#Also I can't draw bald people for shit... hair hides many sins. alas
emsloe · 2 years
1, 11, 13, 27, 33, and 50!!
Thank you!! :D I love getting a chance to talk about these guys! Please don't judge me too hard for the art LOL, I don't spent nearly as much time as I should drawing my OCs 1. Your first OC ever?
I genuinely don't remember which one was my first, but it was either Calamity or Vlad! Both of them went through multiple iterations, but Cal was the main character of the first novel I ever wrote (in middle school! iirc it ended up being 180k words long, holy shit) and Vlad didn't have anything consistent about his design other than "rainbow emo hair and red headphones." Vlad was a little bit of a joke OC that I mostly just drew when I felt like using colors while doodling, and Cal was a blue-haired, blue-eyed alien gal with superpowers
I just spent a million years trying to dig up photos of them for visuals LOL, but here's some art of them by baby emsloe!
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11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Oohhhh man I sat here for ages trying to think of one. Do I have any cheerful sunshiny OCs? I probably do but don't remember???? Everyone I can think of off the top of my head is at least a little angsty, oops
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Tef! Where she comes from, it’s common for people to name their kids after traits they want the kid to have, and her full given name is Instinctive. She exclusively goes by her nickname bc she’s really resentful about her full name - she tends to be super impulsive and it makes her life harder. She’s contrary as heck! But she’s well-intentioned and she tries so hard and her friends mostly accept that she sometimes shows affection by causing problems
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Seth was!! I was on the bus, doodling, and listening to this when I came up with him. He's changed a lot since then, and he definitely doesn't fit this song's vibes anymore, and also I still have NO idea what this song is about, but every time I hear it I still think "Ah, the Seth conception song"
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33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Serendipity, from the same world as Seth! Despite being buff and heavily tattooed and generally scary-looking, she's usually more intimidated by people than they are of her. She's also one of the nicest people in this story and if she were a little more outgoing I'd probably have listed her as the "sunshine" character for question 11
I also don't have any good art of her, but here's a sketch I did while trying to figure out what she looked like. I think I'm going to have her be More Buff than this though because why not:
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50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Thinking about and writing this story (with Seth and Tef and Sera, above) has been honestly so nice! This is the first time I've sat down to write a novel outside of nanowrimo since middle school, and it's so nice to have a self-indulgent project to put thought and effort into, ya know? Lots of found family, and people learning to heal and trust again. I'm just writing the kind of story that I want to read and so far it's been really fun! I've been trying to avoid yelling at people about it because the setting and backstories are a little hard to describe concisely though LOL
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