#Also his tail is just kind of obscured by the robe but I PROMISE he has one.
riseoftheguys · 2 years
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Finally drew the guy! My own personal Rise version of the Rat King, wherein he is... literally a king. He and my other OC (Kaspian) are kind of like father and son!
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t-khalynn-tales · 4 years
Provoking Ire
Author’s Note: Originally started out as “Hey, lets write a really short, funny scene with Mei making rude gestures at people!”  
~Three thousand words later...~ __________
“Mei, ya sure ya wanna do this?” Tala handed Mei the practice weapon, frowning slightly. “ ‘Cause ‘m not sure…”
Mei nodded firmly, taking the weapon in hand. It was, essentially, a plank of stout oak, longer than she was tall, with a leather-wrapped handle meant for a two-handed grip. 
~Yah. T uses a sword too,~ she added, pointing to her cousin’s sword and shield, currently being guarded by a watchful blue chocobo. ~An’ T practice fights with tall folk, sometimes.~
“Well, yeah. But issa little different! I started learnin' years ago! But Mei has only been learnin' fer a little bit! Maybe gettin’ a few more lessons first would be better…?”
Mei shook her head, expression confident. ~Is fine. Mei wants ta learn like this, Mei learns best like this.~ Shifting her grip a moment, she made a fist with her right hand, and pressed it into her own chest, near her heart. ~T can trust Mei, ok?~
Tala just sighed. “Alright.”
“Yo! You popotoes done dithering yet?” the big Hyur called out, shifting from foot to foot, his own oversized practice blade resting on his shoulder. “I’m a busy man, so if you’re just gonna chicken out, just gimme the gil now so I can get a drink somewhere.”
Both lalas turned towards the speaker. Tala just grimaced in exasperation, while Mei’s eyes narrowed in irritation.
“Is only NOON!” Tala protested with a huff.
The young mercenary laughed. “Yeah, so? In case ya hadn’t noticed, shorty, Gyr Abania is hot. It’s always a good time for a drink.”
The lala just shook her head and turned back to Mei. “Anyroad. Okay, so remember ta watch how he moves. He’s got th’ longer reach, so ya hafta be quicker ‘n ‘im. ‘Specially since ya only got a big wooden stick ta attack an’ defend with.”
~Duh,~ the younger lala scoffed, still focussed more on the cocky mercenary than the advice.
“Hey, is not MY fault ya chose th’ big giant sword ta learn. Issa different kinda sword fightin than mine, so ‘m not able ta help ya wi’ that. But fer basic fightin things, yeah.”
Finally noticing the cause of Mei’s distraction, Tala flicked her cousin’s forehead. Hard. 
Mei rubbed at the new bruise. ~Ow.~
“Focus, Mei!”
~Fine,~ she pouted.
“So, one part of fightin I learned from Kori is stuff like this. Sometimes when people are fightin', they can do an’ say dumb things. Like, ta break yer focus, an’ put ya on yer back foot. Kori says, easiest way fer them ta do that, is ta make ya mad. Like, callin lalas popotoes an’ stuff. So dun let ‘im trick ya inta anger, okay?"
The other lala nodded.
“An’ dun forget, YOU can use th’ same trick on ‘im, too. So, like, Kori likes ta shout mean things at ‘em. Callin’ ‘em names, tellin ‘em ta stuff their, uh, stuff inta their own backsides, ‘n things.”
Mei raised an eyebrow. ~Oh? So how ‘bout T? What does T do?~
Tala flushed slightly. “Umm… well… a-anyroad. Even if ya can’t yell at ‘im,’m sure ya can come up wi’ somethin.”
After a moment, the younger lala just grinned wickedly.
“Yo, seriously! Any time now?”
Recognizing her cousin’s mischievous expression, Tala sighed. “Just dun make ‘im TOO mad, okay? I’d hate ta get run outta town fer bustin' 'is face wi’ my shield.”
The man scoffed. “I’d like to see ya try it, shorty!”
~No promises,~ Mei retorted, gripping the practice blade in both hands as she turned to face her current "tutor."
“FI-nally! Alright, pipsqueak, let’s get started…”
The sounds of heavy clashing wood filled the air of the small sparring yard.
It was stupid. The whole thing was just dumb. Starting with a pair of novices, sizing each other up at the small town's only training dummy. Some unsolicited criticism first, then some rude gestures and snippy commentary in return, dutifully translated by a reluctant Tala. And now this -- a "friendly" challenge and wager.
Tala was clearly against it, but could only watch anxiously from the sidelines. 
So far, Mei was doing remarkably well at holding her own, despite the fresh welts and bruises both combatants were now sporting. It seemed Mei did learn quickly when thrown into the fire. Especially since her opponent was a little impatient. And not used to facing opponents so much shorter than himself.
Mei was also exceptionally good at taking advantage of that. And at being a brat about it.
The lala ducked under a wide slash, then managed to counter with an upward swing that seemed almost impossible with such a large sword. The Hyur jumped back, but not quick enough -- the blunted wooden tip managed to clip him. He fell back with a curse, clutching his left forearm.
But Mei quickly stepped forward in pursuit, switching her grip and leaping up to deliver an overhead strike. The man barely managed to adjust his own practice blade to block, grunting at the force of the blow. A little unnerved, pulled back again, blade ready to guard.
“Shit!” he spat, tensing his arm, the pain still pulsing like a jagged flame, flaring to the beat of his own heart. “What the hell!”
Mei smirked and relaxed her stance, settling her sword against her shoulder and beckoning with one hand. The insult needed no translation.
~Bring it.~
His eyes narrowed. “You’re a spicy little popoto, ain’t ya,” he sneered in response, grip tightening in anger. “Looks like I’ll have ta stomp ya back into the dirt a bit!”
Both lalas blinked in momentary confusion, trying to make any kind of sense of that. But when the man charged forward with a roar, Mei set herself for another clash.
He attempted an overhead strike of his own, intending to smack the uppity lala on the head in retribution. But Mei angled her blade to deflect most of the power of the swing and side-stepped, letting his own momentum continue to carry him forward. As his sword made contact with the dirt, she managed to spin around, slapping his butt with the flat of her own weapon. With a yelp of surprise, he lost his balance and fell.
Face first. 
He lay there for a moment in stunned silence, before scrambling to his feet again.
“You little…”
Suddenly, the energy in the air shifted. Like an abrupt drop in temperature, or a sudden shadow obscuring the sun. Where before there was an atmosphere of begrudging parity and competition, now there was an invisible miasma of sheer malice.
And for just a moment, it seemed the tall Hyur’s eyes glowed an inhuman red…
He lunged forward, much quicker than before. Mei managed to barely block the first wild blow, but couldn’t move fast enough to avoid the second. Or the third. With a gasp, the wooden blade fell from her hands, pain resonating through her arm.
The fourth blow hit her in the stomach driving her to her knees, gasping for air. Wincing, she just barely managed to duck and roll out of the way from the fifth strike. She crouched to get back to her feet, only to be met with a boot to the face. Mei flew back, landing on her back with a dull thud in a small cloud of dust.
“Got anything else, runt?” she heard him growl menacingly. Blinking, Mei made out the blurry dark shape looming over her. Belligerently, she replied with a bloody smirk -- and a single shaking middle finger.
“You little…” the dark shape raised his oversized blade up high…
...and winced when a heavy coin pouch struck him in the face.
“THA’S ENOUGH! Ya won yer stupid bet, now take yer coin an’ BACK OFF!” Tala yelled, brandishing a make-shift broken broomstick handle. “Or ya really WILL get a shield ta th’ face!”
"Yeah? How ya gonna reach that high, shorty? Stepladder?"
"Nah, 'm just go gonna kick ya inna crotch ta bring yer ugly arse-face closer. Might need a jeweler's loup ta find yer itty bitty manhood, though."
"Jeweler's loup? Ya know, th' thing goldsmiths use fer lookin at really small stuff? Spirits, are ya stupid too, an’ nae just ugly? ‘M feeling sorry fer yer Mum."
“Shut up, or I’ll show you ugly,” he snarled, stalking towards the shorter lala -- and subsequently away from the one laying prone on the ground.
“Ya dun gotta get closer, yer ugly face is PLENTY UGLY e’en from REALLY FAR ‘WAY!”
Mei wanted to keep watching, but her eyes were just... so... heavy. The last thing she saw was the Hyur charging her cousin’s much-smaller form in the distance. 
Then darkness enfolded her in its soft embrace, and consciousness faded away.
There was something loud going on. Mei wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it was loud. And annoying. And she was tired. Really tired. She just wanted to sleep a little more.
But as the noise went on and on and on, she realized that, as tired as she was, she wasn’t going to get that sleep right now. And that she was also not very comfortable right now. The floor was too hard, too dusty, and too hot. And something feathery hovering over her, cooing softly but insistently in her ear. Reluctantly, she managed to open her eyes, frowning against both the brightness of the sun, and at the pain echoing through her body. 
She groaned silently as she tried to sit up. A blue feathered head helped support her.
“Kweh!” the chocobo scolded her softly, even as she felt healing energies continuing to flow from him into her battered face, easing some of the pain. Mei recognized Stalwart, her cousin’s blue chocobo companion, and gave him a little pat in thanks. She then turned her bleary attention to the source of all the yelling.
If she could, she would have laughed.
The big Hyur, the one she had been sparring with, lay in a heap nearby -- face clearly bruised and a little bloody. His nose was obviously very broken, and he may have lost a tooth or two. A healer in robes seemed to be tending his wounds. Another man, a Hyur, older and somewhat resembling the one bemoaning his smashed face, was standing over Tala, hands on his hips, yelling angrily.
Tala just glared back up at him defiantly, arms crossed. Despite one swollen eye, she was clearly unrepentant.
And finally, an armored miquo’te stood somewhat between them both, tail twitching ever-so-slightly. The manner of his stance and the state of his armor indicated he held some level of rank, as well as respect, in the small settlement.
“So,” the first man sneered. “What yer saying is, young Stefan here beat the little brat there in a spar, so YOU beat him up? Yourself?”
“No,” Tala corrected. “He baited her inta a wager. One he knew he’d win. Prolly ‘cause ‘es a lot bigger ‘n her, an’ also ‘cause he has more trainin’ too. But she managed ta get th’ drop on ‘im. He got ‘is feelins hurt, so got mad an’ beat her near ta unconscious. I tole ‘im ta take ‘is winnings an’ go, but he was gonna hit her again. THAT’S why I stepped in. Wouldnae been needed, if he hadnae got so mad an’ stupid.”
“Riiiiight. Short little runt like you managed to beat my boy Stefan with a broom handle.”
“Nope. Broom handle was mostly fer distraction. I just kicked ‘im inna crotch, then bashed ‘im inna face wi’ my shield,” she gestured to the round shield at her back with a thumb. “I e’en tole ‘im I was gonna do it, afore I did. Isnae my fault he didnae listen.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Khalynn, but the battering to his face wasn’t caused by just one hit,” the healer spoke up, continuing her healing duties.
The miquo’te looked at the lala inquisitively.
“Oh, yeah,” she shrugged. “He kept gettin back up an’ chargin in, so I had ta bash him inna face a few more times. Again, isnae my fault he's stupid. Oh, an’ ya might wanna get some ice fer ‘is crotch, too. I mighta stepped on ‘im a bit.”
Both men winced slightly, but the miquo’te’s lips twitched upward in hidden amusement.
“My boy has been training for over a year!” the man yelled. “He’s a good recruit, shows good promise with the greatsword! There’s no way…”
“Your boy,” Tala cut in sharply, “is undisciplined an’ too easily provoked. Also maybe a bit unscrupuled, ta be settin’ up wagers wi’ beginners, yeah? So maybe ya should teach ‘im better.”
“And who are YOU to lecture me, runt?”
“Miss Khalynn is recognized as a free paladin,” the miquo'te noted dryly. “She was also a volunteer in the healer’s division of the Twin Adders. And now she leads a small but honorable free company.”
The lala in question coughed, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“HAH! THIS runt? A paladin?”
Tala huffed, blue eyes glinting. “If ya want, I can bash YER face in wi’ my shield, too.”
“That’s enough, Dorian,” the miquo’te stated firmly. “Upon my honor, I assure you Miss Khalynn is indeed a free paladin. Unless you doubt me?”
The man immediately backed off. “No, of course not, Rakhal. You’re a man of yer word, and all. But, still, how…?”
“What, did you never witness Pipin Tarupin fight on the Bloodsands? Size does not count for everything.” Rakhal shook his head. “Now, back to the matter at hand. Miss Khalynn, do you swear to your earlier statement?”
Straightening, Tala nodded. “Aye, is truth. I give ya my word, upon my honor.”
The miquo’te nodded as well, then turned to the healer. “And Lucinne, what say you?”
The elezen woman looked up. “Well, the story plays out with what I witnessed when I got here. THIS one,” she poked her now bandaged patient, “was getting the snot beat out of him by Miss Khalynn. While THAT one, “she points to Mei, the lala in red being propped up by a blue chocobo “was laid out on the ground, with a boot print across her face. Her nose was smashed in, badly. Also there was deep bruising of her abdomen, and several nasty welts on her arms and face. Had to do a little conjury to heal her up a bit, but switched over to THIS one once Miss Khalynn was done with him.”
“Why didn’t ya heal my nose?” the young merc whined, gently nursing his bandaged nose.
The healer just snorted. “Because you’re a bully and an ass, Stefan. And it was about time someone put you in your place.”
“Now look here...” the bigger Hyur started angrily.
“No, YOU listen here!” Lucinne replied, just as hotly. “I’ve been out here in Gyr Albania since the breeching of Baelsar’s Wall. I’ve seen plenty of folk from all sorts of free companies pass through these lands. Some looking to help out restoring and reclaiming the land. Some looking to earn a quick gil. I know a thing or two about people. And Dorian, your boy is a bully. Like Miss Khalynn said, teach him better!” 
With an angry huff, the healer gathered her things and left.
“Well then, I guess that settles things, then,” Rakhal decided. “Unless, of course, you have any further objections, Dorian?”
The big man mumbled something under his breath, but shook his head.
“What about my winnings?” Stefan whined.
At that the big man growled and hauled the injured young man to his feet by the collar, “Shut yer face, boy! If you think you’re good enough ta be showing off your blade skills, we’ll just have ta put ya to the test, right? Be ready fer more training tomorrow! At dawn!”
The two lalas and one miquo’te watched the big man drag the younger one away.
“I almost feel sorry for the kid,” he noted.
~Mei doesn’t!~
Tala laughed, earning a puzzled look from the armored warrior. She shook her head. “Issa bit long ta ‘xplain, Kal. But this is my cousin, Mei.” 
He bowed politely. “A pleasure, Miss Mei. I am Rakhal'sae Moui, a free paladin like Miss Khalynn here. In fact, I trained with her for a time.”
Assisted by Stalwart, Mei had come closer to the chatting pair, and nodded back. The chocobo had healed most of her wounds by now, and she only had a slight headache. Nothing a good night’s rest and a good meal wouldn’t fix up. She nodded at the paladin politely, then glanced at her cousin to translate.
“Kal!” the other lala protested. “Ya know is just Tala. Dun start th’ ‘Miss Khalynn’ stuff again! An’ Mei says, ‘Is nice ta meetcha, too’ ”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yeah. Um, she can’t talk. But I can understand her. Kinda.”
“This sounds like an interesting story. Maybe you can share it over a nice meal?” he held up the pouch of gil that had been all but forgotten in the scramble. 
Surprising everyone, Stalwart nimbly snatched it out of his hand. He prodded Mei gently until she extended an open palm, then plopped the pouch into her grasp.
“Well, guess Stal agrees,” Tala chuckled. “Lead th’ way, Kal.”
As they followed along, Tala turned to her cousin. “So, didya learn anythin’ from that mess?”
Mei smirked. ~Yah. T is REALLY good at makin’ insults.~ 
A.N. 2: So originally, the plan was for Mei to be a Black Mage for DPS, with Dark Knight as a tanking job on the side, showing how Tala and Mei are kind of opposites -- White Mage to Black Mage, and Paladin to Dark Knight.
However, game-play wise, I rediscovered that I am in fact BAD at Black Mage, and DRK tanking just… didn’t feel right for me as a player somehow.
Luckily with Stormblood came Red Mage, a DPS class I was much more suited for. And with Shadowbringers, Mei was able to finally find a tank class that works - Gunbreaker. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
(And, thematically, having both Tala and Mei become primarily RDMs changed the focus on the cousins as well, but anyway…)
So in this story, which takes place a little bit after the close of “Greetings and Farewells,” Mei is trying to learn how to Dark Knight. Or at least, how to use the giant two-handed sword taller than she is. I know that the skills for the job have changed, and I’m no longer sure if Provoke was a thing for DRKs way back then, but I’m going with it anyway.
Also, to clarify - Mei is mute, but has the ability to "speak" with Tala telepathically. And like with spoken words, Mei can also convey a lot of emotions through the tone of these silent communications. Tala can sometimes project some emotions back through their link, but cannot manage to convey actual words.
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foreveratlas · 6 years
Chronicles of an Elf 4
Episode 4 of Chronicles of an Elf. Use these links to read Episode One, Episode Two, and Episode Three! (Sorry it took me a while to post this! PS there is a slight formatting issue. I don’t plan to fix it, it’s just indentions.)
Episode 4: The Priestess and the Blight
Luka had dozed off where she was sitting next to the store front that faced the Grand Gate. She managed to stay awake throughout the night and mid-morning. By the time noon came around, she was asleep. Before she let the need for rest take her, she had the fleeting suspicion that she should have found a safer place to sleep. But being within sight of the guards at least told her she wasn’t going to be openly attacked in daylight. That is until a nudge came, waking her.
“Umbran,” An unfamiliar voice whispered in her ear. “Umbran, wake up.” Luka startled, reaching first to her daggers, but stopped when she realized that it was one of Delaney’s Fire Dragon Guards who crouched before her.
“You’re not invisible,” she murmured while blinking away the dust that had collected in her eyes. Just like the first time she saw the guard, the individual was covered from head to toe in dark armor. The individual wore a facemask that also obscured their voice. Luka was unsure if she was looking at a male or female and their voice gave no indication either. The red sash from shoulder to waist seemed to glow in the daylight.
The Fire Dragon Guard considered her for a moment before saying, “We must go. It is not safe for you to remain here.”
Luka shook her head. “I have to wait for someone.”
“It’s not important. They can come find you.”
Luka shook her head again. “I can’t leave. I promised Whilsk I would wait for her.”
The Fire Dragon Guard paused for a moment. Luka wondered if the name was familiar to them. After a moment, the Fire Dragon Guard stood, “We must go. We can always search for tomorrow. Right now you’re weak and exhausted.”
Luka stood up slowly, deciding it better not to argue. “Where are we going?”
The Fire Dragon Guard began to walk down the road toward the large spire that sat opposite of the city to the Dragon Fortress. “The Citadel.”
The Citadel was the tallest structure on the eastern end of Dragonopolis. Spires of glass and steel twisted up into five towers surrounding a larger central tower. Each tower was a different color representing all six of the Dragon Gods. The central spire which the others twisted around was red and orange to represent the Fire Dragon God who was the Patron God of Draconia. Save for the Fortress that sat on the western side of the city, The Citadel was the largest structure Luka had ever seen.
The Guard directed her through the main archway. They moved past rows upon rows of candles and down the steps into an amphitheater. At the center was a tall platform and a large scroll. A glass statue of a sleeping dragon lay wrapped around the platform, allowing only a small space to move between snout and tail in order to reach the pulpit. A service was being held, and the Guard told Luka to sit on one of the many stone benches that wrapped around the amphitheater. The Guard disappeared after she had sat. Luka noted how all of the stone seats combined to look like giant steps.
           Delaney stood on the pulpit in robes of gold and red. She read from the large scroll before her and directed the people to rise, to sit, and to sing. Luka wasn’t sure if she was supposed to follow along. The concept of religion wasn’t something that Tetra and Whilsk pushed upon her in her youth, so it wasn’t like she was too enraptured. The Draconians around her were relatively versed in it, and if it made them comfortable, then Luka wasn’t about to rain on their parades.
           As Delaney ended her sermon and thanked the parishioners for joining her, she looked up to see Luka sitting idly, waiting for the amphitheater to clear out. After almost an hour of attending to every congregant, Delaney ascended up the steps of the ampthitheater toward Luka. Luka watched her quietly and as Unicorn Girl made it level to her row, she sat down next to her on the stone bench.
           “You seem exhausted,” Luka said after listening to Delaney yawn loud enough to show fangs.
           Delaney smiled. “Not as exhausted as you, I hear.”
           “Did you have your guard come find me?”
           Delaney waved her hand dismissively. “Of course. I just wanted someone to stay with you through the night.” Delaney turned in her seat, placing one hand upon Luka’s shoulder and using the other to pull her hood back. “Now the question is, little one, what next?”
           Luka thought on it for a moment. The next stop would be the Dragon Fortress. To find Tetra. She looked to the side and let her eyesight focus on the glass dragon at the bottom of the amphitheater. She let her thoughts wander until she felt Delaney’s hand upon her cheek, pulling Luka’s attention back to her, as well as her eyes. Luka sighed. “I have to go to the Fortress then.”
           “What do you hope to find there?”
           “Not what,” Luka corrected. “Who.”
           “Who, little one.”
           “Tetra?” Delaney repeated.
           “Tetra the Sylvarian.”
           A long smirk crossed Delaney’s lips.  “Tetra the Blight of Sylvanaria.”
           Luka cocked her head to the side. “The Blight?” she repeated, unsure of what Delaney meant. Tetra didn’t seem like the kind of person who deserved to be called such, but then again, he did keep her in complete ignorance for a long time.
           “The only Sylvarian in the entire country.”
           Luka looked to the side, “I didn’t know.”
           “As well as a ranking officer of the military.”
           “I knew that.”
           “Doesn’t that bother you? What is Tetra the Blight to you anyway?”
           Luka shrugged. “He kind of. . . raised me.”
           “He?” She put an emphasis on the pronoun and Luka flinched for some reason. Her crimson lips mouthed the word ‘interesting’ before she continued, “He and this Whilsk you know?”
           Luka nodded. She saw the intensity in which Delaney was staring at her and she wondered if offering the truth was the wrong thing to do. She didn’t know why else she would need to enter the Dragon Fortress, and as far as she knew she didn’t have the capability of lying. Tetra always told her that the thing that set them apart from humans wasn’t their long lives or their ears, but their inability to lie. The secret was to hide the truth. That didn’t make it lying. Unfortunately, Luka wasn’t in the right of mind to do such.
           “What do you know of Tetra? And for that matter, Whilsk?”
           Delaney leaned back on the stone she sat upon and brought a thoughtful finger to her chin. Luka noticed how her nails not only looked sharp, but were painted with the colors of fire. “Rumors. Tetra the Blight of Sylvanaria. Whilsk, the elusive Shadow Arts and Weapons Master.” She tilted her head to the side. “Knowing one can save you. Knowing the other could end you. Knowing both could result in a tug of war on the universe itself. And what of you, little one? Where do you fit?”
           Luka bit her lip and stood up. “Whilsk told me to find Tetra. That he could protect me.”
           Delaney giggled. “Protect you? Little one, beneath the folds of your cloak lies an arsenal that might even make the Prince blush.”
           “The prince?”
           “Ultima Thule, The Dragon General.” Luka recalled Tetra radioing Ultima not long ago when they were on the road. Was this the same person? She had heard Tetra speak of the draconian before but she was unaware that the individual was a prince, let alone a general. In fact, when she heard him in that brief communication, he seemed more exasperated that he was having to deal with Tetra.
           Luka didn’t see the Fire Dragon Guard appear. Her only way of knowing they weren’t completely alone was through a feeling, a slight tremor in the wind so to speak. She turned to see the guard lean over slightly between her and Delaney and whisper something in the Priestess’s ear. Luka watched intently, slightly annoyed that her sensitive elven ears couldn’t quite pick out the conversation between them. She furrowed her brow when she noticed Delaney frown, and speak up enough for Luka to hear. “Are you sure?”
           The guard nodded, “Yes, Priestess.”
           “Very well. Get Finch, Canary, and Crow. They want to play that game, we can meet them head on.”
           Luka was taken aback. The guard bowed and melted back into the shadows. “Finch, Canary, and Crow?” Luka finally asked as Delaney stood up.
           “Their names. Did you think my guards didn’t have names?”
           Luka remained silent for a moment and shrugged. “What was his name?”
           “Her name,” Delaney corrected, “Is Hawk. Well, I guess. That’s what she goes by.”
           “Are all of your guards are women?”
           Delaney smiled. “Never trust a man to save a woman’s life.” She moved past Luka and toward the steps leading out of the amphitheater. “We must go now, little one.”
           Luka followed her. “Why?”
           “The Dragon General learned of an Umbran admitted within his gates. By order of King Laon we are to hand you over.”
           “Can’t say I’m a fan of that.” Delaney moved across the large entryway and past the many lit candles. She beckoned Luka to follow her. She stopped before a large wall and pressed against a piece of the stucco that was a slightly different shade of orange than the pieces around it. A hidden door popped open. Delaney motioned Luka inside as Luka continued. “Why doesn’t he just storm the Citadel?”
           Delaney closed the door behind themselves and made her way up a spiral staircase. “He doesn’t dare. Attacking the house of the gods would result in a riot and break laws that go back to when humans owned the entire continent. No, he’ll just have his brother wait outside and block people from entering or leaving until you show yourself.” Luka followed her closely until they came up through a trap door into what looked like a very comfortable apartment. It wasn’t tight, but it was certainly filled to the brim with just about anything; from books both ancient and modern, to robes thrown about lazily, to a modest mattress placed against the far wall, a desk near a stain-glass window, and two chairs that sat opposite of everything else where a pile of yarn and a half-knitted scarf lay in a basket between them.
           Delaney stripped of her robes almost immediately, and Luka hitched her breath when she was met for the first time with Draconian semi-nudity. Though Delaney’s back was turned to her most of the time, Luka stared long enough to see how her tail connected to the base of her spine. Light ridges lined her shoulders, and she assumed on other draconians those would be spikes, just like on the ears or forehead. Her physique was slender, and her muscles were incredibly toned and pronounced. Luka looked her over with a curiosity she never knew she could experience. Finally, she turned to face the opposite direction, coughing loudly. “Uhm, what are you doing?”
           “Changing into something suitable to meet the King of Dragons.”
           “Weren’t you wearing something already suitable?”
           Delaney laughed, “Those robes were just for services. There is order to all of this.” Luka felt a hand grip her shoulder and force her to turn. She was suddenly facing a mostly naked Delaney who held up two sets of robes: one black with red and orange adornments; the other the color of smoke that bled down into waves of orange, red, and yellow that looked almost like flames when draped properly. “Which is more impressive?”
           Luka had to focus on the robes for the sake of not staring at Delaney instead and finally pointed to the smoke one. Delaney smiled, ruffled Luka’s short hair, and began to dress, leaving Luka to turn and face the wall once more. After what felt like a fair hour, Delaney turned Luka to face her once more. “How do I look?”
           “Not naked.”
           “Is that what’s bothering you?”
           “It’s not something I’m used to.”
           “Get your head in the game, little one. You’re about to step into the political arena. Now what are you wearing?”
           Luka looked down at her outfit and patted it once for good measure. “This?”
           “You sure?”
           “It’s what I have.”
           As Luka and Delaney descended the steps of the Citadel, Luka noted how her robes billowed magnificently about her. She looked like the physical embodiment of fire floating with a determination on its own. Standing ten feet away in a perfect line at the base of the steps were ten armed soldiers. Standing before them was the tallest person she had ever seen. Ultima stood at seven feet tall. His horns curled backwards behind his head giving him an extra several inches of height. His brown hair was peppered with streaks of crimson, and his ears had horned ridges, unlike Delaney’s. His tail rested against the ground with a spike the shape of a scorpion’s stinger upon the tip. As he waited for them to appear, he was standing resolute with his sword drawn, the tip stabbed into the concrete. The blade was a typical broadsword, but the handle itself was that of two axe heads upon the pommel. Luka didn’t need to see the other weapons on his uniform and armor to know he was packing.
           “Prince Ultima, what a pleasure to see you again.”
           Ultima huffed. “Delaney, don’t make this into another religious matter. I need to take the Umbran into custody.”
           “Religious? My guard is being asked to appear before the King. I felt compelled to be with her during her time of need.”
           Ultima sighed loudly, as if this was more of a pain in the ass than he wanted it to be. “Delaney, please?”
           “That’s Priestess Delaney Ulbrand,” she recited almost gleefully.
           Luka stepped forward and called out to Ultima, “Excuse me, Prince Ultima?”
           Ultima looked up to her and nodded for her to continue. “I need to see Tetra. If I go with you can you guarantee that I will see him?”
           Luka watched as Ultima’s brow twitched. “I’m not sure that is possible,” he said almost unsure. The way he carried himself seemed a complete contradiction to how Delaney made him appear to be.
           “I was there when he contacted you about the road and the ambush last week. This has to do with that. I need his help. Whilsk is in trouble.”
           Ultima bit his lip and Luka watched how his eyes went to Delaney as if signaling something. Whether there was a silent exchange between the two or not, Luka was unaware, but she did see the Unicorn Girl smile. Ultima’s response was to lift his blade, and lower it horizontally to the ground. “Priestess Delaney Ulbrand. Would you allow me to escort you and your entourage to the palace for an audience with King Laon?”
           “That seems like a better approach to the situation, doesn’t it, Prince General?” Delaney smirked.
           As if on cue, four of the Fire Dragon Guards appeared from nothing. The one whom Delaney referred to as Hawk, gently pushed Luka close to the Priestess. The group slowly continued their descent to the concrete ground. Ultima’s soldiers then parted to let them past and traveled a respectful 5 feet around them throughout the city. The procession was slow and caught a lot of people’s attention. But eventually the group found themselves at the foot of the massive Fortress that stretched up for miles into the sky, across a wide gap cut deep into the earth. It was essentially a mote, dug for the purpose of keeping attackers out, even though the fort was so tall that the only entrance was several hundred feet up. Luka could see dragons flying in out of the wide entrance, stories above.
           The ground rumbled beneath them, and a slab of stone several yards wide cut itself from the ground and began to rise. Whether it was magic or an elevator mechanism, the group of 17 was lifted with ease through the air. The slab began to slowly pull toward the fort as it rose until it was level with the only entrance. Being hundreds of feet in the air gave Luka the ability to look out over the city. The view was impressive, but at the same time reminded her of how separated she felt from Whilsk. However, she was closer to Tetra and that was the goal, wasn’t it? Find Tetra, save Whilsk?
           They were led through large cavernous hallways and up through several floors until they found themselves in the open air at the top of the gigantic structure, leagues above the rest of the city. In the middle of the winged T shape that the fort created was where the Crystal Palace sat. Luka could only consider it a marvel as the entire structure was made of opaque crystal and gigantic natural precious stones carved into the vague shape of a castle. At long last, Luka, Delaney, and the Fire Dragon Guards found themselves standing before an empty throne.
           Ultima had to excuse himself as he went to go look for his brother. As they waited Luka looked around cautiously. The interior was relatively plain, save for Draconian and Dragoon banners that hung between pillars of crystal, emerald, and ruby. Beyond the throne which stood at the top of five steps overlooking the hall, there was no where to sit. A red carpet was drawn out on the ground, and the high vaulted ceilings showed a prism of color caused by light that managed to bleed through the crystal overhead. Iron chandeliers hung with flickering candles in four places: One above the throne, two above the main hall, and one just above the entryway. Luka shuddered when she realized it was iron. Her skin began itch and it took everything in her system not to begin scratching absently in response.
           It wasn’t the king who entered the throne room from behind the throne itself. The group turned as the large doors they had entered through at the front of the hall swung open. In stomped a small figure. She looked like she was about the same height as Luka. Long platinum blonde hair billowed out around her form. Distinct, pierced pointed ears framed a beautiful face. Luka noted certain similarities, such as the same color of green in her eyes, how her armor was the same style, how her left arm was covered in the same set of mithril plates as—
           “Tetra, the Blight of Sylvanaria,” Delaney announced.
           Luka began to choke on her own spit. “I’m sorry, what?” But that was the moment she saw it. The long scar that marred the woman’s left cheek was exactly the same as Tetra’s. The tattoos that incorporated magic on her bare arms were all there. This was Tetra. It must have been. But how?
           “Lukanay Fial,” the woman breathed. “They better not have hurt you,” there was almost a pain in the voice. Luka realized that the woman thought the people around her had brought her as a ransom.
           Two of the Fire Dragon Guards moved forward to block the woman’s approach. Tetra’s response was to raise a palm. One of the tattoos on her arm began to glow. She was summoning that pocket dimension. She was pissed. Luka jumped in front of the guards and held her hands up, “Wait, wait.”
           Tetra stopped the summon and lowered her hand, instead rushing across the distance to grab Luka and pull her into a tight embrace, collapsing with her on the floor. “Sweet little Luka,” she whispered. The hug was different but familiar. She smelled like Tetra, her dialect was Tetra. How she walked and held herself was Tetra. Even the confident rage she permitted was Tetra. But how was this Tetra?
           Luka pushed the other elf away gently and narrowed her eyes. She reached up and gripped Tetra’s face with both hands. She traced Tetra’s scar and pinched her chin. She was softer, but the idea was still there. The feeling was there. “How are you Tetra?” she whispered.
           The other woman smiled and stood up for a moment despite Delaney and the Fire Dragon Guards watching. She reached up to her hair and pulled gently with one hand. With her other hand she unsheathed a dagger from her hip and sliced through the platinum blond strands of hair and tossed the length to the ground. The woman’s body transformed almost instantly, growing several inches taller. The shoulders bulked in response, her features became more angular rather than rounded. Her hips narrowed, her fingers grew, and her chest became a compound of muscle rather than softness. As the transformation completed, Tetra’s hair returned to its normal darker blonde hue.
           “The blight have a unique gift,” Delaney said with a grin. “They have no physical gender to call true. They can choose what to represent themselves as. Tetra’s trigger is the length of hair.”
           “You’ve read up on me,” the masculine voice that Luka was familiar with spoke.
           “It’s best to know where the end of times will be coming from.”
           Tetra frowned just before Luka sucker-punched him in the jaw, sending him to the ground. “You asshole!” Luka cried. Tetra gave a, ‘What did I do?’ look. “Whilsk warned you. Whilsk knew they were coming and you left us anyway. Now she’s gone!”
           Tetra attempted to stand but Luka pushed him to the floor. “What are you going to do about it!” It wasn’t a question and more of a demand. When Tetra didn’t answer she repeated herself, “What are you going to do about it!”
           Finally, he responded. “Find her.”
           “And then what?”
           “Bring her back.”
           “What if she’s dead?”
           It was both Delaney and Tetra who laughed at that. “The Weapons Master dead?” Tetra spoke. “There is no way that could ever happen.”
           Luka scoffed. “How can you be so sure.”
           A new voice rang from the other side of the hall, one that caused Luka’s insides to squirm. “That’s because Whilsk is the only living creature to wound Tetra so grievously it left a permanent scar upon his face.” The voice wasn’t necessarily deep like his brother, Ultima’s, but it contained a kind of power. He wore a formal suit made of black mythril. Pieces of silver plate-armor was sewn into the shoulders and chest of the suit jacket. He was the first and only Draconian Luka would ever meet who lacked any horns upon his head. A silver circlet sat comfortably upon his brow. His tail was draped over the arm of the chair, it’s large club like spike tapping listlessly against the throne’s crystal exterior. Luka, along with everyone else, turned to find Laon, the King of Dragons, sitting upon his throne, one leg crossed over the other.
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lost-in-the-echo-94 · 6 years
My top 10 favorite shōnen and non-BL mangas
1) Naruto / Naruto Shippūden -  Kishimoto Masashi (manga/anime)
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Summary : Twelve years before the start of the series, the Nine-Tails attacked Konohagakure destroying much of the village and taking many lives. The leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Nine-Tails into a newborn, Naruto Uzumaki. Orphaned by the attack, Naruto was shunned by the villagers, who out of fear and anger, viewed him as the Nine-Tails itself. Though the Third Hokage outlawed speaking about anything related to the Nine-Tails, the children — taking their cues from their parents — inherited the same animosity towards Naruto. In his thirst to be acknowledged, Naruto vowed he would one day become the greatest Hokage the village had ever seen (source).
2) Boku no Hero Academia -  Horikoshi Kohei (manga/anime)
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Summary :  One day, a four-year-old boy came to a sudden realization: the world is not fair. Eighty percent of the world's population wield special abilities, known as "quirks," which have given many the power to make their childhood dreams of becoming a superhero a reality. Unfortunately, Izuku Midoriya was one of the few born without a quirk, suffering from discrimination because of it. Yet, he refuses to give up on his dream of becoming a hero; determined to do the impossible, Izuku sets his sights on the elite hero training academy, UA High. However, everything changes after a chance meeting with the number one hero and Izuku's idol, All Might. Discovering that his dream is not a dead end, the powerless boy undergoes special training, working harder than ever before. Eventually, this leads to him inheriting All Might's power, and with his newfound abilities, gets into his school of choice, beginning his grueling journey to become the successor of the best hero on the planet (source). 
3) Shingeki No Kyojin -  Isayama Hajime (manga/anime)
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Summary : Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations. After witnessing a horrific personal loss at the hands of the invading creatures, Eren Yeager dedicates his life to their eradication by enlisting into the Survey Corps, an elite military unit that combats the merciless humanoids outside the protection of the walls. Based on Hajime Isayama's award-winning manga, Shingeki no Kyojin follows Eren, along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert, as they join the brutal war against the titans and race to discover a way of defeating them before the last walls are breached (source). 
4) Black Clover -  Tabata Yuuki (manga/anime)
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Summary :  Asta and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church, and have been inseparable since. As children, they promised that they would compete against each other to see who would become the next Emperor Magus. However, as they grew up, some differences between them became plain. Yuno was a genius with magic, with amazing power and control, while Asta could not use magic at all, and tried to make up for his lack by training physically. When they received their Grimoires at age 15, Yuno got a spectacular book with a four-leaf clover (most people receive a three-leaf-clover), while Asta received nothing at all. However, when Yuno was threatened, the truth about Asta's power was revealed, he received a five-leaf clover Grimoire, a "black clover"! Now the two friends are heading out in the world, both seeking the same goal (source)!
5) Noragami -  Adachitoka (manga/anime)
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Summary :  As a relatively unknown minor deity without any worshippers, Delivery God Yato takes on odd jobs for only five yen, with the goal of amassing a fortune large enough to buy himself a shrine. But in addition to obscurity, he has another problem: his "Shinki," or weapon partner, has decided to resign, tired of being with a homeless god. Left with no weapon, Yato takes on more jobs, hoping to find a new partner soon. While out putting up fliers for a missing cat, Yato sees said cat and chases after him, right into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Hiyori Iki, a nearby girl, rushes to push Yato out of the way and ends up hurt herself. After waking up in the hospital, she discovers the incident has knocked her soul loose from her body. Realizing his actions caused this, Yato promises to help return Hiyori to normal—for five yen of course. But in order to return her to normal, he requires a new Shinki, which he finds in the rebellious spirit Yukine (source).
6) Ao no Exorcist -  Kato Kazue (manga/anime)
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Summary : After a fight with his foster father Shirou Fujimoto, Rin Okumura's life is transformed overnight when Rin is revealed to be the son of the demon lord Satan, king of the demonic realm of Gehenna. Soon after, his foster father becomes possessed and dies at the hands of Satan, leaving Rin and his twin brother Yukio alone in the world. Seeking revenge for Fujimoto's death, Rin attends True Cross Academy with Yukio in order to become an exorcist and join the Knights of the True Cross. Rin's new path, however, is filled with many difficulties. While new classes and dealing with his peers are already troublesome enough, he is also forced to conceal his newfound demonic powers and parentage. In addition, plenty of evildoers want to use him for their own ends. One misstep could lead to disaster, as not everyone at True Cross Academy is exactly who they seem to be (source).
7) Mahou Tsukai no Yome -  Yamazaki Koré (manga/anime)
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Summary : Chise Hatori, a 15-year-old Japanese girl, was sold for five million pounds at an auction to a tall masked gentleman. Abandoned at a young age and ridiculed by her peers for her unconventional behavior, she was ready to give herself to any buyer if it meant having a place to go home to. In chains and on her way to an unknown fate, she hears whispers from robed men along her path, gossiping and complaining that such a buyer got his hands on a rare "Slay Vega." Ignoring the murmurs, the mysterious man leads the girl to a study, where he reveals himself to be Elias Ainsworth—a magus. After a brief confrontation and a bit of teleportation magic, the two open their eyes to Elias' picturesque cottage in rural England. Greeted by fairies and surrounded by weird and wonderful beings upon her arrival, these events mark the beginning of Chise's story as the apprentice and supposed bride of the ancient magus (source). 
8) Made in Abyss -  Tsukushi Akihito (manga/anime)
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Summary : The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface. Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss (source). 
9)  Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau -  Umeda Abi (manga/anime)
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Summary : Chakuro is the 14-year-old archivist of the Mud Whale, a nigh-utopian island that floats across the surface of an endless sea of sand. Nine in ten of the inhabitants of the Mud Whale have been blessed and cursed with the ability to use saimia, special powers that doom them to an early death. Chakuro and his friends have stumbled across other islands, but they have never met, seen, or even heard of a human who wasn't from their own. One day, Chakuro visits an island as large as the Mud Whale and meets a girl who will change his destiny (source). 
10) Suijin no Ikenie / no Hanayome -  Toma Rei (manga)
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Summary : The story of a girl who slips back in time to a different era. While playing in her family's garden, Asahi gets sucked in by the small pond and when she wakes up she finds herself in a place that seems like Japan from ancient times. A powerful clan takes her in, but the reason for their kindness is that they intend to sacrifice her to the water god, the dragon, to be his bride... Now that she is at the mercy of a god who appears to know no compassion, what will Asahi's fate be (source) ?
I also recommend you :
RELIFE (webtoon/anime)
One Punch Man (manga/anime)
Bungou Stray Dogs (manga/anime)
Ajin (manga/anime)
Vanitas no Carte (manga)
Death Note (manga/anime)
Black Torch (manga)
18 notes · View notes
yatorihell · 7 years
In the Darkness Chapter 10 - The Philosopher’s Stone
Words: 3,504
Summary: Hiyori pushes Yato to tell her and Yukine what Takemikazuchi meant when he talked about the Philosopher's Stone. 
Thank you to @dr-gothtastic for beta-ing me!
Happy birthday @shadownightes
Previous chapter | First chapter
Read on AO3
After that night in the library, Hiyori didn’t see hide nor hair of Yato, seemingly vanished into the depths of the castle. She debated going to his hidey-hole study area, but something told her that he wouldn’t be there.
As the final days of winter break drew out, Hiyori pushed thoughts of that night away and enjoyed herself. When she wasn’t focused on her studies, she would lounge in the common room by the hearth. Slowly, her housemates trickled back with their luggage, exhausted from the festivities and ready to start the new term.
Aimi and Yama returned soon enough, both bearing promised gifts for Hiyori that they had brought back from their hometowns. From Aimi was an extravagant pink quill, its feather too long and fluffy to actually be of use without smudging ink everywhere. From Yama, an array of sweet treats that Hiyori hoped wouldn’t attack her or mar her tongue. Hiyori had also prepared gifts for them: ordinary muggle things that were familiar to Yama as her mother was muggleborn, yet completely obscure to Aimi – a pureblood – who had never seen a rubber duck in her life.
With the final night of Christmas break, Hiyori curled up in her bed, the dim candlestick illuminating the book she was reading. Well, trying to read. Her mind kept drifting back to the library, the conversation that was overheard: the stone, the chamber, Nicolas Flamel. That shadow… Hiyori pushed the thought away, snapping her book shut with finality as if the shadow were part of the story she was reading: fictional and harmless. As for what she heard, well, she would have to find Yato. He couldn’t hide forever. Extinguishing the candle and nestling under the covers, Hiyori slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Yukine could sense a depressing mood as students filed back into their classes, Christmas break long gone and the next reprieve being in spring. The mood was chatty, but quite subdued as they fell back into their usual routine of lectures and fighting the urge to fall asleep as Professor Akiha’s stuttering voice failed to reach the back of the classroom. Suzuha had to keep nudging Yukine’s arm – which was propping up his chin – every now and then to keep him from drifting off. After an hour of near-sleep, the tinny bell startled him awake. With bleary eyes and a groggy mind, he shoved his unused parchment in his bag.
Hiyori, who had been sitting a few rows away, collared Yukine straight away, dragging him away from Suzuha who had wanted to go to the allotments out on the grounds for break. Yukine grumbled but didn’t protest as Hiyori dragged him by the hand out of the classroom, secretly enjoying it despite Hiyori’s obliviousness. She was talking quickly and quietly, muttering something about a rock and Yato. Whatever she was saying went straight over his head, sleep still clouding his mind and making it hard to process anything she had said as she towed him into the Great Hall.
Hiyori craned her neck looking for Yato on the near-empty Slytherin table. When she spotted him, she pulled Yukine along behind her, plopping herself opposite Yato and pulling Yukine down next to her. Yato looked up from his book, faintly surprised that they had come to him this time.
“You need to tell me – and Yukine – what Takemikazuchi meant when he said stone and chamber,” Hiyori demanded. Yato who gave her a cold look, silently telling her to drop the issue before more people got involved. Of course, it was already too late.
“What are you on about?” Yukine asked, beginning to process what Hiyori was so keen to talk about. He looked between the two, clearly missing something. A stone couldn’t be that interesting. And what the hell was the chamber?
“Over Christmas break we overheard –” Hiyori began a brief explanation of what had happened in the library, but Yato’s sharp voice cut her off.
“Hiyori!” Yato snapped, “Keep out of it!”
“No!” she snapped back, “You’re hiding something from us and it’s not anything good, so spit it out!”
“No!” Yato replied in an equally fierce voice, pushing himself up with enough force to move the whole bench. Scowling at Hiyori’s stricken face and Yukine’s alarmed glance between the two, he planted his hands on the table and leant forward.
“Shut up about it,” he said in a low, stony voice, “forget everything.”
Without another word, he sauntered out of the Great Hall, the feast not even having started yet, leaving Hiyori and Yukine alone on the foreign table. Hiyori swallowed the lump in her throat, looking down at her lap in shame. She pushed him too far. Yukine tentatively patted her shoulder in an awkward comfort, wracking his brain for something to say.
“Y’know,” he began slowly, barely even sure of what he was talking about, “you don’t need him to find the answers.”
Hiyori looked at him, her face downcast at the newest turn of events, but her eyes were questioning what he meant. Yukine’s hand froze as he went to pat her shoulder again, her gaze on him enough to make him feel a heat rush to his cheeks as it normally did whenever she glanced his way. Instead he placed his hand on the table, safely stopping any sort of motion that would cause him more embarrassment than it did in that moment.
“You were both there, so I gather you know as much as he does,” he said reasonably. Hiyori nodded her head slightly, though she was certain Yato had more context about what they had heard. Yukine continued.
“If you were in the library, then what you need is in there, isn’t it?”
Hiyori’s eyes widened fractionally, a smile flickering on her lips which is just about the last Yukine can take. He swings his legs over the bench, ready to go find Suzuha when Hiyori stands up beside him with renewed energy.
“You’re a genius.”
Yato spent the rest of the day in a sour mood. Hiyori’s nosiness and meddling would only cause more trouble, and make him look less inconspicuous if he were to try and get more information when she’s tailing after him.
Yato’s own Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons consisted of a lecture on Cornish Pixies, fiendish little devils that delighted in causing havoc, as usually seen when it comes to the practical class. Takemikazuchi’s piercing gaze allowed no room for chatter or secret messages, like a hawk waiting for some helpless treat to scarper in his direction before it tears it to pieces. Paired with the scathing voice he used to talk down to them from his position on the balcony, his presence alone was enough to make even a seventh-year shiver in dread.
The loftiness of his aura lasts throughout the entire lesson, and even lingers when the bell rings seconds after he concludes the lesson and delivers their new assignment. The sharp scrapes of wood on stone fills the class as they’re dismissed, marking the end of the school day. Yato watches from the corner of his eye, noticing how the professor exits the class before anyone else as if in a hurry to go somewhere, despite their being no more classes for the day.
His eyes drop to the desk. If he were alone, he would have a snoop and see if there was anything damming in the drawers that could hint at what he wanted with the stone and what was in the chamber. A shadow of doubt crossed his mind. He wouldn’t leave anything in such an obvious place.
His privacy over Christmas break after his escapade with Hiyori – and the invisibility cloak – had allowed him to break back into the library. He’d wandered aimlessly through the bookshelves where Kuguha had been previously, though he had no idea what more information could be hidden that he had already found.
A nonchalant question to the librarian – in operating hours, of course – about famous stones had led his search to part of the library that wasn’t restricted. Large books of crimson and navy inscribed with gold, portraying famous witches and wizards who had created and discovered stones with magical properties – and what they were used for. Though he had no idea what kind of stone he was looking for, he had one lead.
Nicolas Flamel.
Whatever he’d made was in Vault 717, and it was removed before it could have been stolen. And now two of his professors were talking about it in the dark of an abandoned library.
The thought stayed with him as he left the class and headed towards the Great Hall. Then again, he didn’t really think of anything else. His eyes shifted to the window. Winter was truly here: by the time classes were finished there was no sunlight to enjoy, and the rain was even more torrential than it usually was for British weather. It would be a miracle if anyone would win the Quidditch Cup this year since the players would sooner get washed out by the storm that anyone catching the Snitch.
His eyes drifted back to the figures loitering in the arches, their backs turned to him. The closer he got he could see the crimson and gold fabric peeking out from their black robes. The distinguishable mess of Yukine’s hair and Hiyori’s overloaded satchel told him they were up to something – perhaps discussing Yato himself as they seemed to be in deep discussion.
Almost reluctantly Yato approached them. He wouldn’t apologise for his outburst, but he didn’t want to fall out with them completely. He stood between the pair who had just noticed his presence, both looking up at him simultaneously. A hint of guilt flashed across their faces as if they hand be caught red-handed. Well, red-booked.
“Ah…” Yukine said slowly, clocking what was about to happen. We’re in the shit now…
Yato’s attention fell on the scarlet book Hiyori was holding, inscribed in gold was the title: Famous Stones and Substances. His heart missed a beat. They’d been in the same section he had found out about Nicolas Flamel. They’d found the exact book he’d read.
His eyes darted back to Hiyori who had clutched the book to her chest, already too late to conceal the title and the uneasy look on her face. She looked at Yukine, who gave her a small nod as they both turned back to face Yato head-on. The look on his face told her that she’d better start talking before he did.
“We know about the Philosopher’s Stone.”
Instantly Yato grabbed Hiyori’s elbow and begins to steer her through the hallway. Hiyori reaches back and catches the scruff of Yukine’s robe before he can escape, fisting it in her hand and dragging him along. Yato was cursing under his breath, swears that are barely audible over Yukine’s protests as he and Hiyori were led away from the passing stares of students who were on their way to their dorms.
His grip didn’t loosen on Hiyori, and probably wouldn’t until they were somewhere private to talk. She didn’t attempt to struggle, seeing as Yato was more likely to talk now that she had done some digging of her own.
Yato’s quick pace led them to an unfamiliar part of the castle, silent except for the echoing of their footsteps and Yukine’s protests as he tried to detach himself from the situation, though it was his idea. Yato pushed open one of the doors lining the hall, towing Hiyori in, followed by Yukine who had accepted his fate as the door slammed shut behind them.
Yato dropped Hiyori’s elbow, plucking the book out of her arms. He walked away silently, turning the book over in his hands before dropping it to his side and leaning against a desk. He looked at the pair. Not with his usual glare, or the infuriated look he had that morning when Hiyori had mentioned it, but with one that was just exasperated.
Hiyori’s eyes shifted to the other side of the room, culpable and sheepish as the stifling silence drew out. Yukine hovered next to the door, debating whether he should leave them to it until Yato spoke up.
“I told you to drop it,” he said quietly, “and you went and did the opposite.”
“You can’t expect me to ignore what I heard when you’re acting so damn secretive!” Hiyori shot back, her head snapping back in irritation. He clearly knew something she didn’t, and she wasn’t going to let the topic slide so easily.
Yato’s expression changed from exasperated to his usual scowl. ��Have you considered that this is none of your business?”
“Have you considered not hiding things from your friends?” Hiyori mimicked his question, turning it back on him.
“For the last time,” Yato stood up straight, tucking the book under his arm and shoving his hand in his pocket. He crossed the room to where Hiyori stood. Though there was only a year between them, he still had a height over her which made her tilt her head to meet his eye. With a weighted finality, he finished his warning, “drop it.”
“I won’t!” Hiyori exclaimed, not breaking eye contact, “and that’s just going to cause more trouble for you, isn’t it?”
Yato stared at her, his jaw clenching slightly. This girl… Yato thought irritatedly. He couldn’t retort before she was giving her own kind of threat.
“So, pipe up or we will.” Hiyori glanced behind her back at Yukine who had been silent the entire time, watching the heated exchange.
He looked between the two, raising his shoulders with a shrug. “What she said,” he said.
Hiyori smiled slightly. Yukine backing her might sway Yato into talking more, even letting them help him with whatever had got him riled up. She looked back at Yato expectantly, her eyes telling him that she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Tch,” Yato made a frustrated sound, letting his eyes slide away in defeat. He would let his resolute stance on the issue waiver if it meant that Hiyori wouldn’t go shooting her mouth off again. He dropped the book back on the table and randomly opened it to a page before thumbing through it.
“What do you know?”
Hiyori and Yukine exchanged a look, and Yukine raised his chin as if to say, ‘Go on’. He walked forward, skirting around Yato who had an absorbed frown of concentration on his face, and sat on the desk behind so he was facing Yato, arms crossed.  
Hiyori followed his lead, coming closer until she was by Yato’s side and watched the blur of pages as Yato searched for a specific article, mumbling under his breath. Hiyori batted his hand away, flipping the book in the opposite direction to the page she had memorised. Assorted materials of stone, metal and leather crests stitched onto the thick pages between the cursive writing, which Hiyori began to read aloud:
“Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone,” she read slowly and clearly. Yato nodded his head, silently reading along with her.
“The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosophers Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers…”
“The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the elixir of life, which will make the drinker immortal.” Yato finished the passage for her.
They knew exactly what he knew about the stone, but not about its current whereabouts. Yet, none of them knew what it would be used for. Yato straightened up as Hiyori turned to look at him.
“Now,” she said calmly, “what do you know?”
Yato looked behind her to Yukine who raised his eyebrows. No point arguing, he had resigned himself from that fate the moment he opened the book.
“In the library, Takemikazuchi mentioned Nicolas Flamel. He also said, ‘whatever was in that vault is gone’,” Yato explained. Hiyori’s eyebrows drew together in confusion as Yato continued.
“A few months ago, you were reading the Daily Prophet. There was a break in at Gringotts – the wizard bank. Something from Vault 717 was stolen,” Yato’s explanation cleared Hiyori’s puzzled expression, surprised that he had recalled that article.
“So, you think that the Stone was stolen from Gringotts?” Yukine interjected. Yato nodded.
“But Takemikazuchi mentioned a Chamber… what chamber?” Hiyori looked between the Hufflepuff and Slytherin. It meant nothing to her, but to a wizard it might mean something.
Yato looked at her cautiously. He knew exactly what it meant: any Slytherin would, but their own conversation about the Hogwarts founders was fresh in his mind. In particular, the founder who hated muggleborn wizards, who desired a pureblood school. Who is said to have created a chamber containing a fierce beast that would one day purge the school of ‘dirty’ blood.
“It’s the Chamber of Secrets.”
After a rushed dinner, the three separately made their way to the meet up point to talk about the Chamber of Secrets.
Curled up once again in Yato’s hide out – with a vigilant determination not to fall asleep like last time –, the trio sat amongst an even bigger pile of cups which had accumulated over the remainder of Christmas break. Avoiding the mysteriously stained sofa, they grabbed cushions to sit on facing each other, expectantly waiting to hear the rest of the story before curfew started.
Yato wanted this conversation to be over as soon as possible. He drew a breath.
“The four founders of Hogwarts, the ones we studied,” Yato looked at Hiyori who nodded before continuing, “well, they had a disagreement.”
“About blood types?” Hiyori asked, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Yato nodded.
“Salazar Slytherin was the only one who wanted muggle restrictions, but the other didn’t.” Yukine chipped in.
Such legends as these must be passed around wizard children as their growing up, Hiyori thought, letting her gaze slide back to Yato.
“Well, long story short,” Yato said, leaning back on his elbows, “legend says he created a secret chamber before he left, in the dungeons.”
Yato finished his sentence there. Hiyori looked confused, whilst Yukine gave him an unimpressed glare.
“You and I both know that’s not the full story,” he said accusingly, “even Hiyori can tell!”
Yato grumbled, silently cursing Yukine for not letting the ending slide. Especially since it concerned muggleborns most of all.
“There may be something about a giant killer snake waiting to be unleashed to kill all the muggle in the school…” Yato mumbled quickly, avoiding Hiyori’s eye.
“WHAT?!” she nearly screeched before clapping her hands over her mouth in horror.
I knew this was a bad idea… Yato thought.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Yukine said, “it’s only a Basilisk, it won’t hurt you. But you will die if you see it.”
“Thank you for that nugget of information of how she may die,” Yato spat out the words, but Yukine only shrugged as if he had done her a favour. Yato looked back to Hiyori.
“The chamber can only be opened by the Heir of Slytherin,” he said calmly, hoping it would have an effect on Hiyori. She had removed one hand from her mouth, wrapping one arm around her legs whilst the other remained pressed in a fist to her mouth.
“As far as we know, there is no heir, and,” he said with a confident finality, “it’s just a legend.”
“A legend which two shady teachers are talking about, along with a mystical stone which is actually real.” Yukine chipped in once again. Yato stretched his leg and kicked Yukine in the side, just forcefully enough to topple him over and onto Hiyori, effectively knocking them both over.
Yukine began shouting profanities at Yato as he struggled to get off Hiyori as quickly as he could, his face already stained a deep crimson which nearly mirrored Hiyori’s pink cheeks. Unlike Yukine, she was smiling, temporarily distracted from the legend that may become history. Yato grinned, dodging the pillow missiles Yukine has started launching in his general direction as Hiyori tried to stifle her amusement.
Yato caught on of the pillows deftly and flung it back at Yukine, seizing the opportunity to end the conversation.
“It’s almost curfew,” he said, arching an eyebrow as Hiyori frantically looked at her watch, “don’t want to be late, do we?”
“You son of a –” Yukine began to cuss again, raising another pillow before he was grabbed by the back of his shirt.
Hiyori had started tugging him along and out of the door, shouting a hurried farewell to Yato who dodged the final pillow Yukine had managed to throw from the doorway before being unceremoniously dragged away.
Yato listened to their voices fade, his thoughts drifting back to the legend of the Chamber of Secrets.
How did the stone and the chamber interlink?
What were they being used for?
Whatever was about to happen, it wouldn’t be good.
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