#Anddd I’m now gonna post this since it’s like so late and I’m too tired to be worrying if this doesn’t answer the question or if I rambled
tectco · 3 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
WOOOOO BOY, first off huge fucking compliment i honestly didn't think i was anyone's favorite artist (despite what my friends say) and i find it super cool of you to try and draw
Anddd nowww the cowards will run out as soon as you read more
okay so first things first, disclaimer! I AM NO PROFESSIONAL BY ANY STANDARDS, IM JUST SUPER INTERESTED IN ART, DO NOT TAKE MY WORDS AS GOSPEL AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE MY WORDS OF ADVICE (you didnt say i was but just to cover my ass)
I am still learning as an artist so this will just be advice that helped me, lets just hope i can remember what got me here, and this will be just me jotting down my thoughts as they come so maybe im not the best person to come to about this (i may repeat what other people say in terms of art so bare with me)
Now i dont know if you are an intermediate artist, beginner, need help in specific areas or whatever the hell else but! here's the three main points i always wanted to scream at artists who are just starting out!
Your art WILL look like shit in the beginning
References and inspiration are YOUR FRIEND
DONT be afraid to trace
(I know I know this feels like regurgitated and it probably is BUT HEY STICK WITH ME)
does your art looks fucking trash? THATS GOOD!! KEEP DRAWING!! My art looked fucking ugly when i started and some might say (me) it still does, but thats okay!! You learn more and more from just drawing without any tips, art is a pure skill that builds up, do not be discouraged!! The point of art isn't to be the greatest in the world, it's to be at peace with what you create so if your art looks good to you and you are in a happy place in your progress, you are basically successful in my eyes at least (this doesn't mean to quit learning obviously but it'll come in time, be patient, do not push yourself! that's how you stop loving art and we don't want that happening!)
Ever find yourself asking "man why the fuck does (include art shit here) not look accurate??" well here's a tip, USE REFERENCES! DO NOT BE LIKE ME WHERE YOU JUST WING IT OR ELSE YOU'LL BE CRYING OVER YOUR DRAWING TABLET LIKE I DID AT SOME POINT!! Pay attention to the shapes of the reference, break it down and draw over it if you need to, shapes are very important in art and you need to be able to draw whatever you want in the most basic forms (im no good example of this, i really need to practice more aughhh). As well as references, inspiration is KEY!!! Everything is inspired off each other, nothing is original, so steal from your favorite artists!! Look at their speedpaints, look at how they use colors, analyze how they draw anatomy in their style, see how they use shapes, etc etc, learn from who you consider are the "greats of their times"!! USE ALL THE INSPIRATION YOU HAVE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!!LITERALLY COPY THEM IF YOU WANT EVEN IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DID THAT, YOU'LL LEARN WITH TIME!! just whatever you do, don't compare yourself so heavily against other artists, i know its hard, i do it myself even! If there is an artist who has a style you so so want, don't crumble if you can't draw in their style perfectly, you'll never win against someone in their art style. I suggest taking inspiration from multiple artists and mashing them together until it looks good in your eyes!!
That actually leads me to my next point! TRACING IS OKAY!! Now obviously I do not mean directly tracing over like some lines, showing it off/posting it and calling it completely original. I mean tracing over the references i mentioned before, or like what i said before, i believe you should actually trace from your favs! (don't call it original like i said before), tracing can help build memory on how to draw certain things like how i took a photo of my hands before, traced them, and then put it to the side to redraw it, making me understand futher how hands work! OR like how i traced a piece of art that i liked to understand how the artist drew their bodies, tracing is used by total professionals in the industry so do not be afraid!! You have total permission from me to trace my art and learn how to draw my wack ass bodies
and for a little extra bit, little bit of a hot take (I'm actually not sure how much of a hot take this is), i don't think you HAVE to learn the fundamentals to get into art. NOW BEFORE YOU RUN OFF SCREAMING AND SHITTING, IM NOT SAYING YOU DON'T NEED THE FUNDAMENTALS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! I'm just saying that if you want to get into art as a complete hobbyist and just want to draw to yknow draw and be happy, you should just go for it! Again don't make art something you hate! I completely encourage learning the fundamentals but don't ever feel like you're failing just because you don't, get into it when you have the time! be patient with yourself, this goes for any hobby/skill but just sink some time into it, i promise you will get further in you hobby than if you push and rush yourself into complete burn out
Uhhh i think that's everything? Im not exactly sure how comprehensible this is or how the spelling is since i am not beta reading this! But apologies if this wasn't what you were looking for! (if anybody even read this far) and i hope that if you asked your other favorite artists they answered with anything better than whatever this is! I wish you alot of luck in your art journey and thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about art! OH AND REMEMBER TO TAKE BREAKS
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I’m so mentally and physically exhausted.. I work and go to school everyday this week and had driving school all weekend and have been up at 7 or 8 every single day and I’m so tired. I need a break from life... and I work tomorrow :( and I have to go to school. And too make it even worse my bfs been treating me like shit lately and I’m just sad I know I deserve better but I love him and he have good times 75% of the timeeee. I ran into this guy I used to talk too and he was really nice to me and complimenting me and since that night I can’t stop thinking about him and not my bf. When me and my bf were fucking I was picturing him. I don’t know what too do :( maybe a day off 200 calories tomorrow will make me feel better.. I would fast but it gives me anxiety the fact that I may faint at work... and most the time I close the store and am the manager so no one would be able to help me anyways.
Sorry for the rant lol if you even read this, not that I care but it’s kinda werid that I don’t even have one follower.. and I follow so many Ed blogs and I post decent stuff, idkkk
If anyone’s reading this I want too die and does anyone know any good juice or something to keep with me that will help me when I faint.. I have low iron already so I faint every now and then but especially if I am restricting it’s gonna catch up too me at one point. When I faint my lips go white and I lose vision and sometimes I can’t hear and I feel dizzy and shaken and I’m scared that’s gonna happen at work or at school and I won’t be able to stop it and then I’ll get fired or something.. maybe I’m just over thinking it but I’m still fat so I can’t eat anymore - I had a massive cheat weekend with all the partying andddd eating :( I mean I counted all the calories but I’m too embarrassed too tell how much I ate. I only threw up once today so I am proud of that. Tomorrow I need to drink green tea and eat healthy I have a bunch of healthy food and it’s gonna go bad if I don’t eat it or freeze it soon :( omg my life is a mess
On the brighter side I’m closer to getting my licence, I’m getting it superrrr late and I already have a car! I just have to do 10 hours of lessons anddd I can go for my test.
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