#ALSO that the main 'romantic' couple didn't actually get together in the end? left open-ended?
vulpinesaint · 10 months
haunted mansion 2023 is such a moviegoing experience. you walk into this halloween movie in early august and don't expect much except that it will maybe be funny (expecting same kind of situation as haunted mansion 2003) and instead you immediately are confronted with a movie that is at its core about grief and learning how to live with and lean on others while dealing with that grief, a genuinely touching example of found family, danny devito, and a few really good moments of real honest suspense with scares that make you jump. AND it's actually funny
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disaster-j · 2 years
I came across an article from Celebestopnews on 21 March about Off allegedly confirming his relationship with Gun. On another platform (otakuart) another article appeared a day later talking about the same video and also confirming that they are dating. Now I don't speak Thai, so I have no idea what is said in the video that was attached to the first article, and I have at least sometimes the ability to be a bit critical of sources, so I don't think there is any truth in the articles - especially as I suspect the internet would have gone crazy if that were the case. But I would still be interested: Do you know more?
Thanks for having such a great blog!
Ugh yeah I have unbiased info.
Preface this by saying Off has leaned into the whole "offgun dating" rumours by making jokes about it for years now. It's basically a given that nothing they say about this stuff outside of an actual, official press conference should be taken seriously as confirmation of anythings whatsoever.
So here's what happened. Back in early 2020 (I think) OffGun were asked for the millionth time by an interviewer if they were dating/had ever wanted to date. They replied by explaining that their relationship is such that they already do many things that people who are dating would do for each other but that despite their closeness they've never actually said they wanted to date or should date. They left the possibility that it could happen someday open. Having seen that interview a couple times I can say that their response seemed to be a way for them to explain that they get that they have an unconventional relationship but it was not one where they were romantically linked. Although they weren't averse to the idea of someday ending up together, that was just not what they wanted from each other at the time. Now, people might say this is them doing fanservice or just saying it to fuel shipping delusions but to me they seemed pretty serious and genuine, like that really is just how they saw their relationship. They could date but they didn't feel any need to.
Flash forward to 21st March when OffGun were chatting with fans on video call and a fan brought up what they'd said then, asking if they were now ready to say they were dating. Off replied to this by saying something along the lines of "yes call a press conference I'll say it now" and then proceeding to give Gun a very exaggerated sniff kiss. Watching the clip it was very clear to me they were both just messing around because Off's tone was pretty playful and sarcastic, not serious at all, and they both laughed after.
As people who have both kept their dating lives extremely private over the span of their careers, even before the ship, it should be obvious that were they actually dating they would not joke around like this. They'd likely never actually announce it and if they did it would be a very clear announcement with official notices by their company backing it up because their status in the industry sadly would warrant that. I'm not quite sure why the joke was blown so out of proportion by the fandom, maybe it was a mix of a couple of things? OffGun have gotten closer than ever in the past year while becoming more and more private with a lot of their interactions. They use far more personal and affectionate pronouns for each other, they hang out all the time without posting about it or making it public. All this makes the fans think their relationship has changed into something even deeper than it was before. All of this happening as their possible last BL show with them as the mains airing is enough to stir the pot of rumours.
I won't say that it's impossible that they could be dating or could date in the future, simply because it isn't. But I will say that counting the joke as an announcement of their relationship is quite an odd thing to do. Especially for a fandom that has so far been quite respectful of the artists' boundaries. It feels invasive and unnecessary for fans to demand a label or more transparency from OffGun when their dating lives should never be any of our business. We should be able to just appreciate their wholesome relationship without needing to make it all about whether it's "real" or not. A label does not define whether or not two people genuinely love and care for each other.
Hope that helps clear things up!
P.S.- I would generally add links to the clips I mention but I'm currently waiting for a meeting and don't wanna risk opening videos rn xD but they can be found with subs on yt or twitter if you do a quick search
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Imagine Reader/Katsuki Bakugo part 3
Part two here:
Once again, I remind you that English is not my main language. But I am doing my best.
Also, that it has been a while since I last watched or read BNHA and some stuff might be out of the anime context.
After being caught by professor Mic with Bakugo in what it seemed to be a making out session, you are called out by your uncle Aizawa and decide to go back to keeping a low profile at the academy. Bakugo keeps trying to rilvarize with you, but you always step away. Until you are forced into playing a game of quirkball with him in which you realize Bakugo is actually a very attractive boy. After having an intense dream with him you finally realize that,oh damn, you like him.
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You are in class, Aizawa is explaining something about math and strategies, but you can't bring yourself to pay attention to it. From the corner of your eyes you can see Bakugo staring outside the window. He seems distracted too.
He looks back at his notebook and sunddely at you. As you cross eyes, you blush and look away, at Aizawa as quick as you can. You remember the dream you had a couple of weeks ago and shrink your shoulders in embarassment. Could anybody there read your tuoughts? Was there anyone with this quirk? What if somebody told him??
"Hey y/n!" somebody yells at you and you quickly correct your posture caught by surprize. It is Kirishima, he is standing in front of your desk, the class is over. "Wanna hang out?"
"Sorry?" You say, but he doesn't seem to aknowledge your confusion. He just straight up catches you by the wrist and pulls you along with him. "Wait, Kirishima!"
"Come on! We are having a gaming session with snacks today."
You try to get him to let you go but he barely notices your struggle.
"I don't even know you guys." you say, impressed by his strengh.
"Yeah, that is the point!" He says as he opens the door of his room. "The best way to get to someone is meeting their friends."
Sero, Denki and Mina are all sitting on Kirishima's bed, the two last with videogame controls on his hands.
You feel that caramel scent.
Bakugo is sitting on a chair next to them eating what seems to be nachos with peper. His jaw drops when he sees you come in with Kirishima, who is now hugging you in an armlock.
"I brought a new player, guys!" Kirishima says almos tosssing you towards his bed.
"Hello y/n! I didn't know you were into videogames!" Mina greets you, pulling you towards her. "We are playing Halo, I want you in my team!"
She hugs yor arm pulling you to herself. You blush quite quickly.
"Hey! We are raffling the teams." Sero says and looks at you with a huge smile. "I want y/n in my team too. You are,like, supercool."
You don't even know how to act as they start discussing who might get you in their teams. Bakugo still looks at you perplexed and Kirishima smirks looking bewtween the both of you.
Actually, videogames are not something you are really good at, and you end up disappointing all of them while you are on their teams. But they actually laugh a lot about it. Until, by accident you end up killing Bakugo while you are on his team.
"Hahahahahah! Y/n headshoted him!" Denki rolls around in bed as he laguhs at Bakugo's furious face.
"I told you to stay out of my way!" he yells at you, while he throws the control at Kirishima's head, who is also laughing.
"I... I... sorry. I don't... I am not used to..." you stutter.
"If you don't know how to play, you shouldn't even be here!" he says, pointing at your face.
"Who said I wanted to be here?!" you answer standing up and stomping on the floor.
The laughs stop and they all look at you. There is a heavy energy in the air as you and Bakugo stare at each other as if you are going to get physical, in a bad way. Kirishima scratches his head unconfortably.
"Sorry. I guess I misread the sings." He says to you, and you immediately let your guard down, feeling awful for making him feel bad.
"I..." you start, but you don't even know what to say.
There is another moment of creeppy silence among you all.
"Come on Bakugo! You are not even that good at videogames too!" Mina mocks, hitting him in the head with a punch.
"Yeah, my turn now!" Denki says taking the control in your hands.
"Come here y/n. I will teach you the controls! I am the best player." says Sero pulling you to his side.
Soon, the energy gets back to a very excited and fun one with all of them screaming and playing again, except for Bakugo, who spends the rest of the time with a serious expression.
When everyone is leaving, you stay behind to talk to Kirishima.
"I am very sorry for what happened. You were being really nice to me, I shouldn't have said that." You say, bowing in front of him.
"Hey! It is fine! I am sorry I forced you into coming here. Its just that I thougt..." he makes another embarassed face. "Listen, Bakugo is not always a mean guy, you know? He, he has feelings too. Hidden way too deep inside of him, but he has them."
"I think the only feeling Bakugo has for me is hatred."
"He. You would be surprized." Kirishima says, gently smiling at you. "I just wanna see him happy, you know."
You smile at him and go back to your dorm. Actually, this night was the most fun you've had in weeks.
Liking someone you are sure does not like you back is hard. Liking someone who you know hates you is even worse.
The months go by and you try to avoid Bakugo as much as you can, but all of a sudden you are part of his friendship group.
You meet Mina almost everywhere you go, she is always sitting next to you and gossiping, even though you rarely talk back to her. Actually it seems that you being a quiet person is what attracts her in you. She seems to like listening to herself talk. The also makes your hair and puts make up on you (independent of your gender).
Almost everyday Sero and Denki take you with them to whatever the weird thing they are planing on doing that day. Be it playing videogames, eating a whole bunch of snacks or playing sports.
And every friday Kirishima grabs you from your room in the dorms to play videogames with them. That is always when you see Bakugo.
He is always serious and competitive. You avoid playing on his team or against him, but the second is harder to do. Everytime you play against each other, he blows up your charactmer right away.
"Who brought these?" Bakugo asks one night after finishing another pack of snacks. "They are really spicy."
"Y/n did." Kirishima answers.
Bakugo turns to you as if it is the first time he notices you in the room. This makes you kind of angry, but also makes you feel kind of well once his face doesn't seem to be so threatening this time.
"Where did you buy them?" He asks.
"In a store near the academy. They sell all kinds of treats." you answer, a little embarassed."I can show you where it is."
"Fine." He answers while opening another bag of the snack. "Tomorrow, then."
He gets back to eating them while playing. He seems really chill.
But everyone else is looking at you, jaws dropped. Kirishima starts smiling obsessively with those sharp teeth and Mina shrieks.
That is when you realize that Bakugo has just set a date with you.
You are sitting alone on the couch of the common area. You have put on an outifit specially for this, and now you are afraid to be overdressed(take your time to imagine it).
A scent comes to your nose. There is a bit of caramel in it, but mixed with wodden perfume. You turn around and Bakugo is behind you wearing a black plain T-shirt under a plaid red shirt.
"Hi." You say standing up a little bit quicker than you intended to.
"Hey." He answers, hands in pockets.
A deep silence falls over you.
"Let's go?" He asks while already walking to the door.
You follow him until you are side by side and you start walking in silence until you are out of the school. As you do so, you pass by many other students from class 1-A that, you are pretty sure, make perplexed faces to see you two together.
"It is a couple of blocks ahead." You say.
"Actually..." Bakugo stops behind you. "Why don't we take a stroll first?"
You turn to him, confused. He is staring at you with a serious face, pretty misterious to you.
"O...ok." you stutter a little intimidated by it.
You follow Bakugo to a commercial area where the both of you start window shopping in silence, until he seems to see something and pulls you by your forearm to it.
"A fight movie?" you ask when you see him point to the poster in the movie theater.
"Do you have anything better to do?" he asks.
"Ok, it's just that... I have seen this movie already." you say, remembering that you had come to watch it with Aizawa. He slept the whole session.
"We can see that one then." he points at a romantic movie poster.
"Ahn... no I don't like these." you say pointing at the third and final poster available. "Let's see that one. I'll pay for the popcorn."
"You will want separate popcorn." He says.
He was right, Bakugo's popcorn was so full of barbecue sauce that you couldn't even put it in your mouth. He seems to really enjoy spicy food.
As for the movie... it was an horror movie about a psycopath that murdered people in a school. Bakugo whispered during the whole movie about how dumb the characters were and even laughed in a scene with lots of gore. You couldn't avoid to laugh with him, because, yeah, the effects were not that good.
He turned to you when he saw you giggle and you exchanged a smile.
When you left the session the sun was setting.
"So, let's go to the store and... back to campus?" you say stretching your arms up.
"Yeah." He answers putting one of his arms around your waist.
You freeze as Bakugo guides you out of the movie in that way. You can barely walk straight and don't know what to do. Your face is hot red but not as hot as the feeling of his hand on your waist.
You walk in silence that way till you get to the store.
"It... it's here." You say.
"Yeah." he answers.
You wait for him to let go of you so you can get inside, but he doesn't.
"Bakugo." You say, too embarassed to look at him.
"Call me Katsuki." He tells you, his mouth close to your ear.
You are daytripping, right? Is it a dream again? What is going on? All of a sundden this is happening. You get afraid to pinch yourself and be back in the common room.
But that heat he emanates near you makes you sure that this time, it is for real.
"How dumb do you think I am, eh?" He says, taking his hand off your hip and standing in front of you.
"I don't think you're dumb." You answer taking a step back and crossing your arms. "Annoying? Sure. Rude? Absolutely. A jerk? Yeah...but not dumb."
"You think I am annoying?" He says with a smirk."You think I am a Jerk? Y/n, you have baaad taste for men, then."
"WHAT?!" you yell as you feel your face becoming even more red.
"It did take Eijiro to tell me for me to notice at first, but then I realized he was right. All your little stares, the way you got when I was around. You like me, don't you?" he rises one of his eyebrows and smiles.
"I DON'T." You say quickly, but then cover your mouth. You feel like running away, but you can't control yout legs.
Bakugo pulls you to him and gets his face close to yours.
"I am flattered." He says in a huge side smile.
You keep your hands in your mouth.
"Your breath smells like barbecue." Is the only think you can think of answering.
You feel very dumb about it, but he starts laughing and lets you go. You step back and put your head down, shrinking your shoulders.
"You... like me?" you ask with a wisper.
"If I like you? I don't even know you." He says putting his hands on his pockets. "But I know you're intelligent, strong and..."
Bakugo pulls your chin up and stares at you, deep in the eyes.
"I think you are very pretty too." he says. "I think I could get to like you a lot... little brat."
"What did you just..."
You are about to start a fight, but Bakugo rests his lips on yours. He doesn't kiss agressively, actually, his lips are very soft.
When he steps away, you hide your face in your hands. You can feel your whole body burning.
"That is cute, I actually thought your were going to try to beat the shit out of me for doing this." he laughs.
"I WILL!" you say, throwing some punches on his chest, but not really hard.
He holds your wirsts and gives you a sweep kick, putting you up one of his shoulders. You let go a scream.
"Yeah, I like it better like this. Let's buy those nice snacks." he says, taking you into the store like that.
Next part here:
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talking-tv · 5 years
I saw a lot of olicity gifs here on tumblr and then I watched some of their scenes on youtube and now I'm in love with them so I tried to start watching arrow for two times now but didn't get past episode 2. I don't know why, I just couldn't get hooked to the story and there was no felicity yet. But I really LOVE olicity. Should I try to watch it again? Or should I maybe just watch seasons/episodes that have a a lot of olicity in? How would you rank seasons based only on olicity?
I can tell you that in my opinion Arrow is a great show. But, to stick with it you have to love this kind of a tv show. If you don’t like superheros, then you probably won’t get hooked to Arrow or any of it’s spinoffs. And s1 is a little different than other seasons of Arrow, at least in the beginning, because it has more “a villain of the week” style and while the main plot is happening throughout the whole season, in the beginning it’s more of a side plot and only after sometime it becomes central. So I don’t know what to tell you, if you don’t really like this way of storytelling, know that everything becomes conncted after some time so maybe you should give it another try and see if it’s better once you get passed it. Maybe it’s also that you have yet to see Felicity in the show. Maybe once you start watching the show with her in it, you’ll enjoy it more. Now, her first appereance is in 1x03, but she is not in every episode after. She makes an appereance every 2 or 3 episodes, and only in 1x14 she becomes a part of the team officially. And in s2, she becomes a series regular. So, have that in mind. Also, first two seasons of Arrow are more focused on storyline than romance and only in s3 that becomes more central. 
Talking about Olicity, you should know that they are a slowburn. Yes, they are hinted from the very beginning, but only at the end of s3 they became a couple. There are hints and small moments in the first two seasons (much more in s2), but nothing that significent happens before s3 which is full of their moments (except in the final episode of s2). 
 Ranking of seasons based on Olicity and how much we get them romantically is: 3,4,6,7,5,2,1
I’ll explain it now so SPOILERS AHEAD!
Season 1 there are only hints in small moments, like looks they give each other and stuff like that. But, they are mostly here just partners.
Season 2 is mostly knowing they both care about each other, and there are no shortage of moments showing that, but it is more obvious on Felicity’s side than Oliver’s, but only because he refuses to admit it and open more. In the final episode there is a big Olicity moment, but at the end they go with “it was all a lie to fool the big bad of the season”, but is once again hinted in the final moments of the episode that it was more than just that. 
Season 3 continues where s2 left of, with Oliver starting to open up to a possibility of being in love with Felicity, but then shutting it down once again after an incident happens. But, he is not denying of hiding that he loves her anymore, he actually admits that he does, but that he also can’t be with her because of the life he leads. The rest of the season is them being more than obvious about their feelings, but not acting on them, and there is even a love triangle with Felicity dating Ray Palmer. After she breaks up with him, they finally admit out loud their feelings and sleep together, but are separated again because of the circumstances, but in the finale they finally get together.
Season 4 is them dating for a first half of the season and it has a lot of Olicity moments, them dating and living together (a lot of domesticity) and even getting engaged, but then they break up at the end of 4x15 and that becomes final in 4x16. Rest of the season is them dealing with that break up and finding a way to work again as partners.
Season 5 has them broken up for most of the season and they actually date other people for some time. But, this season also has one of my favorite things - an Olicity centric episode. It is episode 5x20 and it focuses only on Olicity, both in the present and through the flashbacks. 5x19 is a great introduction to their centric episode, so be sure to watch it before you watch 5x20. Last three episodes are then focused on hinting that they will get back together. They talk about it and there are nice moments.
Season 6 has them finally getting back together in 6x03 and then even getting married in the crossover episode. So rest of season has them married and there is a lot of cute moments and domesticity as they are now a family (they are raising Oliver’s son together). 
Season 7 has them separated in first few episodes since Oliver is in prison (but they share an emotional moment in the premiere), and then they reunite in 7x07 and after that the rest of the season has them living as a married couple. The season is not that focused on their relationship anymore, but it still has no shortage of domestic Olicity moments. Felicity gets pregnant, but they are separated once again in the finale since Oliver has to go save the world.
Season 8 has no Olicity (at least for now) since Emily Bett Rickards has left the show.
Basically, if you want a lot of Olicity (romantically) being more central to the storyline, then you should watch s3, first half of s4 and s6.
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yogimathias · 5 years
I'm trying.
I got messaged by my ex recently. The one I was with when I made the post at the bottom. After years of silence. I wrote out all the things to try and process. I can share it here. First, the story of the relationship.
------After my marriage ended (story for another time), I ended up in a not so great relationship. Partially due to my inability to deal with being alone. Partially because my parents were encouraging me to leave.
So when I met someone who seemed good and welcoming I jumped at the chance.
I knew about her ex but I thought he was out of the picture entirely. After a couple weeks and one date we made plans for me to go stay there. When I arrived, I found out the ex was staying there because he was recently needed for transportation reasons and took that as an ok to stay. And my presence was described to him as "a friend with mental difficulties who needs a place to crash for a bit." She told me it was better than having everything out in the open and him being angry, because she has two kids there.
It took about two weeks of them fighting and such for him to finally leave. I was going through anxiety and panic attacks during because I didn't know what was going to happen or when. I just stayed on the couch most of the day.
After he left, I asked if I was going to moved into her room like we talked about, and she says let's wait a couple days for the kids and everything to feel calm and comfortable.
I had managed to get a job at Burger King by then. And one day after getting home from work, I saw there was a gym bag at the foot of her bed. I asked about it and she said a friend lost his apartment and need to crash for a week tops. And that to keep things simple he will crash in her room.
Reassured me he was just a friend and he will be gone soon. That week or so, turned into 3 months he was there. During that time, he was presented to others and family as "the boyfriend". Because her ex would sometimes come by to get some of his stuff and she said it was better to say the new guy was the boyfriend.
Also during this time, I noticed she was into certain things. Like taking her pain killers by crushing them up and sniffing them. She sent me on a shopping trip to go get supplies needed to take whip-hits.
And had me try them on occasion. And also one time she over did it and was unresponsive for almost a minute and I gave cpr to her and when she came to, she acted like everything was fine.
In an attempt to get all of her exes things out, she asked if I and Josh (the "boyfriend") if we could leave while he was there. This was in Maine in April. Still chilly. Turned into me staying out overnight on the street.
Then said that the ex won't leave. We can just crash in the basement. Which was unfinished. So dirt floor and my bed was a work bench. Was there for a week. She finally got him out, and applied for a protection from abuse from the court. She asked me to write a statement for it. I did.
And on the day of the hearing I find out minutes before I would have to go up and give verbal statement and be questioned by both parties. It was difficult. Putting it lightly. I had to lie, not mentioning why I lived there. Josh was publicly called her boyfriend.
The judge could tell I was having difficulty. And he actually believed me more than the other three people involved because he felt I had a perspective not based on a romantic connection. After that it got a little more quiet. But I was still this guy living on her couch. Who was convinced that I was love by her. Been with her intimately.
But all these signs say that she was with this other guy Josh. He slept in her room. He was convinced that they had a future together. My panic attacks were regular. I lost weight even working at Burger King and not doing anything all day.
Finally, after much help and direct assistance from an online friend, my dad came to get me. While taking my stuff out she came down and got loud. Saying it's not right. Things are ok. And as I was leaving she said "you can't understand because of your autism".
I got to my parents place. Got a job. On day two of my job I get a text from her. A picture of an ultrasound. Thankfully I had a moment of calm and I immediately sent it to two women friends of mine who are mothers. They could tell and told me that it wasn't current and not hers.
After that day, I had to set my own limit. No contact. Don't read or respond or message ever. She knew me too well and could manipulate information and hit all those spots in my head. ---------
Now for the first message. Came on Facebook.
------- Hey Matty
I’m sure you’d rather not here from me, but I need to apologize for what happened between us. You’re a good person and a even better friend. I was not in a good place last time we spoke or hung out. For that I am sorry and can’t apologize enough. I’ve changed as a person and I never want to be that person again. So I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m not a horrible person.. I just made a series of bad choices. I’m a firm believer that in life we all have to strive to become better people. My Father passed away last January and it’s put life in prospective for me. That’s why I’m leaving Maine to break away from the sickness of my family. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I’d like to try being friends again. Nothing fancy or fast... just friends.... I still care about you and probably always will. Please let me know and I’ll respect anything decision you make. Take care and remember to smile. ------
I didn't read it for about a day. Then I read it. So she then could tell i read it. And I actually considered responding after waiting maybe 3 days. My thought was that if she was genuine, she wouldn't need my response in order to do better as a person. I didn't have to think about it 3 says. About a day or so after reading it, I got the other message. For context, Taran is her son. He was 8 years old about when we were together.
------ No response hun... I’ll respect your wishes if you really don’t want anything to do with me, but I thought more of you then holding on to grudges. When you needed support I was there and excepted you for you. Even after I found out about the embezzlement. I just thought that out of anyone in this world you’d be the one person that could forgive. You have to admit Matt that we did have some fun while we were together. How did it feel when others found out about what you did and snubbed you because of a mistake? I’m just asking for a shot.... yes my life will go on without you, but that’s not what I wanted. I guess I was truly hoping that maybe you’d grown up some and didn’t feel the need for approval from others to be friends with someone. Taran still asks about you from time to time and I’m truly shocked that you of all people wouldn’t even give me a condolence for my father or my cousin Zack. Who both passed away. Maybe I don’t know you as well as I thought. Such a shame, but you’ve obviously made up your mind. So I truly won’t contact you again. I know I’ve said this before. Unfortunately this time I mean it. I really did think more of you.
Good bye Matty and try not living with malice and hate in your heart. Take care...,,. --------
I want to be free of my anxiety. Doubt. Struggle. The stuff that she gave me.
*picture is a reminder I keep.
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Part Seven
They let their feet guide them to wherever they go. The town is silent, but not in a creepy silence kind of way. Just the kind of quiet when you can able to clear your mind and feel at least a bit of peace.
Somehow, the two of them ended up by the shipyard which is, of course, empty at midnight. His uncle's boat was located to the private area, where most luxury boats and yachts are place. Michael got them in without problem as he had access to the gates and together, they walk down the path and passed by different kinds of boats.
The wind is cool, but not too freezing. Jordan's wavy blonde hair gets blown by the breeze from time to time but not enough to mess it. She looks at the dark sky, eyes closed in bliss as she inhale the fresh salty breeze coming from the sea.
Michael had been recording their little trip with his digital camera. Then smiles at the sight of happiness on her face, glad to have brought her to the place he goes to when he needs some peace, so he made sure it was all caught in the cam.
"I-I don't get it." Jordan suddenly turns to face him and the camera, blushing. "How could they just take your scholarship away?"
Ah, yes. Their latest topic of conversation : College. Michael brought her up to speed about what he has been doing, about football and about wanting to go into filming, when she noticed him recording the party earlier.
It was rare for him to tell a story, much less something that has left a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was something about Jordan that makes it easy to open up a little.
He paused the camera and looks down as they walk, his left shoulder suddenly feels like tingling at the memory. "Well, I had to have a surgery, and they didn't think I could ever play again. No more scholarship meant no more Berkeley. It was probably my only choice of place to go to, away from here."
Jordan nods slowly, understanding etched on her beautiful face. "I'm really sorry."
He feels sorry for himself too, if he wasn't too busy thinking how he brought it all to himself, or how he was fooled by his so-called friend.
"So, how did you do it?" She asks deliberately, in a careful yet soft voice. "How did you hurt yourself?"
"It was just a freak accident. You know, I fell down some stairs and... that's not true." Michael paused, then stops to look her in the eye. He wants to see it in those innocent green orbs as soon as he tells her the truth. He wants to see the same judgemental gleam everyone gives him when they hear about it. "That's kind of what I tell everybody."
Jordan knits her eyebrows, an indication that she was being thoughtful and sympathetic. But she stays quiet and let him continue.
"I got really drunk one night at my friend Brian's house. It was his birthday and we're all having a drinking game, just the school team. We all agreed he can give all the dares and well... He dared me to jump off the roof into the pool. I clipped the edge with my shoulder." He let out a humorless chuckle, remembering his father's raging disappointment. His coach's regretful voice when he told him he can no longer play. "I'm such an idiot. I don't wanna be that guy, you know?"
A few steps passed. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jordan look up at him with a gentle smile. She shakes her head. "Then don't be."
That was all he needed to hear. He hates long talks about having faith and listening to fake promises that everything is going to work itself out.
There, Jordan doesn't seem to feel the need to promise or reassure him, she knows it was all out of their hands. It was her calming presence that gives all the reassurance he needed.
"You know," she starts. "My mom used to take me here when I was little."
"Really?" He smiles.
It was the first bit of personal story she ever shared that night. Jordan is a big mystery, giving very little information about herself or what she does every day. All she ever told him was that she isn't available during the daytime and as much curious as he is, he never asks 'cause he trusts her to tell him at some point.
Jordan points to a spot by the harbor, a huge cleared space overlooking the sea. "She sat me right... there. And, um, she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. Actually, this watch was hers." The girl held up her wrist, where a gold watch was wrapped and complementing her pale flawless skin. "I spent so much time looking at this thing on her hand, and..." Her smile turns wistful. "Uh, she died when I was little. She was in a car accident."
"I'm... I'm so sorry," Michael frowns, worried he had totally blew their night off. "You know, we can go someplace--"
"No. No, no." Jordan shakes her head quickly. "No, I'm...I'm good. "
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah. I promise."
Michael offers his hand. "You wanna see something cool?"
His uncle's boat was only a few meters down the pathway so Michael lead the girl to the private sailing boat where he practically spends all his time since summer starts.
"Ta-da!" He spreads his arms, jumping on board which sways gently on its spot.
Jordan's eyes widen. "This is yours?"
"No. But it's something I'm taking care of for the summer. It's a Jespersen 53."
Michael reached out and she let him help her up to the deck as well. He watched her balancing awkwardly on her feet and smirks. "One of these days we could take her for a sail around the harbor. We can watch the sun set."
Jordan holds onto a metal support beam and smiles up at Michael. But the last sentence he uttered just registered in her mind and suddenly, she felt a huge lump on her throat.
Michael wants to go on sailing with her to watch the sunset. Out on the sea. It was probably the most romantic idea she ever heard if only she can be able to make it come true.
Which is impossible, unless she wants to achieve a grade-A cancer that will probably wipe off any chance of ever going to sailing ever again. Jordan pretends to watch the sea. She doesn't want Michael to see that she can never go with him on those trips. Not as long as there is sunlight involved. Hell, he doesn't even know what the main problem is.
Just tell him, dammit! Her mind and conscience keeps on scolding her.
No, no. She can't... She doesn't want to. What if Michael starts seeing her more like a fragile sick creature than the funny awkward Jordan he had always known?
"That sounds... perfect." She says instead.
Michael leans down from the elevated deck he is standing on and press his lips softly on her. Jordan reaches up and put his hands on his shoulder, pulling him closer as she responded to the gentle kiss in a deliberate manner.
You see, Jordan had never kissed anyone before, not this way. Surely, those kisses all over Maria's face that she used to give her when she feels like annoying her wouldn't have counted.
It feels like forever, their lips melting to each other like they were meant to be that way. A smile tugs the corner of her lips and when they pulled away, Michael has the same smile on his face.
Luckily, the pickup truck decided to die just a house away from the Lee's house.
The engine rumbled and groaned before completely stalling in the middle of the road. Michael fumbled on the steering wheel. "Um, just, let me get out of..."
He tries once more, there was a brief groan then the engine died all over again. Jordan grinned, studying the guy's face which looks a bit redder than usual. Oh, he's embarrassed. It only makes her smile for more.
"Sorry." He says, sounding sheepish but not at all surprised.
They sit in silence for a few awkward moments. Jordan bites her lip. "So, what are you gonna do this year, now that you're not going to Berkeley?"
"Well, first I'm gonna get a new truck." Michael quipped. They chuckle. "Or not, I have my motorcycle anyway. And then I'm gonna drive across the country. You know, I've been in the football field my entire life and I haven't get to see much else, so..." He looks at her, noting the downcast look on her face. The beautiful smile gone. "Um, what are you gonna do--"
"I'm not doing anything." Jordan says immediately, shaking her head. "I'm just gonna take some online courses, I think. But... I'll just be here." I cannot leave anyway, she wanted to add. I cannot go across the country or have vacation under the sun...like a normal girl.
"I, uh... I meant what are you doing tomorrow?" Michael clarified. The shock on the girl's face made him laugh.
"Oh, God..." She slapped her forehead, but she is also laughing. A hint of hesitation passed through her face for a second. "Um... I... I'm busy during the day, but I can be free tomorrow night."
"That's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Okay." Jordan flashed him with her signature beam before jumping out the door. She made it a few feet away before she stopped as if she forgot something and run back to the window. "I have something to tell you." Concern filled his chest at the look of panic in her eyes. She sighed heavily then let out a guilty smile. "I don't actually have a hamster."
Michael grinned, not at all surprised. In fact he didn't even try hide it. "No shit."
As if satisfied, the girl waved her hand then run to her house.
From the inside, Scott watched his daughter get off a blue pick-up truck. He glances at his watch and sees it was almost three in the morning. A couple more hours and Jordan might have reach the morning sunlight.
This was exactly what Dr. Maddox had warned him about. The age when his daughter will no longer be contained inside the house and meet people that will trigger some issue on her condition.
The truck isn't Maria's. Jordan didn't went home with her best friend just like what they always talked about.
He couldn't help but feel threatened.
That morning, Maria lies on Jordan's bed, with the latter has been using her stomach as a pillow while she strummed lazily on her guitar.
It was moments like this that she feels closer to the blonde. No parties, no other friends... No Michael. Just the two of them having a lazy morning with no plans to think about.
Last night had been the first time Maria really enjoyed a wild party. She threw caution to the wind and let herself lose, probably had drunk more alcohol than she ever had her entire high school years. It was also a bonus fun that Jordan adjusted rather quickly to the party and managed to gain some more friends.
And today, well, they have nothing to do.
A beep sounded from her phone and Maria put down her book. She opened the message and smirk at joke that was sent to her.
Jordan glances up, eyes narrowing suspiciously. She had noticed Maria had been texting a lot that morning. "Who are you texting?"
"No one." The dark-haired girl casually turns of the screen and dump her phone.
"Maria..." She put her guitar on the side of the bed and shifts on the bed to face her friend. "Who are you texting?"
Maria closes her eyes and winced at her soft voice then whispers almost inaudibly. "Caleb."
"Um? I can't hear you when you're whispering..."
"Caleb!" She repeated. Somehow she feels guilty for the other things that happened in the party. It is true that alcohol makes people lose control sometimes. "I made out with Caleb!"
Maria groans, face completely red as she buries her face on the pillows in shame. At some point during the night, in the middle of the dance floor, she and Caleb ended up dancing on a particularly sexy song. Then stuffs happen. After that Maria felt like getting sick because Caleb isn't exactly the one she was thinking off during their...uh, moment.
She tried looking for Jordan, but neither her best friend nor Michael were nowhere in the party. So she rushed to get home by herself.
Now, Caleb had been texting her all morning. However rude it might be, Maria admitted she wasn't attracted to him as she is already liking someone. Which led to the guy teasing her and coercing her to tell him who the lucky person is.
"No!" Jordan cooed, but her chuckles betrayed her voice. "He's really really really cute. And he totally likes you."
Maria stayed buried on the pillows and after a few minutes, she felt arms wrapping around her and cuddling her. The blonde nuzzles on the back of her neck, which tickles but she tried to ignore it.
"By the way," Jordan speaks close to her ear, her breathe sending shivers down her neck. "Can I tell my dad that I'm going over to your house tonight, so I can go hangout with Michael?"
In a micro-second, Maria is sitting on her butt and looking at her best friend pointedly. "You're asking me to help you lie to your father so you can hang out with a guy?"
Jordan pouts.
"Ugh. I'm telling him you'll be having a sleepover to my house." She conceded anyway. She is totally powerless when it comes to pouts.
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junkcereals · 4 years
Junk Cereals: Most vital ranking of 19 Cheerios flavors
Cheerios is the biggest, most popular cereal brand. General Mills has marketed four varieties for multiple generations. More recently, more than 15 flavors have been released to give fans almost anything they want. Many are still on shelves, although Peach Cheerios recently left and Cheerios Protein Almond departed last year because General Mills faced a lawsuit because it had less protein than it claimed. Following is a ranking of Cheerios flavors. The large majority are good, which forced some tough choices.
19. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
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I may have eaten Apple Cinnamon Cheerios once as a child and wanting to believe it was good enough to eat again. But my mom knew better. Evidently, this has 12 grams of sugar, which explains that and is a total waste because you wouldn't recognize all that added sugar from a bite of it. All you taste is some apple, a hard it of cinnamon, maybe some more apple. Or maybe not if you've been a smoker for any extended stretch of you're life. I never was and never will be because I satisfy my need for instant gratification with healthy stuff like cereal that has at least three grams of fiber like this stuff. By the way, this cereal has lower vitamin enrichment than some Captain Crunch varieties. Did the captain steal vitamins?
Maybe Apple Cinnamon Cheerios only resembles something I should like because its hearty, woody look and feel appeals to basic masculinity.
18. Regular Cheerios
Cheerios have been around since 1941 when they were called Cheeri Oats, but didn’t become Cheerios until General Mills decided this cereal had earned a better sounding name.
SInce then, Cheerios have been the morning staple of people who just want to get on with their day, as well as those who just want to focus on reading the newspaper rather than whatever ripples or odd spots may appear in their cereal.
Some say vanilla is their favorite ice cream flavor because anything can go in it. Cheerios is the vanilla of cereals. Consumers slice various fruits into Cheerios, such as bananas, strawberries, peaches, blueberries and mango. Avocado? Sure. Other things can go in Cheerios, like chocolate chips, yogurt, peanut butter and M&Ms. No one has yet been bold enough to make an M&M cereal, so put them in Cheerios. Before the explosion of different Cheerios flavors, Danny, who was supposed to be the main character in “Caddyshack,” poured sugar in his Cheerios. He looked like he knew what he was doing, although the plot of the movie suggested otherwise.
17. Multigrain Cheerios
A couple of things stand out about Multigrain Cheerios: its variety of colors, the sound it makes when the O's collide against each other and how it's been around this long. I guess when it came out, it competed with Total because Total was touted as the most healthy cereal ever. But General Mills pointed out that you want 100 percent DV of nine vitamins and minerals in circular form because if you want to be a Lion King, your nutrition is a circle of life.
The name certainly doesn't compel anyone, especially since no one could name the grains in it until recently when it put them on the back of the box (corn, oats, millet, sorghum and rice). Cheerios is too mature to make a game of it. By the way, all those colors in the cereal are real, none artificial. The entire Cheerios brand is consistent about that. Only lower-tier General Mills cereals get food dyes.
16. Toasted Coconut Cheerios 
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This is the most Whitey McWhite Person cereal to be done. They toasted coconut to put in this. The flavor is totally coconut. Can other fruits be toasted and put into cereal form? What about mango? That would have a more pronounced taste than Toasted Coconut Cheerios. But we don't want our fruit toasted if we really want to eat it. The back of the box features vacation destinations where you may be able to eat real coconuts. But no getaway contest in which to enter. Thanks, General Mills. Please bring on Mango Cheerios and I'll forgive you.
15. Fruity Cheerios
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What does Fruity Cheerios give? A general fruity flavor, real nutrition, consistent appearance and taste throughout the bowl. What does Fruity Cheerios not give? An abundance of color, tons of added sugar, a cheerful cartoon character swooping in to slap the well-being out of you. I can’t hold it against Fruity Cheerios that it displays earth tones instead of primary and secondary colors. Product developers obviously deemed Cheerios undeserving of large amounts of food dye and artificial flavors. Besides, there are fruits with earthtones like avocados. People like avocados, so they must be willing to give this a chance.
Fruity Cheerios aims to be a healthy alternative to Froot Loops, and achieves that to a moderate degree.
14. Peach Cheerios
Within this cereal, one finds a fair amount of flavor and peach puree. Like peach crayons, it doesn’t give enough color or anything else you want from peaches.
13. Chocolate Strawberry Cheerios
This limited edition of the great Cheerios franchise, which was released weeks before Valentine's Day 2021, tested how well love could be manufactured in cereal form.
The aroma upon opening the box is so romantic and lovely that a person may want to kiss the nearest person 1,000 times. Hopefully, that person is worthy of the hypnotizing scent.
This cereal possesses a wonderful chocolate flavor. However, since the strawberry aspect is an artificial flavor, it falls short of other Cheerios fruit flavors. Not that you and your partner can't swing your arm around other's in a love bite fashion as if you're eating chocolate strawberries together.
12. Cheerios Oat Crunch Oats 'n' Honey
Did you know there are oats in this cereal? You may also taste honey. The taste is quite juicy and deep, but not as beautiful as the alternative COC flavor.
11. Frosted Cheerios 
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Cheerios marketers walked into the upper management suite, located the right executive office, pounded the desk (ever so politely) and said they wanted to frost their cereal. So they did with sugar oat bran and corn starch. In order to stay "simply made," as they say, they stuck to that and kept it to nine grams of sugar. The color is solid and frosting complete. Someone ran into the room and said not to let the color fade in milk, so they didn't. See how that works.
No color is lost in milk. A bit of powdered sugar taste hangs in the milk at the end.
10. Pumpkin Spice Cheerios
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This is the type when you ask, it says, "I throw straight fastballs."
What else?
"I throw straight curveballs."
This pumpkin spice cereal gives you the pumpkin and the pumpkin spice, coming right at your face with what you want and need. Pumpkin puree coats the stuff while the cinnamon and nutmeg round out the flavor.
As far as pumpkin spice cereals go, it does better than some by working harder.
9. Very Berry Cheerios
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This cereal looks and tastes like freckled lemonade. The bar for fruit flavor has been lowered for this in a way it wasn't for most Cheerios products. Instead of various purees, it has powders of blueberry, strawberry, cranberry and raspberry, as well as vegetable and fruit juice. I hope you get all those flavors on your buds. I got two or three. The vitamin content is reasonable because they had to get it in before all the fruit walked away from being powdered. 
But they couldn't get acai berry or pomegranate involved, which is too bad. 
8. Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch
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Let's say I want to have Honey Nut Cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats in the same bowl, but don't want to put the effort into buying both. Hey, this stuff takes half the shelf space. And it has giant oat blocks. So much variety here. And no lack of honey.
7. Banana Nut Cheerios 
At first, when I found this, I thought, Oh, this like if banana Nut bread were cereal, but without the nuts, which I guess is good for some people because having nut in a cereal name is usually a lie, except for people with allergies who have to take everything very seriously because you never can say it wasn't made on the same machinery as something just because of the smell."
Actually, the ingredient list plainly says it has pecan ingredients (not just pecans).
The Cheerios brand is just walking out here informing the world it can beat all the banana-flavored cereals by laying down a bunt. Remember Nilla Banana Pudding Cereal? This stuff doesn't make you gag. Isn't that fun?
Also, it doesn't treat its fruit flavor like a serial killer. There's a reasonable proportion of banana flavor to cinnamon. Meanwhile, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios is not so even.
Apparently, Banana Nut Cheerios appeared before, but it must be better now because of technology, improved weightlifting regimens and other stuff that have generally boosted its athleticism over previous generations. 
6. Cheerios Oat Crunch Cinnamon
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This cereal is gruff, but not rough. The cinnamon hits you for real, but is balanced with honey, sugar and various grain flavor so that you don't feel overwhelmed. It's also not as hard or thick as other cereals. This justifies having 40 grams of carbohydrates and 14 grams of sugar by boasting four grams of fiber. Oh, and actual flavor, unlike Multigrain Cheerios. 
This combines hardiness, taste and adventure in a way matched by few.
5. Maple Cheerios 
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This was introduced at the peak of fall, just when maple harvesters started thinking about what they probably should be accomplishing  (maple season is not when you might expect, as tapping season occurs from February to April). Maple Cheerios slaps your tastebuds hard. No one has ever tasted a fuller, more saturated syrup-flavored cereal. At no point in the bowl does the flavor stop. This is complete, tasty and … healthy.
4. Honey Nut Cheerios
I have probably eaten more than 10,000 bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios in my life. Every single one was honey-smacking and vaguely nutty, leaving behind a respectable honey milk at the end (which the Bible promises in various verses to those who trust in the Lord, ostensibly meaning Honey Nut Cheerios is the cereal sent down from heaven). Honey Nut Cheerios is every bit as healthy and heart-happy as regular Cheerios, but no one ever felt beset by blandness after polishing off a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
3. Blueberry Cheerios
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Like other real fruit flavors of the Cheerios brand, nothing flavors this but real blueberries (and a couple other natural flavors; believe me they're so natural they'll tell you). This comes at your tongue with thick blueberry taste. Blueberry Pancake Crunch was soft on blueberry aura, while this goes hard. Blueberry Cheerios don’t give up until you give up. Also, it’s truly odiferous. If I weren’t so high on the smell, I’d use a softer adjective.
2. Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheerios
Smoothness and fullness of flavor are values to be demonstrated in a peanut butter chocolate cereal. This stuff has that, unlike Peanut Butter Chocolate Corn Pops (which is a lie, as far as any cereal can be). The chocolate flavor in Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheerios is resonant and blends well with the peanut butter flavor. The cereal goes down easy and can be enjoyed endlessly. No question, you will eat it in the bowl in the morning (but don’t detract from the flavor by pouring chocolate milk on it) and scooping handfuls in the afternoon. Both ways are equally pleasant.
1. Chocolate Cheerios
When General Mills introduced chocolate into Cheerios, it brought love into the world. Chocolate brings character to everything it touches, and it blesses this form of Cheerios in the utmost. No shortcoming in taste can be found. Afterwards, the cereal leaves a milk that is almost as fervent as actual chocolate milk. This cereal was so satisfying that I ate three-quarters of a box on a long drive.
0 notes
card-gays · 7 years
Aaaaaaah, thanks for answering, that was so good! I love it. I actually squeaked, "They name her Amane, don't hurt me like this!" At the end because that was too sweet! I wasn't gonna ask about Prideship because I didn't want to spam your askbox, but your addendum about Atem's reaction to Kaiba saying their honeymoon could be at the space station was So Good that I /have/ to know, if you don't mind answering: what about Prideship?
I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! And akdfslkdj yeah sorry for the baby Amane feels but I just.. I love that headcanon A Lot. Hope the sweetness balanced it out ^^;
Now on to the goods… >w>
(fair warning, I said it’d be about a mile long, and I uh.. I delivered.)
Atem and Kaiba are complicated people. Complicated in a way that means they tend to make better sense to one another than they ever do to anyone else. Which means, even to those closest to them, their relationship remains an enigma. Atem trying to tell Yugi about the significance of Kaiba’s wording makes him sound like a conspiracy theorist, except he’s actually totally right. Kaiba trying to explain to Mokuba in the first few months why it’s important that they don’t use the guest room Atem prefers for anyone else sounds.. equally like he’s completely projecting his feelings and imagining importance. And yet, he too, is totally right.
So one could see the fact that they operate a lot on subtleties a lot of the time, the sort of coded mutual understandings that only work between two people that somehow ask and answer each other’s thoughts multiple times throughout the series without explanation, and assume it will take awhile for them to grow as close as they clearly want to. The ultimate regency romance modern AU, essentially. But.. the reality is less simple. They’re more used to losing things than having them, so when they’re ready to accept how important they are to each other, they don’t really feel like wasting time. But they’re also far too nervous to be direct.
Which means Atem spends a great deal more time at Kaiba Manor than people would have expected, Kaiba takes a lot more off of his plate at work to make that be time together than anyone could have guessed. Atem stays late, and often, and while everyone else is shocked to hear when Atem is offered his own room there… Atem isn’t. Surprised, yes, but more touched than anything at the meaning of the gesture. There’s no ‘just to be polite’ afforded by Kaiba’s personality, so when he looks at him from the chair beside his in the gaming room one night when Atem mentions the hour and says “I had a room made up for you”, Atem knows he’s telling him it’s because he wants Atem to stay. Just like, when Atem tells him that it ‘makes more sense, thank you’ Kaiba can’t help the small, private smile. Because it doesn’t make more sense for practicality’s sake, Atem doesn’t live very far and none of his clothes are at the manor. He means it makes more sense because he doesn’t truly prefer to go home anyway. And all of this sits comfortably for them before so much as a first date.
This is important to the marriage headcanon because, for them, everything’s just slightly shifted in that way.
Because it feels to the both of them like they’re Together well before they are, it feels… ever-present, who they are always carrying them along that path even if they’re not On it yet. It’s there, it’s comfortable, it’s part of who they are and they don’t look for anything or anyone else outside of that feeling. But coming out with romantic intentions could disrupt that. To Atem, even if Kaiba’s interested he could still get spooked by too much too fast. And to Kaiba, after everything the thought of being turned down or Atem wanting to move out is pure agony. So by the time they’re both sure enough to share that first gentle kiss (on a business trip-turned-vacation to New York, one bad snow leading to them staying through New Years…), Atem’s already an established part of the household to everyone who lives and works there. Atem says “us” and “we” and “our” about the place, the renovations, the newly acquired art and technology. They go on what are family vacations in everything but name. Atem instructs Their personal staff, and even Isono slips and responds Yes, Mr. Kaiba by mistake one day because Atem is just….part of them now. 
And when they start to date, Atem moves his things into the master bedroom right away like he’s always been there. Because he’s always belonged there. 
(Kaiba murmurs one night, drifting close enough to sleep for unprompted sentimentality “If this is what destiny is, I think I can learn to live with it.”, and Atem almost doesn’t let him go in the morning because he’s still not.. quite done cuddling him after that. Kaiba’s fifteen minutes late, and he’s perfectly fine with that.). 
So basically… there’s a point in their relationship where Atem feels married to him even if they’re not. He has no doubts of the permanence of his place in Kaiba’s life, in their home. The commitment feeling no less important or strong without the ceremony. So for his part, Atem assumes for one reason or another- that’s exactly how Kaiba wants it. No big proclamations, just unstoppable love and devotion. And Kaiba makes him feel treasured, he can feel the fierce loyalty and care always. That devotion ringing clear and true in his endearments and caresses and gestures, in his embraces and his kisses. In how Kaiba sees the envious look just Once on Atem’s face as he spots a couple cozied in public and at least admits he Wants to do that, he just needs more time. And Atem would want to marry Kaiba, would want to exchange rings and vows and make it Official in front of their loved ones, but if he can’t then that’s okay. He doesn’t need it to feel everything he actually requires from their commitment.
So when he jokingly says he’s a bit jealous of the planetarium idea, in their dining room as they share a quiet and romantic dinner at home, the very last response he expects from Kaiba is a casual (if a bit shy) suggestion that “Well… we could always honeymoon on the new station. It is almost finished…”
And poor Kaiba hears the clatter of the fork when Atem drops it in surprise and fears the worst — that he was wrong somehow, and that Atem didn’t consider this where they were headed at all — but Atem doesn’t look anxious or put off when he finally looks up. Just caught off guard, and the look on his face is something Kaiba’s only seen when he’s surprised Atem with something huge and sweet and terribly romantic. And his “Oh?” is sort of delicately hopefully. Like Atem is the one trying not to scare Kaiba off. And Kaiba relaxes, can only smile as he realizes that maybe he wasn’t as obvious in his intentions as he thought. And Atem was going to stay with him anyway.
“If you want to.” Kaiba says. And Atem says yes more quickly than he has to anything else in his life.
(surprise number 2 comes a few months later, when Atem realizes that wasn’t even the actual proposal. protip: when a flashy billionaire proposes to you, you’ll know)
Planning a wedding is something everyone tells them will be difficult, but isn’t. They agree easily on where they want the wedding (an open space, mostly outside), what they think the color palette should be (light and happy and absolutely elegant), and how formal an affair they want. (the most) 
The few things they can’t quite agree on, like the exact band or certain foods or the flavor for the cake- they try to debate it out as reasonably as possible. Which for the edibles pretty much always means “fine, we’ll get both, and whatever is left over we’ll donate it”, and if Atem’s gotten his way a few too many times in a row then he’s just gonna have to deal with it and let Kaiba pick the band.
You may be thinking “well how much food could they possibly have to donate?” Well… haha.. hah. here’s the thing.
As nervous and unsure and careful as Kaiba is about his private romantic life at first, when he comes into his own there is No standing in his way when it comes to his relationship with Atem being another very public point of pride. Atem is gorgeous, brilliant, his equal in every way, and if you think he’s not going to bring him to every party, every press conference, just be that Will Smith gesturing at Jada Smith meme all the time? You are mistaken. By the timeSeto and Atem announce their engagement, it’s worthy of being Front Page News.
And that wedding? Is an Event. Planetarium wedding? Adorable, sure. But how about getting married in the projection stadium? Any setting Atem could possibly want, with thousands of virtual cherry blossoms in the air. Not to mention a less formal full-on festival with vendors and everything just outside for the public to enjoy.
It doesn’t hit Atem until the morning of that, for all intents and purposes, Kaiba planned a royal wedding. Yugi, meanwhile, has been pointing it out for weeks. (“I’m not sure what royal weddings looked like in your day, but this lines up with literally every fictionalized depiction I’ve ever seen.”) It’s.. a feeling when he realizes it. Lots of feelings, for lots of reason, but they’re all good. Everything about that day is just… good.
And the day itself… does not go off without a hitch, but Kaiba’s gained enough self awareness by then to know better than to leave himself in charge of it, instead delegating to Mokuba, his best man, and Yugi, who’s Atem’s. So whatever fires need to be put out are put out well before Kaiba can smell the proverbial smoke. All he needs to worry about is not sweating so much he wrinkles his crisp white suit, which is easier said than done. But Amelda’s there to help, and help he does, and Kaiba manages to make it all the way to the main platform without worrying too much that Atem will suddenly ‘come to his senses’ and not show up.
Atem, on the other hand, doesn’t worry about a single freakin thing all day. Mai helps him with his makeup (because Atem doesn’t trust strangers with his face, sorry), and Yugi gets sent off in time to help him get into his frankly stunning ensemble (complete with veil, for the dramatics), and as far as he knows Kaiba wasn’t having any measure of panic before he sees him there, the sound of a personally commissioned wedding march hovering all around them. And oh… that moment when he sees him. Kaiba’s never seen anyone so beautiful, has never smiled so sweetly in front of so many people. Atem smears just a bit of his allegedly waterproof eye makeup with how watery his eyes get, but Kaiba’s a good boy and uses his pocket square to carefully dab up so it doesn’t ruin Atem’s clearly carefully applied makeup. Atem laughs and it’s the sweetest sound anyone’s ever heard. Basically, they don’t exactly manage to wait until the end of the ceremony to kiss..
(Even Jonouchi cries a little, seeing how loved one of his best friends truly is. Especially knowing so well how rocky that road to happiness has been for Atem. Though if anyone asks Jou if he so much as sniffled, he will literally never - ever - admit it.)
And they do honeymoon in space, Kaiba taking the opportunity to maybe murmur a little ~something~ about being under the stars to his husband at their reception that’s worthy of a laugh but also a little blushing. Atem’s not even sure how the newly rebuilt space station could be even more beautiful than the one he’d observed (briefly) Kaiba in the first time, but it is. The whole place designed in a way to feel welcoming and warm, to highlight the beauty of space, and not the isolation. Their bed carefully positioned in this beautiful heavily-windowed chamber so they can see the stars… “Pillowtop,” Kaiba says, somewhat offhandedly, as he watches Atem smile in amusement at the somewhat cheesy arrangement of rose petals. Waiting for the joke to sink in.
“……spared no expense.” Atem finishes, rolling his eyes at the recurring line Kaiba had taken to throughout the entire wedding planning process, even as his smile grows.
(he almost can’t remember a time when he didn’t smile this much, laugh this much, he’s reminded as Kaiba steps in close to place a kiss on a spot on his neck he knows is ticklish) 
It’s a wonderful weekend, just the two of them, quite literally away from it all. Or, well, more honestly it’s likely a four day weekend. Or… maybe five full days off. 
Okay, okay. They probably push it to a full week. But just a week, just the 7 days… 
and maybe one long afternoon.
(Astoundingly, it never comes out that they’d actually… already gotten married? About a month before the actual wedding, without telling anyone. Though, in Kaiba’s defense, Atem did look absolutely adorable that morning. Fussing with his hair, still sleepy-eyed from the early hour… how could he not at least ask? And honestly, with a proposal like that? A second proposal, at that.. How could Atem say no?)
Now, as for kids, I feel like it’d take one of their friend/s having one for Kaiba to open up about kind of wanting one of his own one day. He’s nervous about the kind of dad he’d be, but he’s always wanted to adopt a child, or two if they’re— “Siblings?” Atem asks, and Kaiba smiles a bit. “Yeah.. or close enough to be.” Atem thinks that’s wonderful, and doesn’t have any doubt that Kaiba would do an amazing job. Whenever he’s ready.
Originally, they planned to wait until they stopped feeling like total newlyweds, wanting to give themselves plenty of time to enjoy that phase of their relationship. But years pass and… that day never comes? They’re always going to be sickeningly adorable, completely infatuated, and so they’re well into their mid 20s when they decide, hey, let’s just do it. They wind up adopting a little girl, and an even littler child she calls her “baby sibling”.
They make an adorable family.
(If they stayed in Aaru, a lot of this would be the same. The same sort of royal affair, but by the river. Atem’s parents in attendance, and Kaiba’s mother from his past life. Mana and Mahaad and Kisara and Shada and Karim… all there. Though this time I think their idea of a honeymoon would just be to travel, to explore. Atem had never had the desire to before, but with Kaiba he’d find himself invigorated to find out how far the sands extend. What, if anything, lies on the other side. Resources are bottomless on this plane, and springs are never too far away. It’s comfortable, it’s exciting… it’s another kind of adventure than the one they’d have on earth. but in both cases, at last, an adventure together.)
Hope this scratched that itch, anon~ I’ve been thinking about this so much lately, it felt great to get it all out there.
Also, just fyi, it’s never spamming to me~! I love each and every one of the messages you all send in
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