queenofbaws ยท 18 days
QUEENIE you still know me you KNOW I'm gonna be asking about our favorite dumpster fires can you PLEASE give me Hawke AND/OR Varric's "oh...uh oh." moment
"Watch m - excuse me, I'm sorry, do you not see me over here doing my best to protect you against this place? Quit the giggling already, and watch my hands, Sunshine, I'm not gonna be able to sleep at night knowing you're walking around out there, oblivious to something as basic as bottom dealing, so watch my hands!"
Snickering into her drink, Hawke watched as Bethany dropped her face into her hands, her shoulders heaving with laughter as, time and time again, Varric made an absolute mockery of her card skills. When she came back up for air she was wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, taking huge, gulping breaths to try and calm herself down; it wasn't working, of course (once Varric found his flow, there really wasn't anything, save perhaps an inconveniently placed trapdoor or outraged member of the Guard, that could stop him), and as her sweet sister collapsed into another giggling fit, Hawke caught Varric's eye and rolled her own when he winked.
"He's got three up his sleeve, you know," she remarked coolly, lowering her tankard just enough for the accusation to be heard and her smirk to be seen, "he always does;" but it wasn't until Bethany, still laughing, grabbed for Varric's arm - an arm he pulled away with the quickest flash of the cards hidden within - that Hawke realized the greatest sleight of hand had been pulled on her: After everything they'd been through, after everything they'd lost, her little sister was smiling again...she was laughing.
"I don't know how to break it to you, Hawke, but I think this one's a lost cause - here, you deal this hand, maybe the kid'll actually try if you're the one tearing your hair out," Varric joked, and as she took the deck from him and their eyes met once more, she realized there wasn't any use in pretending the flush she felt rising to her face was from the drink: Bethany had been swindled of her coin, sure, but she'd get that back...Varric had stolen Hawke's heart, though, and Maker help her, she didn't think he'd be returning that any time soon.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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