#AND YOURE TELLING ME. his eyes glowing red. the embodiment of his unbridled rage. is the thing that makes his clan’s eyes so ‘beautiful’
frogs-in3-hills · 2 years
you’re telling me there’s a storyline in this show where one of the characters has to pretend to be a human trophy hunter to infiltrate the human trophy trafficking market to enact revenge on the people who mutilated the bodies of his people and stole their eyeballs AND ITS JUST A SIDEPLOT???
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that-sw-writer · 4 years
Hiiii, are you taking requests?
I’ve had this in my head for the longest time, so you know how Kylo had to go to Mustafar to recover Dath Waders wayfinder guarded by Eye of webbish bog, what if Kylo instead found it guarded by a sith reader? Lids of drama would unfold I think :D
Hey anon! I am indeed taking requests, and I hope you enjoy this - it’s a really cool idea!
Word count: 1675
Warnings: none
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Kylo sensed another presence the moment he touched down on Mustafar. He immediately wondered if it was the spirit of his grandfather, Vader. After all, this had been his fortress when he was in his prime - but he became sceptical of this as he drew closer to the location of the Sith Wayfinder, feeling this presence in the Force growing. He wondered if it was coming from the Wayfinder itself.
The forest surrounding Vader's castle was huge, and Ren cut down everyone in his path with no mercy. His squadron of troopers was thinning out as the Sith cultists, who had once worshipped Vader, attacked but they were no match for him, and they saw nothing but flashes of red as they met their demise.
Eventually, he came to a clearing in the forest, where he thought the Wayfinder must have been. Standing in his way was a vast body of swampy water. He was already dirtied from battle, and he wasn't going to allow a bog to stop him from reaching his destination. Somewhat reluctantly, he waded into the swamp and followed the pull from the Force.
When he finally hit land again, he was on a small island in the middle of the swamp. He could see a stone encasement, which he knew was holding the Wayfinder. Only there was something in his way, a woman; clad in black, with a Lightsaber at the waist.
You were sat cross-legged, hovering a few feet off the ground, lost in a deep meditative state.
"Who are you?" His deep, authoritative voice brought you back to reality.
Kylo watched as your eyes snapped open, revealing your burning yellow irises.
"I am the sentinel, charged by Lord Sidious to protect Darth Vader's fortress and its contents in the event of his death." You floated down to stand on your feet, your eyes not leaving him. "You are trespassing."
"You have something I need." Kylo reached for his Lightsaber, not activating it just yet. "You will let me pass." There was a spike in the Force, and you felt an attempt to breach your mental defences.
"Those mind tricks won't work on me. You're not the first to challenge me, and you won't be the last." You didn't reach for your own Saber just yet.
"I'll be the first to win." He radiated pure rage, and hate as he began to circle you, like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey.
"It's strange. I felt your presence the moment you arrived here, but I sense some Vader in you." You observed, your hands remaining firmly clasped behind your back, posture showing no sense of fear.
"I am his blood, this is my birthright." He growled.
"Then you must earn it first, Challenger." You sharply told him, finally activating your Saber, the red blade roaring to life in your dominant hand.
He lunged at you, viciously, and your blades clashed. He had an unrefined, brutal fighting style. The way he swung his Saber seemed so uncalculated, but you could tell that he had plenty of control over the blade. Perhaps the clearly unstable kyber crystal he was utilising was a reflection of his fighting style.
You seemed evenly matched as you duelled, neither of you being able to break the other's defences for long enough to get a solid strike in. But you sensed that he was holding back for some reason as if he had some kind of ulterior motive.
"I thought the Sith were dead." He commented as you parried one of his strikes, creating a break in the fight. You had gone back to circling one another.
"There can only be two. I rose from Vader's ashes."
"And the other is Palpatine." He put two and two together.
"Very perceptive." You spun your Saber as you continued to circle each other, wondering if there was perhaps an opportunity standing in front of you. "You want the Wayfinder so you can kill him, am I correct?"
He faltered for a split-second, surprised at how well you could read him. "You are."
"And when he's dead, do you plan to take his place?" You lunged this time, wanting to test this challenger's skills.
He defended himself with one vicious swing, pushing your blade aside before he attacked you again. You blocked each of his one-handed strikes until your Sabers met in the middle, red sparks cascading to the ground as you pushed against each other.
"I already rule this galaxy, killing him simply eliminates the threat to my power." He snarled, his face only inches from yours, illuminated by the red glow from your blades. His mention of ruling the galaxy gave you everything you needed to piece together his identity.
"I've heard stories about you, Kylo Ren. Whispers from the farthest reaches of the galaxy." You told him as you strained to get the upper hand. "You're strong in the Force, but you are no Sith... not yet." Thrusting your Saber upwards you were able to break the standoff and give yourself enough of a window to kick Ren in the stomach.
When he fell to one knee from the impact, his head snapped upwards to look you, and you could see the unbridled rage burning behind his eyes. You approached him, pointing your blade at him so the tip of it was just below his chin.
"The Rule of Two means that in Sidious' death I will rise to the rank of Master and embody the power of the dark side, which means another must become the apprentice and crave that very power." In one swift motion, you spun your blade away from his face and retracted it, clipping the hilt back to your belt. "You have the potential to be the one." You reached your hand out to help him back to his feet.
"I am nobody's apprentice anymore."
"Listen to me Ren: you rule the galaxy, and I rule the Sith. I can show you the true power of the dark side, help you learn to channel that rage you feel in ways you never believed possible. I have no interest in controlling you the same way Sidious controls me."
He looked up at you for a moment, studying your glowing yellow eyes. "Why would you help me?" He asked, in a low tone.
"I only remain here because Sidious demands it. In his death, I gain my freedom."
He clearly understood your motives, because he grabbed your hand and allowed you to pull him back to his feet.
"When you rule the Sith, what will you do?" He asked, moving past you to push open the stone encasement and finally retrieve the Wayfinder. Presumably, he was trying to determine whether you would be a threat to his power or not.
"I simply want to leave this planet. When you rid the galaxy of Sidious and I rise in his place, I'll work it out from there." You watched him as he held the Wayfinder up, almost as if he were presenting it to you.
"Come with me to Exegol." His rash suggestion undeniably startled you. "Help me kill Palpatine, show me the ways of the Sith."
It was one thing to allow Ren to pass and take the Wayfinder. Should Sidious survive and kill Ren, you could have pretended that he had bested you in combat and taken the Wayfinder by force. But to go with him and face Sidious would seal your fate as a traitor to your own master.
"I can't." You shook your head.
"Tell me, Sentinel is it your duty to protect the Wayfinder with your life?" He asked, examining the artefact in question as he spoke to you.
"Yes, it is."
"Then surely you should come with me to protect it." He challenged you, and you raised an eyebrow.
"You were so confident that you would strike me down, take the Wayfinder, and then kill Palpatine yourself. Why now do you want me to accompany you?"
"The Force." He approached, studying you. "You feel it too, don't you."
"There have been challengers here before, but none like you. I could sense you from the moment you landed." You admitted, wondering if perhaps Kylo Ren was the one whom you were destined to induct into the Sith. You both felt something, which explained why he was holding back in the fight, and why you had let him pass with such ease.
"Join me. Together we can destroy Palpatine and wipe out the Jedi once and for all." He outstretched the gloved hand which wasn't clutching the Wayfinder for you to take.
"And if I refuse?" Your eyes were fixated on his hand as he spoke.
"You won't." His tone wasn't threatening, just knowing.
It was a lot for you to digest in such a short amount of time. You had spent a long time planning a way off Mustafar, but you always fell at the hurdle of Palpatine tracking you down. Now, after so many years, a challenger had come before you and offered you your freedom, as well as the opportunity to educate him on the ways of the Sith.
You thought about the Sith mantra, something that had been repeated mentally in your head countless times throughout your lifetime spent on Mustafar:
Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
The Force willed you towards Kylo Ren, perhaps he was the one who would help set you free.
Wordlessly, you reached out and took his hand, both of you holding each other's gazes for a few moments before nodding and breaking apart to set off back to his ship.
Once Sidious was dead, his hold on you would vanish and you would finally take his place as the Sith Master. With Kylo Ren at your side ruling the galaxy whilst you ruled the Sith, you could truly be unstoppable.
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limpblotter · 7 years
My Sun & Stars
a/n: Did a thing. A Jamilton thing. With Greek Mythology.  w/c: 1888  next
‘Don’t look so glum, Thomas.’ 
“I can’t help it. I miss you…” Thomas kept his eyes closed. To the humans, Thomas was also known was the God of the Moon, Hunt, and Chastity. He was Artemis. He was the maker of the night sky, the keeper of the moon rays and the protector to the virgins and huntsmen alike. On Earth, he had a cult like following of youthful hunters who came out during the hours of darkness to stalk game. On rare occasions they could catch glimpses of Thomas among them, it was hard to not spot the man. Even in a mortal form gods held a certain unimaginable beauty to them. Unique in their own right. Thomas was depicted by his followers as a tall, still, handsome man. With hair thick and cloud like held back by a silver, wiry wreath and strong, muscular limbs made for enduring long hunts. Physical appearances aside he was a reserved and almost gentle like soul. Gods of Olympus were known to frequent Earth, some more than others. Thomas fell somewhere in the medium or use to… The human followers of the moon wondered if they would ever catch sight of their patron God. There had been many of nights the hunts have gone without gain and more so the moon seemed farther and farther away from Earth. It was true, Thomas had been avoiding Earth. The mortals meant little to him, as of late even more so. He actually despised them these days. ‘Don’t be like that, it's not their fault…’  Thomas grunted, he laid back on the cloud he was sitting on and continued to keep his eyes closed. ‘Thomas...look at me’  his eyelids quivered a little. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He knew what he was going to see. Under his lids he could see her face perfectly. She was an image of sweet perfection. Her eyes like dewy pearls, round, wet, gleaming and for some reason, beyond his own Godly knowledge, they stared at him. Her smile, that smile was brighter than Alexander’s sun. He couldn’t disobey her even if the voice was coming from his own mind. His eyes opened slowly and found a lamentable sky staring down at him. A bright cluster of stars, his eyes connected them, traced a shape of a figure holding a shield and a sword. A huntress, a human, unparalleled in her hunting prowess. From the moment he found her in mid hunt, Thomas was hunting her. Several nights of silently stalking and watching, perhaps a few times placing stags in her path so she would feel blessed by good fortune. All to lead up to the night he mustered all his godly courage to speak with the mortal. Now she was gone. Like every mortal, her time on Earth was short. Shorten even more so by the fact mortals were so terribly delicate. Now he spent his nights staring up that cosmos for as long as he could. Drawing out the nights for as long as he could.
“Seriously?” Alex growled leaning against his golden chariot. “What is he even doing out there?” He motioned from a nearby cloud, a stable built up along Mount Olympus where he kept Helios, the sun chariot, the very embodiment of the sun itself. Alexander was not amused that Thomas pushed the night on so long. It was clear nighttime was inferior compared to his brilliant days. It was his days that people woke up for, worked during, longingly stared at his sunsets. What happened at night? Nothing, so why did Thomas feel the need to torture the humans more? Making them wait to bathe in his brilliant light. John zipped around Alex chuckling a bit, “Be patient, I’m sure Thomas is just...hunting or something.” “Are you as blind as you are swift Hermes?” Alex grabbed Laurens’s ear and yanked him down from his fluttering stance. “He’s just...sitting out there, looking up! What is he looking at? What does he think is worth prolonging my beautiful arrival? Honestly I’ve never met a God more self centered in my life!” “I can...think of one…” John winced, once he freed himself from Alex’s warm pinch he stared at Thomas. Unlike Alex he tried to assess the whole situation. “It seems to me he’s looking at the stars...perhaps he is star gazing. Many mortals do it, they enjoy the faint glows of the multitude fractals of light.”
Alexander let out a small snort in response. John wasn’t sure what was so comical so he waited for Alexander to speak, since...there wasn’t a moment he wouldn’t speak. “My sun outshines those puny dots in the sky. The moment I raise Helios; night is but a distant memory~” He fanned himself, basking in his own glory. “You are aware your sun is also a star, correct?”  “That I am…” Alexander rubbed the stubble under his chin. His eyes lit up with an idea. “If Thomas wishes to gaze at a star then I will give him a star to truly gaze upon! That way he can stop his insistent tardiness of the daylight and we can all move on with our merry eternity!” “Alexander...I do not think that is what Thomas is after…” John went to touch his shoulder but as if Alex had the winged sandals of Hermes he was as fast as lightning. He ran to the stable and mounted his golden sun chariot. He slapped the reins and the two white horses that pulled the sun with Apollo started to gallop off the cloud that sat on the horizon line. “...I should get Zeus, this cannot end well…” John paused then pulled out a small, bronze telescope. “But first, I’m going to enjoy the show.” Thomas laid back against the highest cloud, the highest peak along Olympus. His hand outstretched to the the constellation Orion. “I wish I could stay here forever…” He knew that night could only be drawn out so long. Eventually he would have to say goodbye...it was hard. For a moment he wondered what an eternity of feeling this empty longing would do for him? Thomas stared up at the cluster of beautiful stars, his fingers tracing bridges connecting her dots. He was just about finished when suddenly the stars began to fade before he was ready. In truth he was never ready to let her go, but more so unexpectedly. It reminded him of how swift she went the first time, how one moment she was there, then like what was happening right before his eyes, she was gone. “NO!” He stood up watching the stars subside, his night going with it and instead the pastel hues of morning painted over the sky.
Yes, the sun was here. The warm tones of pinks, oranges, and yellows melted over the icy, cool undertones that was night. It shooed away the moon and its subservient stars. Here came the sun, in all its bold glory. When it rose the humans of Earth rose with him. “Aha! Thomas, what do you think?” Alexander leaped from his chariot in the sky having rode the heavens to deliver the ever favored sun to the humans. “Don’t worry, I know you’ve been waiting to see a real star so I did you the favor of bringing it for you. Isn’t it marvel--” He was cut off by a very sound punch to his gut. The smaller God’s body hunched over as the fist twisted into his stomach. “You RUINED it!” Thomas took back his hand and went for a kick, knocking Apollo to his back. “You think I want to see your over-saturated waste of a flame? You ruined it! I wasn’t ready for her….” His face twisted in sadness then in a second filled with unbridled rage. “R-Ruined?!” Alexander found the strength to inhale once the wind was knocked out of him. “I brought you day! If anything I fixed this dreary sky and have given you and everyone else something to look at.” He slowly got to his feet. “You should be grateful” he found the urge to fight back. (For now) “Grateful? You cast my night away.” “It was long overdue” “...You interrupted my star gazing” “Stare at the sun it will do your complexion better.” “I wasn’t ready for the night to go!”
“Who cares about your night anyway!” Alex crossed his arms, his eyes looking away as they bickered. When a lack of response came out of Thomas he glanced back at him. His brown eyes were met with a very frigid face. Alex opened his mouth but before he could, Thomas crouched down and jumped off the cloud. He landed on the mortal ground and assumed a more human like appearance, leaving his godly glow behind. Alex’s mouth turned down into a scowl watching the god mix among the people who were now waking up to begin their days. “Fine. Act like a child, run off and cry over your silly stars!” “Alexander…” John fluttered by having witnessed the whole ordeal. It took everything in him not to say ‘I warned you’ or ‘I told you so.’ “Can you believe him? I bring him the best star in the sky early so he may take a chance to gaze at it and he claims I ‘ruined’ his night. I enhanced it” motioned with a thumb to his chest. John have him a weak smile. “Perhaps you should have spoken to him first before taking action? I swear, you and Thomas were made from the same sky but …” John gently ran his hand through Alex’s brown hair. “So different.” “We are opposites, I am great and he is not.” Alex shrugged. “It's not my fault I was created as a blessing to the heavens and Earth.” John blushed, there it was, that ego that enticed so many. “...we should tell Zeus about Thomas.” “What? No, Thomas will return so he can bring back his precious night. He’s fine.” John shot Alexander a look that was no longer red with admiration of his ego but disappointed at his lack of sympathy. “Look, he needs time to calm down, clear his mind, it is why we often live among the mortals. He’ll return and all will be well between us once again.” John kept his hardened stare. “Things have NEVER been good between you, it's why you’re separated by night and day. “Alexander you could...go down there and..” “And be among my dedicated followers! Good idea, all this negativity was beginning to dim my shine.” Alex dove head first to the cloud. “Send a message to the Muses to join me!~” And just like that Alex, too, was gone among common man. John crossed his arms and sighed, so much work to be done when he was simply a messenger to the gods. John had managed to pass along the message to the three Muses, he was ready to head down to Earth himself and enjoy a moment of flightlessness when a large hand came down on his head. “There was some unease amongst the sky at dawn, is everything alright?” The voice was low in volume but the timbre of it resembled a grumbling storm cloud posed to roar.The fatherly figure slowly turned John around. The freckled boy looked up and smiled nervously. “..well…”
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