soullessjack · 9 months
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i believe this fancam by carouselcometh is what they’re talking about
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Vol. 5: January Recommendations
Aaaand, we’re back for another month of irregular recs! Click below for the list!
The Pure and Simple Truth by 221b_hound  | @221b-hound
Rating: Mature
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Eventual Sherlock/John
Summary: The truth wasn’t always beautiful, but it was theirs. The truth of Sherlock and John and Mary; the truth of siblings and the terrible things they did. It wasn’t pure or simple, but it was what it was.
Crickette’s Note: I know I’ve rec’d other stories by 221b_hound. I absolutely want to visit her Captain’s of Industry AU. I would have to say that her Lock and Key series is probably in my top 5 all time most favorite fan writing in this fandom.
This is a break from my usual rec a fic. I am rec’ing the series. I believe that like her other series 221b_hound will weave masterful storytelling and that after S4 this will be the very series a lot of us will want to glom on to. Her characterization of Holmes and Watson is in my opinion what is going on under the surface of the show. So give it a read, yeah? (Also read Lock and Key, Unkissed, Captains of Industry.) (Do it.) (Right now.)
The Liquid Measure of Your Steps by Mazarin221b | @mazarin221b 
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John Watson
Summary: The murder of a young alpha dancer at a posh omega club gives John and Sherlock a peek into the shadier side of the entertainment industry, where young, unsuppressed alphas are left as vulnerable targets to any omega intent on using their own bond compulsion against them.
Crickette’s Note: So this story is from Alpha/Omega Universe. I adore this. None of the issues with consent. The banter between Sherlock and John is some of my favorite. It reads real. “Animate Cock!” I just wanted to say that. Anyway, I have read this story more than once. This story might be my go too when I read bad A/O and I need eyeball bleach. I wanted to rec this because I really enjoy the universe that she creates and would love to see more from it.
Where the Good Things Grow by Anchors
Rating: Mature
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson
Summary: "I have a magic garden."
As come-ons go, John's heard worse.
Crickette’s Note: Hands down this story is magical and lovely. The writer uses bright descriptions that make you visualize exactly where you are. Plus it’s magic tea. I love tea. Especially magic tea. The writing is very lyrical and I enjoyed it. I keep thinking. It was beautiful.. Sorry you’re going to have to read it to understand. I can’t quite capture it and that is a good thing in this case.
Fire and Ice by Laur | @notesoflore
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson
Summary: They hadn’t seen each other since Autumn, when John’s power had been fading and Sherlock’s growing. Now that it was Spring, the balances were shifting again, and Sherlock drank in the signs of John’s increasing vitality. The Summer King’s hair, dulled silver during the cold Winter months, was beginning to sprout threads of gold again; the skin peeking out of his warm clothing, too pale still, was regaining its bronzed tones.
“It’s been a long Winter,” John accused, his words billowing into the air. Sherlock inhaled deeply, pulling that damp, Summer-sweet cloud into his lungs. “Your eyes are as icy as ever, but I swear,” he pulled a hand from his coat pocket and reached up, “every Spring, when I touch you…” His burning hot fingertips brushed Sherlock’s frozen cheek, and the Winter King gasped, a shudder rippling through his body as his gaze bore into John’s, “…they melt.”
Crickette’s Note: Lymphadei and I talk a lot about this list and we usually start the month off with.. Well this is what I’m thinking… and Oh yeah that’s a great fic, have you read this one? When I got the notification that this was posted (I subscribe to Laur and you should too!) I told myself to wait because I was working on something. But then Lymphadei linked me. So I took it as kismet and read it. As soon as I finished I sent her a message. I CALL DIBS IT'S MINE! I’M REC’ING IT!!! It’s all ok because I think she has a Laur story she is rec’ing this month too! The magical realm this is set in it just perfect. I love the idea of them as these fey creatures. I would love to see more from this universe. Especially if there is more Johnlock. It's hard to explain without giving total spoilers.
Like Relationship Counseling (But with Bruises) by PoppyAlexander | @fuckyeahfightlock
Rating: Mature
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Summary: "God, you filthy bugger."
Crickette’s Note: I actually told a friend that this story was so fucking hot that everyone should read it and cuddlefuck it. Yep. Cuddlefuck this. The banter is perfect, the back and forth between John and Sherlock is sexy as fuck. Oh and it's switchlock at its very best. So fun for everyone. I absolutely adore PoppyAlexander’s work.. I tend to try and savor her work, so I stop myself from binge reading each thing, its more like I find it when I find it and then remind myself not to go crazy. I do reread a lot of her stuff… One day I will have read it and I will be sorry. You can’t go back and read something for the first time all over again. But you? You should binge read everything she does. Its brilliant.
The Seafarer; or, A question of Time by DoubleNegative | @onethousandhurrahs
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: “Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. Throw two planets into space, and they will fall one on the other. Place two enemies in the midst of a crowd, and they will inevitably meet; it is a fatality, a question of time, that is all.” - Jules Verne The Indian Ocean, 1880: John H. Watson, MD, meets Sherlock Holmes and is deduced.
Lymphadei’s note: Anything written by DoubleNegative is, in my opinion, a gift from the Johnlock gods. Throw in a bit of history and forbidden romance, and I am living! If the sexual tension is not enough to get your blood pumping, then a good villain and background sapphic romance should do the trick. The build-up is slow and pleasure is deferred, but the story is well worth the wait.
The OtherWorld by Laur | @notesoflore
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: Dealing with a personal loss, the grieving Holmes family moves to the Pink Palace Apartments, out in the middle of nowhere. Sherlock hates it - the boring house, the weird neighbours and especially his newfound stalker John. But then he's lured through a secret passageway to a whole OtherWorld, where nothing is ever boring and everything is as it should be, and embarks on an adventure that could mean leaving the real world behind forever. A Coraline fusion.
Lymphadei’s note: Soooo, I love Coraline??? So when I saw this, I screamed? Like, is that even normal? Obviously, Laur’s works have become quite a favorite for Crickette and I. The writing is always beautiful and the plots, intriquing. The OtherWorld was no different. Laur simply took a brilliant movie and made it her own in a quite a clever and enjoyable way. The more I gush, the more I give away, but if you’ve seen Coraline, then you’ll have a basic idea of where the story goes. Just don’t get too comfortable.
W.A.T.S.O.N. by nondeducible | @nondeducible
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: Sherlock has been called a cold, calculating and heartless machine throughout his adult life. It’s only fitting that he finds his first true friend in an Artificial Intelligence.
Lymphadei’s note: I can’t even begin to say how sweet I found this story… Okay, well obviously I can, but seriously! I love this story. Being a strongly empathetic person, sometimes to my detriment, fics like these just pull at my heartstrings. Sherlock was so alone and once again, as in every story of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, only one man (or machine) was capable of being his conductor of light. If you’ve nothing on, go read this right now. It’s a lovely AU that will leave you wanting more.
Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Cyphernaut
Rating: NR
Pairing: Sherlock/John, Greg/Mycroft
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: Sherlock charges Mycroft with John's safety while he's off tearing down Moriarty's web. Mycroft takes this a step further and brings John home with him, using what he knows of Sherlock and John's (non-sexual) ageplay relationship to create an impromptu "happy family" with Greg.
Lymphadei’s note: Look, I’d just finished rereading the Wee Doctor series by Americanjedi and I needed some daddy Sherlock. I was not disappointed. It’s mostly platonic save for a bit when John is “Big.” Then, I put my slash goggles on. I would say it’s up for interpretation. For the most part, we get to see a sweet side of both Greg and Mycroft, and a John that is too cute for words. Once again, it is proven that Sherlock is willing to do anything for John, so if you’re still reeling from TLD like me, this is a wonderful read.
Perpetual Motion by Fay (Orphaned account)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: Everyone thinks that they're a couple, but Sherlock's self-sexual and John's straight, so they're never going to fall in love, are they? Even if neither of them can imagine life without the other. **** Sherlock hadn’t been in the least bit cold, but he felt warm through and through when John snuggled in beside him. He wondered idly if they could stay like this forever; cuddled up in front of the fire with nothing more complex to solve than the mystery of the box in John’s pocket. “You said that had a present for me,” he murmured with his lips almost touching John’s earlobe. “A small present,” cautioned John. He reached into his dressing gown and drew out a flat box wrapped in unadorned royal blue tissue paper. “Still it’s the thought that counts.” Sherlock arched an eyebrow. “And what thought was that?”
Lymphadei’s note: So, a majority of fics I’ve recced today are fairly innocuous. Yeeeeah, not this one. Here be lots of sex. Lots. We get a bit of interesting background on Sherlock as well as front row seats to witness the developing relationship between our Baker Street Boys. There’s no “bromance” to be found here, but pure, explicit gay sex and romance between men. If that doesn’t hook you in, I don’t know what else will.
That’s all for today, folks. See ya next month!
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