#Andrew and Jake do u want me to cry
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: cursing words.
A/N:  Look I know these kind of processes take a lot of time, but this is a work of fiction. And again I do not know anything about law, I’m not a lawyer.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1854
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
Day 5. Both Lynn and Andy were stressed, no matter what they did, no matter what they showed, Richard had a comeback for everything.
“I would like to call Andrew Barber to the stand.” Lynn said and Andy walked to the bench. “Hello, Andy. How you been?”
“I’m well, thank you.”
“Excellent. Andy I want you to tell me everything that happened the day Mrs. Cox left.”
“Well, it was on August 20th. That day I woke up early as per usual. Went out for a morning run. When I came back Laurie was preparing Jake a bottle.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt but when you came back did she did or said anything that made you notice she was going to leave?”
“No. I came back, took a shower, we had breakfast together, we kissed before I left.” Andy took a breath, “I went to work. And when I came back, she was gone.”
“Where was Jake?”
“His crying was the first thing that caught my attention as I walked into the apartment. He always was a calmed baby, he only cried when he was hungry, sleepy or dirty. I walked to his room and found him in his crib. I don’t know how long he was alone, but for the dirty diaper my guess is a couple of hours. I gave him a bath, changed him, and then I went to our room. She left a letter on the bed.”
“You can see a copy of the letter in the file provided to you.” Lynn walked to be in front of Andy, “Can you assure this is a copy of the real letter?”
“Mr. Barber, did you try to look for your then wife?”
“Yes, I called her and surprisingly she answered her phone. She said she wasn’t going to come back and that I shouldn’t look for her.”
“But you did look for her.”
“Of course. She was my wife. I was in love with her and she was the mother of my child. I wanted to fix things.”
“When you finally found her, what did you do?”
“She was in New York. I went there and tried to talk to her, but she was already with somebody else.”
“How do you know she was with somebody else?”
“Her secretary told me.”
“Did you talk to her?”
“No, as I told you she send a secretary to tell me she wasn’t going to receive me, so I left. A month later the divorce papers arrived to my then home along with the letter resigning to her parent rights.”
“You can see that letter as well in the file.”
“Your honor, we already made clear that that letter is not a legal document, therefore cannot be taken serious, and it shouldn’t be taken into account as evidence.” Richard said.
“I’m just showing every paper Mrs. Cox left or gave to Mr. Barber. We know is not a legal document, but whether you like it or not, it is evidence.”
“I’ll allow it.” Richard rolled his eyes, “Please, continue Mrs. Canavan.”
“Do you believe Mrs. Cox cheated on you with her now husband?”
“Objection your honor, leading the witness.”
“I’ll rephrase that. Mr. Barber, do you think the reason why Mrs. Cox left, was because she was in love with somebody else?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Thank you, Mr. Barber. No more questions.”
“Mr. Anderson.” Judge Choi said, “Your witness.” Richard stood and walked towards Andy.
“Mr. Barber, you were born and raised in Boston, is that correct?”
“Who did you used to live with?”
“My mother, she was a nurse in a county hospital in Boston.”
“Do you have brothers or sisters?”
“No, I was an only child.”
“Where was your father?” Andy got nervous.
“My father…” Andy looked at Lynn who nodded. “He is in prison.”
“Care to tell us why is he in prison?”
“He raped and murdered a girl. I was a kid back then.”
“Did you and Mrs. Cox ever argue before she left?”
“Yes, we had problems like any married couple.”
“What kind of problems?”
“Money problems.”
“Thank you, Andy. No more questions.”
“Alright,” Judge Choi said, “We will take a break and come back in an hour.”
-----------------------------------------------------------(     )-------------------------------------------------------
Laurie was in the stand, her hand over a bible and the other raised.
“Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?” The deputy asked Laurie.
“I do.”
“Have a sit.”
Laurie sat and Richard walked towards the stand.
“Mrs. Cox. How did you two met?”
“In NYU, we met at a party and we started to date.”
“How long after you started dating did you get pregnant?”
“About six months, we were in our last year.”
“How did you feel when you find out you were pregnant?”
“Scared. I think is a common feeling when you are not planning on having a baby.”
“What were your plans for after you graduate?”
“I was planning to stay in New York for a while maybe travel and then find a job as a painting restorer. I’ve always love art.”
“But then you got pregnant, and moved here with Andy.” She nodded, “Why?”
“Well, Andy was offered a position here, and since we were having Jake we needed something stable, so we moved.”
“Did you ever talk to Mr. Barber about coming back to New York?”
“Yes, but he always said no, he was focus on making a career in this place.”
“We already heard Mr. Barber’s version of the day you left. Would you please be so kind to tell us what actually happened that day?”
“It was August 20th. When I woke up Andy was gone, he used to work out or run in the morning before he left for work. I stood and took care of my baby, you know I cleaned him, changed his diaper, and then I went to prepare his bottle.”
“When Andy came back for his morning run, did you two argue?”
“Yes, I had asked him for some money and he refused to give it to me.”
“What was the money for?”
“Some house things.”
“What happened after Andy left for work?”
“I cleaned the apartment, spend time with Jake. The usual, I didn’t do much since I wasn’t working at the time.”
“Why weren’t you working if Jake was already one?”
“Well, we moved here before Jake was born. I didn’t have a job back then. Andy took care of the bills. I tried to look for a job after Jake was born but in a place like this there weren’t many options for a painting restorer.”
“When did you find out about Andy’s father?”
“Two months before I left. Andy never talked about his family. I met his mom, real nice woman, she was excited for our relationship, but unfortunately she passed away. But, whenever I asked about his dad he always said he was dead, he didn’t know him, and changed the topic.”
“When did you suspect he wasn’t telling the truth?”
“I asked him where his dad was buried and he didn’t give me an answer. I look for the name he had given me once on google and well his case appeared.”
“Were you afraid of him after you read the story of his dad?”
“Yes, I thought that if he had hidden something like that it must’ve been because he was like his dad.” A few tears rolled down her cheeks. Andy just shook his head, she was a pretty damn good actress. Richard passed her a tissue, “I wanted to get out, and I knew that if I confronted him he would’ve been violent, that’s why I left.”
“Your honor as you can hear, my client was afraid of his then husband, and she ran away. That doesn’t mean she didn’t want to see her son anymore.” Judge Choi listened and scribble something in his papers, “How you met Michael Cox?” Richard continued.
“He was a friend of a friend back in NYU. I told him I needed to go to New York and he helped me.”
“Did you fall in love with him after or before you left Andy?”
“After. Michael was nothing but kind and nice to me.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Cox. No more questions, your honor.”
“Mrs. Canavan, your witness.”
Lynn stood and walked with confidence to Laurie.
“Mrs. Cox. You said you and Andy argue before he left for work that day.”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“You said you asked him money to buy some things for your house.”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Ok, and how is a new pair of shoes something for the house.”
“Well, we all need clothes, don’t we?”
“Yes, of course. But a pair of shoes is not something essential for the house.”
“That’s what you think.”
“Mrs. Cox did you ever love Mr. Barber?”
“He got me pregnant. I think that answer your question.”
“No, not really. You’ll see in this business we always see many women who got pregnant over other things but love. So, I’ll ask you again. Were you, at some point, in love with Andy Barber?”
“Yes, I was.”
“So if you were in love, why were you afraid of him?”
“Did you not listen to what I said? I found out his dad murdered someone! I was not planning to stay with someone with that kind of background.”
“But you knew him, you dated him. I think that if you were in danger you would’ve noticed since the first date. We women know when a man doesn’t have good intentions and yet you kept dating him, you feel in love and then you got pregnant. You married, you moved here, and then you left.”
“I told you, I didn’t know about his father until we were here and Jake was already born.”
“So, knowing about his father made you feel unsafe?” Laurie just nodded, “Honey if he had wanted to hurt you he wouldn’t had married you.”
“Objection, your honor. What kind of comment is that?!”
“I’ll continue. I’m a mother of two beautiful girls, I’ll do anything for them, anything.” Laurie stared at her as Lynn walked in front of the stand. “So I don’t understand how a mother will leave her one year old baby with someone she thinks is dangerous. It doesn’t make any sense. As a mother all we want is for our kids to be safe, then why would you leave him with the son of a murdered?” Laurie just stared at her, opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. Lynn raised her eyebrow and smiled, “No more questions, your honor.”
“Ok, we had heard enough for today. This case is dismissed until next week.” Judge Choi raised and left the room.
“That last part, was really good.” Andy said to Lynn.
“Thanks, she is saying a bunch of nonsenses. I think you might be right, she doesn’t want Jake, she wants something else, and we better find out what before the judge believes her fake tears and wins.”
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useragarfield · 3 years
Hiii Lolo!! 💕 This is for the favorite fics ask game! I got a little carried away because I was so interested/excited...here ya go! 😊 🎭 😱 🥰 👩‍👩‍👧 👩‍⚕️ 🎲 ♾
If you don’t want to answer them all that’s completely fine!! Thanks in advance! Love ya!! Hope you’re having a lovely day because of course you deserve it!!! ☀️💓
(THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME THIS DEAR. i wanted to wait to respond until i could do some deep diving and give you a real answer. as a fic writer myself, i do tend to reread my own stuff, but i don’t want to me indulgent or anything so none of it is here but sljgksg i hope YOU are having an amazing day and i’m so flattered that you cared to ask.)
😊 a fic you like to read when you’re happy
drinking salted water by grimgrace (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
this fic is so familiar to me it’s like a warm, spidey scented hug. one of the first fics i read over and over because it was simply perfect with just the right amount of bittersweet. happy endings and spidey kisses? i’m S O L D
Poster Boy by MilkshakeKate (THE MAN FROM UNCLE)
milkshakekate is simply the best and my favorite tmfu writer, which is saying a lot because that is a dedicated writing fandom there and i owe them my life. anything they write is incredible, but something about the secret rendevous mid mission and all the uniform stuff really uh. got me.
Gwen Stacy and the Wonders of Spider-Sex by Jenetica (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
i’ve read this so many times i could not tell you. the relationship growth? the intrigue? THE HOT SPIDEY OF IT ALL! never been and never will be disappointed by this fic.
the language of touch by moodyreindeer (CLOAK AND DAGGER)
alright this section of ao3 & fanfic.net is tiny for one of my favorite pairings but i fell in love with this fic the first time i read it and have never fallen OUT. it’s so genuine to them and i love it sm. idk. read it, it’s GREAT.
🎭 a fic you like to read when you’re sad―either to cheer you up or because it matches your mood
Reckless by ninemilestogo (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN)
a truly detailed tasm au where my kids are ANGSTY but end up happy and also the best use of the comic book villian chameleon ever. although to be fair, i haven’t read enough of them.
😱 an angsty fic
may i feel, said he by sugargroupie (ONE TREE HILL)
on the surface this is smutty, but it’s my favorite naley fic OUT THERE in these streets. the writer does teenage nathan so well i yell a lot on the inside. i don’t know how many times i’ve read it.
The Man, the Mystery, Richard Castle by RachelCAstrid (CASTLE)
one of the first castle fics i stumbled upon after my rewatch and it has my whole heart!! it’s sweet and angsty and in depth, and you can’t lose by reading it. DO IT. i dare you.
the sole relentless tenderness by satellitesonparade (YOUNG JUSTICE)
wally and artemis will make me cry for the rest of my life, and this is one of the best writers for it, so yeah. gift yourself. read it. sob saltily.
🥰 a fic for people in love
She thinks it’s funny that they’re awkward in bed by Emma_dghc (CASTLE)
this just makes me swooooooooon. i love intimacy and little moments a lot in my fics, it’s what sells me on relationships between characters, and this did an incredible job! one of my favorite fics set in season five, which is a fic fave for me i suppose with this pairing.
by any other name by FreshBrains (DIRTY DANCING)
after i watched and fell in love with the movie i combed through the archives and THIS was my favorite one in the whole place! it’s just so, so lovely. i find that with older films it’s harder to find things that feel written true to character, and this knocked it out of the park.
Bodies at Rest by PollyLynn (CASTLE)
at this point in my life i have a read (read: a LOT) of caskett fanfics in my time and there are many more in my future, but this really stands out to me as one of my favorites. their burgeoning relationship season 5 is truly - chefs kiss - and it’s the first (or second?) fic of @pollylynn ‘s that i ever read, and without it i wouldn’t have begun to work my way through all of their incredible stuff! check them out, they are a gift.
👩‍👩‍👧 a fic that makes you your appreciate your (found) family
The Team by loveJLforever (YOUNG JUSTICE)
the og young justice crew is one of my FAVORITE found families and i envy anyone who can do GC format because that shit is taxing as hell. this is hilarious and in character and i’ve read it through multiple times.
👩‍⚕️ and a hurt/comfort fic you like.
Teach Me To Live by dontoutchthefics (PHANTOM OF THE OPERA)
at this stage in my life i kind of set up a house on ao3 and rarely dare to venture to my old place on fanfic.net, but for this story it was absolutely worth it. it’s a gorgeous phantom of the opera modern/coffeeshop au that still has singing and this authors prose is STUNNING. it was a fic i stumbled across simply due to @ilustrariane ‘s INCREDIBLE commission which i highly suggest you also check out.
🎲 one fic that made you change something about your life, and what: 
Lessons for the Lost by KayMoon24 (MULTI-DISNEY)
this was literally the first and only time that i actually connected enough to email back and forth with any fanfic writer online! their prose and respectful + in depth taking on different topics just blew my mind for a disney fic and it’s still top tier in my head. it inspired me so much i started my own (which, ain’t as good at all), but this is the best one of its kind. wherever you are kay, ilysm!
B O N U S 
The Horizons Saga by njsafkbj (link is for Part I of VII, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON) is a gorgeous fic written before we even knew there would be another HTTYD that is so well done about Toothless and Hiccup recovering from the events of the first movie and growing and yeah.
♾ one fic you tell yourself not to reread because it makes you feel SO MUCH but you always end up going back to it
the world fits inside your arms by flyingthesky
one of the first works i ever bookmarked on archive of our own, possibly the one fic about real people that i love. it’s so lovingly written, and i see it as i guess a sort of real life au idk, but i reread it whenever i’m feeling bittersweet and angsty because it sends me right back to 2013-14 when emma stone and andrew garfield owned my life and had no clue.
The Next Great Adventure by brella
hands down best young justice fic i have ever or will ever read. season 3 of young justice exists in a different universe to me, this is the best fix it fic ever, and i reread it once a year to put myself through hell and back, not unlike wally in the speedforce.
royally flushed by satellitesonparade (YOUNG JUSTICE) princess diaries wally/artemis au
Mistaken Messages by MistyMountainHop (THAT 70′S SHOW) jackie/kelso soulmate au
Acts [1-5] by lone_lilly (CASTLE) castle/beckett smutty goodness
so bad but he does it so well by greenconverses (PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS) percy/annabeth college punk/princess au
Poor Unfortunate Soul by makapedia, Peregrine Williams, witchynick (SOUL EATER) maka/soul succubus au
and the camera flashes (make it feel like a dream) by ladililn (BROOKLYN 99) jake/amy celeb photographer/celebrity au
Silent Still by yaba (ONE TREE HILL) brooke/julian ANGSTY FIC set in 6.23
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USA Today: What Is Taylor Listening To?
Below is the list of all the songs that originally appeared on Brian Mansfield’s USA Today article “Taylor Swift is listening to...” (from November 12th 2008). Article and list of songs can still be accessed with the help of Wayback Machine, if the Flash is enabled in your browser. Enjoy!
A Fine Frenzy - Almost Lover
Acceptance - Different
Aerosmith - Dream On
Alana Grace - Black Roses Red
Alana Grace - Paranoid
Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean
Alison Krauss & Union Station - If I Didn't Know Any Better
Alison Krauss & Union Station - New Favorite
Amos Lee - Colors
Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 AM)
Anna Nalick - Catalyst
Anna Nalick - Forever Love
Anna Nalick - In The Rough
Anna Nalick - Paper Bag
Anna Nalick - Wreck Of The Day (Live)
Aslyn - Be The Girl
Augustana - Sweet and Low
Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces
Avril Lavigne - Why
Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give
Backstreet Boys - Climbing The Walls
Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You
Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
BarlowGirl - Never Alone
Ben Folds - Landed
Ben Folds - The Luckiest
Ben Folds Five - Brick
Ben Jelen - Come On
Ben Lee - Catch My Disease
Better Than Ezra - Breathless
Better Than Ezra - Our Last Night
Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy
Beyoncé - Irreplaceable
Beyoncé - Me Myself And I
Beyoncé ft. Bun B, Slim Thug - Check On It
Big & Rich - Holy Water
Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy]
Billy Currington - Why, Why, Why
Billy Gilman - Clueless
Billy Joel - Uptown Girl
Billy Mack - Christmas Is All Around
Blake Shelton - Austin
Blake Shelton - Don’t Make Me
Blake Shelton - It Ain't Easy Bein' Me
Blake Shelton - Nobody But Me
Blink-182 - Feeling This
Blink-182 - What's My Age Again?
Blu Sanders - Like the Movies
Blu Sanders - We All Lose It
Blu Sanders - You By Her Side
Bone Crusher ft. Killer Mike, T.I. - Never Scared
Bonnie Somerville - Winding Road
Boys Like Girls - Hero/Heroine (Acoustic)
Boys Like Girls - Thunder
Brad Paisley - It Did
Brad Paisley - Whiskey Lullaby
Brandi Carlile - Fall Apart Again
Brandi Carlile - The Story
Brandi Carlile - Throw It All Away
Brandi Carlile - Turpentine
Brandi Carlile - What Can I Say
Brett Dennen - She's Mine
Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy (The Stop Remix!)
Britney Spears - Do Somethin’
Britney Spears - Everytime
Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'N' Roll
Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U
Britney Spears - Lucky
Britney Spears - My Prerogative
Britney Spears - Outrageous
Britney Spears - Sometimes
Britney Spears - Toxic
Britney Spears ft. Pharrell Williams - Boys (Co-ed Remix)
Britney Spears ft. Ying Yang Twins - (I Got That) Boom Boom
Brooke Fraser - Deciphering Me
Bruce Robinson - All Over But The Cryin'
Bruce Robinson - Virginia
Cartel - Honestly
Chamillionaire ft. Krayzie Bone - Ridin'
Chantal Kreviazuk - In This Life
Chingy - Holidae In
Chris Brown - Gimme That
Chris Brown ft. Juelz Santana - Run It!
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink - Lady Marmalade
Ciara - Get Up
Coheed and Cambria - The Suffering
Colbie Caillat - Battle
Colbie Caillat - Feelings Show
Colbie Caillat - Magic
Colbie Caillat - One Fine Wire
Colbie Caillat - Oxygen
Colbie Caillat - The Little Things
Coldplay - Sparks
Coldplay - The Scientist
Coldplay - Trouble
Coldplay - Yellow
Concrete Blonde - Joey
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On
Courtney Jaye - Can You Sleep
Cyndi Thomson - I Always Liked That Best
Damien Rice - 9 Crimes
Damien Rice - Delicate (Live)
Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter
Daniel Cage - Catch Me When I Fall
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
Daniel Powter - Jimmy Gets High
Dashboard Confessional - As Lovers Go
Dashboard Confessional - Ghost Of A Good Thing
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
Dashboard Confessional - Rapid Hope Loss
Dashboard Confessional - Secret
Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated
Dave Barnes - Until You
David Banner ft. Magic, Lil Boosie - Ain't Got Nothing
David Gray - This Year's Love
David Mead - Nashville
Deana Carter - We Danced Anyway
Def Leppard - Armageddon It
Def Leppard - Bringin' On The Heartbreak
Def Leppard - Foolin'
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Def Leppard - Let's Get Rocked
Def Leppard - Love Bites
Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat
Def Leppard - Photograph
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Def Leppard - Rocket
Del Amitri - Roll To Me
Dem Franchize Boyz - Ridin' Rims
Dem Franchize Boyz ft. Peanut & Charlay - Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It
Diana Anaid - Last Thing
Dido - Here With Me
Divinyls - I Touch Myself
Dixie Chicks - Cold Day in July
Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away
Dixie Chicks - Easy Silence
Dixie Chicks - Godspeed (Sweet Dreams)
Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl
Dixie Chicks - Long Time Gone
Dixie Chicks - Lullaby
Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice
Dixie Chicks - Top of the World
Dwight Yoakam - The Back Of Your Hand
Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight
Eamon - I Don't Want You Back
Emerson Drive - Fall Into Me
Eminem - Lose Yourself
En Vogue - Don't Let Go
Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Eva Cassidy - Songbird
Faith Hill - The Lucky One
Faith Hill - This Kiss
Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn
Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin Down
Family Force 5 - Love Addict
Fastball - Out Of My Head
Fefe Dobson - 8x10
Fefe Dobson - Bye Bye Boyfriend
Fefe Dobson - Don't Let It Go to Your Head
Fefe Dobson - Everything
Fefe Dobson - Revolution Song
Fefe Dobson - Rock It 'Til You Drop It
Fefe Dobson - Stupid Little Love Song
Fefe Dobson - Take Me Away
Foo Fighters - Best Of You
Fort Minor ft. Holly Brook & Jonah Matranga - Where'd You Go
Fountains of Wayne - All Kinds of Time
Frankie J ft. Baby Bash - Obsession (No Es Amor)
Gabrielle - Out Of Reach
Gary Allan - Life Ain't Always Beautiful
Gary Allan - Nickajack Cave
Gary Allan - Promise Broken
Gary Burr - What Mattered Most
Gavin DeGraw - (Nice to Meet You) Anyway
Gavin DeGraw - Belief
Gavin DeGraw - Chariot
Gavin DeGraw - Chemical Party
Gavin DeGraw - Follow Through
Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Want To Be
Gavin DeGraw - Just Friends
Gavin DeGraw - Meaning
Gavin DeGraw - More Than Anyone
Gavin DeGraw - Overrated
George Strait - Blue Clear Sky
George Strait - Carrying Your Love With Me
George Strait - Heartland
George Strait - I Can Still Make Cheyenne
George Strait - One Night At A Time
George Strait - Run
George Strait - The Best Day
Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You
Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
Grace Potter And The Nocturnals - Apologies
Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape
Heidi Newfield - Johnny And June
Hellogoodbye - Here In Your Arms
Hillary Lindsey - Over You
Hinder - Better Than Me
Hinder - Lips Of An Angel
Hope Partlow - Don't Go
Howie Day - Collide
Howie Day - She Says
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am
Jack Ingram - Hold On
Jack Ingram - Make A Wish (Coming Home Again)
Jack Ingram - Maybe She'll Get Lonely
Jack Ingram - Measure Of A Man
Jack Johnson - Better Together
Jack Johnson - Good People
Jack Johnson - Taylor
Jake Owen - Eight Second Ride
Jake Owen - Ghosts
Jake Owen - Hard Not To Love You
Jake Owen - Startin' With Me
James Blunt - Carry You Home
James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover
James Blunt - You’re Beautiful
Jann Arden - Insensitive
Jason Aldean - Why
Jason Mraz - I’m Yours
JAY-Z ft. UGK - Big Pimpin'
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Jem - 24
Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul
Jesse McCartney - Just So You Know
Jesse McCartney - The Best Day Of My Life
Jessica Andrews - Baby To Love You Once
Jessica Andrews - More To Me Than You
Jessica Andrews - More To Me Than You (acoustic)
Jessica Andrews - Second Sunday
Jet - Look What You've Done
Jewel - Good Day
Jewel - You Were Meant For Me
Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me
Jimmy Eat World - If You Don’t, Don’t
Jimmy Eat World - The Middle
Joanna - All I Want For Christmas Is You
Joanna - Screaming Infidelities
Joanna - Ultraviolet
John Mayer - Comfortable
John Mayer - Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
John Mayer - Waiting On the World to Change
John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland
Johnny Cooper - Everything
Johnny Cooper - Texas To You
Jon McLaughlin - Beautiful Disaster
Jonas Brothers - Burnin' Up
Jonas Brothers - Tonight
Jonas Brothers - Year 3000
Joseph Arthur - Honey And The Moon
Josh Kelley - Amazing
Josh Rouse - It's the Nighttime
Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River
Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around
K-Ci & JoJo - All My Life
KT Tunstall - Other Side Of The World
Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone
Kanye West ft. Jamie Foxx - Gold Digger
Kari Kimmel - Notice Me
Katie Herzig - Fool's Gold
Katie Herzig - Sweeter Than This
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
Katy Perry - Thinking Of You
Keith Urban - Better Life
Keith Urban - I Told You So
Keith Urban - Making Memories Of Us
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You
Kelis - Brass In Pocket
Kelis - Milkhake
Kellie Pickler - Best Days Of Your Life
Kellie Pickler - Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You
Kelly Clarkson - Low
Kelly Clarkson - Miss Independent
Kelly Clarkson - Some Kind of Miracle
Kelly Clarkson - The Trouble With Love Is
Kenny Chesney - Big Star
LFO - Every Other Time
Landon Pigg - Can't Let Go
LeAnn Rimes - But I Do Love You
LeAnn Rimes - Damn
LeAnn Rimes - The Right Kind Of Wrong
LeAnn Rimes - This Love
LeAnn Rimes - You Are
Leigh Nash - Last Christmas
Lenny Kravitz - Again
Lenny Kravitz - American Woman
Lifehouse - Everything
Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz - Kings Of Crunk
Lil Scrappy - No Problem
Lil Scrappy ft Young Buck - Money In The Bank
Lil Wayne - Go DJ
Lisa Loeb - I Do
Little Big Town - Boondocks
Little Big Town - Bring It On Home
Liz Phair - Everything To Me
Liz Phair - Why Can’t I
Loretta Lynn - Fist City
Lori McKenna - Your Next Lover
Mandy Moore - I Wanna Be With You
Mannie Fresh - Real Big
Mark Wills - Take It All Out Of Me
Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Maroon 5 - Shiver
Maroon 5 - Tangled
Maroon 5 - This Love
Mat Kearney - All I Need
Mat Kearney - Nothing Left To Lose
Mat Kearney - Where We Gonna Go From Here
Matchbox Twenty - If You're Gone
Matchbox Twenty - Long Day
Matt Nathanson - I Saw
Matt Wertz - Everything's Right
Matt Wertz - Red Meets Blue
Melissa Etheridge - I'm The Only One
Meredith Brooks - Bitch
Metro Station - Now That We're Done
Metro Station - Shake It
Michelle Branch - Breathe
Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You
Mike Jones - Flossin'
Mindy Smith - Come To Jesus
Miranda Lambert - Bring Me Down
Miranda Lambert - Greyhound Bound For Nowhere
Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder And Lead
Miranda Lambert - Kerosene
Miranda Lambert - Mama, I'm Alright
Miranda Lambert - More Like Her
Miranda Lambert - What About Georgia?
Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers
Mozella - You Wanted It
Morgane Hayes - If Ever There Was
Morgane Hayes - Lonely Anywhere
Morgane Hayes - Train To Tupelo
Mr. Big - To Be With You
My Chemical Romance - Helena
Nelly - Grillz
Nick Lachey - I Can't Hate You Anymore
Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me
Nickelback - Far Away
Nina Gordon - Tonight And The Rest Of My Life
Norah Jones - Turn Me On 
Oasis - Wonderwall
OneRepublic - Apologize
Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There
Pink - Just Like A Pill
Paramore - When It Rains
Paris Hilton - Nothing In This World
Pat Benatar - Anxiety (Get Nervous)
Pat Benatar - Fire And Ice
Pat Benatar - Heartbreaker
Pat Benatar - Hell Is For Children
Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Pat Benatar - I Need A Lover (live)
Pat Benatar - In The Heat Of The NIght
Pat Benatar - Little To Late
Pat Benatar - Looking For A Stranger
Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield (demo)
Pat Benatar - My Clone Sleeps Alone
Pat Benatar - Precious Time
Pat Benatar - Promises In The Dark
Pat Benatar - Shadows Of The NIght
Pat Benatar - Treat Me Right
Pat Benatar - We Live For Love
Pat Benatar - Wuthering Heights
Pat Benatar - You Better Run
Patty Griffin - Burgundy Shoes
Patty Griffin - Christina
Patty Griffin - Goodbye
Patty Griffin - Heavenly Day
Patty Griffin - One Big Love
Patty Griffin - Peter Pan
Patty Griffin - Rain
Patty Griffin - When It Don’t Come Easy
Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You
Pitbull - Ay Chico (Lengua Afuera)
Pitbull - C**o
Plain White T's - Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
Plumb - Blush (Only You)
Plumb - Stranded
Rachael Yamagata - Be Be Your Love
Rachael Yamagata - Worn Me Down
Rachel Proctor - Didn't I
Rasheeda ft. Lil' Scrappy - Rocked Away
Ray Charles - I've Got A Woman
Rebecca Lynn Howard - Forgive
Rihanna - SOS
Rihanna ft. Jay-Z - Umbrella
Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
Rob Thomas - Ever The Same
Rogue Wave - Eyes
Ronnie Day - Outside
Ronnie Milsap - It Was Almost Like A Song
Ronnie Milsap - My Life
Ronnie Milsap - Smoky Mountain Rain
Ronnie Milsap - (There's) No Gettin' Over Me
Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up
SHeDAISY - In Terms Of Love
Santigold - L.E.S Artistes
Sarah Connor - Bounce
Sarah McLachlan - Fallen
Sarah McLachlan - Stupid
Savage Garden - I Want You
Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
Seal - This Could Be Heaven
Secondhand Serenade - Maybe
Semisonic - Closing Time
Shakira - Don’t Bother
Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes
Sheryl Crow - It's So Easy
Sheryl Crow - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Shop Boyz - Party Like A Rock Star
Sia - Breathe Me
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Snow Patrol - Chocolate
Solange - Sandcastle Disco
Something Corporate - Ruthless
Space Girls - Wannabe
Staind - Everything Changes
Stephanie Chapman - Cowboy, I Tried
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley - Leather And Lace
Sunny Sweeney - Please Be San Antone
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Susan Haynes - Bottle Rocket
T-Pain ft. Mike Jones - I'm N Luv (Wit A Stripper)
T.I. - Top Back
T.I. - What You Know
Teddy Geiger - I Feel Like Dancing
Teddy Geiger - Try To Hard
The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
The All-American Rejects - Swing, Swing
The Ataris - The Boys of Summer
The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine And You
The Corrs - Breathless
The Corrs - Summer Sunshine
The Fray - How To Save A Life
The Fray - Look After You
The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)
The Killers - Read My Mind
The Killers - When You Were Young
The Lemonheads - Into Your Arms
The Spill Canvas - All Hail The Heartbreaker
The Veronicas - 4ever
The Veronicas - Everything I'm Not
The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart
The Wallflowers - Closer To You
The Wreckers - Cigarettes
The Wreckers - Crazy People
The Wreckers - Lay Me Down
The Wreckers - Leave The Pieces
The Wreckers - Stand Still, Look Pretty
The Wreckers - The Good Kind
The Wreckers - The Good Kind (acoustic)
Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be
Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life
Three 6 Mafia - Side 2 Side
Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
Thriving Ivory - Angels On The Moon
Tila Tequila - I Love You
Tim McGraw - Angry All The Time
Tim McGraw - Can't Tell Me Nothin'
Tim McGraw - Guess You Get Used To Somebody
Tim McGraw - Telluride
Tim McGraw - The Cowboy In Me
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - American Girl
Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
Trace Adkins - Every Light In The House
Train - Meet Virginia
Trillville - Neva Eva 
Trisha Yearwood - I Don't Paint Myself Into Corners
Tyler Hilton - How Love Should Be
Tyler Hilton - Kiss On
Tyler Hilton - Missing You
Tyler Hilton - Up Late Again
U2 - One
U2 - With Or Without You
Unkle Bob - Swans
Vanessa Carlton - Who's To Say
Vertical Horizon - You're A God
We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet
Wheat - I Met A Girl
Yellowcard - Only One
Young Buck - Shorty Wanna Ride
Young Jeezy - Air Forces
Young Jeezy - Bottom Of The Map
Young Jeezy - Get Ya Mind Right
Young Jeezy ft. Bun B - Trap Or Die
Young Jeezy ft. Akon - Soul Survivor
Young Jeezy ft. T.I. & Lil Scrappy - Bang
Yung Joc - I Know You See It
Yung Joc ft. Nitti - It's Goin' Down
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wangdrew · 7 years
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Wang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone. But I believe Wang can save the world
my god this has been an emotional roller coaster
andrew rannells could fucking deck me and i would thank him
wangdrew is why god doesnt speak 2 us
cuz i want a tight knit wangily, i want a chat that makes cat jmemes
top ten anime betrayals
onceler pouting his lips and calling you pookie
tag urself i’m the slow decline of our general will to live
how does this gc turn from being pure to being pure sin in the span of 5 seconds im-
“I got flash backs from the Bee movie, which is also beeutiful”
this is why the falsettos proshoot is not on netflix
wangdrew wangells: the wang whisperer
whizzer is a twunk
sometimes i read sentences that make me want to abandon the internet and become amish//
its brandon uranover
bella thorne is my favourite type of pastry
“march of the voresettos” “march of the NOsettos”
maybe the real vore is the friends we made along the way
“Welcome back I hate it here”
“i’m just a vore, yeah i’m only a vore, and i’m voring here on capitol vore” chloe
“night guys im done w the vore” aren’t we all
“hello mr rannells sir, how lorge is ur wangus?” CJ
“welcome to hell lucy” Elise S
“gounod” chloe
swooty swooty coming for that booty
My mom, *ordering pizza, says it’ll deliver at 6:45*: “What fuck are they doing? Swimming to fucking Italy for the tomatoes?”
it comes with stickers and theres a whole section of the sticker sheet thats just andrew failing to do the jump on the album cover its so funny
cj is mothman???!! nOT clickbait
a vore blog just followed me
THEY FOUND US (chloe is cia)
there’s no way god would let this chat exist in his realm
ok but like am i the only one who hates when you’re in class working on some personal writing and someone leans over like “wHAt R u wRiTING??????” like your eulogy if you don’t back the fuck up you soggy lampshade
people found out christian was straight and were upset
“That you hate this gc?” “that too but mainly that i live in sweden”
are you fucking kidding me?? i was so happy, this endless hell could finally be over, all the supernatural fans who i forgot to unfollow will stop posting and i would be free, i was planning a party for the last day it airs and we would pointedly not watch it, i was going to cry of happiness, and instead,, This
there were loads of theatre references in shrek too i think that’s bdj’s kink
groff dick pokes your eyes out even with its unimpressive length
i will stab you both with a rusty metal dildo
headline: groffs dick causes world war 3
i sold it for my will to live
hey jess? what the fuck
hold on babes just gotta * loud cracking as he snaps off his velcro dick* ok
you’re in the bedroom with wangdrew. things are getting heated. you’re ready for the dicking down. everything is perfect, and you’re in love. he pauses, and whispers in your ear, “hey babes, just one sec”. he pulls away, leaving you wanting. there is a loud, resounding cracking, tearing noise, and wangdrew is holding his disembodied dick is his hand. he smiles. you smile.
me: why will no one date me also me: dick me down, rannells
moisten my gams kate(legs)
songs include: billy ray broke my achey break heart, wangdrews green coat, crusty june and clangy janet, and our true friend is vore
our new reality tv show, called “sometimes.. wangdrew is worse”
me as me phoebe as my favorite child chloe as vore queen cj as vorer anjie as sidekick monse as mongoose holli as opponent sophie as foolish mortal geneva as judgemental death bird jess as nutbox lucy as k i n k y kate as kinky kate kev as kinky kev haven as side salad claire as foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach reilly as commondore elise as flagelise grace as covenant kristyn as chicken pot pie amanda as kraken tasha as jigglytata asher as sneaky dorito sel as sergeant cactus cait as mcmuffin jill as diet scooby snack and faith as medalling kid
“Good mother fucking morning I am going to school wtf”
“2 inches of nothing”
pe poole
Hey what’s poppin’ my name is Jake Paul I’m here in the *pans up to ‘team 10 house’* Team 10 House, I hope you are having a good day hope you’re smiling hope you’re working hard I hope you *pans out to dab* dabbin’ on them haters
hey what’s up selina reeviers, if you’re new here my name is selina reevie and i’m here in the wangdrew groupchat, i hope you’re having an awesome day, i hope you’re listening to musicals, i hope you’re *whips* whipping on the hetros and let’s GET BACK TO CRYING
Skinny beetles = Skaneateles
the only 2 genders *walks up to a straight couple* so which one of you is the jazz choir and which one is the gospel choir
Chloe: what’s a good free website Jess: google.com Solie: THE SARCASM
my whole brand is made off of andrew memes
rt! the wangdrew blog is basically an archive of all our mistakes
He gad it mumming He gad it mumming He gonly gad gimself to maine
Jizzer Brown
cronch the fucking pickle man
Good Morning Everyone My Only Mood Is Death
cunt nugget
youre on punkd lucy
ok but like am i the only one who hates when you’re in class working on some personal writing and someone leans over like “wHAt R u wRiTING??????” like your eulogy if you don’t back up you soggy lampshade
Happy VORE 🍴 lentine’s day! Hope you’re ready to get some 🍫 chocolate from your special someone ❤💋!! And mayBEE 🐝 you can give them a special 😉 SURPRISE ☝💋 and VORE 😱👅👄 their CANDY 🍭🍬🍭 ASS 🍑! Send this to 10 of your TASTIEST 🍰 friends this VORELENTINE’S DAY 👄👅🙀! Get 🔟 back and you’re the TASTIEST 😋 EVER! Get 5 back and you’re GETTING SOME 👄 MOUTH ACTION 👅 Get 3 back and you’re TOTALLY VOREABLE 😋🐯🍑! Get 1 back and you’re either a VORER 👄🍭😉 or SAD
Hi! 💁😋 I’m so happy 😁😆you’ve applied for the 🎭musical 🎼group chat, we’re over a hundred 💯people who want to make new friends 👯👯‍♂ and that’s so exciting!😜 I saw 👀👀that you were okay 👌 with using Whatsapp 💬as a platform and so I was wondering 🤔if you could give me your number📲 so that I can add you?😘 I’m very excited 😝😊and hope 🙏🙏that this will work out for everyone!!😂😂😍🤳🙌
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Yooo thanks for the nomination @drivelikeudo I loved reading yours!
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people.
A. Age: 17
B. Biggest fear: bridges make me feel so physically sick like i start shaking on a bridge but I’m not necessarily afraid of heights because i love rollercoasters. Weird
C. Current time: 2:40 pm (Sunday, feb 12-my brothers birthday!)
D. Drink you last had: milk
E. Everyday starts with: moisturisation bitchezzz
F. Favourite song: probably This Must Be My Dream atm
G. Ghosts, are they real?: I don’t think about that kinda stuff very much, reckon it’s unlikely haha
H. Hometown: if i say the actual name I may have to move haha so I’m just gonna say the midlands of Ireland I. In love with: this could be anything I suppose but I feel like in my life there’s two people that I’ve just fallen in love with (as a friend), my current best friend and this guy Andrew I met on a summer course two years ago. I haven’t talked to him properly since then but we met last summer and I practically cried. We both kinda screamed when we saw each other and he was surrounded by all of the people we were friends with the year before but I was the main one he really wanted to see. If we’re talking unrequited unconditional love, it’s a holiday romance who had to cut all ties once he came home and got back with his “ex”. Tbh I don’t know if they were ever really broken up. Seven months later and not a day goes by that i don’t think about him. And if we’re talking celebrities (probably what this meant in the first place), I’d have to say ed sheeran, the man who literally formed me and my teenage years. Also would do anything for matty healy and jake gyllenhaal but I need to stop ranting lol.
J. Jealous of: almost everything. My friends when they speak to other people. The girl who’s with my ex that I wasn’t even very fond of. The list goes on
K. Kill(ed) someone: ehhhh hahhahah not literally but a couple of people are pretty dead to me
L. Last time I cried: probably a couple of weeks ago tbh all these things kinda morphe into one. I don’t cry often but when I do it’s brutal and I can’t stop.
M. Middle name: Marie
N. Number of siblings: 1
O. One wish: to meet any of the 1975 or ed sheeran of course. But I suppose thats just like a fairytale. My real wish for life is to fall head over heels in love with somebody who feels the same way.
P. Person you last called/texted: I’m basically constantly texting in a group with my two best friends
Q. Question you’re always asked: is your hair natural omg? Nah man I just woke up four hours early to put tiny little curls all over my head. I wish i was able to straighten it.
R. Reason to smile: music, duh (no need to even change Annamarie’s answer lolll)
S. Song last sang: the last song I recorded myself doing was John Wayne by Little Green Cars
T. Time you woke up: about 8 today but I just kept my eyes closed til 10 hahah
U. Underwear colour: blue
V. Vacation destination: the place of my dreams would be anywhere carribean or something, but really my ideal holiday would be wherever he is this summer:(
W. Worst habit: probably my inability to be okay with someone even after they’ve apologised, I can only talk to someone again after a nights sleep. But in worse cases if I’m mad at a friend I can literally never look them in the eye again. I’ve lost two of my best friends over my own stupid reasons that should have been sorted in a day but I’m just too damn proud/ moody hahah
X. X-rays you’ve had: neverrr thankfully! I have a vague recollection of an X-ray on my teeth years ago but I feel like that could just as easily have been my brother
Y. Your favourite food: hmm yeah I dunno it varies so much, probably my mothers curry or chocolate biscuits
Z. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
If any of you wanna try it, be my guest, tbh I’m so bad at remembering urls and I’m afraid to try and find them so like just go for it dudes
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lovememenswear-blog · 7 years
Get to know me I guess lmao
I got this from @thenineteenseventymine​, so thanks 
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people. I’m probably not going to tag anyone.
A. Age: 15 (I almost feel like people hate you on here unless you’re aged over 17 haha) 
B. Biggest fear: Being forgotten. Petrified of being alone heheh.
 C. Current time: 10:37am.
D. Drink you last had: Coffee.
E. Everyday starts with: Showering because I’m a stinky lil pig. 
F. Favourite song(s): Probably She’s American, You, and This Must Be My Dream. (At the moment anyway)
 G. Ghosts, are they real?: um hello yes.
H. Hometown: south paris, Maine. 
I. In love with: my ex. 
J. Jealous of: pretty much anyone that looks or acts better than me haha. Also the person my ex is now with that I would gladly fight. 
K. Kill(ed) someone: No.
L. Last time I cried: Friday. 
M. Middle name: Jean
N. Number of siblings: 3
One wish: For everything to go back to the summer of 2015. Even if it means I have to go through all of this hurt over again. I miss you guys. 
P. Person you last called/texted: @bedrooom hey its you, what a surprise. 
Q. Question you’re always asked: “Is that your real hair?”
R. Reason to smile: Friends, sunsets, etc.
S. Song last sang: Paris - the 1975. oh look, another surprise. 
T. Time you woke up: 9:50?
U. Underwear colour: black
 V. Vacation Destination: Los Angeles, California. 
 W. Worst habit: falling asleep with my makeup on lmao
 X. X-rays you’ve had: None
 Y. Your favourite food: it varies, but probably a good pizza.
 Z. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
ok @bedrooom lets go man, your turn.
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