#Alyce Gardner
katriniac · 2 months
Hello sorry yo bother if you are comfortable with it could you share some basuc info and fun fact about your ikemen OC if you have one ? I wish you a nice day 🤗
Hello hello hello! 🤗
I have a lot of Ikemen OCs, and I LOVE to talk about them! Thanks for the ask @queengiuliettafirstlady 😁
Since I have so many, I might make separate posts for each one, and then just link them all back to this post in a list.
In alphabetical order:
Alyce Gardner - MidCin, IkePri
Bee - IkeSen
Carl Jung - IkeVamp
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Elise Persiflage - MidCin, IkePri
Dorothea Nickelton - MidCin
Fiammetta Caracal - IkeVamp
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Kaede Nintai - IkeSen
Isabel Mendac - IkeVamp
Katarina Koser - IkeVamp
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Kate North - IkeSen
Katie Kelly - IkeRev
Kathryn Aquaneaux - MidCin, IkePri
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Leta Bauer - IkeSen
Kay Tacurnes - MidCin
Nadzeya Koselig - IkeVamp
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Noema Esbizi - IkeRev, IkePri
Nate Stromm - IkeRev
Nora Trudelair - IkeRev
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Solfrida - MidCin
Perdita Weist - IkeVamp
Vahil Stemward - IkeSen
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Most of these figures don't exist anywhere except in my imagination.
Many are shipped with the canon LIs in the games, a couple shipped with NPCs. Some are stand-alone just for the heck of it. One or two were created to help me practice writing the game LIs.
A few appear in fanfics, even fewer are in RP stories.
But I love them all.
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larryland · 6 years
"Funny Moments" at the Unicorn Theater
“Funny Moments” at the Unicorn Theater
“Funny Moments” at the Unicorn Theater On Wednesday, October 24 at 4pm, Funny Moments, staged readings of seven short comedic plays, directed by Milton Lestz, will be presented at the Unicorn Theater, 6 East Street in Stockbridge. The cast, known as “Milton’s Gang”, includes Alyce Bernstein, Paul Bernstein, Peter Podol, Karel Fisher, Laura Gardner and Tom Gardner. Narrator is  Adam Irick. The…
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katriniac · 6 months
Hi!! I hope the OC Questions are still up!
I wanted to know 4, 7, 16, 32 and E for Alyce!
Thank youuu
I did not notice I had any asks! I'm sorry for the wait, @itsmyara . Oh my gosh! Thanks for asking about Alyce. She's a warm, sunny, fun gal; I'm happy to talk about her at any time.
Here's a post I made about her bio:
4 - How easy is it to gain their trust?
She has a fairly open personality, so it's pretty easy to talk to her. However, she's not a door mat to be walked over, nor is she blindly innocent. She works in marketing and public relations, so she's used to people bullshitting her or trying to spin any conversation in their favor. Alyce herself is adept at navigating these conversations without growing jaded or annoyed. To her it's just ‘business’ and she knows it's not personal.
Building trust with her isn't that difficult; just be real and honest. Don't try to win her over with empty flattery, especially if it's about her looks (which she's very self-conscious about, and is immediately suspicious if someone compliments her appearance).
7 - What triggers nostalgia? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Having grown up on a sheep farm, she doesn't shy away from hard work. But now she has a desk job in the palace in the capitol of Rhodolite. So on the rare occasions when physical labor is needed, she enjoys the opportunity to use her muscles. Those moments are when good memories of the farm rise up.
The only unpleasant feelings of nostalgia are when she is given suggestions by nobility, ministers, or Prince Yves on how to make herself more ‘elegant’. That reminds her of her grandmother, who incessantly lectured Alyce about her weight, behavior, posture, appearance, and clothes.
16 - What makes their stomach turn?
Hearing nobility disregard the life of the commoners as if it was nothing. Seeing girls suffer under the stress of looking perfect at court by succumbing to an eating disorder.
As far as, like, creepy-crawlies or jump-scares? She's completely unafraid of things that would gross out most people. Dealing with births and deaths of livestock tend to keep you from being squeamish. She LOVES an adrenaline rush, so haunted houses and fast vehicles make her happy.
32 - What is their go-to story or joke in a conversation?
Alyce is a natural-born performer, so she has any number of jokes or anecdotes at the ready, depending on the company or situation. As a teenager she used to hang out at the theaters and socialize with traveling actors and musicians, and now as an adult she can be found at the rowdiest pubs. You can imagine the flavor of her humor, lol!
She's got a hilarious story about a circus performer trying to teach her how to juggle. And a sweet story about one of the farm-hands pretending to look for a lost sheep when he was actually out in the field practicing his marriage proposal speech. And she's got at least three ‘tasteful’ jokes about stuffy court ministers.
E - Would you get along with them? Would they get along with you?
Alyce has big ‘extrovert energy’, so I would have to take her in small doses. But I would absolutely love to hang out with her for a fun night at the club or karaoke. Or collaborate with her on a PR project. I would like to think she'd get along with me, but I'm the worst at gauging what people think of me 😅 She might think I'm boring.
A meme I made for Alyce 😆
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Bonus Fun Fact:
This version of Alyce Gardner is based on my first ever Ikemen OC I created in 2017. It was for a role-play story with someone writing as Robert Branche from the Cybird game Midnight Cinderella. That story didn't go far, but I thoroughly enjoyed her backstory so much that I had to bring her out again eventually.
I ship her with Clavis because I think the two of them would have fun getting into shenanigans, and their romance would take a looooooong time to bloom because she'd never believe someone as gorgeous as him could be serious with his over-the-top declarations of love and flattery. So … yeah, she takes a while to be convinced.
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The asks came from this post:
Please feel free to send me more asks from that list. I will try to be more vigilant in checking my account for asks.
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katriniac · 7 months
IkePri OC Bio
Meet Alyce - Fixing Rhodolite's PR nightmare
That ye olde century's equivalent of a reputation manager, speech-writer, and public relations specialist for Rhodolite, with Sariel as her boss. She's a country girl trying to make it in the big city.
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Name: Alyce Gardner
Gender: female
Race/Birthplace: Human, Rhodolite
Current Home: Rhodolite Palace
Age: 26
Build: chubby, curvy
Height: 5’6”
Hair: Bright carrot red, long
Eyes: blue
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Romantic Relationship History: Doesn't have a great amount of self-worth when it comes to romantic relationships, so she has no defenses whenever a guy shows interest in her. She assumes he's looking for a one night fling, and thinks that will be all she ever get from a man. So she plays up the image of the party girl who is just there to get laid. And it works; she usually doesn't leave a party by herself. But her heart dies a little more each time she gives in to the pressure for sex, wishing she had the confidence to ask for something more meaningful.
Distinguishing Features: freckles all over, dimple in right cheek when she smiles.
Family: Both parents, 2 brothers, 4 aunts, 2 uncles, lots of cousins and a few nephews
Things she has done: Does ‘putting up with Clavis’ count as an achievement? She's earned the trust of Sariel.
Goals she has: Keep Rhodolite’s image strong and positive, both domestically and in the International arena
What Motivates Her: proving that she can make a living on just her own income and doesn't need to marry in order to survive.
Favorite Entertainment (music, books, pastimes, etc.) : ‘commoner’ dancing (contra, square, ceili, etc), singing drinking songs at the top of her lungs and inventing new verses on the spot, telling jokes, doing card tricks, playing charades or any parlor game that uses improvised acting.
Favorite Food/Beverage: bar food, apple pie, meat pasties, cider (alcoholic is preferred, but she also likes to drink the N/A juice)
Personality: Clever, easy-going, energetic, feminine, occasionally immature, bubbly, helpful, warm, sweet, great sense of humor, loud, is a country gal at heart (family runs a sheep farm), loves to have a good time.
Secret vice: Loves to be in the spotlight. Addicted to applause and praise for her talents.
Secret sad: self-conscious about her chubbiness, and is convinced no man will find her attractive (physically or otherwise). That's why she is focused on her career because she thinks she'll be single her whole life.
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