#Alba iulia
scavengedluxury · 2 months
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Apor Palace, Alba Iulia, 1986. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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hiddenromania · 2 years
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Coronation Cathedral interior, Alba Iulia, Romania
Enter this Orthodox cathedral, built in 1921–1922, and gaze upwards at the soaring ceiling, to see gold decorations and lavish icons.
The cathedral is designed in the shape of a Greek circumscribed cross. A 58m-tall bell tower rises above the complex. As a symbol of religious tolerance, it faces Roman Catholic St Michael's Cathedral.
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mioritic · 1 year
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Alba Iulia, Romania
6 May 2023
Fujifilm X100V
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Orphanage of Gyulafehérvár, modern-day Alba Iulia, Romania
Hungarian vintage postcard
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septentrrional · 2 years
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laivinduroriginal · 5 months
Defilare la Galați de Ziua Națională a României (program)
Bulevardul Brăilei din Galați se închide circulației astăzi, între orele 11.30 și 15.00, pentru parada militară de Ziua Națională a României. Va fi închis complet tronsonul cuprins între Strada Domnească și bulevardul George Coșbuc. Bulevardul Brăilei, tronsonul cuprins între Strada Cristofor Columb și Bulevardul George Coșbuc, pe direcția de mers către Bulevardul George Coșbuc, va rămâne…
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lowryinbohemia · 7 months
Sighișoara ➡️ Turda ➡️ Alba Iulia
OK so here’s what happened when we got to Sighișoara; we got to Sighișoara after touring through the villages and when we got to the hotel that evening after dinner that was when Mom discovered that she had accidentally left her passport in the room safe in Brasov. Panic, of course, ensued and there was much wailing but we are able to talk to her a wonderful tour leader John and he was able to help set up us up with a car and driver that would be able to drive me back to Brasov so I could pick up Mom’s passport, since Mom had a personal tour of nearby village already scheduled for that morning, and I really really didn’t want her to have to cancel. To put into perspective as to why I would go and get the passport instead of Mom, the village she was visiting was a central location in one of her all time favorite series of books, The Transylvania Chronicles.. You guys know how excited I was to see Hobbiton in New Zealand; well for Mom, seeing this village was like seeing Hobbiton for her because it was a village from one of her favorite series of books. So the next morning after a short breakfast, I got in the car with a very lovely driver name Grigor who drove quite fast yet safely all the way back to Brasov and I was able to pick up Mom‘s passport and get it safely back to her. There was much for joy and much relief and but I did however give Mom a whole lot of grief for the fact that she left her passport in the safe in the Hotel. But I will give this for the Romanian people, they are lovely human beings, who really like to help others in need and I was so incredibly grateful. Not just to John and to Grigor but also for the people at the hotel, who were graciously found Mom’s passport, locked behind the desk and were willing to work with us so that I could be able to come and pick it up so Mom wouldn’t have to trade her let her once in a lifetime tour. However, because of all the fast driving and the anxiety and the adrenaline, I proceeded to then get a giant migraine, so the rest of the afternoon I was asleep, while the rest of the tour group went around the town. Kind of bummed that I didn’t get to see much of Sighișoara, but I did get to see enough, which included the ancient clock tower in the middle of the city.
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The next morning, we loaded up in the van again and this time we made our way towards the salt mines in Turda. Mom didn’t join us for this part because she does not do well with heights and claustrophobia so Pat and I were the intrepid adventures into this ancient and massive salt mine. This mine was SERIOUSLY so cool and there’s even a small amusement/fun park at the bottom. I got to play pool at 120 meters below surface level, with a Ferris wheel in the background. Super surreal and seriously awesome.
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I will skip describing our interesting lunch of trout with the HEAD still attached, and just say we ate lunch and then made our way to Alba Iulia, which the location of there the documents of liberty for Romania were signed. We toured a beautiful Roman Catholic Church of St Michael and the ancient Roman grounds. We then had a delicious medieval dinner in the part of the ruins which used to be the armory and gunpowder room, which was very nice & we got to have the traditional Romanian dessert of doughnut with sour cream and jam.
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So now Mom and Pat and I are all cuddled up in our rooms at….and I’m literally not kidding here….HOTEL TRANSLYVANIA.
Till tomorrow friends
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vatroslavb · 9 months
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Peace, quiet, high ceiling, what more could you want...
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albacarolinatv · 1 year
     O tânără s-a aruncat în râul Ampoi    
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Percheziții în Alba. Au furat... țigări, multe țigări
Percheziții în Alba. Au furat… țigări, multe țigări
Polițiștii din Alba Iulia, efectuează în această dimineață, 8 noiembrie 2022, 3 percheziții în Blaj și Alba Iulia la persoane bănuite de furt calificat. Potrivit unui comunicat al Poliției Române, în luna octombrie 2022, doi bărbați, din Alba Iulia și Blaj, ar fi pătruns prin efracție în două unități comerciale din municipiul Alba Iulia. De acolo ar fi plecat în special cu țigarete în valoare de…
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rudyroth79 · 2 years
Știri: Editura Ars Longa la Târgul de Carte „Alba Transilvana” (15 septembrie 2022)
Știri: Editura Ars Longa la Târgul de Carte „Alba Transilvana” (15 septembrie 2022)
După o pauză de doi ani, Târgul de Carte „Alba Transilvana”, ajuns la a XIII-a ediție, își redeschide porțile în acest an, în intervalul 14–17 septembrie 2022, pe esplanada din fața Muzeului Național al Unirii din Alba Iulia. Prezența Editurii Ars Longa este marcată prin lansarea unui număr de 19 volume, joi, 15 septembrie 2022, începând cu ora 16.00: Giuliano Ladolfi – Atest prezența (poeme),…
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Spectacol excepțional marca Teatrul Ion Creangă în cinematografele din Craiova
Spectacol excepțional marca Teatrul Ion Creangă în cinematografele din Craiova
Hai la teatru în orașul tău! În weekendul 11-12 iunie, locuitorii orașului Craiova sunt invitați să urmărească pe marele ecran al cinematografului proiecția spectacolului „Hainele cele noi ale împăratului”, o producție extraordinară a Teatrului Ion Creangă, după o poveste a lui Hans Christian Andersen. Duminică, 12 iunie, de la ora 12:00, spectacolul va fi proiectat pe marele ecran al Inspire…
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acumtv · 2 years
700 de credincioși din Protopopiatul Onești, prezenți la Centenarul Coroanei
700 de credincioși din Protopopiatul Onești, prezenți la Centenarul Coroanei
De Ziua Națională a Regalității în Arhiepiscopia Alba Iulia a fost mare sărbatoare, iar Bacăul, mai precis zona Oneștiului, a fost bine reprezentată de peste 700 de pelerini, atât credincioși cât și preoți din zona Protopopiatului Onești. Aceștia au mers la Alba Iulia, dar înainte au făcut un scurt popas de rugăciune la Mânăstirea de la Prislop. Iată că la 100 de ani, la Alba Iulia, au ajuns…
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barnbridges · 7 months
in the 80s romanian version, iulian minulescu-osuleanu is the local banned priest, henri iernescu is the average romanian guy that goes to church, and ricardo cărtărescu comes from cluj. to match the setting of vermont, this is all happening in like... alba iulia.
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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mioritic · 4 months
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Thirteen photos taken in 2023
Basilica di San Clemente, Rome, Italy, 28.01.23
Bușteni, Romania, 21.02.23
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, 27.01.23
Mănăstirea Probota (Dolhasca), Romania, 11.04.23
Obelisk of Horia, Cloșca, & Crișan, Alba Iulia, Romania, 06.05.23
Casa Storck, Bucharest, Romania, 06.10.23
Pfarrkirche hl. Augustinus, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria, 20.07.23
Mănăstirea Voroneț (Gura Humorului), Romania, 10.04.23
Vienna, Austria, 09.02.23
Rome, Italy, 27.01.23
Mănăstirea Sf. Ioan cel Nou, Suceava, Romania, 09.04.23
Sibiu, Romania, 06.05.23
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 09.05.23
Portraits of friends, family, loved ones not pictured.
Taken on a Fuji X100V — I post more photos on my Flickr
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