twothpaste · 1 year
chapter opener i finished recently, featuring a tazmily town hall meeting where lucas n' his neighbors debate the fate of chimeras in a postgame world :')
When Porky took Leder, there'd been no place left for him anyways. His bell tower soon to be razed, and paved right over. His memory, ironically enough, soon to be unceremoniously dissolved. Surely his height marked him as an untenable outlier. His sealed lips, insubordination of the highest degree. Silence was heresy back in those days. It branded little Lucas a black sheep, too. Sob your guts out, or concede there was nothin' left to say. Either way, you're outta line. Y'couldn't win, with neighbors turned swine.
Kid had proven his heart the biggest outta all of 'em. Did it long before layin' hands on any o' those Needles. Stop short at the crossroads, to take an upward gander. The tall, vast, heavenward gap between six years old n' twenty feet tall. He'd shield his sun-dazzled eyes, lifting a freckled forearm. Wave his spare hand. Sway its precious cargo.
"Hiya, Mister Leder. How're you today?"
A smile flittered down, carried by the mornin' shine.
"Eheh. M'glad to hear it. Psst. Hey. I gotcha summ'n…"
A hesitant hand descended. All taffy-stretched bones, and veins, and worn crinkles. Lucas raised the loaf as high as his tiny hands n' tippy-toes'd go. Nuts n' bread were a dime a dozen, o' course. But couldn't no one else bake a batch so scrumptious. Good ol' Missus Hinawa Westwood was in a league all her own.
Maybe this'd never been any place for either of 'em. Or her. Or the lot of 'em.
Or. Maybe his apocalyptic pessimism was just gettin' the better of him. As it's wont to do, every now n' again.
The honorable judge presided now over his four hundred and seventy-second hearing. He remembers 'em all, if you were curious. In excruciating detail. From Eaglelandian war crimes to White Ship spats. Humble as he may be, there's a good reason Tazmily chose him for his noble task, besides sheer verticality. Madman's got a Betamax for a brain. Be it a blessing or a curse.
"… management, maintenance, n' rehabilitation. As Nowhere's Ranger Service, really, our goal is gettin' back to where we were, erm. Before." Isaac nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Voice like ashes crumpled underfoot. He'd put up a noble speech, to be sure. Albeit punctuated by his pensive pause.
Lucas, all anxious nerves, reputation rubbed raw, nonetheless held his place beside him. Stalwart pillar of sticks n' stones. The hero who wore no cape nor shining armor. Just a scrappy flannel, over lanky arms. And a half-chiseled, acne-addled countenance.
When he spoke - in that low, steady, novel rumble - the paternal resemblance gave even Flint himself goosebumps.
"People n' wildlife can coexist. Like we used to. If we're willin' to put in the work."
Turn your stovetop knob, and heat the town hall's bustle to a low boil. There were Betsy n' Jackie, murmuring amongst themselves. Biff n' Butch, doin' the same. To the tune of Jill's silencing snap. Most folks had filed into these creaky old seats with intent to vote "present." But one could hardly ignore the Ostrelephant in the room. Jonel would be its bullhorn.
"That's precisely the issue. Chimeras aren't wildlife." And the sky isn't pink. He stood, proudly, for such things. Atop creaky knees and shins. (Though Dona did have to help him clamber to his feet.) "You expect us to coexist with monsters? Forever? It's childish at best. Lucas, I can forgive your naivete. But Isaac? You ought to know better."
"'Scuse me?"
"Order," Leder croaked. A singular raised index finger, a sip from his water canteen, and a hush over the hall. No gavel strike necessary. "Order. Jonel?"
"Pardon," Jonel said. (Though he wouldn't beg.) "There's only one solution for the menace infesting our woods. Anyone who says otherwise? I believe they're kidding themselves. That's all."
Their elder's dissent, and subsequent descent, were met with no protest. Just Isaac's steely frown. And Lucas' deep, focused, evenly-paced breaths.
Let it.
A psychic, had any others attended, would've felt the aura's feverous simmer. But Tazmilian politics're no place for his sister. She'd proclaimed so herself. Andonuts had installed a calendar program in his brother's left brain, years prior. Claus marked the date. Highlighted it - a bright, cautionary red.
And took a shift at the wind farm.
Can't blame him.
Magenta, magenta, yellow.
"Have we any further thoughts?" coaxed Leder.
Even standing, Andonuts was far too squat for most to see, across a field of perked heads. The Doctor's accent would have to suffice. Paired with his quaint, crinkly, nonagenarian timbre.
"I'm afraid I must concur with the former point. Chimeras were not designed to integrate into natural ecosystems. Ha! Quite the contrary! Many were reconstructed with the explicit intent to cause as much disruption as possible!"
Jonel glanced about, eyebrows perked. Ed's faint murmur, "Right outta the horse's mouth, huh…" caught his nodding attention.
"… That said, with regards to chimera research, my student and I have been making great strides. They can be pacified. And relocated, to environments that better suit them. I daresay, there may indeed be sustainable solutions. If Tazmily were to establish this Ranger operation, the two of us would be more than happy to collaborate."
"And, if not? Or, if these Rangers fail to keep the chimeras in check?" Ed inquired, with a raised hand. Jonel would push the bill a step further.
"Would you also be happy to assist in their extermination, if it came to that? Doctor?"
"Mm… If we do find ourselves in an otherwise untenable scenario? Perhaps, yes."
Andonuts spent his golden years an eccentric recovering centrist. Claus forgave him ages ago. Lucas makes his best efforts. This recollection, in particular, still demands he strain his mercy through clenched teeth.
Like their father, he said nothing. You can call it patience.
"That just don't seem right, is all…"
A couple dozen turned to size up the latest opinion. 'Course, Abbott's no easier to spot beneath a crowd. Those nearest would see Abbey risin' to his side. N' the smiley-faced bairn - an absolute tater tot - strapped snug to his chest. 'Course, no sooner than Abbott opened his mouth to stake a humble point, little Abelle piped right up. Drawing him instead to gently shush her bubbly baby babbles. "Oh, sorry, sorry. Gosh, what'samatter, lil' bits? Shh. Shhh…"
(Unbeknownst to anybody at all - the invisible strands she was pawin' and hawin' at were, in fact, magenta-yellow wavelengths.)
"What Abbott means, I reckon," Abbey volunteered, "Is that it'd be awful cruel to.. well. To do away with 'em. Don't get us wrong - we've dealt with chimera attacks as much as the rest o' ya. N' we want Nowhere to be a safe place for our daughter to grow up, o' course. But… ah.."
Her eyelids slipped faintly shut. Only a moment. As if recalling some long-bygone horror. With no hummingbird egg nor ringing bell to keep the smog at bay, it had all come seeping back. Couldda taken the shape of a TV news report. Rigor mortis. Perhaps a mushroom cloud. Whichever. Every scathing scrap, beheld by the big, teary doe eyes of a mere fawn.
".. This world's seen far too much killin' already. I think."
"Agreed," said Flint. His sole verbal contribution. Upon his neighbors' silent judgments and sympathies, he pulled the brim of his hat lower. And cleared his throat.
Brief as it was somber, a smile flickered - cyan - past Lucas' ramparts.
Abelle quieted down. With a giggle. Much to Abbott's grinnin' relief. "Heh - erm. Yep.. Agreed, indeed." He cast a warily appreciative gaze toward the hulking, skulking cowboy. Then extended an arm around his wife's shoulder. The lot of 'em hunkered back into quiet obscurity.
"It's like stray cats," came Nana's contribution. Hand raised high, outta the wild blue yonder. "Or. Maybe not, exactly. We had a colony of them, living under the post office. And they were real ornery, wouldn't let you near. Bateau told me to stop feeding them, after they caught one of his doves." Cue the rolling eyes, and yawns. Elbows n' palms propping up bored-already chins. "But they'd only come close if I fed them, see. Only when they trusted me enough - then I could get them in carriers, and move them to the woods, by the crossroads. And so long as I make sure they stay fed, they won't need to come back to the post office, or hunt Bateau's doves, or cause trouble for anyone."
Bateau - arms n' legs crossed, camped out somewhere far in the back - huffed a sigh so dramatic, you'd think he was a Shakespearean actor.
"So. Maybe it's like that. Every animal has needs. Even people, and chimeras. If the Rangers can take good care of the chimeras, maybe they won't be as much of a bother."
"Yeah. That's, ehm. That's the idea…" Isaac murmured.
Jill stood up to contend. "Or maybe that'll get 'em too familiar. And then they'll come closer to town. Stir up even more of a ruckus. Don't you know, they used to warn you about this exact thing, with bears. You kids're too young to remember. Had to shoot the poor things, when they got too comfortable with people. I think Jonel's got a point. It all comes back around to--"
"-- This is different."
She stopped short. Left her big mouth hangin' wide open. 'Cause it sure as hell ain't like Lucas to interrupt.
"… Sorry," he said. With not quite a fist, clutched almost to his chest. "Sorry."
"No, no. Do tell. Go on." Jill conceded, with both hands raised. A hint of snark on her lips. Wouldda made Lucas wince, if he were five or six years younger. Still stung just the same.
Leder's eyes were sympathy incarnate. His spectacles, however, hovered impartial atop the proceedings. He'd hold his tongue. This time.
"It's.. different. The way we're doin' it. Isaac used to be a park ranger. We know all that, already."
Rather than elaborate, Isaac opted for a gingerly nod. Leave it to two of Tazmily's most tormented introverts to deliver a founding presentation. Lucas would steady his spine, though. Stand firm before the naysayers. Nerves ablaze. It doesn't get easier. Nor any less vital.
"Look. Nana's right. They ain't monsters. They're livin' creatures. Got needs that ain't bein' met. We took -- agh. Porky, took 'em… Tore 'em up, put 'em back together, n' set 'em loose to fend for themselves."
And then Tazmily deliberated their fate, over an open floor, as if it were all some absent hypothetical. Some game, just to square their morals. Like he didn't have the bone fractures to show for it. Like the beast that impaled his mother hadn't been a shambling centrifuge of absolute agony. Like his brother wasn't out there, bustin' his ass right under their stuck-up noses, mis-matched hands buildin' their newfangled comforts, their future, they --
And something stirred within his guts. Softly as fresh bedsheets, or honeyed tea. Prompted an exhale. A pause. Yellow.
You wanna talk about planted seeds? Hinawa's got a whole garden in there.
Lucas takes great care to tend it. Food, and water. And silence. And words. Like so:
"… Chimeras don't attack people outta some kinda malice. They're.. They're scared. They're hurt. In their shoes? You'd prob'ly do the same." Evidence he carried in spades. There's a scar on his ankle, from his first reluctant bout with a Slitherhen. And another on his forearm, where a sparking blade once braced. He'd locked eyes, just above it. Met tears with tears. Somethin' yet darker - or brighter - than primal terror.
"They've got just as much a right to life, as anyone here," he concluded. Shaking his head. Glancin' downward, at the millimeter gaps in the hardwood.
"Well. I reckon that might be goin' a bit too far," Jill replied. Oblivious to the glares she'd just earned, from about half the crowd. As well as the sage nods, from the like-minded remainder. Biff, cowering beside her, fell into the former camp. Butch, the latter.
Jonel would grab her coattails. Ride 'em, valiantly, into one last round.
"Lucas. You've got your mother's bleeding heart. I respect it. Truly, I do. And I do believe there's a sanctity to our forest, our wilderness, the creatures with which we share these Islands. But these chimeras? Please understand - we'd be doing them a great mercy."
The word - which he mouthed, but did not echo - was Antarctic permafrost to his tongue. Shiver down his spinal fluid. The winding cockles of his brain. How love could erupt into a blinding nova. Turn harsher than steel. Become his fiercest weapon, pulled blood-soaked from his own chest.
Magenta. Yellow. Cyan.
"It's simply unnatural," Jill n' Butch concurred. "Un-natural."
"Tragic shame they're here at all," Ed mumbled, from afar.
"They never were supposed to be here, to begin with," Jonel insisted. Lucas thought, for a split second, Mom forgive him, his throbbing head might just up and explode then and there.
Isaac stepped forward. The forest warden. The hermit. The boot-licking traitor. Who'd shirked his pig's mask, his calamine uniform, his pride - for an old vest that reeked of forest fires. N' a rusty badge. Gold to bronze. Turns out Zeus, and the Commander, ain't the only ones with a penchant for amends.
Wasn't often that someone stood up, in Lucas' stead.
The kid stared. Frozen stiff. Reconstructed Caribou in the headlights. As his fellow amalgamation declared:
"Neither were we."
And if you were seated amongst the crowd, you'd've felt it. The seasick lurch. The tide's tousle, at the rickety feet of every chair. Hardwood floor transfigured, in all of an instant, into a White Ship's deck.
No one - save for little Abelle - had the stomach to pipe up, after that.
Leder's hoarse murmur would follow a queasy, stagnant silence.
"Ehm.. If there are no further objections, or endorsements?"
And there were none.
"Then. Regarding the establishment of Nowhere's Ranger Service… All in favor - say aye…"
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cwpidfangs · 1 year
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bo1908 · 9 months
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khakilike · 11 months
KISS OF LIFE has me thinking about Natty, which has me thinking about Idol School, which has me discovering something in this performance of "Ah-Choo" from the show.
Does Jisun perform Yein's "I'm not good at cooking, but I'm working on it" line ...
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... with the choreo changed from a FIGHTING! fist pump to ...
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... double OKs?
It makes total sense because, as we all know, Jisun is a complete badass in the kitchen. Evidently, she's a complete badass on survival-show stages, too (if you watch her fancam, she does the normal choreo at rehearsal, keeping her plan secret until showtime). What a fun Easter egg! I'm sure someone must have noticed it before, but my mind is blown.
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joker-telling · 2 years
You don't know my heart.
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
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I lovbe them
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outofcontextdiscord · 3 months
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whumpetywhump · 11 months
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Oasis - Ep. 16
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eveneechan · 1 year
The Color Concept on Little Women (2022)
Part 1: Princess of Thieves
The Princess of Thieves Orchid have 2 colors: Pink and Purple
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Which is the color of dress that Injoo and Hwayoung wear during Singapore climax scene
Injoo: Pink
Hwayoung: Purple
Pink as Injoo's color
Pink orchid have meaning: Romance, Love, Friendship
Injoo's main plot always not far from her sisters and Hwayoung. Her love for them is driving force that keep made Injoo move foward
Purple as Hwayoung's color
Purple orchid have meaning: Wisdom, Intellegence, MYSTERY
Wisdom: Hwayoung is Injoo's senior at workplace. Injoo saw Hwayoung as someone who teach her many things
Intellegence: Hwayoung had planned things very further and details, and outsmarting Sangah's manipulation
Mystery: Hwayoung is central mystery of the story
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Hwayoung's Apartment
Hwayoung have small purple orchid on her apartment at Singapore
Hwayoung's apartment wallpaper at South Korea have purple as main color. The wallpaper also used as background for one of main poster
Purple and Pink on title of Little Women
In opening sequence, the title Little Women have purple with pink shade as background color
In each ending of episode, the title Little Women appear before credits, usually appear in white text and black screen, before the text got painted. The first color of paint in text is Pink and Purple
Which is color of Injoo and Hwayoung
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It's like indicating how Little Women's plot story, beside the Oh Sisters, mostly will be around Injoo and Hwayoung
A glimpse of Pink and Purple color on Injoo and Hwayoung's clothes at South Korea
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At South Korea, Injoo mostly wear earth color pallete clothes and Hwayoung mostly wear colorless (black/white) clothes
(more explaination on Part 2: Earthenspoon & Nospoon)
But in 1st episode, there's small purple part in Hwayoung clothes. And when Injoo "playing rich", she wear pink clothes.
It's like hinting how they are part of Princess of Thieves later in story
Cinderella and Fairygodmother
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Hwayoung and Injoo in restaurant scene heavily referenced from Cinderella
Hwayoung is like Fairygodmother who dressing Injoo, the Cinderella, to "playing rich"
The Purple color on Hwayoung and Pink color on Injoo is similar with purple color on Cinderella's Pink dress and Fairygodmother's Purple cloak
Color Mood of Princess of Thieves
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In each scene when Injoo had thinking or talking about Hwayoung, the color mood around her change into combination of Pink and Purple; the color of Princess of Thieves
Quoting from Choo Jahyun (Hwayoung's actress)'s interview:
"It felt like Goeun (Injoo's actress) was living as both Injoo and Hwayoung at the same time in Little Women"
The combination of pink and purple color mood on those scenes is like symbolized how Injoo and Hwayoung become one on Injoo's mind
The Intruder: Yellow
On Princess of Thieves that appear on Singapore's auction, the flower has little shade of Yellow
Which is color of Won Sangah and fake!Hwayoung's dress on Singapore
Won = name of Korean money currency
Korean highest currency (50,000) has color of Yellow
Yellow = Sangah and Won Family = Capitalism
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Yellow vs Purple
On color wheel theory, Yellow and Purple are color that opposite to each other
Symbolized how Hwayoung (Purple) and Sangah (Yellow) are total opposite
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In opening sequence, Oh sisters were drawn mostly with shade of purple, and their background is yellow.
Indicating how the sisters are like "actors" in Sangah's play vs Hwayoung; how the battle between those masterminds was told from three sisters' perspective
It's also symbolized how Sangah = Yellow = Money = Capitalism is the main enemy
The Shadow of Flower
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Hwayoung (화영)'s name have meaning Beautiful Flower. The writer JSK had mentioned that she want to give a name to Hwayoung that relate to Flowers because Hwayoung love gardening
In hanja, Hwayoung have secret meaning of her name: 花影 = 꽃의 그림자 = Shadow of Flower
It's like symbolising how Hwayoung is shadow part of flowers:
1. Princess of Thieves: to Injoo
At first, Hwayoung's color seems like also Pink
Hwayoung mostly wear pink on her second account/alter ego Jin Mikyung and on Injoo's imagination about Hwayoung's second life
It's like foreshadowing how Hwayoung live under Injoo's name at Singapore
On locker scene, Hwayoung seems like giving off her pink clothes to Injoo. Like symbolizing she's fully giving the pink side of Princess of Thieves to Injoo, together with all money and Bruno Zumino shoes that she give to her on the bag
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2. Blue Ghost Orchid: to Sangah and Won Family/Jeongran
The surname Jin (진) on Jin Hwayoung is to give impression that Hwayoung is came from place that far away (indeed in character description of Hwayoung on official website, it's written Hwayoung is not from Seoul and came to there to work on Orchid Construction). If we look to Jin in Chinese surname version, it has meaning GOLD
It's like secret meaning on how Hwayoung in back have so many money and assets, because she's part of secret society Jeongran and worked for Won family
Thief Princess
There's Little Women OST titled "Thief Princess"
The OST indeed mostly got played in some scene that relate to Injoo or/and Hwayoung:
When Injoo decided to search the truth behind Hwayoung's death, and she look to the unbloomed Princess of Thieves
When Sangah give Injoo a blue suit, and then Injoo remembering how Hwayoung give her a black suit before this
When Hwayoung confess that she want Injoo to be happy on court scene
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming KDrama March 2023 ❤️
1/3: Delivery Man with Bang Min Ah, Yoon Chan Young, Kim Min Suk. 12 episodes; fantasy, comedy. Trailer
4/3: Divorce Attorney Shin with Cho Seung Woo, Jung Moon Sung, Han Hye Jin. 12 episodes; law, drama. Trailer
6/3: Oasis with Jang Dong Yoon, Chu Young Woo, Seol In Ah. 20 episodes; historical, youth, romance. Trailer
10/3: The Glory part 2 with Song Hye Kyo, Lee Do Hyun, Park Sung Hoon. 8 episodes; thriller, melodrama. Trailer
11/3: Pandora: Beneath the Paradise with Lee Ji Ah, Lee Sang Yoon, Park Ki Woong. 16 episodes; action, thriller, drama. Trailer
20/3: Romantic Guest House with Shin Ye Eun, Kang Hoon, Jung Gun Joo. 18 episodes; historical, romance, mystery. Trailer
31/3: Joseon Attorney with Woo Do Hwan, Bona, Cha Hak Yeon. 16 episodes; historical, law, romance. Trailer
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Reblog for updates! 😇
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hiddenst0rms · 10 months
At work someone sneezed right into my ear in the drive thru headset and I was just like...okie
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
My toxic trait is that I really want to go smell all the perfumes even though I know I’ll be allergic to them 😢
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winterdusktales · 1 year
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see how cute you guys are when you aren’t trying to kill each other for a minute
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Chucky Choo: I won’t have my honor questioned by kids.
Clay: We're not questioning your honor.
Dojo: We're denying its existence.
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junkie-virus · 7 months
anyways. i have been feeling vaguely unsatisfied with media. mainly queer media . i dont know it all feels the same. of course maybe i could widen my horizons though i dont know where to start but im kind of tired of the halfway-redonating. i can never really fully resonate with any queer media because it only wver focuses on one identity in a way i can’t relate to because mines are heavily influenced by one another . only ever gay/bi. only ever trans. only ever white. only ever allo. etc etc
#ro rambles#i dont know this makes sense but this is my diary im writing in bloodsoaked with my sparkly pink pen and a fuzzy end with a cat bell and ri#bons#also u can literally never ever escape top/bottom bullshit in fandom. its a neverending powerplay#i do enjoy contrast ships but its always one enjoying one being coy or shy or reluctant or whatever.#idk im not even one of those niche high class media people or whatever i just want more trope subversion#or allowing characters to be versatile & dynamic (ha half joke)#not just one note always#idk im alays looking for ways to subvert things and that does lead to me being like “is this even in character anymore? like the obvious ch#oice is obvi because their personality would influence them into making that choice. but u can make it in character hilst making them choos#something that seems unexoected for them. yk.#im rmbling.#because its my blog and i can.#(aggressive)#i encourage recs but if its geaveyard boys or whatever its called dont do it i already bought and tried reading & dod not like it.#dropped it but so desperate maybe ill try it again#i just have a grudge bc its one of tge only rep i have covering like. an okay amount of bases & that i was hoping to relate to#BECAUSE EVERYONE SUGGESTS IT WHEN YOU ASK FOR BOOKS WITH THAT CERTAIN REP#& it dissapointed me#ah well#im talking. im talking .#trying to make my own gay people. settling on that. though character deesign hard….#my thoughts are nowhere near fone but this is liter so stream of consciousness that theres no point#no sense#im just yappin#am a professional#could fo this forever
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pose4photoml · 1 year
AH-CHOO!!!!!!!!....If you're allergic to bullshit, drama queens, head games, liars and 2-faced people, keep this sneeze going....
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