#AOOGUHHHHHH (positive)
ratcandy · 4 months
this is what i cut out from the last ask: none of the mushroomos even comment on him going from sozonius to sozo. clearly a radical change. they don't even state to the player that he got infected and thats why he acts this way, or imply so at all. (do they even know?) they don't express any wishes to have sozo to be cured or anything. not even a "oh man, it'd be nice if he didn't become infected and was nice like when he first came" or anything like that.
they just mention his madness for mushrooms grows. that is all. they never even say he had Gone Mad. just that he IS, and becoming more so. i think it would be notable enough to mention if they saw him arrive and witnessed his transformation, but they never do.
its just like, that this sozo guy is their leader and he's crazy for mushrooms, and he's getting even worse. thats all there is to it, to them at least. they just take their situation for granted as if its always been that way.
like,,,, …were the mushroomos we see, born after he arrived?
another generation born later that Only knew him as sozo. and revering him in fear is all they know. good lord. that'd mean he is old as fucking hell. imagine sozonius asks what year it is and turns out its been like 70 fucking years. devastating realization.
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i think im over thinking all of this lol. but that is what i do i guess
ohm ygod I never thought about it that way good LIRD
I don't even. Know how to add to that I mean Good Lird that would be so much to. Take in
Especially if . I mean. SHIT man do we think Sozo was eating or has eaten Mushroomos even before he was revived? Is it possible he just ate older Mushroomos, and the younger/newest generation is all that's left? Or maybe there's a sparse few still around that remember what he was like before, but are too afraid to speak up and say anything?
I mean it's very possible Sozo reacts poorly when referred to by his real name - 'cause like. even when he's "cured," he jut calls himself Dr. Sozonius. We don't get a first name at all. He might not even remember it - and since the Mushroomos fear him, they don't want to do anything that would set him off
but also at the same time I mean. The Mushroomos we first meet say they don't know how to find menticide. That's strange, because we can literally see menticide being grown within the Grotto:
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(Obviously not mentioning that the Mushroomos themselves are menticide)
But if it IS just the younger generation left, it makes sense they wouldn't know how to forage it. They've only ever had their personal farms. But assuming they were running low, and Sozo is getting desperate, then they're sent out to find it......
oug. My brain. My brain is whirring trying to function but i have taken two halves of a giant exam over today and yesterday so I am. ooaoughhaowwo
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