lovetale-redemption · 7 years
LOVEtale Chapter 2 (Part 11): The red flowers.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGwRFBlD6qI This scene happened sooner in the conflict of Sans and Ankell, while they were fighting... Red: We are losing time ! How long it will take ? Sans is already fighting and he is getting weaker with the seconds. At this rate, it will be too late. Gaster: There is something blocking the system, and I can’t go by it. Where does it come from ? All the power is blocked and I can’t redirect the determination, what is going on ?! Alphys: We can’t reach it... what are we going to do ? Valye: Stay calm. If you’re all panicked it won’t do any more good.  I stayed near Red, our lollipops in our hands holding them tightly, we needed to be brave. We grabbed each other hand and tried to stay focused. But our minds were always thinking of the worst, we were restless. Alphys: There is kind of a glitch, it couldn’t get in here by itself unless... Gaster: ...That unconscious son of mine .... he knew what we were going to do...  Suddenly the machine started to glow red, yelling “ERROR”  endlessly. Toriel: We have to do something ! Gaster: It’s no use ! Get away from the machine ! It’s going to burst !   Sans knew we were going to try to use the determination left in the system, he blocked every way of using it and ultimately erase what was left. There is no solution left. As everybody was getting away from the machine quickly, I noticed too late that Red stayed there and walked slowly in the direction of the determination machine. Her eyes wide open, she raised her arm, pointing with her hand her last hope to save Sans that was about to blow up. She stay silent, watching with despair her last chance fade away...
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  The explosion was brutal, but Red stood there at the same place, a little dirty from the burst but she looked unarmed physically. In the other hand, her spirit was broken, she fell on her knees and looked directly of the ruins of the installation, the same that could  have given her the way to save her brother. She started shimmering from every inch of her body, holding her arms together, like trying to calm herself, but it was no use.      I came as quickly as I could to help her. She couldn’t look away from the machine, she just said one thing, her voice trembling with sadness: Red: I... couldn’t... protect them...  I stayed close to her, trying to comfort her but everybody in the room knew. Nothing coming from the underground could help Sans and Frisk. We were powerless. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aksTXH78iQ0 (put it on endless mode) Since I was a child, I didn’t have any friends. My grandpa was the only friend and family I had. The times we spent together were rare as he was a famous doctor and always working hard but I enjoyed everyone of them. At school, I was always left behind, alone, because of my eye... They used to call me  monster or demon. I was too shy to say anything, I didn’t even knew myself what was it. With the years, the people were getting more and more distant as the infection was getting worse. Some people were scared to catch something like a dangerous disease or even to be cursed... Even if the teachers were supporting me, the classes never were. At some point I was trying to avoid contact, and avoid their reactions, but it was hard to live everyday feared by everyone ...   When I was 12 years old, my Grandpa became really sick and ultimately past away... The disease was well known by the other doctors, it was something unfortunate, that could happen to anybody. But when the classes learned about this, they linked my Grandpa’s demise with the “curse” of my eye... It all got worse... I was alone in that appartment, and studied with persons who despised me even more than before. Their hate was getting more intense, when something bad happened it was always my eye. I didn’t have the strenght to fight back, I just wanted to be done with the day and cry in my bed.    The only comfort I had was reading, the books brought me away from my problems, but even if it helped me feel better, in a way they were also hiding me from my issues.      When I was 14, some student started to bully me regularly, stealing my lunch and getting away with insults. “You’re a demon”, “You don’t deserve to exist”... At some point, I was even going to... give up... but something was always trying to keep my alive, like someone else was in my heart, keeping me company without me even knowing. And so I struggled everyday, what I could. At first I thought being feared by anyone was really annoying, but I reached a point where I feared everyone and it was far worse...   My life changed forever, at my 16 years old. We were in class, in the middle of the year, a new student came to our high school. Apparently his family came from another city. He was a boy, 17 years old, with semi long black hair and always looking away. Like me, he was always alone strangely, he didn’t wanted to be friends with anyone even when people asked him, he was ignoring them, not even looking at them. Apparently he was expelled from his previous school because he was violent and he injured some other students. But he didn’t seem to look violent at all, just very reclusive. So one day, I finally got the courage to try to talk to him, and ask him to be friend: Araelle: Greetings.  He looked at me for a second, then replied: Boy: You are that girl with the freaky eye I’ve heard, aren’t you ? Just go away, I don’t want to talk... Araelle: Are you ok ? You don’t look so good. He looked away and started walking without answering.   The same day, while I was going home, I ran into some bullies from high school again, the same one... their chief was called Adrix, he was the worst person I ever met. He was the most violent and agressive bully, always yelling at me that one day he’ll kill me himself... During the beating, one of them grabbed me by the hair, I was in so much pain, I just wanted to go home...   But something unusual happened, someone came and helped me, it was the first time in two years that happened... The person who came beat down the three bullies one by one, he was the new student. Alix: What are you doing, you dumb dunkey ?! Can’t you see that she is evil ! She must be destroyed at all cost ! Boy:  I’ve ran into some punks in my life, but you definitely win the cake and the cherry. Unless you want another lesson I suggest you and your goons to go away and never touch her again. Alix: Grrr, you’ll regret this. you helped that demon, you are as corrupted as her.  He then went off with the other two. The boy came and carried me. Boy: Don’t move I’ll bring you to your home. Do you live far from here ?   It was the first time, someone helped me, despite being hurt I never felt so good in my life, he put me on his back and I held him tightly, blushing I answered: Araelle: Just two streets... on the right... Thank you...   During the travel we talked a little. Araelle: Why, did you helped me ? Boy: Why do I need a reason to help someone ? Araelle: I mean, nobody never helps me... you’re the first ... Boy: You are telling me that this happens frequently ?  With the emotion I just closed my mouth, moaned and said yes with the head. Boy: Why this guy called you a demon ? Araelle:  My eye...  Boy: I saw it, but I don’t get all the hype about it, I mean it just looks like a birth anomaly nothing more, people are really stupid sometimes seriously...  It didn’t looked much by itself but those words filled me with so much happiness and joy. i smiled at him and replied. Araelle: Thank you.   We went on the apartment and he healed me. He was surprised that I was alone in here. We continued our talk together. Araelle: I’m sorry but I don’t even know you name ? My name is Araelle by the way. Boy: Oh right where are my manners ? I’m Eone. Araelle: That’s a nice name. Eone: Meh I don’t think so... but if you like it that’s good right ? Anyway you are lucky that my house is on the same way, or else you could have been really injured. Araelle: I want to thank you again. You’re so kind, that’s the first time someone does something for me. I heard you came from another school because you injured people, but I’m sure it’s just rumors. Eone: Actually there are not. I did beat some guys down. Araelle: That doesn’t seem real for me. Eone: Well, those bastards threatened a friend I had, and well you know the rest. Don’t want to bore you with the details but the guys all went to the hospital and teachers decided it was my fault and bla bla bla rejected and finally came here. Araelle: What happened to your friend ? Eone: Well, he was the one who sold me out, after all I did for him... That’s why I tried to avoid the others when I came here. I changed of city because my mother got a mutation, I was about to leave the school anyway without them expelling me.I know I shouldn’t talk bad about my parents but I really think they don’t care about me, it feels lonely at home even with them around.  Araelle: Eone, I know you didn’t answer to anybody but... Can we be friends ?   He looked and smiled at me. Eone: Sure. You look always so lonely. Oh and sorry for calling your eye huh “freaky” I tried to make you go away, but I guess it’s not easy to live alone around here.  Araelle: Th... thank you !  I was crying of joy, the first friend I made, I felt so warm inside my chest.  Eone: Oh no no no no ! Please don’t cry... Araelle: Sorry...    After that day, we became best friends, and since he was always near me, the bullies started to calm down. They noticed Eone was really strong. Like this we spent three months until something happened.  Eone: Hey, Araelle do you know about the park city. Araelle: I used to go there often to read some books. Why ?  He was blushing. Eone: Well, for now I have to go, but I have something really important to tell you so, can we meet at the park this night at 9 pm ? Araelle: Sure, so I’ll meet you there.  Eone: Yeah, later.   He looked really uncomfortable, I wandered what he wanted to tell me, I never saw him blush before. At night I went in the park like he asked me. The park was filled with golden flowers, beautiful trees and a lake in the center.  He was already here when I came.  Eone: Hi, Araelle ! Araelle: Hi, Eone how are you doing ? Eone: I’m fine thank you, how about we walk a little ? Araelle: Okay.  We grabbed each other hands and walked around the lake, after several minutes of silence, he tried talk. Eone: Well, the thing I wanted to tell you...   We suddenly heard some noise, we looked behind us. Adrix was here with his goons.  Alix: We meet again, remember me ?   Eone put himself in front of me, blocking me with his arm. Eone: It won’t be long Araelle. I’ll be back right away. Now run.    Scared by Adrix I ran away, and hid myself behind one of the trees. Looking at the scene in the distance. Eone fought how he could but got trapped by the two bullies who were holding each of his arms, he was defenseless but I was so frightened I couldn’t move. After getting beaten  down, they pulled him up again, the scene was unbearable.  Alix: Those corrupted by the devil will perish like the devil. He pulled out a pocket knife. Alix: After I’m done with you, I’ll go for that demon.  Eone didn’t said anything, the last thing I remember of that scene was the scream of Eone. My heart stopped beating, they threw him in golden flowers, the blood from his wound made the flowers around him red, and I finally passed out with the shock.
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I woke up in the morning in a hospital without injuries, a nurse came and I asked her instantly what happened....    Eone died from bleeding, he was deep wounded in the torso... But strangely enough, Adrix and his troups were also dead but the weapon wasn’t found, apparently they were pierced with an unknown large object, I didn’t cared. This day I lost my only friend, I never cried so hard in my life...    The scene traumatised me, I got a lot of trouble getting outside, in every person I was looking, I saw Adrix and his goons, to walk normally on the street became an almost impossible task. The news about the park spread really fastly in the class, for them I was the one who killed them all, including Eone... I tried to see Eone’s parents but for them it’s also my fault if their son died, I can’t blame them, they were right. I stood there watching him die in front of me, instead of saving the only friend I had... The nightmares soon started with the crisis, I was a sick girl in a old appartment, alone, with nobody to talk or rely on.    The “curse” of my eye at least granted me some calm for a change, with Adrix gone, I never was bullied again. Until that day, when Sans appeared. With the robber, the way he said to him to go away, he reminded me a lot of him. I only know Sans for a day but he is my friend, and I don’t want to lose someone else like Eone. This time I will do something for him. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   I finally woke up from Sans attack, the little angel was watching the fight. Sans looked exhausted, he was in a very bad state, at this rate, he won’t last long. Sans: It all comes down to this… old man. One last strike to decide everything… Give it your best shot. Ankell: Alright, mah boy, I hope you are ready. I’ll show you my most powerful attack, I once cut through steel with this, so you better be prepared. Sans: Fine, in that case… I’ll show you… my special attack. Ankell: You finally decided to attack me, huh. It’s not too soon, mah boy.   Ankell was about to attack Sans, he won’t be able to dodge his attack, they were so far from here, but I couldn’t let Sans die like this. What could I do ? I felt suddenly something warm, overwhelm me. I remembered something. (Araelle: Sorry to ask, but your soul is made of magic, right ? What kind of magic can you use ? Sans: I can summon bones to attack, use shortcuts to go in a place very fast, or even levitate the soul of someone else. Araelle: Really ? That’s incredible , mister Sans. How is it work ? Sans: I concentrate my magic, let the imagination shape it like I want and then release it. ). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  I had only one DT left but Sans told me, I’ll need it for later. Ankell was rushing towards us, and Sans was about to pass out. The situation was very tricky, and I couldn’t think of any solution. Suddenly something unrealistic happened. Araelle:  I’m not letting you die here, Sans ! Frisk & Sans:  ARAELLE !   Araelle just appeared in front of us, how did she did that ?! What happened to her, Sans felt a very powerful magic, did it came from her ? HE told us that humans couldn’t use magic ? How was that possible ? She looked different too, her hair was a little longer and had a very shiny white color, her body was glowing magic around her. And her soul became white. We were so confused... Sans told me Araelle just did a shortcut, the same magic we can use, without understanding how it was possible. 
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  Sans was about to fall unconscious before Araelle came out but the sudden worry he felt woke him up, even if he was still almost paralysed. But what did Araelle had in mind ? She can’t beat Ankell, even with this magic... Sans opened wide his eyes, he understood what she was doing... Sans: ARAELLE, GET AWAY ! YOU WON’T RESIST HIS ATTACK !   Araelle just smiled, as she raised up her arms, she was positionned to receive Ankell’s final strike before it reaches Sans... even if it meant to sacrifice her own life... The king had too much momentum, he couldn’t stop his own attack. Araelle was crying and smiling, looking directly at the one who was about to execute her and said with a shimmering voice: Araelle: You will have a second chance to save your friends...Sans.   I was near Sans all the time and something really scared me at that point. At first he was nervous of the situation, then calmed himself, before looking at me with a sad smile. Frisk: Sans ? What ... are...you .... Sans: Thank you, kiddo...    He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the fight, where nothing could have hurten me. He then concentrated every portion of magic he had left in his left eye including the bone attack, despite the pain and without the determination. The concentration was unstable and finally burst out his left eye and a big part of the left part of his skull... With the left of the magic, he used one last spell...   It was like the time stopped in the world. The wind stopped howling, the flowers were lifeless, only the silence was floating as the fight was finally over. Araelle had her eyes wide open, shocked and horrified by what she was watching... Sans had the skull cracked opened, the magic was flowing out of it, some of it were making little sparks of light blue lights, floating in the air like fireflies... Sans: That... was too close... for comfort... Are ... you... okay....?    Hands in his pockets, he was aimlessly watching the sky above the man who  just cut through him. Sans used the last bit of life and magic he had to use one last shortcut and block the attack before it reaches Araelle. The blade cut straight through the magic part of our soul in the center, only this part was hit, he pushed me away before the impact got into my soul... The sword of Torano, the one that was supposed to not be soiled by blood or dust, was covered by the blood of Sans, it was heavily dripping on the golden flowers, making them red like poppies of suffering... The HP he had.... was down to 0. I watched the scene, lost and confused... it took me several seconds to realize what was happening, the surprise was soon enough replaced by despair, as I understood that Sans sacrificed his life to save a human, a human he just met. I fell on the knees, watching my friend’s life, going away with the seconds...     As for Araelle... The scene completely overwhelmed her as the moonlight was showing her only friend, dying in front of her. After several seconds, she fell on the floor, screaming without an end. The tears started to drop from my eyes as her screams reminded me that this scene was a nightmare that became true....
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