gothmusiclatinamerica · 5 months
"Bajo el olvido y la eternidad" by Santiago, Chile-based goth/darkwave band Absencia off of 2023 album Luzcinérea
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yourdarlingness · 6 months
 ◞◟ Void / Emptiness names · pronouns · titles !
  · for @adorness 's 260+ event · Day 3-4: Void / Emptiness
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
 : Voide . Voidette . Voidelle . Voidett . Voidrae . Voidesse . Voidenne . Abysse . Abyssine . Abysselle . Abyssette . Abysette . Abyslita . Abylae . Vabyselle . Null . Nulle . Nulliette . Nullyne . Nulliae . Nullyfi . Nullifenne . Absencia . Abscentt . Absiette . Desolaett . Desolette . Desolaenne . Cavity . Cavitae . Caviette . Cavilae . Cavilette . Hollowe . Hollita . Hollyta . Hollyne . Holline
 : vo / voi / void . hol / hollow . nu / null . nyu / null . e / emp / empty . bla / blank . ban / blank . v♡ / v♡id . v🖤 / v🖤id . v🕳️ / v🕳️id . h♡l / h♡llow . h🖤l / h🖤llow . h 🌑l / h🌑llow . h⚫l / h🌑llow . h🕳️l / h🕳️llow . ○ / ○s . 🕳️ . 🖤 . 🌑 . ⚫
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
 : the void . the ( one / [x] ) in the void . the [x] of the void . the void [x] . the [x] of void . the blank sheet . the mind of the void . the [x] and prns void . prns whose heart is ( a void / empty ). prns desolate heart . prns who is stuck in the abyss . prns forever abyss . prns empty mind . the hollowed ( heart / mind ) . prns hollowed ( heart / mind / love ) . the ( blankness / emptiness / void ) of prns world . prn who loathes the void . prns numb feelings
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[x] can be replaced with any nouns or terms / prns can be swapped with preferred pronouns
The angel in the void
The prince and chers void
The void thing
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Desolate : deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.
Hollow : having a hole or empty space inside.
Loathe : feel intense dislike or disgust for.
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sillent · 2 years
moje jesenné priania
viem, že určitú formu samoty nezmažem a jej úplná absencia nie je ani možná, ale dúfam v existenciu duší s ktorými budem môcť zdieľať svoje dni a zapíjať hocičo
prosím si dostatok rozumu, aby som nič nenaháňala
a ešte trocha motivácie a šťastia kvôli bakalárke
a dvere, ktorými budem môcť prejsť ďalej, náznaky toho ako by to mohlo byť
a možnosti, príležitosti a hovorenie áno
a smiech, ten mi tak chýba, ani smútku sa nevyhnem ale keď sa budem smiať chcem byť najviac prítomná
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villainous-virus-au · 7 years
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Conoce a Absencia 
La Guardaespaldas y ayudante de todo el personal de la Compania Glitch Hat.
Su personalidad de compulsiva, y aunque ella tenga un aspecto amigable, es la chica mas agresiva que puedas llegar conocer, Ademas de que posee la habilidad de teletransportarse a lugares cercanos. 
Esta extremadamente enamorada de Glitch Hat. Suele molestar al Dr. Bug cuando se encuentra desarrollando viruses y disfruta de jugar (Bruscamente) con 404. No padece se ningún glitch, pero es físicamente inestable. Le gusta el caos, la destrucción... y el pastel de manzana :3 Su rol en la empresa en mantener lejos a cualquier persona que encuentre la localización actual de la Organización.
PD. Acerca de su falda y su blusa... Mientras mas corto, mejor. Por cierto, esta sosteniendo un USB en su mano derecha. Lo que tiene alrededor de su cabeza no es un intestino ni nada por el estilo, es un intento de trenza XD.
Siguiente: Dr. Bug
Meet Absence
She is Bodyguard and assistant of all the crew of the Glitch Hat Company.
Her personality is very compulsive, and although she has a friendly look, she is the most aggressive girl you can get to know, in addition to possessing the ability to teleport to nearby places.
She is extremely in love with Glitch Hat. Usually annoys Dr. Bug when he is developing viruses. also enjoys playing (Brusquely) with 404.
She doesn’t suffer from any glitch, but is physically unstable.
Absence likes chaos, destruction ... and apple pie :3
Her role in the company in keeping away any person who finds the current location of the Organization.
PS. About her skirt and her shirt... The shorter, the better. She’s holding a USB in her right hand, btw. You can call her Absentia if you want to. The thing that she has around her head is not a gut or anything, it's a braid fail XD.
Next: Dr. Bug
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dent-de-leon · 4 years
Snippers wasn’t with King Fitzroy in the dream sequence because to accept Chaos’ influence would be to reject his own identity,, Celestial Crab friend is a reflection of himself and represents a path to freedom and insight through magic; whereas Chaos offers only the illusion of freedom. Ultimately, they just want him chained and controlled. This future and a reality in which he is able to fully come to terms with who he is and his true magical potential are mutually exclusive, in this essay i will-- 
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dichotomous-me · 4 years
Lol is it bad that I found Fitsroy ripping Calhain’s hand off hot? Like everything about this is weird, the voice, the fancy boy energy, the crab, but it’s all doin it for me.
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mapear · 6 years
Amsterdam estará em território brasileiro esse ano 👀 /annamaia
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escriturias · 6 years
Muitos e muitos amores pra ti, estava aqui no escritório analisando uns documentos e a play do youtube começou a tocar, quando me deparo com a música “Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars” e sendo honesta, essa música encaixa perfeitamente, essa música foi feita para Anna Maia. E desejo tudo, tudo, tudo, de lindo nesse mundo para você. ♥
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elucubrar · 6 years
Finais /annamaia
Rebloguei ❤
Mande uma palavra na ask que vou reblogar autorias.
Instagram: @oiseaumer. Segue lá!
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motoshima · 6 years
Abandonou a gótica aqui foi?
Abandonei não meu amô =(
Eu tava ruim, dei uma sumida mesmo
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 9 months
"Viajamas sin luz" by Santiago, Chile-based goth/darkwave band Absencia off of 2016 album Ausencia
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fumantedealmas · 3 years
Oi, tudo bem? Indica tumblrs de quotes que escrevam bem, por favor?
meu deeeeuuss, desculpa a demora. não recebi notificação e acabei não conferindo as asks
Indico muito: @ceudejupiter, @absencias, @reprovador, @aluador, @roteirize, @principar, @odisseia-literaria, @chaodefolhas, @florejus, @reforcei, @passaro-selvagem, @adesejei, @desonestos, @voarias, @motoshima, @dramaticadora, @diversificador, @retalhos
ai é muita gente, cansei kkkkk mas só me acompanhar que estou sempre reblogando textos bons
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reerguestes · 4 years
seguindoooo, voltei agr pro tumblrrr, me diz uma galera ativa pfffff, pessoal que eu seguia não posta nd há 3 anos kkkkk
ooooooi, segui você também. 
vou indicar alguns que lembro @convalescida @nevalisca @adesejei @lamuriei @reciptografias @coturnos @expurgar @simples-adverbios @verbetaveis @ceudejupiter @absencias @inspirasse @permitir-lhe @cantarieis @inteirato @borboletasnegras 
deve ter mais, mas tô lembrada desses agora pq dei uma olhada rápida por cima na dash e nas notificações <3
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chybamsi · 4 years
Je naozaj veľmi ťažké opísať depresiu niekomu, kto ju nikdy nemal, pretože to nie je smútok. Poznám smútok. Smútok je plač a zlý pocit. No depresia? je to studená absencia pocitu - ten skutočne prázdny pocit, necítiš nič.
Vitaj depresia dlho sme sa nevideli :—)
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ionizedyeast · 4 years
god i want sir fitzroy maplecourt knight in absencia of the kingdom of goodcastle to turn out to be a villainous character. furthermore. i want his magic to actually be coming from a patron and he’s an unwilling warlock instead of an unwilling sorcerer.
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another-empty-soul · 5 years
„šťastie je len absencia bolesti“
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