tatunootosigo · 7 years
#310 黑麻三寶 The choir by John&Fish Via Flickr: 76 x 65 cm Dear Flickr friends, you are very welcome to hear some of my piano composition . 黑冠麻鷺.攝於台灣 台北市 草山 Malayan Night Heron, taken at Yangmingshan, Taipei City, TAIWAN 小麻鷺在細長脖子硬直後,白色的羽絨就開始慢慢變黑,那天正午本來到陽明山前山公園是去拍台灣藍鵲的,卻無意間看到這巢三隻嗷嗷待哺的小麻鷺在巢中等待親鳥回來餵食,就在親鳥回巢時,三隻小傢伙不約而同地張大嘴巴似乎喊著「我先!我先!」,那難得的一致表情,與努力高歌的唱詩班小朋友如出一轍。 Three baby herons greeted their mother eagerly, for they knew she brought food home. Their concentration could not have been higher than that of those singing at the Choir.
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