khonshuscondemned · 2 years
Steven’s favorite tea?🤔 Or all their fave beverages
STEVEN DRINKS LONDON FOGS CHANGE MY MIND (you can’t). also nonny you have opened up a whole WORLD of hc my dear so pls buckle up.
(yes i will be including the moob knife* coffee order breakdown in this ask)
First and foremost- Steven’s fav tea depends on what he has laying around in his flat. he strikes me as the type to purchase large amounts of tea in bulk and can throw things together to make his drinks yummy no matter his ingredients list. The only time he gets the same drink over and over is when he orders from tea/coffee shops. I can see Steven drinking any kind of white tea with honey.
I don’t think he’s as big a coffee person as he is a tea person, but when Steven does drink coffee i think he takes it black with maybe a little bit too much brown sugar and he is a little snooty about the beans (aka he enjoys buying his coffee from a fancy-schmancy roastery).
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Marc’s coffee addiction is through the roof tho- and tbh same could be said for Jake’s (jake is just much more subtle about it). Marc drinks any kind of coffee from anywhere, any time no questions asked. he hates it black but will down most of the whole thing in one go if he can, just for the caffeine. Fav kinda coffee tho ? Marc likes it sweet. You know the whole ‘one coffee, black as my soul’ and the barista hands over a ridiculously all-frills-included sweet caramel oatmilk extra whip add chai and vanilla iced latte light ice extra sprinkles (or alt: white chocolate mocha three pumps raspberry extra whip made with half & half) ?? that’s Marc’s favourite coffee drink. It’s also really funny to me okay sjfkfjsbf. (Will go over Moob Knife’s drink order at the end*)
Jake likes hot cocoa. he likes warm apple cider or wassil or hot lemon water with honey. he’s the type o’ guy that actually finds comfort in questions like ‘can i get you glass of warm milk’ (weirdo. ((affectionate)). To Jake Lockley, any warm beverage is a comfort beverage . coffee isn’t usually considered in the same category (even if it’s a hot drink) bc for Jake, caffeine is fuel in the tank. he’s probably the only one out of the three of them that doesn’t give a fuck what his coffee tastes like as long as he can chug it (marc swears he’s the same but if his coffee isn’t sweet asf he won’t finish it).
Now. the Moob Knife* order.
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i broke down his order in the moon moots gc a while back but for Reasons im including it here bc i can and no one cans top me .
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sorry this might’ve gotten out of hand. ksjfxlsjdkfjd.
((send me MK asks!))
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