#Apartaments «Bad Condition»
pecxiebu · 7 months
Rory Keaner x Reader
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y/n pov:
My first day at the new school and I'm already exhausted. Having gone through the previous day organizing all my stuff in the small apartment I have bought was more tiring than I had thought, although I'm a vampire this moving made me lose a lot of meals and I'm starving. Getting out of my comfy bed, that I use only for the reasons that I like to pretend to sleep, I go to the kitchen looking for something to eat, of course there's nothing and I'm gonna have to be late.
narrator pov:
y/n goes back to her bedroom to change clothes, choosing a dark red long sleeve, to hide the blood in case she spills some, and dark brown pants with a pair of black shoes, tying her hair up she tosses everything she thinks she will need on her backpack, a notebook, her phone, an extra blouse and a new tube of sunscreen.
- am i forgetting something - she picks her backpack and scan the room for what might she have forgotten, deciding she has everything she goes to her living room to open the curtains for the three remaining plants that survived her bad memory - sunglasses, my sunglasses - she squints her eyes putting a hand between her face and the sun while the other close the curtains - great now i’m blind - overstating her conditions y/n makes her way back into the bedroom.
finally with everything she needs in hand y/n exit her apartament to start her hunting. - my keys, i forgot the keys - now with what she hopes is everything y/n start her dark blue Ford Galaxie, her most prized possession - where does a vampire goes to eat some breakfast - she drives without a rout for some minutes until remembering the reason she came to this town at all. she picks her phone looking for her friends number - hey jes, do you have any blood on you, i just arrived and i’m so hungry - he being the reason she moved to whitechapel therefore the reason she didn't eat a drop of blood for two days is going to have to help - great, you came in the perfect time, we just got some blood and i want you to meet someone - she didn't wait for him to complete the sentence before she was spending to where she remember was his house.
y/n pov:
- who could it be that jesse wants me to meet - trying to guess who that person could be i almost forgot that i was driving, hitting someone in a bike, looks like a kid - oh my i killed a kid - stopping i get out of the car kneeling beside the person, groning the mop of blond hair turn over and i finally see the boys face - i’m so sorry, i didn’t saw you, please say you’re okay - i take the bike off him looking for blood or a broken bone, he seems okay - I don't think it hurt as much as your fall from heaven - the boy says, going from a pained expression to a sly smirk.
“what” I ask with a giggle, confusion clear in my face. it’s this boy, that i just hit with my car, hitting on me. “well, you know, because you're an angel” he blush “that fell from the sky” i conclude with a smile, what a cutie. i offer him my hand for him, he takes happily and we both stood up, giving him his bike back “i’m y/n nice to meet you, but i really need to get going and sorry again for almost running over you cutie pie” i get back into my car waving my hand at him, leaving behind a blond blushing mess behind. “I'm Rory” he shouts a little too late for me to hear.
narrator pov:
thinking about the encounter with the cute boy, y/n don't notice the time passing and in a blink she's at jesse’s gate, stretching her body a little out of the car she press the button of the interphone “password” a male voice comes from the little box “i don't know, jesse didn't say anything” throwing her head into the seat cushion, she should have guessed there would be a password, reaching for her phone she hear another voice that she recognize as jesse “hello old soul, hope you like the changes i made in the house” the gates open and she enter, seeing the front garden brings y/n old memories, some better than others. everything looks the same but different in some way, at least they have a pool now.
y/n pov:
I park the car in front of the door, there are some other vampires scattered along the entrance. entering the house it's a mess, red cups thrown on the floor, they definitely have thrown a party last night, i also see some kids lying on the furniture. “Jesse, it's so good to see you, you don't look a second older, these kids' blood are really good on you” finally in the kitchen I see Jesse with some of his friends and a girl that i don't know.
Turning in my direction Jesse opens a fangy grin, coming at me, he opens his arms and gives a big hug. “it's so good to have you back, and don't be so modest, you're as good as I remember” I reciprocate the hug, going back to the times where we whore kids and everything was simple. As I got grat the others i can see a new girl staring at me “it's so good to see y'all again, but i’m really hungry, jes where is the blood?” I held onto my stomach feeling more and more weak.
“here o- that's also the password” i take the bag of blood out of jesse’s hand, biting with ferocity into the bag i drink the majority of it’s content, letting little spill out, the metallic taste fills my senses as it fills my stomach. i feel my body getting its energies back slowly, taking slow breaths i recompose myself “sorry i didn't get a lot of opportunities in the travel” i do a little burp, putting my hand immediately on top of my mouth. “no judgment, we all know how bad it feels” a dark skinned boy says with a simpatic smile, he gives me a paper towel “i’m Nathan by the way” i take the towel saying a “thank you” after i clean myself jesse calls me to the living room.
i seat in the couch and he sits besides me “i want your help with a newling” he says looking at me and a let a small giggle “don't say that the great, cult leader, jesse is in need of help” i mock him poking at his face, he takes my hand away from his angry face “i don't ‘need’ you, i only want your abilities to convince that girl in the kitchen to drink blood” grabbing my wrist with force, he carve his index finger in my pulse “i’m gonna do it because you’re my friend not because you order it” i pull my arm free of his grip, a fine string of black liquid runs down its length “i am not one of your followers jesse, and we both know who wins this fight”
I hastily stand up going back to the kitchen, Jesse follows a little after. that now there's only the girl i don't met yet “y/n thats Sarah, one of our most recents addition and also my girlfriend” he gives a peck on her lips. I smile at Sarah knowing that its probably not gonna last much, i shake her hand and notice she is a little nervous “it's a pleasure to meet you Sarah. i hope we can be friends, all jesse’s friends are my mine too” jesse motions to the girl with his head and i understand she is the one, not wasting time i take her hand “you don't mind a take her for a walk do you” i pull Sarah to my side smiling at her still nervous face “not at all, have fun” saying bye to Jesse, i guide Sarah to the back of the house where the trees provide a good cover of the sun.
“So how long do you know Jesse” I start, trying to ease her “a couple of weeks, maybe three i guess” passing through the pebble path. I see one of my favorite spots in the house. An old wooden swing that sits below an even older oak tree, i happily stroll the rest of the way, patting the open space i invite her to take a sit besides me “it’s seems like you know Jesse very well, how many long have you know him” she asks me, voice coated with jealousy. i turn a little so my body face her “you don't need to worry darling, Jesse is like an annoying brother to me. i would never date him” she relax a bit, embarrassment showing on her face “and i know Jesse even before he was a vampire and what an ugly kid he was” i recall the time i met Jesse, he had always been a bossy little brat, but in that time we were such innocent kids. I tell Sarah about how I met Jesse, how he looked before being a vampire and how he felt the first time he drank blood.
Looking at my phone i see that we been talking for about ten minutes and the classes started five minutes ago “shit we’re late” we stand up to make our way back to the front “i’m sorry a got you late for school, hope you don't get in trouble” we speed walk to the front of the house where there's only my car. “That brat didn't even call us” i kick the floor picking some grass, taking a big breath a turn to Sarah “do you mind show me the way to school, not that you have another option” i give her an apologetic smile, leading her to my car i open the door for her, i hop into the driver's seat frustrated with Jesse’s antics.
“Sooo… Sarah what type of music do you like” not wanting the entire drive to be a painful silence i say the first thing that comes to mind “i listen to pop a lot, but i really like pop rock, what about you” she appears to be more comfortable now “i like a little of everything, but i think i know a music you gonna like” i turn on the radio with my cd already inside, passing some musics i finally stop on the right music, i look Sarah’s way expectantly.
“Not bad” she bobs her head in the rhythm, I followed along and not soon after were dancing to the song. we share the moment and i feel that we gonna be good friends “looks like we’re here” she points to a brown brick wall building, there's no sing signaling what is the building “i really liked meeting you Sarah, hope we can be friends”
i give her a side hug and we go our separate ways, but not before i bump in someone “sorry, i wasn't looking” the blond boy from before kneels on the ground looking for something, next to my feet i see black glasses that i remember seeing on the boy earlier. i quickly get down and pick the glasses “here” i hand them over to the cute boy “i don't think i got your name” helping him stand i say “it’s Rory, and you’re y/n, are you going to study here i can show you around, i’m like suuupeeeer popular here” enthusiastically he puts the glasses on, he looks like a happy puppy that just got a treat “please Rory show me the to the principal's office” he opens a big smile and leads me to the doors opening them for me.
i am feeling this year is going to be special
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hope you guys have liked and thank you for reading
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madamudeeaaarr · 3 months
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Unamused Lillian and her unusual momsy mari, this is for my runaways au and also because i wanted to try this hair pattern
The runaways AU
Premisse : gloria and mari join together to flee under bad circuntances and eventually become a couple who together raise a family in the incoming years while preparing for an unnavoidable confrontation with martin.
Basicly just a funny brainstorm i had the other day but liked too much to just let it go hehe.
Notes about my lesbian moms soap opera.
■ Gloria actually doest know about Martin's plans but decided to leave because of the abuse of her children.
■ Mari's Backstory is almost the same from her Google doc files minus the accident she later names Lillian.
■Gloria was going to ask for Arthur's help but with mari joining in and begging for her to not tell the truth she agrees to left him out of the plan.
■ the arrangement between them being that gloria will adopt the baby and raise it was her own child so mari can go back to her normal life after since the kid would still have a opportunity to be with one side of the family .( gloria is a aunt in this scenario and the greywhinder trio are the child's half siblings.)
■ The group leaves in secrecy gathering was much resources they can to hide was far is possible,changing identities in the process and cutting ties to relatives and friends.
■ this is what actually kickstarts martin's killing spree on this timeline with Arthur still being the first victim of 84.
■ they move into a apartament in a poor neighborhood and the family experiences a decline in quality of life with both gloria and mari being unnable to work thanks to the current situation.
■weeks passed before is safe enough to interact to other people but with the money ending gloria decides to try finding a job, on the meamtime she and mari start to get close to each other and interact like friends again.
■Gloria has no luck with anything stable but on her dairly journeys for odd temporary gigs she eventually make friends with some of people of the neighborhood and a few that actually share the same building in which her family is currently living,they actually help her out with a more frequent gig at a local bar during late night hours.
■Despite the difficulties Mari experiences with the changes going around she and Gloria began to growl closer to each other with Gloria showing support to Mari in a gesture of solidarity.
■ Mari eventually gets closer to the older siblings once she reconizes that they have been experiencing feelings about sudderly leaving their old home,similar to her own experiences back she was younger and her father died.
■ around the ending of 84 mari decides to confess to gloria about her feelings and after a while decides to actually stay the family once gloria tells her that she doest have plans to return and instead is going to file for a divorce and use the money for improving the kids lifes when is safe to reunite with Arthur and the rest of their families again.
■The news about the killing spree going on back at their old town and the death of Arthur finally reached the couple and they decided to drop the plans of contacting any relatives or friends for security,under the threat of the informations about them being leaked.
■This changes every plan the couple made for the future but amidst all the chaos and emotional turmoil they are currently facing,the family realizes that they are set for worst financial times with their reserves going close to be empty and mari near to be due.
■Gloria decided to make a plan for preparing for whatever can happens next with the little income she makes,she talks with mari and they both agreed to have mari's labor at home and to prioratize the money for the youngest children in the following months until mari is good conditions to work again.
■however not everything is bad news and some of gloria’s new friends decide to step in and give the couple support with the little they can help. (ex :babysitting,giving gloria’s extra gigs,helping mari when she's starts to have a harder time moving around and doing tasks.)
■when march comes mari has a daughter which they name Lillian.
■was expected the family struggles but was a sight of hope they figure out that they manage to live a whole year in safety.
■ the situation improves when Gloria finally gets a better job when the onwer of the bar presents her to one the older clients who is looking for people to work at a local journal,this and the older children going back to school leaves mari free again to going back to work and she takes gloria’s old gig at the bar since it gives her time to be at home.
■the news about the killings stop but with the reports of martin also stopping the couple can't help but to feel unease.
■ the family is going well and everything seems fine until a unexpected visit shows up turns our mari's brother now a young adult man decided to try to find the whereabouts of his half-sister.
■like his father the guy is actually good in finding clues for missing persons and all of evidence pointed to her still being alive.
■he finds the woman or course but what he doest expect is to found out that her new family just happens to be the missing greywhinders plus a bonus niece.
■also “arthur” is back and the harmony & play is now expanding and becoming a frachise brand to the terror of everyone.
What follows is a story of reconciliation,drama and bla bla bla hauting toys and shit.
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alenaletsplay · 5 years
Apartaments «Bad Condition»
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•Don’t claim it as your own •Don’t reupload •Do not forget to enter the code bb.moveobjects Download: SimFileShare by ALP
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tessiepessie · 6 years
All I ever wanted was the world
Read it now on AO3 !!
Thanks to @wordshakerofgallifrey for be so kind <3 and to @anastasiaheadcanons​ because after sending that ask I decided to write the story.
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                                             First things firts
When Kate left her apartament five minutes later than in a normal day, she had to run to catch the bus. At her fast steps, she didn’t see the old lady carrying a basket with fruits who was opening her store. The basket fell, rolling on the floor, and leaving a mess of apples that stopped the steps of those who were running to their jobs, and Casey’s mom told him that a good man was one who always helped his neighbor if he had the chance. That’s why he had to stop and help old Livia from the store, but he couldn't catch the last sneaky apple which ran into the street and scared a weak young cyclist who stopped so quickly that jumped from the bike and crashed into a taxi whose driver didn't see the red light because of the man with a cellphone in his hand who kept asking him for directions to the nearby library.
“Someone call an ambulance please!”
People gathered around the young man on the ground who was blinking quickly trying to keep himself conscious. The blue of the sky was hidden behind curious eyes that moved and lips that formed words, but he could not decipher what they said to him. He would be late for his classes, maybe he had to take the bus, did he have to take an exam today? So many questions and he was so tired… Maybe he should close his eyes for a minute.
The blurry faces in front of the man in the floor, went slowly into dark and the last thing he heard was someone asking for his name and the sound of an ambulance.
“Okay pretty ladies, get ready quickly. We have rehearsal!”
Lily clapped her hands fast, chasing the girls who, with total laziness, took their bags and walked to the camerino. The only one that was ready was Anya, with her white tutu and ribbon in her hair, she got nothing to envy to the Broadway stars. She was on stage warming-up while the cast was getting ready. So professional, Lily wished that the rest of the cast were like her, always on time and the first ready to perform. Most of the people who performed here did it as a hobby, so they didn't really try hard to make it the best show of their lives.
Seemed like that rehearsal would be a long one. She should take her vacation while she still could, Or sell the theater. Or drink a shot of vodka. Whatever works.
“Anya, why are you wearing your costume?” “I want to get used to moving in it… and I look pretty” This girl… “Okay… Everyone take positions! we start in five!”
Working in a community production was not the big dream that Anastasia had when she was five and decide that one day her name would be in some Broadway production, but at least she was doing what she loved. Even if most of the audience was made up of seniors at the matineé.
And of course, this wouldn’t be permanent. Someday she would be in Broadway oh! she could be in Wicked! or maybe in a new and exciting show. She would wait for her moment. Even if it took ten or twenty years.
Just one shitty production at a time.
These 24-hour shifts would be the death of him. His thoughts were not coherent by the end of his shift, and he was pretty sure he'd been staring at the wall of the break room for the past ten minutes without blinking. Dmitry wondered how much longer he could live on a diet of coffee and Red Bull before he had a heart attack. It probably wasn't healthy, but he was a nurse, not a nutritionist.
Just a few hours more and he would be sleeping at his comfy bed till the world collapses (lies, just till Vlad came to make him eat something else than sugar).
“Do you have plans for this Friday?” he needed to talk, or he would fall asleep right then and there. “My sister has a presentation with her company. We are all going to see her as a family to support her penniless career.” Maria was melted on the futon, they started the shift together so she probably was as tired as he was. No judging. “At least she does what she loves” “Hey! I love my job too, but I love sleep more”
Being friends with Maria was easy, even when she came from a crazy rich family that paid for her college tuition and he would be in endless debt for most of his life. Still, they had the same age and they started their internship at ER together. After a few weeks, they spent most of their spare time at the cafeteria sharing experience of the moody doctors and funny stories of the patients. Maria was a breath of fresh air in this shitty work and he couldn’t ask for a best partner.
They were friends.
Kind of.
They don’t usually hang out on their days off why would they? they probably see each other more than they see their families. He didn’t know where her apartment was and he knew a few thing about her family, like she had a bunch of siblings, and she wanted an insane numbers of children. But she was the only one who was friendly with him and didn't make fun of him for being a nurse, and sometimes, they go for a drink when the day was especially awful.
“Come on. I'll get you a Snickers. I need sugar”
Dmitry and Maria were halfway to the cafeteria when the stretcher came in through the emergency door. There goes my food.
Running fast, they caught up with the paramedics. Apparently, a taxi didn’t see the red light. The patient was young. They didn’t know his name yet, and even though the impact wasn't that big, he wasn't waking up.
“He's my brother!” Maria said, almost screaming. “He is hemophilic!”
She was pale and she looked like she would faint in any moment. She was frightened, and of course she was. If her brother didn’t get medical attention quickly, he could die.
Her hands were shaking when Dmitry took her away and led her to an empty room.
“Blood type Maria?” “AB, he is AB.. How did this happen to him?” she looked like she would cry in seconds and right then, he didn’t have time to deal with tears. “Call your family. I’ll be with him. You can’t deal with this in your condition. He is going to be okay, trust me.”
But honestly, he was not sure.
On Friday they had their first show, but most of the dancers were stumbling and the lead girl forgot her lines constantly. This was a disaster, why was she even trying?
Lily wanted to scream.
Oh, but she knows why she was doing this, but who cares (she cares). Also, they already had the cast, and the scenery was ready. They sent all of the invitations to the important people and she pulled a few strings, so with a bit of luck, the press would be here, she can’t cancel now. This would be a joke but a joke that she would be proud of, yeah… right.
“Okay okay. Everyone, we are going to have a brief recess, and then we are going to try this again.”
Anastasia’s cellphone had five missed calls when she took it. Maria usually didn’t call when she had shift. That’s weird. And she knew that she had rehearsal today. Weird, weird, weird.
“Hey Lil’s….” but her godmother was at phone looking very pale. What’s going on? “Sweetheart, we have to leave. Now. Go for your stuff, no time to change clothes.”
Her phone started ringing again. It was Olga. Weirder.
She didn’t say “hi” which was unusual because Olgas was the politest person alive, maybe Tatiana could fight the crown. She didn’t say hi, but the words that she heard made her blood cold. It was something about and an accident and Alexei, and honestly, she didn’t care for the rest.
She was running out of the theater before the call ended.
Maria’s coffee was cold and her tears were dry now. The surgery started an hour ago and Dmitry didn’t say anything yet. She knew that this took time, but still. IIt was her baby brother in the OR, she couldn't just relax.
The only thing that stopped her to run into the surgery was Olga holding her hand. She had a rosary in her closed fist over her heart. She was praying, just like her mother used to do it. Maria stopped believing in god long time ago, but she found the prayers relaxing. It makes her feel safe and maybe, He was listening.
Lily and Anastasia came together. Her sister was still in her costume and hurried to hug her while Lily stood awkwardly, looking at the people in the waiting room. At least Anya wasn’t crying. She always was stronger than her.
“What happened Mashka?”
What happened? What happened was a stupid driver didn't see the red light, even though red was a pretty obvious color that everyone knew meant stop. What happened was, for ABC reasons, Alexei got scared for an apple... yes, an apple, and he jumped from his bike because obviously that was his only option and he ended up cashing with the taxi. That's what happened. And now he was in surgery.
Half an hour ago, Dmitry ran by with two bags of blood into the OR. He didn’t say a word to her.
Anya didn’t sit with Maria, Olga and Lily. She just walked in the alley. Sometimes on her tiptoes, sometimes not. She’s still wearing her ballet shoes. If she just sat there, everything would be more real and and this can’t be real. She hated hospitals since Alexei born. Most of his childhood was between white walls and the smelt of antiseptic, this can’t be happening again.
But the last time that they came to an hospital was when she had seventeen and that ended with everyone wearing black. Hospitals were only bad news. She didn’t know how Maria could work here.
She didn’t know how they can stay here and just sit until someone br them news.
Lily could use a drink now. Damned hospital with their damned sober policy, and she couldn’t leave either. What kind of ruthless woman would leave these poor children alone? They may not be family by blood, but she had watched them grow. No, Lily could be an alcoholic-ish and moody woman, but she wasn’t ruthless.
She had never been good at dealing with people who were suffering, what could she do? Pat them on their backs? Maybe she could offer to go for coffee or something to eat if the surgery took longer, but for now it was enough to sit next to them and wait.
Still, the damned surgery looks like would never end.
Till it ended.
Maria was the first to get in her feet and rushed to Dmitry, who looked tired but at least he was smiling and yes, he may be an asshole sometimes, but he wouldn’t dare to be an asshole in this situation.
Anastasia hold Maria’s hand tightly and Olga put a hand on her shoulder. They waited for her to make a move, but it wasn’t necessary because exhausted Dmitry was getting anxious and couldn’t wait for her to speak
“I told you he would be fine.” Maria and her sisters felt how suddenly they could breathe again. “Yes, he could have needed blood, but wasn’t too much, it was more for precaution. He had an hemorrhage but the doctors worked quickly so it wasn’t much the damage. I guess, the doctor would be more clear. Now, if you excuse me, I need to move him to his room...” Suddenly, Dmitry looked perplexed to Anastasia for the first time, and then to Maria. “Why does she look like a doll?”
Anya at her side made a little snort while she stand straight crossing her arms over her chest. She looked proud and taller than she really is… Is she up on her toes?
“Because I was in rehearsals, and why do you care?”
Dmitry smiled and Anya mimicked his smile while Maria thought Jesus Christ.
“Come on,” Maria hurried him, taking his arm. “I will help you with Alexei,” she said rolling her eyes. ...
Alexei opened her eyes in a bright white room and felt a bit dizzy. His head hurted a lot and that was the only part of his body that he could actually feel. Everything else was numb and he was thirsty.
He felt like a car crushed him… Wait.
Oh, the apple. Yes. He remembered now. This would be a funny story in the future, but he is pretty sure that he is in trouble now.
His family is going to kill him. Maybe he should back to sleep.
“Look who is awake.”
Or maybe not.
There’s a young man beside his bed. He is smiling even when when he looked like he didn’t slept in days. Maybe he should sleep.
“Who are you?” The guy helped him into a sitting position and wow, now everything hurts and then, approached him a glass of water. Nice guy, Alexei already liked him.
“I’m Dmitry, your nurse” “Nurse? where’s the pretty blond? there’s always a pretty blond nurse in the movies.” “First of all, the only pretty blond that I know is your sister, gross. Second, we are in 2018, men can be nurses, so... let it go.”
Shit, he is in Maria’s hospital. Whatever was the reason she wasn’t here, he knows that at any moment his family will come in the door. For a 21-year-old man, Alexei was a bit scared of his sisters.
“Maria is out there?” “Yes, with an old lady who looked pissed and your sisters.” “Do they look mad?” “Nah, your sisters are just worried. They are talking with the doctor, so they should be here in no time.”
The first came in was Anastasia. She slap his forehead knowing that Olga would scold her (and she did it). Then Olga kissed his face like she did it when he was a child and Lily squeezed his cheeks. Yes, they were just worried, but that didn't stop them from asking questions or Anya from mocking him because seriously Alexei, you gave us the scare of our life just for an apple? such an idiot.
In a corner, Maria was talking with Dmitry. She couldn’t be more grateful to him, seriously. He acted with total professionalism and took good care of her brother when she was a crying mess. Another person probably would scream at her and she would hardly be able to pull herself together, but he was patient and let her be with her family. He was such a good friend. He even offered to stay a few more hours taking care of Alexei while she went to her house to shower and sleep for a couple of hours until she returned to the next day's shift.
She would think of something to return the favor.
“Why you didn’t tell me that your little sister was a prettier version of you?”
Hell no. Not on her watch.
“Because it’s information that shouldn't interest you.”
“Why?!” Dmitry sounded offended.
“Trust me, you are not her type. Actually, she has a really shitty taste in men and you are… you.”
“But I’m a good guy, I could be an improvement in her love choices.”
Seriously… what a day.
“Give me a break. I’m going to finish a few things before I left. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
It wasn’t a no, but a maybe. Still, he probably didn’t have a chance with her sister.
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fandomscompilation · 7 years
"New beginnings" (Kol Mikaelson x Reader)
A/N: Hello beautiful people! 😊 I felt like writing something for TVD, but it turned out that it’s TO 😂 My mind keeps playing with me.. 😕 But get back to the topic of our ff. Awhile ago I saw post on @shadowoods blog about suggesting Caroline to move to New Orleans. I can’t give you link to it cause I’m on my mobile so sorry. And I hope that this perfect writer won’t kill me 😂 So enjoy and remember that my inbox is always open! 💛
“So now that Stefan’s gone” You started uncertain “Maybe we could move to different city” “And what city do you have in mind?” Your blond friend asks taking out cupcakes “New Orleans” You more of asked and Caroline turnes to look at you “But-” “It’s time for a new chapter, don’t you think?” You spoke up before she had a chance to argue “I don’t think here’s much left for us” She sights “Well, guess however long it takes is now” Caroline murmured but you heard everything. She smiled at you “Under one condition” She then said “What?” You groaned “I’m choosing the flat we’re gonna live in"
You stood in the middle of a bright apartament. It was fashionable and had girly accessories.
“I’m starting to regret that decision” You said with a frown, but Caroline only rolled her eyes “Could you stop complaining? I didn’t decorate your room” “God is real” You sight and went to seat but there was a knock at the door “Go. Open it” Caroline said looking at you “I’m sure it’s for you” You smirk while crossing your arms “I still have some pink paint” She squinted her eyes and you went in vampire speed to greet your guest.
“Oh, (Y/N)” Klaus said little shocked “What a surprise” “Klaus” You nodded “What a predictable action” He chuckled “Is Caroline here?” You cocked your head to the side “Depends why are you asking” “Just wanted to invite her to dinner, but since you both moved here, feel free to come” Klaus smiled at you “Will I have to be well mannered?” “I think Elijah won’t mind a little chaos” You both smirk “But you might hold your tongue. Hayley and I will appreciate it.” “Hayley and you?” You squinted your eyes “Are you a thing?” “She has a weak spot for the noble one"Klaus laughs and you relax “Great. We’ll be there.” You smiled and he gave you the address before disappearing
“Stop whining!” You growled while driving to Klaus’ mansion “I’m not happy you agreed to this stupid dinner” She glares at you “And this dress is too..” “Sexy?” You suggest and she punches you in the arm “What?” You laughed “You’re an idiot” Caroline cracked a smile “You love me” Both of you exited the car and stopped in front of the doors. You send a knowing smirk to Caroline and knocked “Girls” Elijah smiled at you and you hugged him “It’s good to see you Li” “Good to see you too” You look to your friend and she smiles “Others are waiting. Come on” You walked into the dining room where most of the family was
Dinner was full of chatting. Well except for Caroline and Klaus. You made sure to keep the atmosphere light and you did great job. You all made your way to the living room. You were almost out of the topics, when Kol came in with a small girl next to him. You felt great power radiating off of her and you knew she felt the same way about you. Everyone went tense when you got up
“(Y/N)” Klaus warned but you ignored him and kneel in front of his daughter “What’s your name?” You asked softly “Hope” She sais confidently which makes you smile “Are you like me?” “We share the same amount of magic” You explained “But I doubt I can be as awesome as you are” You heard few sights of relief “Wanna seat with me?” You extend your hand and Hope takes it without hesitation.
After the dinner your stay in New Orleans became boring. You were exploring the city for few first days, you went shopping with Hayley and Rebekah. You even played chess with ‘Lijah. Eventually you had enough. Caroline was with Klaus doing God knows what and where, so you get into your car and drove to see if any Original was home. You went in but there was no sound. You said few words under your breath and felt presence of few people in the backyard.
“Hi guys!” You said while walking down the steps “(Y/N)!” Hope smiled and hugged you tightly while Kol and Freya send you smiles “What are you up to?” You ask sitting in the grass with her “I’m trying to bring this flower back to life, cause uncle burned it” She glares at him but he only smiles “Will you show me?” You ask softly
She took the flower in her hand and closed her eyes. You could feel her power flowing but it was chaotic. Her small hand was trembling and you softly closed it between your own. You regulated your breathing which happens to her too. And soon Hope opens her eyes to see small daisy in her hand.
“Wow” She said with wide eyes “How’d you do that?” “Every witch takes power from something” You explain and pick up one pice of grass “You can use nature like ancestors. Your power will be pure then. You can take it from fire, but it’s really hard to tame” You warned “What about you?” Hope asks with innocent curiousity. You looked at Freya, who has a hard look “I’m really old ya know” You smile softly “Things I have power from are more dangerous” “Are they like fire?” She looked at you “They’re more like…” You purse your lips for a moment “Like a tornado” “So they’re destructive?” Hope frowns “Don’t worry love” You squizzed her hand “I can tame my demons”
You sat with few witches and Freya, they were talking about your ways of using power, when Klaus, Kol and Elijah came in. “Why all of them are afraid of you?” Elijah asked in his noble voice “Maybe beacuse she’s a damn psycho” One of the witches spat and you felt her power boiling “Britt, calm down” Freya spoke softly “I can’t!” Said witch stood up “She’s using the darkest power to ever exist! Even your aunt didn’t tried that!” “She was actually a coward” You shrugged “Are you nuts?” Britt turned to you “Do you know the consequences of using-” You stood up and let your eyes turn her black “Oh I know the consequences” Your voice was dark and her body started to fly in the air “I also know the power which comes with it” You let her drop to the floor “You all should know that when I use your power to but you I feed from your emotions too” You pointed at the witch on floor “You, were so angry that your power was all over the place. I used your own hatred to hurt you.” “That’s all?” Kol laughs “You all are scared that she’ll get in your heads?” “She can do more than that” Freya spoke up and you waved your hand letting her continue “She has a connection to spirits and demons. She’s using the most dark magic there is” You saw their surprise “The only person who tried that killed herself and thousands people with just one blow” “Actually” You hold one finger up “It was Balthazar, but he used her body. Don’t worry I’m not that stupid to use his help” “How long have you been practicing this kind of magic?” Kol asked with interest “Since I was ten”
“Does it hurt?” Hope asks while she picks up some flowers “You mean taking power from the demons?” You ask which caused Klaus and Kol to look up “Yes” She nodded “They’re bad, aren’t they?” “Not all the time” You frown looking at the sky “They can be easily pissed off, that’s true, but most of the time they just seat there” “Do they talk to you like dead witches?” “Depends on my mood and the weather” You chuckle lightly “But I can tune them off, I’m not crazy” Hope smiles at you “Love” You both look to Klaus “Time for dinner”
She hugged you and you placed a soft kiss on her temple. Niklaus send you a smile and went into the house. They all became tensed around you, but they still had your back, thanks to Caroline.
Do you hear them now?“ Kol asks from his chair “Only one” You eye him down “Why?” “Just curious” He smirks “She’s talking about you” “She?” He raises his eyebrows “Yeah. She can feel lust” You chuckle and his smirk was evident now “Wondering why” Kol murmures while looking at you. You shook your head and made your way over to him. You stop between his legs “Is she telling you something now?” I smirks placing his hands on your hips “Tuned her of” You had matching smirks “So we’re alone” He tilts his head upwards while you seat in his lap “I guess you have what you wanted” You smile and place your hands behind his neck “Not exactly” He smirks before kissing you passionately “Now I do”
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ninterbit · 7 years
i’m not dead
Hello to all of my followers! I have been absent for a very long time here with an expection of some rare commissions uploads and I would like to apologize for the lack of content.
I have a few reasons for that though: long-time depression, bad health condition and my father, always drunk. This does not motivate my creativity at all. I'm wishing to sell this apartament, fix my health and get back to my previous condition, yet my father steps in my way. He wants part of my fortune, which won't allow me to both buy a new apartament and cure myself. I have a very good friend who helps me keep myself together. If it wasn't for her I honestly don't know what whould have happened to me. I hope I'll manage to sort this all out. I don't want to quit drawing, cause I really love doing it. Thank you so much for your attention! I hope I'll be able to make you all happy with new content some day again.
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