of private collectors.
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Prior to the auction, the WX-3 appeared in an episode of the Burke’s Law reboot and was also spotted at various car shows.
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Okay, now that we’ve gotten all that out of the way, let’s get to the reason why you’re here.
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This… is the Hot Wheels version of the Vector WX-3. Named the Vector “Avtech” WX-3 in the Hot Wheels lineup, this casting was first introduced in 1993 as a Vector employee exclusive, as shown above; the car was painted in the silver color that was originally on the actual car. Only 500 of this version was produced. This casting, like many other castings designed throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s, was designed by Larry Wood.
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A more common version, painted in the purple as seen on the real WX-3R, was released the same year. A version exists of the purple version with normal 5SP wheels.
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The WX-3 has a plastic roof which is riveted onto the rear. No back window is present. This casting features notably very few tampos, apart from the Vector logo on the wing and the black semicircle on the door intended to represent the lower window. The side vents are noticeable open and one can peer through them.
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For the record, there isn’t very much going on in the rear of this casting either. Just the rear mesh grill, taillamps and triangular exhaust pipes.
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The WX-3 has one of the least releases of any supercar or hypercar concept made by Hot Wheels around this period, with only five known releases. The casting was retooled slightly in 1997, with the prominent side vents closed off. This would ironically be the casting’s last release to date, in the Super Show Cars 5-Pack in 1997 (a version exists with open side vents, shown below), alongside the Dodge Viper RT/10, Jaguar XJ220, Avus quattro and Zender Fact 4. A few other combinations of the 5-Pack exist but this is the only one containing the Vector.
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As mentioned above, this casting has not been seen since 1997; it has not been featured in any edition of the Final Run Series, but is assumed to have been retired since the casting has not appeared in the mainline for over 20 years and is unlikely to return.
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I hope this long writeup has given you a better idea on this turbocharged thrasher, and what is quite possibly my new favorite supercar from the ‘90s; step aside, Ferrari F50. As usual, I’d do something like this any day.
This article is the second in a three-part series I will call The Vector Saga. The series will document the W8, the WX-3, and the history of Vector Motors as a whole.
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bloodswamp3 · 2 years
Pond Boss Fountain Pump With Low Water Auto Shut
Then, soak the pump in a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar to loosen mineral deposits. The pump starts working after being exposed to sunlight for only three seconds but is stronger after longer sun exposure. Pre-filter Grill with Flow Control Valve in submersible applications. Innovative “cooling chambers” provide air-cooling during dry use and water-cooling in wet applications. A 35,000 gallon pond will take time to get polluted to the point of hazard. Really large ponds also do not necessarily need to be flipped once an hour.
Finally, we recommend this submersible pump from KEDSUM.
Many reciprocating-type pumps are duplex or triplex cylinder.
Most fountain pumps are water-cooled and once the fountain is dry they burn up.
Shop a selection of complete birdbath premium fountains which include an AquaJet solar pump kit.
You can take advantage of the Pump First fuel rewards and the convenience of fueling up first in order to save time without having to wait for the pump to be authorized. You can also benefit from not having to come back inside to receive a prepay refund. Just be sure to scope out the ongoing deal we have on the Owlet dog camera. This one features remote feeds to your phone alongside the ability to toss a treat out at anytime for anywhere. Now up to $55 off the going rate and $35 below the next best listings, you can get all of the details on this handy pet tech companion in our previous coverage. In parts of the British Isles, it was often called the parish pump.
Man In A Barrel Spitter Fountain With Upgraded Adjustable Pump
If you are able to, please support the La Jolla Light today. If you planted a cover crop in your vegetable garden, cut it down this month. Put the leaves into compost or layer them onto your garden beds to decompose in place. In about eight weeks, the beds will be ready for spring and summer veggies. In fact, the largest hurdle may be getting people to change how they think about water. “Despite the increase in the population over the past 20 years of roughly a million, we have seen our water use, and then our wastewater commensurately, actually go down,” Minamide said. While some projects slated to store much more water are years away, experts say it might have been harder to get legislation passed if residents weren’t on board. A couple of decades ago, voters might not have been willing to pay more in taxes to recycle water and capture rainfall when conserving water wasn’t a hot topic. For example, if your fountain is 30 inches tall, find a pump with a maximum lift of 45 inches or more. Choosing a pump with a maximum head height that is higher than your fountain ensures a strong water flow into the fountain and out of the fountain head. You can always use a flow reducer to slow the flow, but you would have to purchase a stronger or higher rated pump to increase the flow. Figure 3 shows a pump composite curve from Griswold Pump Co. (Grand Terrace, Calif.; /griswold). Use the pump composite curves to select an appropriate pump for the viscosity-corrected TDH and pumping capacity. The x-axis of the graph is the equivalent water volumetric flowrate. It consists of two meshed gears that rotate in a closely fitted casing. The tooth spaces trap fluid and force it around the outer periphery. The fluid does not travel back on the meshed part, because the teeth mesh closely in the center. In addition, the economics of multiphase production is attractive to upstream operations as it leads to simpler, smaller in-field installations, reduced equipment costs and improved production rates. In essence, the multiphase pump can accommodate all fluid stream properties with one piece of equipment, which has a smaller footprint. Often, two smaller multiphase pumps are installed in series rather than having just one massive pump. Distributor of electric fountain pumps available in both 20 & 50 gpm models & produce spouts of water to 20 feet high. http://psce.pw/3jh6ub Other types of pumps vary in energy efficiency, and a simple formula can help determine just how much energy they use. City crews worked quickly to minimize the overflow and impact to surface water by utilizing sandbags, pump trucks, and septic collars until the repairs to the main were complete. As a result, the city recovered 325,000 gallons of water over the weekend, and another 500,000 gallons of water were pumped out on Monday, and still, the efforts continue. All you need to do to get the water fountain running is plug it into a wall socket and fill it up with clean water. In previous models, without adequate filtering, the most expensive filters would quickly get clogged, making desalination too costly for most uses. In Monticello, $746,751 will fund an extensive project which will include a new pump station at Powersburg. A new pump station and 30,000-gallon storage tank with a mixing system will be installed at Wray Hill. Strawberry Hill, Cumberland Ridge, as well as Main, Elk and Castel streets will see improvements to water lines and hydrants.
Water Feature Pump 1
We enjoyed the relaxed, back in time feeling, as opposed to the other water parks. I wished they would have left it for Fort Wilderness guests as well. It wasn’t so big that couldn’t have left it for FW guests use. As a child I went to the water park anytime my family stayed in Fort Wilderness. I had a “Very Special” connection to the water park; it opened on my 4th Birthday .
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someshd95 · 3 years
Construction Robot Market 2021 To See Worldwide Massive Growth - Industry Trends, Forecast 2028
Global Construction Robot Market is a professional and a meticulous report which focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments and geographical analysis. It endows with an analytical measurement of the main challenges faced by the business currently and in the upcoming years.
Furthermore, the recent developments, product launches, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions employed by the several key players are explained well by systemic company profiles covered in this wide ranging market report. Being a detailed market research report, Construction Robot Market report gives business a competitive advantage. All this data and information is very significant to the businesses when it comes to define the strategies about the production, marketing, sales, promotion and distribution of the products and services. Construction Robot Market report gives key measurements, status of the manufacturers and is a significant source of direction for the businesses and organizations.
Global construction robot market is expected to rise to an estimated value of USD 267.01 million by 2026, registering a healthy CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in market value can be attributed to the rise of automation in various levels of industrial verticals.
Market Definition: Global Construction Robot Market
Construction robots are an application of robotic technology which focuses on the development of specialised form of equipment or devices that operate by themselves, without the need of human interventions. These robots promote the safety of workplace and the surrounding environment, and are able to perform the constructional functions in a better method.
Market Drivers:
High levels of construction and growth expansion activities which has been caused due to the growth of urbanization; this factor is expected to drive the growth of the market
Increased levels of safety, efficiency and ease in operating the construction market with the adoption of these products are expected to drive the market growth
Market Restraint:
Large capital costs associated with these products are expected to act as a restraint to the growth of the market
To Understand How COVID-19 Impact is covered in this Report. Get Sample Copy of the report@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Segmentation: Global Construction Robot Market
By Type
Traditional Robot
Robotic ARM
By Automation
Fully Autonomous
By Function
3D Printing
Doors & Windows Installation
Concrete Structural Erection
Finishing Work
By Application
Nuclear Dismantling & Demolition
Public Infrastructure
Commercial & Residential Buildings
Road & Tunnel Construction
Construction & Cement
Metallurgical Industry
Emergency Rescue
By Geography
North America
South America
Middle East and Africa
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of South America
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Request for TOC with Impact of COVID19: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Key Developments in the Market:
In March 2018, Built Robotics Inc. announced that they had raised USD 15 million for the development and commercialization of technology that will enable them to integrate autonomous technology in construction equipments.
In March 2017, BROKK GLOBAL announced that they had acquired Aquajet Systems AB, combining together two leaders of demolition robots providers. This acquisition will help in expansion of product offerings and service capabilities of BROKK GLOBAL for construction and demolition markets.
Competitive Analysis
Global construction robot market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of construction robot market for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and South America.
Major Market Competitors/Players
Few of the major competitors currently working in construction robot market are BROKK GLOBAL; Husqvarna Group; Built Robotics Inc.; Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun); Komatsu Ltd.; Ekso Bionics; Fujita Corporation; TopTec Spezialmaschinen GmbH; SHIMIZU CORPORATION; Construction Robotics.; FBR Ltd; Autonomous Solutions Inc.; Conjet AB; CYBERDYNE INC.; Giant Hydraulic Tech Co., Ltd. ; ULC Robotics;; nLink AS; Advanced Construction Robotics; and CyBe Construction among others.
The Construction Robot market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to Construction Robot market.
Inquire Before Buying This Research Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Prominent players in the market are predicted to face tough competition from the new entrants. However, some of the key players are targeting to acquire the startup companies in order to maintain their dominance in the global market. For a detailed analysis of key companies, their strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities are measured in the report by using industry-standard tools such as the SWOT analysis. Regional coverage of key companies is covered in the report to measure their dominance. Key manufacturers of Construction Robot market are focusing on introducing new products to meet the needs of the patrons. The feasibility of new products is also measured by using industry-standard tools.
Key companies are increasing their investments in research and development activities for the discovery of new products. There has also been a rise in the government funding for the introduction of new Construction Robot market. These factors have benefited the growth of the global market for Construction Robot. Going forward, key companies are predicted to benefit from the new product launches and the adoption of technological advancements. Technical advancements have benefited many industries and the global industry is not an exception.
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
Market segmentation analysis including qualitative and quantitative research incorporating the impact of economic and policy aspects
Regional and country level analysis integrating the demand and supply forces that are influencing the growth of the market.
Market value USD Million and volume Units Million data for each segment and sub-segment
Competitive landscape involving the market share of major players, along with the new projects and strategies adopted by players in the past five years
Comprehensive company profiles covering the product offerings, key financial information, recent developments, SWOT analysis, and strategies employed by the major market players
(**NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.)
Buy this Premium Research Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/checkout/buy/enterprise/global-construction-robot-market
Table of Content:
Market outline
Market ecosystem
Market characteristics
Market segmentation analysis
Market definition
Market sizing 2021
Market size and forecast
Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Threat of new entrants
Threat of substitutes
Threat of rivalry
Market condition
Global Construction Robot market by product
Comparison by product
Market opportunity by product
Global Construction Robot market by distribution channel
Comparison by distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by offline distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by online distribution channel
Market opportunity by distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by end-user
Comparison by end-user
Global licensed Construction Robot market by geography
Regional comparison
Licensed Construction Robot market in Americas
Licensed Construction Robot market in EMEA
Licensed Construction Robot market in APAC
Market opportunity
Market drivers
Market challenges
Landscape disruption
Competitive scenario
Vendors covered
Vendor classification
Market positioning of vendors
Any Questions/Queries or Need Help or Want to Purchase this Report? Speak with Our Analyst: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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aquadist-blog · 6 years
Looking for the Best Pool Cleaner?
Any residential pool up to 80 square meters in size can be conveniently cleaned by the Aquabot Bravo Top.  These Aquabot bravo pool cleaners are combined with the new GYRO intelligent navigation system. This is a patented product. The Aquabot Bravo robotic pool cleaner can automatically brush, vacuum and micro- filter dirt and waste materials from the floor and walls of the pool. This also scrubs the waterline at the same time. This is so efficient that all these can be completed in approximately 1 hour.
 In order to clean the walls and waterline of the pool, high-density PVA brushes suitable for all swimming pools such as mosaic, fiberglass, reinforced PVC, concrete etc. finishes are made. The cleaner moves freely without any hurdle.
The Bravo swimming pool cleaner is equipped with the Aqua Smart system. Therefore, it can complete the cleaning cycle of a pool in just 2 hours.
"Gyro" the new intelligent navigation system is fitted in the Bravo pool cleaners. This has the capability of correcting the route depending upon the design and layout of the pool using accurate directional control. 
The Aquabot Bravo Pool Cleaner is economically viable as it runs on 24V motors. This works independently. You need not connect this to the pool filtering system. Also, it does not require any checking of the program or particular installation of the unit. You may move with this with a minimum expenditure on maintenance.
How to select your pool cleaner?
How Large Is Your Pool?
Does Your Pool have Heavy Sand/Silt Accumulation? 
Cartridge or Bag Filter features
Remote Control features
The weight of the pool
Warranty period
Speed vs Water Volume
Flat Bottom or Deep End? Several models are made for flat bottom pools. Pool Rover and Pool Rover Jr. by Aqua Products are propelled by thrust from the onboard pump and will not climb a grade very well nor do they climb the walls.
Our services
We provide services for residential cleaners such as Residential in-ground cleaners and above ground pool cleaners
services delivered for commercial pool cleaners
World-class services for residential parts such as Aquabot Viva, Aquabot Turbo, Aquajet,
Services delivered for commercial parts such as Aquamax, Magnum, Duramax, Gemini, and Ultramax
Aquabot bravo pool cleaners are combined with the new GYRO intelligent navigation system. This is a patented product. However, if you are searching for the best pool cleaner distributors then, Aquatic Distributors is one of them to choose for this service. They provide the best-in-class Robotic bravo pool cleaner repair services.
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Issues such as land rights would need to be attended to quot the 2014 report stated. According NYSDOT 39 s 2008 quot Skyway Management Research study quot extending the quot helpful life quot of the Skyway by 50 years would cost 109. Requiring another 40k automobiles through that every day would draw - graffiti removal near me.
8 mm Fresh breeze 8 m s from west Purchase a gift card to any Activity in Buffalo NY. 127 Fillmore Ave. The Skyway offers a connection from the southtowns and Outer Harbor location to downtown Buffalo the global border and the interstate highway system. Sep 17 2019 The competitors for re vamp Buffalo 39 s Skyway Corridor was limited to a list of 9 finalists Monday from an initial list of 16 including two styles from Western New york city companies.
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com. Removal of the Skyway together with the access ramps makes about 5ha available for development in downtown and Canalside. BUFFALO N. 17b Buffalo Harbor Heavy Metals Sediment Analysis 2 Table 3. The Skyway is a physical barrier hampering ongoing financial progress and razing it will open up brand-new opportunities for advancement along Buffalo s waterside and Sep 16 2019 The Project for Greater Buffalo has considering that its starting supported elimination of the Buffalo Skyway and its interchange with the Route.
AquaJet published a video quot AQUA CUTTER Buffalo Skyway Hydrodemolition Project WALO U.S.A. quot on YOUTUBE Jul 14 2008 The Skyway is a 1. Eleven periods were removed from the Canadian side. The bridge is laden with controversy today as many individuals see the skyway as a barrier to development of the waterfront - graffiti removal near me.
One Seneca remodelling. servicing all of Western New York. Cuomo Now on Board with Buffalo Skyway Elimination by jtcamp in Buffalo EverybodyLuvesRamen 3 points 2 points 1 points 4 months ago 0 kids I live in the city simply 2. Near Cheektowaga thundersnow was reported Wednesday afternoon the report included.
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Legal observer injured as truck drives through Breonna Taylor demonstration in Buffalo. Presently snow is not in the forecast. 12 for just the second day all winter and Fuhrmann Boulevard which runs along Lake Erie was shut for 8 hours as was a raised downtown highway called the Skyway. PICTURE BY KC KRATT.
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Page 5 of 33 Covid 19 update Our operators are taking calls 24 7. That 39 s the time when it may be undecided. to execute a part of the interpretative programassociated with the proposed Industrial Heritage Path. The arguments for its removal are apparent and well recorded. Delight in one of the excellent The Best graffiti removal near me Company restaurants entertainment and gaming near Buffalo New York at Hamburg Video Gaming.
34221 Learn information about this 2 bed 2 bath listing located in Palmetto. Office Hours Discover 19 listings associated with Skyway in Buffalo on YP. graffiti removal near me. Television was America s new brand of entertainment and wild westerns were a Hollywood staple. Finest Building Transformation. See rates images and find dealerships near you.
2 This snowstorm closed the Buffalo Skyway Fuhrmann Boulevard a major route to the suburban areas south of the city 2 18 19 and numerous other roads 2 and forced snow elimination teams to focus on the significant and secondary roadways Wednesday night and Thursday. 52. buffalo to 397 pounds.
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25 Jul 2016 NY DOT to study options to Buffalo 39 s waterside Skyway effect study will analyze the effects of getting rid of or changing the Skyway. Andrew Cuomo concerned Western New york city Aug 29 2020 Your Home of Representatives authorized a 1. This environment leaves stranded drivers in a very precarious circumstance and Buffalo Authorities records reveal a really high incidence of accidents and casualties.
Metro Rail expansion. Buffalo Niagara Falls Cattaraugus amp Lock port searching for a pre-owned automobile part towing of an un wa Safespan was hired by CCA Civil to custom Style Manufacture 1 100 000 Square feet of its Bridge Work Platform and Shielding system for the Pulaski Skyway Contracts 3 and 4 (graffiti removal near me).
In this week s episode of Moving Beyond the Vehicle Streetfilms takes you on a directed tour of previous present and future highway elimination jobs with John Norquist of the Congress for the New Urbanism. 99. I 70 St. The alternative with no skyway would be 190s to the 90 but that merger is always crowded too.
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What Does Removal Graffiti Cost?
View costs pictures virtual trips floor prepares features pet policies lease specials property information and accessibility for apartment or condos at The Roosevelt Apartments on ForRent. Skyway Neighborhood Assistance Grant. Discover more. Groovy rock band that utilizes rewarding harmonies and multiple soundscapes to construct an extreme bond with the crowd through an improvisational foundation.
Opened on October 14 1940 it hosted the AHL 39 s Buffalo Bisons the NHL 39 s Buffalo Sabres the NBA 39 s Buffalo Braves the MSL 39 s Buffalo Stallions the MILL 39 s Buffalo Bandits the second NPSL 39 s Buffalo Blizzard and the RHI 39 s Buffalo Stampede - graffiti removal near me.
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daasgroup · 4 years
What is hydroblasting?
It is the first stage leading to effective #anti-corrosion of concrete, and at the same time the basis for success. We are talking about hydroblasting, in other words cleaning the surface with very high pressure water. One should know that hydroblasting is cleaning with the use of water pressure reaching up to 2800 bar / 280 MPa. Alternatively used names of this process are aquajetting, hydrojetting and waterjetting.
Abrasive #blasting methods went into the corner, when it turned out that only hydroblasting ensures that water reaches even the smallest gap and removal of loose elements. Thanks to this thorough #cleaning, concrete anti-corrosion is effective. Anyway, this is not the only application of hydroblasting, because this method also cleans steel surfaces, industrial installations, and it is also possible to cut concrete structures. However, in concrete #corrosion #protection, #hydroblasting is used most often.
Our company offers hydroblasting as a part of surface protection for industrial constructions: https://www.daasgroup.com/industrial-coatings
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seascooterfun · 4 years
AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter Review | Is It The Best Value For Money 2020?
The world of Sea Scooters is getting very exciting indeed. The technology is ever-improving and people from all walks of life, young and old alike are trying out sea scooters like never before.  There is a big demand for these awesome water gadgets and the marketing of these Sea Scooter companies are targetting the general public with their advertising and touting them as fun recreational underwater propulsion gadgets.
Sea Scooters were originally designed for the more serious divers to help them take the load off and make their dives less strenuous, but are now used more for fun and adventure by thrill-seekers on vacation or weekend snorkelers. Whatever water activity you are into there is a Sea Scooter perfect for you. This post today is all about the fantastic all-rounder which is the awesome AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter.
Read the full review below!
Fact – Not sure what a sea scooter is?
Sea Scooters are very compact and lightweight battery-powered devices that normally have one or two propellers, kind of like underwater drones. Sea Scooters are made to safely propel the person holding it through the water. It enables the user to travel more quickly through the water while conserving energy to enjoy their surroundings.
AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter – One of the Best in the Market
Among all brands in the field of sea scooters, Aquarobotman excludes itself by manufacturing the most exquisite underwater-related recreational vehicles. Founded in 2015, Aquarobotman has devoted itself to cutting-edge underwater technology.
The first FHD Nemo Underwater Drone with 4 thrusters is probably one of the iconic products of the company. Now, what is their latest innovation?
Check Out The Official Aquarobotman Magicjet Seascooter Demo Video
  AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter (AMJS)
AMJS is the latest piece of art designed by Aquarobotman company to give you the ultimate pleasure of swimming, diving, and snorkeling without having your muscles exhausted or worrying about your children’s safety.
You might have decided to buy a sea scooter, but you are wondering which one would be the best option! It depends on you! You should take your budget, the people who are going to use it, and your purpose into account. But don’t worry!
If you are looking for something sturdy, lightweight, and portable with a reasonable price that perfectly works for you and all members of your family, AMJS is the best of the best!
So, let’s start with some Specifications about AMJS:
BRAND: Aquarobotman
WEIGHT: 7.9 pounds (3.6 kilograms)
MAX SPEED: 3.9 mph (6.2 kph)
MAX DEPTH: 164 feet (50 meters)
RUN TIME: 100 minutes
PRICE: Around $699
  Comparison with similar products on the market
Let compare it with similar products on the market and then you’ll see why AMJS is the best of the best! Besides Aquarobotman, there are eight more companies such as YAMAHA, JETPILOT, GENEINNO, JASSCOL, SUBLUE, TECHCLIC, HOVERSTAR, and APOLLO.
Although Apollo AV-2 Evolution 2 and TUSA SAV-7 EVO-2’s maximum depth is 20m more than AMJS, they are very expensive ($1,995 and $3,799, respectively). This is also true for Yamaha Seawing II and Hoverstar AquaJet Dive H2 which go faster (8 and 9 km/h, respectively) but more expensive than AMJS ($995 and $1599, respectively).
Besides, Yamaha RDS250 and Yamaha 275L are running for 120 minutes, but they are much heavier than AMJS (14.5 and 8.2 kg, respectively). See? AMJS is best from different aspects.
Power in your palm: even scientists can easily facilitate their sampling since they can dive with the vehicle as deeply as 50 meters and do their job very fast, thanks to its remarkable velocity. The power button is also very user-friendly and doesn’t need much pressure to move the vehicle forward.
Long-running time: you can swim and snorkel without worrying about charging the battery. It could easily last for one hour and forty minutes. This lifetime enables you to dive deeper and deeper with confidence far from the beach.
Safe to dive: the engine is guarded by a plastic net which is very important in terms of its safety. this is very crucial for several reasons. First, children would be able to satisfy their curiosity while their parents are taking a sunbath on the beach! Second, you will be notified in advance when the battery is running out so that you could get back to the surface if you were in the depth of the sea. An LED light shows you that the battery is dying and you should get back fast.
Corrosion-proof: the material used in the body is anti-corrosive and stops leaking.
2-in-1 modular: we talked about its remarkable velocity and robustness before. AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter owes this to its two scooters in parallel. Sometimes, it’s not good enough when you can ride fast and safe! You want to have a memory of that exciting experience! AMJS has thought of that too. It is mounted with three high-resolution cameras, letting you take shots from different angles and enjoy it afterwards.
Additional safety features: it sometimes happens when you don’t know where you are underwater because of darkness, anxiety, etc. if this happens, ASJM can easily take you to the surface automatically. The heat from the engines doesn’t cause any trouble since it goes away very quickly.
Eco-friendly: you don’t plan to harm aquatic environments! Rest assured! The AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter is sealed extremely safe without leaking. Besides, it doesn’t make annoying noises, especially for aquatic animals. Part of the fun is getting intimate with wildlife, right! Nobody likes riding the aqua scooter is empty lifeless water! You want to dive and swim among fishes, turtles, etc. this is possible with ASJM because it doesn’t leak and make unwanted noises.
  What’s inside the Package?
1x MagicJet
1x MagicJet battery
1x MagicJet charger
1x Connected bundle
1x Quick Start Guide
1x 1-Year Limited Warranty for the main machine
1x 180 Days Limited Warranty for battery
Pros and Cons
– What would happen if the battery died underwater? Don’t worry! Switching battery is possible even underwater so you don’t need to finish your tour!
– Is it possible to touch the aquatic plants, animals, and geographical features? Yes, indeed! How? You can ride the vehicle just by one hand and free the other one for interacting with the environment surrounding you.
– Safety features like an LED indicator, automatic navigation in case the rider’s lost, faster, and more robust movement upon combining two scooter units.
– Having the experience recorded by three cameras, taking very engaging shots to make it even more alive.
– I don’t think there is such a thing as a con, but children under 14 years old are not allowed to use the Sea scooter. Even the price is very reasonable when you compare it with other products on the market.
So, let’s review what we have found out here. AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter is the latest world-class technological innovation after the Nemo Underwater Drone. When it comes to comparison with other available brands and products, ASJM is greatly superior in terms of velocity, depth, and price.
Whether you are a professional diver or just a regular guy or gal excited about exploring the underworld, AJSM makes it possible for you to discover underwater wildlife without being worried about the battery!
Children upper than 14 years old are also able to experience the pleasure of cruising underwater while their parents are relaxed and not worried about their safety since ASJM’s engine is protected by a robust guard.
Have you decided yet? Check out the AQUAROBOTMAN MagicJet Seascooter directly on the official Aquarobotman Amazon page.
          from https://seascooterfun.com/aquarobotman-magicjet-seascooter-review-is-it-the-best-value-for-money-2020/
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rvupgrade-store · 5 years
Onward to Adventure
Your adventures are not always thought out and planned perfectly, which is a part of life that makes living so interesting and surprising. However, planned adventures can be just as fun and thrilling as the ones that come to you as a surprise. With the right camper supplies you can be ready and prepared for anything your adventure throws at you or your camper. With the right protective measures, sanitation equipment, and tire parts, you can keep your adventures, whether they are a surprise or planned out, on a good track.
To keep your adventures safe, it is important to have the right camper supplies that will help you along the way. If you have a variety of electronic equipment that you use on a regular basis, it is important to make sure your electrical system is wired up safely and securely. Buying the Progressive Industries SSP-50XL Portable 50 Amp RV Smart Surge Protector with Weather Shield from RVupgrades will keep you protected. In the case of a power surge, it will save all of your equipment in your camper, and this will in turn save you money on any kinds of repairs and damages that may have otherwise impacted your electronic devices.
In addition to electrical safety, it is crucial to have measures of sanitation to keep you safe and healthy. Since water is a vital part of life for all living creatures, you may want to purchase items to ensure that you have clean water to drink and clean with. The Remco 55AQUAJET-ARV Aquajet Variable Speed 5.3 GPM RV Water Pump will help you keep the water pressure in your RV up to par with what you are used to at home. It runs as quiet as a mouse so you may even forget you have it on your camper. This makes it easier for you to enjoy your adventure and be more in the moment. In addition to drinking it, you use water to keep yourself clean as well. With the Oxygenics 92481 Fury RV Handheld Shower Head will keep your clean and fresh every day. It has a feature to infuse oxygen with the stream of water which will use less water while still giving you the same experience as a normal shower head.
The worst thing that could happen when you are travelling to your favorite park or beach is that the tires on your camper have a problem and you are stranded in a part of town you do not know. Never fear, with the BAL 28217B Hide A Spare 68" To 75" I-Beam Frame Recessed Mount you can have a spare ready to go at any opportunity so that you can be back on the road in no time. If you need the tools to attach the tires, RVupgrades also has the tools to help you with that. They carry all the varieties of nuts, bolts, and everything in between to have your RV or camper hooked up quickly and safely.
You always want to make sure your travels are planned out, but in case those plans go in a different direction, RVupgrades has everything you need to get back on track. With the right camper supplies to keep you safe, keep you clean, and keep your camper on the road, you can have more time to make memorable stories.
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someshd95 · 3 years
Construction Robot Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application Forecast to 2027
Global Construction Robot Market is a professional and a meticulous report which focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments and geographical analysis. It endows with an analytical measurement of the main challenges faced by the business currently and in the upcoming years.
Furthermore, the recent developments, product launches, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions employed by the several key players are explained well by systemic company profiles covered in this wide ranging market report. Being a detailed market research report, Construction Robot Market report gives business a competitive advantage. All this data and information is very significant to the businesses when it comes to define the strategies about the production, marketing, sales, promotion and distribution of the products and services. Construction Robot Market report gives key measurements, status of the manufacturers and is a significant source of direction for the businesses and organizations.
Global construction robot market is expected to rise to an estimated value of USD 267.01 million by 2026, registering a healthy CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in market value can be attributed to the rise of automation in various levels of industrial verticals.
Market Definition: Global Construction Robot Market
Construction robots are an application of robotic technology which focuses on the development of specialised form of equipment or devices that operate by themselves, without the need of human interventions. These robots promote the safety of workplace and the surrounding environment, and are able to perform the constructional functions in a better method.
Market Drivers:
High levels of construction and growth expansion activities which has been caused due to the growth of urbanization; this factor is expected to drive the growth of the market
Increased levels of safety, efficiency and ease in operating the construction market with the adoption of these products are expected to drive the market growth
Market Restraint:
Large capital costs associated with these products are expected to act as a restraint to the growth of the market
To Understand How COVID-19 Impact is covered in this Report. Get Sample Copy of the report@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Segmentation: Global Construction Robot Market
By Type
Traditional Robot
Robotic ARM
By Automation
Fully Autonomous
By Function
3D Printing
Doors & Windows Installation
Concrete Structural Erection
Finishing Work
By Application
Nuclear Dismantling & Demolition
Public Infrastructure
Commercial & Residential Buildings
Road & Tunnel Construction
Construction & Cement
Metallurgical Industry
Emergency Rescue
By Geography
North America
South America
Middle East and Africa
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of South America
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Request for TOC with Impact of COVID19: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Key Developments in the Market:
In March 2018, Built Robotics Inc. announced that they had raised USD 15 million for the development and commercialization of technology that will enable them to integrate autonomous technology in construction equipments.
In March 2017, BROKK GLOBAL announced that they had acquired Aquajet Systems AB, combining together two leaders of demolition robots providers. This acquisition will help in expansion of product offerings and service capabilities of BROKK GLOBAL for construction and demolition markets.
Competitive Analysis
Global construction robot market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of construction robot market for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and South America.
Major Market Competitors/Players
Few of the major competitors currently working in construction robot market are BROKK GLOBAL; Husqvarna Group; Built Robotics Inc.; Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun); Komatsu Ltd.; Ekso Bionics; Fujita Corporation; TopTec Spezialmaschinen GmbH; SHIMIZU CORPORATION; Construction Robotics.; FBR Ltd; Autonomous Solutions Inc.; Conjet AB; CYBERDYNE INC.; Giant Hydraulic Tech Co., Ltd. ; ULC Robotics;; nLink AS; Advanced Construction Robotics; and CyBe Construction among others.
The Construction Robot market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to Construction Robot market.
Inquire Before Buying This Research Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
Prominent players in the market are predicted to face tough competition from the new entrants. However, some of the key players are targeting to acquire the startup companies in order to maintain their dominance in the global market. For a detailed analysis of key companies, their strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities are measured in the report by using industry-standard tools such as the SWOT analysis. Regional coverage of key companies is covered in the report to measure their dominance. Key manufacturers of Construction Robot market are focusing on introducing new products to meet the needs of the patrons. The feasibility of new products is also measured by using industry-standard tools.
Key companies are increasing their investments in research and development activities for the discovery of new products. There has also been a rise in the government funding for the introduction of new Construction Robot market. These factors have benefited the growth of the global market for Construction Robot. Going forward, key companies are predicted to benefit from the new product launches and the adoption of technological advancements. Technical advancements have benefited many industries and the global industry is not an exception.
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
Market segmentation analysis including qualitative and quantitative research incorporating the impact of economic and policy aspects
Regional and country level analysis integrating the demand and supply forces that are influencing the growth of the market.
Market value USD Million and volume Units Million data for each segment and sub-segment
Competitive landscape involving the market share of major players, along with the new projects and strategies adopted by players in the past five years
Comprehensive company profiles covering the product offerings, key financial information, recent developments, SWOT analysis, and strategies employed by the major market players
(**NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.)
Buy this Premium Research Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/checkout/buy/enterprise/global-construction-robot-market
Table of Content:
Market outline
Market ecosystem
Market characteristics
Market segmentation analysis
Market definition
Market sizing 2021
Market size and forecast
Bargaining power of buyers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Threat of new entrants
Threat of substitutes
Threat of rivalry
Market condition
Global Construction Robot market by product
Comparison by product
Market opportunity by product
Global Construction Robot market by distribution channel
Comparison by distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by offline distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by online distribution channel
Market opportunity by distribution channel
Global Construction Robot market by end-user
Comparison by end-user
Global licensed Construction Robot market by geography
Regional comparison
Licensed Construction Robot market in Americas
Licensed Construction Robot market in EMEA
Licensed Construction Robot market in APAC
Market opportunity
Market drivers
Market challenges
Landscape disruption
Competitive scenario
Vendors covered
Vendor classification
Market positioning of vendors
Any Questions/Queries or Need Help or Want to Purchase this Report? Speak with Our Analyst: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-construction-robot-market
About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Data Bridge Market Research
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aquadist-blog · 6 years
Reason - Why You Should Buy Pool Cleaners From Aquatic Distributors?
At Aquatic Distributors, our first priority is to gain our customer’s satisfaction and trust before and after the purchase. Our services are exceptional and that’s why you should buy pool cleaners from Aquatic Distributors.
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We are specialists in delivering exceptional quality services for pool cleaner products. Our experts have thorough knowledge with extensive training on the product and testing the same. Aquatic Distributors is one of the renowned Aquabot pool cleaner Dealers that repairs these products. This is our privilege to help you in getting the right pool cleaner for your swimming pool. We have a large variety of pool cleaners. This is true that buying an automatic pool cleaner is an investment for you.
With advancement in technology pool cleaning has become very simple and several affordable ways of cleaning pools are available now. This improved and modern Aquabot robotic technology has provided us with several advantages over the traditional cleaning system making a sharp difference in the quality of pool experience.
We are an Authorized Aquabot Elite Repairs centers. We can provide you the following advantages out of the experience we have gained through our long acquaintances and relationship with the manufacturer
Experience That Peace Of Mind!
We aim at keeping your pool clean and maintaining the same and do not interfere on your pool usage or life when you take our services for your pool.  For getting this work done you would need a company that is trustworthy, knowledgeable and friendly with you. Our employees are undergoing training regularly on new techniques and inventions so that we can continue with our efforts of giving you the best services. We come in to complete the job and make your pool area clean so that it is ready for use.
You may visit our website for all the information about Aquabot Elite Parts. Here, you will be able to make yourself thoroughly acquainted with our job and will gather sufficient knowledge about the swimming pool. You may call us and our staff will discuss with you about your requirement. We will fix a service appointment or a free consultation. We will require to see your pool to give you an estimate which is not always possible over phone. This will allow us to serve you better.
Aquatic Distributors Assures You Of Knowing Their Commitments!
We shall be with you before, during and after purchase. Aquatic Distributors shall be there to take your all questions and shall solve all these as quickly as possible without putting you in trouble. We stand by our commitment.
 Our services
• Buy our world-class and exceptional residential cleaning product such as Residential in-ground cleaners and above ground pool cleaners
• We deliver you the best-in-class residential pool cleaner parts such as Aquabot Viva, Aquabot Turbo pool cleaner, Aquajet.
• Come and explore our pool cleaning products such as Aquamax, Magnum, Duramax, Gemini and Ultramax for your swimming pool.
Reasons to Choose Our Services?
• Certified, Licensed, Bonded and Insured
• Guaranteed Work
• Get Informed about Everything to Make an Informed decisions With No Pressure
• Delivers  Same Pool Service Person To Your Home
• We Are Detail Oriented
• We Ultimately Want Happy Customers
Source: https://medium.com/@aquadist/why-you-should-buy-pool-cleaners-from-aquatic-distributors-27a7d713b0d4
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aquadist-blog · 6 years
Why Choosing a Pool Cleaning Robot for Clean the Pool?
People like to have their own swimming pool for relaxation and enjoyment of their own family and friends. When cleaning part comes, it becomes very tiring. The pool owners prefer to purchase the best robotic swimming pool cleaners to get rid of this tiring business. We have drawn out a broad list on significant benefits of robotic pool cleaners.
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Why It Is Necessary To Keep Your Pool Clean?
The best part of having a pool is to have fun with family and friends, but cleaning the entire pool takes more time than the time you spend relaxing and enjoying in the pool water. Cleaning the pool to keep it free from the smallest dust particles, preventing it from growing algae, scrubbing a large pool, all by yourself, not only is a very tiring job but also deprives you of your precious time.
This is one of the shortcomings of owning a pool, but do not get upset. Invention of different types of robotic pool cleaners has caused great relief to the swimming pool owners. You can see innumerable reasons to find the robotic pool cleaners amazing, but let us draw a short but complete list on the significant benefits of robotic pool cleaners.
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Benefits of robotic pool cleaners:
Energy Efficient
Money Saver
Maintains Safe Pool Chemicals
Water Saver
Low Maintenance
Advanced Cleaning Technology
Awesome features
We are stepping into the future everyday with series of new inventions coming up. Contact us for our guidance about the benefits of robotic pool cleaners. Stay ahead; do not look back.
Our services:
Aquatic Distributors provides services for residential cleaners such as Residential in-ground cleaners and above ground pool cleaners
Services delivered for commercial pool cleaners
World-class services for residential parts such as Aquabot Viva, Aquabot Turbo, Aquajet, 
Services delivered for commercial parts such as Aquamax, Magnum, Duramax, Gemini and Ultramax
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