#Alain de Lille
iridediluce · 2 years
IL "ROMAN DE LA ROSE ": La biblioteca del Sapere Medievale
IL “ROMAN DE LA ROSE “: La biblioteca del Sapere Medievale
Riunendo tutti gli aspetti del medioevo poetico, il Roman de la Rose copre quasi tutti i generi del XIII secolo e presenta, per così dire, la somma della letteratura medievale . Quest’opera, probabilmente la più importante della letteratura allegorica medievale “sia nelle sue dimensioni che nella sua perfezione tecnica” (Strubel, 1989, p. 199)  , costruisce, per dire metaforicamente, un’intera…
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breannasfluff · 6 months
I'm late to the online creator appreciation day but I shall make up for it in enthusiasm!!!
I'm gonna be honest, it's almost embarrassing how often I try to rope my irl friend (and sometimes complete strangers lol) into conversations about LOZ->LU->Breannasfluff
The French theologian, Alain de Lille once said, "All roads lead to breannasfluff fics" or something like that idk
My friend I simply cannot put into words how cool your works are and how much they've inspired me. I'm so grateful for how your fics have touched my heart and so very grateful to have met you and your circle of friends online. Every once-in-a-blue moon I find fics that stay in my heart. Often they were few and far between, but you have become a core author for me. I'm able to browse through your collection and know that no matter what I click on, I'm gonna thoroughly enjoy it. I'm not even sure how I found the first fic I ever read from you but at this point I'll just chalk it up to fate. I feel so excited whenever you announce a new project or tease an idea for a new chapter. I like carving out a little time in my day too curl up and scroll through a new chapter and smile at whatever fluffy shenanigans you've got the LU boys involved in next. The good feelings I get from your fics permeate all aspects of my life. Instead of just a little pocketful of happy fics, I've got a whole catalogue of good vibes to go back to and read until I fall asleep. Good dreams in sleep and in the waking world because of it.
You're a blessing, Bre. Never forget that 💛
I love that I'm quoted in french history <3 I've made it, ya'll! And look, I'll take appreciation any day of the week don't worry ;)
Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm so happy I got to meet you and that you commented your way through all the stories! I had a lot of fun reading that.
I can't wait to get to know you more moving forward!
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merrymorningofmay · 11 months
As in Alain de Lille’s De planctu, written a century later, the sodomitical act is seen [in Peter Damian's Liber Gomorrhianus] as an attack on a collective body of males which is, nonetheless, referred to as feminine – Mother Nature and Mother Church. ... Femininity acts then both as a wall which demarcates the male collective, a sort of womb which gives structure to the community but which has no place within, and as the devouring she-monster which attacks that wall and rapes the men within, the very embodiment of sodomy itself: This utterly diseased Queen of Sodom renders him who obeys the laws of her tyranny infamous to men and odious to God.
William E. Burgwinkle, Sodomy, Masculinity, and Law in Medieval Literature: France and England, 1050–1230
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medievalistsnet · 2 years
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toda la creación del mundo / como un libro y una pintura / es como un espejo para nosotros». (Alain de Lille en su obra Rythmus P.L. 210, 579 AB)
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Mercato en National : dernière journée très mouvementée avec GOAL FC, SO Cholet, Epinal...
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La dernière journée du mercato pour les clubs de National le 31 janvier a été intense, avec des départs et des renforts pour plusieurs équipes. GOAL FC, SO Cholet, le FC Martigues, Epinal, le FC Sochaux-Montbéliard, le FC Versailles 78, et le FC Villefranche-Beaujolais ont tous été actifs sur le marché des transferts, scellant des accords cruciaux pour renforcer leurs effectifs. GOAL FC : Boubakar Camara en provenance de la D2 hollandaise GOAL FC frappe fort en cette fin de mercato en recrutant l'attaquant Boubakar Camara, qui arrive en provenance du FC Dordrecht, évoluant en deuxième division hollandaise. À seulement 22 ans, Boubakar Camara, formé au RC Lens et prêté au Mans FC, est un atout offensif prometteur à l'équipe. Lire aussi : Valenciennes FC prête Jawed Kalai et Sofiane en National 2 SO Cholet mise sur Ivane Chegra en prêt SO Cholet sécurise un prêt clé en obtenant les services du milieu de terrain Ivane Chegra, en provenance de l'AC Ajaccio. À seulement 19 ans, Chegra représente un investissement dans le futur pour l'équipe, avec l'objectif d'ajouter de la profondeur au milieu de terrain et de lui offrir de nouvelles opportunités de jeu. FC Martigues s'offre Alain Ipiélé, co-meilleur passeur de la saison dernière Le FC Martigues annonce fièrement la signature d'Alain Ipiélé, un milieu de terrain de 26 ans en provenance de Dunkerque. Co-meilleur passeur de la saison dernière, Ipiélé devrait apporter sa créativité et son sens du jeu au service de l'équipe, et renforcer ainsi le milieu de terrain du club. SAS Epinal : une vague de nouveaux talents Sans conteste le club le plus actif de cette journée mouvementée, Epinal enregistre plusieurs arrivées importantes. Kamel Bennekrouf, Hugo Chambon, Baptiste Aloé, Morgan Bokélé Mputu, Yann Godart, et Sidy Sarr rejoignent les rangs du club. Ces renforts tant attendus visent à renforcer les secteurs offensif et défensif d'Epinal, les ambitions du club pour la saison en cours sont assez élevées. FC Sochaux-Montbéliard : retour de Boris Moltenis après une aventure à l'étranger Le FC Sochaux-Montbéliard accueille le retour du défenseur Boris Moltenis, après deux ans et demi passés à l'étranger. À 24 ans, Boris Moltenis revient avec une expérience internationale qui devrait renforcer la défense du club, il vient avec sa technicité et sa vision du jeu. FC Versailles 78 : Gaoussou Traoré en provenance de Serbie Le FC Versailles 78 se tourne vers l'international en enrôlant Gaoussou Traoré, milieu de terrain provenant du Radnicki Nis en Serbie. À 24 ans, Gaoussou Traoré représente un ajout précieux au milieu de terrain du club, grâce à son physique et sa technique. FC Villefranche-Beaujolais : renforts en défense et en attaque Le FC Villefranche-Beaujolais renforce ses lignes avec l'officialisation des arrivées de Rosario Latouchent en défense et d'Amine Messoussa en attaque. Rosario Latouchent, 27 ans, vient du CS Otelul Galati, tandis que Amine Messoussa, 19 ans, est prêté par Lille OSC. Ces renforts ciblés visent à solidifier la structure de l'équipe et à répondre aux exigences de la compétition. Voir également : Régional 1 : Lesquin s'offre Escaudain, le leader, avec une victoire de 2 buts à 1 Un mercato en National sous le signe du renouveau Cette dernière journée du mercato national a été une véritable danse des transferts, avec des clubs de National qui ont su tirer profit des opportunités pour renforcer leurs effectifs. Entre retours, jeunes talents prometteurs, et recrutements internationaux, les équipes se préparent à affronter la seconde moitié de la saison avec ambition et détermination. Read the full article
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lonesomemao · 7 months
Me semble-t-il
Alain Guillemin
Reprend possession
Des locaux de la FAL
En Ex-Président
Grand spécialiste de la laïcité de notre pays
A la table où il parlait
Un buste masculin une sommité locale
Le lieu 20 rue de Lille étant chargé d'histoire
Vendredi 15 septembre 2023
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jakez19 · 8 months
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folkmusicplus · 1 year
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Song listing:
1.Sås & Kopp - Trampolin
2.Les Déménageurs - Bonjour Tout Va Bien
3.Herbie Treehead - Change song
4.Mek Pek - Stop Den Lille Kænguru
5.Alma Zenekar - Tudom Én Mar, Mit Csinálok
6.Alain Le Lait - En Voici, En Voilà
7.Locomondo - Den Kanei Krio
8.Buscapólos - Tito Troca-Tintas
9.Alex Schmeisser - Anneliese
10.Ian F. Benzie - I’se the B’y
11.De Band Krijgt Kinderen - Alles Uit De Kast
12.Biella Nuei - Trantainas De La Casa Sin Pared
13.Roland Zoss - Bärengeburi-Bubuland
14.Giovanni Caviezel - La Canzone Del Battello A Vapore
15.Sharon Shannon - Sandy River Belle
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msreginamiills · 1 year
"Every creature in the world is like a book and a picture and a mirror for us." | Alain de Lille
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Camereren - teksten van Fernand Deligny
Sabzian publiceert de komende maanden de eerste Nederlandstalige vertalingen van enkele teksten van Fernand Deligny over de notie van het camereren. Deligny’s filmproducties en audiovisuele experimenten gingen samen met geschreven reflecties over de camera. Zijn schriftuur wordt gekenmerkt door vormelijke wildheid en raadselachtigheid, vol woordspelingen, provocaties en boutades. Hij schreef verschillende teksten over camereren, een werkwoord dat zich onderscheidt van wat we doorgaans filmen noemen. Via dit neologisme opende hij een uniek perspectief op de camera.
Met de steun van LUCA School of Arts, #LUCABreakout.
Het leven en werk van Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) stond grotendeels in het teken van een pedagogisch samenleven met psychisch “onhandelbare” jongeren. Zo richtte hij een opvangnetwerk van jeugdherbergen op voor deliquente jongeren in La Grande Cordée (1955-1962) en leefde hij samen met non-verbale, autistische kinderen in de Cevennen (1967-1986). Zijn radicaliteit bestond erin om deze “abnormalen” en hun conditie niet te socialiseren maar zich net af te zetten van de sociale verwachtingen waarvoor ze te kort leken te schieten. Met zijn team van niet-professionele opvoeders werkte hij vanuit afzondering, vanuit een experimenteel denken en handelen dat de conventionele taal en (denk)beelden op het spel zette. Hierdoor onstond er binnen deze leefnetwerken een verzameling aan eigenaardige teksten, tekeningen, fotografische en audiovisuele beelden.
Doorheen zijn leven ontwikkelde Deligny een unieke relatie tot film, en meer in het bijzonder tot de camera. Als student aan de universiteit van Rijsel spendeerde hij veel tijd in de bioscoop en schreef hij tal van filmbesprekingen voor het studentenblad Lille université. In La Grande Cordée plande hij samen met jongeren filmopnames, maar door budgettaire problemen werden die niet gerealiseerd. Uiteindelijk zou dit idee resulteren in de productie van de langspeelfilm Le moindre geste (1971) in de Cevennen. Daarna werkte Deligny nog mee aan drie langspeelfilms: Ce gamin, là (1976) en Fernand Deligny. À propos d’un film à faire (1989), beide geregisseerd door Renaud Victor, en Project N (1979), geregisseerd door Alain Cazuc. In het leefnetwerk in de Cevennen werden tal van (onuitgegeven) video-opnames gemaakt door zijn dochter Caroline Deligny en Josette Saleil. Hij correspondeerde verder ook met filmmakers als François Truffaut, Chris Marker en Robert Kramer.
Deligny’s filmproducties en audiovisuele experimenten gingen samen met geschreven reflecties over de camera. Zijn schriftuur wordt gekenmerkt door vormelijke wildheid en raadselachtigheid, vol woordspelingen, provocaties en boutades. Hij schreef verschillende teksten over camereren, een werkwoord dat zich onderscheidt van wat we doorgaans filmen noemen. Via dit neologisme opende hij een uniek perspectief op de camera. Ook vandaag nog werpen deze teksten accurate educatieve en artistieke vragen op over hoe we ons als kijkende mens tot de camera, de cinema, de wereld en “de ander” verhouden. Sabzian publiceert de komende maanden de eerste Nederlandstalige vertalingen van enkele teksten van Deligny over de notie van het camereren.
– Mattijs Driesen
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Após o grande sucesso de seu último lançamento ‘Ategnatos’ (2019) que os levou para uma turnê Mundial que inclusive passou pela América Latina, ELUVEITIE retorna com um novo single ‘Aidus’ que promete ser um início de uma nova Era para a banda. O fundador da banda Chrigel Glanzmann comentou a nova fase: “Definitivamente é uma das músicas mais pesadas que o Eluveitie já lançou. É uma consequência natural de nossa jornada espiritual que “Ategnatos” iniciou: Não somos mais uma “banda de metal celta”... uma banda que canta sobre a História Celta. Somos celtas tocando heavy metal com todos os nossos corações. Não somos mais uma “banda de metal pagão”. Somos pagãos que tocam heavy metal com todos os nossos corações, derrubando princípios de nossa sociedade moderna com uma mensagem do passado que os corta como uma faca cirúrgica. Certamente é a melhor forma que encontrei para descrever este novo single. Lidem com isso!” A música acompanha um videoclipe que você pode assistir aqui: https://youtu.be/7nFc-oS7dv0 Ouça a música aqui: https://eluveitie.bfan.link/aidus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nFc-oS7dv0 ELUVEITIE está atualmente em turnê com os veteranos da Finlândia, o AMORPHIS. Você pode ver a banda em turnê nestas datas: 11.11.              DE       Filderstadt – Filharmonie 13.11.              IT         Milan – Live Club 15.11.              FR        Toulouse – Le Bikini 18.11.              FR        Lyon – Le Radiant 19.11.              FR        Paris – L’Olympia 20.11.              FR        Lille – L’Aeronef 22.11.              IE         Dublin – Academy 23.11.              UK       Glasgow – QMU 24.11.              UK       Manchester – O2 Ritz 25.11.              UK       London – O2 Forum Kentish Town 26.11.              BE        Brussels – Ancienne Belgique 27.11.              NL        Tilburg – O13 29.11.              DK       Copenhagen – Amager Bio 30.11.              NO       Oslo – Sentrum Scene 01.12.              SE        Stockholm – Fallan 05.12.              PL        Warsaw – Progresja 06.12.              DE       Berlin – Huxleys 09.12.              DE       Munich – Zenith 10.12.              DE       Leipzig – Felsenkeller 12.12.              HU       Budapest – Barba Negra 14.12.              DE       Wiesbaden – Schlachthof 15.12.              LU        Esch/Alzette – Rockhal 16.12.              DE       Oberhausen – Turbinenhalle 17.12.              DE       Hamburg - Zeltphilharmonie ELUVEITIE é: Chrigel Glanzmann - vocais, flautas, mandola, gaitas de fole, bodhran Fabienne Erni – vocais, harpa celta, bandolim Alain Ackermann - bateria Rafael Salzmann - guitarra Jonas Wolf - guitarra Kay Brem - baixo Michalina Malisz – hurdy gurdy Matteo Sisti - flautas, mandola, gaitas de fole Nicole Ansperger – violino ELUVEITIE online: Website http://www.eluveitie.ch/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/eluveitie Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eluveitie_official/ Twitter https://twitter.com/eluveitie
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years
The Sermon as Window into Medieval Society
According to Master Peter the Chanter, preaching was the highest duty of the theologian. By preaching (praedicatio) the knowledge gained in the schools -by lectio and disputatio- could be made useful for the rest of society. [... But s]ermons are a source more valuable to the social, than the intellectual historian. Still, for better or worse, they are the best evidence we have for what was taught to the people of Christian doctrine and morality. John Baldwin was certainly on the right track when he suggested that Jacques’ sermons and exempla popularized the morality taught by the masters at Paris. Did the sermons actually change peoples’ lives or behavior? We cannot know for sure. But the Sermones ad status are the supreme testament to the efforts of Paris masters around 1200 to develop and publicize a Christian morality for all ranks and orders of society. [...] The harsh criticism of knights found in the four sermons ad potentes et milities might have had as much to do with Jacques’ experience in the East and on the disasterous Fifth Crusade as with conditions he recalled from his years in France. Alan of Lille, in the model sermo ad milities, had charged, “They are not knights now, but robbers and thieves, not our defenders, but our attackers.” Jacques repeats and elaborates on these charges against the ordo bellatorum for oppression and violence. He is more original when preaching about tourneys. In Et nunc reges, Jacques defends the Church’s prohibition of Christian burial to those killed participating in tournaments by arguing that they are alluring occasions for all seven vices. Speaking especially vividly about the avarice occasioned by tournaments, Jacques condemns the excessive exactions for lavish feasts, the unnecessary trampling of fields, and the molestation of the poor and peasants. This apparent sympathy for the plight of the poor is also found in the sermons to peasants. Those who labor in the fields, Jacques insists, have no less merit than those who spend all day singing in Church. Many poor farmers, he observes, work harder at sustaining their families than do monks in the cloister or priests in their parishes. “We should work in this world,” he preaches in one sermon, “in order that we might rest and collect the fruit in the next.” On the other hand, he complains of the avarice of those peasants who sin not only by working on feastdays, but who also take advantage of their more pious neighbors by robbing their fields and vineyards while they are at mass.
- Stephen C. Ferruolo (Preaching to the Clergy and Laity in Early Thirteenth-Century France: Jacques of Vitry’s Sermones ad status)
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upennmanuscripts · 4 years
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Ms. Codex 615 - De planctu naturae
This manuscript features The plaint of nature, an ethical treatise by the French theologian and writer Alain de Lille on human failings in prose and verse, modeled on the De consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius. There are many contemporary marginal and interlinear notes throughout the manuscript. It was possibly written in Bohemia in 1365 CE. 
Is this not enough? Click here for additional information, or here to see the facsimile.
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timespanner · 6 years
In that dispirited century, the absolute space which had inspired the hexameters of Lucretius, the absolute space which had meant liberation to Bruno, became a labyrinth and an abyss for Pascal. He abhorred the universe and would have liked to adore God; but God, for him, was less real than the abhorred universe. He deplored the fact that the firmament did not speak, and he compared our life with that of castaways on a desert island. He felt the incessant weight of the physical world, he experienced vertigo, fright and solitude, and he put his feelings into these words: "Nature is an infinite sphere, whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere." 
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tototavros · 4 years
christian attempts at "proving" theology will never stop being funny
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