#AWS interview questions
synergisticitusa · 1 month
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offpagesseo · 1 year
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fayevalcntine · 9 months
The whole framing of Lestat as the sole symbol of patriarchy that fandom is so desperate to put him in doesn't work unless you deliberately ignore how he was also a victim of rape and abuse before he was turned. People want him to be fit into this strict role of "father figure/violent husband/perpetrator" that is only that and not even a whole person, and in doing so they need to push aside the fact that despite being his family's provider, he was also pushed into that role when his father forbid him from joining a monastery or gaining an education that he wanted. Lestat wanted to run away with a theater group as a kid, and actually managed to do so once Gabrielle gave him her blessing and monetary support in order to go to Paris. He didn't always want to be the provider, he was forced into that role and became despondent when he thought he would never get a chance to leave his home.
His new life prior to being turned is pretty much the antithesis to the whole "Lestat is a manly man who would sooner throw up than be compared to a woman" spiel: he lived with another man in Paris while also being an actor, having left his family and "responsibility" to them. The only family member he was ever close to was his mother, all the other male members shunned or ridiculed him. Add onto that the fact that his turning firmly placed him within the role of the damsel/victim: he's kidnapped from his bed by a stranger, taken into a tower and left to rot while being fed on for a week, before then being raped and violently turned all while never even being asked if he would consent to it in any normal circumstance. But you of course have to ignore all of this if you want him to only represent the aggressor/patriarch while Louis is the helpless unhappy matriarch of the family.
My issue isn't that I think Louis isn't a victim, it's that it's not unrealistic for Lestat to be an aggressor/abuser while also displaying traits that aren't regularly assigned to stereotypical depictions of male characters. He's abusive to Claudia while also having been a victim of abuse from his own family. He's not a good maker/teacher, but he also didn't even have one when he was turned. He's the provider/attempted protector of the family and seemed to like being that, while also having run away from his own family prior to this to act in a theater in Paris. He's a rich white man while also being obviously effeminate in public spaces, even to Tom's own bigoted humor.
Like Louis' own complicated story with being his family's benefactor and provider, you can't firmly place Lestat as being one thing or another in terms of gender ideals without deliberately ignoring parts about him that don't fit this. And I don't think it's an absolute necessity, when even in Louis' own story, Lestat isn't stripped of his effeminate mannerisms or behavior while also being the abusive maker/father/lover.
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bewilderedbunny · 8 months
Do any of y'all have job interview horror stories?
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emotinalsupportturtle · 5 months
the main reason I will always be obsessed with David Tennant is that fundamentally, we share the same mental illness
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Update from the Plymouth gig tonight, Will is increasingly morphing into Matt.
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Is he caged in simulations? Was Matt the Will of The People all along? (I mean sure I'll allow it,) Is it that the anonymous people that keep the world going now begin to have a face as time and the tour goes on? Was it just logistically impossible to have the face light up during indoor gigs?
I like to think there's a narrative there, because Matt's face shows up and begins to sing the Kill Or Be Killed vocals when the remix plays. I don't know if this means the visuals we had on the side screens during the North American tour are still being played though. Will's mask also apparently plays other visuals over the whole gig. From Twitter:
“Will had image mapping on a bunch of songs btw
Matt’s face during KOBK Remix
Rorschach tests during Thought Contagion
gay rainbow face during Verona
Horror villains during Halloween
WOTP statues faces crumbling during We Are Fucking Fucked
another kinda morphing face, maybe Madness?”
Verona is officially for the gays!
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img credits: [1] [2] [3]
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waugh-bao · 8 months
Keith talks about his journey with loss and grief in the wake of Charlie’s passing (2023)
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i-am-the-oyster · 4 months
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couriernewvegas · 6 months
just did homework, cooked a beautiful meal, and finished some chores and i still need to record an interview for tomorrow . who wants to do it for me and pretend to be me
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
maybe like. the tape with mark actually in it, aka the last one, has semi corrupted footage
whether from marks presence or the mcpd attempting to cover it up, damians voice and the audio stutters and stops at random points and the video gets stuck on a frame where you can see marks eye looking down, still being able to hear damians demise amongst the wailing yells of fury
Like the footage cuts in and out. From when he first sees mark, to when he starts running
OH maybe the last section is audio only. And you can only hear distorted screaming from both Damian and Mark-
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computerguru-blogs · 1 year
Top 100 Cloud Computing Most Asked Questions in 2023
Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions
Here are top 100 Most Asked in exam MCQ:
1.Full form of KMS I Microsoft KMS is _____________
Key Management Services.
Key Management Sences.
Key Management Store.
Key Managed Store.
2.What does a full template include that a basic template does not ________
Disk Layout.
MAC Address.
Installation files.
3. Virtualization provides optimizations techniques to dever the application______
4.CEN NetScaler SD-WAN is a set of appliances that optimum_______ performance.
5.Which of the following storage supports fast cloning of virtual machine?
ISCSI (Read More)
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Part of Zelenkyy's new ABC news interview.
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missshame · 1 year
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jayjeebee · 2 years
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How can we handle a performance bottleneck in a microservice architecture?
A specific microservice becomes a performance bottleneck i.e this particular service is significantly slower or less efficient compared to the rest of the system, affecting the overall responsiveness of the system. Solution: Introduce load balancing to distribute incoming requests evenly across multiple instances of the microservice. Optimize the bottlenecked microservice by reviewing and…
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cloudbends · 2 months
The demon in my head is telling me to rewatch nge because it's been a really long time and maybe it's not that bad now that I know philosophy. but also how do I make him stop
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