#AND i just found out theres a sequel this month the trailer looks SO GOOD
citrlet · 1 year
omg i just watched becky (2020) and i'm officially obsessed
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thepinkpandawithme · 7 years
Movie Reviews Part 2 (2016)
This one are for the rest movies that I watched until the end month of 2016. I hope you enjoy & this is just my personal view so don’t be taken too far, alright?
I missed this movie on my last post “Part 1″. I gotta admit this movie somehow entertained me in a different way tho -like the Christmas Carol & Polar Express. If you guys have watched one of the movie, you might find this entertaining too. Btw, I never thought that BFG meant for Big Friendly Giant lol.
Rated: 7.5/10
No movies for this month. Shocking.
Deepwater Horizon (based on true event)
This movie somehow reminds me of the petroleum’s station where I saw it through my trip to Petrosains at KLCC. Anyway, this based on true event where there was an accident at their station which unfortunate happened to be in the middle of the sea. Their place was exploded and they had to survived the danger. It was a heart-breaking, hero-playing thing. Its worth to watch.
Rated: 8.5/10
Marvel’s Dr. Strange
I have to be honest. I never wanted to watch this right after the trailer came out. I found it uninteresting, sorry. But......I didn’t regret for actually watched this movie (because there were no other good movies to watch) & it turned out good. In fact, it was waaaaaaaaaay better than Captain America’s latest movie. 
I love how it looks like Deception but much cooler I got a brain-shocked. They got their own muse and yeah, Dr. Strange might have that attitude thing like Tony Stark but whatever. This is cool. If you wanna be cool, watch this!
Rated: 0/10 cause I’m the 1 for you. Boy.
November like No-movie-mber. 
Underworld: Blood Wars
This is a sequels movie of Underworld. I don’t know if I like it or not but it just too complicated to understand a lot. But then, I tried google about this movie. They have been filmed since 2003 -shocking! I only watched one of it, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. It was somehow to be technically a first movie: the starter of Vampire & Lycans (werewolf) existence & war. And all I could remember theres one part where a vampire’s daughter fell in love with a Lycan and pregnant his baby. Um, naughty.
And so far I could understand on this movie, it happened to be a hybrid (vampire-lycans) which happened since the first Underworld. This woman Selene had her life way back as a Death Dealer to kill Lycans for killed her family. I guess she’s a vamp and fell in love to this human, Michael. And without her notice, she had a hybrid’s daughter and boom shakalaka comes a war between her and the vampires & lycans (cause she also got betrayed by vampires). 
Lessons: Don’t trust any Vampires or Lycans unless its Edward or Jacob. Lesson learned.
Rated: 8/10 If u can understand.
Its animals’ singing competition -I thought. But behind it, there’s a story of a Koala who loves his theater so much. He faced a crumbling moment and he tried his very best to re-alive the theater by creating a singing’s competition. yknow, I cried even if its just a cartoon movie ok. It somehow an inspiration movie to always stay enthusiast to whatever we are doing and especially, on what we loves doing. 
Rated: 8/10
Assasin’s Creed
Kick-ass Creed. I love it. But need more explanations. Next sequel, perhaps?
Rated: 7.5/10
Not so much movie yea? But you can see that I watched a lot if you’ve seen the Part 1. Again, this is just my personal view. You can watch it yourself to have your own view. And I hope I get to watch lot of good movies this year since they are. 
I almost done with February and so far I just watched two movies, yikes. I didn’t have lot of money, guys. Treat me please. lol.
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