#Alan Wallerstein
70sscifiart · 2 years
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Alan Wallerstein
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woppy-my-beloved · 2 years
Damon Herriman will play a part in the new Robbie Williams Musical movie about his life.
EXCLUSIVE: Principal photography has begun on Better Man, and Deadline has the first image from production. This is the musical feature film based on the life of singer Robbie Williams, with Australian filmmaker Michael Gracey at the helm. Gracey’s debut film, The Greatest Showman, grossed over $435M at the global box office.
Williams makes his feature debut playing one of the iterations of himself, of which there are several. Another is played by rising UK star Jonno Davies (Hunters, Kingsman: The Secret Service), who plays Williams throughout his younger adult life, with British stage and screen veterans Steve Pemberton (Inside No. 9, Killing Eve) and Alison Steadman (The Kings Man, Roald & Beatrix). The film’s Australian cast includes Damon Herriman (Judy & Punch), Kate Mulvany (Elvis) and Anthony Hayes (War Machine).
Currently filming in Melbourne, Australia, Better Man is an introspective look at the rise, fall and resurrection of UK superstar Robbie Williams, one of the bestselling artists of all time. From his humble upbringing in Stoke-On-Trent, England, Williams was catapulted to fame in the early nineties at the tender age of fifteen, as a founding member of the era’s biggest British boy band. The singer found further success as a solo artist, with 11 out of 12 of his studio albums charting number one in the UK. Better Man aims to give audiences a powerful and unique insight into how Williams sees himself and the demons he has battled both on and off stage. Gracey will bring light to the incredible highs and lows of a rock star’s journey by satirizing moments inspired by the artist’s life story. The fantastical musical will be filled with reimagined versions of Williams’ hit music, dancing, and spectacular sets melded with stunning visual effects created by the team at Weta FX.
International sales are being handled by Rocket Science.
Gracey is repped by CAA, Partizan, and Hirsch Wallerstein; Williams is CAA and ie:music ltd. Davies is Denton Brierley, Gersh, Alan Siegel Entertainment and attorney Lucy Popkin.
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cluboftigerghost · 2 years
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Alan Wallerstein https://ift.tt/Td1IAXh
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radyobalfm · 4 years
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Almanya’da Müslüman belediye başkanı adayı tepkiler nedeniyle çekildi Ülke basınında yer alan haberlere göre, Türk kökenli iş adamı Şahin, 15 Mart'ta yapılacak Bavyera yerel seçimlerinde Wallerstein beldesi belediye başkanlığı için Hristiyan Sosyal Birlik Partisi'nden (CSU) aday oldu.
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clubofinfo · 5 years
Expert: Two of my regular readers sent me indications that I was not clear in my explanation of what I was talking about when I spoke of unacceptable compromises. I shall attempt to answer their queries and objections. Let me start by reproducing what they sent me. The first was a query from Alan Maki who had one concern which was the word: “compromise.” I reproduce it here: “What are you talking about compromising on?” The second email was from Mike Miller whose query was much longer. Let me respond to each of them. I know that the author of this query was an activist in the Ontario Labour Party and devoted much energy to obtaining the victory of the Labour Party, which he saw as a rejection of the parties of no change. They rotated between the Center Left and a Center Right version of changeless policies. Analytically my correspondent interpreted the electoral victory of the Labour Party as a demand for significant change. Mike Miller said that the successful creation of a strong union called The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) over the past twenty or fifty years, despite all the attempts to crush it, is evidence that change is possible. The victory of the Ontario Labour Party and the ability of the ILWU to beat back all attempts to crush it are evidence that change is possible and cannot be called unacceptable. Both objections miss the point. I do not deny that the electoral victory of the Labour Party was a great achievement. I salute it and do so publicly as a wonderful achievement. I do not deny that the ability of the ILWU to resist all the many attempts to crush it is a great achievement. I salute it. This is precisely the point why these are compromises are unacceptable. Not everybody who lives in Ontario, Canada, will benefit by the achievement of the electoral victory of the Labour Party. There will be losers. There are those who are outside this party’s structure in Ontario or outside any party structure whatsoever. They gain nothing and may lose something by the victory of the Ontario Labour Party. I do not deny that the ability of the ILWU to beat back all the many attempts to crush it was a great achievement. Nonetheless it is unacceptable because persons who are not members of the ILWU are excluded from its benefits and therefore are not included in the favorable results of the ILWU. So, I repeat, every achievement involves militancy, but also short-run compromises as can be seen by reading the history of the ILWU (see in the network for the item entitled The ILWU Story). The achievements in both cases were enormous. The benefits were and will be enormous. But precisely for this reason benefits have to be assessed against the balance of the exclusions that the benefits brought. Following the situation in each case shows that to achieve what they did achieve involved compromises. This may be the benefit of the struggle, but the necessary compromises that are unacceptable because they exclude others were part of the achievement and those necessary compromises made possible the achievements. The post Unacceptable compromises: A clarification appeared first on Immanuel Wallerstein. http://clubof.info/
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bipoloji · 5 years
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sizekitap · 6 years
Kaos ve Belirsizlik
Kaos ve Belirsizlik Immanuel Wallerstein Kopernik Kitap
Immanuel Wallerstein’ın 1950’lerden itibaren başlayan yazı hayatı neredeyse 70 yıla yaklaşmaktadır. Soğuk Savaş yılları sırasında Amerika’daki McCartism üzerine yaptığı master tezi ile başlayan yazı ve düşünce hayatı genişleyerek devam etmiş ve bir süre sonra Batı dışı toplumlara, özellikle Afrika çalışmalarına yönelmiştir. 1970’lerden itibaren kendini son beş asrın dünya tarihindeki gelişmeleri anlamaya adamıştır. 1974’te ilk cildini yayımladığı ve hâlen devam eden en önemli çalışması The Modern World System’de, dünya tarihinde ilk defa ortaya çıkan bir dünya sisteminin oluşumunu incelemektedir. Wallerstein, bütün enerjisini ve analizlerini bu sistemi anlamaya ve gelecekte olanları tahmin etmeye adamış önemli bir düşünce insanıdır.
Bu kitapta yer alan yazılar, Wallerstein’in son iki yılda (Ocak 2016-Aralık 2017) kaleme aldığı siyasî/ekonomik analizlerinden oluşmaktadır. Orta Doğu’dan Çin’e, Fransa’dan Peru’ya ve Trump’tan Erdoğan’a kadar çok geniş bir yelpazeyi kapsayan bu metinler, yazarın temel tezlerini günlük analizlerine nasıl yansıttığını göstermesi bakımından son derece kıymetlidir.
Yazarı Sizekitap’da Ara Yazarı Twitter’da Ara Kitabı Twitter’da Ara Yazarı Facebook’ta Ara Kitabı Facebook’ta Ara
devamı burada => https://is.gd/bfZarM
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ebookindiroku-blog · 6 years
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi Ebook
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi Immanuel Wallerstein tarafından ortaya atılan Dünya Sistemleri Analiz’e göre,dünyadaki tüm ekonomiler ve toplumlar birbirlerine organik bir şekilde bağlıdırlar.merkezde yer alan,gelişmiş ve erken kapitalistleşmiş ülkeler,sermaye transferine ihtiyaç duyan az gelişmiş ülkelerin kaynaklarını kendi çıkarları adına merkezde yer alan ve dünya ekonomik sistemini yöneten ülkelerin etrafında onlara bağımlı pasif çevre ülkeleri oluşmaktır.
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi Ebook
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guncelpdfindir-blog · 6 years
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi Immanuel Wallerstein tarafından ortaya atılan Dünya Sistemleri Analiz’e göre,dünyadaki tüm ekonomiler ve toplumlar birbirlerine organik bir şekilde bağlıdırlar.merkezde yer alan,gelişmiş ve erken kapitalistleşmiş ülkeler,sermaye transferine ihtiyaç duyan az gelişmiş ülkelerin kaynaklarını kendi çıkarları adına merkezde yer alan ve dünya ekonomik sistemini yöneten ülkelerin etrafında onlara bağımlı pasif çevre ülkeleri oluşmaktır.
Çevrenin İmparatorluğu Rusya ve Dünya Sistemi
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gheconomicsblog · 7 years
The Contradiction of capitalism
Few of the super-rich are scientists or inventors who have reshaped our understanding of our abilities and of the world around us. Think of Alan Turing whose mathematical genius provided the basis for much of our modern computer systems. Think of Watson and Crick who unravelled DNA. Think of Brattain and Shockley who invented transistors. So why are they not rich? And what is the contradiction here? Thomas Piketty and Joseph Stiglitz view capital as at least partly to blame, or at least the way our economic systems treat it.
Piketty argues that the beginning of this century once again saw r>g in the US and to a degree in Britain as well. Where r= average annual rate of return on capital (e.g. profits, dividend and rent), and g= the rate of growth of the economy. The argument is that wealth is growing quicker than wages or output. Few economics aside from those in the process of transitioning to a developed one e.g. China, can expect to achieve more than 2% growth, or at least certainly not the 4-5% increase as in wealth. The entrepreneur becomes a rentier, relying on their capital and increasingly dominant over those who have nothing to offer but their labour. This leads to a divergence in the economy as the wealth distribution becomes more unequal. Taken further and with an eye on history one could therefore argue that immense wealth inequalities “have little to do with entrepreneurial spirit and are of no use in promoting growth” ([1] page 571). Nor is it of any “common utility” to borrow a phrase from the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
However we are warned that indiscriminate capital tax would reduce incentives to those who are indeed entrepreneurs and those who are not acting in the role of a rentier. Instead Piketty advocates a progressive annual tax on capital to avoid an endless spiral towards an increasingly inegalitarian society, whilst preserving competition and incentives. Stiglitz backs up this view in his argument that the right wing in the US have overestimated the costs to incentives of progressive taxation and have underestimated the possible benefits. Indeed Stiglitz places particular emphasis on rent seeking and its links to inequality in his work. [4]
In 2016 Oxfam claimed that 62 people own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population [2], and in 2017 revised that number down to 8 [3] (although the 2nd figure is somewhat disputed). In light of Wallerstein’s “world systems theory”* [5] if such ideas as rent seeking are applied to the global economic system one is left to question if global inequalities will become further entrenched as we turn towards the future.
*The idea that the global economic system has “core” countries with highly developed technology and high wages, and “periphery” countries with primary product based exports and lower wages. The periphery countries are kept in a place of dependency on the core via their exploitation. A neo-Marxist theory in which the core could be seen much like a global bourgeoisie and the periphery as the global proletariat.
Clemmie Rimmer
[1] Thomas Piketty: 2013: Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Harvard University Press
[2] http://www.oxfam.org.uk/media-centre/press-releases/2016/01/62-people-own-same-as-half-world-says-oxfam-inequality-report-davos-world-economic-forum
[3] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38642612
[4] Joseph E Stiglitz: 2013: The Price of Inequality: Penguin Books
[5] Andrew Heywood: 2011: Global Politics: palgrave foundations
[6] https://anticap.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/ss-120502-1percent-03-ss_full.jpg
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70sscifiart · 8 years
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Alan Wallerstein
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